Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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Fa~~~vacr ~r,~~covr~l?, ilic Z L ~ Martii 1r)o8.<br />

TWOMAS, Archiefps.<br />

Approved or recommended by thc kloxt Eminent Cardinal-Arclrbishop of Wcstminstcr, by<br />

their Lordships the Archhishops mid llishops of Ardagh, Ar~nidnlc, Auckland, Cnlcr~tt~<br />

Chnrlottcto~v~r, Cl)ristclrurch, Clonfcrt, Cloynr, Cork, Bern., Glaqow, Kildare and Leighlin,<br />

Lahore, Mndl.ns, Mangalore, Xew Yolk, Ossn~y, Peterborough, I'artrmoiith, St. Albert,<br />

Snlford, Shrcwsl~l~ty, SO~II~U.XI~. Trichur, Vizagapntam, Wfiutfmd and Lismore, and by<br />

morc than ninety CardinnL and PriucvRishups, Arshlrisltopn and Bishops of Austria,<br />

Uclgium, France, Gctmany, Holland, Italy, Spain, tl~e Uldtcd States<br />

and South America.<br />

hdoplcd by Order of thcir 1,ordships the Bisliolis of Cloyne, Kildare nod<br />

Leighlin, Ossury, nnd Waterford ancf Lismorc.<br />

"\VC \r.ulcu~ne wit11 sii~isL~c~iun Nrs. Sadlicrs translation af Hr. Schuslcr's<br />

'lliblc Hiscury', a~~d we dcsin? lu mcolnmend lltis iunnual far adoption in<br />

ultr ~~rirnirl-y i1nc1 high schools."<br />

(ICesolution ndoptcrl by the Ai~htrnln~inn Cntliolic Congrca.~, hlollrocirnc, C)etal>er zgo4.)<br />

All rights reserved.<br />

Priutcd by I). HERD~R, Pteiburg im Breisgau, ryo8.

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