Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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Stretch out thy hand to the poor, thnt thy espi:rlio~~ and thy blessing<br />

may bc 1~crllrtet1.-Ecclus. 7, 36.<br />

,> UT afler somc rno~~ths tllc corn rvllic11 tllc sons of Jncob<br />

L 11:rcl brought from ]Egypt was consi~llic!d, :uld Llle fkmine<br />

still c:oritirmcd. Tbcrcf'orc? Jncob said to his sons : 'g Go<br />

again into Egypt allcl bring us n little food." Juil~ told his<br />

fathcr thnt tlit: govcrxlur h:~d forbiclclcn thcm to come back<br />

to Egypt 11ll1~ss they bru11g11L Ben.j;tnlin wjth them. And<br />

Judn nrlrlctl : Send t h boy ~ with me, t11:~t mc mny set for-<br />

~varcl, lcst both Itre :~ntl orlr cliildrcn perisll. 1 take tlie boy<br />

upon mc; rcquirc hirn t~t lily l1;1111l."<br />

2. So Jncob conscntt!tl to lct Benjar~~iri go, And hc told<br />

his sons to take sonw of tlio bcst 11-uits 01 t11e country as prcsents<br />

to Ihc governor of 15g?pt, and also to r~:till.ii tlie moncy<br />

~v11ic11 tlley l~scl fuiind in thrir sacks, lc~t, perhaps, it was<br />

donc by rriistnlre. Thcn ho pl-nyed that God might prosper<br />

thcir jo~~nlcy and ~nnlcc thc governor of ICgypt favorable to<br />

tl~cm, :mrl scrlcl back with tllcln Simcon nnci 13ci1j amin.<br />

3. Thcrl tl~ey went clown to ICgypt and stood beforc Joseph.<br />

Whcn Josepli saw thcm, and llcrljatnin in thcir midst, he<br />

commn~'lrlcd his steward to conduct tl~cn~ to his house ant1<br />

prepue n bni~quet. The sle~rurcl obeyed. But the brothers,<br />

on finding thclnselvcs i11 tile governor's house, were scixccl<br />

with i'enr, itnd mid one to :inntller : '' Bec:u~st! oi the moiloy<br />

which WC? c:~rried back thr! fir;& timc in our sntnks, we arc<br />

brought in, th:~t he runjT bring upon us a false accusation, and<br />

by violc~lcc mdce slavcs of us."<br />

4. Tlicrcforc they \t1ent to tllc steward at the door, and said :<br />

\Ire cannot tcll ~vlio put ll~xt money it1 our bags." Rut IN<br />

said tu them : " Poaco bc to you ; fear not." Ancl hc brought<br />

Sirneon out to them. Jo~cph now having e~llerud the house,<br />

they bowcd down before 11i1n and offered their gifts. IIe

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