Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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and his army '? ltThat (lid Da~rid say he tivould do? What clid hie<br />

Illan say ? 18. Wllst did Il~e king command Joab and his oflicers to<br />

do ? What happened to Absa1olom's army? What happened to him-<br />

#elf? 11. TV'I1at did Toztb do whcii vord JV\'~B brought to hitn?<br />

\Vl~at was ilollo wjth AbesIom's body 7 12. IYl~nt did David ask<br />

when he heard of Absalom's defeat? What did 11e do when told<br />

that Ab~alom nrns dead? l$. What clid the ~jeoplc of Jerurralem do<br />

wlten they hcnrtl of David's victory 3 In what ci~.cumstnncee uf<br />

his life does Uavid present a very et~ilring figure uf Chriat?<br />


Precious in the sight; of the Lord is tlre dcatli of I-lie sainte.<br />

-PS. 115, 15.<br />

AVID was thirty years 015 ~vhelz he ast:cncledthc throne<br />

D of Israel, and ilo rcigncd forty )-cars in honur and<br />

glory. l\%en thc tiinc of his dcat.tIi tlrcw nonr, hc gathcrcci<br />

togc+i,l~cr ille priilces of Isrtcl, aircl told tllc111 th:lt IJC had<br />

itltc~~cldcd io tnild a house to the Tmd, and Iiacl prepascd all<br />

tllc l~latcrials for a new tc~nple ; IIU~ tlint 111~3 Lord had not<br />

nllorvocl lliiil to carry out Hi8 pln11, because 11c had shed much<br />

blood in liis many battles.<br />

2. The I~uilding of tlla tcmple was rcserverl for Solomon,<br />

his son, ~vhosc Iring~loi~l sllo~~lrl bc grcnt nnil powerful if !!c<br />

moul (l be faithf~~l to tl~e co1nm~und1nc?11ts of God. I)nvid,<br />

tl-~c?rcfore, exl~orled his ~011 to scrw Coci wit11 a gond will,<br />

beamso the Lord sonnds the depths of hearts and pr?netratcs<br />

thc tl~oughts of men, IT thou secIc Him," said Dayid,<br />

" thou sllt~It find Him ; kut if tIiou fors:tl~c I-Tim, He will<br />

cast illcc off firrcver."<br />

3, David then gnye to his fion gold m1d silver for the resst!ls<br />

of the tsa~~ctuary, together with the p1:m of the tcn~ple<br />

ni~d its ~)~ccincts, and said 10 Iiim : "All tl~cso il~jngs came to<br />

nle written by 8 0 hnotl of tlw Lned. Act lilirt n man, take<br />

courage and fcar not ; for the Lord tny God will be with thee,

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