Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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Hc wcnt to Pilatr: ~ncl asked for the body of Jesus, that ha<br />

might bury it. Pilnte granted bis rcqucst. Then Joseph,<br />

together with Nicodcmus, took down tho sacred Body fro111<br />

the cross, ailcl wrappcd it up, with costly aromalic' spices, in<br />

LL linen ghroud.<br />

3. It so happened tl-int Joseph had a garden near the place!<br />

where Jesus rrras craciiied, ttild in the garden was a new Be-<br />

pulcher, hewn from the rock, wherein no one linci yct bccn<br />

buried. In this they laid tl~e body of Jesus, and rolled n<br />

great stone to the door of the scpulchcr.<br />

4. On the following day, thc chief-priests and the Pl~asi-<br />

scos went to lJilatc, and said : " Sir, we hnvo remembered<br />

tlmt that seduccr said, rvhilc RC was yet alive : 'Aftcr three<br />

days I will rise again.' Comnland, thcrcforc, tllc sepulcher<br />

to be guarded until the third day, lest His disciples come<br />

and steal EIirn away, and say to the pcople: ' Ile is risen<br />

from the dead.' " Pilate gttve them guards to watcli the<br />

scpulcher, uld they, moreover, sealed tl~e stone. The water<br />

and the blood that Iloi~red fro111 the side of Jesus, are figures<br />

of two great sacra~rients, 11urtlely : The blood refers to tlic<br />

Holy Eucharist and the water to the Holy Baptism.<br />


1. Why did the solcliers brenlc the legs of the two thicves wl~o<br />

were cruciiicd 7 Why did tl~cy not bred tllosc of Jesus 'l Faring<br />

that notne vestigc

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