Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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ful were obedient to their bishops, so the bishops were<br />

obedie~lt to the successor of St. Peter, that is, the I'ope of<br />

Rome, who is thc chicf pastor of thc Church. In this mmner<br />

therc was n, bond of urlion and unity between the faithful<br />

and their priests, between the priests and their bishops, and<br />

between all the bi~llops and the Pope.<br />

b. Thus was estabIished the One, Holy, <strong>Catholic</strong>, and<br />

Apostolic: Church, which, built by Christ upon the roclc of<br />

i'ctcr, and guided by thc Holy Ghost, has now existed for<br />

nearly nineteen centurieu, and crliall exist till thc cnd of<br />

time, in spite of all that the infernal' powers can do against<br />

it. 1111ppy aye they who belong to that Church, ~vho bolieve<br />

aw shc bclicves, and n.110 do the ~vorlts which shc proscribes.<br />


I. What'did ?eter arid lhe other apoetles everywhere establish?<br />

What had the bishops to do and to teach ? IVas the h'ew Testament<br />

then nlrcndy writtcn? Hcncc what did the apostlcs preach?<br />

What tllcir successoir? Wan the wt~ole doctrir~e of the y~osllas<br />

written do\r.n 7 Ye tht unwritten teaching lost ? 2. \-\'hnt did all<br />

tho apostles, with ono exseption, do P In what year did Paul re-<br />

turn to Ro~r~e?<br />

Untler what emperor (lid 110 atld Peter gloriously<br />

suffer? l-Iorv did Pnul die 7 Ilom did Peter die ? Under whom did<br />

Jumoa tho Greater snlrer? S. Who was the only one of the apostles<br />

tliet died a natural death 7 Aboilt what year did he die ? What<br />

had been done to him? What did most of tho successors of the<br />

apostles do P 4. To wlloln were the kithh~l obedierrt, ant1 to whorn<br />

the bi~hope? IVllat bond of unity upas there in the cllurcll? 6.<br />

Wllat was thus erttablishcd 7 On what was the cllurch built? By<br />

whom? By whom guided? How long has it existod? How long<br />

shall it cxiwt P \'C'liu are happy?<br />

l INFERSAL, hollieh, relating to the lower regio~ls,

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