Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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GRRA'I'IOS OP EVE. 5<br />

rivcr, divided into four bmnches, watcrecl tl~c whole garden.<br />

3. It was in this garden of delights tl~ut Cocl placctl nlm,<br />

that hc nlight cultiv:lte it for his orvn pleasu~c w1~1 occupation.<br />

Gocl thcn co~~~nlanrlcd nlttn, saying : '' Of every tree of<br />

Paradise thou shalt eat, but or thc tree of Irno~vledgc of goocl<br />

ancl evil thou shalt ilot cat ; for what, day soever tllou ~ hdt<br />

eat of it, thou shalt tlic the death."<br />

4, Atlam was still alone on thc earth. Hence God said:<br />

'[ It is not good br man to be alone ; let 11s make hi111 n help<br />

like 111zto lzi~usclf." T!;eii Gocl caused all the animals to<br />

come bcfbro Adarn, that he might give to each its name. But<br />

for A(l.zm there was not fourlrl a help likc unto himsclf; there-<br />

fore, casting :L tlccp sleep upon Ail:~m, God to(?k one of his<br />

ribs and furnzcd of it a, woman. TTThcn Adam awoke, Gocl<br />

brought to hi111 his wife ; and Adam rejoiced to see nnotller<br />

being like himself. Hc called her Eve, that is, Mother of<br />

the Living.<br />


1. What did God say when He crentccl man? How did IIe creak<br />

Inan? What \us the first rnnn callctl ? Bow is man the image of<br />

God, ant1 how the likeness of God ? 2. What clid Gocl, in IIia fipecial<br />

goodness, create express1 y for Inan ? What was in tkc garden, and<br />

what stood in the middle of it? 3. What commantlment did God<br />

give to man? 4. What did God fisy, seeing Adm~ still alone on the<br />

earth? Why did God causc all the ntlimals to como before Adatn P<br />

Row did God create s hclyu~ate for Ada~n? Whsb did Adam call<br />

her P<br />


The Fall of ozlr Fi~st Parents.<br />

He is rc liar, nnd the fither thereof.--John, 8,4.<br />

F a11 thc animals that God ]>ad placed npon the earth,<br />

0 none was more cru~uing than the serpent. Hence the<br />

devil, who was envious of the happiness of our first parents,<br />

made use of him in order to seduce them.

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