Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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Wt~tlier, and of thc Son, :~~zcl of thc Holy Ghost ; teaclling<br />

tl~cin to ob~jcrve all tliing~ nh:~tsocvcr I hs1.e co~nr~~nndc<br />

you. And, behold, I an1 with you dl days, eve11 to the consummation'<br />

of the world."<br />

3. L' He that Lelieveth, and is baptised, shall bc saved; but<br />

he that bclicvoth not, shall bc conrlemned. And these signs<br />

fillall follorv them thsl believe. In My n;tlne thcy shall cast<br />

out devils; they shall speak with new tongues ; they tillall<br />

talrc up serpents ; and if they ~haIl drinlr ally deadly thing,<br />

it sllall not hurt tl~cm.'> IIe then ttank thern to hInnnt<br />

Olivot, raised 1113 His bancls nad Mevvecl tllcrn.<br />

4. Tlien He begtul to asccntl, ailcl soon a cloud llicl Him<br />

from their sight. Whilst thry stood looking sorrowf~rlly<br />

aftcr Hini, two nngelu appcnrtd to t11enz in shinillg ~vhit,c<br />

garments, saying : '' Ye men of Gnlilcc, why stand yuulooking<br />

up to heaven ? This Jesus who is talccn np fro111 you into<br />

heaven, so shall 1Ie come, ns yon have seen IIiril going<br />

into hcm~en."<br />

b. Heariiig these words, t1.1e apostles fell donm and adored<br />

God, and returned to Jerusrtlem, praising and blessing God.<br />

Many other things which Jesus did are not related in the<br />

Gospel; for St. John thinlis that if thcy were all ~vrittci~, tl~c<br />

world itself would not be nblc to contain all the books. But<br />

this much has been written, that ttwe may bclieve that Jesus<br />

is the So11 of God ; and that, believing, me may have life in<br />

His name.<br />


l. What did Jesusoften do after His resurrection P Of what did IIe<br />

speak to them? On what day did I-Ie manifest Hitn~elf for the last<br />

time to Ilis.zpostles? What did EIecomurand them to do? 2 and 3.<br />

Whither did ITc take them? Urhst did He then say to tothe1117<br />

tF71iat did Hc then do? 4. WThat didHc then begin lo do ? What<br />

soon hid Him from their sight P Whilst they stood looking upnftcr<br />

Him, who appeared to thcm? What did the angels say? 5. 1Iearing<br />

those words, what did the apostlcs do? What are not rclatcd in<br />

the gotjpel? For wbnt reason (foes St. John thinlr so? Butwhy<br />

has this much been wnttcn?<br />

l Coasb~arr~ro~, termination, end.

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