Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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COSTENTS* xv<br />

CRhPTgR PAGE .<br />

XXX1.-Jesus Sends Bis Apoatlea ................................... ?L30<br />

XXXJ1.-John the Baptist is Put to Death ................................. 282<br />

XXXII1.-The Bliracle of the Loavee and Fishes .......................... PS4<br />

XXX1V.- Jesus Promises to gire the Bread of Life ....................... 287<br />

SXXV.-The Woman of Chanaan ..................... . ................ 2RB<br />

SXXV1.-Jesus Yromisoe Peter the Eeya oP the Kingdom of Heaven .... 190<br />

XXXYI1.- The Transfiguration. ............................................... 491<br />

XXXVII1.-The Tributc for the Temple ....................................... 299<br />

XXX1X.- Joeus nlcssea U'tlo Children ..................................... !B4<br />

XL.-Fraternnl CoiTooLion.-Forpiven~ss of Inj11ries.-The Unforgiv-<br />

ing Serrant ....................................................... 995<br />

XL1.-Jesna Scncls forth Seventy-two of Hls Uisciples ................. PBi<br />

XLII.-Parable of tho Good Samaritan. .................................. 298<br />

XLI1I.- Mary and IItrrtha ................................................ 300<br />

XT.IV.-Jeaua the Good Shepherd .......................................... 301<br />

XLV.-Parable of thc Prodigal Son ...................................... 3m<br />

XLV1.-The Parable of Dives nnd Lxznnls . 305<br />

.................... .....<br />

XLVI1.- Jesun Gives Sight to tlio Nan Born Blind ....................... 307<br />

XLVXI1.- The Lord's Prayer ....................... . ...................... 309<br />

XL1X.-The Pnrnble of the Rich Man ..................................... 3M<br />

L.- The B11rren W1g.trec ................................................ 311<br />

LT.-The Ten Lepers ................................................... 317,<br />

L1L-The Pharisee and the Publican ................................... 313<br />

LII1.- Jesue nt the Beast of the Dedication ............................ 314<br />

LIV.- The Itlch Young Nan .............................................. 815<br />

LV.-The Laborers in the Vlueynrd .................................... 216<br />

..........................<br />

nnd Death ......................... 320<br />

......................................<br />

.......................<br />

~vI.-The llaising of Lazarus from the Dead<br />

LVII.- Jesus Forctclla HIE Pa~sioa<br />

S17<br />

LVII1.- Jesus is Anointed by Nary 32%<br />

LIX.- Triamphd Entry of Jcsus into Jerusalem 23<br />

1.X.- The I)Inrriago Feast ............................................... 525<br />

LX1.-The Widom'n Mite.-DeaLruolion of Jeruanlem nud the End of<br />

the Wnrld ......................................................... 328<br />

............<br />

The Last Jurlgment ................................................ 332<br />

LXII.-The l'arable of the Ton Virains, aud of thc Talents 33<br />

~~111.-<br />

LXIV.- The La~t Sullpcr. and 11ic R'nshing of tho Disciplee' Feet ..... 834<br />

LXV.- Jo~us Jnstitutos the Nost IIoly Snornment, and Foretells tile<br />

Trcslson of Judas ................................................ 336<br />

~xV1.-Jesn~ tells Yclnr that he shall Deny Elm, nnd bide Farcn-ell<br />

to 111s Dlaaiplss .................................................. 88 ~xv~I.--The Agony of Jeans in the Garden ............................... 3a9<br />

LXVI1T.- Jesus is Seized. ................... . ............................... 341<br />

bX1X.- Jesue before Annns and Cnipbae .................................. 313<br />

LXS.- Poter Uonies Jcaus 341<br />

LSX1.-Jcsus before Pllnte and Herod .................................... 346<br />

LXXI1.-Jesus is Scourged, Grorrncd mith Thorns. and Conflomned 10<br />

.................................................<br />

Deatlr ............ . .............................................. 348<br />

.....<br />

.............<br />

...................................<br />

LXXIII.Jesua Uarrics Hia Cross io Nount Oa1vary.-11% is Crncitled<br />

1.XXIY.- Jesus Spcuks Seven I\rurds on tha Cross. and Dies<br />

12<br />

854<br />

LXXV.-.Tesus is Laid in the Scpulcher 85i<br />

LXxy1.- Jesur Rieea from the Doad ........................................ S59<br />

LXXVI1.- Jesus Appoars to Mary Mngdalen nnd Potcr 381<br />


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