Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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the first also cume, they thought that they shonld hnvc reccivccl<br />

more, mid they likewise received evcry man n pc~~ny.<br />

However, when they received it, they mur~ntircd yainst the<br />

n~nster of the house, saying: ' Thcsc last hava worked but<br />

one hour, and tliou bust mstlo them equal to us, that have<br />

borne the burden of the dny and thc hcat.' Rut he ad-<br />

clressed one of them : ' Vricncl, I' do thoc no wrong; didst<br />

tllou nol agree with me fur a penny ? ' "<br />

6. " 'Take what is thine and go thy way. I will also givo<br />

to illis last even as to thee. Or 5s it not lawfill for rrle to do<br />

what I will ? 1s thy eye evil bcca~~slsc l arn goocl ? ' " Thcn<br />

Jcsus conclltded the pr~rrahlc, ~zying : " So slu.11 the lu~t bc<br />

first, and tlle first last; for many are called, but few ara<br />

chosen.?'<br />


1. At sbnt x\-r.a~ Peter greatly rejoiced P Whatdid hesay to Jcsus?<br />

W11nt (lid Jestis any, atlilressing all tho npontles ? 2. What did the<br />

bleuued S~vior thcn dot To what did ITe lilicll tbo liil~fitlorn of<br />

heaven ? 3. What did the ~rlsster agrcc to pny the laborers? What<br />

did hc do when he \vent out about the third, sirtlb, and ninth<br />

bours t 4. What (lit3 11e do at tbc clovc!nlh honr ? R'hen owning<br />

wns c:omc, what did thc lord of llle ~ineyard say to his ste~\~artl?<br />

5 and 15. What did those who came at the clcvcrlth 11crrrr receira?<br />

IVllnt (lid thc otbcxn mry, ~nnrmuring against tho ItlnsLer? JVllnt<br />

did Ile say to onc of them? IIow did Jcsue couulude the parable?<br />


Thy tlencl tnetl shall lire ; awake and give praise, J'C tlltlt ~\YcII ~IL<br />

the dust.-I.Y. ,?G, 13.<br />

p *111C two sistcr~, Martha nncl 3t.1nl-y M:~gd:~lcn, wl~o lircd<br />

in Bcthn.niq harl n, brother na~netl ]r~%,7111#j. Nojv<br />

Jcsus loved bfnrtha., atltl hf:~ry, :LI~CZ L:U;VUS. Hill Laza~us<br />

fell sick, and his sistcrs sent word to Jesus : " Lord, bchold,

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