Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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Ikar Sir,<br />

I beg leavt to acknowledge the receipt of your truly ex:etlent "XIlustrated<br />

Bible <strong>History</strong>" and to thank you very much for sencling it to me.<br />

I shall not fail, as you desire, to express my approval of it and to strongly<br />

recommend it to the principals of schools and others in this diocese.<br />

Faithfully youra<br />

$ Jh~rs BROWNL, a1 Fevns.<br />

W~mo~n (Ireland), Fehry rg. r8pa.<br />

-<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

When I received the copy of Dr. Schuster's <strong>Illustrated</strong> Bible <strong>History</strong><br />

you so kindly sent me, I was just about leaving on a pastoral tour. I toak<br />

the book with me to have full leisure to read and appreciate it.<br />

I sincerely thank you for favouring me with an opportunity to add my<br />

testimony to so many competent men who bestow so high praises on it as<br />

the brst of the Kind up to the present time.<br />

I shall not fail to have it introduced in the schools of my diocese.<br />

I have the honour to be, moat respected Sir,<br />

Your most devoted servant<br />

SURADA (India), pnc 33. ~890. 'f J. M. Trsso~,<br />

CaU. BriAql of Vi%agapafaanr.<br />

AabiInALk, Jvly 28. r890.<br />

My dear Sir,<br />

I am much obliged to you for sending me a copy of Dr. Schuster's<br />

Bible <strong>History</strong>.<br />

I havc Iooked over it carefully and I think the work most admirably<br />

adapted for use in schools and for general distribution, especially in this<br />

country where the C~tholic population is so scattered and the members<br />

of the Church havc but little opportunity of hearing the Word of God.<br />

1 shall cordnly recommend the book both to the Convents, Colleges,<br />

Schools, and Congregations of my diocese,<br />

Wishing you every blessing and success I remain, my dear Sir,<br />

Truly youn in Christ<br />


The "lllnstrated Bible <strong>History</strong>" seems to me to meet r want that has<br />

long been felt in our <strong>Catholic</strong> schools. Scripture is frequently too much<br />

overlooked, but with a tcxt.book like Dr. Schuster's there ought to be

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