Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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Achab obeyed, being afraid to do other~visc, on account of<br />

the firnine that was cveryr~rhere, nnd he went himself to the<br />

mountain. Then Elias spoke to the people of Tsmol, saying:<br />

"Horn long clo you Ilnlt bct~vcen t\vo sides 7 If the Lord be<br />

God, follow Him; but if Rnal, then follo~v hirn.)'<br />

3. The peoplc feeling the justice of his reproach, made no<br />

answer. They Weso ashamed and afraid. EIias then added :<br />

I only remain a prophet of the Lord, bnt the prophets of<br />

Bnal are four hundrccl and fifty mcn. Tlct two bullocks be<br />

given us ; ancl let tl~om choose ono bulloclr. for themsclves,<br />

and cut it in pieces, but put no fire uncler ; and I will dress<br />

the other bullock, arid lay it on wood, ancl put no fire<br />

mldcr it.<br />

4. Call ye on the nanles of your gods, and I will call on<br />

the ]lame of 111~ Lord, and thc God thd sllnll ansrvcr by fire,<br />

lct Hirn be the God." A11 tl~cr, pcople n.i~sacreci: "A very<br />

gooil proposal." Thcn thct priests of Dnn.1, clad in their<br />

richest garments and cromncd with la;urel, t.001~ a11 ox, and<br />

crlelv him.<br />

5. Then they e~*cctccl an altar, plnced tllc dencl ox upon it,<br />

:uld danced arounci it crying out: '' Dnnl, hear us." This<br />

tllcjr did from lrinrning until noon, I)ut no fire cainc to consulne<br />

t11cir sacrifice. Thcn Elias, 1110cking tllcm, cdlcd out:<br />

Cry with n Iot~der voice; for he is n god, nnd perhaps he is<br />

talliing with somc one, or on a journey, or is asleep and<br />

must ba nwalced."<br />

G. Then thcy began to cry loudcr than ever, hacking their<br />

bodies with knives, as they were nccustomed to do, uutil<br />

they were covcred with blood. Tliis they liept up till evening,<br />

but 3.11 in vain. Then Elias told tl~n l>eoplo to come to<br />

I~im. And hc erected an altar to thc Lord; took twelve<br />

stones, and laid the woo~l in ordcr IIPOII thcrn, then placed<br />

the ox, which had been cut in piecos, upon the mood:<br />

7. Re then ~wu~ecl water upon the victim till it ran dolyn.<br />

on evcry nnd filled the trcncll nround the altnr. Thie<br />

being done, he craid: " 0 Lord God, sI~orv this day that Thou

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