Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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irlg hcr at tIlc trinclo~v, ordercd her servants to cnst her donrn.<br />

They did so, arid the walls werc rjl~rir~klcd wit11 hcr blood,<br />

and thc hoovcs of the horscs trod upon her, nnd the dogs<br />

came and file her fle~li, Afler Jchu hacl dinecl he ordered<br />

Jexubcl to bo buried, but only her head, feet xld ha~lds remained.<br />


1. Wlio had x vineyarrl near Achab's palace at Je~raliel ? What<br />

did Acll:ib, colleting the vineyard, say one day to Nnbotli? What<br />

did Nt~both answer Iliru? 2. Why was tile Ling 60 troubled that he<br />

could ~leitller cnt nor sleep ? Whai (lid Jwnbel, big queen, mockillply<br />

sag? 3. ITht did she then do? Rhnt did thcse men say<br />

against Nabotll ? 'IVl~ttt was dune to Sabot11 ? 4. NTliat did 3exabe1,<br />

being iliformcd oENaboth'e dcsth, kll hct hnsbzncl.? What did the<br />

Lord thcn command Elias to do? What wax he to telI the Iii1lg7<br />

Was lhis predictio~l f~~lfillcd? 5. Flow jras it fr~lfillcd? 6. Some<br />

time nfter, whcn Jeha \me Idng, wlierc did lie go? When Jembcl<br />

l~enrrl of his corning, \\.hat ditl he do P What (lid Jchu, seeing her<br />

at the window, order hcr servnnta to do? What followed?<br />


T one time Elias, being persecuted by Jeznbel, fled into<br />

A tho desert. He rvos wry sad, and desirod to die, for<br />

he thought all t11c Isr~elit,cs had fallen into idolatry. Being<br />

fatigued, he cast hirnsclf down and slept in the ~1;hadorn of a<br />

juniper trec ; and Lohold, an angel of the Lord touchccl him<br />

and said : "Arise, cr~t; for thou hnst yet n great way to go."<br />

EIias looked, and swi- at his head rt hcarl.11-cake nnd n vessel<br />

of water. IIo ayose, at.c and tlmnk, nncl +~xllied irl the<br />

strength of that food forty days and forty nights, until he<br />

came to the rnount of God, Eoreb.

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