Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information

Illustrated bible History - Catholic Apologetics Information


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OF THE<br />



~y I. SCHUSTER, D. D.<br />







OP THE CI1UHCI.l.<br />



B. HERDER,<br />




Fa~~~vacr ~r,~~covr~l?, ilic Z L ~ Martii 1r)o8.<br />

TWOMAS, Archiefps.<br />

Approved or recommended by thc kloxt Eminent Cardinal-Arclrbishop of Wcstminstcr, by<br />

their Lordships the Archhishops mid llishops of Ardagh, Ar~nidnlc, Auckland, Cnlcr~tt~<br />

Chnrlottcto~v~r, Cl)ristclrurch, Clonfcrt, Cloynr, Cork, Bern., Glaqow, Kildare and Leighlin,<br />

Lahore, Mndl.ns, Mangalore, Xew Yolk, Ossn~y, Peterborough, I'artrmoiith, St. Albert,<br />

Snlford, Shrcwsl~l~ty, SO~II~U.XI~. Trichur, Vizagapntam, Wfiutfmd and Lismore, and by<br />

morc than ninety CardinnL and PriucvRishups, Arshlrisltopn and Bishops of Austria,<br />

Uclgium, France, Gctmany, Holland, Italy, Spain, tl~e Uldtcd States<br />

and South America.<br />

hdoplcd by Order of thcir 1,ordships the Bisliolis of Cloyne, Kildare nod<br />

Leighlin, Ossury, nnd Waterford ancf Lismorc.<br />

"\VC \r.ulcu~ne wit11 sii~isL~c~iun Nrs. Sadlicrs translation af Hr. Schuslcr's<br />

'lliblc Hiscury', a~~d we dcsin? lu mcolnmend lltis iunnual far adoption in<br />

ultr ~~rirnirl-y i1nc1 high schools."<br />

(ICesolution ndoptcrl by the Ai~htrnln~inn Cntliolic Congrca.~, hlollrocirnc, C)etal>er zgo4.)<br />

All rights reserved.<br />

Priutcd by I). HERD~R, Pteiburg im Breisgau, ryo8.




His Holiness llns learned wirl~ exceedingly great pleasure that the klistory<br />

of the Old and New Testaments, wriuen in the German lang~tap by<br />

Dr. Schuster, has been translated into Italian. Thc excellence of this Work<br />

is attested as well by the approbation of so many illustrious Bishopa, as by<br />

its translation into all polite languages. Although His IIolines*, owing to<br />

the pressure of business, has not been able to read the entic book, yet<br />

he concurs with the Bishops in their approbation of it. He considers the<br />

plates with which the book is interspersed, of great use and advantage,<br />

because they make n more fasting impression on thc minds of children than<br />

the mere recital of the facts. The chronological and gcograpliical table,<br />

by which the order of the and place is so perfectly arranged, has elicited<br />

the praise of His IIoliness. He, therefore, commands me to congratulate<br />

you, and to reassure you of his patcrnal regard, by imparting to you the<br />

Apostolic Benediction.<br />

Having now discharged the duty imposed on me by His IIoliness, permit<br />

me to congratulate you, and to offer you the sentiments of my unfeigned<br />

respect. I pray God to hold you in His keeping.<br />

Your most humble servant<br />

FRANCIS MERCURELI.1, Stc~tf~rv to Hii ffoiindss.<br />

vtry h~n~~~ctbl~ RI

Ikar Sir,<br />

I beg leavt to acknowledge the receipt of your truly ex:etlent "XIlustrated<br />

Bible <strong>History</strong>" and to thank you very much for sencling it to me.<br />

I shall not fail, as you desire, to express my approval of it and to strongly<br />

recommend it to the principals of schools and others in this diocese.<br />

Faithfully youra<br />

$ Jh~rs BROWNL, a1 Fevns.<br />

W~mo~n (Ireland), Fehry rg. r8pa.<br />

-<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

When I received the copy of Dr. Schuster's <strong>Illustrated</strong> Bible <strong>History</strong><br />

you so kindly sent me, I was just about leaving on a pastoral tour. I toak<br />

the book with me to have full leisure to read and appreciate it.<br />

I sincerely thank you for favouring me with an opportunity to add my<br />

testimony to so many competent men who bestow so high praises on it as<br />

the brst of the Kind up to the present time.<br />

I shall not fail to have it introduced in the schools of my diocese.<br />

I have the honour to be, moat respected Sir,<br />

Your most devoted servant<br />

SURADA (India), pnc 33. ~890. 'f J. M. Trsso~,<br />

CaU. BriAql of Vi%agapafaanr.<br />

AabiInALk, Jvly 28. r890.<br />

My dear Sir,<br />

I am much obliged to you for sending me a copy of Dr. Schuster's<br />

Bible <strong>History</strong>.<br />

I havc Iooked over it carefully and I think the work most admirably<br />

adapted for use in schools and for general distribution, especially in this<br />

country where the C~tholic population is so scattered and the members<br />

of the Church havc but little opportunity of hearing the Word of God.<br />

1 shall cordnly recommend the book both to the Convents, Colleges,<br />

Schools, and Congregations of my diocese,<br />

Wishing you every blessing and success I remain, my dear Sir,<br />

Truly youn in Christ<br />


The "lllnstrated Bible <strong>History</strong>" seems to me to meet r want that has<br />

long been felt in our <strong>Catholic</strong> schools. Scripture is frequently too much<br />

overlooked, but with a tcxt.book like Dr. Schuster's there ought to be

no longer any excuse for neglect in furnishing our Catl~otic children with<br />

r sufficient knowledge of the books of Huly Scripturt and of their contents.<br />

Wishing you every succcss in a venture that deserves the support of<br />

the English-speaking countries of the world I reinaio<br />

Yours faithfully in Jesus Christ<br />

t JOHN Euwu~u LUCK^ 0. S. Bi$/rap ofducklarrd (N. Zealand.<br />

S. AMBRO~IO, Piazza Mattei, ROME, Ju(Y 19. 1891.<br />

MANGALORE, j%@ 17. I&?*,<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

I have read Dr. Schuster'a <strong>Illustrated</strong> 'Bible Historp with great pleasure,<br />

and I am of opit~ion that it will give equal delight to any priest into<br />

whose hands it may fall, since be will find it an excellent handbook for<br />

his school chililren and a work of no mean value fof ihe elder members<br />

of his flock. Trustiug it may mett with the circulation its trlerits deserve<br />

I am, Sir,<br />

Yourr frithfully<br />

t N, PAGANI, S. J., Bishop af Mangulorc.<br />

P~~r~aonouGw (Canada), March rg. 1890.<br />

Dr. Schuster's Bible <strong>History</strong>, which relates, in a brief and attractive<br />

style, ihe chief events recorded in the Old Testament as well as the <strong>History</strong><br />

of our tort1 and the Acts of the Apostles, is well adapted to the intelligence<br />

of youth. It is so admirably arranged as to make it a pleasure for childrelt<br />

to study it, and thereby easily impress on th& minds a fair knowledge<br />

of Uible <strong>History</strong>. I have great pleasure in recolnmentling it for use, ss<br />

it deserves to be usecl as a tcxt book in every school.<br />

MADRAS, ranwy a; 1896.<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

I beg to thank you for the copy of Dr. Schustdr Bible <strong>History</strong>,<br />

which I received by the last mail. I can strongly recommend it as giving<br />

in a concise forln the powerful facts of the Old and New Testaments,<br />

and is enriched by engravings, which in tl~emselves dll bc found instructive<br />

and atkactive by teachers and pupils in our schools.<br />

Yours faithfully<br />

t J. COLGAN, Arckbirkuy 01 Mm3rt.u.

YORTSMOVTJ~, March 15. 1890.<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

The successive occupation of my time has prevented my earlier acknowledgmenr<br />

of the copy of Dr. Schuster's <strong>Illustrated</strong> Hible <strong>History</strong> which<br />

you kindly sent me in January. It seems to me a11 excellent and useful<br />

work, and I shall gladly see it made use of in my diocese.<br />

With my thanks and best wishes I retnain<br />

Yours truly in Christ<br />

JOHN, Bishop of Porsnuutk.<br />

SOUT~~WARK, February r5. 1898.<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

I am much obliged b you for sending me a copy of Schuster's Bible<br />

I-Iistory. It is a work chat I esteem very much and which I always re.<br />

commend when I have an opportunity to do so.<br />

Wishing you every blessing, believe me<br />

Your devoted servant in Christ<br />

FarNcrs, Bid@ Soufiwark.<br />

BALLINASLOE, Jirnc rg. 1898.<br />

Dear Sir,<br />

I have to thank you for the copy of the Illustrateti Bibie <strong>History</strong> which<br />

you so kindly sent me. I regnrd it in every respect as a very useful and<br />

beautiful book, full of 111ost interesting matter, conveyed in the dlnplcst<br />

language.<br />

I shall not fail to rccommcnd it cordinlly 10 my clergy.<br />

I remain<br />

Yours faithfully<br />

f JOHN HEALY, D.D., Birbbp of CIonfN1'.<br />

KILKENNY, March 4. 1901.<br />

Dcar Sir,<br />

Your Bible <strong>History</strong> by Schuster has been a very old friend of mine<br />

and has bcen in use in 220 SC~IOO~S in this diocese for the past three<br />

yenrs, and I am glad to say with the very best results. It shall continue<br />

to be patronized by this diocese, until anotl~er ernineally superior to it will<br />

have made its appearance.<br />

Faithfully yours<br />

f A. B~ow~arcc, Bishop oj Ossory.

PREFACE.<br />

The publisher desires to call the attention of reviewers to<br />

the precise nature and character of the school edition of<br />

Dr. Schuster's Illnstratcd Bible Its sole aim and<br />

object, both in the text and in the questions at the end of<br />

each chapter, is to give children an accurate knowledge of<br />

the main contents or facts recorded in the Bible. The treat-<br />

ment of historical or scientific questions raised by modem<br />

criticism lies altogether outside its scope. A text-book<br />

combining the presentment of facts with explanations in the<br />

light of modern knowledge is undoubtedly a desideratum;<br />

but this is not the purpose of the present Bible <strong>History</strong> which<br />

leaves the work of explanation and interpretation entirely<br />

to the teacher who has to equip himself for the task from<br />

other sources. <strong>Catholic</strong> works of the kind, in Engiish, are<br />

unfortunately rare.<br />

Moreover, there is one point that should not be over-<br />

looked. Until there is a positive ariswer to Biblical difficulties<br />

generally accepted by <strong>Catholic</strong> theologians, it is bard to<br />

see how children's minds can be prepared for them except<br />

in a general and rather negative way.

X . PREFACE.<br />

Nor should it be forgotten that, for obvious reasons,<br />

Biblical difficulties are not for <strong>Catholic</strong>s the matter of life<br />

and death that they are to Non-<strong>Catholic</strong>s.<br />

The teacher in search of explanations on the practical and<br />

religious side will find them in abundance in Bishop Kaecht's<br />

BacticaC Cowzwentary otr HoZy Sc~iptare.<br />

*<br />

+ A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture for the use of those who<br />

teach Bible <strong>History</strong>, by FREDERICK JUSTUS KNECHT, D. D., Auxiliary bishop<br />

of the archdiocese of Freiburg. Translated and adapted from the sixteenth<br />

German edition. Preface by Rev. MICHAEL F. GLANCLY, Chancellor<br />

of the diocese of Birmingham. Swnd BliglisA Edifon Rmkcd. With<br />

the approbation and recommendation of more than twenty princes of the<br />

Church. Containing gz illustrations and 4 coloured maps. Svo. (XXXVI<br />

and 840 pp.) Price: p., bound in half morocco I 18. 64 ,(Freiburg,<br />

B. Herder.)




From Adarn to Abraham. ( dmo to 2000 B. C.) .<br />


1.-The Orantion of the Worlr1 . ... . .. . . . .. , .. . . . . . ... . . .,. . . ... . . ... . , . 1<br />

11.-Crastton and 1';~ll of tha Angola.. . .. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. , . . . . . . . . . S<br />

111.-Cranlion of tlm First Nnn.-Paradise.-Tlre il'irst Commnndmeut.<br />

-Crcution of Evc. .. . . . . . . . ... .. . .. . . . ... . ... .. . ... .. . . .. . . . .... . . ... 4<br />

1I'.-Tl1c hill of our First Pnmnts.. ..... . .... ...... ...... ... 6<br />

V.- Cltin i ~~ld Aljcl. . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8<br />

YT.-Thc Doluga. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l1<br />

TIT.-h'oc's Offering.-- Ilia Children.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . l4<br />

VII1.- The Ton-er of Unbel.. . . ... . . . .. . . . . . .., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 10<br />

Election and Greatness of the Israelites.- From Abraham to Moses.<br />

(zm to r p R. C.)<br />

rV:.- 1-11.1 (11' . I ~ P t l ! ~ l l n. l . .. . ,. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .<br />

'.. - .'LII~.'IIIII~II' l .~TI. II~ lJi~l.*-. . . . .<br />

-11 . 1 'I1 ~'IIII:, .!li

The Age of Moscs . ( rgm to qp B . C.)<br />

I- v:r'<br />

111<br />

I I<br />

i'l<br />

..... I. ;<br />

. G2<br />

. 54<br />

.... 45<br />

.................................................<br />

................................................<br />

XXEC..!L'ho mirth of Mosea GD<br />

XXX- [rho Blight of BIoses Q2<br />

XZS1.- Tho Burnfng Bus11 ................................................ (M<br />

XSX1I.-Thc Plagacs Wruug1:ht in ................................... R6<br />

XSX1II.- Tho Pasohtd Lamb.- Dcytbrturc from Egypt ..................... 60<br />

XYXrV.-Pnsenga of tiro Bad Sca ........................................... 72<br />

XXSv.-Tho Miracles Wrought in thc Dcsart ..... ..., .................... 71<br />

XXXV1.-God Gives tl~o Ten Commrrudmorts on Mount Sinai ............. 77<br />

X.WII .-Tho Gulden Calf .................................................... 73<br />

X3XVIII.- Tho Making of tbo Tabcrnndc .................................... 82<br />

a- law^ Regulatlng Divino Worship ................................. 85<br />

XL.- The Spies ........................................................... 88<br />

XLI.-TII~ Xcvolt of Core and EIis Adherents ........................... W<br />

S,W[I.- Tha Doubt of Moses.- Thu Drrze~r Serpent ...S..........t....... 92<br />

SLI1I.-Tho P~ophecy of Balnnm .......................................... V4<br />

XL1V.-Parting Advlco of BIoscs.-Xis Dcntll ....................... ---- D0<br />

XLV.- l .: litrauce of tho laraelitoa into the Promiscd Lriod ............. 91<br />

XLV1.- Tlm Judges.-Beaeon, Snmson .................................... 100<br />

XW1I.-Ruth's Affection for Ifcr Mother-in .IAa-iv ......................... 105<br />

XLVII1.-Samuel.-Impiety of tho Sons of IIeli ............................ 108<br />

%LT.- Saul Elected King . ( 1095 B . C.) ................................... 112<br />

L.- Darid, the Yoang Shepherd ........................................ l15<br />

L1.-Dnvid Yighta with and Slnys Colinth ............................ 117<br />

]XI.-r'rlandship of Jouathau nnd Davld ............................... l20<br />

ILll.- David's Nob10 Uonduct towards Sad ............................. 1%<br />

The Greatness of the Pcople of Ismcl. From the Beginning of the Reign of<br />

David to the Reign of Roboam . (1055 to 975 B . C.)<br />

L1V..Dnvidb Pielg.. Ills Zcal Tor God% Glory ......................... 125<br />

LY.-Tho I'rophccics of Dnvid ........................................... 12'1<br />

J.1'1.-~lcvolt and Pi~niahmcut of Abanlom ............ . ............... IW<br />

IdVII.- nnvld's Last Words.- 111s Benth .................................. 1;13<br />

~~111.-~olornon's Pl*'lycr.-Kis Wiedom .................................. IN<br />

LLX-Thc l311:hldrng and Conctccration of the Tcmple .................. 131<br />

LX-801omon'e M~gniliccnoe.-Hie Sad 1Snd 140<br />


CONTEXTS .<br />

Decline of the PcopSc of Israel . From the Timc uI Roboam to<br />

Jcsus Christ . (962 B . C.)<br />

GRAFTER 1'AC:B<br />

LX1.- Division of the liiugdom ........................................... 143<br />

Decline or the Kingdom of Israel .<br />

r,x~~.-God B~~iscs up rrophcts.-Nission of tllc J'ropbot &]!RA . (907<br />

a C.). .......................................................... 145<br />

LS11I.-The Sacrilicc of Elins ............................................. 14R<br />

1.SIV.- Wi~keclnens of Achab aud Jcznbc1.-Thcir I'u~~ishm@nr ......... 161<br />

f,SV.-Elixs Ta1te11 to I1cnvcu.- TIIC l'rorughct lliscus Chosen Lu Sucoocd<br />

Irim .......................................................... 153<br />

I.r;VI.-The l'rcbr~het Jonal 158<br />

.................................................<br />

Pinal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Israel . (pi8 B . C.)<br />

LILVII.--Tobias Tltlring lllc Captivity of Ddrylon ......................... lC:<br />

ZSVII1.-Tobi:is' l'artiug Advice to lfis Son.-lwpnrlurc of the Yuur~g<br />

..........................................................<br />

..............................................<br />

ToWrs , . 101<br />

J.Xlli.- Tobins Ralnras liomo 16s<br />

Decline of the Kingdom of Juda .<br />

T.SX.-TII~ rrt~pliets Jool altA Afichcns . (790 to 730 C . C.). ............<br />

I.XXT.- King OZian. wisllinl: lu Usurp tllo PricsLIy Functions, in Slrickcn<br />

rs-ill) Leprosy. (803 B . G.) ............................ . ....<br />

LSXI1.- The Prol)llocies ot Isnias . ( 700 11 . C.). ..........................<br />

LSSIl1.- T~IU Pious Ping Ezechias . (523 to G94 B . 0.). ...................<br />

LxSIV.- Juditli.. .............................................................<br />

1,XXV.- The Bnhylonian Captivity . - Pdl of tllo IClngdam of JIIA~<br />

.<br />

( r, H n . c.1 ......................................................<br />

T,SXVI.-D~II~~I Sare~ Susnntla ..............................................<br />

LxS\'II.-The Prophet Daniel.-The Three Young BIcn iu the lpicry Furnace<br />

........................... ..................................<br />

.................................<br />

LIS1S.-Dzniel In Ihc Lion's 1)cn .........................................<br />

LXXV111.-King I%nltassnr nnll lhc Cod Bcl<br />

. . ...............<br />

I.SSX.-Rclum ul Lhc Js\vs from Cabylon (536 E C.).<br />

LsSSI.-~Y~~I~~ ............................................................<br />

LXSXI1.-Tr;mslation of thc Old Tcslalnont into Urcck . (2% E . C.).-<br />

Wise Sayings of Josns. tlla Son of Sir.\ch .....................<br />

LSXXI11.-The n1:irtyrdorn of Elcnrnr . (104 73 . C.).<br />

LSSSII'.-'rhc i\lxrtyrclom of tllo Sc\-cn ilI:~r.li;~trccs. ......................<br />

........................<br />

I.SSS\'.-mliniit Rsploits ot Judas 3lnol1nbcaa (100 11 .C.) ..............<br />

Tllncs Ceforo Christ<br />

...................................<br />

LXXXV1.-The 1.~~1




His Birth and Infancy .<br />


I.- Annunclation of the Birth of .John thc Eaplial .................... 221<br />

11.- lnnnnuii~tion ot thc Birth oi Chrifit ........................... 223<br />

111.- Thc Visitntioa ......... . ...........................................<br />

1V.-Tho Blvtli of John the ~n~~tist'. ..................................... 221<br />

V.-The Btrth of Jesus Chrirt ..................... . ............... 229<br />

v~.-The Shepherds at the hIanyer ...................................... 280<br />

YI1.-The Presentation in tl~c Tcmple .......................... . ... 239<br />

VIE.-Tlre Adc~lntion of tile 1l.igi ......................................... 511<br />

1X.-The Flight into Egypt ................................................ 236<br />

X.- Jesus nl; the Age of Twclvo Ycnrs goes to tho Temple .......... !B8<br />

XI.-John tlln RrpUst, the Prcoorsor of Christ .......................... 240<br />

X1I.-Jos'ue l8 Iinpbinea by John 11nd Temptcd by Ll~e Dcril ........... 212<br />

X1II.- The Firnt nivolples of Jcsas Cl~rist .............................. 214<br />

XIV.-Thc Pirvt BIirnclc ol Jc6us.- Ile Changca \Tator into Winc ..... ?.S<br />

XV.- Jesus clritcs tbc Sellers oilt of the Tc~nl~lc . - Discoiirsc ailb<br />

Sicodcmus .................................................... 448<br />

XV1.- Jcsna rrt thc Wcll of Jncoh ......................................... ?SO<br />

XVI1.- Jesus Prolrches at WnznrnUl ......................................... 253<br />

XVII1.-The Mlrooles of Jcsl~s ILL C.rpliarnunm ............................. 254<br />

XIX.-Tlie I[iraculoos nmogllt of Fiehcs ..................... . ......... 256<br />

XX.-Jews Ileslv the Man Sick of Paisp ................................ 258<br />

XX1.-The Scrlnon on the AIuunt .......................................... ?:a<br />

xX1I.-Tho Clire of tlla Lcpcr trnd of the Centuriorr's Servant ........... ?W<br />

~~111.-Jesnb Rnisce frum the ncli11 thc Son of tllo lTritlow oP Nnim ... ?C5<br />

XXIV.--JOII~ the nnptist scnds hIcascngers to Clhrist ...................... 3%<br />

XXV.- Tha Ponitun t Nngdillci~ .............................................. 267<br />

xxV1.-Tho Cure of tIrc31nn who 111td bcen Infirm for Tl~irtpcight 'I.cnrs . 270<br />

xxV1I.-Thc Sin ttgillust t.hc Holy Ghost . - Xary ncdorctl Ble~scd ....... 2i2<br />

xxV111.-Jcsus l'rcnctling on thc Lake of Gcnesarcrh . -Tlie Pumblc uP<br />

thc Ilrsbuntlman So~iug his Seed ............................... %d<br />

xx1X.-Christ Stills the Tempest.. ....................... . ............. 276<br />

XXX.-Jcsus Henlrr the Woman AtUicLcd with ILU Is6ue of Hlood, nod<br />

I l l<br />

, , , , ....... ,,.<br />

l l t l ! l !Ill!. l l l ' 1 1 1 1 . .

COSTENTS* xv<br />

CRhPTgR PAGE .<br />

XXX1.-Jesus Sends Bis Apoatlea ................................... ?L30<br />

XXXJ1.-John the Baptist is Put to Death ................................. 282<br />

XXXII1.-The Bliracle of the Loavee and Fishes .......................... PS4<br />

XXX1V.- Jesus Promises to gire the Bread of Life ....................... 287<br />

SXXV.-The Woman of Chanaan ..................... . ................ 2RB<br />

SXXV1.-Jesus Yromisoe Peter the Eeya oP the Kingdom of Heaven .... 190<br />

XXXYI1.- The Transfiguration. ............................................... 491<br />

XXXVII1.-The Tributc for the Temple ....................................... 299<br />

XXX1X.- Joeus nlcssea U'tlo Children ..................................... !B4<br />

XL.-Fraternnl CoiTooLion.-Forpiven~ss of Inj11ries.-The Unforgiv-<br />

ing Serrant ....................................................... 995<br />

XL1.-Jesna Scncls forth Seventy-two of Hls Uisciples ................. PBi<br />

XLII.-Parable of tho Good Samaritan. .................................. 298<br />

XLI1I.- Mary and IItrrtha ................................................ 300<br />

XT.IV.-Jeaua the Good Shepherd .......................................... 301<br />

XLV.-Parable of thc Prodigal Son ...................................... 3m<br />

XLV1.-The Parable of Dives nnd Lxznnls . 305<br />

.................... .....<br />

XLVI1.- Jesun Gives Sight to tlio Nan Born Blind ....................... 307<br />

XLVXI1.- The Lord's Prayer ....................... . ...................... 309<br />

XL1X.-The Pnrnble of the Rich Man ..................................... 3M<br />

L.- The B11rren W1g.trec ................................................ 311<br />

LT.-The Ten Lepers ................................................... 317,<br />

L1L-The Pharisee and the Publican ................................... 313<br />

LII1.- Jesue nt the Beast of the Dedication ............................ 314<br />

LIV.- The Itlch Young Nan .............................................. 815<br />

LV.-The Laborers in the Vlueynrd .................................... 216<br />

..........................<br />

nnd Death ......................... 320<br />

......................................<br />

.......................<br />

~vI.-The llaising of Lazarus from the Dead<br />

LVII.- Jesus Forctclla HIE Pa~sioa<br />

S17<br />

LVII1.- Jesus is Anointed by Nary 32%<br />

LIX.- Triamphd Entry of Jcsus into Jerusalem 23<br />

1.X.- The I)Inrriago Feast ............................................... 525<br />

LX1.-The Widom'n Mite.-DeaLruolion of Jeruanlem nud the End of<br />

the Wnrld ......................................................... 328<br />

............<br />

The Last Jurlgment ................................................ 332<br />

LXII.-The l'arable of the Ton Virains, aud of thc Talents 33<br />

~~111.-<br />

LXIV.- The La~t Sullpcr. and 11ic R'nshing of tho Disciplee' Feet ..... 834<br />

LXV.- Jo~us Jnstitutos the Nost IIoly Snornment, and Foretells tile<br />

Trcslson of Judas ................................................ 336<br />

~xV1.-Jesn~ tells Yclnr that he shall Deny Elm, nnd bide Farcn-ell<br />

to 111s Dlaaiplss .................................................. 88 ~xv~I.--The Agony of Jeans in the Garden ............................... 3a9<br />

LXVI1T.- Jesus is Seized. ................... . ............................... 341<br />

bX1X.- Jesue before Annns and Cnipbae .................................. 313<br />

LXS.- Poter Uonies Jcaus 341<br />

LSX1.-Jcsus before Pllnte and Herod .................................... 346<br />

LXXI1.-Jesus is Scourged, Grorrncd mith Thorns. and Conflomned 10<br />

.................................................<br />

Deatlr ............ . .............................................. 348<br />

.....<br />

.............<br />

...................................<br />

LXXIII.Jesua Uarrics Hia Cross io Nount Oa1vary.-11% is Crncitled<br />

1.XXIY.- Jesus Spcuks Seven I\rurds on tha Cross. and Dies<br />

12<br />

854<br />

LXXV.-.Tesus is Laid in the Scpulcher 85i<br />

LXxy1.- Jesur Rieea from the Doad ........................................ S59<br />

LXXVI1.- Jesus Appoars to Mary Mngdalen nnd Potcr 381<br />



CtIAPTPtt. P.4OlF.<br />

1.XXVIII.-Jcsus Appcnrs to Two of IIis Disciplan on the rny to Em-<br />

,I I.<br />

mlt~~... ..........................................................<br />

LXXIS.- Jcsaa Apponra to tl~c Assembled Apastles, and lustitntus the<br />

Sacr:rmeet of Pcnanee.. ......................................... 363<br />

1.XXX.- Jcsns XIcstorrs on Petcr the Supreme Pastorship.. ........... 365<br />

LXXX1.-Thc Ascension af Jcsns Cl~rist. ................................. Bsi<br />


The Acts of the Apostles.<br />

-<br />

'<br />

V L -. , -:TT-. .. _...,- ,..-#a<br />

'r;,,, I-,~P~P~I-~I~<br />

.,t &~:I:I~;;. -r*.,~-~-~ir ,T- II,* ~:~~,i- I,I,~I~ ;,- .<br />

l .-l;;- .tm.la l .*.,,l '4 !4,t*.l .:l,, .l ,,,l..-yl,.. p:.. l:x:,18L:!.<br />

I,:i 1-8- 8 0 1 I . 111.~m.11 372<br />

! F . .11'1111.:11 11..: :"111";-:' 374<br />

~,.-e:-.~',- :.?.,.. "..=.#.I,.. -a .,.,, ,.~II. I-, ia...:.;, -8,:4:v,t I;., ... nvr...~r: 3iG<br />

:,:L.-.. %+-T. .l.[,,, !.II., lInon , * :,a, ., l,, ::.,.~~t:a.,~: .:,p .b - %l..--. .. - , 378<br />

, . .-<br />

...... . T-,-'I 8 8 .'m I.:.I.II.!II 111 I.II'~~~:IIIIIL;I 11 !:;T I.::: ill I..II lrn rrl: rn?<br />

O,>.,, t'.l.,,l:.,.,r . . 3e0<br />

. : I I : f I ' 1 1 l I n 'I I ! l 1 I I : 383<br />

I YXI: I-L-!'nt~sn.'r. .I

F1 RS'13 PART.<br />



From Adam to Abraham.<br />

r~ouo-zooo PEARS nnsclar: cartIsT.1<br />

CHAPTER I.<br />

Thu heavens show forth the glory of God, and the firmament de-<br />

clareth the work of His hnnd8.-Pa. 18, l.<br />

?J the beginning God creatctf hcnven and earth. The earth<br />

I rsna void md empty, Jnrknoss was on the face of the<br />

dccp, ancl the h'pirit of God movecl over thc waters. God<br />

said : Be light mc~de,'' and light wag made. This ws~ tho<br />

first day.<br />

2. On the socon


and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and<br />

years." And it mm so done. God made the sun, moon a11d<br />

countless stars, and set them in the firrnamwlt.of l~cavcn, to<br />

shine upon t.he earth, and to rule the day and the night.<br />

i<br />

r<br />

l... .<br />

.. . .<br />

-. . .<br />

. I<br />

I. I ,,. . l I<br />

; . . . 1;<br />

. .. 'i ;<br />

, , :. .<br />

. . I . I . .<br />

a I<br />

. . 4 ;,



1. What did God create in the beginning? In what condition ~v\'ns<br />

the earth at first? What moved over the nraters? What was tkcn<br />

made? 2. What was mado on the sccond day? 3. What did God<br />

any on the third day? \.Frliat did God call the dry lnnd? Thc<br />

waters? What elsc did God then create? 4. What did God say on<br />

the fourth day? 5. What did Gad any on tbo fifth day? F. 011 the<br />

sixth day? What did God give to man? What did God do on the<br />

aoventh day ? -<br />

CHAPTER 11.<br />

Cveatio?~ and Fall of the Atzgels.<br />

O ye angels of the Lord, bless the Lord; praise and exalt Him abovo<br />

all forever.-Dun. d,68.<br />

3ESIDES the visibIc world, God also created an invisible<br />

~vorld, nnrnoly, innurnamble spirit8 called Angols.<br />

They were all good, hap-<br />

C*-- py, and endomed wi~h ex-<br />

.' &; ?' 1<br />

l 4; - -- ccllent gifts of nature ancl<br />

.. + of grace ; but they did not<br />

- . all continue in that state,<br />

for, being posacfised of a<br />

-<br />

- free will, a great many of<br />

- \f8<br />

them nbused it, lost the<br />

grace of God, and became<br />

- . ,- wicked.<br />

. _ - 2. They rebelled against<br />

God-Lucifer,their leader,<br />

saying: " We shall be lilro<br />

unto the Most High ; NG<br />

< will place our throne above<br />

S the stars."<br />

3. Then there was agreat<br />

strife in heaven. Michacl<br />

and the other angels who<br />

TIIE PALL OF BATAN. had remained faithful to<br />

1 *


God7 fought against the bat1 and rebellions spirits, whosc chief<br />

is now called Satan, or thc Devil Tllc had :uqels wcro con-<br />

qucrcxl and cast from hcavan do~rrrx to hcll The angcls who<br />

rcmninarl faitl~ful mere renrnrded with everlnsting happiness.<br />

They forever see the face of God in heaven.<br />


1. Besides the visibie world, what dicl God create? Tn what atakc<br />

were the angcl~ first? Did they all continrie in that happy state?<br />

2. What did they do? What did Lucifcr, their Ie~tler, say? 3.<br />

What Tvas there then in hca~cn ? Against whom did BIichsel and<br />

the ntl~cr good angels fight P Who wore conq~~erod, and how mere<br />

the bad angels punished ? IIow were the good angels rewnrdcd?<br />

CHAPTER 111.<br />

Cmtion of the First Man.-Pavadise,-- The First Corn-<br />

m a ? z . - e t of Eve.<br />

He that liveth forever, created all thinge togather. God only shall<br />

be juntiiied, and Ile remaineth an ilivinciblo king<br />

forercr.--Ecclux., 18,1.<br />

11 THEN God created man, He anid : '< Let us make man<br />

to our 4mnge and liken~~s, and give ]]in1 dominion<br />

ovcr :tll allinlnls ancl over the whole earth." Hc toheel fornlecl<br />

n. lmmnn hody of the slime of the earth, 1)reathecl into his face<br />

the brcnth of life, ancl man t,ecuac n livi~lg soul. At the same<br />

lnomcnt God added to thr: l~att~rc of m:m many far~ors, and,<br />

especially, s:mctifyitlg grace. Thus was made thc first man,<br />

who was na111ed Aclt~m, that is to snv, man tnlccn fsoril the<br />

cnrt.11. By his nature nian tyns the image of God; by grace<br />

he was the lilianess of God.<br />

2. By a spccial c!ffect of His goodness the Lord God cre-<br />

sted, expressly for INna, agarclen of ple;twre, c:lllecl Pnmdise.<br />

These were in it all sorts of bcnutriftd trees, c:overecl with<br />

deliciolls fruit..; and in tlin n~iilillc of tlio gartlrn stood the<br />

tree of life, rtud the tree ol lmowlcclge of good md evil. A

GRRA'I'IOS OP EVE. 5<br />

rivcr, divided into four bmnches, watcrecl tl~c whole garden.<br />

3. It was in this garden of delights tl~ut Cocl placctl nlm,<br />

that hc nlight cultiv:lte it for his orvn pleasu~c w1~1 occupation.<br />

Gocl thcn co~~~nlanrlcd nlttn, saying : '' Of every tree of<br />

Paradise thou shalt eat, but or thc tree of Irno~vledgc of goocl<br />

ancl evil thou shalt ilot cat ; for what, day soever tllou ~ hdt<br />

eat of it, thou shalt tlic the death."<br />

4, Atlam was still alone on thc earth. Hence God said:<br />

'[ It is not good br man to be alone ; let 11s make hi111 n help<br />

like 111zto lzi~usclf." T!;eii Gocl caused all the animals to<br />

come bcfbro Adarn, that he might give to each its name. But<br />

for A(l.zm there was not fourlrl a help likc unto himsclf; there-<br />

fore, casting :L tlccp sleep upon Ail:~m, God to(?k one of his<br />

ribs and furnzcd of it a, woman. TTThcn Adam awoke, Gocl<br />

brought to hi111 his wife ; and Adam rejoiced to see nnotller<br />

being like himself. Hc called her Eve, that is, Mother of<br />

the Living.<br />


1. What did God say when He crentccl man? How did IIe creak<br />

Inan? What \us the first rnnn callctl ? Bow is man the image of<br />

God, ant1 how the likeness of God ? 2. What clid Gocl, in IIia fipecial<br />

goodness, create express1 y for Inan ? What was in tkc garden, and<br />

what stood in the middle of it? 3. What commantlment did God<br />

give to man? 4. What did God fisy, seeing Adm~ still alone on the<br />

earth? Why did God causc all the ntlimals to como before Adatn P<br />

Row did God create s hclyu~ate for Ada~n? Whsb did Adam call<br />

her P<br />


The Fall of ozlr Fi~st Parents.<br />

He is rc liar, nnd the fither thereof.--John, 8,4.<br />

F a11 thc animals that God ]>ad placed npon the earth,<br />

0 none was more cru~uing than the serpent. Hence the<br />

devil, who was envious of the happiness of our first parents,<br />

made use of him in order to seduce them.


2. Eve, prompted bj* c~~riosity, approaching the forbidden<br />

tree, saw a serpent near it. IIe begail to speak, aid mid to<br />

her: " Why has God cornlnmded you, that you sliould not<br />

cat of ciTery trce of Paradise? ') Evc nnsmered: Of the<br />

fruit of the trccs of Pa,r,mdise we do sal; but of thc f~uit of the<br />

tree which is in the midst of Paradise, God has comma~~dec<br />

us that we should not eat, and that we sllould llot touch it,<br />

lest, perhaps, wc die.')<br />


3. The serpent said to the woman : "No, surely you ~11all<br />

not die if you eat of the f~uit of that tree ; but, rather, your<br />

eyes hall be opened, ancl you shall Le as gods, knowing<br />

good and evil."<br />

4. EIearing this, Eve gave way t.0 prit-lc, and she saw that<br />

the fruit was good to eat and pleasant to behold. She took<br />

and ate of the fruit, ancl gave to her husband, and healso ate.<br />

Thus was the first sin committed.


5. At the salnc tirrle tllcy lost sanctifying grace, which vwns<br />

the life of their uaul ; thcy lo~t the immortnlity of U~eir body ;<br />

their eycs were opencd, and they saw wit11 shame that thcp<br />

.were naked. In their shame and confusion they hcgan to<br />

sew fig-leaves together, in order to cover their nakedness.<br />

6. But soon they heard tl~c voice of Gocl calling them, ancl<br />

they hid themselves among the trees. And God said:<br />



Redeemcr to oiir sinfill parc?nts. 12o1r hatefnl must sin he to<br />

God, sincc Hc pronounces so terriblc n curse 011 those fzvoretl<br />

creat~rres ~vl~om Rc llad so rcccntly blcsscd. JVl~(?ii Gocl hntl<br />

prol~aanced ihe ~elltence of banishmcat and dcnth on Adnm<br />

and Eve ; when He hi~d conlm~ncled the elements to opprcfis<br />

thern in divers ways, IIo clrove tliela out of Paradise, ancl<br />

placed before tl~c gate Clze~nbinz, with flnmil~g s~vord, turililig<br />

wery ~t~u-y, to guard the wag leading to the tree of life.<br />


1. Of what animitl did thcr devil make rwe, in order tn seduce 0111first<br />

parents? 2. What did tllc serpent say to Eve wl~en she sun<br />

him at the tree*! Whnt did Erc reply? 8. Wbat did the aerpent<br />

then say ? 4. What did Eve clo ? What did ddam do 9 Whnt wns<br />

thus committed? 5. IVbat cbnllgc then took place in Aclnm ant1<br />

Eve? What did they do to cover their ~iakedllese P 0. Whnt dicl<br />

they do when God called them? What did Bdmn K:L~ ? Wl~at did<br />

God say? What clid Adam reply? Whnt did the Lord say to the<br />

womnn 7 What did she reply? 7. What did God say to the scrpent<br />

7 In w-hat words did God promise n RedeemeT P 8. What r1itl<br />

God say to the woman? 9, W11:rt did H(? nay to Adain 7 10. T7Tlrci1<br />

God banishcd Adnm s11d Evc fi9om Paradise, apl~om did He place at<br />

the e~~trnuce to guard the way to the tree of life?<br />

CHAPTER V.<br />

By the envy of the devil, death came into the nrorltl.-Wis. 9, $4.<br />

A"""<br />

and Eve had nlnily cllilrlren; the first two \~cl.c<br />

Crtin and Abcl. Cztiil was a huslrri~ldi~~l~, or tiller of<br />

the earth; Abcl was a, shepherd. Abel ~vlts just, but tho<br />

works of Caiil were cvil. Xom, it llapyened one day that<br />

they offered a sacriiicc to God in gratitude for the benefits Ho<br />

had bcsto~ved upon them.<br />

2. Able offered the firstlings of his flock, a.11~1 Cdn, fruits

CAIN AXD ABRL. 9<br />

of the earth. The Lord regarded libel and his gifts with<br />

favor, hnt for Cdn and his offerings He hat1 no regard. See.<br />

i~lg this, Csin was exceedingly nngry, ancl his countenance<br />

fell.<br />

3. Ant1 the Lord said to Cain : Why art thou angry, and<br />

why is thy countcllance fallen? If thou clo well, shalt thou<br />

not receive ? but if ill, shnll not sin forthwith be present at<br />

the door ?" Keep nway from sin. But Csin clid not heed<br />

thc Lord.<br />

4. One day he said to his brother: ."Let us go forth<br />

abroad." Abel, ~lnspecting no evil, went out with him ; and<br />

when they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel, his<br />

brother, and slew him. The Lord said to Cain : " Where is<br />

.thy brother Abel P " Cairi replied in an insolent manner :<br />

" I know not ; am I my brother's keeper?


