Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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the Holy of Holies, nncl the cherubim shntlcd it with their<br />

wings. And the mnjcsty of God, in thc form of a. clo~d,<br />

filled the te~uplc, so tlirzt the priest could not stand to ministcr,<br />

becnuso of the dmrling glory thereof.<br />

B. Then Solomot~, arrayed in his richest robes, fell on his<br />

lrnces before the alkir of holocn~ists, and strctcl~ing out his<br />

hands, he said: Lord God of Israel, tl~cro is no God Iikc<br />

TIicc in heavcn or on earth. If heaven and the heaven of<br />

hcavens cnlinot contain Thee, how n~uch less this house,<br />

which I havc built l 0 Lord zny Cod, hear the hymn and<br />

the prayer wliich Thy fiervant prnycth 11cfore Thee this day,<br />

that Thy eyes may be open upon this house night arid day,<br />

that Thou mayest hcarkcn to the prayer n*l~icll Thy scr~rent<br />

yriyeth in this place to Thee. Rlnpcst Tl~ou llearkcll to Thy<br />

people whcn they pray in this place. Mayest Thou bear<br />

them and ehom them rncrcy.)'<br />

7. Solomon's prapcr Bcing endctl, fire fell from heaven and<br />

consumcd the holocn~lst. Seeing this, thc Israelites fell prostrate<br />

on the ground and adored the great God of I~eavcn, wllo<br />

wronglit s~lch wondcrs bcfore tlicni, ailcl tl~cy ~rrent away<br />

praising IIis awful name. The Lord appcarcd a eccond time<br />

to Solomon, ancl said : " 1 11sve 11~qrd thy pmyer, nnrl I have<br />

cjnncti ficd this honsc which tllou hast built ; and Rly cyos and<br />

My lieart sh:~ll bc nltvays tlicre."<br />

8. With 1111 il~ grtti~daur and ~i~:~gtlificellcc, Solon~on's tc:mplc<br />

mns but n hint image of our tcinplea in which Jcsus<br />

Christ, true God a11d true nian, dwolls under tlle appc!ornncc<br />

of bread, pouring out upon us his most abuadmt gaccs.<br />


l. What did 8olornon begin to do in the fonrth year of hia reign?<br />

Where did he build the telnple? How Inany thousand Inell hnrl he<br />

e~tlployed cuttingon Mount Lebanon? Horv rnany were engaged in<br />

carrying the materials to the site of the temple? How many men<br />

wow hewing to no^? IIolr marly OVCYECCr8 were there? 2. What<br />

waB the genernl plan of tlie tcmpls? IIow lor~g waa the tolaple?<br />

How wide'? How high ? What were there beeidea? 3. With what

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