Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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liim 3 word; fir they sn.m that his g~ief mns very gred,.<br />

10. Bat whon Job a t length begit11 to co~uplaiil af the cxccijs<br />

of his ~nisel-y, they repl.o.zched him, s~yiilg t1in.t ~ecretlg<br />

hc must h:tvr: been n grcn,t sinnw, or t.he jnst Goil wonlcl<br />

not havc nfflicteci him in so griovous n ril:l.nncr. Bnt Job<br />

loudly nncl firmly asserted liis innoccncc, and oonsoIecl him-<br />

~:lf witll the hope of the resnrroction of the bocly, ~aying:<br />

I know that my Rccleemcr livcth; ai~l in t.he Inst dy I:<br />

shall risa nut of the earth; and I shall be clothed :]gain with<br />

my slcin, and in my lleell I sllnll see rrly G-otl, mliom I mysolf<br />

shall scc, and not anotl~e~.. 'I'llis lrly hope is laid up in 111y<br />

bosom.''<br />

11. WThen they hn.tl Rnishcd tllcir rel>rond~r?s, the Lord re.vcalecl<br />

Hirnsclf' in n, ~vl~irlmincl to Job, :uld i~lildly<br />

~C~TOVC<br />

11 i m, becnnse i 11 dcfcnding his innocence Ilr, lincl spokcn soi~lc<br />

jtnprutlent wo~.ds. Clod's mr:~tll, lla~vever, was 1;indletl ngdnst<br />

the three f'rientls, ancl He commanded them to oRer n. 11010caust<br />

for themselves, wllilet Job slloulcl pray for tllcnl. AII~<br />

Uie Lortl loolrccl gmcioasly on Job's hmnility, and grantetl<br />

his praycrs in behalf of his friends. The Lord re\vartlcd<br />

.Tob7s faith rind pnlic~kce by 11ca.ling his body :tntl restoring to<br />

him dolible wl~nt he had lost. And new sons ancl ilnughters<br />

wrc born nnto Iiim.<br />

12. Job, prncticing virtue whilc l~apl~y an(1 wealthy, was<br />

nrltnired by the :~.ngc?is, but he was not get fcarecl by the<br />

clcvih; but when h[! rclnnined frcc f'l-oln sill even in tlie<br />

depths of misory and affliction, tllen the dc~~ils bcgan to<br />

tremble I,cfol-c bin?. Fro111 this 1r.c lenr~l that tvrong patiently<br />

ellilnre(1 for God's sdce is the highest virt.uc. The friends of<br />

Job knew not tllnl; fit times Qorl sends nmictio~ls cvc11 to IIis<br />

saints, to maim tllelrl moro lloIy ~.t7d to give tl~elzl greatcr<br />

glory in heavc~l. Joh also said that he wonld not live to sco<br />

the Savior prainiscd to Adam, to ~bral~ak, to Isasc and to<br />

Jibcob, Lnt iha.t he mould scc Him on thc day 01 the general<br />

resurrection. From Job me ]nay also learn how pleasing ta<br />

God and how powerful is the intercession of the saints.

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