5. And thc hrd said to hiin : What ha~t thou done ?<br />

The voice of thy brother% blood crieth to me from the eart.h,<br />

Now, therefore, cursed shalt thou be upon thc earth, which<br />

hath opened her mouth ancl rcccived the blood of thy brotller<br />

at thy hand. When thou sl~alt till it, it shall not yield to<br />

thee its fruit. A fugitive and a vaga,bond shalt tliou be upoil<br />

the earth."<br />

6. And Cain, in despair, said to the Lord : " My iniquity is<br />

greater than that I nmy dcscrve pardon. Behold! Thou<br />

dost cast mc out this day from the face of thc earth. Every<br />

one, therefore, who finrl~th Irle will lrill me." Tha Lord said<br />

to him : " No, it shall not l~e so ; but whosoever shall kill<br />

Gain shall be punished scvcnfold." Ant1 He set a inark upon<br />

Cain, that wl~osoever found him should not kill him. And<br />

Cain went out fivom the face of the Lorcl, and dtvelt as a fugitive<br />

on the earth.<br />

7. The innocent Abel &in by his envious brother is a<br />

figure of Christ, who was put to clcath through tho malice of<br />

tho Jcw~. In the conrluct 01 Cain we see the awful consequences<br />

of envy. Had hc promptly suppressed in his heart<br />

the first emotion of envy, he never n~onld have stained his<br />

hands and his soul with his brother's blood, which cried to<br />

heaven for veagcance.<br />


1. Who were the Grst two children of Adam and Eve? What was<br />

Cain 7 Whet was Abel? 2. What oflerinps clidCain and Abel make<br />

to God? Why did they offer a fiacrifice ? Were the sacrifices of tho<br />

two brothers eqr~ully well received? What happened thcn? 3.<br />

What did tho Lord say to Gain 7 Md Cain hcod the vvord~ of God 7<br />

4. Wbnt did Cairl any to Abel? What hnppened when they walked<br />

out together t What did the Lord say to Cain? Wl~t did Cain<br />

reply? 5. What did the Lord thcn say? 6. What did Cain, in<br />

despair, say to the Lord? Wliat did tho Lord reply 7 7. Of whom<br />

is Abel a figuro P What do WC see in tile conduct of Cain?



T~LE<br />

Ucltige.<br />

The wicked shall be destroyed from the earth, anrl they that do<br />

unjustly shall be taker1 away frorri it.-Pvuv. $,B.<br />

DAM lived nine hundretl and thirty ycars. Re had<br />

A many sons and dnuglltcrs, to whom hc nnnounced the<br />

TIaw of God and the comingof the Redeemer. His i~n~netliate<br />

clcscendmts also lived to a very grcat %c. Mi~athusala, the<br />

oldest of them, lived nine hundred and sixty-nine years. The<br />

people becnrne very numerous. Some were I~crdsmcn and<br />

livecl in tents ; otllcrs built cities and bocame mechmics and<br />

musicians. Tlie clescendnnts 'of the pious Setll, wvhorn God<br />

had given to Adnm instead of Abel, were good, feared God,<br />

and hence were cnllcd the cl~ildren af God. IIcnoc11, onc of<br />

the children of God, was noted for his faith cmd piety, and<br />

wits taken up alivc into heavcn. The descendants of Cain,<br />

howcrer, turned away from God, were wiclrcd, iind were<br />

c!nIled Clie children of men.<br />

2. Unhappily, the children of God began to associate nrith<br />

the children of men, and soon they thelxselves becmne wicked.<br />

Then God said thnt men nlust not Iire so long, seeing<br />

thnt they have become corrupt in their aayt;. l' His days<br />

sl~all be ono hundred ancl twenty ycnrs."<br />

3. Thc wiclred~~css of ~ncn went on iiicreasing, and thcir<br />

thoughts were continual1 y bent upon evil. Sceir~g this, God<br />

said : " I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the<br />

ijcc of the cart1l.l." Rut amongst these wicked men there<br />

wns one just and virtuous man, wl~o was called Noe.' Noe<br />

found hvor mill1 the Lord, and tc him the Lord said : " Mulcc<br />

thee an ark of timber pla~nlrs ; tLou shalt make little rooms in<br />

the ark, and thou shalt pitch it within and without, wit11<br />

bitumen. The length of the ark shall Ire three h~u~dred cubits,<br />

a113 the bread;h of it fifty cubits, and the hcight of it<br />

thirty cubits.<br />

,lNolc (pr. h'o'nli).

12<br />


4. Thou shalt malce a winrlorr in thc nrk, and door in<br />

its sidc ;' and thou sh:tlt dividc thc ark into lowcl*, ~l~ititllc and<br />

i d s o Deliolcl, I will bring the nrntcrs of n grcnt floocl<br />

upon t.hc cnrth, to destroy :ill flebh wherein is t.hc Lrcntli of'<br />

Jife. But I will establish my covenant1 with thee. Thou<br />

fihnlt enter into the ark, thou and tl~y sons, ancl thy wile, ant1<br />

the wives of thy sons with thee.<br />


5. "And of eYOTY living creature, of all flesh, thou shalt<br />

bring two ol n sort into thc ark, that they Inuy live 111itll thee.<br />

7'hou ~hult take 1111to thcc of all hod ~vllich 1i18Jr be eaten,<br />

.ancl thou sl~nlt Iny it 11p with thcc." Koe clicl all illat the<br />

Jlord Ilad cornmantled him to do. He spe~lt a liurlrlred yenrs<br />

in builciirlg the arl:, during which time he preached penance<br />

to the people.<br />

' COB'X-NAST. a bargain, an agreement.

THE DELUGE. 13<br />

6. J31i.t men heeded not the warning. They ate, drank, nncl<br />

were mnrricd just as befbre, without a thougllk of the terrible<br />

punishment that was to comc upon them. Then the Lord<br />

said t.o Nne : " Go 411, thou and all thy housc, into the ark;<br />

and after ficvcn dnys I will causo rain to fall upon the earth<br />

for forty dnys and forty uights, and I will tlastt.oy every sub-<br />

stance that T have macle, from the face of thc earth.')<br />

7. Noe cntcred into the ark, with all his fhmily, taking<br />

with him all that tlie Lord had commanded him; and the<br />

Lord shut hi111 in on the outside. And, when the seven days<br />

were passed, the fountuins of the great deep IVCYC broken up,<br />

xncl the flood-gates of heaven mcrc opened, and the rain fell<br />

upon the cart11 for forty days and forty nights. The waters<br />

continued to increase till they rosc fifteen cubits above the<br />

highest mountains. Thus every living being was destroyecl,<br />

that movecl upon the earth, both of fowl, of cattle, of bcnsts<br />

ancl all mon. Noe only rcmdned, and they that mere with<br />

hi111 in thc nrlr.<br />

8. The nrk is a figure of the Church ; for, ns no one escaped<br />

.the watcrs of the deluge,' except those who wcrc in the ark,<br />

so no one shnll escape Ule deluge of fire on thc last day, srivc<br />

those who arc in the <strong>Catholic</strong> Church, the truc ark of salvn-<br />

tion.<br />


1. How long did Adam live? Mathnsala? What were the desccndanls<br />

of Seth callcd? Whnt bccnmc of Henuch? 2. Did the<br />

c~lrildren of God al\vaya rcmsi~l good P TVl~at did Gorl then Ray ?<br />

JVere the \ric.Be(l men converted? Seeing that thcy mere not converted,<br />

\~-l~at did God say 7 5. Wns thcrc no just lr~riti on the cnrtii?<br />

\\-hat clid the Lord tell Ene to do? 4. Il'hat dicl the Lortl establish<br />

wit11 Soe? IVl~ho~n ancl ~vhat clid Tle tell him to tali~ into the nrlt?<br />

5. Hon- long IVRS IVoc builrling the ark? Did Noo warn the people of<br />

the tlrreatenc1tl danger? 0, nit1 they heed tbc ~~~nniing? TT'hnt did<br />

Cod then sny to Soe? 7. What happcnccl after Noc and his family<br />

entered inlo the arli? S. Of what i~ the ark a figure?<br />

~DEL'UGP, a great flood, or ovcrflowing of the eerth by water.



Bless ye the God of heaven; give glory to Him in tlie ~ight of all<br />

that live, because He hath showed His mercy to you.-Tab. 12, 6.<br />

OW God remembcrcri Noe, ant1 sent a wind upon the<br />

N earth. This moved the watare, and after a hundred<br />

and fifty days they began to abate. At le~lgtll the ark rested<br />

upon a rnountain in Armenia,' called Mount Ararat, and the<br />

tops of the hills began to appear. Noe perceived this with<br />

geat joy, for he had been now three hundred and filty days<br />

shut up in the ark.<br />

2. In order to see whether the watcrs had subside# on the<br />

earth, he opened the minclow and scnt forth a raven, which<br />

did not return. He next sent fort11 a dove; but she, not<br />

finding a spot n*hereon to rest her foot, returncd to the urlr.<br />

After scvcn days Ile (again sent forth the dovc. She cwne<br />

back to hini, in the evening, carrying in her mouth n bough<br />

of an olive trec, with grccn leaves. Noe, thlcrcforo, undcrstood<br />

that the waters hacl abated from off the face of thc<br />

earth.<br />

3. Hc stnyetl in the ark yet other seven days, and he sent<br />

forth the dove :~g:hin, which cldid not rcturn to him. God then<br />

said to Noe: " Go out of tlle ark." So Noe went out of the<br />

arlr with his ~iflc, his sons ancl thcir vives, together with all<br />

the living crentures which he had placed in it. Filled with<br />

gratitude tow~~rcl'ds the Lord, who had so wnntlerfully preserved<br />

him, he Luilt an altar to the Lord and offered on it a<br />

sacrifice of clean animals.<br />

4. The sacrifice of Noo was pleasing to the Lord. Hc<br />

blss~ed Noe and his sons, a~rllrl said to them : L( Increasc nild<br />

multiply, and fill the earth." God made a covenant with<br />

Noe that He \r.oulcl never apin destroy the earth with watcr.<br />

~AR-ME'-#IA, a province in Turkoy in Asia.<br />

'~u~-sI'-DED, fnllcn, to become lower.

The rainbow which we sec in the clouds is the sign of this<br />

covenarlt botmeen God and the earth. The sons of Noe were<br />

Sem, Cham and Japllet. Now Xoe began to cultivate the<br />

earth. He planted a vineyard, ancl drinking of the wine, he<br />

fell nuleep, mid was uncovcrod in his t,ent.<br />

5. Cham, seeing his fathcr in tliis condition, spoke of it in<br />

a jesting ~ v to ~ his y brothers. %'hey, howevel; filled with a<br />

.-<br />

F'.<br />

I . . .<br />

5 : ,,,,,,". ,:. :: I I<br />

chaste and holy fcar, put a cloak upon their shoulders, nnd,<br />

going backwards so as not to look upon him wherc he lay,<br />

covcred their father's nakedness. And Noe, awaking nnd<br />

hcnring vhxt had hnppencd, said: " Gurfied be Chanaan; 3,<br />

servant of servants sl~all he be unto his brethren." But he<br />

blesscd Sem ancl J:tphct. Children should learn from this<br />

example not to mock or ridicule thoir parents.


QUEST1 ONS.<br />

1. Ilow long was it before the water6 began to abate? Where did<br />

the ark reet? 2. What did Km send from tho ark, lo see if the<br />

watcrs had eubsided? Did the ravel1 returli? What (lid Noe then<br />

send forth ? Whnt did the (love Ijri~ig back in lrer mouth? 3. Did<br />

the dove roturn to the ark the third tiinc B What did Roe do on<br />

lertviiig Lhe ark? 4. Was Kods. sacrifice pleasing to the T,orrl? IThnt<br />

covenant did thc Lord make 11-ith Koe? What sign did God giw?<br />

What were the Rons of NOG called? \lThut did Woe plant? Whnt<br />

happened rvhenh'oc hail dmnk of the. wine of his vineyard P 6. What<br />

did Cham do P Whnt did his brothers do? \\'ben Noe awoke and<br />

heard what Challl had done, what clicl he then say?<br />


The Towar of BnbeZ.<br />

Excopt the Lord built1 the honse, they labor in vr~ill that build it.<br />

-PS, IM, I.<br />

VIHE descenclants of Koe so011 multiplied, and again le-<br />

- I - came as wicked as men hacl been beforc the deluge.<br />

Now, they wcro unable to live any longer together, and they<br />

said : " Come Ict us make n city nnrl n tomor, thc top mhercof<br />

may reach to heaven ; aid let us n~nkc our name fan~ous bcfore<br />

we be scattered ubroatl in a11 the lancls." But Gocl frustrated'<br />

their foolish clesign. Hc said : " Let us confound their<br />

tongue, that they may not understmcl one another's speech."<br />

2. Till then therc hacl been but one language spoken<br />

amongst incn. So the Lord scntteretl thcm from that plncc<br />

into n.11 thc la~lds, nncl they ceased to build the city. Thcrcforc,<br />

the city vrns cnllcd Babel, which signifies conft~sion, bocansc<br />

thcrc thc Inngunge of the whole earth was confounded.<br />

3. The childrcn of Sem rem:~inetl in Asin, and frorri them<br />

descencled the Israelites, the chosen pcople ol God. Most of<br />

the desceildantv of Cham settlecl in Africa, while tllose of<br />

Japhct' took np their aboclc in Europe. Thus mcrc different<br />

nntioils fom~dccl. The lliorc men rn~lt~ipliccl on the earth, the<br />

lY~vs-~n~'-~~n, thwarted, prevented. 2Jnrrrm (pr. Jaf7-et).

more wiclred they became. Instead of adoring t1.1e true God,<br />

tlicy bcgan to adore n multitntle of f:&e gods.<br />

4. Somc jvorshipcd the sun, moon and stnrs ; othcrs wrar-<br />

shiped men and bcnsts, and even the worlrs of their own<br />

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The Age of the Patriarchs.-Election and Greatness of<br />

the Israelites.-Fmin Abraharn to Moses.<br />

(zoo0 to 1500 B. C.)<br />


As God hat11 called every one, so let him walk.-I. Car., 7,17.<br />

MONGST tbe multitude of the wicked there was one<br />

A just and upright ltman. Hc was called Abram. The<br />

Lord chose him, that, through him and his postcrity,'thc<br />

true faith and hope in the promised Redcerner rnight be prcserved<br />

and propagatedx on the earth. He said to him : '' Go<br />

forth out of thy country and from thy kindred, and out of thy<br />

father's house, and come into the land which I will how<br />

thcc, and I will m%ke of thee n great nation. I will bless<br />

thee and magnify thy namc, and thou shalt be blcsscd; and<br />

in thee shall all the kinclrcd of the earth be blessed."<br />

2. The father of Abram hacl gone to settlc in ChnIdea,s aild<br />

had taken up his abode at IIaran, 1vit.11 his reldives; but,<br />

as idolntyy4 had at last ~nndc its way even into tlrot family,<br />

the Lord called Abrnm forth from amongst his kindretl.<br />

Abma~n believed the. word of God, and instantly net out for<br />

Chnllaan, taking with him Sarrti, his wife, uild Lot, his<br />

~~ephcw, and his servtz11t.s nncl his 11erds of cnttlc, After a<br />

long journey he arrived in Ule limd of Cl~nnrta~~: ancl came to<br />

Sichern, He was then sr?vt?nty-five years olcl.<br />

POS-TUB'-ITY, descendants, those who come aflei.. Y PROPA-G,\'-TED<br />

extet~detl, carried from place to place. 3 C ~ (pr. ~ ICal-dee'-a), ~ - a ~<br />

country of ancient Asia. I-no~'-a-~nl-, the \\-orship of false gods.<br />

6Cn~'-h'~~~ (pr. Ka'-nan); ncountry of Asia, now called Palestine, or<br />

IIoly Land. (18)

