Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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C?lhi'TER XSI.<br />

The dcdaration orThy tvorils giwth li~llt ; :mtl givc!t.h tintlcrstnl~ding<br />

to lillle on=.-Pt. lJS, 120.<br />

N onc occasion, when Jesus saw n very great multittldc<br />

0 gathered together to hear Ilim, 11~ welellt up into<br />

a mountnin, ancl sat clown; arirl Jris diticiplcs were with<br />

IIiln. Thc people placed thc~nsclvcs aronncl, ontl along the<br />

eidcs of the mountnin, ~vnilir~g in rcupcctful silctlcc tilt IIe<br />

commenced to s13caIc. Then hc taught thcm :<br />

2: The Eight Beatiltti1es.-v Hlcsscd arc the poor in sy irit,<br />

for theirs is 611c kingdom of hca~e~k. IUessotl nro tlsc muc!k,<br />

for tIlcy din11 posscss tlio lnnrl, X3lasscdwc? thcy thntrnonr~~,<br />

for tllr!y shrill be comfortotl. Blosscd nro tlic!y wllo Irnngcr<br />

a~id thirst after jnsticc, for Uleg ~llall be fillctl. Rlcssccl are<br />

tl~? rn~rciful, for they BII:I-I1 obtain mercy. 13lcssc~l arc tlle<br />

clcall of licart, for they slinli see Gocl."<br />

3. " Blcssed nrc the ~)enccmalccrs, for tlloy sllall BC called<br />

thc cllilclren of Sod. Blcssed arc tlicy who suffer pcrsectltion<br />

for justicc's%kc, for theirs is tlia Itingciom of licaven.<br />

Hlcsscd are you, ~vhcn mctl ~Ilnll revilt? and ~lcrsec~~tc you,<br />

xud'shnll sny all lrlrnncr of evil agdnst you falsely for My<br />

s:llre ; rejoicc and be exceeding glad, bccausc your reward<br />

is vcry great in heavcn."<br />

4. The 'Vbcation of the AposSIes.-Then turning to His apostles<br />

Ho said to them : " Yen are thc salt of the earth. 13ut if tlie<br />

salt lose its snvor, wl'lercwith shall il; be snllecl ? It is good<br />

for nothing any more, but to lrc cast out, xlld to be troddc~i<br />

upon by men. You nro bl~e light of the n~orld. h city scnted<br />

on n high ~nountain ca~mot be hicl; neither do me11 light s<br />

candle nnd put it unt.lcr a, bushcl, but upon s ~tllscllcstidc, that<br />

it may ggic light to all ~vho are in the- llouso.. So lot yrrltr<br />

ligllt shinc.bcforc men, that ~11ey may me your good works,<br />

,<br />

and glorify your Father who is in heavcn."<br />

l? *

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