Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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St. Pad's Third Mission. (A. D. $5 to 58.)<br />

I have fought a go011 fight, I have fii~ished my course, I have kept<br />

the faith ; as to thc rcst, there ia laid up for me a<br />

crown of justice.-IT. Tirn. 4, 7 and 8.<br />

qR PlLUI had remained some time at Antioch, ho<br />

passed a second timc through the greater part of Asia<br />

Minor, and cmie to BP]ICSIIE(, the capital of the Roman province<br />

of Asia. IIere he mct some twelve disciples, and said to<br />

them : " 3-Iave you rccc!ised the Holy Ghost ? " They answered<br />

him : '' Mre have not ao much as heard whether there<br />

bc a Holy Gbost."<br />

2. Pm1 aslred them again : In what then were you bap.<br />

tised ? " They replied : " In John's bnptism." Then Paul<br />

said : " John baptised the pcople with the baptism of penance,<br />

saying that they should bclicvc in Him who was to<br />

come after him, that is to ss y : Jesus.'' Hearing this, thcy<br />

wcrc baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Paul<br />

laid bis hands upon them, and they received the Holy<br />

Spirit.<br />

3. Paul remained two years at Ephesus, so that all those<br />

who dwelt in the Roman province of Asia heard the word of<br />

the. lord. Bloreover, God rvas pleased to work many wonderful<br />

rniraclcs by the haid of the holy apostle, and no<br />

sooncr IVCT~ handlcerchiefs or aprons, thai had touched his<br />

body, applied to thc sick than thcy mere instantly cured.<br />

Sccing these things, n grcnt fcnr came upon all the people,<br />

mcl they magnified thc namc of Jasus.<br />

4. &Imy of those who had dcslt in the magic art brought<br />

their books, rvhieh werc of grcat vnluc, and hurncd them be-<br />

fore the apostle and the 1vhole pcople. But a certain man<br />

nnmcrl Dernetl-iue, :L silversmitl~, who made little idols mid<br />

mininturcl models in silver of the famous temple of Dims,<br />

MINIATURE, a representation on a amall scale.

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