Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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illus he disnppcared. llcanrr*hile, the people will~out; in the<br />

te~nple -\vcrc expecting Zachary, and wo~~dered nt his loxlg<br />

tlclny. When he at length appeared, be coultl not speak to<br />

them, except by ~igns ; nncl the people knew tl~nt he Iind seen<br />

it vision' in the tcml)le. Aftcr the days of his rninist14y werc<br />

6wcomplisl~ed, Zachttry departed to his own llouse.<br />


1. At tho time w11e11 Herod was king in Jndea, who lived in a.<br />

etnall city in the hill countrj*? llrl~nl; was hie wife called l 110~<br />

did tlley both walk before the Lortl? \Vll;bt was the cause of great<br />

nmiction to them? 2. \Trhnt did thcy nften pray? f hy did their<br />

prayer seem to remain unmfiwercd? JVho appeared to Zachary in<br />

thc temple P S. Ti'hnt did the angel say to Zacl~ary ? 4. What did<br />

Zachary say to tlle atigel? What dill thc nt~gel reply? 5. At what<br />

did tl~e people without wonder? What did they know whenzachary<br />

could not speak to them exccpt by signs?<br />

CHAPTER 11.<br />

Ai~~ztcrrciniio~z of the llirl/t of Christ;<br />

Behold, a virgin gllall conceive, z~~itld bear a son, and lIin name shall<br />

be called Emmanucl, God-with-ue.-Is. 7, G.<br />

* IX months later, t.he angel Gnbricl was smt hnm God (.v<br />

5 a virgin liviq in u city of Gdilee called ISu:~rell~<br />

The virgin's ri:Lme was Mary, and he was cspouscd to nlnan<br />

citlled Jaseph, and they both bclo~~gcd to the house tlf D:~vid.<br />

2. The angel being come in said to her: " Rdl, full of<br />

grace, the Lord is with Bce ; blessccl art thou nlnong<br />

women." fifary, l~earing these words was disturbed and<br />

troubled, thinking what this strange salutation~rneaal. But<br />

the angel spokc agni 11 : '' Fe:~r not, Mary, for thou llnst found<br />

grace with God. Bcl~old, tl~on shalt conceive in thy ~rromL,<br />

and bring fort11 a son, and tl~ou sh:~lt call his nawc Jesus.<br />

'A supernatural sight 'Greeting.

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