3. Clinnmn, on account of its bcnuty ant1 fertility, was<br />

called s Imd flowing with milk ancl honey. There the Lord<br />

again appeared to Abram, and said to him: " To thy seed<br />

will I give this land,)' Abmm, wishing to show his grati-<br />

tude, rnised in that place an altar to the Lord. Henceforth<br />

Chmnan was also called the Promised J,n.nd. Gratitude to<br />

God for past favore is the most certain means of obtaining<br />

new oncs.<br />


1. What just man was found amongst the multitude of tho wicked?<br />

Why did the Lord choose Abram? What did He say to him? 2.<br />

Where did the father of Abrm go to settle P Why did Wle Lord call<br />

Abram forth from amongst his kindred? Whom nnd what did<br />

Ahram take with him? 8. Whnt waschanaxn caILcd? Why wnsit<br />

so called? What did bhe Lord say when He again appeared to<br />

Abram? 1Vhat did Abram do to ahow hitl gratitudel Whnt was<br />

Chanaan aleo called?<br />

CHAPTER X.<br />

Abm~rz's Love of P~nce,<br />

Blessed are the pcacernakers, for they shall be called the children<br />

of God.-dintl. 6, 0.<br />

II OD blesscd Abram, :n.i~ci illereused his ]lords and those of<br />

Lot in aucll a manner thlrt tho pasture in that country<br />

was not sufficient for them. On this account n strife arose<br />

between the herdsmen of Abram find tIlose of Lot. And<br />

Abrnn~ said 60 Lot : " Let there be no qullrrel, I beseech thee,<br />

bctwecn me and thcc, and betnlcoll my herdsmen and thy<br />

hcrtlsmen ; for IVC arc brt!tlircn. Behold, the whole laiicl is<br />

belore thr3c : dcpnrt from me, I pmy thee. If tllo~z wilt go to<br />

the lcft hmd, I will tdcc the right; if thou choosc the right<br />

hand, I will pass to the left.')<br />

2. Lot chose the fertilc coi~nt~xy about the Jordan,' and<br />

'JOR'DAN, n river of Judee.<br />

2 *

dwclt in Sotlorn. Abram dwelt in Ilebron, and built there an<br />

Jtar to the Lord. Some time after this, strange kings having<br />

comc into thc land, began to rob ancl plunder the cities of<br />

Sodoln md Gornorrhn,' took Lot captive, and seized all his<br />

~~~bstancc. As Boon as Abrnm beard that Jlot had been taken<br />

captive, he, nit11 three hundred and eightecn mcll-armed<br />

men, his servants, pursued the kings, overtook thcm, res-<br />

cued Lot from their hands, and brought Em back with all his<br />

possessions.<br />

3. As Abrnm returned victorious, Melchis~dech,~ ltiilg of<br />

Salemj3 a.nd the Icing of Sodom, went out to meet 11in1. Melcl~iscdccl~,<br />

being a pricst of the Most High, offeret2 to the<br />

Lord n sacrifice of brcscl nl~d wino, n.s R ~acrifico of prnisc<br />

'SOD'OBI and GOMOH'H~IA (p-. Go-12101'-ra), at that time cities of<br />

Asin. 2 ~~EI.-C~IS'-E-DECII (pr. McI-bist-e-deli). B SA'LEM, means City<br />

of Pcace, and was aftor~vards called Jerusalem.


and t.hanksgit-ing for Abrnn~ nnrl his servants. IXe blessed<br />

Ilim and said- "Blessecl Le ALram by the Mosl High God,<br />

~vho crcatcd hcnvcn and earth ; ancl blesscd be the Most IIigli<br />

God, by whose protection the enemies are in thy hands."<br />

Abra~n gave 11im the tithest of the Imoty, The king of Sodom<br />

then said to Abram : " Give mc thc persons, ant1 the rest tnlie<br />

to thyself. ' Hut Abram .rr.onld accept of no rrtrval-d. Helchisedech<br />

was a figure of the eternal High Yricst, Jesus<br />

Christ. His sacrifice was a figure of the sacrifice of the Mass.<br />


X. Why did a strife nrise between the herdsmen of Abram nnd Lot ?<br />

What did Abram say to Lot? 2. Whcrc did Lot go todwell? Where<br />

did Abram dwell? Who came Into tlie land and began to rob and<br />

plunder? What did ll~ey do to Lot? What did Abram do when he<br />

heard what had befallen Lot? 3. Who met Abrarn when Ireretnr~ied<br />

victorioue? Who w:re Melchiaedech? What ditl ho offer to the<br />

Lord ? Of whom was Melchiaedech a figure ? Of what docs his sac?jfice<br />

remind you y<br />


A6mAnm's Faith and Hosjitidity.- Cdrcunzcisiu?~.<br />

A i a i i ,<br />

The just tuan 1ivet.h by faith.-Rom. 1, 17.<br />

BTER these things the word of the Lord came to Abram<br />

i n : l?, not, I am thy protector,<br />

und thy reward exceeding g~eat. " On a ccrtrtin night, Abram<br />

was cnlled by rr, voice from heaven, which said : Look up to<br />

heaven and number the stars, if thou canst. So shnll tliy<br />

seed be." Abram believed, and liis faith? togcthcr with his<br />

good works, j~zstific!d him before God.<br />

2. The Lord again appeared to him, when he was ninetynine<br />

years of age, and sdd to him : '{ I arn the Alnligllly<br />

God. Walk before me and bo pcrfect." Neither shall thy<br />

name be called any more Abrm, n high father, but Abraham,<br />

'TITIIES, the tenth part.


father of the multit.ude, becauee I have made thee n fnther of<br />

many riations. I will establish My covenant betwccn MC and<br />

thee : All the male kind of you shall be circnrnciscd. Sarai,<br />

thy wife, shall be called Burn, uild she aka11 bear thee a son,<br />

whose name thou shalt call Isnac.'<br />

3. AY Abrahslm was ono day, about noon, sitting at thc door<br />

of his tent, he saw three Irleir approaching. He ran to meet<br />

them, bowed down bcforc them, and invited them to rest in<br />

his tent and partake of some rcfreshment. Calling Sara,<br />

his wife, he told her to make fiome cakes of tho finest flour.<br />

He caused the best calf of his herds to be killed for the<br />

e~ltertainment of the unknown visikwu. Butter, inilk and<br />

honey wcrc also plnccd bcforc them, Abraha~n llimsclf wait-<br />

ing upon his guests.<br />

4. After the meal, when they mere about to depart, one of<br />

the etrangers said to Abrahnm that after a ycnr IN npoulti re-<br />

turn, rtnd that Sa.ra, his wife, \vould have s son. Then itbra-<br />

ham understood that the Lord God IIimself, accoulpanieil by<br />

angels, wss his guest. I



Destvivcthn of Sodom aptd Gomowha.<br />

EZe shall raiu snares upon inners : fire and brimstone and st,orms<br />

shall be the portion of thcir cup.-Ps. 10, 7.<br />

RRAKdM went part of thc way with the strangers, who<br />

A were going to f3oclom. As they journeyed along together,<br />

the Lord said to Abrahsm : " The cry of Sodorn and<br />

Gomorrha is multiplied, md their sin is become exceedingly<br />

grievous." He told him thnt He would destroy thc<br />

two cities. Abraham was stru~.ck with fear; for, although the<br />

rncn amongst whom he livcd were wicked, hc loved them as<br />

neigbbors.<br />

2. At last. drawing near to the Lord, he said: 61TVilt Thou<br />

destroy the just with the wicked? If there bc fifty just men<br />

i11 the city, shall they perish witI~al? and wilt Thou not spare<br />

tlmt plnce for the prnlre of the fifty just, if they be therein?"<br />

The Lord rcplied : " If I find in Soclorn fifty just rnciz witlzin<br />

the cily, I will spare the whole place for thcir sake." And<br />

Abrahnm said : '' Seeing I bavc once begun, I will speak again<br />

to my Lord, whereas I am but dust and ashes. If there bo five<br />

less than fifty just persons in thc city, wilt Thoudcstroy it? "<br />

3. And the Lord said to Abraharn : 'L I will not dcstroy it<br />

if I fillcl five and forty." Abralmm continued to plead in tllig<br />

ma,nner, till at lust the Lord said to him : " I will not dcstroy<br />

it for tho sake of ten." Then thc Lord disappeared, and<br />

Abrnhnm returned to his tcnt.<br />

4. Thc ten just men were not found in Sodom, and the two<br />

angels were senl; to destroy it. They reaclied Sodom in the<br />

evening, and found Lut sitting at the gate of tho city. Lot<br />

invitcd them it110 his house, and the angels said to him:<br />

Arise, got YOU out of this place, for the Lord mill dcatroy<br />

it.'' Lot went that night to two young mcn who were to<br />

marry his daughtere, and told them to arise and go forth,<br />

for the Lord would destroy the city.


5. Hut .they thought that he spoko in jest. At thc first<br />

dalvll of dn.3~ thc ni~gela prcsseil Lot to dcpnrt, saying : Takc<br />

thy vife and thy tnTu daugl~tcrs, lest you also perish with<br />

thc wicked city." And, as Lot pltill lingered, they took him<br />

by tl~c hand, and, nx it were ngainst Ilia will, led him and his<br />

family out of the city, warning them all not to loolr back under<br />

pin of death. -<br />

6. Lot's vifc, however, looked back, md was instantly<br />

changed into ;L pillar of sdt. The sun had just risen when<br />

Lot entered tho neighboring city of Segor. Thcn the Lord<br />

rained do~vn from heaven Grc and brimstone, and utterly destroyed<br />

those two wicked cities, with all their inhabitants,<br />

7. On the site where these cities once stood is now the<br />

Dead Sea, a: sulphnrous lnkc which infects the air around,<br />

and is carcfully shunned by man and beast. A tcrrible ex-



3. Then he tool< the ~7ood for the holoca~~st and laid it<br />

upon the shoulclers of Isnac. Hc himself carried in his<br />

hands fire and a word. As they went along Isaac said:<br />

My father." And Abrallam ansrrrered : " What wilt thau,<br />

son ? " '' Behold," snicl the sor~, " firc ancl rvood : wIiera is<br />

the victim for the holocaust '? " Abrnhnm replied : " God<br />

. .<br />


will provide Himself a, vidirn for a holocaust, my son.,' So<br />

they went on together.<br />

4. When they reached the top of the mountain, Abrahsm<br />

ercctcd' an altar, placed the rvood upon it, bound his soil and<br />

laid him on the aItnr. Thcn hc put forth his band allcl took<br />

the srvonl to sacrifice his Eon. But behold! an angel from<br />

henvcn cried out to him, mying : Ahraham, Abrahnm."<br />

And he answered: 'L I-Ierc! I am." And the nngcl said:<br />

" Lay not thy hand upon thc boy, ncithcr do thou anything<br />

to him. Now I know that thou fcnrcst God, and hast not<br />

~pnred thy only-begotten son for My sake."


6. Abrnham lifted up his eyes and saw behind him a ram<br />

stiolcing fast by his horns in the bushes; him he took and<br />

oflcred, instcad of his son. The angel of the Lord spoke<br />

ngnin to llbrahnm, saying: " By My own self haye I sworn,<br />

saitll the Lord, becal~slsc thou hnst done this thing, ar~d hast<br />

not spared thy only-begotten son for My sakc, 1 will bless<br />

thcc, and I will multiply thy seeti as the stars of hcaven and<br />

as the sand tllnt is by thc sea-shore. And in thy seed ahnll<br />

all the nations of thc earth be Llesscd, because thou hast<br />

obcyed My voice." Then Akraharn returned home with his<br />

6011.<br />

G. The seed, or person in whom a11 nations shall be blcst,<br />

is the eamc that ~vns promised in Paradise; it is tlie Savior<br />

who was descentlcd from Abrharn, nud who recleerned mankincl<br />

from sin and hell. Isaac, anrrying the wood on which<br />

he hinlself was to be sacrificetl, is a true figure of Christ<br />

currying IIis cross. Abraliam is a gmnd rnodcl, which<br />

parents ought to imitate. Thcy sl~ould love thcir childrcn<br />

muell, but not so much as to tr~lsgress,~ for thcir sake, the<br />

labvs of God.<br />


1. What was Abrnharn's son named7 What did the Lord do in<br />

order to see whether Abrahntn loved his son more than God? 2.<br />

Did Abrrtham obey 1 What did he do? %'hat did he say to his ser-<br />

vants? 3. What did lie lay on the shoulders of Isaac P What took<br />

place as they went along? 4. What did Abrahnm do when they<br />

reached the top of the mountain? What did the angel say from<br />

hcaven to Abrahnm P 5. What did Abraharn sacrifice instoad of his<br />

son 7 What did the angcl again say ? 8. Who is the seed in whom<br />

all nations shall be blcst? Of whom is Ienac a true figure? Why?<br />

For whom is Abrahmn a grand model ?<br />

I Tna~s-a~~ss, to break, to violate.



Isaac Mawies Rebecca.<br />

He that trustetb in the Lord shall be set on high.--PTOV. I, $6.<br />

OW Abrahw was advanced in years, and the Lord had<br />

N blessed him in all things. IIe, honwcr, wishcd, before<br />

his death, to see his son ~veclcled to n virtuous wifc.<br />

But, as the daughters of the land were wicked, he aaid to his<br />

old servant Eliezerl: '( Go to nly own country and kindred,<br />

and take a wife thence for my sun Isaac ; but takc earc not to<br />

take one of the daughters of the Ghannauite~,~ among whom 1<br />

dwell." The servant promised to observe faithfully all that<br />

Abrahltm had commanded him.<br />

2. Hc then took ten camels of bis master's herd, loaded<br />

them with rich presents, and set out for Harnn, where hT*<br />

chor,' the brother of Abraham, dwclt. Arriving there, hc lct<br />

his camels rest ncar a wcll outside the city. It was in the<br />

evening, thc time when the young women were wont to come<br />

out to draw water from thc wcll. Thcn he prayed fervently<br />

within himself that heaven might prosper his undertaking:<br />

3. '( 0 Lord, I beseech Bee, show Irindncss to my master<br />

Abraham. Behold, I stand nigh the spring, and the dax~ghters<br />

of tl~c inhabitants of the city will come out to draw water.<br />

Now, therefore, the maid to whom I shall say : ' Let down<br />

thy pitcher that I may drink,' and shc shall answer : ' Drink,<br />

and I will give thy camels drink also,' let it be the same<br />

whom Thou hast provided for Thy servant Isaac; and by<br />

this I shall understand that Thon hast shown ltiadness to my<br />

master." He Imd not yet ended his prayer when Rebecca, a<br />

beautiful and modcst maiden, came out, carrying a pitcher.<br />

4. She went, down to the spring, filled the pitcher, and wm<br />

returning, when Eliezcr ran to mcot her, and said: " Give<br />

lE-~~-~'-~~~~.<br />



me n little watc?r to drinli out of thy pitcher." She answcred<br />

him kindly : [' ])rink, xny lord." And quiclrIy shc lct down<br />

the pitcl~er'npon her arm, and gave him drink. And when<br />

hc l~acl clmiik, she said : " I mill drw watcr for thy camcls,<br />

also, till they all drink.)' Thcn, .pouring water into the<br />

troughs, she let the camcls drink.<br />

fi. After thoy had dnlxilc, thc servant presented hcr with<br />

golden ear-rings and brwelcts, saying to her : '' Whose<br />

da.ughter art thou? Tell me, is there any plnce in thy father's<br />

house to lodge ? " She ans~vered : " I am the daughter<br />

of BsLhuel, thc son of Nnchor. WC have a good store of both<br />

straw end hay, ancl a large placc to lodge in."<br />

6. Then Eliezcr bowed down :tntl adored tilelord, saying:<br />

"Blessed be thc Lord of my nlastcr Abraham, who hath not<br />

takcn way His mercy and truth from my master, and hath<br />

brought me thc straight way into tlic bouse of my mnstcr's<br />

brothcr." He was then invited to the house, and brcad was<br />

sct before him, but he refused to eat until hc had delivered<br />

his message. Whcn he Bncl gtated the olojcct of his conzing,<br />

Lnban, thc brother of Rebecca, and Hnthuel, her fathcr, anowercd<br />

: " The word hath procecdcd from the Lord : we csnnot<br />

speak any othcr thing bnl; His pleasure. Behold! Rebecca<br />

is beforc thee : take her and go thy way, and let her be<br />

the wife oftl~y master's son, as thc Lord hath spoken."<br />

7. Then the servant bomcd dolvn to the ground, adored the<br />

Lord, and, bringing forth vesfiels of silver and gold, with gmmelits<br />

of the fincst texture, presented thcin to Rebecca. Hc<br />

also presented rich gifts to hcr brother and mothcr. Then,<br />

full of joy, he pnrtoolr of the refxesliments offcrcd him. Next<br />

mor~~ing, aftcr Rebecce had receivc?tl the blessing of hc!r parents<br />

ancl brother, she ~i?t out with her maidens for hcr destined<br />

home, :lncf, on arriving there, bet:amc thc wife of Isaac.<br />

Abrnllam lived several years a,ftcr Isaac's ~narriagc. He<br />

diccl, aged onc huncirecl and seventy-five years, nncl was<br />

buried by his 8011 at IIcbron, where Sua, his wife, hail been<br />

buried before.



1. What did Abraham desire to see before Hi8 death ? What did<br />

he ssy to his ~ervlzn t P 2. W hat did Eliezer then c10 P 3. What waB<br />

his prayor at evening by the well? Who came out just then fr71n<br />

the city? 4. What did Eliezer eay wllen he nlet I~er? What did<br />

Kebcaca reply? What did she do? 5. \17ith whqt did Eliezer then<br />

present her? What did be ask her? What was Rebccca's answer?<br />

6. What did Eliczer then Bay? What did he rerrise to do? When<br />

be had stilted to the father and brother of Kcbccca thc objjcct of his<br />

coming, what did tliey anmer? 7. What did the servant then do?<br />

What happened nest monling? Whoee wife did Rebeccs become?<br />

How long did Abraham live ? Where was he buried ?<br />


Esau a d Jacob.<br />

The father'a blessing establisheth the house of the children.--<br />

Ecclus. 3,.11.<br />

SAAC and Rcbcccrt remained twenty ycars without chil-<br />

I dren. At length God heard their prayer, and gave them<br />

two sons. Tllc first-born, Esau, IVBS red and l~airy,<br />

ancl of a<br />

rough, harsh temper. Jacob, thc sccond, waEc smooth in ap-<br />

pearance ant1 gentle in his bearing. Esau hecunle :t slrillful<br />

hunter and a husbandman. Jacob was n plain man, and<br />

dwclt in tents.<br />

2. Isaac lovcd Esau, and ate with pleasure thc game that<br />

hc had killed. Rebecca, on the other hand, loved the lr~ild<br />

and gentle Jacob. She loved him the more because an ai~gcl<br />

had revealed to her in a vision that hc, instcad of Esau, had<br />

found faror wit11 God. One clay JacoB was cookillg a mess of<br />

pottnge, when Esau, coming homc fi'om the fit!ld faint with<br />

hunger, said to his brother : " Givc me of this pottage, for I<br />

am hungry.' '<br />

3, Jacob said to him: "Sell me thy first birW~right.'?<br />

Esnu replied: lLLo l I clie of hunger: what )trill Ihe first<br />

birthright avail me ? " Jrtcob ms~vercd : c' Swear, therefore,

BBAU AND YACOB. 31<br />

to rne." Esauz slvorc, mil sold hie birthright. And, taking<br />

brerid allcl the raess of potlagc, lie ate and drank and went<br />

awry, rnalring little ac:oount of having solcl hix bjrthrigllt.<br />

4. Now, Isunc was old and hat1 lost his eyesight. Ou(? day<br />

he called Esfiu, his son, and said to him: "My son, thou<br />

seest I axn old, I know not tllc day of my death. The<br />

thy arms, thy quiver and bow, 4 go abroad; and when<br />

thou hast tnlccil something by bnntirig, make rnc savoyy meat<br />

thereof, as thou lmonrest I likc, and bring it that I lnay eat,<br />

and lny sou1 MAY bless thee before I dic." Essu promptly<br />

. = .- **<br />

I ! :, * -<br />

obeyed the command of<br />

, . . his fatkcr, and went to<br />

- 0<br />

I I<br />

-F l . the field8 to hunt.<br />

I<br />

. l<br />

- d<br />

. . . 5. Rebecca hacl over-<br />

.l<br />

heard thc words of IS~BC,<br />

# . .-<br />

and fenring tl~ttt, con-<br />

.. .<br />

I trary to the will of God,<br />

1. L:,<br />

1l(,<br />

1 4 , \ - s - o<br />

.<br />

1 Esaxu might be preferred<br />

-: ! i :: .,. '8 l., 1 to Ja c o b, she said to<br />

.S,? :,.3<br />

I him : " KOW, my son,<br />

!,.+>, $;,' .,<br />

follow my counsel. Go<br />

.., . : ./ _.<br />

- . to the flock and bring<br />

- . me two of the best kids,<br />

;. . ,.C.:'.. ., ,F asn'.8;<br />

that I may make of them<br />

~ner~t for thy father, such m he gladly eateth ; so that, after<br />

lmving eaten it, he ma.y Llcss tllcc before he die."<br />

6. Jacob Iiastened to the floclr rind brought two kids. Rebccca<br />

preparcd thcnl as tl~ough they were gir.me, and then<br />

clothed Jacob in Essu's best gcirmcnts, and covercd his neck<br />

and hands ~trith the skin of thc kids, and sent, him to his<br />

fnther with tllc meats she? had prepamd.<br />

7. Isaac! aslred : " W110 art t,ho~l, my son ? " Jacob ana~l~crecl:<br />

" I am Esan, thy first-boni ; I have done as thou<br />

hnst commanded; arise, it, ancl eat of Iny venison, that thy<br />

soul may LY~CSB me." I~nnc sdd again : " Come hither, that<br />

I may feel thee, ray son, and may PP'OVO whether thou be my


son Esau, or no.', Jacob then drew near to his father, ancl<br />

Isaac, touching him, sa,icl: (i Thc voice, indeed, is the voice<br />

of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esilu." And he<br />

gavc him hia ble~sing.<br />

8. Scarcely had Jacob gone out when Esau cme with the<br />

game hc had talren and cooked for his father. '(Arise, my<br />

fttther, and eat," said he. Isaac, in surprise, nslrcii him :<br />

'L Who art thou? " and he answered : " I am thy first-born<br />

son, Esm." Ancl Isaac saw tlht Jacob had deceived him.<br />

Then Esnu roared out with a grcnt cry, saying: ('He hat11<br />

already taken from me my birthright, and now he haul<br />

robbed me of my father's blessing ! "<br />

9. Then he said to his fi~ther : " Hast thou kept no blessing<br />

for me ? " And, as hc continuecl to cry out a~nd lament,<br />

Isaac, moved will1 compassion, s:id to him : "In the fat of<br />

the earth, and in the dew of heaven from above, shall thy<br />

hles~ing be. Thou 8hdt live by the srvord, and shalt scrvc<br />

thy brother ; but thc time hall come when thou halt shake<br />

off md loose his yoke from thy neck.'' From this time E~au<br />

hated his brother.<br />


1. Who were tho two sons of Isanc and Rebeccs? Whnt wns the<br />

difference between the two brothers 'l What did E~an beeomc?<br />

What did Jacob prefer? 2. Which of his cons did Tsaac love?<br />

Which did Rebecca love? Why did Robecca love .Tacob? What<br />

happened ono day when Jncob was cooking a moss of pottage7 3.<br />

What did Jecob Ray to Esnn? Whnt did Esan reply? Did Esau<br />

make miich accplint of having sold hie birthright? 4. What did<br />

Isaac, bcing old slid blind, say one day to Fsan 7 6. WJlnt clid gobecca<br />

say to Jacob when E~nll wa~ gone? Why did gfie tell Jacob<br />

to deceive his fatkcr? F. Ditl Jacob obey bia mother? TVhat did<br />

be do? 7. What did 11is father a~k hitu when he brought in the<br />

kids? Whnt did Jacnb reply? What ditl Isnnc say again 7 Wbnt<br />

did he my after touching Jacob? What did be then give him 7 8.<br />

UTho catno in then ? What ditl ESRU R:LY to his father? Whnt dicl<br />

Rsau cry out? 9. What did Isaac thcn say to him, bei11g nloved<br />

with colllpassion ?<br />



JzcoB's r;15rkt and His Sojoo:rr)z with I~6n7z.<br />

Have confidenctl in the Lord; in dl thy ~ r~ay~ thinlc on Him, and<br />

IIc wi!l direct thy steps.-Prow. 9,s twit 8.<br />

SAU was very angry becnt~sc he hn,d lost thc blessing,<br />

]E E u resolved C kill Jt~c-ob. Rebeoca know the evil illte~~t.ions<br />

or Eanu, a-ntl saw thttt the life of JacA IV:~ in cl:i11-<br />

%cr. Slla, tl~crcfore, eallccl Jrtcob and said to him : " My<br />

son, Ace to L:~ban, my brothcr, and dwcll with him till tho<br />

wr;~tll of tliy brothcr 11nth llnsscd away." Jaoob at oncc sct<br />

out.<br />

2. As hc -nrent on, it happcncd that night ovcrtook him on<br />

ail open plniri. Being tired from the journey, he lay down<br />

on tl~c groulid ttnd slcpt, having a stonc for a pillow. It1 lris<br />

slet+p hc saw a 1:rddcr rrli~lding upon the cn~th, the top touching<br />

hcnven; and by it the atlgcls of God ascel~dcd and descended.<br />

3. The Lord was leaning upon the ladder, and said to hiru :<br />

Rr:llrrarcr.. 1)iblo ItirL

" I am the Lord God of Abraham, thy father, rind the God of<br />

Isaac. The lnl~d wherein thou slecpcst, I will give to thcc<br />

and to thy seed. Ancl thy geed shall bo as tile (lust of the<br />

earth; and in thee and thy sccd all tl~ct tribes of the earth<br />

shall be blessed." Ancl when Jncob nwokc from sleep 11c<br />

said. Indccd, the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not,.<br />

How terrible is this plaat: ! This is no other but tl~c houso<br />

of God and tlie gntc of hcnvcn."<br />

4. As soon ss the morning clawncd he took thc! tone upon<br />

which hiu head had lain during UIC vision, aiid set it :cs rr<br />

monument ; he also poi~recl oil upon it, in honor of God, ai~{lltZ<br />

cllmgcd thc name of the place from 3,llzf~ to'l-hthal, that is to<br />

say, the honsc of God. IIe also made a vow, saying : If<br />

God sbdl be with me, and I shall return prospcronslp to my father78 house, the Lortl shall be my God; and of all thing<br />

that Thou shall givc mc, I will offer Gitlles to Thee."<br />

5. This being done, he continued his journey, and, having<br />

come to a well near which three floclcs of sllccp wcre lying,<br />

11c atlciressed thc shepl~erds who were tending their flocks,<br />

saying: Bretllxcn, ~vhanc:c are you? " They answercc1 :<br />

" Of Haran.'' He then aslrccl them if they knew Laban, the<br />

son of Nachor. They replied : WC know him : and behold !<br />

Rachel his danghter co1netl.1 with his flock."<br />

6. When Rachcl drew near, Jacob nlet her in a f7iendly<br />

manner, and rollcd thc stono from the rnouth of the well, so<br />

that her flock might drinlr. I'Ie informed Ilaichel that lie was<br />

the son of Relsecca, her father's ~istor. She joyfully ran<br />

honlo and aiinouriced the glad tidings to her fnther, who,<br />

coming out, embraced Jacob and then conducted him to his<br />

house.<br />

7. Jaeob remained twenty years with Laban, tending his<br />

flocks with great care 2nd fidelity. But L:~bm tried, by vxrious<br />

ur-~just means, to witllllold from Jacob R part ol the hire<br />

to which hc was jnstly entitled. Nevcrthclcss, God blessed<br />

Jncob, and he became rich in flocks, and herds, and seruniiL8.


8. The mysterious Iadclcr -\~hich reacl~od from cnrth to<br />

hcavcn is a. figure of Christian ohurches, in which tl~c migels<br />

bcnr up our prayers to heaven, and return to us lsdc~l wit.h<br />

graces.- ~l~e~rrc!cl in w1101n all ~lntions of tllc earth sllaIl be<br />

blossecl is tl~o Snvior of the n~odcl, ~110 JV~S first prorniscd<br />

in Paradise, then to ALrahm~, ngiin to Isllrtc, an4 uow to<br />

Jrtcob.<br />


1. Why did Esau hate Jxoob ? Whnt did he resolve to do? What<br />

did Xebecca atlviscJacob to do ? 2. What happencd to Jacob on the<br />

way ? Whnt did 11e see in slce1>? 3. Who lealietl upon thc ladder?<br />

What did the Idorcl say 'l What did Jacob guy whcn he awoke7<br />

4. Wtiut did hc rret up as CL monument? What did hc call that<br />

place? b. Whom did Jar:oX) meet at B \yell? 1~'hnt did Jacob do on<br />

mccting Racllel? G. Of what did Jacob inform Rnchel ? Who then<br />

came out to meet Jacob? Whither did Laban conduct him ? 7.<br />

Wow long did Jucob retnair~ with Lnbrcli? 8. Of what is the mysterions<br />

ladder a figure P What is said of our churches? Who is<br />

the secd promised to Jacob 7<br />


jacob Retarns Honz~, n?rd is Recowcileed with His Brwtlzer.<br />

Loving one snothor with the charity of brotherhood.-Bum. .I$, 10.<br />

\\;,TILEN Lnban saw that Jncob had become very rich, he<br />

bcgan to envy him, and cca~ed to regard hirn mith<br />

fairor. T1lcn God said to Jacob : " Return into the ltmd of<br />

thy fathers. I .rvill be will1 thcc." Jacob rose up without<br />

delay; and set out mith all he possesscd. IIe had rcached<br />

the bnnlcs of t?le rirer Jordan, when he began to fear on at:count<br />

of his brothcr. IIo sent messengers bcfore him to say<br />

to Esau : '' Lct me find ftlvor in thy sight.'?<br />

2. The messengers returnccl, saying to Jacols : Esau<br />

cometl.1 with speed to meet thee, with four liundred mcn."<br />

Then Jncob was m e afraid, and hc thus prnyecl: 'L God of<br />

my f:tthers, 0 Lord, who naidst to mc, ' Return to thy lmld,'<br />

1) 4


I am not worthy of the lcnst of nll Thy morcics, and of Thy<br />

truth mliicll Thou h:~st filltillcd to Thy servant. With my<br />

staff I ~ R R S C over ~ this Jorda.11, and lloiv I rcturn ~vith two<br />

cornpnnics. Dclivcr me fi.onl thc hallcl of nly brotI~cr.~'<br />

3. During thr: iiight ~ZII ugcl appc~~'c(l tu Jacob, wit11 whom<br />

11c rvrelstlcct till morning. Ailcl Jacob snicl to the angel ; I<br />

will not Ict tllcc go, exccpt thou bless me." The allgcl said<br />

to him: " IIcnceforth thy namc shall not be cnllcrl Jac?ol~<br />

but Isracl," that iu to say, one who has ~r~stlccl ~vjtll God.<br />

EIc tllcn divided his chilrlrr:11, his servants, al~d his flocbs<br />

into coinpnrlics, nnd, putting llinlscli' at thc head of ollc of'<br />

thcm, hc ndvttnccrl to meet; his bruther, bowing seven ti~nes<br />

to the ground beforc him.<br />

4. But ICsa11, rcjoiccd to sce his brother Jacob, ran to meet<br />

him, and cnlhrltcccl him with nmny tears. Thcn, perceiving<br />

the children, Ile asbcd : ".TThosc arc those ? " Jacob ]*c-<br />

~>licci : '< They are tLc children which God 11stll givcn m~."<br />

And, mnliiilg x sign to tllc!m, they all nclvar~ccd and ho~cd<br />

clown before Esau. Jscob then prcsclzted Esau with scvcral<br />

flock~l.<br />

5. But Esa11 reft~sed them, saying: "I have plenty, my<br />

brothor ; kccp what is tllinc for tllyself." Jncob insislcd,<br />

aid t;ilicl: '' T 13c~ccch Clice, take tlie blessing which Gucl<br />

l-lath given mc. " Tlicn Es:ku yicldotl to his praycr, ancl Jacob,<br />

full of gratitude for the protection of God, continnt:d his<br />

journey, a:~d arrived in tl~c 1:~nd of Cha~iaa~~, whcre his ~ged<br />

father dwelt. lsnac was 11nplly tlint bis son had rctulncd,<br />

and lived after this nbonL t~vcnty ycars. l'inally, cnfccbled<br />

by age, IN died oilc hundred and eighty ycnrs old. Esau md<br />

Jacob buried hi111 at IUebrol~.<br />


1. Wl~st did Lnban do, seeirtg that Sacob had hm~nc rich? What<br />

did God ,sag to Jscol,? Why w.ns Jncob ucized vitll fear whe~i hn<br />

hod rcnclied tho banlis of thc Jc~rdan? What mcscnge did hc fiend<br />

to Esnul 2. What wns Jecob's prayer when i~c heard that his<br />

brotlrcr was coming to meet him P 3. Who appcamd to Jwob du~illg


the ni~ht and wrestled 114th him? 4. That did Esau do when he<br />

saw his brother coming? 5. Where did Jscob arrive soon aftcry<br />

Whom did he find there?<br />

J<br />

CHAPTER XVllI.<br />

By the envy of the devil, death came into the world ; and they<br />

follow him that are of his side.--Was. 2,24 and $6.<br />

ACOB had twelve sons, and he loved Joseph nbove all the<br />

others, becnusc hc was youi~g nnc2 very goorl. And Jscob<br />

made hirn a coat of divers colors. One d:ry, when the brothcrs<br />

were a11 tending their flocks, some QC thcin cornmittcd a<br />

most wiclred c~ime. Joseph, bcing shoclcetl and angry, told<br />

his father, on his return home, wh%t he had seen.<br />

2. From that titne forward his brothers hated Joseph, and<br />

could not speak to him IrindIy. Joseph had om:c a rernnrk-<br />

:cI,Ie drcnm, which he thus related to his brothers : ''lIcnr<br />

my drcnm : I thought nrc were binding sheaves in the ficld,<br />

nnd my sheaf arose, ns it were, ant1 stood, and your shenvcs,<br />

standing about, borvcd dorvn before my shcnf."<br />

3. His brothers rcplied : " Shalt thou bc our king? or shall<br />

we be snl~jcct to thy clominion?" Anil they hated 11i1n<br />

more that1 hcforo. Joseph drcnmcd, also, that the sun, the<br />

moon and cIe+en stars nrorshippeci him. His fathr rebuked<br />

him, saying : '( Wl~t mcnncth this dream? Sh:lll I, and thy<br />

mother, ancl thy brrthrcn, worship thce up011 the cnrth? "<br />

4. But Jacob thought within himsclf that perhaps God knd<br />

destined Joscph for great things. One day, when the sons of<br />

&,cob hntl gone, with their floclrs, to Sicllem,' .Jncob said to<br />

Joscph : Go and see if all things be well wit11 thy brethren<br />

mcZ the catllc." IIe ohcyctl, and wcnt in auzrch of tllcin.<br />

5. When they saw him nfnr off, they ~nid : Behold, the<br />

dreamer cometh. Let us kill lli11i and cast him into some old<br />

1 SI'CIIEBC (pr. Si'kem).


hands be not defiled, for he is our brother.'' The others<br />

agreecl, and, thc merchants having come up, they drew Joseph<br />

out of the pit nncl soli1 him for twenty pieces of silver.<br />

Joseph wept and besought then1 to have pity upon him, but<br />

in vain. The merchants took him away with them into<br />

Egypt.<br />

8. Rcnben, being absent at the moment, knew nothing of<br />

this wicked bargain. On going to the pit into which Joscph<br />

had been cast, and not finding him there, he rent his gayments<br />

in despair, saying: " Tho boy doth not appcar, and<br />

whither shall I go?" The other brothers remained quite<br />

unconcerned.<br />

9. EIaving killed a, kid, they dipped doseph's coat in the<br />

blood and sent it to their father, snying: "Tllis me have<br />

found ; sec if it be thy son's coat or no." The father, Lnoving<br />

thc cost, mici : " It is my son's .coat ; n wild beast hat11<br />

devoured Joseph." Then hc rent his garments, and, putting<br />

on snclrcloth, mourned his son n. long time.<br />

10. Hia children gathcrcd around and strove to soothe his<br />

grief, but he ~vould not be comforted, saying: "I mill go<br />

down to my son into the grave mourning." Jacob thus<br />

expressed his 'uclief in tile i~nmortality of tl~c soul. Joseph<br />

was here, as in some other circurnstnnces of his life, a figme of<br />

Christ. Joscph was sold by his brct.hren ; our Lord by one<br />

of His apostles. Joseph forgave his brethren ; Jesus prayed<br />

for His enemies.<br />


1. How many sons had Jrrcob? Which of them did he love more<br />

than the others? What aort of coat did Jacob have made for Jo-<br />

seph ? 2. Why did the othcr brother8 Imte Josep11 ? TVbat remark-<br />

abledream had Joseph 7 3. What else did he drcam? 4. What did<br />

Jacob think n.iM~in himself? 6. Whcn Jacob clent Joseph to some<br />

distallce from home, to sec if all were well with his brethren, what<br />

did they say when t hy saw him coming P 6. M'hicl~ of the brothcro<br />

songht to deliver Joseph from the ha11t1e of the others? Wbat did<br />

Reubcn sey to them? What did they do to Joneph? Whom did<br />

the lrrrnthcrs sea passing by? 7. Wbat did Jnda then say? To


~hom m-au Joseph then sold ? For ham much 7 8. Did Reuben<br />

know of thie ~vickcd bargain? What did he sny xrhen he went to<br />

tbc pit and did not find Joscph there? 9. lIThat did the other<br />

brothers then do 7 What diddscob sag when hc 6~~x5- Jo~epL'8 coat?<br />

10. What clid he sag when he would not be comforted? Of whom ie<br />

Joseph s figure? Why?<br />


Jo~eph i ~ the z House of Pat$ha~.<br />

Fear God nnd dcpnrt hou~ evil.-Pvozr. 3, 7.<br />

arriving in Egypt, the merchants gold Joseph to<br />

0" Yutiphar,"l~e captain of tlic royttl gna~rl. And tEio<br />

Lord was with Joscph, blcssing him in all hc did; wherefore<br />

he found favor in the sight of liis rnastc~, who gave him<br />

cllarge of all 1lis honsehold, And the Lolarl blessed tlle house<br />

of the EgyptianYor rJoscph'~ salre, arid multiplic~l his richcs.<br />

But after gome time Joseph was ssvercly tried in his ncw<br />

lioinc.<br />

2. The vife of Putiphar ~rnrged him to commit a most grievous<br />

sin. But Josepll ~i~oul{l not consent, and sdcl : Belluld,<br />

my xrraster hat11 delivered all tl~ings to mc. IIo~v, tl~en, can<br />

I do this wicked thing, and in against my Gocl? " Bnt cvcn<br />

this decided refusal clid not p~e-\rent the ~viclied wornan from<br />

rcne~ving her attacks on Joseph's virtllc, and every day sbo<br />

import~zned him anew. Hut Josepl~ ~voulcl not listcn.to hcr.<br />

3. NOT, it so Ilnppcncd that Joscph was onc clay done in<br />

the house, nttcncling to some Business, 1r1ic:n tllc woman took<br />

ll~ld of tlzc skirt of his clo:~lr mcl rcnen ed l~cr slia~~zcful propoml.<br />

But Joeeph fled, lceving his cloalr in her hands. Tlie<br />

lyo~nan, seeing herself thus alighted, begnn to hate Joseph,<br />

and accnsotl llim to her hnsbnncl of attempting the very<br />

cdxnc ~~lhich slle 1i:td tried in train to induce lliru to commit.

4. Ptztiphm, believing his wife too easily, caused thc innocent<br />

young man to be cast into prison. The cl~aste Joseph<br />

is, in his firm resistance to temptatioa, a modcl for all young<br />

people. This history teachcs us, also, Q~nt in this ~vorld tlle<br />

good have solnetilncs to suffer unj~istly, Xmt tl~at if they remain<br />

patient ;md pray for tlzeir encmies, ss Joseph, thcn their<br />

suffering will soon be turned into joy.<br />


1. To whom did the merchants all Joseph? Did ha And favor in<br />

his maeter's siglit? What did the Lord blerju for Joseph'ssnke 7 2.<br />

Who urgcdJo~eph to commit a grievouu sin? '\\'hat did Jnseph sny<br />

when hu refi~scd? 3. What 11appc?lied ono day when Joseph was<br />

alone in thc honse? What did Joseph do4 \\'\'hat did tlm \wman<br />

begin to (10, seeing herself tha~ slightcrl? Of what did she accuse<br />

Joeeph to her husband? 4. What did Putil)lrar do ? For whom is<br />

tlie chaste Joseph a model? How must we behavc towards our<br />

e~~emies<br />

P<br />


Tlie T,ord your Got1 trictl~ ;vou, tliat it may appear whether ?on<br />

love I-1im.-DetrL. IS, 3.<br />

OSEPH was now pining in prison, amongst crituinds.<br />

Bul even here God clicl ]lot abandon him, and m~lisccl<br />

llim to find fixvor in thc sight of the keeper of the primn,<br />

who gave him cha.xgc of all the prisoners. Arrlong~t thcsc<br />

mcre tl~? chief Lutlcr nrld thc chief baker of Pl~z~tto,' accused<br />

of treason against thcir king. Aftcr sornc tirnu they both,<br />

or1 the Hame nigl~t, had n. drc:am, which pcrpleseci' thcnl 'and<br />

nlacle tlia~n sad.<br />

2. Joscph, ycraciving their sadncss, nskcd tllcm, ~nying :<br />

" Why is your countcnanco ~atldcr to-rlny th:~n usni~l'.~ "<br />

They answeret1 : " We llnvc drc?amcd s dream, and there is<br />

I ~IIA'RAO (11r. Fa1-TO). ~'EXPZEXED, puzzled.


nobody to intcrprct it to us." Jo~leph said to thcrn : Doth<br />

not interpretation1 belong to God? Tell me what you have<br />

dreamed."<br />

3. The chief butler first told his dream : " I saw before me<br />

a vine, on which were three branches, nrhich, by little and<br />

little, sent out buds; and afterwards tho blofisorns brought<br />

forth ripe grapes. And thc cup of Pharao wae in rny hand,<br />

and I took the grapes and presscd them into the cup which 1<br />

held, and I gave the cup to Fharao."<br />

4. Jo~leph answered: "Thi~i is the interpretation of the<br />

dream : The three branches are yet thrcc days, after ~vhich<br />

Pharao will restore thee to thy former place, and thou shalt<br />

prcscnt him the cup as before. Only rclncrnber me, when it<br />

shall be well with thee, and do mc this kindnees, to put<br />

Pl~arao in mind to take mc out ofthis prison."<br />

6. Then t11c chicf baker, seeing that Joveph had so wiscly<br />

interpreted the dream, said : " I also dreamed a drcrtm, that<br />

I had three baskets of meal upon my hencl ; and that in ono<br />

basket, which was upperr~lost, I carried all kinds of pastry,<br />

and that the birds ate out of it."<br />

6. Joseph said to him : " This is the interpretation of the<br />

dream: The thrcc baskcts arc yct three days, after which<br />

Pl~nrno will take thy hcad from thee and hang thcc on a cross,<br />

and the birds shall tcar thy flesh." The third day after this<br />

was the birthday of Pharao.<br />

7. At the banquet he remembered thechief butler arid chief<br />

baker. Tbc former he restored to his place; the latter he<br />

caused to bc hanged upon ugibbet. The chief butler rejoiced<br />

in his good fortune, but hc t11011ght 110 more of Josepll.<br />


1. In whose sight did Joscph find favor when in prison? Who<br />

were amongst the prisonera? 2. What did .Toseph ask them? 3.<br />

IVhnt did the chief butler dream? 4. What interpretation did Jo-<br />

sepb give of that dream7 6. What was the chief bsltcr'a dream?<br />


tbe nct of explaining what is unintelligible or<br />

no1 rrndorstoud.


G. What did Joscph say WRS the meaning ofthe chiefbltker'sdrenm?<br />

7. Wlrrt 11appened at the ba~~rlr~et tlrree daya nfter, on Pharrto'~<br />

birthday? Did the chief butler remember Josepb when rejoicing in<br />

Lin goad fortune?<br />


Rehold, thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord.-<br />

Pa. U7, I.<br />

4 TER two years, Phnrao 11hd x dream. We thought ho<br />

A' etood by the river Nilc, out of which came seven cows,<br />

very beautiful and very fat; and they fed in marshy places.<br />

After them came, also, sewn others that were lean and illfavored,<br />

and they devoured the fat ones. Then the Icing<br />

a~volre. He slept again, a11d dreamed anothcr dream, in<br />

which he saw seven enrs of corn growing upon oue stalk ; a d<br />

the enrs were full and fair.<br />

2. After thcsc came up sevcn other ems, thin and blightcd,<br />

dcvourillg all the beauty of the former. Pharao awoke a<br />

second time, and, morning bnving corne, he sent for all the<br />

soothsayers and ~visc rnen of Egypt, and rclatcd to them his<br />

dreams. But no onc was found who could interpret them.<br />

3. Then the chief butler rcmcmbcrcd Joseph, and was<br />

sorry tllnt hc had so long folgotten him. He told the king<br />

that tl~crc was in the prison a Hebrew youth who had inter-<br />

prelcd dreams for him and for the chief baker, and that all<br />

had come to pass just as he said.<br />

4. The king's curiosity being cxcitcd, he ordered the youth<br />

to be brought before him. Thca 110 addressed him, saying:<br />

