Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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peal prophet Jcremins, who liwd :~t tha~t tinic, endeavor to<br />

rc:oall thcln to rcpelltancc. Firlallp tllc pLzticn[:~ ol thc merciful<br />

Gocl was cxha.ustec1, and the ruin so of'tcn lu'uretolrl 1)~'<br />

thc prophet lsaias fcll heiz~ily on tllc people.<br />

2. In tl~c year 606 before Christ, JMabucl~odanosor, king of<br />

Babylon, placed himself at t,Im head of an immense army,<br />

maxched agajnst Jeruvrtlem; and, having ta1;en it, culicti<br />

away the king oild the prineip:ll iahaI>ita~lts as ca1)iives.<br />

Rixteen yca,rs Inter, those who rverc. left in Jcrusl~lem, rcbroltctl<br />

against Nabnchodonosor, und the latter returned rvith :L<br />

still greatcr nrny, anil, after ,z siegc of eighteen months, he<br />

took Jer~zsalcm by stonn.<br />

3. Then the whole city was given up to firc and pillage.<br />

The temple itself was con~~~~ncd by fire, and tllc sacred vesscls<br />

mere carried off. A11 the people that cscnped the ~worcl<br />

wcrc led into captivity in Bllbglon, and thc splendicl city of<br />

.Jcrusalern waa rcducecl to n ]leap of ruins.<br />

4. Jeren~ias remdncd in Scrusalem, and sitting on the<br />

ruins dille dcsolate city he lamc~~tc?d in the 111ost pathetic<br />

nianncr the miscries of his people arid tllc thtiatmction 01<br />

Jcrusdem. " JCow (10th thc city sit solitary that was full of<br />

pcople; how is the n~istresu of nations hocome as a widow;<br />

the princess of pru\~inccs made tributal*y? The ways uPSion<br />

luourn because there are none that come to the solemn feast.<br />

0 all ye that pass by the way, attend, and seF if there Bc any<br />

sorrow lilrc to lrip sorrow. To -\v11J shall 1 compare thcc, or<br />

to what hall I likcn thee ? Great nr; the sea is thy defitruction.<br />

Who shall hcnl thee? Convert us 0 Lord to Thec,<br />

and we shall be converted; renew our dny~, as from the bcgili~ling."<br />

5, Jeremim, honrevcr, was not without consolation. Hc<br />

knew that Xsrr~el mould bc restored and that God would<br />

make a new cotrena~lt with fIis pt!ople. '( The days shall<br />

comc, snith the Lord, ;uld I will n~nke n new covenant with<br />

N~nucnn~o~oson (pr, Knlru-ko-do'-no-xor).

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