Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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earnest thou hitherb? TVhy didst thou lem~c those fen. sheep<br />

in the desert? 1 3mow thy pride, and that thou carnestdown<br />

to sce the battle."<br />

5. However, these morcIs wcrc reported to S:LIII, who sent<br />

for David and said to him : Tllou art not able to -\vitllslurid<br />

this Pl~ilistine ; for thou arl but a boy, a11d he ie a warrior."<br />

Rut Davicl nnswerod : " Lot no lnan bc~dismaycd. I, thy servm~t,<br />

will go and fight agfiitist the 1'1ii1isGne.<br />

6. " For thy servant kcpt his father's shecp, and tl~crc<br />

came n lion ancl n bear and took a ram out of tlle uzidst of the<br />

flock. And I prxrsucd after tljctn imc? ~truclr thom ; a1d they<br />

rose up against mo, and I caught tl~ern by tl~c throat, ant1 I<br />

~trangled ancl lrillccl them. I will go now and take. away tlie<br />

reproacll of the pcoplc, l'hc Lord, ~vho delivered rnc ant of<br />

thc paws of the lion ancl tl~c bcnr, will deliver me out of the<br />

hand of this Pllilistine."<br />

7. At last Sad consentetl, mcl said : " Go, and the Lord be<br />

~vith thcc." Snnl then clvtIled Dasid with his own ar~nor,<br />

and put n 11clmet of X~rass 0x1 lliv liencl, ancl artncd liirn ~vit11<br />

a coat of mail. But D:~vid, unused io wcar armor, couId<br />

not rnovc freely under its rvejglit, arncl, tllercforc, hc laid it<br />

aside.<br />

8. Tl~en lie tool< his staff, which 11e lisd always in his<br />

hands, and chose five smooth stoncs from the broolr, ancl put<br />

Illern in tlie shel>l~crd's scrip wl~ich ho had wit11 ]kiln ; and taking<br />

s filing in Ilia linizd, 110 went forth to meet the Philistine.<br />

9, TVhcn Goliath drcw nanr ancl bebcld l)avi(l coming on,<br />

hc deq~ised him, and ssitl: ('Am I n dog, that tthou cu~riest<br />

to me with il staff? " 'I'iicn, cursing Dnvid by his gods, he<br />

addcd: "Come to mc, ant1 I mill give thy flc~ll to the birds<br />

of' the air, ancl to thc bcosts of the enrL11." Duvid anstvercd :<br />

'' Thou conlest to nle with n sword, and nit11 s spear, a11cl with<br />

a s'hicld; but I conw to thee in tl~c name of the Lord of<br />

Hosts 1vho111 tllou hast dcflcd. I will slzy tlicc ailcl tnlrc<br />

ntvay thy heid Irom thee, that all mily how that tllerc is a<br />

God in Israel."

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