Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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grieved the more for your distress ; atld thc hand of the Lo~d<br />

is gone oat against mu." Tllen Orphn kissoti hcr mothcr-inlaw<br />

and returned. Rnth, Iiomeve~., won!d not depart. Noe~ni<br />

epoke again : " Behold, thy kinswonia~~ is retunled t,o her<br />

people ; go thou with her.'' '<br />

4. Thcrcupon Ruth replied : '' Be not against me, for whi tliersoavcr<br />

thou shdik go, I will go: and where thou shalt d~\~c!l<br />

I also will dwell. Thy people shall be IYI~ people, and t.11y<br />

God iny G.od. The land tllnt sIlall receive thce dying, ln tl1~<br />

szme will J die, 'and there will I be bnrictl." Then Koeini,<br />

seeing tlvat Ruth was steadfast, would not urgc her any morr!<br />

. -- . ., - . .<br />

.,-.<br />

-<br />

-io rctunl to lier frie~~ds. Sn<br />

.* .<br />

. ' l . .. -' the.jr jo~zrneycd on togvthcr,<br />

- . . , :<br />

'I.. . , . . ., sad camo to Bctlilellem,<br />

. . . I . . .- , - -.<br />

..l,.lk,l 1 , . . where tlio report was quickly<br />

. ', I .<br />

-:. . \' L a -<br />

< - . , , , : ? spread, and the women said.<br />

. 1,' .<br />

.-. ., . . , -. " This is that Pioemi. "<br />

5. It was tile beginning of<br />

-. ..--<br />

the bxley bnrves-i, and Knth<br />

.. -<br />

asked h'oemi : ' l If tllun wilt,<br />

... #: r v. I will go into the ficld n.nd<br />

, 1 ,..-<br />

glean t11o ears of corn tht<br />

escape the lzxilds of the rt?:y>-<br />

ers.') And Koerni said - "Go,<br />

my daughter. " h'o~iq, it so happened th:tt the field in \vl-~ich<br />

Ruth went to glean belonged to a kins;r~nn of Elimt:locll,<br />

named Booz, who was very rich. And behold, Booz came out,<br />

to see tllc ronpers, and snitl : Tho Lord bo mith you. " They<br />

a~ls~vcred : " The Lord blcs~ th~c."<br />

6. And, having obsen~ccl Rnth gleaning in the barley ficltl,<br />

he asked the overseer : " 'Wllose maid is this ? " The ovcrseer<br />

replied ; "This is Rutll, who came mith Noemi from the<br />

land of Moab; and she desires leave to glem the ears of corn<br />

that remnin, following the fitep~ of the reapers, She hat11<br />

bcen in thc ficld from morning till now, and ha& not gono<br />

home for s moment."

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