Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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A Lng?re Bfitjr Cyi1.d fiy Z'eter and Johtl.--Thcy irlce b~vrr~ht<br />

befort the Co~mcil.<br />

Tho worlcs that I do, he a180 ~Liall do, and greater than these<br />

shall be do.-Jolw 14, 1.2.<br />

NE day, Pctcr and John were going up to the tcmple to<br />

() pmy. Therc WM at Wle gate cnlhd the Bcnutiful, a<br />

man who was lame from his Lirtb, and who lV\.ns carried every<br />

day to the g&te of the tcn~plo to beg dn~s from thoue who<br />

went in. Secing Peter a.11~1 John he asked tlicm for an alms.<br />

Rut Poter said to him : " Silvcr nntl gold I havc none, bul<br />

what 1 have I give thee: In thc name of Jefiu~ Christ of<br />

Nnxareth, rise up and wnllr I"<br />

2. TIlcn having tnben thc man by the right hand, Peter<br />

lifted him up, aid ir~~rneclintcly<br />

firm. Then, Icaping up, hc storrtl nnil walked, ant1 entered<br />

with them into the ternple, prising :ird blessing (3od. All<br />

tllc pcople were filled wilh amazement to see the Inme man<br />

~vdlsing and leaping.<br />

3. But I'cter szid to them : '( Ye mcn of Israel, why woncler<br />

you at this? or why look you upon us %# if by our<br />

strength we hail made this ~nan to wdk. Tl~c Oocl of our<br />

fathers hath glorified IIiu Son Jesus, whom you clcliverecl up<br />

his feet and soles becan~e<br />

to death. The hith which is by Him has given this perfect<br />

~oundness in the sight of you nll. I: know that you did it<br />

through ignorance. Be penitcat, therefore, anci bc converted,<br />

that your sins mny be blotted out ! "<br />

4. Many of those who Iicard these rvords were converted.<br />

Dul while the apostles were yct spctllring to the pcople, tile<br />

priests and the ofIicers nf the tcmple came and laid 11nnds an<br />

them, and cast them illto prison, where they remained till<br />

thc follolving day,<br />

5. Then the chief-priests and thc ancients ]lad the npostlea<br />

brought before them, and asked : " By what pawer, or in

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