Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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7. Thcn BOOX addressed Ruth very kindly, and shid : " HCM<br />

m, clmgl~tcr : Kccy with my nillids, pncl fi)llow \vlicro they<br />

reap. I have chnrgccl nyf young nlcn not to lllolcst thcc.<br />

Arld if thou art thirsly, go to the vessels :uld clrii~k of the<br />

waters whereof thc scrvan ts think, nn (l dip tll y IYIOL'P~?~ in tl~e<br />

vincgnr." Pull of gmtitudc fbr tllcsc 1:iiicl ~~ortls, Rut11 bc!iit<br />

down bcforc Hooz nl~d askcd how it canic that dlc, n woman<br />

of another country, should find Savor in his sight.<br />

8. 1300~ told her thnt all she had done for her mother-in-<br />

Ix\\. since t11e death of her I~usbuld, had been related to him.<br />

Ilc pmyod: " 1GI:lyest tllou receive a full reward of the Lorcl,<br />

undc!r ~vllosc! ~vings tl~ou art flad." IIe tllen privately told<br />

tile reapers: " 1,rt fill1 somc? of your huidfuls of yu~.yosc,<br />

tl.tat sshc lnny gnthor thcin tvitl~ont t;l~:ul~e." She glcnncrl,<br />

thcrefbre, in the iiclcl till cvcning, and then beat out wit11 n<br />

rod what she had gleancd, which vlas rLn ephi : that is, three<br />

Z)ud~els. Grateful for the liindncss shown hcr, die returnc!d<br />

to her mofl~er-in-lair., carrying 1vit.11 bcr thc h~rley she had<br />

threshed, and the lcarings of tIlc n~o:ll thnt hat1 been given<br />

her. Noerr~i asfitotiisbcd, and nslced : " lVllc?re ]last tilou<br />

glcanc?d to-day, and whcrc hnst thou mrouglit ? Iilcssed Le<br />

11c that hns had pily on theo." Rut11 told tile man's niulle,<br />

Ulnt hc was call(?d Boox.<br />

9. Next day shc rcturnod to thc ficltl of Boos, and continncd<br />

to dean after the rcnpers, till all thc Barley was laid up in<br />

the barns. Some tiinc aftcr, Hooz snitl to Rut11 : " &Jy daug11tcr,<br />

a11 the people lliat dwell within tho gales of my city<br />

Itnow tllilt thou art a virtuous woman.?' So he mnrriccl ]]cr.<br />

Tlicn thc nnaitmts carno and said to Hooz : '' May this wornnn<br />

bc nn cxainple of virtue ki Ephrhtn, and may sl~c 11avc n<br />

f~n~ous name in Rothluhenl." Tllc Lord blossctl their union,<br />

ntxl gmro them n son, m11o1r1 Bey callc(1 Ohrd. Tl~cn PJoemi,<br />

full of joy, tn1:ing tlic child, laid it in her bosom, ancl she<br />

carried it, and was n nurse to it. Now, Obctl IVRS the father<br />

of Isai, whose son was Dnvid, of whose race Christ was<br />


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