Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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Rlessccl nro they that tl~vell is Thy hor~ne, 0 Lord: thay 811all praise<br />

Thco fo19cver and ever.-PS. 88, B.<br />

Y Gorl's co~mnrtncl Moses norv prescribed ~ ~rl~nt sg~rificcs<br />

B were to bc oflcred, togdhor with the mnnner of oflering<br />

thaln, mcl the times when they were to Inc offered. Some<br />

of theso sacrifiecs vere bloody, 0th-<br />

4: r.-; ers nnhloocly. TIlc former consisted<br />

,<br />

of sheep, gonts and oxen; the latter<br />

r-:- t . of flour, ii-nits, oil and mine. When<br />

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the thing ofired ans rvholly masumed<br />

., .; : on the alt,zr, it was czlled n hoIoc&ust,<br />

or \vl~olo-burnt offering, nl~d repro-<br />

, : scntt:tl thc highest act of adoration.<br />

, ,<br />

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, 8, 8 i 11.'<br />

. 2. Rut when only tho Bbt, as thc<br />

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, most delicr~tn part, was bnnrccl, and<br />

the rest eaten, it was cnllcd either n<br />

sacrifice of tl~nnksgiving for benefits<br />

1<br />

I received, or n sacrifice of expiation for<br />

. .-<br />

.- ---. 3. -<br />

1,<br />

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,<br />

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- -<br />

sins committed. &loses also institutcc1<br />

the feasts of the Imrd ; for the Lord<br />

had told hixn to cstablisl~, first, tho<br />

feast of the Pascl], or Pnssovcr, in<br />

lr~ulr Plass~ 11r.y rnelnory of tl~e pascl-~al lamb eaten hy<br />


the chilrlrcn of Israel on thc night<br />

i\rlicn tllo first-born of the Egyptia~ls were dnin, and also in<br />

mcrno1.y of thcir delivcrai~ce frorn Egyptian bondage. For<br />

scveu di~ys they were to eat unnleavencd bread while celebraL<br />

ing tl~nt feast.<br />

3. Secondly, they were to keep holy, seven weeks after,<br />

the fenfit nf Pentecost, in remembrance of the 1i11v given thcm<br />

on Mouut Silmi, On that clay they werc to -bring the first-<br />

fruits of their I~arvcst ns a.11 offcring to the Lwtl. Thirdly,<br />

mhcn the l~nrvost was all gnthercrl in, t11cy tvcre to solemnize

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