"I have dreamcd drcams, and there is no one that can ex-<br />

pound them. Now, I have heard that thou art vciy wise at<br />

interpreting them." Joseph ansnpcrcd : " God alone can give<br />

Phwao s prosperous ansmcr." Phrtrao thcn rclated what he<br />

had sccn.

44<br />


5. Having heard the dreams, Joseph said: " Gocl hat11<br />

shown to Pharao what Elo is about to do. The seven beautiful<br />

liino, and thc seven frill enrs, are seven years of plenty;<br />

the sever1 lean md thin kine, and thc seven blasted enrs, are<br />

eesen years of famine. There shnil comc scrcn years of great<br />

plenty in the whole land of 12gj711t, aftcr which ~hrlll fo1101~<br />

other seven years of so great s scarcity that all the abundance<br />

I-_..<br />

' > ..a<br />

. .<br />

- . - . . - .-l .%<br />


- .<br />

before shdl be forgotten ; for the fan~inc sliiill consnmc all<br />

the Inncl, and tl~c g~cntnet;~ of the scarcity shall destroy thlo<br />

greatness of Uzc plcnty.<br />

6. " BowJ thcrcfore, lct thc king provide n ~viac and inclustrious<br />

nlnn, who slinll gnf,hc:r illto hnrns tl-rc fiflll part of the<br />

f~wit of the scvclz ycars af plcnty, 60 tl~nl it Le ready against<br />

the sevcn ycms of f'nminc." This counsel was plcasing to<br />

Phxmo, and ha said to his courtiers : '' Can nrc find such an-

otI~er man, that is fill1 of the spirit of Cio~l? " Tllon thc king<br />

s:iid to Joseph: "C::L~ I iiud oi~o wiser ;uid on(! lilic ~iilto<br />

tllco '? Thou shnlt bo over lily I~ouht:, ;id :it ill(: (:on~~na~ldlilc~lt<br />

of thy month nll llic l~col~lo bliilll U~I:Y. Only in the<br />

kingly thronc ~vill L bc alovc! tl-IPO."<br />

7. Then the Iiing, Ilnvilig 111:1tl(! .loseph I-ulcr ovcr all the<br />

land of JSgypt, took tl~u ring from his own hand i ~ placed ~ d<br />

it on tht of Joseyli. IIe ]>nt on Ililll, also, n rohc of hill



The So?ts of jacob go iltto Egyft.<br />

Revenge is Mine, and I will repay them in due time.-Deut. 98,55.<br />

T H E seven gears of plcnty came, as Joseph had foretold.<br />

- There was grcat abundance everymhcrc. And Joseph<br />

gathered the surplus of thc grain every year, ni~d stored it<br />

up in the gr:~naries. But nficr the years of plenty the seven<br />

years of scnrc!ity set in, and tho fanline ~lrevailcd in all thc<br />

countries. The people of Egypt cried to the king for brcad,<br />

but ho answcred them : " Go to Joseph, and do all that 110<br />

shall say to<br />

2. Joseph opened all the granaries, and sold to the Egyptians.<br />

Lilrewisc tllc people from othcr countries came to<br />

Egypt to buy corn. At last the famine rcachcd Chmaan, and<br />

Jacob, having henrcl that there was wheat in Egypt for pale,<br />

sent tcn of hicl clons with money to buy food. Hut Benjamin,<br />

the youngest, he kept at home, fearing lest some evil might<br />

befall him on the way.<br />

8. The tcn sons of Jacob arrived fiafely in Egypt, and seeing<br />

Jaseph, they bowed down before him, not knowing that<br />

he wits their brother. But he at once recognized them, and<br />

remembered the dreams hc had dreamed. He wished to<br />

know whether they were now sorry for their sin ; so he spoke<br />

to thern as if they were strangers to him, and said: "You<br />

are spies."<br />

4. They answered: It is not so, my lord, but we have<br />

come to buy food. We, thy ~c?rvante, are twelve brethren,<br />

the sons of one man in the land of Chmaan. The<br />

;youngest is with our father ; the other is not living. " Josepll<br />

then cast them into prison threc days. On the third clay he<br />

brought thern out, and sdd: " If you be pcncenljle men, let<br />

one of your brethrcn be bound in prison, and go ye your<br />

ways, and carry thc corn that you have bought into your<br />

houses ; and bring your youngest brother to me, that I may<br />

Ancl your words to be truc, and you may not die."


6. Tben they said one to another : We devervo to suffer<br />

thcsc things, because wc have r;i~lncd against our brotl~er,<br />

socing the a~lguish of his soul ml~en hc besought us aid 1\10<br />

would not hear; tl~ereforc is this nfniction come upon us.''<br />

TIkey thought that Joseph did not underslst~d thcm, for he<br />

spoke to them through an interpreter. But he understood<br />

all that they said, and his heart was lnoved to pity, so that,<br />

tunling aside from tbem, 11e mcpt.<br />

B. .But, in ordcr to see if tllcir repentancc was sincere, he<br />

returned to tl~cm and ordorcd Silrleon tcr be bountl before<br />

tlicir eyes. Thcn he commandecl l~is servants to fill their<br />

~nclts with ~vl~eat, a11d ~11t cach ~ilun's money secretly in his<br />

sack, and give Illem, bcsides, provisions for thc jouri~c?y.<br />

Tliiv being clone, they loaded their asses with thc corn and<br />

returned home.<br />

7. Thcy related to their father all that h:id happened, and,<br />

011 opening their sacks, every n1a11 found his money tied in<br />

tllc mouth 01 his sack. Secing this, they wcre troubletl and<br />

afraid. Aiid Jacob said to thorn : " Ye hnvo made lr~e childless.<br />

Joseph is not living, Sinleoli ie kept in bonds, md Benjamin<br />

ye will take away. My 6011 shall not go down with<br />

you, for if any evil herall him you will bring my hdrn in sorrow<br />

to the grave."<br />


X. What did Josepll do when the @even years of plenty came?<br />

When the famine years camo, and the people of Egypt cried to the<br />

king for bread, whnt did he say to thcm? 2. What did Joseph do<br />

then? Who sent hi^ sons from Ghanaan to Egypt to buy corn 'r'<br />

Which of his sonu did Jacob keep at home? 9. What dirl the ten<br />

sons of Jacob do when they were presented to Joseph 'l What did<br />

Josoph then mmembar? What did he nslt hisbrothers, and of whal;<br />

did he accuse them? 4. Whnt did thay say in reply? What did<br />

Joseph say? 6. What did the brothercl say ono to atiollier ? Did<br />

Joeeph undoratand theln? 6. What did he do in order to see if<br />

their rcperltance was nirlcero? Whnt dill he com~naltd hi^ ~ervants<br />

to do7 7. What did Jncob Bay to his guns when they hld him what<br />

had Lappeucd ?<br />

-P- -

Stretch out thy hand to the poor, thnt thy espi:rlio~~ and thy blessing<br />

may bc 1~crllrtet1.-Ecclus. 7, 36.<br />

,> UT afler somc rno~~ths tllc corn rvllic11 tllc sons of Jncob<br />

L 11:rcl brought from ]Egypt was consi~llic!d, :uld Llle fkmine<br />

still c:oritirmcd. Tbcrcf'orc? Jncob said to his sons : 'g Go<br />

again into Egypt allcl bring us n little food." Juil~ told his<br />

fathcr thnt tlit: govcrxlur h:~d forbiclclcn thcm to come back<br />

to Egypt 11ll1~ss they bru11g11L Ben.j;tnlin wjth them. And<br />

Judn nrlrlctl : Send t h boy ~ with me, t11:~t mc mny set for-<br />

~varcl, lcst both Itre :~ntl orlr cliildrcn perisll. 1 take tlie boy<br />

upon mc; rcquirc hirn t~t lily l1;1111l."<br />

2. So Jncob conscntt!tl to lct Benjar~~iri go, And hc told<br />

his sons to take sonw of tlio bcst 11-uits 01 t11e country as prcsents<br />

to Ihc governor of 15g?pt, and also to r~:till.ii tlie moncy<br />

~v11ic11 tlley l~scl fuiind in thrir sacks, lc~t, perhaps, it was<br />

donc by rriistnlre. Thcn ho pl-nyed that God might prosper<br />

thcir jo~~nlcy and ~nnlcc thc governor of ICgypt favorable to<br />

tl~cm, :mrl scrlcl back with tllcln Simcon nnci 13ci1j amin.<br />

3. Thcrl tl~ey went clown to ICgypt and stood beforc Joseph.<br />

Whcn Josepli saw thcm, and llcrljatnin in thcir midst, he<br />

commn~'lrlcd his steward to conduct tl~cn~ to his house ant1<br />

prepue n bni~quet. The sle~rurcl obeyed. But the brothers,<br />

on finding thclnselvcs i11 tile governor's house, were scixccl<br />

with i'enr, itnd mid one to :inntller : '' Bec:u~st! oi the moiloy<br />

which WC? c:~rried back thr! fir;& timc in our sntnks, we arc<br />

brought in, th:~t he runjT bring upon us a false accusation, and<br />

by violc~lcc mdce slavcs of us."<br />

4. Tlicrcforc they \t1ent to tllc steward at the door, and said :<br />

\Ire cannot tcll ~vlio put ll~xt money it1 our bags." Rut IN<br />

said tu them : " Poaco bc to you ; fear not." Ancl hc brought<br />

Sirneon out to them. Jo~cph now having e~llerud the house,<br />

they bowcd down before 11i1n and offered their gifts. IIe


kindly xalutccl them in rctrrrn, and aslred if their aged father<br />

was yet living.<br />

6. Thcy told him thnt their fuller lived and nras in good<br />

l~ealtl~. Then Joseph, seeing 13enjnmin, inquired if thnt rvas<br />

their yourigest brother. They ansnterecl : (' IIe is our young.<br />

est brother." Then Joseph sa.icl : " God be gracious to thee,<br />

lily $011 ;" and, going out, hc wept,, for his l~csrt was deeply<br />

toucllcd at the sight of his young trot he^. Having dried his<br />

tears nncl wasllecl his face, he returned to his brethren md<br />

ordcrcd food to bc placed before thcm. Then they werc ordered<br />

to sit bcfore him, and hc placcd tberr~ t~ccording to their<br />

aye, tlic first-born first, and the yo~~rigest last. A11 received<br />

gifts, but Berlja~nin five ti~ncs more than the rest.<br />

And they wondorcd very ~riuch.<br />


1. What did Jacob say to his son^ when the corn brought from<br />

Egypt was consi~~ned and the farnine co~~tinued? What clid Juda<br />

tell hiw fibther? 2. What ditl Jacob tcll 11i~ fion~ to lake with them<br />

to Egypt'? 3. What did Joscph tell tlre stelvnrd when ho H~\V Benjamin<br />

with the others7 Wbst did the brothers, being wked with<br />

fear, say to one rnlotlrer? 4. I-Ionp did Joseph rer:eive them? What<br />

did he ask them? 5. What did Joeeph do on seeing Benjamin?<br />

How did Ire place them at tt~ble?<br />


Josrjli's Sivrr Cup.<br />

It is good for me tbnt Thou hast humbled me, that I may learn Thy<br />

justifications.-Pa. 38, 71.<br />

Josr<br />

LP~-2 sl~omcci this yreferenr:t? for Bcnjninin in ordcr to<br />

see if his I>rotllers 11nd ovcrcomc thcir former ellvious<br />

feelings. Hc ~uishcd to knorv, also, whcthcr they redly<br />

luvetl tl~cir youngest IsruLlior, or 1v11cther they would sacrifice<br />

him, nlso, to UIO spirit of j~i~l~ll~y.<br />

2. Hcnce he cornrt~arnded the st.etvard to fill tllcir sacks with<br />

corn, and to put each onc's moriey i11 the top of his swk;<br />

Scaus~~a, BibIe Hist. 4


hut to place in the mouth of Bel~jamin's sack Joseph'e own<br />

silver cup. This was done, md Uie brothers set out 011 tl~eir<br />

journey.<br />

3. But they had scarcely gone forwartl fi littlo nrsy nhcn<br />

Joseph selit his steward rtfter them, who, overtaking thonl,<br />

aa:nsed thr?m of stcnling his ~nnst.c!r's cnp. Hc said : " \\%S<br />

hnvc ye rctnrncd cvil for good? j7 Stru~li with tcrror, rmd<br />

angry at bciag suspcctccl of tllcft, tho brothcrs rcpliccl :<br />

" Mrith ~~homsoescr the cup shall be fow~cl, let him die, and<br />

we will be the bondsmen of my lord.'' Tl~e ~jtelvard replied :<br />

'' BB it according to your worcl~. )'<br />

4. They i~nmedialel~ tvvk clo~vli their sacks and opt:ned<br />

thcm, and when the ste~vnrtl hntl searcliccl t11c1n all, brginning<br />

wit11 that of the eldest, hc found tl~c cup in 13cnjaminYs<br />

saclr. Thc brothcrs, rontlh>g thcir garments, loaded thcir<br />

asses again and rcturned to the city. And, falling down be-<br />

£me Jompb, they sdcl : " Beholcl, we arc 111 burltllr~en to lily<br />

lortl." But Joseph answered: " Godforhicl ! lIe that stole<br />

the cup, 110 shall be my lonclrr~an, ancl go you away free to<br />

your fatller."<br />

6. The11 Juda told Joseph how much it had cost their fi~thcr<br />

to part wit11 Benjarnixl. I'l~ey wuuld rntlicr die, all of them,<br />

he snid, than to return to their aged fi~tller without his<br />

youngcst son. Jltdtl, moreover, offered to xem:lin and be the<br />

gover~~or's slave till death, if he .rr.oald r~llom Bcnjn~nin to go<br />

back safe. to his father. This proposnl sl~owecl lloa sitlccrc<br />

was the rel~entanco of the sons of Jacob fur their i$r~uer crime.<br />


1. What WRR Joaeph's object in ellowing a mnrlrcd prcferencc for<br />

Benjamin? 2. What did hc, thcrcforo, commarld his wlt:ward to do?<br />

3. l\lllo~ didJosep1~ send arter tilebrothers? Of what did the steward<br />

accuse them? What did thc brolllers rcplpP 4. In ~~hoso snck<br />

was the cup fonnri? What did the brothers then do? What (lid<br />

Jowph snfiwcrf 5. What did Judn thcn toll JosephP What did<br />

Juda offer to do? What clicl tl~ix prul~ossl show?

Uc ye kind, one to uliothcr: merciful, fol-giring o11c et~other.-<br />

rpn 4, ,?g.<br />

coulrl no Ioagcr rcstl-nin himself, ancl, therefore,<br />

lie commnncic!tl his officers allcl servants to rc?til.c. Then,<br />

with tears and R(II)s, he sdrl: "I ;~m Joseph. Is my ihther<br />

yct living ? " .Uis brothers conlrl not anstjrrar I~im, being<br />

st~,uck with exceocling gr:l.e:lt fear. Hut Joseph said rl~ildly to<br />

thcni: '' Conle ncm-rr to ~nc. I ,2111 Joseph, your brotlier,<br />

tvl~o~n ye old into Egypt. Fc3.r nothing, for Gorl scnt me<br />

bcforo you into Egypt, for y011r ~~rcscrrntion."<br />

2. Then he said : '' Make ka6-tc aud go ye up to my Iatlier,<br />

4 *

5 2<br />


and say to him : ' Thus saith thy son Josepll : Corne down to<br />

me ; linger not ; rtnd thou shalt. d~vell in the 1;uld of Gessea ;<br />

and thou shalt 1)a near me, tl-iou and tJhp sons.' '' Then, falling<br />

upon t,he neck of .75onjnmin, l1c ~vcpt., and Rc~~jsmin wept<br />

dso in likc mnnncr. Thcn hc enzhrncccl all his brct.llren, a.11~1<br />

wept orer each of them, after which they were cmboldei~ed lo<br />

speak .to him.<br />

5. The ~ ~cws welit abroad in the Itixlg's court : The brethren<br />

of d-oscph are come. And I'hnraa, ~vith J1 his Eanlily, was<br />

glad. I-Tc toltl Joseph to invite 11is f':~.t.l~cr and his kretl~rell to<br />

comc to 1Fgypt. Joseph gz1v(? his b~.othcrs chariots, and provisions<br />

for t,hc my. .l-l'o o~~rlcrccl two robes to be give11 lo<br />

each of tl~em, but t-o ::Hc~?jnrnilz hc gave five rul~eu of 1Le bcsl,<br />

with three htlndrcd picccs of silver. Besides, 11e gave t1~en.l<br />

rich ])resents for their fcdher, aricl \yarned them not to be<br />

angry in t,he way.<br />


1. What did Jo~eph, unaljle to restrain hirnfielf n11g longer, command<br />

lri~ ofLcers and sorra~~ts to do? \\'hnt did ho say, wit11 k:srs<br />

allcl sobs? 1Vi~:rt. rlicI Ite afterivards say, tellirig his 11rothers t,o drew<br />

near? 2. Whet did lle tell them to do? 3. IVhen the news went<br />

abron(1 that Joscj~h'~ Zlrcthrcn had cwnc, what clid Pharxo tIo?<br />

What did Joseph give to I I ~ H brother^ P What did he give to Denjarnin<br />

P What warning did hc give thcm?<br />


Jncob Goes hto IZgjYt.<br />

Horior thy father and t,hy inother, illat t,hou 11.1ny~t be long-lived<br />

upon tt~e larld, ~v\.l~ich the Lord thy God will girc tl1co.-B:vod. 20, 12.<br />

W"""<br />

JOSCPII'S h~cthre~~ ~et~irne~l to tlicir fa.thcr, they<br />

told 1ii11i : ~oscpl~ t,hy soli is living, nncl 110 is ruler<br />

in ,211 the lalld of Egypt." Nut J-scoh dicl not bclievc then],<br />

until they eho~~~crl lliiri tile chariots mid all the presents that<br />

Josepll had salt. Thcil he awoke, us il were, from a cleep


deep; his spirit revived, ant1 he saitl : L' It is enough for me<br />

if Joseph my son hc yet living. I will go :~nd scc hi111 1)cfore<br />

I die.?'<br />

2. And he sct out for JSgypt, with his whole fsrnily ancl all<br />

his possessions. Nhr.11 he li:icl rcncked the co~~fincs of Channan<br />

he off(:r.cci a ~:~(:rifice t~ (;atl, who spolie to hi111 in a<br />

visioi~ of the night., s:rying : " Fear not; go down into Egypt,<br />

fur I mill make a gront nntioiz of thee there, ai~d will bring<br />

ilzcc back again from hence. "<br />

3. Consoled by thc vision, Jacoh continuetl 11iu ,jonrney,<br />

nnrl arrivccl in Eg~'11t. Jncln went on in edvancc, to apprise<br />

Joseph of his father's approncl~. Josel)ll immecliutely made<br />

yearly his chx~~iot, slit1 nrcnC up to meet his fi~tllc?~.. AB so011<br />

as hc saw liim coming he dosc!euclecl horn his chn~iot arid (.mbrncecl<br />

lihn, weeping.<br />

4. Anti Jacob snitl to Joscph : " Mow I sl~nll die ~ itll joy,<br />

becnuso T have seen thy facc atlrl Ic:tve t11(~ alive." Joueph<br />

~)r(+sct~ted his father to Pharuo, who arket1 11ini : L' HOW i~i:~~iy<br />

arc the years-of thy lifc ? " .l ncob allsmcred : " 'I'lle clays of<br />

my pilgrimage are a hundrc*tl and thirt.~. y cars, f'clv ant1 cvil,<br />

nncl t21t?y are not come up to the d;tys of the pilgrilntlgr! of my<br />

filhers.'' Tlwn Jncob, haring )Jlcssccl the king, ~ctired<br />

Ancl Joseyll gave his fiithcr and his brotl~c~s possessions in<br />

tlte land of Gossen, thc nlost bcnutiful mzd fertile part of<br />

Egypt .<br />

QUEST1 ONS.<br />

1. What did Joseph'~ brstl~t*en tell lheir father on their return?<br />

Did Jacob believe them? 1jrhat clid 11e say lien he auoke ns from<br />

rt sleep? 2. TVhd did bc do tllen? \\'but did Jscolr do wbc:11 lie<br />

rc!uched tho conlines of(:liansanP 5. iirl~nt did Joseph do wl~en told<br />

bp Juda that his father wns al)proaching? W11:tt did ha 110 when hc<br />

Raw his fnthw? 4. JYllnt did Jncah RIIY to Jome1)1~? Tt'hub clid<br />

Phnmo anli Jacob? Wlknt did ,lucob tell thc Itiug '? Wkcre did Joseph<br />

give his father and brolhers poesoasious ?



Children, twar tl~e judgment of yonr fntllcr, and so do Lbnt ynil mlry<br />

be snvat1.-Bcclrrs, 3. 2.<br />

ACOll lived scvcnlecn yc:lru in Qcssen. When the (lay of<br />

J his death nlq~roaclicrl, .Jrrst:l)h, wit11 his two sons, Rp11raiin<br />

nnrl hInnasst?s, went to risit 11i1n. Jncnb lcisacrl tho<br />

Boys, b1esst:d thorn, nalrl p~nyctl tl1:tt thc n.ngcl ~vho bad dclivr3red<br />

hiin from rwil (luring lifc might protect thc Fjnlls of<br />

Joscph. To Josrph hc snirl : " I

my ~I~fitli, nnd vill ~nnka you go np out of this land, to the<br />

lantl which Elr: slvorc to Abr:lh:~rn, JSZICG 011cl Jncob. C:trry<br />

my hol~es ~\litli yon out of' this plncc." He then (liecl, nnd<br />

they e~~b:\l~nc!rl llirn i~ntl lnid him in .z coflin.<br />

6. The mo~.ds of Jncob to his son Jnda refer to the SaVior,<br />

who ~vns cxpcctctl by tllc ;~:~tions, nnrl who was rlescer~decl<br />

from .Tnilrc. The patrinroh Joscph is a figrue of St. Jbsnph,<br />

the foster fntller of Christ. T11e onc was ruler in Egypt; the<br />

otller is tlic? protector of tl~c Calllolic Churc!h.<br />


I. How long clid Jncob lirc in Gcs~nn? 1Vl1o went to visit him<br />

vllen the clny of hia tfenth alqn-oached? Whom did ho pray to protect<br />

.foseph's nona? Tlrl1at did hc any to Joseph? 2. To whom did<br />

Jxoob give s ~jpecial biassing? IVlist did he prophesy far him P 3.<br />

What did Jacob tltttlt tell his sous to do for him? \+'h:rt did Joaeph<br />

do 9 TVl~atclid heordor to bedone? 4. What tljdYharaocommand?<br />

71Thnt did Josoph do ~vllen the time of' mourning wae past? 6. How<br />

long did .To~epli live? \f'hon Ilia end drew nigh, did he say to<br />

his brethren 7 G. TJ'hat (lid Jacob promiee to Juda? Of whom was<br />

Joseph a figure P<br />


Job's Patie?tce.<br />

Whom the T,ord loveth He chnstiscth.-Hel. 19,6.<br />

?J the timml of tlic pnkinrclis there lived in Arr~bin n man<br />

I rvhon~ God wished to give to dl ini~nkind, nnrl for all<br />

time, as n perreet nloclel of pnfianac. This man's name was<br />

Job. He lind seven fioiirr :uld B ~ee daughters. He owncd<br />

seven t11ous:tncl S~IL'CJI, tl~~*i?{? thousnnd cnmcls, five hundred<br />

yolre of oxen, five lluildrerl die-asscs, and had agreatnumber<br />

of ~t!r~-an ts.<br />

2. On this xccor~nt, and still more becautuse of ki~ singular<br />

piety, hc mm held in high esteem among the pc?aple of the<br />

east. One clay the Lord said to Satan : " Hast thou considered<br />

my servant Job, that there is none like him in the


earth? '' Satan, answering, said : " Dot11 Job fear God in<br />

vain ? Thou hnst blessed the work of his hands, and his<br />

posscssioi~ hath increased on tlie earth. But etrctcll fort11<br />

Thy hand ailcl talie away his possessioi~s, tliea Thou shalt sce<br />

tliat he will niunilur against. Thy providcncc."<br />

3. Then the JAortl said to Satan : "All tllal he 11nth is in<br />

thy 11n11d ; only put not forth thy band up011 his pc~'son." Bo<br />

it came to pass that 011 one occauion, when the Bonv nncl clnughters<br />

of Job were feasting in the house of thcir clclest brother,<br />

s messenger ca.me to Job, exclaiming: c' The oxen were<br />

plougliing, arld the :isses feeding bcsidc thcm, and tbe Szltrc?axis<br />

rushed in and took all i~.j~~.zy, and slcm the servants wit11<br />

the word, :~nd I :&lone have esco,pod to toll tliee,"<br />

4. While he was yet spealiing, nl~otllcr mcsseilger came to<br />

tell Job that firc h11 from hcnven, which fitruclr the sheep and<br />

the sbcphcrds, nncl that ho done hncl escaped. Wbilst hc<br />

was yet speaying there came x t1lir.d ~uessengei., who ntinounced<br />

to Job PiiLt the Chaldeans Eiad taken anray his caiuels<br />

and s1:~in the servzrits, r~ll but himself.<br />

5. Then came a fourth messenger, who, entering in, said to<br />

Job: Whilst thy sons ant1 daughters were eating :u~d drii~king<br />

in thc house of their cldcr brother, a, violent wincl eame<br />

011 a snddcn from thc sidc of thc dcuert, ancl shook the four<br />

corners of the honsc, ancl it fell ancl crushed thy ahiltlrcn, and<br />

they are dead, and I alone have escaped to tell the(?.''<br />

6. Then Job rose up ancl rent his gannctnts, rind, having<br />

shaved his head, fell down npon the ground and ~vorshi pccl,<br />

saying : The Lord gave and the [,orcl hat,h talren away. As<br />

it hn.th plonsed the Lord, so it is dnnc. Wcssed be the name<br />

of thc Lortl." In all tbcsc: things Joh sinncd 1101 by liis lips,<br />

nor spoke hc nay foolish thing against God. Ancl the Lord<br />

sdd to Satan : '' Hnst thou consi(lcrcc1 111y servalit Job, that<br />

there is nolie like lli~n in tlie earth ? " Satan rcplicd : "A11<br />

tl1a.t n, man ]lath lie \rill give for his life ; but put forth Thy<br />

hnncl, touch his bono nncl his flesh, and thcn Thou shalt sec if<br />

be will not curse Thee.''

SOB'S PATIENCE. 57<br />

7. The Lord aakl: '[ Reholrl, ho is in thy hand, but yet<br />

save his life." So Salan struck Job with a most gricvons<br />

ulcer from thc solo of tlie foot even to the top of his head.<br />

And Job sat on n clnag-hill nncl ~crapecl the ulcerate8 matter<br />

wilh a potsherd1. Then his ~vifc cnmc, not tc~ comfort, but<br />

rather to tempt him, for she nloclcingly said : " Bless God<br />

ant1 dic."<br />

8. Rut Job said to her : 'C Thou hast ~pokea like one of thc<br />

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foolish women. If rrre l~avo received good things nt the 11and<br />

of God, why dloulc1 we not receive evil ? '' Again, in all<br />

illeve things Job did not sin ~villl his lips or his 11cnl.t. Nor\?,<br />

when his tllrcc friends heard of tllc evils illat had bci'allen<br />

him, they came to visit him.<br />

9. When they saw him nf'w afF thcy Irncm liirn not, and,<br />

crying out, they wept, ancl rcncling thcir gsrrncnts, they<br />

~prillkled ashes on their l-leads. They sat wit11 Irim on the<br />

ground seven days ant1 sr.rTrn i~igl*hi.s, and no m:rli spoke to<br />

'~T'-suE~D, a piece or fragureut of a broken pot,


liim 3 word; fir they sn.m that his g~ief mns very gred,.<br />

10. Bat whon Job a t length begit11 to co~uplaiil af the cxccijs<br />

of his ~nisel-y, they repl.o.zched him, s~yiilg t1in.t ~ecretlg<br />

hc must h:tvr: been n grcn,t sinnw, or t.he jnst Goil wonlcl<br />

not havc nfflicteci him in so griovous n ril:l.nncr. Bnt Job<br />

loudly nncl firmly asserted liis innoccncc, and oonsoIecl him-<br />

~:lf witll the hope of the resnrroction of the bocly, ~aying:<br />

I know that my Rccleemcr livcth; ai~l in t.he Inst dy I:<br />

shall risa nut of the earth; and I shall be clothed :]gain with<br />

my slcin, and in my lleell I sllnll see rrly G-otl, mliom I mysolf<br />

shall scc, and not anotl~e~.. 'I'llis lrly hope is laid up in 111y<br />

bosom.''<br />

11. WThen they hn.tl Rnishcd tllcir rel>rond~r?s, the Lord re.vcalecl<br />

Hirnsclf' in n, ~vl~irlmincl to Job, :uld i~lildly<br />

~C~TOVC<br />

11 i m, becnnse i 11 dcfcnding his innocence Ilr, lincl spokcn soi~lc<br />

jtnprutlent wo~.ds. Clod's mr:~tll, lla~vever, was 1;indletl ngdnst<br />

the three f'rientls, ancl He commanded them to oRer n. 11010caust<br />

for themselves, wllilet Job slloulcl pray for tllcnl. AII~<br />

Uie Lortl loolrccl gmcioasly on Job's hmnility, and grantetl<br />

his praycrs in behalf of his friends. The Lord re\vartlcd<br />

.Tob7s faith rind pnlic~kce by 11ca.ling his body :tntl restoring to<br />

him dolible wl~nt he had lost. And new sons ancl ilnughters<br />

wrc born nnto Iiim.<br />

12. Job, prncticing virtue whilc l~apl~y an(1 wealthy, was<br />

nrltnired by the :~.ngc?is, but he was not get fcarecl by the<br />

clcvih; but when h[! rclnnined frcc f'l-oln sill even in tlie<br />

depths of misory and affliction, tllen the dc~~ils bcgan to<br />

tremble I,cfol-c bin?. Fro111 this 1r.c lenr~l that tvrong patiently<br />

ellilnre(1 for God's sdce is the highest virt.uc. The friends of<br />

Job knew not tllnl; fit times Qorl sends nmictio~ls cvc11 to IIis<br />

saints, to maim tllelrl moro lloIy ~.t7d to give tl~elzl greatcr<br />

glory in heavc~l. Joh also said that he wonld not live to sco<br />

the Savior prainiscd to Adam, to ~bral~ak, to Isasc and to<br />

Jibcob, Lnt iha.t he mould scc Him on thc day 01 the general<br />

resurrection. From Job me ]nay also learn how pleasing ta<br />

God and how powerful is the intercession of the saints.


1. Who lil~cil in Arc~bia in tahc ti~nc of the ]>atrinrcl~~? What ass<br />

this mnn's nnmc P 2. Why was Job hcltl in lligl~ cstrta~n by all \\l10<br />

kllaw him? IYlbat ditl the 1~01.11 say ooli~ day to Sat.ai~? What did<br />

Snt,an xna~rcr? 3. \\'llat did the LorcT thcn H:L~? What liappcncd<br />

whilst thc cl~iltlren of Job \vere feasting at tllc l ~n~~xe of their alder<br />

brother? 4. Wllnf ditl :~not,hcr messenger colr~e to tell Job? What<br />

(lid a third mcfiscnger tell 21i11~ P 5. A foltrttl? G. Whatdid Job then<br />

do? What tliil Satan ngain say to the J,ordP 7. What did Satan<br />

do, haring the desire11 permisxion? \Vllilt clid Job's wife do and<br />

say? 8. What reply dirl Job tlinlrc P 9. IVhnt did tl~e fi'icncls of Job<br />

do? 10. What did t11ey do when Job corn~~l:~.inetl? 11. XIom was<br />

Jolj's fait.h rc~vartled? 12. l!'hcn W:LS Job aclmirecl by tl~o angels,<br />

xnd when lia:rreci by tl~e devils? is the higl~est virtue? \That<br />

tri~ll~s did tllc Eriencls af Job not li~~o\%,? WIlnt ditl Job arty about<br />

the Rcdeemcr? \+'hat does thi~ llixtory ten cl^, with regard to the<br />

intcrcefision of the s:rin is :'<br />

'TI-IE AGE 01; i\llOSES.<br />

From the Yetlr 15uu-1450 U, C.<br />


The Birth oj J40se.r.<br />

I'le that dwellet11 in tile aid of the hI.~o~t Iligll, did1 abido nndcr tho<br />

])rol;eat,ion of tho God of Jncob.--1'8. 90, l.<br />

OD liatl madc two promises tr) the l~alrinrchs, Abrallrnn,<br />

g\x Isnnc iu~d Jncab : first, that tlr~y shor~ld be the fntlrnrr<br />

of ngrent nation ; second, f.llnt tho Stlvial. moulc2 bc n, descm~dant<br />

ol tlicirs. Tha first promise 1vn.s now fiilfillcd. In t.1~<br />

spa(:(: of two linnclrccl years the d[?sccnclaut.s of JacoL in Egypt<br />

hnd heco~nc a grcnt pcoplc. In the ~nt::~ntime a new Icing<br />

had arisen, who snitl to the Egyptiarls : 13eholr1, the childl.cn<br />

of 1sr:~ul a1.c stronger than we. Come, let 11s oppl-rss<br />

thelu, lest thcy join .rrvith our er~e~nics ancl depart out of the<br />

1a11~1.~~<br />

2. Now, the Egyptians I~nted the children of Israel, and

60 HISTORY OF TTXE OLD r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~<br />

moclrcd the~n nncl lnsde their life bittcr with hard works in<br />

brick ancl clay. And the king placctl overseers over them, to<br />

oppyess tllcl~i wit11 labor. 131xt the more they were opllrcsscd<br />

the more ~iurnerous they t)cca~ne. The king, scoing this,<br />

issucd a clccree tlint all thc male cllililre~i l>orn of flckre~v<br />

pnrcnts xhonltl bc cast illto the river; hoping, by tllis means,<br />

eithcr to clcstroy the IIebrtw pcoplc, or a1 lertsf to prcve~lt<br />

them from increasing in numbors.<br />

3. Norr., it came to pass that a I-Icbrem rnnthcr bore a, son,<br />

anll sccing that hc was vcry Bcnntif'~l1~ she hirl him for tltrec.<br />

~no~~ths. At the. ellcl of tllnt time, not heing nble to keep hiin<br />

any loi~gcr, she 1n.irl the biil~c in a hn.skct of rceils nnrl placed<br />

il in the scdgcs by 111~ river's hank. Tllc rister of llre child<br />

sl,oocl a lit.tlc n;:~y off, t60 scc rvllat ~voulrl happen. Anrl bchold,<br />

at tll:~t time the dn.ughlcr of I'llnrao ~vcnt do~vli to batho<br />

in the h'ile.

TEIll BIRTR OF TblOSES. 61<br />

4. Seeing tlie basltct nmongst tile bnlruslics on the river<br />

hnnlr, the priucess sent one of hcr. maids to bring it to her.<br />

On openilig it they saw within it n lor~lp infiu~t., cryir~g pileously<br />

Slle 11nd cotnl~nssion on it, nnrl sdil : " This is one of<br />

tllc babes of the Hebrc~vs.~' The child's &er Uleri titking<br />

courage, drciv near ailcl xskcd : '' Shall I go rillcl call t.o t.l~c?c<br />

:L Hebrew malnitii .lo nu~sc tllc bnbc ? ,' She ane~wred,<br />

Tllc lnaid went and cnIlcd lies mothcr.<br />

5. 1Tl1cn thc motllcr came, the princcss said to 1 . 1 : ~ " ~ Take<br />

illiu cliilcl and nurse lliin for me, and I will gire thcc thy<br />

wages. " The? wom:ul toolr tlit: c:hilil ancl nurscd him. Aud,<br />

~r~huil he h:~d grorrrn up, he was l)~.uuglit to Pl~arao's d:trigllter,<br />

who ntloptcd him ns hcr own, and called him Moscs,<br />

wliioll means ~*cscucd from thc w:~tcrs. AIoses, snvrtl jn his<br />

inf'fiac!~ fro111 the cruelty of Phnrno, is a typtr of Jcsns, rcscued,<br />

also, in His infancy from tlic power of Ilerod.<br />


l' Go."<br />

1. What two promises hnd God mndc to the pstrinrrt~s, Abmharn,<br />

3s:tac and .Jec*olr? Ho1v wa~x lhe firs1 ~)rr>~riisc fi~llillod ? TYRot did a<br />

ncw lring of Egypt tell the Rgyptinns? 2. What did the king do to<br />

thc Israelites, or Hebrelr~ P Seeing that this did not prevent tl~e<br />

IIob~e~i~s from increauirlg ill ~~arnlurs, what clr>cree did the kiag<br />

issne ? 3. IIThnt did n Hel)l*eiv mother do ? \V110 tctood n little \ray<br />

olr, to see wliat wonlrl Imc-onke of tlitt r+lriltl ? IYIio \vent do\i-11 just<br />

then to the river to batlte? 4. IThnt, did the princess do on sccing<br />

thc I-raslict'r' \\'batdid sho say on secilig the bnbaP IVlirtt (lit? il~e child's sister do then? I\'hat did the princes8 tell her ? 6. IYhnt<br />

did the princess sap to tho laclthrr -\\ 11~11 fihs cnlrlo 9 To \vhorn dirl<br />

the mother gi~e him bacl; ? IYBnt (?it1 the prinresa call him? Of<br />

wl~om is Moscs, rcscucd froul tkc crucLty of Pharno, a figure?



,<br />

We beseech yen, brethren, rebuke the unquiet, olITrort the weak.<br />

-Theas. 5,14.<br />

,OS, S waj re:tred at the colurt of Pha~no, nncl instructed<br />

in :ill the le;il*ning of l{gypt. Hut mhcn Ile was<br />

grow11 up "1~1 s:tw the 111iscry of liis brethrct~, the 31ebre1rs,<br />

lie rcsolvcd to hclp thcm. For lic woul(2 rather be amicled<br />

aud dcspiscd with thc pcoplc of Gocl, than live in the p, .L l :ice<br />

of s wickccl king. Hc Icft thc eplcndor of the court, and<br />

openly dcclared llil~iself the fi-ie~~d of the Ismclites.<br />

2. The king, bearing this, sougllt to kill liirii; but Moses<br />

fled to thc lailcl of &I/mdi;ull. On his way he sat down by a<br />

well, and behold, the rjeveii daughters of Jetl~ro camc to clraw<br />

water for their flocks. Bnt, when thc shccp stood near the<br />

troughs, aome ~hepl~crcls ruslicd in and rnclcly clrove away<br />

the flock. Tbercupon Moses arose, defended the maiclens,<br />

and .rv&tercd their al~eep.<br />

3. Thcn the seven rjisters .rvent home, itnd their father<br />

nslred : " Wliy have ye returned soo~~cr than usual ,17 " They<br />

ni~smcrcd : "A mnn of Egypt dl-ovc away tllc eliepherd~, :~nd<br />

gave opr sliccp to ddnlr.') Jothro asked agi~in : '( Where is<br />

hc? C:tll him, that hc Inay eat brc:crl." So hlose~ entered<br />

thc l~ousc a11d swore t.o clmell wiLh Jetllro, ;uld re~~nil~eri for<br />

forty ycars, and married Sephora, one of the daugliters of<br />

Jethro,<br />

4. Moses, despising the splendor of $$qypt in ortlcr to comfort<br />

tllo Jcws, is n Agurc of thc Son nf Got1 ~110 camc clolvll<br />

from hcnvea, lvns born in n stal>lc, and laid in a mitngel, to<br />

redeem us from thc ilarnes of hell.<br />


1. In wIint was Mascs instructed P IVhnt did lic rosolvt! to tlo when<br />

h* was grown up 7 As vlrose frie11~1 clid lie openly (~Bc~:LI.(: I~imselTP<br />

bordering on


2. Who sought to kill him l Whither did bc fly ? Who cnmc to n<br />

well to water their fathcr'ti flock? Who drove their sheep away?<br />

Who dofendcd the rriairlelle? 3. \\'h111 did Jetlu'o nsli his daughters<br />

alrg~l llrey l~ad returned home 'l Wlist did tbcy 'cply ? ll'l~at did<br />

Jethro tell thorn to do? IIow long did Blofies lay there, and whom<br />

did he marry i' 4. Of whom is Moses a figure?<br />


The Llur~zi~zg BzsR.<br />

1 car1 do all thiligs in Hiw who strenptheucth me.-Phil. 4, 13.<br />

OMT, ~FUSCS fed the eheep of Jcthro, liis father-ill-law.<br />

N One dny he druve his Rock into We desert, and c;tnxe<br />

as fhr as Mount Horeb. Tllerc tllc Lord qq,enrcd to lliirl in<br />

a fl:~mc of fire, ~vhidl issued from tlie midst of a bush.<br />

Moscs saw that the Lush was on fire and was not burnt. Hc<br />

mid: '' I ~vill go II~:~F to s(:e ~11y the bush is not bunit." As<br />

Mosc~ clrew near tlit! 1,nrtl criccl oul lo hiin from tl~e Lurning<br />

bush : Mosos, i\.loscs ;" and l10 ans\seretl: " Here I am."<br />

And God said: '' Come not nigh llill~er. Put off thc shoes<br />

from thy fcct; for the place wllereoa thon slltlldest is holy<br />

gronucl. I am the Gocl of thy f:~thc:r, thc Gocl of Abral~~zlyl,<br />

thc God of Isaac, ancl the God of Jncob,"<br />

2. Moses', ia a117ful rcverellco, hit1 his face, ancl dared not<br />

look i ~t Gocl. Ancl tlie Irortl mid t.41 liilli: " 1 have soell the<br />

amictio~~ of My people ill Egypt, ancl I :Girl r:omc to delivcr<br />

tlierrl out 01 the hailds of the Egyptians, sild to bring tl~cn~<br />

nut of that land into a land that floweth 1vit21 luillc and honey."<br />

The LorcI further told Moscs that 11c should go to<br />

Pllnrno to dellinrld the 1iLeratiol.l of the chilrlrcl~ of Ismel.<br />

3. Moses nns~~rered: " IT'llo nin I that T sl~onlcl go to Phs<br />

rao, and sl~onltl bring forth the t:llildrca of 1srar:l out of<br />

Egypt ? Thc! Lord sdcl : " I will bc .rvilh tliee." Moses<br />

declnrcti that llie lmq~le ~i~oolrl not beliuve him ; but wuulcj<br />

ask who had sent him. Then God sid to Moses, '' I Alh


WI-I0 AM. Thus shalt thou say to thc childrcn of Israel:<br />

L fI.IC ?VHO IS ]?nth sent mo to yo~z.' " hIoscs al~s~verecl and<br />

said : '( The? mill not believe me, nor hear my voice ; but<br />

they will say, ' The Lord hsth not appeared to thee.' " Then<br />

God asked >loses : " Tillat is that tliou holdest in thy hand ?')<br />

Moses answerctl, 'c A rod." The Lord then told JIoses to<br />

cast his rod upon tl-lc grotlnrl. Ha thrcw it up011 thc grot~rld,ancl<br />

the rod t~~rned into a serpent, so that Moscs flqd<br />

from il in terror.<br />

4. Bnt the Lord called lii~rl bncli, snyi~~g: '( T:l.ke it by tha<br />

tail." Moscs did so, ant1 the serpent became n.gdn a, rod.<br />

The Lord told Moses to rtlorlr this, nlld soiue oUler signs, before<br />

the Isrelitcs, and tliey would hclieve. But Moses still<br />

objected, aa~iug Wlnt he was not eloclucnt, but that his speech<br />

wae slow and hesitating.

5. Then the 1,orcI said to him, "Who mntlc mnnfs ~nonth?<br />

or who maiIc the dumb and the deaf, the seeing and the blincl?<br />

Did not I ? " Go, therefore, ancl 1 u7ill tcach thge what thou<br />

shnlt sl>cnk." Moses answered: "I beseech Thee, I,orcl,<br />

scncl whom Thou wilt send." The Lord, being angry at Mo-<br />

scs, said : " Anron,' thy brother, is clocluent; ipeak to him,<br />

ant1 put 31y words into his mouth; be shall speak in thy<br />

teac cl to the people." So Moscs returned to Egypt; and<br />

Aaron, his brother, inspired by the Lord, came forth to meet<br />

him.<br />

B. Moscs repeated to his brother 8\11 the words of the Lorcl.<br />

Thcn they went together to nssemblo thc chilclren of Israel;<br />

ancl Aaron spolre to them that the T,ord bad looked upon their<br />

nmiction. Ancl Moses wrought tho gig11 of the rod, and other<br />

xniracles. Whereupon thc pcoplo believed; and, falling<br />

down, they adored the Lord.<br />

7. AY the pcoplc of Israel would not have believed Mlat<br />

God had ~cnt Moscs to free them fr01~1 slavery, but for thc<br />

&rac hc wrought; so we should not receive any one as<br />

sent by God, in a special manner, except ho prove his mission<br />

by signs and rrfirncles.<br />


1. What was the occnpstion of Alnaes? Whither did he clrire his<br />

~heep one day 7 How did the Eord nf pcnr to hi111 there? What did<br />

the Lord call to Moses from the burni~~g I)uRII? What did the Lord<br />

nay? 2. What did Blosesdn? What did the Lord say tohim? S. What<br />

did Mosea atlewer? 4. Whn: dict (iod lcll hloaes to do wi t11 the aerpent.?<br />

5. What did God' sag to l\Ioses rvhcn he told Him that hi8<br />

speech masslow? Whomet Moses on his return to Egypt? 6. Vhat<br />

did Moee~ repeat to Aaron? IV11om did they nsscmble? 7. What<br />

do we learn from the mission and the mirnclcs of Moses?<br />

SC~U~TER, Bible Hiat.<br />

'An'noh-, (pr. Al~'-ro~i.)


Accolrli~~g to thy hardness nnil impenitent heart, Mlon transnrcst<br />

"11 to tltyselC wrath, eg:~ilrst the clay of 11r1*.rat11 nnd revelation<br />

of the just judgment of Got1.-Born. 2,5.<br />

06PiS ancl hron wont to Pharao and clcmnndcd in the<br />

M name of o~a, t11.t hc slluahl ullurr llla people of 1srncl<br />

to go ont into tl~c rlcsert to ofir ~acrilice to the Lord.<br />

Pharito prottdly n~lsmcuctl : " l\?lio is the Idorcl tllal I should<br />

henibhisvoice, ancilct Isruclgo? l lrnomnot tlle Lord, ncither<br />

will I let Israel go." And from that day forth lie ordered<br />

the overseers :tncl tt~skmautcrs to opprcss the Israelites Illore<br />

and more by patting tllcrn 10 still harclcr work.<br />

2. l'hc Lord told hloses ; ~~lrl Aarctn to appear ngnia before<br />

Pllarao. Thcy did as tlie Lord commnndcd, nncl Anroll cast<br />

his rocl before Phamo, ant1 i t wits luriiccl into s scrpent. Yhnrao<br />

called the ~llngicinns and they, l~g ellcllantrrlellts siicl certain<br />

secrets, dso turncd tllair rods into scrpe~lts ; but Asron's<br />

rod devo~lrecl their rods. Hut tl-rc l~cart of Phrlrno remai~lecl<br />

harclened, a11d he would not let Uic pcople go. The11 tlie<br />

Lord sent ten pl:~gues upon tlie Egyptians.<br />

3. Ncxt 11-torning Aaron ~~fcl~t, Ly tl.le co~nrnanil of God, to<br />

the banlc of thc Nile anti strnclr the river 114th Ilia rod, :~nd<br />

instantly it was bul-~lcd into hlood. 'l'hcrcnpon the fish died,<br />

thc ~vntcr was corruptecl, ancl the water of all thc streams uld<br />

poncls in 1Sgypt rvns charlgod iiito blood. Ancl ilie Egyptians<br />

dug acw mclls nronnd about the river ; for iller could not<br />

drink the at at er of the river. Even tllcn the heart of Pbarao<br />

did liol relent.<br />

4. After sever1 clays, A:~rnn stretcliecl fort11 his hallcl uver<br />

the rivers, n11i1 streams, ancl pools of Egypt., m(1 immediately<br />

a multitude of frogs csmc forth froin tlle waters, and covcrcd<br />

the wllolo land of Egypt. Thcy entered the ho~~ues ancl thc<br />

ovens, aiid co~erecl the tables and the beds, nitd spared ncither<br />

the hut of the peasant nor the palace of the king. Then


Phzrao, being frightened, called for Noses ancl Anron, and<br />

said to the~u: "Pray ye thc Lord to take away the frogs<br />

from mc, nncl fro1.n my ~~eoplc, mcl T mill lol tllc people go to<br />

sncrilicc to tllc Loril." MOSCS did as the lring desiretl, and<br />

the frogs clisnl>pcarcrl.<br />

5. Hut hen P1i:irso saw tlmt tho frogs were gone, Ilc 11mc.clcncd<br />

llis 11c;lst again. TII~II Aaron was colnmnncle~l I)y God<br />

lo striltt. with his roil tllr: (lust oT thc cartlr ; ziltl instantly<br />

myriaiis of gnats arose nntl tornicrltctl but11 mcn and bcasts<br />

- .- . . . . -<br />

. .. - .<br />

- , !<br />

. :<br />

., . ! ,. ,:h . i ,, ,

7. Then God sent a plague on the cattle, which destroyed<br />

tlie best part of tho flocks and herds of the Egyptiu~s, but<br />

ep"red those of thc Israelites. Etill Pharao rvould not subnit.<br />

Then lfoses was ordered by God to take handfuls of<br />

ashes fronl tl~c cliiiinley :nid nprirlkle it jn the air h the prescnce<br />

of Pliarao. Forthwitlz the P!gyptiuns were covered wit11<br />

boils and swelling blains. But even &is did not soften Phar;~o's<br />

heart.<br />

8, Then again i+Ioses stretched forth his rod towards hcavcn,<br />

nnd thc Lord sent down tbnndcr nntl Ilnil, nnd Iiglit~~ing<br />

