Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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gcr than t.hc foot of n mall, ancl iL hpread itself gradually over<br />

the I~~n\~ens, :~11(3. rain fell in abu~itlnnce, Thc land of I~rstel,<br />

euff(?ring froin the long drought, was a figure of the great<br />

spiritual droug1:llt from ~11ir:h the whole world ~uffered before<br />

Ule co~ning of Christ. 13lins bidding the henvcns to rain, waa<br />

a figure of Christ opening the fuuntdns of grace to a perishing<br />

world.<br />

10. Thc rain itself, t\fl~ich gave n new Tifc to t.he earth, is a<br />

Qype of the grace of God which rcnews the ~oul of thc converted<br />

sinncr.<br />


1. What did the Lord 8nj7 to Xlins nfter the earth had remained<br />

three gears nild six monlhn ~vi thout rain ? What did Acl.ab :,sap<br />

w11e1~ he saw IIlizis? \That did the prophet answer? 2. Whnt did<br />

Achnb rlo ? Whnt tlid Elir~a say to tl~o people of Isrrtcl? What did<br />

Rliris arid ? 3 and 4. Were the people satisliotl with his proposnl?<br />

5. W hit ditl the priests of Blud then do 7 J\'hnt dicl they<br />

cry out? Did lirc come 10 coztsume thcir szcrilir:e '/ \Vliat did Elias,<br />

11~ocl;ing tlwtn, call out? ti. What did the priests of Haal then do?<br />

\\'lint did Klins then do? 7. This bcing done, what did thc yropllet<br />

~:LJ', raising his llancls n~id eye8 to heaven? 8. Whnt came down<br />

iilstnntly from l~cave~l? What clid tile people exclaim, falling on<br />

their faces? Wkithcr (lid the p~opllct retire? N711at clid he do<br />

illcm S 9. \irllr~t did ~ Ibeseccli C fha Lord to do? What hapl~ened<br />

tllcn? Of w11nt was tilt! lrtnd of Jfirncl, snEi:ri~~g fro111 tlio long<br />

drongllt a figure? Of a'l~om ~vss Eli~n :L figure! 10. Of what wag<br />

the rain that gave new life to the earlh R tpl-re ?<br />


The I,nrd Thy God hatet11 all irrj11stice.-Iht. 25, l(;.<br />

xHAB had a palace at Jczml~el,<br />

and near it was a vine-<br />

y:~rcl owned by n mnn 11a11icd Nabotll. Achab, cow<br />

eting the vincpzrd, saicl one daj7 to Naboth : Give me thy<br />

vineyard, thczt I nrlty rnake me garden, and I will give thee

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