Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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G. What did Joscph say WRS the meaning ofthe chiefbltker'sdrenm?<br />

7. Wlrrt 11appened at the ba~~rlr~et tlrree daya nfter, on Pharrto'~<br />

birthday? Did the chief butler remember Josepb when rejoicing in<br />

Lin goad fortune?<br />


Rehold, thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord.-<br />

Pa. U7, I.<br />

4 TER two years, Phnrao 11hd x dream. We thought ho<br />

A' etood by the river Nilc, out of which came seven cows,<br />

very beautiful and very fat; and they fed in marshy places.<br />

After them came, also, sewn others that were lean and illfavored,<br />

and they devoured the fat ones. Then the Icing<br />

a~volre. He slept again, a11d dreamed anothcr dream, in<br />

which he saw seven enrs of corn growing upon oue stalk ; a d<br />

the enrs were full and fair.<br />

2. After thcsc came up sevcn other ems, thin and blightcd,<br />

dcvourillg all the beauty of the former. Pharao awoke a<br />

second time, and, morning bnving corne, he sent for all the<br />

soothsayers and ~visc rnen of Egypt, and rclatcd to them his<br />

dreams. But no onc was found who could interpret them.<br />

3. Then the chief butler rcmcmbcrcd Joseph, and was<br />

sorry tllnt hc had so long folgotten him. He told the king<br />

that tl~crc was in the prison a Hebrew youth who had inter-<br />

prelcd dreams for him and for the chief baker, and that all<br />

had come to pass just as he said.<br />

4. The king's curiosity being cxcitcd, he ordered the youth<br />

to be brought before him. Thca 110 addressed him, saying:<br />

"I have dreamcd drcams, and there is no one that can ex-<br />

pound them. Now, I have heard that thou art vciy wise at<br />

interpreting them." Joseph ansnpcrcd : " God alone can give<br />

Phwao s prosperous ansmcr." Phrtrao thcn rclated what he<br />

had sccn.

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