running along tl~a ground; and tllc l~nil, mixcd with firc,<br />

drovc on and s~note evcry herb of the field and eveyy tree of<br />

the eonntry, and lrilled cvcry man and beast that were jn<br />

the open fieldu. None of it fcll, however, in the land of Gessen,<br />

~vliere tht! chilcli4cn of Israel cl welt. Mlarw called hloses<br />

zmd At~ron, nncl saicl : 'L I 11nve sinned illis tinie dso. Pray<br />

ye thc llord that thc tlluacler rnay ceasc, and that I ntny lot<br />

you go." But when, at the prayer of lloses, the hail had<br />

ceased, the Icing broke his promise, and his heart became<br />

exceedingly hard.<br />

9. Then the Lord sent o, burning wind, ~vhiclz blew dl that<br />

clay and 11iglit ; and in the morning thc locusts came, ancl they<br />

c!overt?d the tvhnle fncc of the cnrth and wasted all things,<br />

1.1evoming tlia gmss of the earth and w\.hntever fruits the hail<br />

lracl lelL; sncl tliere remained not anything that was green,<br />

either on the trees or in the herbs, in all Egypl. Therefore,<br />

Pharao in haste callcd Moses and Aaron, saying : '' Forgivc<br />

me lny sin this time also, and pray to the Tlord your God,<br />

that Hc takc nwny from me thi~ dea.th." Moscs prayed to<br />

tlie Lorcl, and the Lord sent a very strong wind from the<br />

west, which took tlie locusts and throw them into the Red<br />

Sea. This time, again, Phnrno hardened his llenrt.<br />

10. Then Moses stretchet1 forth his hnnd tulr7:~rds hcnven,<br />

nnd tliorc cniue LL horrible dwkncss in a11 the 1a11d of Rgypt for<br />

tllrec cln~s. No man SRII~ his brother, nor movad himself out<br />

of the place where hc was. But where the children of Israel

dwelt, there mns light. Then P1i:~rim called Moses and<br />

Aa.ron, saying: " Go, sacrifice to the Lord-let your sheep<br />

only .ancl ywr herds rcmain." Moses nnemcrci: "All t11;<br />

flocba shall go wit11 us." Tliercrrpon the king bsrdened his<br />

lieart again, ancl would not let the people go. Moreover, he<br />

said to Moses: "Get thee fiorn mc. 111 what day soever<br />

thou sh:rlt comc ill nly sight, thou shalt die." Moses replied.<br />

" I Will not see t,hy face any more."<br />


1. What did nIoseu and Bar011 cJemnad of Pllarno? What did<br />

Plrarno proudly antnsnrer? What dicl he ortler thcoverseers and tasklnaebrs<br />

to do? 2. 11'11nt did the T.ord tell Moses to do P l\That did<br />

the Lord then toll Moses nnd Aaron to do? 3. '1'1'11at hnppened<br />

when Aaroll struclc the water with his rod? Did Phnrao then relent?<br />

4. Inat happened when, aftcr seven days, An1.011 strctclled<br />

oi~t his hand over tho waters? IVhnt ditl Phsrao, bcil~g frightened,<br />

aglr nloses and Anrorl to do? W11iit did hc promise to do? 5. What<br />

clid God then commnnd Baron to do? Was Pharao'~ heart changed<br />

by this prodigy 7 8. I\'liat wns the next pIague 7 Pl~arao's heart<br />

ln?gi~lning to fail hiin, what did he resolrc h do? F7rhen (;od,zt the<br />

pmycr of Moses, had banished the flies, what happcncti? 7. IJ'hnt<br />

l~lngiie clid God the11 send? Whnt was Moses odered to do when<br />

Pllarao rewailled obdnrate? ~ici tl~is soitell Pharno'~ heart? R.<br />

When Moses raisecl his rod towarrls I~en\~en, whet did the Lord send<br />

down? IVllero did none of tho hail fall 7 9. IIorv did the focusts<br />

come arid clisappear? :0. What did Phz~mo say after tbe darkness<br />

was tnkcn away? '1Vlint did Pharso say to 3XosesP<br />


The PascRnl Lnnzb.--Depaytzwe f~$?tz Egjrpt.<br />

The house of the lviclicd shall be destrayad, but 1.he t.nbernacIes of<br />

the jnst shall flouris1i.-.Pro??. 14, 11.<br />

T""<br />

4 Lord spolro ngd1.r to Moscs : " Yet nnc plngue Inore<br />

mill I bring upon Pharno nnrl Egypt, after that lle<br />

will let you go xnc1 tllrust you out." Kom, 31oses urau a very<br />

great mail in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharao's servants<br />

and of all the people.


2. Moses, t.l~srrfore, spoke to 911 thc liroplc : " Thus saith<br />

t?le Lord: 'At mi(lnig1:ht I will clitcr into Egypt; and every<br />

first-born in tlw 1:lntl of 1i:gpt sltnll die, from &lie first-bon~<br />

of Pharao, who sitt.cth on his throne, eve11 to tlie first-born of<br />

thc handmaid thnt is at the mill, and all t .1~ first-born of the<br />

bcnsts ; allcl there sh:~Il be n great cry in :ill tllo land of Egypt,<br />

such as neither lintli been hefore, nor shall l)(: hercnftor. But<br />

mill1 all fhe chiltlren of Ismd fhcrc al~nll 11e no deat.11 nor<br />

I-!.- - -<br />

l ' . I ; \; .; 5,:?<br />

! ' ,l*-<br />

8 ;<br />

-1, l ." .<br />

I<br />

.-<br />

p<br />

-1<br />

. , . . 1. -7<br />

~nournil~g, that yen lnnj7 Irnom how wondorh~l n cliffcrcllac<br />

the Lord m:~kctl~ botnleen thc Egyptia~ls and Isrncl. And 011<br />

these tliy t;c?rvnnt,s fillall comc down ti, IHC, and slln'I1 worship<br />

me, saying: ' GO f~wth, tllolt x1d all the l)ool~le thzt is uildcr<br />

tllcc.' Aft,cr that wc will go out."<br />

3. Aft,cr this, h.loses and Aaron ~pnkc to the cliildr~n of<br />

Israel, telling tl~eln of the TJord's conimz~~.llcl to kill, in cvcry<br />

firmily, u 1:~tnb tvitho~~t blernisL, on the fourteenth day of<br />

the month, nncl to sprinkle the door-posts with t11o blood of

thc lamb. The Lord also coinmnnded tl~at on the same night<br />

thcy should oat the flcsll of tlie 1:ui1b ~vitll unleavened bread<br />

ancl wilt1 lettucc. They should, moyeovcr, have thoir loills<br />

girt, nncl shoes on tlieir fcet, ant1 staves in their hand; for<br />

that it was tlie passage of thc Lord, ancl that on that niglit<br />

His angel would slay cvcry first-bonl of the Egy:y2)tiaiis.<br />

4. The Israelites did as they were commandetl, ant1 nt midnight,<br />

thc fomteenth clay of tho montk, the destroying angel<br />

visitcc1 ewry hollse in Egypt and slcw every firstbor11, from<br />

the Bing'~ own to the first-born of tlic c:tptive ~vonlan in<br />

prison. But thc houses or the ,Ta\vs he did not enter; for<br />

the rlonrs thcreof were sl~rinlrlerl with tl-]c? blood of thc Inmb.<br />

And n fcni.hl cry :iroso fi-om nll tllc lnilcl of' Egypt, bccn~~sc<br />

thcrc ~vtlas clct~tli in cvcry house.<br />

5. Ant1 Phnl.no nrosc in the niglit, nntl, struck wit11 terror,<br />

11e 11cso11ght ~COACS mcl Actroil to go with the Isrnclitcs, nnd<br />

tnkc with tllcm their l~crtls niltl all thcy po~sessec?. " Go,"<br />

he said, 'l mcl, departing, hless mc." The Egyptians themselves<br />

prossot1 the pcoplc to go for111 speeclily, sying: " We<br />

shnll all dic." Tllcil tlle pco1,lo of Gocl rose lip in l~nste,<br />

tvkile it \v:w yet night, and Lrg:,n their jounley, tmlriilg tl~ c<br />

un1e:~vcned bmncl with tllcm, hloscs also carried the bollcs<br />

of doscph with him.<br />

G. The closocndnnts of Jacob hacl lived in Egypt four Iinnclrccl<br />

nnrl thirty ycws. Lcnvirlg Egypt, they nnmbert!d six<br />

huntlrc?rl t.housanrt men, besicles momcn ancl chilrlrcn. MOses<br />

cc~mma~iclcd the people, s:tyi?ig : " Rcmcmber this day,<br />

in which, 117itll a strong hand, the Lorcl brought you fort11<br />

o11t of this place, t11aC you cat none but ualeavenecl brcud."<br />

Hc also told them to sanctify unto tlie Lord evmby firstborn,<br />

becnuso the Lord ]lad sparccl tlreir first-bor~ chilclrcn<br />

on the night 011 which Hc slew every first-born of the Egyptians.<br />

7. The paschal lamb was a figure of Jesus, who diecl on the<br />

cross for the sins of men. As the destroying angel darcd not<br />

to enter the houscs of the Jews thxt wcre sprinkled with tho


blood of the lnrnb, so the devil lins no power over those<br />

Christiai~s that rct:circ ~vorthilg thc hotly and blnod of our<br />

Lorcl in 1101y communion In Phnrao nc bchold thc sntl picturc<br />

of' s mail ggr~vrvn oIcl in sin. When oppressed by calnrnily<br />

be see~~icd to repent, but as ~oou as the danger nras past<br />

hc fell back illto his pride and I1:trdness of heart.<br />


1. After Pllarao had seen H~ese n\vfiil eigrrs what did he do? Tlrhrt<br />

d~d hIoses tell him? What clid Pbnrno order Moses to do? TT7hat<br />

did Moses reply ? 2. What uieeuage (lid be give from God? 3. What<br />

did the Lord tell Moses and Aaron to cornmat~d the people of Tsrael<br />

to do? 4 1\'11at tool: place at midnight? 6. What did Yhnmo,<br />

strut!lr wit11 tsrro~, beeeech &Ioees mid Anron to 007 0. ITon long did<br />

the descendants of Jncob iivc in Egypt? How many did the childmu<br />

of lsrxel 11rllrrlrer on Ieavi!~g Egypt? TYlhat clid Jlosre tell tIlo<br />

people? Of whnt is the pnschal Inhb n figt~~~e? 7. IIolv niny the<br />

blood of thc 11nscknl lamb be c*ompurcd to holy communion? Of<br />

whom ie Phnrcro s gat1 picture?<br />


I'nssagr of the Red Scn.<br />

Our God is our refnge and strength: a helper in troubles.-P8. &, 2.<br />

OUT, God Himself condncted Ule Irjmelites in their<br />

N ,:,ra, going before Ule111 by day im n pillar of cloud,<br />

bp night in n pi1l:tr of flitme. Tlrey nt Icngth~scachccl thc<br />

shorcs of tha Retl Sea, whore they pitcbcd thcir tcnts. Suddenly<br />

Pharno repcntcd of 3lavi11g nllolved the Israelites to go,<br />

nncl be pursued them ~vitll chariots and horsemen, and wit11<br />

his whole ar~ny ; and hc ovcrtook them at niglltfrtll near the<br />

Recl Sea.<br />

2. When the Israelites saw the EgypLians behind them,<br />

thcy were seized wit11 fear, nud criecl to the Lord for help.<br />

lvIosas, horr~ovcr, cnlnied anil enconrnged thcm,'snying: '' The<br />

Lord will fight for you." At thc samc timc the pillar of<br />

cloud wbich bad gone bcforc thcm, went back and stood between<br />

thcir camp and fhc army of the Egyptians. More-


over, the cloucl gave light to the Israelites, hut it mnclo the<br />

night darlier for the Eggl~tinns, so that they could not scc nor<br />

~tir for the rcst of tl~o night. Tl-~cn Moses, cornmxntlotl by<br />

God, strctchcd his rod over thc sca, and i~nmetliatcly the<br />

xvatcrs divided and stood like a mall on either side, leaving a<br />

clry road bct\vcc11 for the cbildrcn of Israel to pass ovcr. And<br />

the cliildren of Israel wont in through the rr~idst of tlie Sen.<br />

3. At tlle dawn of day the Egyptians pursued thcm into the<br />

midst of the sea. But suddenly great tempest aroso and<br />

overllirerv thoir-chariots and horsemen. And the Lord said<br />

to Moses : "Stretch thy halld ovcr the Eea ; " and beh~ld!<br />

thc divided waters came together again, swnllo~ving up Phs-<br />

rao tint1 his whole army, so that not cven ono of t.hc Egyp-<br />

tims cscaped.<br />

4. Thus did the Lord, by.a splendid miracle, deliver the<br />

Hebrcms that day from the Egyptians. And the people


fcnred the Lord ancl bclicved in I-Iim, and in Moscg, His scrsrant.<br />

Tl~e pnssnge of the I'lerl Scn is a fignvc of the Saern-<br />

mcrlt of Baptis~n. Tllerc nras 110 othr way lcft tllc Israelites<br />

to cscapc from Phmao :uid clltcr t l land ~ of promise, sarc<br />

thl.ougI1 thc wntcrs of thc? Red Scn; so is there 110 may to<br />

escape from tlio power of the devil and to enter hcnven, excppt<br />

tllro~lgh the waters of bzptism. In the dent11 of Phalano<br />

and his nnny we Imvc :m exanplc of the divine justicc.<br />

Phnruo mid his RCPV~II~S linil m:de n ln~v to drown tbe I-Iebrem<br />

babes in thc Nilo. In p11nis1imr:nt for this cruelty he an cl his<br />

srrny rvere s~vnllonrecl up by the .naves ol' the sca.<br />


1. TJllder mhst forms did God guide the l~rnalitr~ through the clcncrtt<br />

Whcre did Uley nt I~ngth arrive, iuld pitch tllcir tent^? lirhnt<br />

did Pltnrao do 'l 2. What dirl l110 lsrnelites do, seeing tbnEgyptinrls<br />

bcbind them? IVIlat did Moses ussrirc! thcm? T\'lb,zt did AIosc8<br />

then do, cotn~nnndctl by Gocl? 3. \\'hat I~nppened to the Egypt,ians<br />

whcn they pnrsned Ihc Isrnclites into thc midst of thcr 8cs7 4. Of<br />

what is thc passage of file 1lr.d Sca n figure? Ilow doe8 the justico<br />

of God shi~lo forth from the tleirtil of l'hnmo and his army?<br />

CHAPTER A$xv. 'I<br />

The Jh'vncZts FJriozrgllt in the Desert<br />

Thou didst feed Thy people with f 110 food oE angels, nnd gnrest t-hem<br />

brcnd from he:tven preparatl without lnl~or, having in it all that<br />

is delicious, and the s~veetnoss of ovcry tnstc.- Wit. IG, M.<br />

4 TER the people of God hacl orosseil the Rc!cl Sea, Hoses<br />

A' orilc~nd thcm to go on t.o~~*ards t.11~ n.ilrlcr~~rss. They<br />

~narched thrcc days througl:l1 the mildcrncss, n~irl fom~d no<br />

rnatc~~. Finding Eomc at last, tllej? could not drink it beca~~<br />

it was bittar. Tllc people rnurmurctl against Moses, saying :<br />

" What ~311nll mc drink P " hloses prayed, nncl the Lord<br />

shonrcd him s tree, which, when cast into the water, rendered<br />

it s~vcet. And, when ll~ey had gone fnr into thc ~vilderness


the people began to mmmnr still more, secling that t.liere ~vns<br />

no food, : LXI~ they wished tlint tlicy hacl re~nniiled and diod in<br />

Egypt, asking hloscs why he hncl brougl~t tIleill out into thc<br />

wilderness to clic. Inst.cnd of punidling them for thcir mr2nt<br />

or conficlcncc, Gocl, full of rnercy and goodness, pro~niscd to<br />

give thctn food in nhund:~nce.<br />

2. He sent tllem, nccorclingly, in the evening, quails in vast<br />

numbcrs, sl~ffloidnt for all thc chilclrcn or 1sr:t.d to en.t ; irnd<br />

in the morning n delicious ~vllite fc)orl fcll from hen.\-cn . \I'hcn<br />

tllc Tsrnolitos saw the bread, wllicll lookod likc honr-hosl;,<br />

thcy cxclnimed, " lianhu," ~~,hirh signifies, " JVhnt is this? "<br />

Moses inforlncd t.Iicin tli:~t it ~~-\.n.s thr! hrcnd ~~bich the Lord<br />

gave thcnl. IIc illell tolcl every ooc to gnt,her of it; iis mud1<br />

as llc 1lccdor1.<br />

3. They did so, nnrl founil it ylcnsa~~t to eat, tasting likc<br />

flaw mixctl with honcy. 011 tlio d:~y bcfore the Snbbnth they<br />

gntl~crccl n, cloublc clnantily, :M nonc fcll on Mle Snbbath.<br />

This nlnnnn was llicir food fin- fnrty years, until thi*y rc?at:llstl<br />

the co~lfines of Chnnrrnn. Samc tin~c after these events tlloy<br />

encainpc?d in znotli cr part of tlie clcst!rt, ~\rherc again t,h crc mna<br />

no mn.tcr.<br />

4. tbrc, also, tbey rnurn~urr:tl n.gninst BIoses, sncl bli~med<br />

hi111 for having brnugl.lt. them ant of Egypt. Then Moses<br />

reprovgcl tIl(~n for thrir want of ronfidcncc in God; :uld adtlr<br />

cssif~g thc -r,nl.d in prayer, Ile rtsl;c?d 1~11:it Be shoulcl clo.<br />

Thc Lord comnlnncleti him to strili~ R rock on thc side of<br />

Mount Roreb ivilh his rod. Mosos (lid so, nnd n etrcnm of<br />

yure watt?r burst frwth from thc rock, so that a11 the people<br />

and tl~c cattlc could cluench their tI~hst :tt will. At this tirne<br />

the Amalclritcsl ~~:lrcllc$ ngainsl tlie cllosc~l people. Moserr<br />

sent J(~suc! wit11 n number of pir:kc!tl ~nt?n against thcm. Ilnring<br />

thc hattla Rlascs prayed on tho top of thc hill. AS long<br />

as his linnds werc uplift.t:d, the 1sr:u:litc:s rcmninccl victorions ;<br />

but when, through f'a.tigic, hc Ict t.11cm sink, they lost. IIer~e<br />

Aaron ancI EIur n pllelcl his hands until the enemy was put to<br />

flight. I AMALEKITES (pr. Am'-a-lck-itos).


5. The tree which sweetened the water of thc rlcsert was a<br />

figure of the cross, which meetens the snfferings of this life.<br />

The manna w11ich daily fell from heaven, and snstn.incr1 tllc<br />

Israelites for forty years in the desert, was a figure of Clirist<br />

in thc Holy Eucharist, who, CVCTY day during the Holy Mass,<br />

desccncls from heaven to nourish our souls for life everln.st-<br />


ing. Thc waters which flowed from the rack, lvllen struclc<br />

by &roses, signify the graces rvl~ich flow so abundantly for us<br />

from thc Sacraments of the Church.<br />


1. After the Israelites had crossed the Red Sea, whither did Moses<br />

order them to go? Wrhat did the people begin to do in the wilderness,<br />

seeing that there waB no water rind no food 'l ll'hat did God<br />

promise to do for them? 2. What did IIe sonrl the111 t What did<br />

they say when they saw tho bread ? What did &loses tell them to


do? 3. IVhnt did tbc manna taste like? How long wcrc the Israelites<br />

fed 011 tl~ie i~lnniln? What Ilnppened to the Iaraelitesin anotller<br />

place nllcre thcy wore enchmycd? 4. \\'hat did Jloses do wl~cn<br />

tlwgbegan again to ~~l~~rrntir? I\'lrat dicl the 1,ol.d colnrunlltl him to<br />

do? 6. IVl~nt docs tl~c trcetvhich rcndcrccl thc water sweet signify 7<br />

Of \vllat was the lllalliIa a figwe? What does the water that flowed<br />

from the rock signify?<br />


God Gives the Tt?i Carrzr?inad?tzents oa ' Mom~t Sinai.<br />

lieep M y Commnndmenta, and do them : T am the Lord.-Lezi.22, $1,<br />

N the third month nftcr thiil departure from Egypt, the<br />

I Israe1ites cams to Mount Sinai, rrhere they rested nnd<br />

pitched their tents. Moses ascended the mountrdn, nnd God<br />

nppearcd to Iiim thcrc. I-Ie commnndccl him to go down to<br />

the people an'cl xcmincl them of thc wonders He 11nd wrougl~t<br />

in their behalf. He told him, moreover, to announce to thcm<br />

thnt, if they would keep His law, they should continue to be<br />

His chosen people.<br />

2. Moses went donln from the mountain and relntcd to tlic<br />

pcoplc what the Lord had saicl. They rdl cried nut with onc<br />

voicc : "All that tlllu Lord llilth spolrcn ~vc! 117ill do." Thcn<br />

Moses went up agin to the monntain, nncl tlic TJord tcllcl him<br />

thr~tall the childrcn of Ismcl should sanctify and purify themst!lves<br />

from all dcfilcnlcnt thnt might rcndcr thcm unfit to<br />

appear ia His presence, nn

78 IIISTORY 09 TIIlC OLD TYS'l'hhlENT.<br />

4. I. I am the Lord thy God. Thou shdt not hava<br />

strange gods before Me. Thou shalt not mnkc to<br />

thyself a gravel1 tl~ing, nor the lilicncss of anytl~ing<br />

; thou shalt not ncloro thcrn, ilor scrvc tlic~n.<br />

11. Thou sl~dt not take thc nmno of the Lord thy God<br />

in vsjn.<br />

111. Rcillc~nbcr that thou keep holy the SabLa~th day.<br />

l\'. Hanor thy father and thy ~iiotlier, tli:il Iliuu ~iinysl<br />

bc loilglivcd upon tllc lullcl which tbc Lord thy<br />

Cod will give thcc.<br />

V. Tliou s11,zIt not kill.<br />

VI. Thou 811dt not co~ntllit adultcry.<br />

VII. Thott shalt not steal.<br />

VIII. Thou sh~lt not bear f&c wit~less against tll y ncighbor.<br />

.<br />

IX. Thou shalt not covet thy neidlbor's ~vifc.<br />

X. Thou shalt not covet thy neigl~bor's goods.<br />

5. Tho pcoplc, trembling and afraid at the foot of tlio<br />

mnuatslin, cried ant to Moses: "Spcczlc thou to us, and wo<br />

will hcxr ; let not the Lord apcalr to us, lest WC clic." &Ioscs<br />

told them U~nt the Lorti hntl comc down to instill fear into<br />

their ]warts, that thcy lnigllt not sin, lllltl tlic pcol)le stood<br />

nfi1r off, but Moscu went inlo the dark cloud, nncl the Lord<br />

give him further Inivs, ~vllich Ilc lrrrote dolvn and csplnj~~ec<br />

to the l~coplc. They ans~vcrt?cl willl onc voicc : " We will<br />

tlo all thr! .rvorcls of tllc LOT(], ~vl~icl~ Iln bath ~ poli~~~." l\loscs<br />

rniscd an altar nt tllc foot of tl~c n~ountni~i, sntl offcrcd n<br />

l~olocaust to the Lord. And, takiug the bloocl of tbc victim,<br />

he spriillilccl tllc pcoplc wit11 it., sityitlg : '' This is Ihe bloocl<br />

of tllo covei~ant n~llich thc Lord hat11 made wit11 you concerning<br />

all tlieso words."<br />

G, As the Olcl Covcaant, or Testament, was co~lsecrated by<br />

tile sprinkling of the blood of animnls, so the New Testauicnt<br />

nras ralificd and sealed by the blood of the Son of God, \v110<br />

said: "This is BIy blooil, of the New Testament."



1. TVIlither did tha Israelites come in tllc third luonth aftcr their<br />

dq~trrt~lre from UgypL? Who np~~(?iireil to 3loseu n'liea hc a~cencled<br />

the mountnin? What dicl God mmultlr~d aloscs to do?. 2. Wtlat<br />

iiitl the people cry orit wit11 olin volcc? What did tllc Lorcl tell<br />

%roses to do when BC wctll again np lu tlie mountain? 3. What<br />

took place when the third morning bnd c:rJme? TTLose voice was<br />

lmard spcaliing from thu ruoru~trrin'! 4. Rcp~nt tlie ten commandrucnls<br />

t11at God tlins gavc ii.oui thc ruou~~ltlin. 5. What did thc<br />

people, trembling allcl nfrsicl at thc 1i)ot of the mountain, cry out?<br />

\Vliere did Moses then gu 7 What clid tl~e people say '? What did<br />

BToscs du it1 order to coi~lirm tl~aru i~i this goootl rusolution ? IViLh<br />

that did Ile sl)l.inl;lc! thc pcr~plc? B, Iluw wits thc Old Tesla~nellt<br />

con6ecruted, and holrr was the New To~trttncnt ratified nlld gealed?<br />


The GoJd~fi Calf.<br />

O Lord, rebuke mc riot in Thy indigi~ution, nor c1;astisc nre in Thy<br />

1rmth.-Ps. G, 2.<br />

again asceulled thc nlontltan, and remaillcd<br />

MOSES there forty clays and forty nights, coavcreiiig with<br />

a ocl. Alid rvlzen Gocl had iinishc!d spcnking wit11 JLoscs I-Tc<br />

gave liirli iwo tables of stone, on which werc mritlen the ten<br />

con~n~andmcnts. Now the pcoldc, ~ceing that Moses did 11ot<br />

CDIII~ down from the ~lionnttlin as soon nu they cxpcctecl, rose<br />

up against Aaron, ancl beso~tght hirn, snying : Mnl~e us gods<br />

tlli~,t inny go bcforc us. For, as to this Rloses, tlie 11z:tn thnt<br />

brought us out of the Inncl of Egypt, 1r7e know not mhzt has<br />

befallen him."<br />

2. Hoping to clissuiunde them from tl~cir irnpious project,<br />

Anroll repliccl : " Tnkc the go1 clcn et~r-rings from the ears of<br />

your wircs, a~id your so113 anrl clnughtcrs, and bring thcm to<br />

me. " Contrary to a11 expectation, they b~~ought their rings<br />

to Anron, who, fenring to oKcr rcsist


thcc out of tl~o land of Egypt." Next morning they offered<br />

l~olocau,usta ancl peace-victims, and bcgnu to eat and drink and<br />

to dance, after the manner of the Egyptial~s.<br />

3. Meanwhile, Moses came down from the mountain sit,Il<br />

tllo tnvo tables of stone, whereon God Himself had written<br />

His commandments. When he heard the sEiouts of the<br />

people, and snwthem dance before the golden calf, he dashed<br />


the tabiea to the ground, and broke them at tbc foot of the<br />

mount. Thcn, laying hold of the calf, he burnt it and beat it<br />

to pomrler.<br />

4. He scvercly rebnlred Anron for yielding to thc wickcd<br />

dcsires of the ~)eople. Then, standing in tl~c gate of<br />

t11o camp, he ~;~icl: "If any Inan be on the lord'^ ~ide, let<br />

him join with mc." Anrl all tho ~ons of Lrvi glhcrcd<br />

aro~u~d him. Thcn Moses orclerecl them to take their ~words,<br />

go through thc camp, ancl sl:~y every inall whom they found


prncticing iilola.try. Tliey did as lllc:y rwrc commanded, ;ind<br />

:~houl L\vc~ll,y-threc thonsnnd l~leri Irvcrc pnl lo cl(::~tll t,l~ln,t clay.<br />

Kcxt day hloscs ngai11 ascended tlic n~ount:riir, ancl ccni~cxtlp<br />

cntreatcrl thc I~trtl for his ungrntcfnl ~~eoplt!. l3ut the Lord<br />

mid : " Let ]H(? a.I01ic, C}I:L~ X 111n.y dcstroy thcm," Still i\iosi!s<br />

insisted, s:~.ying : 'l I bc?scceh Thoc, this people 11:uth ~innc?tl:<br />

cither forgive tl1en-1 t,his trespnss, or, if Tliou do not, st~'ikc<br />

rr~e out of Lhc boo]: Illet Thou ]last a.rilte~~.'~<br />

6. The Lord heard his pra.yer, and nrilcred him to cut, f.rro<br />

other tablos of stone. Moses obeyc?d, and on tl~osc 6aI1Iasthc<br />

Lord agdn rvrotc t.hc ten co~nrnnnr11ncnt.a. But when Rloscs<br />

ciune don711 fiom the mount:~in with tllc tablos in his hnncls,<br />

his fnce Wits so radiai~t with glory t1i:rt thc 11-sraelites were<br />

n.frnid to comc near; hctnec he vciloil his fhcc ~r~hencvcr Iio<br />

fipol~e to the people. lqrom this torriblc pmlish~rient infl ictcd<br />

upon the Isreelitcs we m:ry learn rvhnt a fenrf~il thing it is to<br />

ofl'cnd God. l\.loaes, Ihct mccliator of the Old Cove~lai~t, is R<br />

ligirre of Jcsus Chrint, thc meclintor of the New Test:unont.<br />

The prayer of Moses for his peoplo tertcl~es ns in x striking<br />

manner tllt~t thc intercession of' sainlv Iias great portfer tu<br />

nvert the chttstisements of God. .<br />


1. How lotig did Jloscs rc~nairi on tlrc mountain, cor~ver~ing ~vit.fi<br />

Gocl? \ITlint did the Lortl givc I1i1117 Seeill:: thsl i+Ioses did not rcturn<br />

from Ille r~lonntain, wlial; tiid the people nslc Aaron to cltr? 2.<br />

What did Anroll tell Lhen~ to do, 11npillg t.o tlisw~acle t1lel11 from tbcir<br />

impions ])rojoc!t? Whcn the earrings ~vcrs b~ougllt, wbnt did Anron<br />

(10 P Wll:~t did the paol~lu 110 ? 3. \IThnl (lid Moses bring down from<br />

the rnoantaill ? When hc hcard the shouts of the people, and snw<br />

then1 dancing round tlia golden cnlf, ~vl~sl. did he do? 1. ]!'hat tlitl<br />

Ire do to Anrrni? Whnt ditl he order tlbc SOIIS of I,wi to do? ITnw<br />

11lnily illell wcrc put 1~1 (I~zt.11 that day? IVl~at clid Moses do nest<br />

day? Tlrhal tlirl tile Lorrl nny tc.3 liim? How (fir1 JIosns irieist? 5.<br />

The Lord having Ilearrl his prayer, w11nt clill EIe nrtlc>r hiin to do?<br />

l\!liat did the JAorcl 11-rit.c on tl~e Live t.til>lcs of ~tonc? How- {lid<br />

3Ioscs rtppo:tr 011 coining dotrri From t.11~ iriountai~~ 'l Ihrv i~ Iloses<br />

rt iigure of Jcslls Christ? What does the pmyer of .\loses tench<br />

us in a striliil~g rrlanrier P<br />

Bcnva~c~. Uilplo I.Iist. I :



I have loved, O Lord, the bcauty of Thy house, ant1 the placc ahcrc<br />

Thy glory dwel'1eLh.-Ps. Z6,8.<br />

7 - 1 ITHERTO the Isrnclitcs Iiad no fixed pIsce of ~ ~orsh<br />

-- I -- I' nor, properly speaking, nng priestl~ood. Their yntriarchs<br />

llad offered ~n(:rifice to God; now in onc place, no~v iin<br />

nnother. In later ti~ncs the l~eaclg of fainilies had excrcisccl<br />

the priestly fu~lctions ; but this state of things was no longer<br />

to exist, Moscs, wllile conversing with the Lord on the<br />

mountain, had reccivctl fiqom IIiin the clearest and most tlefinit0<br />

djrcctiunv regmding divine worship, wit11 all the ccrernonies<br />

that were to accompany it,<br />

2. Moses, therefore, built a shrinc, or tal~ernacle, that coulcl<br />

bc taken aparf, ailcl carricd from place to place. It ~r.ns n<br />

portable tabcrna

overlaid with gold were passed, mhcrcljy to clwry thc ark.<br />

4. I11 the nrlr he put the t:il~lcs of tlrc ln~v, As these tnblcs,<br />

on 11-hic11 tlic tcil con~n~nndmcnts acrc writtcn, co~~L~inccl tlso<br />

chicf hcads of the Old Covenant, the arkitsclf was called tlie<br />

Ark of tl~o Covenant. Latcr on, there was plnccil in the ark,<br />

nIso, n vase filled rvilh manna, nnil the rod of Aaron. 110<br />

then plnccil. over the urlr n cover, or lid, of tl~c pnrcst gold,<br />

c:~llecl thc propitinto~*y', nt tllc cnds of which stoocl two clle1~1bi~n<br />

of bwtc11 gold, looking at each otl~cr, ant1 spreading<br />

their wings so ns to ovc?rshndn~r ihc propitiatory.<br />

5. 111 tl~o Snnctunry mns a tnblc, ovcrla.ic1 with gold, on<br />


(pr. pro-piah'-ce-s.torp), the lid or cover of the Ark .<br />

of the Covcnunt.<br />

G *


which were every day placed the loaves of l~roposition, mule<br />

of the finest flour, and n~~leavenetl, togetlhc?r with a gold(:n<br />

cup fillcd wit11 mine. On this tnl>lc, also, stoocl tlw sevonbranclled<br />

c~rtndleslick, on which W ere bunling, day it~lil night,<br />

scvcn flames fed hy the pi~rest oil. Before it stood an alh~r<br />

of inccnsc, ~vhcrcon thc ~'iclicst spiccs f~imctI unccnsingly.<br />

Moses mnclc n court in front of, nrlcl a~-amitl, the tabernacle,<br />

for the gntl~e~.ing of the 1)eol)le ; : III~~ there 11e erected tl~c altm<br />

of I~oIocausts, of brass, arlil :iluo n large britben Invcr for Clle<br />

pricsts.<br />

G. When a11 was eomplctccl according to Cod's command,<br />

Mosesgonred a sacred oil 011 the tnbcrnaclc, and on all it contained,<br />

~11~1 then :$ cloud covcred the ark of the covc!n:lnt, nncl<br />

tl~c glory of the Lord iilled the iaben~acle, and rested bctmccn<br />

thc two cheruLim. As often ns hloscs had occasio~l to<br />

consult thc Lord, ho reccivcd nn ailslvcr of the Lord horn t11c<br />

prol)iti+toxy in tlle Holy of Holics. As the ta1)ernaclc was<br />

dividccfi,into twu parte, BO our cllurcl~es llavc two parts : one for<br />

the priebts, callcd thc snaotunry , an(1 anotllcr for thc fiiitllful,<br />

called t1ic body of the church. IXctlcc the tabcrnaclc was a<br />

puttern for our Christian churches.<br />


1. How had the patriarchs hitherto offcrcd sacrifice? What had<br />

happened irl Inter times? Was this rjlale of tllinga to cantinuc?<br />

Wltat did Mascs reccivc from God, whilc IIC co~~vcrsed with Iiim r1r1<br />

the mountsin? 2. What did AIoses, tlierefure, build? Ilow r:ws~ the<br />

tabernacle clividcd? 8. Hotv did itloscs adorn the. tabcr~~ncle ilisitle<br />

ant1 outsiijdc? What JV~B ]lung at the elitrallau of tlw tabernsclc,<br />

and before the Holy of Holics? Itrl~at did Bfoscs place in the EIoly<br />

of TlolieliP Il7'('hat wa6 placed outside the ark or] its f0ur corners?<br />

4. What did Moses place in the ark? lV113' rvns the ark callcd the<br />

Arl; of the Co~~cnant P F\rhal slmd nt oitlier ontl of the cavor of tl~o<br />

ark? \Frbnt did the ~vings of the r11ernl)iru rjlr:rtle? 5. Vhat was<br />

ill tllc sanctuary 'l \\'l~at w:~s ~l-cry



Rlessccl nro they that tl~vell is Thy hor~ne, 0 Lord: thay 811all praise<br />

Thco fo19cver and ever.-PS. 88, B.<br />

Y Gorl's co~mnrtncl Moses norv prescribed ~ ~rl~nt sg~rificcs<br />

B were to bc oflcred, togdhor with the mnnner of oflering<br />

thaln, mcl the times when they were to Inc offered. Some<br />

of theso sacrifiecs vere bloody, 0th-<br />

4: r.-; ers nnhloocly. TIlc former consisted<br />

,<br />

of sheep, gonts and oxen; the latter<br />

r-:- t . of flour, ii-nits, oil and mine. When<br />

', ' , , I*!<br />

, c %' , ,<br />

lm'l, ', ;, , .<br />

" ,I ' . 4 ' . ! .l, ,:.:,<br />

I ,:- : ,, ,: .,.-. ,. '<br />

1 , :+l,j.-, ' ., ;A,:<br />

the thing ofired ans rvholly masumed<br />

., .; : on the alt,zr, it was czlled n hoIoc&ust,<br />

or \vl~olo-burnt offering, nl~d repro-<br />

, : scntt:tl thc highest act of adoration.<br />

, ,<br />

,-.<br />

8 ' , ,<br />

.<br />

, 8, 8 i 11.'<br />

. 2. Rut when only tho Bbt, as thc<br />

,<br />

1 , - ,,,<br />

. ,.-. .-<br />

. . ,-<br />

"I<br />

, most delicr~tn part, was bnnrccl, and<br />

the rest eaten, it was cnllcd either n<br />

sacrifice of tl~nnksgiving for benefits<br />

1<br />

I received, or n sacrifice of expiation for<br />

. .-<br />

.- ---. 3. -<br />

1,<br />

: I!<br />

,<br />

,-.1;<br />

- -<br />

sins committed. &loses also institutcc1<br />

the feasts of the Imrd ; for the Lord<br />

had told hixn to cstablisl~, first, tho<br />

feast of the Pascl], or Pnssovcr, in<br />

lr~ulr Plass~ 11r.y rnelnory of tl~e pascl-~al lamb eaten hy<br />


the chilrlrcn of Israel on thc night<br />

i\rlicn tllo first-born of the Egyptia~ls were dnin, and also in<br />

mcrno1.y of thcir delivcrai~ce frorn Egyptian bondage. For<br />

scveu di~ys they were to eat unnleavencd bread while celebraL<br />

ing tl~nt feast.<br />

3. Secondly, they were to keep holy, seven weeks after,<br />

the fenfit nf Pentecost, in remembrance of the 1i11v given thcm<br />

on Mouut Silmi, On that clay they werc to -bring the first-<br />

fruits of their I~arvcst ns a.11 offcring to the Lwtl. Thirdly,<br />

mhcn the l~nrvost was all gnthercrl in, t11cy tvcre to solemnize


the feast of tl~c Tnbcrnnclcs, during 1~11ich they wcrc to tnlrt!<br />

brant:bcs of trot:s rmd build tellts, nntl clrvcll in thcln, so that<br />

tllcir c?csccnd;~.nts might 1onl.n how t11e Lord lknd nl:zdc their<br />

fathcra dwell in tcnls in thc dcscrt.<br />

4. On tllosc thrcc Scstistils all thc lncn of Israel mere to<br />

appcnr bcforc thc Lorrl in tht? tabenlncle, ancl later on in the<br />

temple. There was also to be n tltty of expitttion, lrept ns n,<br />

. ..<br />

. -. - -<br />

l.,.<br />

. ~<br />

. . i<br />

COUW'I' 11.' I'll l. 'l ..Ill . : .' 1.1<br />

,.,t .<br />

most solelnn fast. On that day the high priest \\..as to sacrifice<br />

n calf in atonement for his owl1 sin^, and a hc-goat for th~ sins of the pcoplc.<br />

5. After the sacrifice, he tvas 60 rnisc the veil and enter into<br />

tho Holy of Holies, taking with Ili~n the blood of the victim<br />

and the goldel~ censer ; hc IWS then to i~~ccnsc th c propi tiatory,<br />

or cover of the ark, and to sprinklc it ancl the front of<br />

thc 3rk \~.ith the blood.


6. Finnlly, Moses consccratcd Aaron ns lligl~ priest, big sons<br />

as pricsts, ni~tl the oilier lnen of tl~o tribr! of Levi as nlinistcrs<br />

of tlic ~:lnctnary. WC purificd Anron iviC11 wntcr, ni~tl clotl~ed<br />

lkn ~vitll divers sncrcd \~cstn~cnts, c:llicf of which was the<br />

ol)hocl, a rnrcrvelous wo~lc of gold nnd l~urpl(? and iinc lincn,<br />

the edges of which wcrc omamented with rich enibroidery of<br />

goltl.<br />

7. Hc finepencleil horn his neck the rtionnl, on which were<br />

twelve stonc~, oach bearing the name of onc of the tnrclvc<br />

tribos ; he placcd lipon his head the mitre, in the rnidclle of<br />

which, in front, wns tl gold plnte with the inscription : " Tlie<br />

IIoly of thc Lord." Finally, hc pomc?tl oil upon his hand<br />

ancl convecratcd him. After his xons and the 1,cvitcs Il:d<br />

also bccn conuecratcd, Arlron advanced to tl~c nlttlr, nncl hnving<br />

offercd a victim, strctchcd his hand over thc pcople, and<br />

blt:sut?d thcm.<br />

8. And behold ! n fire came forth from the pillar of clnnil<br />

and consulrled the holocaust. Sccing nhic:l~, the yeol~lc fell<br />

prostrah on the grotmil, praising tllc Jlord. All the public<br />

worship of the Israelites nras figurative. Thc bloocly sscrificcs<br />

significd the bloocly sacrifice of the cross, which alone<br />

tndy nppeawdtthc divine wrath.<br />

9. The u nbloody sacrifices preiigurcd the unbloocly sacri fico<br />

of t?le mass, by which thc fruit of the sacrifice of the cross is<br />

constantly npplied to us, and which is, at once, a sacrifice of<br />

ndomtion, of thanlcsgiving, of pryer, and of expiation. Thc<br />

hig11 priest was a figure of Jesus Christ, who, on the cross,<br />

offercd EIimself to His Etcrnnl F:lther in a bloody mniincr ;<br />

and who daily, at Ntlss, oETells Hilnself in an ul~bloocly mnnner<br />

at tho hands of the priest.<br />


I. What did Mosea pre~cribo by God's cornmand? Of what kind8<br />

were the sacrifices P Of what did thc former contliab? Of what did<br />

the latter consist? Wlierr was thc sacrifice called a holocaust? 2.<br />

When an8 it s eni:haristic eacrifice? What did Moses also institnte?<br />

What were theaefe~ta 4 t What were they, 8econdly, to celebrate?

88 HISTORY OF 1'1.11.: OLD TESTA~IEKT.<br />

Tl'hat mere they to brirq on that day as an offering to the Lord?<br />

When woro they to celebrate tlte feast of Tabernacles? 4. IVhnt<br />

mere tile lnon of Israel to do on these three feasts? Whatana there<br />

alao to be? What 11-ax the lliglk priest to sacrifice on that day? b.<br />

What was he to do after the' sacrifice? B. Whom did bfoses conaecrate<br />

ss higl~ priest? I'l'l~oln as priests? IYhom as nlinisfersof tlle<br />

sal~ctuary? TTith mhatdid ho clothe Aaron ? 7. \\'l~:~t did be pom<br />

up011 Iris Bend? What did Anron do aftcr his sons nnd thc Leviletj<br />

were consocrnted ? 8. What was all the pnblic worship of the Israclites<br />

? l\'l~:~t clid thc bloody sacrifice signify? 9. Whet the unbloody<br />

sacrifice? Of ~vhom rrns the high priest a figure?<br />


The Spies.<br />

Thou lintcst all the ~vorkaru or iniquity ; Thou wilt tlestrop all that<br />

speak R lie.-PS. 5, 7.<br />

I Imeliten ea oilt fn,m Yomt Sinai, and pursued their<br />

N Ulc? sccond year after their dcp~rturc from Egypt, the<br />

m:irch to tllc clcsort of Pharlm. Thence hfoses sent twelve<br />

.-h - -.<br />

men,ono of every tribe,<br />


TIIE SPIES. 80<br />

thcrn figs, grnpes ancl otlier rich f'rtlit'~, :LS specimens of what<br />

the 1;tnnll prodnr:cd.<br />

2. Tllcy told JIoscs ailcl nlI tllr! pcople that thc In11c1 of<br />

Chm~nns w:~s goocl, flowing mill1 11-lilli n11c1 honey, ns 111ig11t Le<br />

sccn by thcse fruits; but tli:~t, it ~vonltl be very c?iIIicult to<br />

conquer that country, as the men lrrc'rc large anrl strong, ant1<br />

the cities ~nrrounclecI by ~mlls. They sdcled : " Tlicrc 11.0<br />

saw certain nlunsters of the sons of Ennc, of the giant kind,<br />

in comlmrison of wbon~ wr: sccmed 1il:c locnsts." Tl~eri thc<br />

people, losi~lg courage ancl cnnfid~~ncc in God, began to mnrm1ur<br />

against Moses and Anron, wishing that they hat1 died in<br />

Bgypt, or ia tllc desert. Tllry exclaimed : " Let ns 4,point<br />

n coplain ancl rctlir11 to ICgypt."<br />

3. In vain did CaLcb and Jowc, \1711o were of the number of<br />

thc E~I'cY, or cxplumrs, eilclcavor to appeix.ssc., tl~e anger of the<br />

multitude, saying that tl~c land of Cllan:tnn was very good,<br />

ancl that il thc lien of that r:otlntlUy mcre strong, the Lord<br />

nrould fight for the cllilc7ren of Israel. Bnl thc pcople woulcl<br />

not listen to rcason. They tl~reutenod to put Josue and Calt!b<br />

to death.<br />

1. Tl~cn the glory of the Lord appcnred over the ark, ancl<br />

God snid to Mosea : Horv long ~vill this peoplo detract Me ?<br />

HOW ldug will tlicy nut believe Bfc for nl1 the signs tliilt I<br />

ham wrought befurc thcm ? I ~vill strike them, thercforc,<br />

with pestilence, and rvill consutnc tllem." Moses interceded<br />

for the pcople, saying: " Forgive, I LescccIl Thee, the sin of<br />

this poopIe, rlccording to the greatness of Thy mercy ."<br />

5. The Lord a~~srrcrcci : '' t hnvct f0rgivt.n sccortlil~g to thy<br />

word. 13ut yet all the irlen tl~nt hnvo sec11 the signs t11;tt I<br />

have donc in Egypt and in the wilclerness, rind haye Cernl?t,ctl<br />

Me now ten timcs, shall not see tlle land. Yon d~dl wancler<br />

forty ycnrs in the descrt, and faint nrvny and die in the desert;<br />

but your children shall possrss the land."<br />

6. Afler pronouncing this aentct~co on the rebellious Iwrnelitcs,<br />

the Lord ~t~ruck dead the tcn ~pics who hacl excited thin<br />

to seclition. But Josuc md Caleb wcre sparcd and blessed.


Prom God'y dealings with tile Israelites on this, ns on rlznny<br />

other occ;rsions, .rye ]nay lcwn that even after tlie guilt of in<br />

has been scrnitCed, tliere dill rclnaiils a teinpo~nl puilishment<br />

to be undergone in onc wily or another, unless G'otl, Ly a new<br />

act of Ilis mcrcy, talres it nviiy.<br />


1. Whom did Nosea send to oxplols the land of Cllnnnnn? Wh~<br />

did the pies bring with them when they returned ? 2. What did<br />

tlirg tell Mose~ and the peoplc? What did theIsracliteg tllen begin<br />

to do? 3. What did Jofiuc nnd CaIeb say to tho people, trying to appease<br />

tbcir anger P What did the people threaten to do 7 4. What<br />

did God then say to IVloscs 7 What did kIascs say, i~llorccding for<br />

the peoplc? 5. What did Iho Lora answer fifoses? ll'l~et did He<br />

promise? 6. What clid the 1.ord do after prononncing this fearrul<br />

sentence? 1Vhat mspwe learn from God's dealings wilh the Israelites<br />

on thiis and many othcr occaeiotis?<br />


The Revolt of Covt am? His AdAemts.<br />

Ee that re~isteth the ponrer, rs~ist~eth the ordinancc of Gocl; and<br />

they that re~ist, purchaeo to themselves damnation.-Rom. 18, B.<br />

a) , ml-iilet the cllilclrc~l of Israel wcrc in the nril-<br />

c - )NE derness, ' thcy founcl s 111:111 gathering wood on the Snbbirth<br />

day, and they brought him to Moses allcl Aaron, nrlio p11i<br />

him in prison, to see how he shonld be punished. But the<br />

Lovd said to Woscs : (' 1,ct that 11zai1 die ; lot a11 tllc multitude<br />

~tunc him withoul the crimp." So it ~res done. Bonze tin10<br />

xftcr, two hundred and fifty mcn, belongi~l~~)srtI y to the trikc<br />

of Heuben and partly to the tribe of Lcvi, ancl Iv~vii~g for<br />

leaders Core, a Levite, and Dathan and Abimn, both of the<br />

tribe of Reubcn-all tthelio rosc up against Moses and Aaron.<br />

Thry mcre envious of the high positio~z of 3Ioses and Aaron,<br />

anrl ncct~ficd them of t.yrrt1111y and allbition. They said :<br />

"All bhc people are holy ; why do ye rnise gourselvcs above<br />

the people of God 7 " Noses, hearing this, and knowing tllat


it wns R rcvolt against Ctod IIim~cblf, IY~S much sfflic:ted, and<br />

fell flat on his face.<br />

2. IIe aftermnrtls spoke to tllc ro1)ellious T,evites, ancl told<br />

thon~ . " Is it because Gocl 11;~s ahoscn yon to scrvc near the<br />

tnbcnlacle, tllnt you ~voulti wish to usurp tllc digi~ity of the<br />

priesWlood also ? To-morrow the Loicl will make lcnolrn who<br />

thoy arc that belong to Him. Preparc, then, ancl stand each<br />

wit11 his censer 0x1 one side, and Aaron will stand on tl~o<br />

otl~er."<br />

3. On the following day, when the two hundred and fifty<br />

mcn wcrc to appear before the Lord with their censers, Ivloscs<br />

orclcred the leaders of the rc?rolt to come forth from thcir<br />

tcntu. But they impudently rcpliod . "We will not come."<br />

Thcn Moscs ~vcnt l~imsclt' to their tents, accompanied by<br />

Anron, and told the people to sepnrzle themselves frum thosc<br />

wiclsetl men, lest they shoulcl perish wit11 tlllem. Moses aaitl :<br />

If these men die the eomrnon death of men, t11c Lord did<br />

