Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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The Age of the Patriarchs.-Election and Greatness of<br />

the Israelites.-Fmin Abraharn to Moses.<br />

(zoo0 to 1500 B. C.)<br />


As God hat11 called every one, so let him walk.-I. Car., 7,17.<br />

MONGST tbe multitude of the wicked there was one<br />

A just and upright ltman. Hc was called Abram. The<br />

Lord chose him, that, through him and his postcrity,'thc<br />

true faith and hope in the promised Redcerner rnight be prcserved<br />

and propagatedx on the earth. He said to him : '' Go<br />

forth out of thy country and from thy kindred, and out of thy<br />

father's house, and come into the land which I will how<br />

thcc, and I will m%ke of thee n great nation. I will bless<br />

thee and magnify thy namc, and thou shalt be blcsscd; and<br />

in thee shall all the kinclrcd of the earth be blessed."<br />

2. The father of Abram hacl gone to settlc in ChnIdea,s aild<br />

had taken up his abode at IIaran, 1vit.11 his reldives; but,<br />

as idolntyy4 had at last ~nndc its way even into tlrot family,<br />

the Lord called Abrnm forth from amongst his kindretl.<br />

Abma~n believed the. word of God, and instantly net out for<br />

Chnllaan, taking with him Sarrti, his wife, uild Lot, his<br />

~~ephcw, and his servtz11t.s nncl his 11erds of cnttlc, After a<br />

long journey he arrived in Ule limd of Cl~nnrta~~: ancl came to<br />

Sichern, He was then sr?vt?nty-five years olcl.<br />

POS-TUB'-ITY, descendants, those who come aflei.. Y PROPA-G,\'-TED<br />

extet~detl, carried from place to place. 3 C ~ (pr. ~ ICal-dee'-a), ~ - a ~<br />

country of ancient Asia. I-no~'-a-~nl-, the \\-orship of false gods.<br />

6Cn~'-h'~~~ (pr. Ka'-nan); ncountry of Asia, now called Palestine, or<br />

IIoly Land. (18)

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