Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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1. What did Abraham desire to see before Hi8 death ? What did<br />

he ssy to his ~ervlzn t P 2. W hat did Eliezer then c10 P 3. What waB<br />

his prayor at evening by the well? Who came out just then fr71n<br />

the city? 4. What did Eliezer eay wllen he nlet I~er? What did<br />

Kebcaca reply? What did she do? 5. \17ith whqt did Eliezer then<br />

present her? What did be ask her? What was Rebccca's answer?<br />

6. What did Eliczer then Bay? What did he rerrise to do? When<br />

be had stilted to the father and brother of Kcbccca thc objjcct of his<br />

coming, what did tliey anmer? 7. What did the servant then do?<br />

What happened nest monling? Whoee wife did Rebeccs become?<br />

How long did Abraham live ? Where was he buried ?<br />


Esau a d Jacob.<br />

The father'a blessing establisheth the house of the children.--<br />

Ecclus. 3,.11.<br />

SAAC and Rcbcccrt remained twenty ycars without chil-<br />

I dren. At length God heard their prayer, and gave them<br />

two sons. Tllc first-born, Esau, IVBS red and l~airy,<br />

ancl of a<br />

rough, harsh temper. Jacob, thc sccond, waEc smooth in ap-<br />

pearance ant1 gentle in his bearing. Esau hecunle :t slrillful<br />

hunter and a husbandman. Jacob was n plain man, and<br />

dwclt in tents.<br />

2. Isaac lovcd Esau, and ate with pleasure thc game that<br />

hc had killed. Rebecca, on the other hand, loved the lr~ild<br />

and gentle Jacob. She loved him the more because an ai~gcl<br />

had revealed to her in a vision that hc, instcad of Esau, had<br />

found faror wit11 God. One clay JacoB was cookillg a mess of<br />

pottnge, when Esau, coming homc fi'om the fit!ld faint with<br />

hunger, said to his brother : " Givc me of this pottage, for I<br />

am hungry.' '<br />

3, Jacob said to him: "Sell me thy first birW~right.'?<br />

Esnu replied: lLLo l I clie of hunger: what )trill Ihe first<br />

birthright avail me ? " Jrtcob ms~vercd : c' Swear, therefore,

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