not send me ; but if the earth, opening her mouth, swallow<br />

them down, and they go down alive into hell, you shall know<br />

that thcy hnvc blasphemed thc Lord."<br />

4. Hardly had Moses endcd thefie words, when 101 the<br />

cart11 oyenecl under the feet of these hardened sinners, and<br />

fiwdlowed them up, with their telits ancl all that belonged to<br />

them, a11c1 theyment down alive into 11~11. At the sarne time<br />

fire hno down frorn heaven ancl dcstroycd the two hundred<br />

ancl fifty men who had taken siclcs with Core, Dathan and<br />

Abiron.<br />

5. After this, the Lord spoke to Moses, saying : " Spealc to<br />

thc children of Israel, and take of every one of them a rocl,<br />

by their kindreds, of all the princes of the tribes, twelvc rods,<br />

und write the name of evcry man upon II~H rod ; and lny theln<br />

up in the tabernacle of thc covenant. Wllomsoevcr of 8ese<br />

1 shall choose, his rod shall blossom." Moscs did as tl~c<br />

Lord hncl conlmanded.<br />

G. Ncxt day, when &loses entci.oc1 into the taben~aclc, he<br />

f01111d that the rod of Aaron Ilad budded and blossomed, ,He

then brought out ~tll the rods to Ihc chilclre~~ of Ismt?l, and<br />

each ono received back his own md.<br />

7. After all thct poople had eecrl that Anroll n7ns t:llosen bjv<br />

thc Lol*rl, hIoscs was ortlt:rc?tl to take Anroll's rocl nnil 1>1:~(:~ it<br />

in the t:tbcrnnclc, that it might ~cvvc? 11s :L rric~ilorial anri tolscn<br />

of tha rcbelfion of the clliItlre~l of Israel. Tlio nlvh~l punishment<br />

or Core, Dnt1r:rn and Abiron ot~gl~t to show us the lolly<br />

nnd mickednc!ss of murmuring against tllc pricsts whom Gocl<br />

has plaactl over us.<br />


1. Who rose up againnt Rlonen ant1 ~lnron'l 2. What did Moses,<br />

much afflicted, tell tilc rebels? 3. Whorn ditl IlI{rees order, next day,<br />

to be brought fort11 11'0iu their tc:nts? What did Corc, Datllan ancl<br />

Alriron itnpudentlp reply? What ditl Rlouos Lliell tell the pcoplc to<br />

do? 4. Thin being done, wlirtt hnppcnctl? Wllnt happenet1 to tlie<br />

two hundred and fifty men w11o 11ad tnlcen ides rvilh Core, Jlnthna<br />

and Abirnn'r' 5. Aftcr this, what did the Lord say to Mr~~ax? 6.<br />

Next day, \i.l~en RIosen entemcl into the tsbernac:le, whatditl hc find?<br />

7. Aftcr nll the pcol>lo had sec11 tlint Anron was chosen by l,licr Lord,<br />

what wnH Moses ortlered to do? What oriyht the awful punklrmcnt<br />

of Core, Dstl~an and Abiron to show us ?<br />


There is no confusion to thcm tliat trust in Thee.-Dun. .?,.&<br />

N tho hcginning of thc fortieth year ol 'their wanderings,<br />

I Bc Ismclitcs-thc rhildrcn of those that lid died in Ule<br />

clcserl-suffered fi-o~n th o V\?R.II~ of witer, aid Legan again to<br />

InurInur against Ihc Lord. Tlicn t-ho lloril nppcnred in glory,<br />

nlid said .to Moses : " Speak to tl~c rock, and it shall yield<br />

wit~rs.~' The11 Moses, taking thc rod from the tabcmncle,<br />

nssemhlod the people beforc tho roclr, which 11o was nlnout to<br />

strike. l'hcn ho raised thc rod and struck ; but, douLti;lg a<br />

little, hc strnclr n sccond ti111e.<br />

2. Tllat mo~l~entnry diffidence, which was only a venial 611,


ant1 1~1lhicl1 lrkadc Aloses strilrc tl~c rock :L second tirnc, was<br />

displeasing to thc Lord, anif Hetold Moses nnd Aaron : " Be-<br />

cause you-havc not balic~ccl Me, you hall not bring thcsc<br />

people into the land wl1icI:ll I mill givc thcni." Thence thc<br />

Israelites removed their cnmp ailcl cnmc to Mount Hor, where<br />

Amon died, and Eleasar,' his son, bccnmc high priest. Some<br />

tilnc later, the Ismclitcs, tirecl of their iniessa~~t wa~~dcringa<br />

.-<br />

, .<br />

', .<br />

...: 'c-<br />

in tllc desert began again to rnurrmlr ngnii~crt the Lord and<br />

Moses. TVherefore fiery serpentrt wcrc sent amongst them, by<br />

whose de:tdly bite n great number vcre killed<br />

3. The11 the people, fmowing that tl~o scrpenta had been<br />

scn t in p~mishn~ent of their ins, cnmc to Mows and said :<br />

\VC have sinned, bcczusc 1\?c have spolren npinst tllc T,ord<br />

,and thee : pray that He m,zy take anay tllcse serpents from


us." And Moses prayed for the people. MTIlereupon the<br />

J,orcl said to him : Malre n brazen serpent, a ~ set ~ d it up<br />

for :L sign: 1vhosoel7cr Being struck sl~all lonk on it, sllall<br />

live.?? Moses thcrcfore ~nacle a br.nsen serpent, aid set it<br />

up for n sign, which healet1 all thosc thnt 1ool;ccl upon it,<br />

4. The brazon serpent nrns a figure of the Redccmer raiscrl<br />

on tho cross. Hc it i~ who heals Clle momds of all wlio,<br />

having I~cen bitben by the iuferllal scl-pent, turn to IIim will1<br />

true compunotiotl for sin, and hope in His divine rncrcy,<br />

The waters mhi(h flowccl from the i.oclr in the wilderness to<br />

refresh the Ismclites nrld alnke their tllirst, wcrc ernble~natic<br />

of thc divine graccs which flow to mnnlrilld through the 8acraments<br />

of the church.<br />


1. Prom what did the larnelites bogin to auflar townrdv the end of<br />

their walldorings? What ditl the Lord then order &loses to do?<br />

What did &Ioses do? 3. What was disphxtsi~lg to thc Lord? \\'hat<br />

did Hc tell Moses? Of rrhat were the Ieraclites tirecl ? What ~v\.nc<br />

sei~t amongst tlrcul when they began again to murmur? 3. IV11:it<br />

did tllo people beeeeclr I\Ioscs to clo ? What did Gcwl, hearicg tbc<br />

prayer of Moscs, command liitu to do ? \Jrhl'llat did 1Te promise? 4.<br />

Of what ss the brazen serpent afigure '/ Of what were the wakra<br />

that flowed from the rock eu~blematic 1<br />

A CM,<br />


The Praphecy of B~nlnaf~t.<br />

They will curse and Thou wilt b1eea:-Ps. 108, $8.<br />

8 the Israelites tvcrc ncariiig tlie promiscd laad, tllcy<br />

t, the mfiws of AI(xL~). Bda~, the king of<br />

that oountry, bciilg in very grcnt fear, sent the elders :tnd the<br />

iloLlcs of his kingdom, with 1-icll prcsent.~, to Balsfi.m, thnt 119<br />

llligllL come and cuTse his enemics. This Bnlanm believr?rl in<br />

tllc trac God ; but, at the aarne time, be practised s~~thsayin<br />

aid divination.

8. MThen the meesengertr had arrived wit11 their presents,<br />

Balaam said: Tnrry llcre tIiiv night, nnd I will answer<br />

~vhatsoever Che Lord ~hnll shy to n~c." Allcl Gocl tolcl liim :<br />

Tholl ~lialt riot go, nor shall thou curse ilie p~oplc.'~ So<br />

the princcs rct~~nled to tlke lii~ig. 13ut Balac seiiC a greater<br />

nnmbcr of nobles, and richcr prcscnts, tlini~ tlic fiTst timc.<br />

Balnarn told the messengers again to stay for 0110 niglil. In<br />

that night Gorl camu to Balrir~rli rind &l : "Ari~e t~rld go; yet<br />

so, that thou do wh.~t 1 hall co~nmnncl tl~oc."<br />

3. Then Balaam arosc cl~ld wcnt to thc lancl of Moab. The<br />

king took hirn to three difrerent mountains, whence he could<br />

behold thc lsraclitcs in the r:~llay, r~ncl orrlcrctl llinl to curse<br />

them. But Balaam bciilg cnch tima prcvcntcd By Gocl from<br />

cursing, hleseed theill, saying : " I-Iow beautiful are lhy tabcr.<br />

nacles, 0 Jacob, and thy te~its, 0 Ierual l He that blesset11<br />

t11cc slldl also hinlsclf bc blcsscd, and he that curseth thee<br />

shall be reclconed nccursccl."<br />

4. Then Ralnc grew angry, md cxclnin~ecl : " I hail intended<br />

to llonor thcc, but tlic Lord hat11 CIC~)I'~PC(X thco of the<br />

honor ; for I called thce to curse my exlcmics, and thou, on<br />

the contrary, hast blessed the111 thee times." So he ordered<br />

him to return to his country. Thcrcnpon thc eycs of Balnain<br />

mcrc opened and he saw a vision, and his lips Tvcrc opened<br />

mci he prophcsicdl: "I shall sac Ilim, but livt now; I shall<br />

behold Him, but not near. A slnr allall ri~e out of Jncob, ant1<br />

a sccpter shall spring up from Tsracl, ailcl ~jhall strike the<br />

chiefs of Morl.b, and ~ hdl fimito tho children of Setll.'? The<br />

prophecy of Balaam refers to the &srior, and the star mentiolled<br />

is the star which al~pcarcd to tllc t;hrco wise lnen at<br />

the birth of Christ.<br />


1. When the Israelite# carno to thc conlinos of fiInnb, what did<br />

Balac, Icing of the Monbilcs, do, l~ci~ig tirraitl of tIle~n? 'it-hat did<br />

Balaaln practice, although bcliering in tbc true God? 2. What did<br />

the Lord tell Balaam in a visio~l l Wliat did tho king do s second

time? Ij'hnt &id the king do \vheti Jinlaarn sellt to liirlr ? 3. Wlrxt<br />

did Unlanil~, rcf~~rjing to ctlrse the Ifiraelitos, sap? 4. What did IXalac,<br />

thc Iiing, thcn do n ~ ~nyP ~ d lf'hst did he trrcler tile prophet to<br />

do? \Vhnt did Bninam proplre~y? To whom does tlris prophecy<br />

refer P<br />


Blessed are the dead wlio (lie in the Lord.-Apoc. G, IS.<br />

THE<br />

4 hour had colnc at last when hToscs was to be taken<br />

away from his pcoplc. Dcforc IN died, Clod comn~antlcd<br />

him to 1:ty his hmds on Josuc, in the lJreuaicc of all the<br />

peoplc, so that thcy inight obey him as their ruler. For God<br />

had said to Moses : " Thou shalt not pass ovc!~ this Jordan;<br />

Lnt Josue shall bring thc people into the land which I swore<br />

I aonl(1 give to their frctliers."<br />

2. Thcn Moses mxde his f:~rcwell disconrse to thc peopIe<br />

in x most toucl~ingl~~nnncr : " Hear, 0 ye l~cnircns, thc things<br />

I spei~lr; let the carill give car to the morde of my moutll.<br />

Hear, 0 Israel, the Lord our God is ono Lord. Thou shalt<br />

love the? Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy<br />

whole ~onl, nntl rvith thy ~vhola strength. Ilct notle be found<br />

atnong you tllnt col~snlt sootl~saycrs, or obscwtt ilreanis and<br />

onlens. Tlleve tllings tllc Gentiles do; bnt thou art otherwise<br />

i~istrncted. The 1,ortl thy Gocl will raise up to thee a<br />

propltet of thy nation, al~d of thy brethren, like unto me. Him<br />

thou fillnlt hear ."<br />

3. He reminclcd t11eln of all the wonders which God I~nd<br />

wrougl~t iu their bellnlf. I-Te prornised the111 ll~at if tl-ley<br />

were fi~ithf~ll in obser~liug tlic cornmllnd~ncr~ts of God, they<br />

~hould I)o blessed in their I~ouscs, ~less~!d it1 their fields,<br />

blcsscd in the fruits of t,Ilo Ia~~rl, 1)lesserl in their cattlc, blessed<br />

mhcn tlxy cnmc in nnrl ~vl~c!n thcy R-cnt out.<br />

4. Tlie~l he warned tllcm that if they clid not 11t:ar the voice<br />

of the Lord, and keep His commandments, t l ~ t curve 8houId


come ~lpon them ant1 all that they posscssetl. Thcn, having<br />

blessed the poople, hc went up frorn the plains of Monb to<br />

Mount Nebo. Pro111 t1iat p1ac:o the Lord fiho~ved him, afar<br />

off, thc litntl of Chnnsali, .rvIlich 1Ie liad promised to his<br />

filthers, Abrnham, lsaac nucl Jacob.<br />

5. Thert? h.Ioscs clied, at the age of' one hnndrcd ancl twenty<br />

ycars; ar~ti all Isme1 rnourncri him for thirty days. Moses<br />

was a fignrc of Jesus Christ. Lilic Christ, IN! proclaiuiec2 the<br />

I:iw of God, ancl colllirmed his preaching with n~ir:wlex,<br />

p~)phet:ics, ancl a holy life. The propliet of ~~boni Moses<br />

spcalrs is 1110 S:lrior, \v110 was lu give a new lam, Inore perfect<br />

than that of Moscs.<br />


1. Before &Iv1ose6died, whut did Got1 command him to c107 2 What<br />

did Afoacs thcn tell the people? lfrliat did he wilrn them nover to<br />

forget? Wllxt did be tell them to do? 3. Ofwlint #lid ho rcnii~itl<br />

t?~em? lvliat clid he 1)rolnise them? 4. 11-hat (lit1 11e toll tlrelu<br />

\~.vullld happcn if tIlay clid ~ol. hear tl~c \-oice oE God and keep Hie<br />

comrnandrnc~lts? I'l'hitl~er did Mosos go up fi.r)~li the plni~~s of<br />

Moah, after havinq ble~scd the people'? Wbnt clid the Lord how<br />

him from Moulit Kcbo? 6. Of whom was BIo~es a fignre? I\'lly<br />

wars he a figure of Christ? Who i~ the prophet mentioned by<br />

No~es ?<br />


Elttrnace of -the fimedides i#zto the l3ro)~liseo? Ln?tct.<br />

I3y fai t,ll the wallx of Jericho fell clo.ri.11.-Tl sb. 1 l, 30.<br />

A My sc1*~ant<br />

FTl6R t h drat11 ~ of Moses, L11o Lord ~1)olic to Josue:<br />

Yc*ie* is r1c:lcl; arise and lmrr ovrr this<br />

Jorkm, thuu mcl thc pc:ople with tl~oe. I will tlelivc+r tu you<br />

cvcry place tllat. thc sole of your foot sh:~lJ trt!:tcl upon. No<br />

rrl:Ln shall bc able to rcsir;t t11oo t~ll tllc days of thy lifii."<br />

Enconragcd by t-hcse ~)romiscs, the pcol)le ndwncetl torr*a~ds<br />

the Jordan. JfThcll thy rcaclled its banks, Jusuc orderctl the<br />

yrievts to take the Ark of the Lord, and go before thc people.<br />

YCHUITER. Illhle Eret. 7


2. As soon as the priests, carrying thc ark, stepped irtto<br />

the Jordnrl and their feet; touchctl tlie water ab the bdi,<br />

the ~vsvcs tllitt (c:unle down from above stood Iicy,c:d bogcther,<br />

nl~d, swellillg up like a mountain, wcrc sec11 off; 5ut<br />

tile footlt; \y\.hicl~ wcrc bencsfli, rfi.11 dclofftl illto the sea, rl111il<br />

they 11~11olly filed. Thcn id1 the? people! p:isscd over throug1:h<br />

thc cl~unncl that wal; dried up. They pilclicd their tents Isc-<br />

fore Jericho. On the following day tllcy celehra,tcd the<br />

pnsch, nnd having eatcn of tl~e fruits of thc earth, thc manna<br />

ceased to fi1.11.<br />

3. Jericho was a strongly fortiticrl city, capablu of ofl%ring<br />

a long resistance:. Thc ol~ildren of Israel wisllt!cl to takc it,<br />

but U~cy lost conragc mllell thcy saw the heigl~t a11d etrcngtl~<br />

of tlra rr~lnpa.rt.9. But the Lord, sct!ing thcir mnnt of COIIHdencc,<br />

ordercd Josuc to bring togcther all Ulc figlitirlg lncn of


Israel, ancl to march, in deep silence, around the city once a<br />

day for six days.<br />

4. 13nt on the seventh dny they should go around the city<br />

sc?trcn timcs ; ancl at tllc last time, all the peoplc; on hearing<br />

the priests that were bcfore the ark sounding the trtunpettr,<br />

~hoilld s11011t togethcr milll a great shout. So it was done.<br />

When tlm seventh dn.y came, they marched silcntly ~lix times<br />

around the city; but at the seventh turn, ti?l~cn the pricsts<br />

soundccl the trl~mpcts, all. the peoplc shoutcd, n~ld instantly<br />

U L walls ~ fell rlonn. Every mm ncnt up by thc place that<br />

was against Ilirn ; md they took the city.<br />

fr. Aftcr many 11:ird-fought battles, Josue at length mndc<br />

himself mnstcr of a11 the land of Cl~anilan. Il~tring this timc<br />

he freqnently expedcncccl the especial assistance of God.<br />

On one occasion 11e wagccl war against the fire kingsof the<br />

hinorrhitcs. The Isr~clitcs conq~~ered and pursued their<br />

enoinics. But night coining on ~ollld soon have 111lt an end<br />

to the victory, Then Josrie spolce to the T~orcl, in the sight of<br />

a11 thc people : " &love not, 0 sun, toward Gabnon ; nor thou,<br />

0 moon, toward tho valley of Ajalon." So the sun stood<br />

still in the rnidst of heaven. There was not, before nor &r,<br />

so lo11g s 11:~y.<br />

6. Chanx~n Ivns divided nlnong thc twelve tribes of Ismel.<br />

Thc tribe of Lovi alonc rcccived no portion, ns they livcd on<br />

thc litll~s ~md sacrifices ; but they rcceived forty-eight citics<br />

in cliffarent pi~rts of the co~~ntry. The descendants of the two<br />

sons of Josc!ph, Eyllraim' md Manasses, reccivcd each n portion<br />

of tl~o land. Thtu tlio country was dividcd amory: the<br />

twelve tribcs : Reuhn, Simeon, Juda, Zabnlon, Issacl~ar,r,P<br />

Dan, Gad, Aser, Nephtnli,J 13c11jamin, Ephrai~n and I4Ianasscs.<br />

Thns were thc prorrlisos fhllillod which God llad madc<br />

to thc patriarchs. Wllen JOSIIC was old, lie asve~nblc?d t11o<br />

peoplc and tldmonislled tlicm to observe tl~c law, and to avoid<br />

Er~~alu (pr. 15f'-mm). f ISSACIIAK (pr. 1s'-8%-kar).<br />

SNvrn~n~~ (pr. Nsft-ta-Iy).<br />

7 *

intercourse rind rnariiage with the henthcns. Josut: died a<br />

tl~c age of onc hundred mid tell years.<br />

7. The pro~nised land was s fig~tre of hcaven, As the<br />

1sl.aelites clid not obtain possession oI Chm~xan till they har<br />

erltcr heaven, thc triie 1a11~1 of promisc, urlless they coilte~<br />

bravely against the el~emics of their sslvalion.<br />

QUEST1 ONS.<br />

1. After tho death of bIooe~, what did thc TAord command Josue to<br />

do ? Whet did He promisc P When the peoplc reached the banks<br />

of the Jordan, what did Jos~~o order the priests to do? 2. What<br />

happened when the pricsts, carrying the :rrlr, touchet1 tho waters of<br />

thc river ? What did the ~~enplc celebrate on tlle follol\-ing day 'l 3.<br />

IVllat mns Jericllo'l \T:llat did the fjccillg their 11~a11t of confidence,<br />

orhr Josue to c10 ? 4. What was t;o bc done on tllo soventh<br />

day? This being done, whirt Ilnppened 4 5. lI7tlet dicl Josue do when.<br />

after IIIBIIY hnrd-fot~gh t bntf.lc.8, IIC at length lnil~le hi~~tsslC~naste uf<br />

thc !and of Cbnnnnn ? IV11rt tlicl Jo611o esl~?ricnce cll~rilig this<br />

especial tiluc? n'hixt 1iappc1rc:d tvl~ile 11e 1vage:ell agnil~st the live<br />

lrings? G. Alnol~g w1101n wn8 Chanasn divjded? What did the<br />

tribe of Iavi rcccive? What were thus fuliillcd? 7. Of what was<br />

the promised land a figure 8 Why?<br />


Thr Jndgts.-Ge~lraw.-S~z?7isorz.<br />

~b'e weak things of tbe ~vorld 118th God cl~oscn, that IIc Inay confound<br />

the strong.-I. COY., 1,fl.<br />

S eaten of the manna in tlle desert, elld who ili~d<br />

0 long ns that *generation of the Isreclites livctl who hail<br />

sccn<br />

the wonders of tl~o Trorcl wro~ight for thcn~, both in the milclex~~csa<br />

and i11 the tatking of Cl~nnnnu, they did riot dcpiirt<br />

from the wny oI the Lord ; but their children Ila~ing iutermarried<br />

with the pngan nntio~ls around them, contr;uy to the<br />

express coinn1:lnd of God, Bcgan to ailore the idols which<br />

their wives worshipecl. Then the Lord delivered tbcm illto<br />

the hands of their enemies.

2. They aftcrwnrds repented, and turned again to the Lord,<br />

tllcir Cocl. In this manacr, falling into idolatry, and rcturning<br />

again to the worship of tl~c trnc Gocl, they went on fir<br />

several gcncnctiolw. Wl~eacvcr t1ic:y Iinmbled tl~cmselves<br />

before Cocl, iilld fillowed nigns ol true repentance, tho Lord<br />

hastencd to thcir relief. Prom time to tirnc IIe raised up<br />

ainongst tllcm brave ancl pious Inell, who smote thc eIierny<br />

with a stxoi~g hand.<br />

3. These mcn nerc cnllcd Juclgcs. Amongst them werc! B*<br />

rac, Jepllte,' S~mson-r~~ho was fhmous for his great st~cngtll<br />

--and the pious Samuel. Bnt the ~nost relzo~vl~cd of all the<br />

juclges was Gcdeon, the son of n comlnolz Ismelitc, who lived<br />

at the time wlion God had drlivcrc~l thc children of Israel<br />

into thc bancls of thc &Iadianitcsa on accom~t of thcir sins.<br />

4. The Lord scnt m nagcl to Gedeon, as he was threshing<br />

and winnowing wheat :it his father's house. The angel finid<br />

to him : 'L Tflc Lord is ~vith thee, 0 most valiant of nlen. Go<br />

in this thy strc~gth, and thou sliaIt deliver Isracl out of Ule<br />

hantls of the Maclinnitcs." Gedcoll aslced how coul(i IIC deliver<br />

Israel, ~leeing that his family was the lo~vest in thc tribe<br />

of Manasses, ant1 that he l~in~sclf was the lcast in his father's<br />

ho~xse. The angel nssrned him that Got1 would be wit11 him,<br />

and that the Mndirrilites sl-mnld be cut off to il man.<br />

5. Soori aftcr this the lkladinnites crossecl the Jordan with<br />

a large army, nnrl encampcd in tllc t.aIley of Jczrael. lIut<br />

the spirit of the Lord canlc up011 Gctlcon, nnrl hc sour~dctl the<br />

trumpet, ancl calling together the Israelites, formed an nriny<br />

of thirty-two tllousaad men, ant1 put illem in battlc array.<br />

Before commenciag tl~c ,zt,taclc, Gcclcon fitlid to God : " If TEiou<br />

wilt save Isracl by my hand, I wilI put this fleece of wool on<br />

the floor; if thcrc bc dew in tlic fleece only, ancl it bc dry on<br />

all the grouilcl beside, I shall know that by my hancl, as Thou<br />

hast said, Thou wilt deliver 1sr;cel.'' And it was so. Tlle<br />

next day he asked God that the fleccc might be dry anrl Ule<br />

ground met with dew. Aizd God did fig Gedeon rccluested.<br />

~JEPRTX (pr. Jef-te). 2MAD~~~x~rs (pr. Me'-dian-itcs),

6. But the Lord spoke to Qcdeon, n11d told him illat his<br />

nnny wnu too grcst, aind that tl~c Muciia~iitcs ~l~ould 11oS thus<br />

bc, rlelivcrcd illto his Bmrls, lest the chilclrcn ol Israel should<br />

glory uild any t1.1cy conqncrcd by thcir own atrcnglh.<br />

7, And thc T,orcI contmnndctl Gcdcon to epealc to the pcople<br />

nnd proclaim in tlic hcnring of all, that ~vl~osoevcr wus fcnrflu1<br />

or timorous t;lionld rctnrtl home. And tl~e arnly, hearing<br />

this, twenty-two thousa~~d men rctirecl from the ficlcl, leaving<br />

only tcrz thousand to lnect the encmp. Thc Lord sl~ol;~. again<br />

to Gdeoti, blling llini that ttllcrc were still too many soldiers.<br />

" Brjng tlioln to thc walers," ho said, " and there 1:<br />

will try tl~en~."<br />

8. RC then told Gcdcon to observe liow the mcn ~vould<br />

drirllr wllcn thy c:une to the watcr. " Thoy that shall lap<br />

thc water with their t-ong~cs, tt.8 dogs are wont io lap, thou<br />

sl~t-tlt fret apart by tllcmsel\*es ; but thoy that ssh:~.ll drink bowing<br />

dolvn thcir Lnecs, ~11:ill bc on t11e otl~er sidc." Thc nmn-<br />

Ber of tliaac wlio had 1al)ped the water from t.1~ hollow of<br />

their hancl, in orcler to anve timc?, was three hundrcd mcn;<br />

all thc rest of the multitude had knelt down to drink d thcir<br />

ease.<br />

9. Gedeon lrept with h'im onlythe throc hundrcd who dranlr<br />

the water from tl~o hollow of thcir 21a11tl; tllo rcst he sent to<br />

their homes, He then dividccl tho tllrcc hundrcd men into<br />

three comy~anios, ntzd ~ L ~ them T ~ C trumpcts in their II~II~S, ant1<br />

empty pitchers, and 1:lmps within tltc! 1)ikhers. And he sdd<br />

to them: "What you dial1 sco Ins do, do pu the samc; I<br />

will go into one part of the camp, atid do you as I filial1 do.?'<br />

10. Qcdeon nnd thc thrc?c hundred mcn that tvcrt! with him<br />

approached t.1~ cncmy 'S camp at the midnight ~~t.nt(:Ii, and<br />

entcring in, began tct BOZIIIC~ thcir trumpcts u~ld to strike tho<br />

pitcllors one ugiinst the other, clazsling the bcmildcrcd enerxiy<br />

wit11 the suddcn light of the concealed Inmps. At thc same<br />

time thc Israelites cricd out with a loud voico : " The sword<br />

of the Lord and of Gcdcon."<br />

11. Thc sudden dar~n, and the fierce atbclc of O,cdco~a

I<br />

men, threw the M~~dinnites into such confusion that they<br />

turnccl their slvorda ngttiust each other, and fled it1 all direc-<br />

tions. Thcn nll t-llc tl-illes of Iwrael, seeing that victory was<br />

on thcir ~jdc, rosc np and pursuecl the l,[adianites, cuttilzg off<br />

their ret~ent on every sidc, so that of tl-10 ~vholc amy of one<br />

hundrcd n-ncl thirty-fi~e tllottsand men, only fifteen thousai~d<br />

rctnrrled dive to tllcir own country. Is1.neI had peace for<br />

forly years.<br />

12. Thc Israelites fell nghin into idolatry, and were pcrse-<br />


cuted by the M~ilistineu. But an angel appeared to the wife<br />

of Blanue, of thc tribe of Dm, and said: " Tliou shalt bear<br />

a son ; no razor sht~ll toucll Iiis hcnd, for ho shall be a Nuarite<br />

of God from liis infancy, ancl he shall bcgin to deliver<br />

Israel from tho l~alltls of ilie Philistines." When the cliild<br />

was born, 110 was callccl Sxnson.<br />

13. Going to tl~c city of the Philistincs, he mct n young<br />

lion; but tho spirit of the Lord came upon Samson, and he<br />

tore the lion to pieces. Bcing delivered into the hmds of the<br />

Pllilistincs, he tore the cords with which he was bound, and<br />

finding the jm-bone of an ass, ho dew with it a thousand


mcn. Relnniningover night in Gazs, the Philistine8 boltcd<br />

tl~c gates of the city to prc~cnt his escapc. But Sa~iison<br />

:lrose at ~nidnigI:llt, toolr the gates, with thcir posts and bolts,<br />

and carried Ulcin to the toy of a hill.<br />

14, Daliln, a Philistine ttrom&n, aftw many pleadings cx-<br />

trncted from llirn the secret of his stl.cngt-11. '' The razor hath<br />

ncvcr coinc upon my hcnd, for I am rr, Kszn~ite : that is to say,<br />

co~lsccratecl to God. If my hcad be ~havcn, tny strength<br />

fillall depart and I shall be liltc other men. 'l During liis rjlccp<br />

D:ilillz, cnt off 11ie hair, called the Pl~ilistines, who captnred<br />

him, pul out his eyes ant1 cast him into prison. Solno time<br />

after, a great fcnst was cclcl~r.)mted in honor of the iclol Dagon,<br />

when more than three tllo~~sand Philistincs mcre asserribled<br />

in the honse. Blind Sanlson, whose hiiir bad grown ugirtin,<br />

was brought out, that hc nliglit aznusc thcrn by feats of his<br />

strength. Ho told the boy who led him to bring him to the<br />

pillars upon which the who10 house rested. Thcn be pruysd :<br />

0 Lorcl Cod, remcmber me and reetore to me my forrrier<br />

strength." 'J'hen, grasping the pillars, he sl~oolr tl~em so<br />

strongly thnt the wllolc house rocked and fell upon I~ilnsclf<br />

u~id all tllc people. In this manner he killcd many more<br />

enemies of God at his death than he had killed during life.<br />


1. How long did the Israelite8 remain fajthfnl to the Lord? What<br />

happened tvllen their childrc~~ began to intcrmarry with llie pagan<br />

nations around thcm? Whnt dicl the Lord tIiail do? 2. What did<br />

the Israelites afterwards do? IVhnt did the JAord rlo whenovcr they<br />

humbled therntielvcs and repented ? M'horu did He mise, frolu time<br />

to time, amongst them? 3. What ~*cro these men called? f ho<br />

were amongst thcm ? \lTho was themost renoamcd of all the jr~dges?<br />

4. Whom did the Lord send to Gedoon? What did the angcl say?<br />

What did Gedcon ask? What djcl the angel assure him? 5. What<br />

clid thc Mailianites do soon afler this? What did Gedeon do when<br />

the spirit of the Lord celne upon him? What did the I.ord tell<br />

Gcdeon 7 Before going in to the battle, what did Gedeon gsv to God ?<br />

Wllat happened the next day?6.P7hat did tl~o Lord say b Gedeon ?<br />

7. What did the Lord comlnand Cedeon to tell the peoplc? How<br />

many men went away i' How many remained? What did the Lord

tell Qedoon to do, as there were still too many tncn ? 8. IVhat did<br />

Hc tcll Gcdeon to observe? Row many were therc who lapped the<br />

water from their hand 1 9. Rl~at. did Cicdcon do wit11 the thrcc bundrcd<br />

me111 'CVl~ot did he say to them? 10. Whntdid Gedeon and his<br />

men do at the midnight watrh? What did they cry out when attacking<br />

the enemy ? 11. ltvhat happened to the Jrndinnitcs? WIlat<br />

did the tribes of lsracl do? How long hnd Israel peace 7 12. Did<br />

the Israelitcrr fa11 r~gain into idolatry'? What did thc Lord say to<br />

Mnauc ? What was the child called? 13. What di(Z Samson ~ncot<br />

on going to the city of the Philistine~? Vhat did he do when he<br />

was cnptured by them? 14. What was tBo secret of hia strcngllr ?<br />

\J711at did Dalila do when he was zsle~p? Some time after, what<br />

zvas cclcbrated ? Who was brought to:rtnuse thc Philistines? What<br />

did lka tell the boy to do? M7hat did be do, nftcr praying to the<br />

Lord?<br />


R~~th's Afcctio?~ for Her Mother-irr-Law.<br />

A faithful friend is n, strong defence, and ho that hath found him<br />

hath found a treasure.--Zcclus. G, 1.4.<br />

I *mine in the land. And a certain man of Bethleliem,<br />

N thc days when the Judges rulcd in Israel, there ~vas n.<br />

with his wife ::m(i two sons, went to sojourn in the land of<br />

Bfonb. IIc was namecl Elimelecli, and his wife Noemi. After<br />

having livcd many years in Monb, Elimclecli dicd, ancl<br />

his two sons, who had t~l;en wives fro111 amongst the cla~~gllters<br />

of Moab, also died, ten years nftcr their f&ther3s dcdli.<br />

2. Noemi, boing now Icft nlonc and full of sorrow for the<br />

loss of her husha~~il nncl 11cr sons, arosc to rctmn to her own<br />

country. Her two daughters-in-law, Orphs allcl Ruth, went<br />

forth with her. As they journeyed on tonrnrcls the In~-ld of<br />

Juds, Noemi fipolce to Orpha, and 1Zuth: '' Go ye home to<br />

your mothcrs. Thc Lord deal mercifully with you, as you<br />

havc dcnlt with the dead and me.'' And she kissed thcm,<br />

Rut they lifted up their voice and wcpt, and said : " WC will<br />

go on with thee to thy pcaple."<br />

3. Noemi answered : " Do not so, my daughters; for I am


grieved the more for your distress ; atld thc hand of the Lo~d<br />

is gone oat against mu." Tllen Orphn kissoti hcr mothcr-inlaw<br />

and returned. Rnth, Iiomeve~., won!d not depart. Noe~ni<br />

epoke again : " Behold, thy kinswonia~~ is retunled t,o her<br />

people ; go thou with her.'' '<br />

4. Thcrcupon Ruth replied : '' Be not against me, for whi tliersoavcr<br />

thou shdik go, I will go: and where thou shalt d~\~c!l<br />

I also will dwell. Thy people shall be IYI~ people, and t.11y<br />

God iny G.od. The land tllnt sIlall receive thce dying, ln tl1~<br />

szme will J die, 'and there will I be bnrictl." Then Koeini,<br />

seeing tlvat Ruth was steadfast, would not urgc her any morr!<br />

. -- . ., - . .<br />

.,-.<br />

-<br />

-io rctunl to lier frie~~ds. Sn<br />

.* .<br />

. ' l . .. -' the.jr jo~zrneycd on togvthcr,<br />

- . . , :<br />

'I.. . , . . ., sad camo to Bctlilellem,<br />

. . . I . . .- , - -.<br />

..l,.lk,l 1 , . . where tlio report was quickly<br />

. ', I .<br />

-:. . \' L a -<br />

< - . , , , : ? spread, and the women said.<br />

. 1,' .<br />

.-. ., . . , -. " This is that Pioemi. "<br />

5. It was tile beginning of<br />

-. ..--<br />

the bxley bnrves-i, and Knth<br />

.. -<br />

asked h'oemi : ' l If tllun wilt,<br />

... #: r v. I will go into the ficld n.nd<br />

, 1 ,..-<br />

glean t11o ears of corn tht<br />

escape the lzxilds of the rt?:y>-<br />

ers.') And Koerni said - "Go,<br />

my daughter. " h'o~iq, it so happened th:tt the field in \vl-~ich<br />

Ruth went to glean belonged to a kins;r~nn of Elimt:locll,<br />

named Booz, who was very rich. And behold, Booz came out,<br />

to see tllc ronpers, and snitl : Tho Lord bo mith you. " They<br />

a~ls~vcred : " The Lord blcs~ th~c."<br />

6. And, having obsen~ccl Rnth gleaning in the barley ficltl,<br />

he asked the overseer : " 'Wllose maid is this ? " The ovcrseer<br />

replied ; "This is Rutll, who came mith Noemi from the<br />

land of Moab; and she desires leave to glem the ears of corn<br />

that remnin, following the fitep~ of the reapers, She hat11<br />

bcen in thc ficld from morning till now, and ha& not gono<br />

home for s moment."

7. Thcn BOOX addressed Ruth very kindly, and shid : " HCM<br />

m, clmgl~tcr : Kccy with my nillids, pncl fi)llow \vlicro they<br />

reap. I have chnrgccl nyf young nlcn not to lllolcst thcc.<br />

Arld if thou art thirsly, go to the vessels :uld clrii~k of the<br />

waters whereof thc scrvan ts think, nn (l dip tll y IYIOL'P~?~ in tl~e<br />

vincgnr." Pull of gmtitudc fbr tllcsc 1:iiicl ~~ortls, Rut11 bc!iit<br />

down bcforc Hooz nl~d askcd how it canic that dlc, n woman<br />

of another country, should find Savor in his sight.<br />

8. 1300~ told her thnt all she had done for her mother-in-<br />

Ix\\. since t11e death of her I~usbuld, had been related to him.<br />

Ilc pmyod: " 1GI:lyest tllou receive a full reward of the Lorcl,<br />

undc!r ~vllosc! ~vings tl~ou art flad." IIe tllen privately told<br />

tile reapers: " 1,rt fill1 somc? of your huidfuls of yu~.yosc,<br />

tl.tat sshc lnny gnthor thcin tvitl~ont t;l~:ul~e." She glcnncrl,<br />

thcrefbre, in the iiclcl till cvcning, and then beat out wit11 n<br />

rod what she had gleancd, which vlas rLn ephi : that is, three<br />

Z)ud~els. Grateful for the liindncss shown hcr, die returnc!d<br />

to her mofl~er-in-lair., carrying 1vit.11 bcr thc h~rley she had<br />

threshed, and the lcarings of tIlc n~o:ll thnt hat1 been given<br />

her. Noerr~i asfitotiisbcd, and nslced : " lVllc?re ]last tilou<br />

glcanc?d to-day, and whcrc hnst thou mrouglit ? Iilcssed Le<br />

11c that hns had pily on theo." Rut11 told tile man's niulle,<br />

Ulnt hc was call(?d Boox.<br />

9. Next day shc rcturnod to thc ficltl of Boos, and continncd<br />

to dean after the rcnpers, till all thc Barley was laid up in<br />

the barns. Some tiinc aftcr, Hooz snitl to Rut11 : " &Jy daug11tcr,<br />

a11 the people lliat dwell within tho gales of my city<br />

Itnow tllilt thou art a virtuous woman.?' So he mnrriccl ]]cr.<br />

Tlicn thc nnaitmts carno and said to Hooz : '' May this wornnn<br />

bc nn cxainple of virtue ki Ephrhtn, and may sl~c 11avc n<br />

f~n~ous name in Rothluhenl." Tllc Lord blossctl their union,<br />

ntxl gmro them n son, m11o1r1 Bey callc(1 Ohrd. Tl~cn PJoemi,<br />

full of joy, tn1:ing tlic child, laid it in her bosom, ancl she<br />

carried it, and was n nurse to it. Now, Obctl IVRS the father<br />

of Isai, whose son was Dnvid, of whose race Christ was<br />




l. Wllnt mall of Hethleho~ri went to sojourn in Moab with I& wife<br />

and two eor~s ? 2. What clid Noemi, being left alone, resolve to ilo<br />

aftcr the r1e:rth of her liufiba~~d ancl sons? Whet did her dl~1igli1ernin-law,<br />

Orpha and Rtith, agree to do 7 What did Noemi, on the way<br />

to the land crf Jnila, advisc hcr claaghters-in-law to do? What did<br />

thcp declare ? 3. What did Noemi go on urpi~~g them to do7 Trlling<br />

them what? Who was pcrsuatled to retun1 home? What di8<br />

Ruth insi~t on doing? 4. What did Ruth axclnirn P 8. IIxving nrrived<br />

in Rethlchcm, what dicl Rnth ask Noerni's permission to do ?<br />

To whom did the field, in which Ruth went to glean, belong? B.<br />

BOWL having inquired who Rntll was, what did tlie orerseer reply?<br />

7. What did Booz tell Ruth to do:' What did Ruth nsk Boos? S.<br />

What did Booz rjay to Rnth 7 What. dirl he privntcly tell tlie ~*eeapcrs?<br />

Q. W11:rt did Booz, mrlu time aftcr, fiay to B~itli ? Whnt ditl<br />

lie then c10 7 What did the ancients say? What didBooz and Rut11<br />

c Jl thc soli tvl~om Cod gave tliern ? Who nursed the child ? Wllose<br />

father was Obed? Who was the son of Isai P<br />


He that spareth thc rod hateth his son.-l'rov. 13,24.<br />

IN the days when Heli, the high-priest, was judp in Isrncl,<br />

there lived at Mount Eplhrairn a, virtuous man callet1<br />

Elcana, ant1 the name of his wife was Annn.. Now Annn, hnrl<br />

no chiltlrcn. She, thcrcfore, rnultipliccl hcr prayers beforc<br />

the Lord tlmt he tvould ileigrl to give her childre11. So ono<br />

day she want to Silo to pray in the tnben~ttcle of thc Lorcl.<br />

There, before the door of t.he temple, she shed many tears<br />

and prnyccl, and tnndc a vow, snying : " 0 Lard of Hosts, if<br />

Thou milt bc rni~ldful of me, and wilt give me a man-dlild, 1<br />

will givc him to the Tlord :~11 the days of his lifc,"<br />

2. Tile Lord hard her prayer, and gmTe hcr a Bon, whom<br />

shc called Srtmuel, whicll rneans God-givcn. Now, when<br />

three years mere passed, and thc child was yet very young,<br />

hna took three calves, three bushels of flour ancl s buttlc of

SA3lURL.-IMI'IETY OF THE 80x8 OF HELI. 109<br />

wine, and carrying the boy with her, shc wcnt to the house of<br />

the Lord. There sho offcrcd her son to Heli, the high-priest,<br />

saying : Tllc J ~ o s has ~ grn~~tcrl my petition, therefore I also<br />

havc lcnt my child to the Lord nll thc days of his life." But<br />

thc child n~inistcrcd in tllc sight of the Lord belore the face<br />

of Hcli. Now, the t,~r.o sons of Ileli, Ophni' :md Phinees,2<br />

wero wickctl, and hall no fear of God ; for, when the people<br />

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came to offcr sacrifices, Ophni and Phinees carried the flesh<br />

of the victims away by force. So thcir sin wns very great,<br />

becsuse they withdrew men from tl~c sacrifice of the T,ord.<br />

3. IIeli Ir~icw all this ; lie knew what wicked t5ings his<br />

fiorlv did in the fi:~nctuaa.y, and hc ~r~ilclly rcbukccl them, MYi~lg<br />

: '< It is no good r~port t1i:lnt I hear, that you rr~ako the<br />

y+~l~lt: of tlie Lord to transgress." But, bcing very old, he<br />

'OI>IINI (pr. Of-nil. ~PIIINHUB (pr. Fin'-c-ee).<br />



took no severe measures to punish them or prcvcnt their evil<br />

dcccls. So it came to pass that one night, t~rforc t,hc ln~np of<br />

tElo Lorci hnd gone out, IIcIi slept 0x1 a couch ncnr. the taber-<br />

nacle, ancl Samuel hard by. Thc Tlnrd callcd Xnmucl. HQ<br />

escliii~ned : " Here nm I," 2~11.llcl wcut to Elcli, ancl asked :<br />

Why Einst thou calIed mc 1 " But Reli replied : I did not<br />

call thee, my son; rektrrl and slecp."<br />

4, So he returned ancl slept again. But the Idorcl callcd<br />

him a second time, 2nd Saxnucl acted as beiore. EIcli finid : "I<br />

did not call thee, my son; return and decp." Thcn the<br />

Lord called San~uel n Bird time. And Sainucl, rising up,<br />

went again to Hcli, saying : L' Hcrc nm I, for thou didst call<br />

mc," Hali now understood that the Lord hact called the<br />

boy.<br />

5. AncI hc said to Samncl : c' Go and slccp, mcl if Hc shall<br />

call thcc any morc, thou shalt say : Spcak, Lorcl, for Thy<br />

~errnnt hemeth.' '' So Salnucl mcnt ancl slept in his place.<br />

Then tIie Lord cnmc and stood, ancl called : "Samuel, Satnucl."<br />

EIe a~~sworcd : " Speullc, Lord, for thy 8erv:mt hearelh."<br />

The Lord spolie : " Bellold, I irrill do a thing in<br />

Israel, ancl who~iocvt.r &all hear it, both his ezrfi ~hnIl tingle,<br />

Jn tl~nt day 1 will rreist? np ngn.inst IIcli all thc tl~iags thnt I<br />

hnvc q3okcn. I will begin, ni~tl I mill make an .n?nd, becausc<br />

ho Imcrv that his sons did ~viclrcdly, md hc mould not chastise<br />

tllcm."<br />

6. Ncxt morning IIeli afilced the boy to tell hiin what thc<br />

Lord had said. Rut Sainr~el was afraid. ZIeli, howcvcr, in-<br />

~istccl, and Sm~ucl at lcngth told thc vision. Thcrcupo~l<br />

Hcli humbly replied : " It is thc Lord; Ict Him do what is<br />

good in His sight."<br />

7. Now, in those clay8 it came to pass thnt thc Philistincs<br />

nrngetl war ngn.inst Tumt:l, and -\!.hen they joined<br />

battle, the Israelites werc defeated, ancl lost about four<br />

thousand men. Aftcr thc pcoplc had returned to the camp,<br />

the ancients of Israel said : '' Let US fetch the a& of the covcnant<br />

from Silo, that it may ,yam es from the hands of our enemics."<br />

Thcy sent, therefore, to Silo, and the two Bone of

Heli, Ophni and Pl~inees, nccomp:mied the arlr to the camp.<br />

The people, on beholding the ark in their midst, sct up a<br />

great shout, anrl the earl11 rang with their slioating.<br />

8. The Philist,iaes, however, inncle a nerv t~ttac:lr, ailcl the<br />

Israelites mert? again defeated, 114th great slnughter-thirty<br />

tllousand wcrc slain, and the rest put to flight. And a messenger<br />

camc to Heli, ~i~ying: "Thy trvo sons, Opll~li and<br />

Phinetts, arc clcud, ttnd thc ark of the Lord is taken." Now,<br />

EIeli, who was fiir advanccd in years, on hearing that the ark<br />

was tnlcen, fell from his chair baclr\vards by tlie door, and<br />

brolrc his neck aid dicd. The Philistincs took the ark of the<br />

Lord and placed it in tho temple of Ilngon, their false god.<br />

9. Kext morning, when they went into the temple, they<br />

fount1 the idol lying prostra.tc on the gmuncl before tl~c arlr.<br />

Bosidas, the Lord aBictetl t.l~c?n nliLli inany cvils on accouilt<br />

of tllc ark. 31:1~ily persons cliccl, arid from tile fields there<br />

ea.mc forth a'n~ultitude of mice, ntid thcre \Isas great confusion<br />

in the country.<br />

10. I'craciving tIiis, the Philistines resolvod that the n,rk of<br />

God should no longer remain atnongst thcm. Then they took<br />

the nrlr and laid it upon :L cart, and taking two kine, or young<br />

cows, they yolrctl them to the c:trt. The cows took the way<br />

that led to Betl.ls:rmcs, nnd thus the ark mue brought again<br />

into the cowltry of the Israelites.<br />

11. Meitll~vhiIe, after tlic death of Hcli, Saxnucl had bcco~ne<br />

judge in 1sr:tel. Hc assemnbled the pcople, reproacl~cd them<br />

for tl~cir cvil doings, anrl tile11 said : 'L If you turn to the<br />

Lord with a11 your he:irt, ;ud put n7vn.y the strange gods from<br />

anlong you, and prepare your hearts nnt'o tlle Lord, anrl serve<br />

I-Iinl only, He will deliver you out of the hancls of the l'llilistines."<br />

12. So they humblecl themselves before ~o(1 in prayer :md<br />

f&st.ing. Arid tlla Lord took pily upun the~n, and gave them<br />

sucll n victory over the Philistincs t11:tf for mnny years after<br />

they clid not dare to approach the frontiers of Isrwl.



3. Who lived at Nount Epllraim in tho days when Holi was jrlclge<br />

in lsrncl? What was the ac~uso of great grief to Anna? For wl~nt<br />

did sl~e prihy continually to the T.orrl? What did die promise to do if<br />

Gorl gale her a son ? 2. Whnt did she call thc son ~vhom Ciotl gave<br />

her ? What did Anna do \vlien Iier Ron was three years old? Who<br />

were tlie Rona of TIeli? What clicl Ophni and Phinces do bp their<br />

sitis 1 3. Heli, knowing all thi~, did he punish his gone us Ire ought<br />

to hare done? What happened one night when IIeIi slept near thc<br />

