Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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my ~I~fitli, nnd vill ~nnka you go np out of this land, to the<br />

lantl which Elr: slvorc to Abr:lh:~rn, JSZICG 011cl Jncob. C:trry<br />

my hol~es ~\litli yon out of' this plncc." He then (liecl, nnd<br />

they e~~b:\l~nc!rl llirn i~ntl lnid him in .z coflin.<br />

6. The mo~.ds of Jncob to his son Jnda refer to the SaVior,<br />

who ~vns cxpcctctl by tllc ;~:~tions, nnrl who was rlescer~decl<br />

from .Tnilrc. The patrinroh Joscph is a figrue of St. Jbsnph,<br />

the foster fntller of Christ. T11e onc was ruler in Egypt; the<br />

otller is tlic? protector of tl~c Calllolic Churc!h.<br />


I. How long clid Jncob lirc in Gcs~nn? 1Vl1o went to visit him<br />

vllen the clny of hia tfenth alqn-oached? Whom did ho pray to protect<br />

.foseph's nona? Tlrl1at did hc any to Joseph? 2. To whom did<br />

Jxoob give s ~jpecial biassing? IVlist did he prophesy far him P 3.<br />

What did Jacob tltttlt tell his sous to do for him? \+'h:rt did Joaeph<br />

do 9 TVl~atclid heordor to bedone? 4. What tljdYharaocommand?<br />

71Thnt did Josoph do ~vllen the time of' mourning wae past? 6. How<br />

long did .To~epli live? \f'hon Ilia end drew nigh, did he say to<br />

his brethren 7 G. TJ'hat (lid Jacob promiee to Juda? Of whom was<br />

Joseph a figure P<br />


Job's Patie?tce.<br />

Whom the T,ord loveth He chnstiscth.-Hel. 19,6.<br />

?J the timml of tlic pnkinrclis there lived in Arr~bin n man<br />

I rvhon~ God wished to give to dl ini~nkind, nnrl for all<br />

time, as n perreet nloclel of pnfianac. This man's name was<br />

Job. He lind seven fioiirr :uld B ~ee daughters. He owncd<br />

seven t11ous:tncl S~IL'CJI, tl~~*i?{? thousnnd cnmcls, five hundred<br />

yolre of oxen, five lluildrerl die-asscs, and had agreatnumber<br />

of ~t!r~-an ts.<br />

2. On this xccor~nt, and still more becautuse of ki~ singular<br />

piety, hc mm held in high esteem among the pc?aple of the<br />

east. One clay the Lord said to Satan : " Hast thou considered<br />

my servant Job, that there is none like him in the

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