Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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Tlli~ JCHUB hnth God inisod again, whereof rill wc u~~o<br />

sitncsscs.-- ActsZ, 33.<br />

OW, IkIary Magdalen, seeing that the stoile was rolled<br />

N m, from tlw sepuldler, md noticing Uiat thc body<br />

was 11ot there, went in all hastc to Jerusalem to tell thc news<br />

to the apostles. But inmxxliatcly ahc returned wccping to<br />

the grave, anti tllcre die snrv the two angels. Or~c of tlwm<br />

said to hcr : " \IToman, why ~vccpcst thou ? "<br />

2. Mnry sorromf~~lllly rcplied : " Because they hnvc tnlren<br />

away my Lord and I lmom not t.~horc they 11we laid Uim ! "<br />

When she had said this, shc turncd back and saw Jcsus<br />

standing. But she 1:l~cw not t11:it it was Jesus. I-Ic said to<br />

her: Whom'secbest tliou ? " She, thinking that it rvas tl~c<br />

gardener, replied : "Sir, if thou hast takcn Him, Ccll me<br />

where tliou liavt litid 31im, arid 1 will take Him away." Jcsus<br />

said to her : '. Mnry ! "<br />

3. Immediately rccognieing IXirn she fell down nt His feet,<br />

ancl exclnilllcd : " Rabboni ! " that is to say, " hfnster." lic<br />

said to bcr : "GO to My brethren, and say to them : i nsccnil<br />

tu My Patller and to your l?nthcr, to My Cod mrlyour Gad."<br />

IIe irlsbntly disappeared. Thc s:ttnc day Jesus appeared<br />

also to the other women and to Simon Peter.<br />


1. Pcoilig tlic aln)llc: rolled asay from ll~c ~~pnlclio~: wfint did Mary<br />

Magtlalcn du? W11:it (lid slic itlt~rw~trds do? l\rli:~f {lid slir, sec<br />

illere? IVhilt did OIIC of tIicrl~ sxy to Ilcr? 2. \\'hat did M;~ry sclrro\rf~rll-y<br />

rcply Y \Yhcn sllct 11:1cl dollc tltis, w11om dirl s11c wnc htiuld-<br />

ing? Ditl 3110 know Jesas? W'llsl ditl Jcsl~s say k~ ltcr*? What<br />

did ti1113 roply 7 8, lln~ncdintely 1-ncog11iming Hirll, ~vhat<br />

clicl d1r9 do?<br />

What did sllc cxclairn? Wlr:ti did TIC LLLJ' 10 her? TV11:it Ilr~pptuiud<br />

then? Thc saiuc dtly, to whom dirl Jcsns nlsu appear?

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