~~~~crnnclo ailrl Samucl hard by? 4. How often did tho Lord cn!l<br />

Samuel in his deep7 5. What ditl Heli, ~inderstanrling that it was<br />

the Lorcl who had called Sninucl, tcll him to answer tho third time?<br />

What did the Lord tell Gamuel? G. What did Hcli hnlnbly reply<br />

nlien Samnel told him wIirt he 11ad heard ? 7. What hnppcned when<br />

thc lsraclitcs .rilcnt to wnr with the Philistince? \\'hat did the<br />

ullc.ictlltu of Israel then Bay? S. EInw many of tile I~rxelitos wcrc<br />

~lnin when the Philietine6 ngdn attacked them? What did the<br />

rucescagcr say to Hcli P Wow clid Hcli die P 9. What happened<br />

when Che Philistir~es bro~igh t tile ark to the temple of Drtgon ? With<br />

11~1rat were the Philistines afflicted on nccomlt of tllc ark? 10. Seeing<br />

this, lvhrtt did the Yhilistincs do? 11. Mcan~vr.hi!e, wlio Ilacl become<br />

judge in Israel l I\'ltst did he promiae the IerneliCs, nftcr<br />

having reproached them for their evil doinge? 12. What did the Ieraelites<br />

then do?<br />


Obedience ia bettcr than sacrifices.-I. Eing*~, 1.5,22.<br />

clays, it came to pass that when Samncl yas<br />

appointed his tnro sons as judgcs ovcr Israel.<br />

Tlicy, however, were 1101 lilrt? their father, but thcy took bribes<br />

ancl perverted juclgment. 80 the ancients cnmc to Sarr~ncl rind<br />

said: "Thy soils walk not in thy .rir:tys; thcrcfore, give us a<br />

king to judge us, as all nntions have." This wortl was disl,leauing<br />

to samuel, fur IIC kncw illat the Lord xvzs tl~cir Icinga11r1<br />

nuric other. Still, thc Lorcl told him to hcnl.kcn to the<br />

voice of the peoplc, ancl to give thein a king for their ~tnnishment.<br />

Moreover, ho acldecl, the king would rule ovcr them


with s heavy liald, and that they woulcl cry 011t a11c1 lament,<br />

but tlle Lord wo~~lcl not hear them, bccauso they had desircd<br />

for themselves a king.<br />

2. ROW, t.herc ~vas a man of the tribe of Hcnjamin who lost<br />

his asscs, ancl he said tu Saul, his soil: I' Take one of the scrvants<br />

with thee and arise, go and scck thc ssses." So thy<br />

both started out, :lid can~c to tl~c lmld of Suph, and cntercd<br />

tlie city where Samuel dwelt. Now, tbc day before Saul's<br />

arrival thc Lord had spolren to Snmucl : L' To-rrlorrc~m, about<br />

this same hour, I will send to thee a man, whom thon sllalt<br />

anoint ltirig owr My people Isrscl." It so happcned tli:~t<br />

Saruuel met Snul in thc nlidst 01 thr: city. And Sanlr~el said:<br />

'( Go up hcforc me, that you nlny cat with lllc to-day, and that<br />

I may let you go in Wle morning. As for the assos, be not<br />

sulicitous, for they are found." Kert morning, nrhc11 the day<br />

Legan to dawn, Sarnuel toolr ZL little vial of oil nncl poured it<br />

upon the heed of S:ml, and kisseci him ant1 said : " Behold,<br />

thc Lord has u~iointcd thce to be yrincc ovcr his inhcritnnce."<br />

3. There~xpon Sailucl ~lssernblc(l the people, x.nd Snul stoorl<br />

in their midst; and he was a choice riian, Leing t:lller t11a.n<br />

:Lrlyone else from the slioulilcrs ancl upmsl-cls. Thcn Samuel<br />

said : " Behold him wl~om the Lord hath chosen." And tl~c<br />

peoplo cried out : ' l God ssve tho king."<br />

4. Now, thc people of i\malcc rverevery had, ancl tliemeas-<br />

ure of their iniquity was full. God, in His wrath, eelit Snmucl<br />

to Snul, saying: 'LGo and fi~nitc Amnloc and all that ho<br />

hnth. Sparc him not, nor covet anything that is his, but slay<br />

both nlan and woman and child, ox a~id sheep and camel."<br />

5. Sad, therefore, waged war against Amnlec, and defeated<br />

them along the line from Hevila, till Snr. The co~n~nori peoplc<br />

hc slew with the edge of the s~uord; but, contrary to tl~+<br />

colnrnand of God, he spared Agag, the Icing. The flocbs nnd<br />

herds of littlc value he also tlcstroyed, but sparcd thc best<br />

floclrs ancl the best herds. BIorcovcr, fillcc1 with pride, and<br />

forgetting that ,tr;ucccss colncs fro10 God, IIC erected a11 arc11 of<br />

triumpll in memory of his victory.<br />

SCHU~TER, B~blo ITist. 8

114<br />


6. Whcn Snmucl had come to the camp of Israel, SnuT said<br />

to him: "I have fillfilled the word of the Lord." Samuel<br />

answered : (' What meanelh, then the bleating of tho floclcs,<br />

and the lowing of tl~e herctx which I hear'?" Sal tricd to<br />

excuse himself, aging that the people had sl~ared the best<br />

Aot:lw and hcrds, to sacrificc tlicm to thc Lord. Samuel,<br />

hcing angry, spokc to him in the name of the Lord : " Doth<br />

the Lord desire holocausts stld victims, a~id not r~tller that<br />

the voice of the Lorrl cjhould be obeyed? For obedience i~<br />

bettcr than sacrifices; and to Ilearkcri, better than to offer<br />

thc fat of rms.<br />

7. (' Pornsinneh, therefore, as thou bast rcjccted the word<br />

of the Lord, the Lorcl bxth also rejcctcd thcc from bcing king<br />

over Israel. The Lord haih rent tl~e kingdom from thoc this<br />

day, and hi~s giv(:11 it to oilu who ia bctter." Then Sa11uc1<br />

tlcpnrted, anntl beholtl Saul no more {,ill tllu d;ty of his death.<br />

The rejection of San1 tcachos us that .ttlisobedience to the voice<br />

of God is visited wit11 scvcrc chastisements.<br />


1. Whom did Samuel appoint aEt judges when he aas grown old?<br />

1l:llut ditl the anciente arjk Sau~nrl to give thcm 7 Was their request<br />

pleasing to Samuel? What did the T,urtl Cell Samael to do 'r 2. Why<br />

did Saul come to the place mhcrc Samuel dwelt? What had God<br />

told Sarnl~el the day before? \\Tlic~t did Samuel tcll Saul, on meeting<br />

him in the midst of the city? \Irhat did Sainuel clo next moruilia?<br />

3. 1Vhirt heppe~ietl when Barnucl nsscmblcd the people? 4.<br />

W hut was Ssul told to do to the people of Amnlec ? 5. How did Snul<br />

deal with colulnon people, and with the flocks of little valnu? How<br />

with the king and the best flocks atid herds? Whnt did Snul erect<br />

in memory of his victory? 6. What did Saul sag when Barnucl came<br />

to the camp? What did Samuel answer? TIorv


CHAPTER L.<br />

There is no pcace to the wicked, with tho Lord.-18. &l. $3.<br />

3 AMTJEL lovcd Saul, ancl mourned for him because thc<br />

3 Lord had rejected him. One day the Lord aaid.to<br />

Samuel : "How long wilt thou mourn for Sml. whom I hnve<br />



3. Isd then callcd in his other sons, one by one, ~ ix in<br />

numbcr. When Samuel had wen them all Ile said : " Thc<br />

Lord lins not chosen any onc of these. Are hero nll thy<br />

sons ? " Isai replied: " Thcro rcnlaineth yet a young one,<br />

~ 1 7 0<br />

lrecpeth thc sheep.'' Samuel hastened to nnsnrer : "Send<br />

ant1 fetch him; for wc vill not it down till he come hitller."<br />

4. Now, when David came in he was beautiful to bellold,<br />

anrl of n comely face; and thc 1,ord said : "Arise, and anoint<br />

him, far this is he." Tllcn Samucl, taking the horn of oil,<br />

anointed him in the midst of his brcthrrn. Immediately the<br />

spirit of thc Jlnrti came up011 David, and remained trritl~ him.<br />

6. But tllc spirit of the Lord departed from Sml, and ZII<br />

cvii ~pirit troublcd him. TVl1erefoi.e the scrvants of Snul said<br />

to him : " Lct our lord give orders, and we will seek out a<br />

rrlnll skillful in playing 01.1 the llarp, that, wllel~ the cvil spirit<br />

is upon thee, lie may play with his hand, and tIlou maye~t<br />

bear it more e:isily."<br />

8. When the servant6 saw that t.his counsel was pleasing in<br />

thc oyes of Saul, one of them added : " Hehold, I have seen<br />

the Ron of Isai-h slrillf~~l player, and n man fit f;or war, and<br />

prudent in his words, arid Q co~nely pcrfion." 'I'hcrcupon<br />

David was seril for. And wllcriever the esil spirit vvv,s upon<br />

Sm1, Darid took his harp and played with liiv 11alLncI; ancl<br />

San1 was rcfi.eshed and better, fur the evil spirit departed<br />

from him.<br />


I. I\'l~at did the Lord say to Snmuel, \!+\.ha mourned for Sanl?.<br />

What did Samuol do when h3 wel~t to netlllehem? 2. \821ich of<br />

lani'a sons came forward first? What did the Lord say to Saluusl<br />

with reg~rd to Eliab? 3. \\.'bat did Isai then do 9 What did Samuel<br />

tell hni? llThat did he aslc IiimP What ilid Tsni reply? 4. What<br />

did Snrnilel hasten to a~isrncrl What happc!ncd when Dnrlid came?<br />

What came 1ipu L)avid ? 5. From whom did the spirit oT tllc Lord<br />

dopart? IYl~nt took possefieion of Saul? What did his servants tell<br />

llini? 6. JVhat did one of them add? 7l'l~e11avcr the evil spirit<br />

troubletI Snul, vlmt did David do? What was the resnlt?



117<br />

TTumilintion follo~veth the proud, and glory nhall uphold the humblc<br />

of spirit.-Prov. 2.9, 23.<br />

THE<br />

1 I'hilistincs again took tl~c field against thc Israelitcs,<br />

and poetcd thernsclvev an one mountain, nnd thc Ismelites<br />

mero on another. And bchold, thcre was in the camp of<br />

the Philistines a giaxlt named Golittth. He was not only much<br />

taller thm any other man, but his strength was in proportion<br />

to his ~ize. He hat1 a brt~zcn helmet on bis head, and was<br />

clothed in scaly armor of enormous weight.<br />

2. He Lad greaves of brass on his legs, and a brazen shield<br />

on 21is shoulder, and the fitnff of his spenr was like s weaver's<br />

beam. This giant, clad in armor from hcad to foot, canw<br />

claily oat, morning and cvcning, from the I'hilistine camp,<br />

811d challenged ally unc of the Israelitcs to mcct him in tringlo<br />

colnbat, naying: " Givc me n man, and let him light with me<br />

ha11~1 to hand. If hu be able to kill me, wc will bc servalzls<br />

to you; but if I prevail, and kill him, you sliall serve us."<br />

3, This went on for forty days, md there was no one foullil<br />

in 1~11 Israel to nccel~t the ch,zllengc of Golialh. Hcncc S:~,ul<br />

aud thc Israelitcs wcro in great terror and confusion bccausc<br />

of Goliath and his prond I~oasting that hc coultl fillcl no r~im<br />

of Isracl to fight him. Now Dnvicl, nftcr his thrcc eldcst<br />

brothcrs had gone out with Saul to battle, had returned to his<br />

frtthcr7s house.<br />

4. One dny his father told him to take bread and go to the<br />

camp, and sce how it fared with his brothcrs. lJThilst David<br />

wnu convcrsing with the pcople, Colinth carno out, ns usn:~l,<br />

frorn the Pl~ilistine canlp, and rcpeatcd his insulting and con-<br />

corltemptnons challenge. Full of surprise, Dnvicl askcd.<br />

'' What sllall bc gircn to tllc man tlmt dayct11 this PhiIistine,<br />

who defieth tIie army of the living God? '' Nmv, wlle11<br />

Eliub, his cldevt brother, heard that Dwid wns asking such<br />

questions of the soldiers, lie grow angry, =id. said : " Why


earnest thou hitherb? TVhy didst thou lem~c those fen. sheep<br />

in the desert? 1 3mow thy pride, and that thou carnestdown<br />

to sce the battle."<br />

5. However, these morcIs wcrc reported to S:LIII, who sent<br />

for David and said to him : Tllou art not able to -\vitllslurid<br />

this Pl~ilistine ; for thou arl but a boy, a11d he ie a warrior."<br />

Rut Davicl nnswerod : " Lot no lnan bc~dismaycd. I, thy servm~t,<br />

will go and fight agfiitist the 1'1ii1isGne.<br />

6. " For thy servant kcpt his father's shecp, and tl~crc<br />

came n lion ancl n bear and took a ram out of tlle uzidst of the<br />

flock. And I prxrsucd after tljctn imc? ~truclr thom ; a1d they<br />

rose up against mo, and I caught tl~ern by tl~c throat, ant1 I<br />

~trangled ancl lrillccl them. I will go now and take. away tlie<br />

reproacll of the pcoplc, l'hc Lord, ~vho delivered rnc ant of<br />

thc paws of the lion ancl tl~c bcnr, will deliver me out of the<br />

hand of this Pllilistine."<br />

7. At last Sad consentetl, mcl said : " Go, and the Lord be<br />

~vith thcc." Snnl then clvtIled Dasid with his own ar~nor,<br />

and put n 11clmet of X~rass 0x1 lliv liencl, ancl artncd liirn ~vit11<br />

a coat of mail. But D:~vid, unused io wcar armor, couId<br />

not rnovc freely under its rvejglit, arncl, tllercforc, hc laid it<br />

aside.<br />

8. Tl~en lie tool< his staff, which 11e lisd always in his<br />

hands, and chose five smooth stoncs from the broolr, ancl put<br />

Illern in tlie shel>l~crd's scrip wl~ich ho had wit11 ]kiln ; and taking<br />

s filing in Ilia linizd, 110 went forth to meet the Philistine.<br />

9, TVhcn Goliath drcw nanr ancl bebcld l)avi(l coming on,<br />

hc deq~ised him, and ssitl: ('Am I n dog, that tthou cu~riest<br />

to me with il staff? " 'I'iicn, cursing Dnvid by his gods, he<br />

addcd: "Come to mc, ant1 I mill give thy flc~ll to the birds<br />

of' the air, ancl to thc bcosts of the enrL11." Duvid anstvercd :<br />

'' Thou conlest to nle with n sword, and nit11 s spear, a11cl with<br />

a s'hicld; but I conw to thee in tl~c name of the Lord of<br />

Hosts 1vho111 tllou hast dcflcd. I will slzy tlicc ailcl tnlrc<br />

ntvay thy heid Irom thee, that all mily how that tllerc is a<br />

God in Israel."


10. Meannrhile, the Philistine arose, advanced md made<br />

ready for the fight; David, on Iris part, making haste, rnn up<br />

to mcet the ginat, Whilc r~lnning, 110 quickly took a stone<br />

from his scrip, laid it in his sli~~g, and fetcliir~g it a Iew times<br />

about, he aitimcd and struck Go1iat.h so violentfly in the forellescl<br />

that IIC reeled and fell 011 his face up011 the earth.<br />

The11 Davicl, rushing up, and ta.king Golinth's sword from<br />

its scnbbnrcl, cut off his 11e:id.<br />

11. Thc Fhilistines, seeing that thcir cl~auipion was dead,<br />

were seized ~vith fear and fled. But tlic I~mditcs, following<br />

after, slew. n great xrlunlbcr of them, and. took possession of<br />

thcir camp.<br />


1. Who again took the field ngai~lrrl the Isrnclites? What remarknblc<br />

pcrson Tvna ill tlic! camp of the Pllilistir~es? Honl was Golitlth<br />

nrmed ? 2. WhaL dill Qoliath tlo evcry morning and evening P What<br />

clid he propow ? 3. l-low long did tlri~ go on? Was any one found<br />

in Iurael to accept the chnllt!nge. How did San1 and the TersleIites<br />

feel? Who was sent by his hther to the cnmp to see his brothers?


4. What happened while David nFaa conversing with the people 7<br />

\That did David enk, in surpri~e7 What did Eliab Ray to David?<br />

5. What did Snul do, heari~ip the word^ of -David ? Wlrnt did Satil<br />

say to Dnrjd? R. Aftcl. Dayid hnd heard all this, what did he say 7<br />

7. What. did ~ R I I then ~ fin?. to Uavid'l \I7itb \vIlat clitl Ynul thcn<br />

clot]lc David? M'11at did Ds~id lay asirlc f 6. \\'hat clid he do<br />

then? 9. What dill Golintb do rrrhen Davirl drerv near? What dici<br />

he ~fiy to him'? allat {lid Unvid anmrer? 10. When Goliath was<br />

ad~nncing t,o\vurds David, ~rtlut did the young Inan do? 11. \Trhat<br />

clid t.he l'hilistinen do, seeing that their chamldon n'aa dcad? What<br />

did the lsraelitcs do?<br />


Kotl~ing can I I compsreii ~ to n fnit.hf111 fvicnd, and rio weight of<br />

gold and silver js able to c:ountervnil the goodness of<br />

hi6 lidc1ity.-Bcclus. C, 15.<br />

W""<br />

4 F4 Dnvid returncd from Ihc slaying of the Philie-<br />

tint, Sat11 cnlled for him wld nskcd : " Young man,<br />

of -ryhili, family nrb thou ? " Thcn Dnvid related all :bout his<br />

falllily :lnd about himself. h'c)~, Jon:~.thsn, the (?Itlost son of<br />

Saul, IV:LS stanriing by, aud listencd to thc ~~nrtls of Dnvitl;<br />

311d ~ ~11~11 Dayid llnd matle all ellcl of spcnlring, Jonatllsn hrgall<br />

to love him ris his o.tv11 soul. Kow, them was a CIIE~OIII<br />

for friciids to exchnnge garments ; so +lonathan took his coat<br />

fl,lld gave jt to David. He tool: his sword, ancl his bow, and<br />

his girdle, nnd gilve them 10 Dayid.<br />

2. Now, when Di~vid rcturlied home mjth Snlll, nftcr hwing<br />

slain Gcllintli, the nronicn came ot~t fro~n all the cities of<br />

Iarncl, ~ ~ jflulafi t h and cymbal S, and tll cy sang : " Saul ~lcw<br />

his tlioussnds, ~ilil DSV~T~ his ten tl~ousnnds." Bearing this,<br />

8ml was angry, arid ever after repriled David as a riv;~I.<br />

xext day was again troublcd by thc evil spirit, and,<br />

whilst Ihvid p1:ryecl tl~c hnrp brforc liiin, he threw a spear<br />

at Dzivid, hoping to nail bin1 to the wall.

FliTF:'Tll?R1I7 OF JONATRAN AND DAVID. 121<br />

3. David, however, stepped asidc and moidod the b1o.r~.<br />

Somo time after, David was appointed by Salt1 captain over n<br />

thorrsnnd men. He rvns, moreover, promised Michol, thc<br />

liil~g's clalighter, in n~nrri:lgc, if he killcd a. hundred Pl~ilistincs,<br />

By this proposal Sat11 bopcd to get rjrl of David,<br />

thinking that he ~voulcl nevcr be ahlc to fulfil1 the conditions,<br />

but that hc would be s1:tin by the Philistines.<br />

4. Snnl, howevcr, -nr:ts disappointed, for Dnvid slew two hunclred<br />

of the enemy, a~id tl~ereby gained thc aff~ct~ion of the<br />

wholo pcople. This uncxpectcd success of Duvid enragc?tl<br />

Saul Inore than ever. Blinded by passion, he ordered Sonutl1ni-1,<br />

his son, to kill Daviil.<br />

5. J3nt Jonathan, knowing David's innocence and virtue,<br />

nnd loving him excceclingIy , gave warning to him, and ssicl :<br />

" My E:ither seelrath to kill thee ; mhcre~orc look to thyself)<br />

rind abide j1.l R secret place, nild thou sl~slt be hicl." David<br />

listened t.o this nd~icc, and remaineci l~itldcn in thc frel(1s.<br />

G. One d;iy, howevcr, alicn Haul was in a bclter hornor<br />

Uinn usual, J onalhan saicl to him : " Sin not, O king, against<br />

thy servant Davitl, bec~zuse he llstll not sirlnad against thee,<br />

ancl his works a1.c very good towards thee. Why, therefore,<br />

wilt thou sin n~iinst innoccnl bloorl? "<br />

7. 8nul was qpeasrd by thesc words of Jonntll:ul, snrl<br />

F;worc that 1)nvid ~houlcl not be xlnin. Ancl Jonatl~an brought<br />

Dsvicl again into 11is fa.ther9s prcscncc, and San1 was gmcious<br />

to him as hc 11nd Lt:cn belorc. At this timc, l~owevcr, nrnr<br />

Irns renelvcd against the I'hilistincs, and 13avid wctit out<br />

agniasl them, ancl defcntecl thcm with great fila~~gl~ler.<br />

8. Thcn tlxe evil spirit canlc b~!li upon Snul, IVIIO tried to<br />

pierce 1)avid with his F;penr ns he played upon the I~arp ; but<br />

Davicl warclecl ofI' the blorv, auc1 flcd. Jonnthan, I.lu~rrc-\rer,<br />

took occasio~~ once aotin to ~peslt to his fath cr in behalf of<br />

Ditvitl. But Ban1 was angry, and ble~ned his so11 for his<br />

aflectioil for the soil of Isai, who lvas supplnnting him with<br />

tllc people.<br />

9. He tolcl Junatl~ttn that so long ns David lived he could


have no hopo of ascending the tbronc. " 'l'hercfore, now<br />

presently send nild fetch hirn to me, for he is thc son of<br />

death." Jonathan nskerl : '' W11y shall he dic ? What hnth<br />

he clone ? " And Saul, bciiq enraged at Jonatl~nn, took his<br />

spcsr to strike him. Bnt JolzatIliin escaped, ai~d fled to<br />

David's hitling-place, in ordcr to TV:L~I~ Iihn against retunli~~<br />

to thc conlSt. The two friends thcn embrncod each other,<br />

wept together, nlitl, before parting, rcnelved their ilow of<br />

friendship, in the llanlc of Gocl.<br />


1. What did Salil n~lr David after Ite hacl ~Iaitl the l'hilistin~f<br />

14'hat is said of Jonntl~n~~, n11o ~lood bp liste~ijng to Daricl? Wliat<br />

did Jonathan give to Unvid P 4. IYlie~i Uavid was rct~~~ming home<br />

will1 Saul, what did the \roman clo? \iTRJ did they cry otll? I-lolv<br />

did Saul ever alter rcgnrd Davitl P WLnt did San1 do nest day, when<br />

the cril spirit carno rlpon him? 3. To what ofliro was I)nvicl, soulc<br />

tirrre after, appointed by Saul? What lvns he, rnorcovor, l)ro~nisojl?<br />

On what condition? \Vhnt clicl Sal11 Iiope to do by this proposnl?<br />

4. Was 8aul diaappcli~l ted 7 \\'list ditl ~%1;;1111, bli~itled by pasfiion, order<br />

lri~ fion Jo~lntbai~ tAo do? 5. \\.'hat hnd Jonatllan to Bay bDavitl?<br />

What did Dsviti thcn do? B. What did Jonrrthntl one day say to<br />

hi6 father? 7. \$'as 6aul appcssed by tlierje ~vortls P i\'llat did 11c<br />

swear'? Against whom wau war rcncwcd? l\rl~o went out agairwt<br />

them and defibrttod them wit11 great slaughtcrf 8. IIrhcn thc cvil<br />

spirit came again til)cr!l Snul, wbnt did lie try to tlo? Wlio look ocva-<br />

sio11 to speak again to Ss111 in behalf of Da~id? For w11:rt did Snnl,<br />

being angry, Blnmc bie son? 9. \\'Iial did he toll Jonathnn 7 Whnt<br />

did Jonathnn a& 7 \Vha1 did Saul do, being ellraged P Whither<br />

did Jonathan fly P What did the two kiends do?<br />


Dnvid's Nub16 Condzact tuzunrds .'nzrd.<br />

b)ACID, seeing Lliat 11c could no lo~iges live in K L B neixr ~ ~<br />

Snul, fli:d to tl~e mountairks of ducla. 1Cvc11 tliare<br />

destll threatcncd him on every eicle, but his conrage never<br />

forsook him. He co~isolcd himself with the thouglit that he

nrho plnccs llirnself ~~ndcr the protection of God is in snfcty<br />

everywhere, and has nothing to fear. His trust in God was<br />

rc~vardcd.<br />

2. Now, the mcn of Ziph camo to Sat11 and said : '( Behold,<br />

Ila~id is hid in thr: hill which is ovcr against the wilde~.ncsa."<br />

Immediately Sat11 arose, httvii~g wit11 him t.llree thousand<br />

chosen men, and encamped in the way of thc wilderness. A8<br />

soon as Dsvid heard that San1 liad comc after him into the<br />

rlesert, lie seat out spies to scc where the liirlg had pitched<br />

his tents. Da,vid, on lenrl~ing wherc San1 wt~s, arose and<br />

camc sccrctly to the cnnip of liix enemy.<br />

3. And Dnvid said to his followers : "Who will go down<br />

- - with me into the camp<br />

('7<br />

$<br />

. i .. I., krri of Saul P " Alclisai an-<br />

.. : .\'!I<br />

_,').<br />

, . . .., ,<br />

r! ,:..! ,,<br />

. .-<br />

Y:~L' EWC~CC~ : I will go<br />

. , d..: P,<br />

"'. , . . "<br />

-' . - ,: wit11 tl~cc." So Dn11id<br />

..I<br />

.- ."r<br />

. ,<br />

/'. "<br />

I. ' '<br />

- . - md Abisai carno npou<br />

-' -,<br />

I<br />

;:, " ' . -<br />

the tents by night, md<br />

\ '<br />

fomld Sal11 slccping un<br />

his cot~ch,md his spear<br />

,l "" ' \<br />

. .I . . t, !-. = m fixcd in tllc g r ou n cl<br />

, -. , .. gm.. . - ./, ,-- .<br />

l - - new his head. Morc-<br />

wT+- ,- - -- /. ---- =+ ovcr, all the soldiers<br />


W c r 0 nleeping ronl-rtl<br />

about. And Al~isai .ipolie Lo'David : Now, then, I will run<br />

thy enemy through with my spear, and there hall he no<br />

11ccd of s second tirric?." But David nns~vercd: (' Kill him<br />

not ; for ml~o sha,ll put forth his hand a.gainst thc Lord's hnointeci,<br />

imd rcmain guiltless ? I3nt now take the spear whicb<br />

is at bis I~oad, and thc cup of wat,er, and lct UN go."<br />

4. So tl~cy took the fipear and tlic cup of water, and went<br />

n4nrany And no man saw it, or ICIICW it., or awa1:ecl; for :I clccp<br />

~lcep froiri the Lord was fallen upon thcm. Thcy both went<br />

on till they came to the otl~cr eide, and siood on a hill afar<br />

off. Thcrc David called aloud to Abncr, the captain of Saul'a<br />

army, and said: "Wilt thou not answer, AbnerP Art not


tltou n, man? Why, then, Ilnst thou not kept thc lord thy<br />

king ? And now, vhere is the lring'~ spear, and thc clip of<br />

wator which was at his head 1 "<br />

6. At these words Snul awoke from his sleep, and cricd out :<br />

" IH this thy voice, my sol1 David ? " And David anznswcrerl :<br />

" Il is my voice, my lord the Icing. TVhcrcfilre 40th my lord<br />

pcr~ecute his servant ? Whnt have I donc ? " Srtul, fccling<br />

his o~\w injustice, exclairnctl : " I Elave sinnccl. Return, my son Dnvid, for I mill no xnorc do thee harm, because my life<br />

11aa Bcan precious in thy eyes this clay. Blcssed art thou,<br />

my rjan Da~rid.'' Thcn they partcd in pence.<br />

B. A s110rt titne after this there was a battle fought bct~~reen<br />

the Tsrnelites and the PhiIistines on 3Iomlt Gelboc. A great<br />

llumbcr of the Jsrzlelites wore slain, and a~nongst thcrn the<br />

three sons of Smil. At last the 1~11ols weight of tlic fight<br />

tuniccl npcnt Saul; the archers ovcrtook hi111 and ~voundeil<br />

hiru gricransly.<br />

7. Sccing himself m~rrourided by the enemy, who ~vidled<br />

to tnlre him alive, he drew his s\vol.d and full upon it. Davicl<br />

was tbua deliocred from his mortal ccnemy ; yet, 80 far frorn<br />

~*cjoicir~g at his death, when he heard the s:~d ncwn hc wopt,<br />

and forgetting all tlie iiijurics he had rcceivecl, bc rcmcmbercd<br />

only the good q~xalities of thc king.<br />

8. Ycx, filled with sorrow, hc rcnt his garments and wept,,<br />

ai~ri cursed the mountain of Gelhoe, where011 iho liin~ arid<br />

his tl~ree sons had met tlwir death. Then he lamsntcd ancl<br />

matlc ii dirgc over Snul ancl Jonathan : '' How are the valiant<br />

fallcn 1 Tcll it not in Get11 ; p~ll~lish it not in the streets of<br />

Ascnloa. Tbcy were smiftcr than eagles, strongcr thui lions.<br />

I gricvc for thee, my krotllcr Jonttthm, exceeding nrniable.<br />

As tlic mother lovcth her only son, so I clid lovc thoc. )' To<br />

forgivc our enemies is n daly ; and those tl~st do not fo~give<br />

cmrlut bc saved. Yet WC rnrwt admire the virtue of David,<br />

who not o~dy forgave, but loved 1Gs cnemy te~derly.



