Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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8. The propllet aasurnd her s:tying : " Fcnr not ; but go and<br />

tXo nu thou 1i;~st said; but first m:aka far me of the same ~neal<br />

little hearth-cake. For thus saicl the Lord : ' Thc pot of meal<br />

s11:iIl not wnst,e, nor tlle crase of oil be diminished unt.il the<br />

day wherein the Lord mill give rain upon 6he earth.' ''<br />

9. The woman did as Elim had told hcr and from that day<br />

forth she hacl mcnlin lier<br />

pot ancl oil in her crusc,<br />

anci knew no w\.:~nt, ncither<br />

Elias, nor she, nor her<br />

son. Now, it happened<br />

some time after, that the<br />

gon of this poor wiclow of<br />

. Snreptsfell sick and died.<br />

-<br />

She snid to the propl~et :<br />

"What h:lvc I done to<br />

thee, tliou man of God? , ,I<br />

3Iast thou come to rric +I . -- .,D<br />

that my iniquilies fihould<br />

.,-. - -- .<br />

l.1.l.i: IT', In'; ,V t!,i"-!l.<br />

. X..<br />

/ ._<br />

be rememberetl?" There-<br />

upon Elim took the chilcl, and went int.0 the upper chamber<br />

nncl laid it upon Eiis omn bcd. Tlian he criod to tlie L,ord:<br />

" 0 Lord, lii~stl'ho~~ al-1~0 nmict,ed the rridotv ~r.it,h wwI-1x1 L<br />

nm nfter nsort maint,a,ined?" Theti hc strctchcd himself nnd<br />

measured Iiixnsclf three times upon the child; and the soul<br />

of the boy rct~tnled and he revivcd.<br />

10. Elias took thc child nncl broagl~t him down to his<br />

mother, and snid: Bcholcl, thy son liveth.'' Bull of joy<br />

sr~tl gratitadc the Jvomnn exclaimed : " Now by this I k ~ow<br />

that tllou art a man of God, and the word of the j;c.rd in<br />

t11y rnoulh is true." Elins, the grown man, stretching Iiim-<br />

BB!~ and metlsnring hilllself npou the sll~nll body of the tlcnd<br />

child is a figrlre of the Ilicnmation, in whicll the Son of God<br />

so adapted hilnself to our human nature as to become tusu<br />

without ceasing to be God.

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