Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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3. And Solornon rcignetl from the Euphmtes' to the confines<br />

of Egypt, nnd he nss nt pence r~itl~ his ~lcighbors 011<br />

every ~ida, :LII~ eaclz man rrckd withotrt f ~ under m his own<br />

vine and fig-tree. Kings from far and ncar ~showccl Solomoll<br />

respect, and scnt him presents. Thc queen of S:ha came<br />

herself from her fi~r-clist.'i~lt land %to beholrl hia rnnbmificenr:~<br />

and to bear the words of hi3 tvisdorn. When she had Bccn<br />

nncl heard, her spi1-i t fnilcd, nnd she said to thc king : " The<br />

rcport is true svhit:l~ I heard in my own country, bnt I woultl<br />

not bclieve. Bleasecl arc thy ficrvnnts v110 ~tanil before thee<br />

ant1 hear thy misdo~n." Tlins did King Solonion excced it11<br />

the kings of the edrtl~ in riches a11d in .rvistlorn.<br />

4. But glorious as was. the Incginning of Solomon'n rcign,<br />

its elzd was deplorable. SoIornon nras far nclvartnct?d in life<br />

wl~cn his heart was corrupted by str~,ngc! women; and that<br />

great Iring, llitl~crto so wise, bccnlne so blind and depravccl<br />

that, in order to please tl~cse rvornen, he ofrered itlccnse to<br />

f:tlse gotls, and built temples to thcm.<br />

5. Tlic Lord, Lcing angry, said to Solo~nnn : 'l Bccauso<br />

thou ]last done tl~is, and hast not ltcpt My covcnni~t nnd My<br />

precepls, which I. havc commanded thee, I mill divide ant1<br />

rend thy kingdom. Nevcrthele~s, in thy day^ I mill not do<br />

it fbr David, thy fitthcr's, xake ; ncitller will I talrc awn.y tlie<br />

whole kingdom, but 1 will give ono tribe to thy son, for the<br />

sillze of David, hly servant, and for thc vrlkc of Jerusalem,<br />

which I have chosen.?'<br />

G. T11cn secrct revolt md sodition arose nmong the pcoplc,<br />

I~ecsusc Solmnon, tblindecl as he was, had overtaxcc1 mid oppressed<br />

the peol~lc, to build pslaccs for tho heathen worncl1<br />

who had turned Iiim army from God. Things mere in this<br />

unhappy state when Solomon dic!d, having reipicd forty<br />

years ; and hc who had been a great a ~ powerful d kil~g wllilile<br />

he walked in the ways of Daviii his fatller, dicd without<br />

honor, and, perhaps, without rcpcntnncc. The sad entl of<br />

Solomon teaches us that &as long au me live we are U11.1le to<br />

'Ev~rri:a~cs (pr. U-fran-tc~!, it groat rivcr of Asia.

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