Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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Men loved darkness rather than light, for their works n'cro evil.-<br />

John 3, 19.<br />

J"<br />

4 SUS nssistecl at tho fcnst of t11c dedication1 of the temple.<br />

As Hc ~\r:~llreci through the porch of Solomon, nu~nber<br />

of ,Jews surrou~lclecl Him ant1 snitl : (' ROT long (lost Thou<br />

hold our souls in suspense ? If Thou be tl~c Christ, tell us<br />

plai~~ly." Jcsns answel-crl : " I spcak to you, and you believe<br />

not. The morliu that 1 110 in tl~c name of hljr FntI~er,<br />

thcy give tcsti~nouy of RIc. 1 nuil the Fathcr aye ol-ie."<br />

2. Tha Jews then tnolr np stones to stone I~irn. liut IIe<br />

ssid to Chcm: ('Many good worlig S. have sho~rn to you from<br />

My Fat,hcr; for which of those nrorks do ynll stone Rle?"<br />

They replied: "J?or n good work we stont: Tl~eo not, but for<br />

blasphc~ny; bocause that Thou, bcing a man, ~nakest Thyself<br />

God."<br />

3. .Jcsu~ said to them: ([If I c10 nqt the 1110rks of My<br />

Father, bclicve Me not. But jf 1 do, though yon will not<br />

belicvc: Me, believe thc works, that you Inny lrno~ and believe<br />

tl~,z[; thc Father is in JIc, nnd .l in t he Fnthcr.' ' IIearirlg<br />

this, they tried io sc!izt: IIi111, but He esc;ipecl out of<br />

their Iiandu.<br />


1. At whnt fesst did Jcsus a ~si~t? By -wnsIIo surrounded<br />

aa TTe walltcd tll~.ongh Solomon's porch ? U7t~;tt (lid they say to<br />

Him 7 TVbat did Jesus ana\tver? 2. Wh~t dill tlre dewcl lllun do?<br />

And whnt ditl Ife say to thcm? What; did thcy reply 7 3. 'GVljat<br />

did Jc:sns say 60 tI~em? Hearing this, ~vtlat did tbcy try to do 7<br />

Did they succccd in seizing IIim ?<br />

1 nrn)IcATIox, consccrsting.

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