Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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2. I-Ie then spokc to His apostles : " Amen, I say unto<br />

you, ~vl~atsoevcr gon sllall bin cl upoa earth, shall bo bound<br />

also in hcaven; ~tnd what.thocvcr you shall loose on earth,<br />

shall lc Iooscd also in heaven." J\rl~crcupon Yctcr asked<br />

Jcms : I' Lord, how often ~hdl my brollicr off'cnd mc, and I<br />

forgive him ? till seven times? " But Jcsns al~srrcrcd : I<br />

say not to ihee till scven times, but till fie17cllty tirncs sc17en."<br />

By this He meant that there is to be no limit to our forgiveness<br />

of injuries. Thcrcuporl Jesus relded<br />

3. The Parable of the Unforgiving i3er*vad.--'c The kingdom<br />

of hcnven is likcncd to a king who rrould take an nccount of<br />

hie servants. W11cn be had bcgun to tnlie the nccount, one<br />

was brought to him t,hnt owed bim ten thou.u~d tale11ts.l As<br />

he had not ndierewith to ptly it., his lord comnrl~i~ded that<br />

he dlould bc sold, and his wiIe md children, arid a11 that<br />

hc had, and p:lym:nt to he made."<br />

4. " But that servant, falling down, bcsought him, saying :<br />

Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.' Now tlie<br />

lord of that servant, being moved with compnssion, let him<br />

go, and foforgave l~irn the debt. But 1vhc11 that se~s:tnt 1~a.5<br />

gollc out, bc found onc of hi8 fcllnw-st?rva~~ls that utomctl llixn a<br />

hundred pence, and, Inying hold of him, he throttled him,<br />

saying : L Pay what thon owest ! ' ?'<br />

6. 6t Then his fellow-servant, filling down, bcsought him,<br />

saying : ' Ha~w pslience wit11 mo, and I mill pay thee all.'<br />

Yet hc would not; but trer~G rind cast lii~n illto pridc~n G11 he<br />

shoulcl pay the debt. Kow, his fellow sen~nnts, suoiag dlat<br />

was dose, wcre very much gricved; allcl. thcy came ancl told<br />

their Iorc3 all that was done.''<br />

6, tr Then his lord called him, and sdd to him : ' Thou<br />


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