Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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QUEsTIONS.<br />

1. Whom dici God ~unise up at times, in nrtlar to bdng back tlie<br />

kings and the people to Letter ser~titrierlts'? IY11nt rlitl lhese prophet*<br />

~ireach P How ditl they prove the truth of thcirdi~ine znissior~?<br />

2. 7That did they protlict? W110 was one of the most celebrated of<br />

tile prophets? In n4rnt reign did Elins live P 3. What great crimes<br />

had the king committed? 4. Vrhst clid Miss say to dcfrnb ~r-hen 118<br />

preae~ited himself before him ? What did Ar11ab secretly resolve?<br />

6. J+'linf ditl t,l~e Lord then cornrna~~d Elias to c10 ? How ana nlias<br />

fed in tllc ~vildcrnesa? 6. Rortlo timc after, when tlle brook ran clry,<br />

whither dicl the Lord commnnd Rliss to gn7 \\'horn clid he scc ns<br />

he drew near the gate of the cily P What clid 11e ask the woman to<br />

do 7 7. I\'hst dicl tlto prophet cnll after her \vr.llcn film was going to<br />

fetch the ~v:~tor 7 Whnt did the woman answcr ? 8. What did the<br />

prophat tell Itor? IVIlnt did lie tlien aouitna~~tl her to clo? Tclljag<br />

her whnt ? 0. Did the wotnan obcp? What followed ? So11le tilr~e<br />

alter this, who fell sirlr and diecl ? \Y\.int. (lit1 tlio \voruan sap to<br />

Rlins ? 1VIi:~t did 1Cliti~ &I Y \Chat did he prny? Did tlie ldord<br />

hear hi^ prayfir 7 10. l\'llnt did the woinnn, fill1 of jog r~ntl grat,it,udo<br />

say to Elina ? TIow in tlte rn:rritier in which 1Clina raised the child<br />

to life a figure of the Tncarnntion?<br />


The Snc~ifce of Elias.<br />

Tfro11 ul~alt fenr the Lord thy God, and shalt nerve Him<br />

on1 y .-Deut. G, 13.<br />

FTER the earl11 had remained thrce yems wtl six<br />

A months ~vitls,ut min or dew, the Lord spoke to Elins :<br />

"Go anrl show thyself lo Achab, that I rriuy give rail1 11po11<br />

the face of the eartll.'' The prophet ubt?yed. When Acliab<br />

saw him he said : " Art tllon he that tronblcst Jsl.,zel? '' The<br />

prophet answered: " I hnvc not troublcd Isracl, bnt thou<br />

and thy fntl~er's house, who 11a1~e forsaken the commi~ldmcnb<br />

of the Lorcl itnd h;rve followed Bnalin~.'~<br />

2. " Nc17cvthcles~, scn(I nonr ant1 gatllcr unto me all Israel<br />

unto Mo~ult CarmeI, and the prophets of Bnal, four hmldred<br />

and fifty, and tlie prophcts of the groves, four hundred."

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