Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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THE DELUGE. 13<br />

6. J31i.t men heeded not the warning. They ate, drank, nncl<br />

were mnrricd just as befbre, without a thougllk of the terrible<br />

punishment that was to comc upon them. Then the Lord<br />

said t.o Nne : " Go 411, thou and all thy housc, into the ark;<br />

and after ficvcn dnys I will causo rain to fall upon the earth<br />

for forty dnys and forty uights, and I will tlastt.oy every sub-<br />

stance that T have macle, from the face of thc earth.')<br />

7. Noe cntcred into the ark, with all his fhmily, taking<br />

with him all that tlie Lord had commanded him; and the<br />

Lord shut hi111 in on the outside. And, when the seven days<br />

were passed, the fountuins of the great deep IVCYC broken up,<br />

xncl the flood-gates of heaven mcrc opened, and the rain fell<br />

upon the cart11 for forty days and forty nights. The waters<br />

continued to increase till they rosc fifteen cubits above the<br />

highest mountains. Thus every living being was destroyecl,<br />

that movecl upon the earth, both of fowl, of cattle, of bcnsts<br />

ancl all mon. Noe only rcmdned, and they that mere with<br />

hi111 in thc nrlr.<br />

8. The nrk is a figure of the Church ; for, ns no one escaped<br />

.the watcrs of the deluge,' except those who wcrc in the ark,<br />

so no one shnll escape Ule deluge of fire on thc last day, srivc<br />

those who arc in the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church, the truc ark of salvn-<br />

tion.<br />


1. How long did Adam live? Mathnsala? What were the desccndanls<br />

of Seth callcd? Whnt bccnmc of Henuch? 2. Did the<br />

c~lrildren of God al\vaya rcmsi~l good P TVl~at did Gorl then Ray ?<br />

JVere the \ric.Be(l men converted? Seeing that thcy mere not converted,<br />

\~-l~at did God say 7 5. Wns thcrc no just lr~riti on the cnrtii?<br />

\\-hat clid the Lord tell Ene to do? 4. Il'hat dicl the Lortl establish<br />

wit11 Soe? IVl~ho~n ancl ~vhat clid Tle tell him to tali~ into the nrlt?<br />

5. Hon- long IVRS IVoc builrling the ark? Did Noo warn the people of<br />

the tlrreatenc1tl danger? 0, nit1 they heed tbc ~~~nniing? TT'hnt did<br />

Cod then sny to Soe? 7. What happcnccl after Noc and his family<br />

entered inlo the arli? S. Of what i~ the ark a figure?<br />

~DEL'UGP, a great flood, or ovcrflowing of the eerth by water.

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