1. What did Dnvid €10, seeing that he conld 110 longer live in sefcty<br />

ncsr Sal117 llrith wllat thought clid he consolc hiu~tielf amid the<br />

dangers which crou there threatened him 7 2. Wlaat did tlie men c~f<br />

Zip11 say to Bsnl? That did Baul tlierl do? 3. What did David<br />

do, having heard of his coming? IVl~nt did David do mhcn hckiiew<br />

whore Saul was t Mrhnt did Uavjd say to his follor~~ers P What did<br />

Abisd say to David? 111 wl~at condition did thcy lind Saul and his<br />

pcople ? \That did Abisai propose to do? T'l'l~nt did Dsvid answer?<br />

4. 'ITov did David act ? What did he comma~ld Abisai to do? Whet<br />

did Da~ricI call out, having renchod an oppositcmountait~l 5. Whnt<br />

did San1 cry out on x\vsking from his sleep? What did David anwwer?<br />

What clid Snnl tkeu any? G. IVllat hnppcnod n, short time<br />

nftcr this? Who fcll amongst the great nnurnbcr of Israelites that<br />

were slain? Whxt happcnod to Sanl? 7. JVas David glad to bc<br />

thus dclirrered from his rr~ortnl enemy? 8. How did he show his<br />

sorrow? What did he say of Sat11 nnd Jonathan? How did he<br />

grieve for Jonathnn ? IVhnt virtue must we adiuiro in David 7<br />

The Greatncss of the PcoyIe of Israel il-om the Begin.<br />

nii~g of the Reign of IJavid to that of Koboam.<br />

Fl-om the Year x u ~ to g 975 D. C.<br />


Dnzrid'.~ I'it?y.-Ibis Zeal far God's GZO~J.<br />

I will praise the namo or God with s canticle ; nncl I will mag.<br />

nify I-lim with praise.-Ps. CS, 31.<br />

FTER the death of Snul, David was cllonen king. IIc<br />

A estfiblished his coort in Jerusalem, ~ vl~ere ho hccune<br />

reilownad for bin great ~~nlor. 11s defcatccl the F llilisti~les am1<br />

many atl~er nations. His reigri was glorious, becnusc he gnverne8<br />

hi^ people with justice n~id clemeric!y. As he feared<br />

God, he never imposed 011 his people any but just and right-<br />

eous laws.<br />

2. Tlla cn~ztlsellors xvl1ot12 he cllose to aid him in the gov-


crnmcnt of his kingdom wcrc not flatterers, but mcn of wis-<br />

clom and virtue, whosc sdviac. was always foutltlcd on reason<br />

and justice. The prornotio11 of God's glory 7vas the primary<br />

abjcct of all their plans and vicws. Ncar Jcrnsalem wns<br />

Mount Sion, on which David erected n splendid tabernaclc<br />

for the ark of the covenant.<br />

3. When thc tabernacle was completed, he caused the ark<br />


to be carried in triumph to Mount Sion. The procession was<br />

vcry pnd, coluprising all the princes of Israel in purple<br />

robes, thc priests in their rich garments, and thirty tllousand<br />

arrned men. T11e SOL IT^^ of a,ll manner of mnsicnl instruments<br />

made tl~c procession still more irnl~osing. Davit1 himself<br />

went before the arlr pl~ing on the harp, ancl singing:<br />

" Lord, who fihnll rlaell in Thy tttbeinacle, or who hall rcst<br />

in Thy holy hill ? "


d. At every few paces taken by the Levitcs who carried<br />

the ark, an ox and a ram Itrere sscrificcd to the Lord. And<br />

when the zrlr had bccn placed in its destincd position, a great<br />

number of victims mere offered. David then dividcd the<br />

priests illto scveral classes, who mere in turn to omcintc in<br />

the divinc worship. Be established n like ordcr amongst the<br />

Levitcs, four thous:~~id of whom were clloscn to sing the<br />

praisos of the Most High.<br />


1. After tho death of Saul, who was chosen king? Where did<br />

Dnvid establi~h his court? Wborn did he defent 7 Why was Dnvid's<br />

reign glorio~is? 2. What manner of men wero lris counwllors<br />

7 . What wsa the primary object of all their plarl~ 7 Where did<br />

Uavid erect n splendid tillser~tacle for tlie ark of the covenant? &<br />

What did he cause to be done when thc tsbernacle\vas com~~leterl?<br />

What clid the proceseion corr~prise? What made it still morc imposing?<br />

Who went before the nrlr plnping on thc harp ? IVIlrtt did<br />

he ning? 4. At every few pncee t~kcn by the Levites who carried<br />

the ark, what \v\.acl sacriliced? What was done when the ark had<br />

been placed in its dusti~ledpositiur~ ? What did Dnrid then do? IIow<br />

~mny Levitea were chosen to eing tho praises of the Most High 7<br />


Behold, the days comc, saith the Lnrd ; nnd I will rake up to D*<br />

vid a jn~l; branch and a king ~h&Il reign ; anti shall<br />

bc wise; and shall execula judgment and<br />

justicc in the earth.-Jer. %?,5.<br />

AVID, ns he hncl done when only a sin~ple ehephcrd<br />

D boy, cmpoxd psalms and cantielea in lionor of fie<br />

Most I-Iigli, nncl contlncted himself, j11 all things, uocording to<br />

thc holy will of God. Wherefore the Lord blessctl him, and<br />

not only fauored a11 hie undcrtskings, but prorniscd hirn tll&<br />

one of liis descendants ~ho~zld rulo the wllole world, and sit<br />

upon a tllronc morc lasting than tho heavcns.


2. IIc furthennore endowed hirn with the gift of prophecy.<br />

BC expresses in lofty and s11L1itnc langua.ge tho etcrnal rclntion<br />

cxistitlg bet~vecn the 'tr'nther nlld the Son : (' Thou art<br />

my son, this day have I Xlegottca thee." IIe fo~*c?~hows the<br />

bouricllcss dolninion which was to bc tile i~zlieritnilce of the<br />

Reiiccmcr, and the pcacef~ll charticier of his reign. I will<br />

give Tlicc tho Gc~ltilcs fin Thy inheritance, ant1 tl~o utmost<br />

parts of the earth for Thy possession. In His days shdl<br />

justict? spring up, and tlthc abu~ldance of pt:ace,"'<br />

3. Ile secs, in his proyhctic visions, thc Etbiopims falling<br />

clown before the great Ruler, the Prince of Pence, ant1 beholtls<br />

His eilcinies prostrate at His feet. He secs the kings of<br />

Thersi~ anti of the Islsnds oflering I-Iim prescntn ; tllc 1ci1.1gs<br />

of the Ai-abians and of S:tl,n bringing Him gifts. 1Ie Iorctells<br />

tIla f~~turo crucifixion, with all the sorrowful scei~cs :md circuistxlzces<br />

: "They have picrced my hands :tnd my feet,<br />

thcy have numbcred all my bones ."<br />

4. T11e gall and vinegar that were prescntecl to the Dirine<br />

vicli~n suffering and (lying on the cross; tlre lnnce that<br />

picrccd His most encrotl Iiunrt; tllc nails lhnt held IIi111 fastened<br />

to the cross ; all thcscl ul+c ine~ltioned by Dnvjd in 11is<br />

psdrn~. Death overcumc, thc gravo robber1 of its prey, the<br />

earthquake thnt rent .the ~*oc:lis of Cillvary, ~ tthe l glory of<br />

tlie resurrection, rnc1.e all xntl each familiar to the mind of<br />

tl~e ropzl prophet.<br />

5. Hc sees in the distant future the brightness of t l ascell- ~<br />

sion. He calls upon thc eternal gates to be liftcd up, that the<br />

trimnphsnt Conqueror of sin and death may ttnks possession<br />

of 1Iis everlasting Bronc in henven. Dnvid, the progenitor,<br />

or f'orcf;~ilicr of Jesus Christ,, ~vho is hinlself cal.llctl t11o Son<br />

of Dnviil, was a figure of the Rcdeemcr by the place of his<br />

birth, Hethlehcm, by the obscul.itj~<br />

:t11cl lowliacss of his eady<br />

years, by the victories ho obtained over the cllelllics of the<br />

people of God, a11d also I)y his twofold character of king and<br />




129<br />

1. Whnt did Dsvjd do in hor~or of tho Mont IIigh? How did he<br />

collduct himself 7 What did tlia Lord, therefore, do P lI'11:~t did 110<br />

promise David? 2. f ith what did IIe, furthcrm~re, endow him?<br />

What cioes David esprcss in lofty and soblixne Isngunge? 7Vhnt<br />

does hc foreel~ow? 3. What does he me in his prophelic 1.isions7<br />

What id 1il;ewi~e forewen by David? 4. What are all mcrltioncci<br />

by David in hia psalms? What arc all and each fkmiliar to tl~o<br />

nlind of the royni propllet? 6. Wlmt does hc see in tho distnilt<br />

hitore? Of 1~1io~n ans Uarid the progenitor? Who is called the<br />

Son of Dnvid P C)f whom was Ilarrid a figulnc'l Why wne 110 a figuro<br />

of Christ?<br />


I-lnve mercy on me, 0 God, according b Thy great tuarcy, and xi:cording<br />

Lo the multitado of 'I'hy tentler lnernic~ blot<br />

o~it my ini111iity.-l's. 50, l, 8.<br />

VEN David was not snEciently on his guard against<br />

E temptations. IIc unhappily fell into lao grievous<br />

sins. Ha tool< to liimsclf Bethsnbeo, tlic! wife of Urias, 0110<br />

nf his captains, and in oxder to co~~eeel llis crime he caused<br />

Uriss himself to be slain by cxposing him for that lpurposo<br />

iu the front of the battle. The Lord mnt the prophet Natlmn<br />

to reprosch Dsvid with his do~11)lc crirne. Dnvid,<br />

filled with contrition, confessed his fault and aslrcd pardon<br />

of the Lord. IIc then composed tllc seven peaitcutial ~)snlm,r,<br />

which cver sincc have bccn thc conaolation of all truly penititlit<br />

sinners.<br />

2. The Lord seeing kho sorrow of David, ordered h'athan<br />

to tell liitn that his sill was forgivc~~, but that, ncvertlleless,<br />

he ~uust uildergo lrlarly temporal punishments, n11d tht tho<br />

child that was about to be born to him slioulrl ciic. IIa~id,<br />

hunlbli~lg himself before God, willingly scccptcd this and<br />

Rcnrrsrrn, Bihle Eist. 9


many other punishmrnta jnflictccl npon him, and addcrl, on<br />

his own part, the ir~ost eevcre pcmi~nce in expiation of his sins.<br />

3. The illost terrilrlc chnstiscincnt inllicted on Daricl II~M<br />

thc ingrstit.11dc of his son Absalom. Kou? Ahbsnloin was enciowcd<br />

with rare beauty of person, so that from the top of<br />

his lwad to tlic sole of his foot illere wag 110 blemish in him.<br />

His hair ur\rau long find vc!l5y I.)anutif~~l, A~ld DavicI gave Absalom<br />

a princely rcti1111c of chariots and horsemen, and n<br />

guard of yo~ulg mcn to nccompnny him cvcry;vhere.<br />

4. Absalom was wont to rise ci~l-ly ill thc morning and<br />

rjtnnrI at the gate of the p:il:~cc, niid when any man presented<br />

himsc1f to ask just.icc of thc king, hc kindly inquired whxt<br />

conlplaint hc hacl to mnltc, rind on hcnring it always replied :<br />

" Thy words seem goocl aucl just to 111~ ; but thcre is no one<br />

appointed by tlir: Icing to 11oar tliy cause." In this mnnncr<br />

he inade friends for I~i~nsclf :lrnoilg the people, by ~vrongfully<br />

blaming his f~tller.<br />

5. Somctimes Ile would cscluim in thc hcaring of thrse<br />

people : 0 that t11r:y ~~olilll ~liiiliu inc judgc ovcr the lancl,<br />

that all who have busincss mig11E collie to me, that I mig1:ht<br />

do them justice." Morcovcr wlzcn nny man came to snlnte<br />

him, he put forth liis hnncl, ailcl toolr him niid kissed him.<br />

Thus he enticed the liearts of tllc 111cu of Israel.<br />

G. When he tl~ought lia Lad gained ovcr all the men of<br />

Israel to his side, hc askctl liis B~tlicr to let him go to Hcbron<br />

in filfillment of a vow. Ihvitl, suspecting no evil, a1lo~irc:d<br />

his so11 to dcpart. And wlrcn Afisolorn had reachccl Helnron<br />

he sent messcngt:rs to all t11c tribes of Ismel, tclling them<br />

that when they hcmrl tlle sound of a tr~unpet, they shouId<br />

say : "Absalom reigncth ill IIebron." Anrl it came to pass<br />

that nnlnlly of the people, not knoiving his trcache=y, followed ,<br />

Absalom.<br />

7. When David heard of Absdom's revolt he determined<br />

to leave tl~c city, lest tho aitizcna dlould suflcr on liis account.<br />

And hz~~ing lcft the city with his :~ttendants, hc canle to tl~o<br />

brook Cedron, lliv feet bare and hie head veilcd. And cross-


ii~g the broolr, hs came to Mount Olivct, where he wept for<br />

the guilt of his ulmat~~ral son, aiirl for his own sins. And 01.1<br />

the sitlc of Mount Olivet hr! was met by a man 1la111ecl Somci,<br />

of the fanlily of Sa111~ who threw 6tont:s and earth at Ilavicl,<br />

ancl cursed him: " Como out, come out, thou Inan of<br />

blood."<br />

8. Abisai, full of wrath, cried out : " Why shouId this dcnd<br />

dog curse my lorcl, the Icing ? I will go and cut off his hcd."<br />

But Daritl ni~smered : Behold, nly onVn son seeketh my life;<br />

how much rnore one of the honsc of Snnl. Perhaps the Lord<br />

m:y loolc upon my amiction rind rer~der mc good for t11c<br />

cursing of this day.?' He saw the 11aail of God in this nt!w<br />

trial.<br />

9. Ab~lalorn having resolved to destroy navid ,and hi^ army,<br />

went in G~rsuit of them. Dnrid, ho~vcvcr, reviewed his men<br />

ant1 plncccl brnvc c:~ptains in comrnni.rt1, and allid that he<br />

nonlcl himself mr~rch at their 11o:ul. Uut this his n~cn would<br />

not pennit, snying thnt if tern tho~lsnncl of them fcll in battle<br />

they 1~oulr1 not despair; but thnt if he perishcd, all was lost.<br />

10. Tllc Icing relnniaed, thcrefora, in the city of Mal~:~nnim,<br />

but he cornmrtntleci Joab and his other officers, saying :<br />

[' Spare ~rie the boy Absdom." Tllo batlle was fought in tile<br />

rnidst of n grcnt wood, 2nd ~fbsaloni's :trmy lvns cut to 11iecc:s.<br />

He himself fieil, but he co~~lil not eucalle fro111 diviiie justice,<br />

wl~ich pursues the wiclrcd wherever tl~cy go. Having mountetl<br />

a mule, he erltlenvorcd to escape through the fol+cst, but<br />

his long hair having bceon~e cntanglcd in a tree, he remained<br />

Isaaging frorn the branch, while his mule passed 01.1.<br />

11. Ancl word was brought to Joab, general of the king's<br />

army. Jo:~l), taking three javeli~~s, mcnt to thc pInce whcrd<br />

AbsnIom was hanging from thq tree, :ult'l with liis jnveliils<br />

picrccd tho ungrateful, unnatural heart of the king's son.<br />

Absalom still breathed and stn~~led for life, who11 some of<br />

Joab's soldiers, rr~nning np, dc~v him with their swords.<br />

They then took Absalom7s body, and casting it into a deep<br />

pit in the forest, piled over it a largo heap of stones.<br />

9 *


12, A herald was sent to David with news of Absalom7s<br />

defeat. David, with the anxiety of n loving father, axkcd :<br />

" Is Absalom s:lfe ? " \Vhcn told that Absalom was dcnd tlla<br />

king rerused all comfort, and going up into n high ccl.~atnber,<br />

mourned his ungrateful son for many days. 4LAbsalom, niy<br />

son 1 " he cried, '' my son Absslom, who rvould grant me<br />

that I might die for thee, Absalom my son, my son Absalom !"<br />

' I<br />

13. The people of Jerusalem, hcaring of David'~ victory,<br />

. .,+ ,%-. . F+= -m. ..-, S , ., went c)ut to m cc t<br />

. -.\. i.,<br />

L.- ' - . +-l -.' " ' m<br />

*<br />

him, md carried<br />

', 11in1 in triumph into<br />

$7' -<br />

, the city. Davitl, in<br />

l<br />

I<br />

I , -<br />

his cyossing tho<br />

brook Ccdroti in<br />

sorrow ancl tribula-<br />

-<br />

/<br />

I<br />

r<br />

.-_ -<br />

* - \ 3-<br />

, tion, in his ascent of<br />

Mour~t Olivet, in his<br />

paticnt forbearance<br />

when outraged and<br />

FUE ~~IC.~,I'II OP ADSALOM. insulted by Semei,<br />

and his triumpl~ant entry into Jerusdcm, presents a vcry<br />

strilcing figure of Ch~ist.<br />


1. Into what did David unhappily fall? What mere theso sins?<br />

Whom did the Lorcl eend to reproach him for his sins 7 What did<br />

David do? 2. Whnt did the Lord, seeing Dnvid's sorrow for hie sins,<br />

order Nathan to tell him? What did U~vili do, humbling fiilnsclf<br />

bcforc God? What did ha then compose 7 3. What \\.as tlro most<br />

terrible cbnstiscrucnt indictcd on Darid? With what wns Abealom<br />

endowed? \Vlint did David give dhaaloui? 4. What was Abealoln<br />

1vo11t to do? 6. What would hc somctimcs exclaim in the hearing of<br />

these people? 6. IYhen Abaalorn Ihought he had gained all the<br />

men of Isrnel, what did he ss~: his father to let him do? What did<br />

Absnlorn do when he reached Hel-rron? 7. When Uavid heard of<br />

Absalom'a revolt, what did 110 determine to do ? Whnt broolr did<br />

lie cross? Whcrc did he come to 7 By whom wae he met there?<br />

8. What did Abi~ai ask permission to do? What did Dnvid tell<br />

Abisui 'i 0. What clid Abealom do, having reaolved to destroy Ilavid

and his army '? ltThat (lid Da~rid say he tivould do? What clid hie<br />

Illan say ? 18. Wllst did Il~e king command Joab and his oflicers to<br />

do ? What happened to Absa1olom's army? What happened to him-<br />

#elf? 11. TV'I1at did Toztb do whcii vord JV\'~B brought to hitn?<br />

\Vl~at was ilollo wjth AbesIom's body 7 12. IYl~nt did David ask<br />

when he heard of Absalom's defeat? What did 11e do when told<br />

that Ab~alom nrns dead? l$. What clid the ~jeoplc of Jerurralem do<br />

wlten they hcnrtl of David's victory 3 In what ci~.cumstnncee uf<br />

his life does Uavid present a very et~ilring figure uf Chriat?<br />


Precious in the sight; of the Lord is tlre dcatli of I-lie sainte.<br />

-PS. 115, 15.<br />

AVID was thirty years 015 ~vhelz he ast:cncledthc throne<br />

D of Israel, and ilo rcigncd forty )-cars in honur and<br />

glory. l\%en thc tiinc of his dcat.tIi tlrcw nonr, hc gathcrcci<br />

togc+i,l~cr ille priilces of Isrtcl, aircl told tllc111 th:lt IJC had<br />

itltc~~cldcd io tnild a house to the Tmd, and Iiacl prepascd all<br />

tllc l~latcrials for a new tc~nple ; IIU~ tlint 111~3 Lord had not<br />

nllorvocl lliiil to carry out Hi8 pln11, because 11c had shed much<br />

blood in liis many battles.<br />

2. The I~uilding of tlla tcmple was rcserverl for Solomon,<br />

his son, ~vhosc Iring~loi~l sllo~~lrl bc grcnt nnil powerful if !!c<br />

moul (l be faithf~~l to tl~e co1nm~und1nc?11ts of God. I)nvid,<br />

tl-~c?rcfore, exl~orled his ~011 to scrw Coci wit11 a gond will,<br />

beamso the Lord sonnds the depths of hearts and pr?netratcs<br />

thc tl~oughts of men, IT thou secIc Him," said Dayid,<br />

" thou sllt~It find Him ; kut if tIiou fors:tl~c I-Tim, He will<br />

cast illcc off firrcver."<br />

3, David then gnye to his fion gold m1d silver for the resst!ls<br />

of the tsa~~ctuary, together with the p1:m of the tcn~ple<br />

ni~d its ~)~ccincts, and said 10 Iiim : "All tl~cso il~jngs came to<br />

nle written by 8 0 hnotl of tlw Lned. Act lilirt n man, take<br />

courage and fcar not ; for the Lord tny God will be with thee,

134 HISTORY OF TRE OLD TEST;i>llr:XT.<br />

nor forsake thee till thou Last finishcd tlic honso of tI~c<br />

Lorcl." Tbcn nddrcssing the nsuem't~lrti princes, Dnvid said :<br />

'' Tlie work is grcnt ; for n l~ousc is prcparctl not for m:ul, but<br />

for God. Nnm, if any man is willing to offcr, let bin1 f l1 his<br />

hand to-clay, and offer what 11c plensctli tn the Lorcl." And<br />

the prince8 aid tbc people joyfully brought thcir gifts for the<br />

temple of the Lord.<br />

4. And Dnvid, rejoicing, cxclaimcci : Blossctl art Thou,<br />

0 Lord, the God of Israel, our Fatl~er from eternity to eternity.<br />

All things rtreThine, and mc have given Thcc what<br />

\VC rcccivc(1 of Thy Iiand. O Lord, 1;ccp forever this mill of<br />

lhcir hcnrt, and Ict this rni~ld remain al~vays for the worsl~ip<br />

of Thee ; ancl give to Solomon, luy son, ;t perfect hcart,<br />

thnt hc ntny l~c.c?p Thy commnnrlrncats." Having thus<br />

spoken, Uavid slept in peace. He was buried in Sion.<br />


1. Huw old wafj Tlavid rrlicn lie nsccr~dcd the throne of Israel?<br />

How long diti ko rcigii ? ITIlat did lie do wllc~l liis dcnth drew nenr?<br />

JVIlnt ditl Ilc tell tlie ~~rincos<br />

i~ig of tlto lclnplc ~cscrved? 1Vl1;tt did Ilavid clhort his 6011 to do?<br />

I\'lry so? 3. \Vllut clitl Uavicl then give to 11is sr111 ? \\:hat did hc<br />

8ay to lriill P IIOW clid Ilarid it~ltlrc~~ 111(: ns6cn1bly? 4. l\'llai, did<br />

Ihvid, rc%joici~ig, say ? Having thns sliokcn, what follorved ?<br />

of Israel ? 2. For \17110111 H.:IS the br~iltl-<br />


Soloarods P~aj1eu.--jyis WiscJowt,<br />

To fkar God ia tlrc f1111iass ol wisdom, nnd fult~ess is from the<br />

fruits thereof.--Ecclus. 1, BC.<br />

FTER tlla death of Dsvicl, Solonloi~ nsceilclcd the<br />

of Dmicl, his fxt.hcr. Tllc Lord n-pl>c!nrecl to 1:im in n dreztn<br />

by night., r ~~tcl t(1li1 him {.o %+:l: any fi~.vor lie wishcd, nntl that<br />

it mo~~ld bc grs~lted. Solorlion ulswercd: "0 Lorc1 God,

Thou hast made Thy servant king instead of David, my f3f,her,<br />

and I aln but a child. Give, thcrcfore, to Thy servant an<br />

undcrslaniling heart to judge Thy peoplc, and discern between<br />

good n~ld evil."<br />

2. The Lord r~~ns pleasccl with his petition, and IIe said to<br />

him: Bccause thou hnst aslretl this thing, and hast not<br />

askod for thyself long lifc, nor riches, nor the lives of thy<br />

enemics, but bast asked for thyself wisdom to discern ji~clgment,<br />

behold ! I have done for thee accordi~lg to thy words,<br />

and have given thcc a wise and understanding heart, insomuch<br />

that thcre hnth been no one like thee beforo thee, nor<br />

shall arisc ofter thee.<br />

3. Yen, nrld the things, also, whit:l~ tllou didst not ask, I<br />

ha~e givca the : I-ichcs and glory, so that no o11c 1latl1 bbeen<br />

like thee among tl~c kings in all days beretoforc. And if


thon wilt walk ia My and keep My precepts anci My<br />

commmdmcnts, as thy fiathcr n.alHed, I will lengthen thy<br />

daye." And Solomon became renowned for wisdom and for<br />

power and glory.<br />

4. On one occasion two nromcn came to Solomon, asking<br />

1li111 to decide tllcir dis])ulc. The first woman ~airl: " We<br />

vere liring alone in a liouue, only ~ve two. Now, I h:td s<br />

child ant1 slio hacl n cl~il(l. Arid in the night, whca sl~a was<br />

nslccp, she overlaid llcr child nnd it diecl.<br />

5. *'And, rising in the dead tirrie of the night, eho took my<br />

child, ~vlliIo I, thy handmaid, ~vns asleep, and Ihd hcr clcad<br />

child in my bosom. Wlicxl I nroso in thc morning, bel.101~1,<br />

my child was dcnd ; but, considering hinr rllofc diligently<br />

when it was clcnr day, 'l found tllnt it JYZS riot wino." But<br />

the scconcl woman nnul\rerod : " It is not so M thou sayesti,<br />

but thy child is dcnd and nlirla is alive."<br />

G. But thc first nrolnnn insi~ted that the living child was<br />

hcrs, and so they disputcd before the liing. Tlieli Sololnon<br />

orderccl a sword to 1)c Irrouglit to him, anti ~vhcn it \\.as<br />

brought hc said : " Dividr! thct living child in two, nnd give<br />

bnlf to the onc and l~nlf to thc other." liea~ii~g this, the<br />

woman ~vhosc chil tl IP:~H :tli\'c, being illovcd to pity, cried out<br />

in terror : " I bescecl~ Olcc, 11-1~ lorcl, give licr the child alive,<br />

:incl do not IiiIl it." nut the otlicr said : 'l Let it bc neither<br />

lni~le nor thine, Lut divida itat'<br />

7. The11 the king commnnilt!cl f11e cliilti to bc given to her<br />

\v110 would rnthcr give il up to another than have it killed,<br />

Bno~vbe; th:~t sho must Le il~ mothcl.. Thc report of this<br />

j~zclgmcnt having gonc abroad, the pcoplc all feared tlic king,<br />

ancl lrnerr that thc wisdom of Clod ~v:tu in him. Row neccssnry<br />

it is that kings ~ I ~ Lritlcrfi Z should cxmlinc all cases<br />

brol~ght before tl~em $1 a epirit of justice and of wisdom 1<br />


I. rlftcr the tlcxth of l)ni*id, who nsrcntled thc throne? IVho sppared<br />

60 him in :I drea~n? IYl~at did l110 Lord tell him in that<br />

dream? Wfiatdicl Bololuon azls~ver? 2. Was the Lord plemed witb

his petitioll? \That did thc Lord say? 3. For what did Solomon<br />

becolno renolvned? 4. Who came 011 one occasion to Solomon, asliin::<br />

liim to decide n ilispufo? Khnt did tho first wornall my? 5.<br />

IV11st other circumstance did the first womtLn relstc'l What did<br />

the ~econd woman answer? 0. 7T7hnt (lid the first ~voman still insist?<br />

What clid Solomon order? IVl~at did thc wornnn, \vhoso<br />

chilrl ~vis alive, cry out in toxror? l\rl~at did the othcr say? 7.<br />

Wl~atdidtl~elringtl~c~~cammnndP tVhcntlisreportof this judg<br />

ment went nbroad, whatwas the result 'l<br />


The Bzlildif~g 072d Cojz.icc~~atio~~ of the Te?izpZe.<br />

IT~JI* lovely are T11y tirbenlaclcs, 0 Lord of I-losts.--PS. Q, .?.<br />

N thc fonrth year of his reign Solomon bcgan to build thc<br />

I temple of the Lord on Haunt Moria, in Jen~sdem. Ile<br />

lied ten tl~onsand lnen employcd cutting ccdnrs on Mount<br />

Lcbnnon. Seventy lllousand wcro engaged in cnnying the<br />

materials to illc ~ite of the temple. Eig11t.y tllo~zaa~lct ~vcrc<br />

11cwi~g stones, whila tllree thousalid threc hundrccl were employctl<br />

ns overseers of tlic work.<br />

2. The vast il~~nibcr of pcrsonu cniploycil corrcsl~c~ntlccl with<br />

the gr:rndenr nncl nlngujficcnnc of tl~o houfje uf God, tlle gcncr~l<br />

1)1:u1 or 1vlticI1 r~ss that of tl~c t~1)cnlarlc. In othcr ret;pccts,<br />

howcvcr, tllc tnl~en~:iclc co~11iI not l)c ccrmpnre(1 ~vith<br />

i!~c tcinplc, wliich was sixty cubits long, tmcnty cubits wide,<br />

ancl t11irt.y cul)its high. Thc house ~r~as built of stoncs,<br />

lle~vcd and made rcady, so that rvhen it was in builtling,<br />

neither llnrnincr nor ally iron tnnl was hcard. Then tl~cre<br />

lvcrc, besiclcs, pnrcllcs and gallcrics run~iing all arouni! it,<br />

:~nd trvo largo courts for tlio priests 2nd tlic ycoplc.<br />

3. The porch bcforo tl~c ternplc rvas twenty cubits in le~zgtl~<br />

and tcn ellbits in brcntltl~, The inner ~valls werc lined ~v-vilh<br />

plal~lrs of cctl:lr, on which rvorc c:~rvcd chcrubinl ar~d p:htrces<br />

allcl tlivcrs bloomill!: flolrcrs, a11 stancling out, :is it<br />

wcrc, from tllo ~vnll, g0 sl;iIlft111~* wore tl~ry carvctl. All tl~c<br />

furnilurc, includii~g tun table8 nlld ton cnndlosticks, wcre of

the purest gold. The walls and floor of the IIoly of XIolios<br />

were covered with plates of fine gold, fnste~led by nails of<br />

gold.<br />

4. When, after seven years, Solomon hnd fini~hed the temple,<br />

he asseml)led all the ancients of Israel, with the priilccs<br />

of the tribes, to carry tl~c Ark of the Covenatlt in triumph to<br />

the temple. And all the pcoplernarched before the ark in an<br />

ecstasy of joy md religious fcrvor, making peuce-offerings to<br />

thc Lord at every step they took. The Levitcs played on<br />

the harp and cymbal and many ot,her instruments of music,<br />

while s hundred and twenty priests aounclcd the trumpet.<br />

5. And the mnltit~tde gang in one gr:~nnd chorus : " Pmise<br />

the Lord, for Hc is good, l~tld Iris IUCICY enclureth forcvcr."<br />

Tlic~l the ark llnvillg arri\?cd ;I& tlw @&CS of the templc, oilly<br />

the priests who carricil it el~hrud in, imd they brought it to


the Holy of Holies, nncl the cherubim shntlcd it with their<br />

wings. And the mnjcsty of God, in thc form of a. clo~d,<br />

filled the te~uplc, so tlirzt the priest could not stand to ministcr,<br />

becnuso of the dmrling glory thereof.<br />

B. Then Solomot~, arrayed in his richest robes, fell on his<br />

lrnces before the alkir of holocn~ists, and strctcl~ing out his<br />

hands, he said: Lord God of Israel, tl~cro is no God Iikc<br />

TIicc in heavcn or on earth. If heaven and the heaven of<br />

hcavens cnlinot contain Thee, how n~uch less this house,<br />

which I havc built l 0 Lord zny Cod, hear the hymn and<br />

the prayer wliich Thy fiervant prnycth 11cfore Thee this day,<br />

that Thy eyes may be open upon this house night arid day,<br />

that Thou mayest hcarkcn to the prayer n*l~icll Thy scr~rent<br />

yriyeth in this place to Thee. Rlnpcst Tl~ou llearkcll to Thy<br />

people whcn they pray in this place. Mayest Thou bear<br />

them and ehom them rncrcy.)'<br />

7. Solomon's prapcr Bcing endctl, fire fell from heaven and<br />

consumcd the holocn~lst. Seeing this, thc Israelites fell prostrate<br />

on the ground and adored the great God of I~eavcn, wllo<br />

wronglit s~lch wondcrs bcfore tlicni, ailcl tl~cy ~rrent away<br />

praising IIis awful name. The Lord appcarcd a eccond time<br />

to Solomon, ancl said : " 1 11sve 11~qrd thy pmyer, nnrl I have<br />

cjnncti ficd this honsc which tllou hast built ; and Rly cyos and<br />

My lieart sh:~ll bc nltvays tlicre."<br />

8. With 1111 il~ grtti~daur and ~i~:~gtlificellcc, Solon~on's tc:mplc<br />

mns but n hint image of our tcinplea in which Jcsus<br />

Christ, true God a11d true nian, dwolls under tlle appc!ornncc<br />

of bread, pouring out upon us his most abuadmt gaccs.<br />


l. What did 8olornon begin to do in the fonrth year of hia reign?<br />

Where did he build the telnple? How Inany thousand Inell hnrl he<br />

e~tlployed cuttingon Mount Lebanon? Horv rnany were engaged in<br />

carrying the materials to the site of the temple? How many men<br />

wow hewing to no^? IIolr marly OVCYECCr8 were there? 2. What<br />

waB the genernl plan of tlie tcmpls? IIow lor~g waa the tolaple?<br />

How wide'? How high ? What were there beeidea? 3. With what

were the inrlcr wnlls lir~ed? 1Vliat wore carrcd on tl~rrm'? With<br />

what were the walls and ihor of tlie Holy or Holie~ cuvercd'l 4.<br />

What did Solomon do ~vlicn, after Aevcn years, 11e had finished tllu<br />

temple 7 What did tllo people (107 WJirrt did tha Lcvite~ do? and<br />

the pricets? 6, J\'h.zt did tllc whnlc multitude sing in chorue?<br />

What was dono when tllc ni,lr t~rrirod at the gates of the temple?<br />

Where did they I~lncc tl~c ark? ISlmt then filled tliu temple? 8,<br />

What did Solomon then tlo P What did he Ray 7 7. Whnt happened<br />

when Solnmon's prnycr w;i~ cndert? Seeing this, what did the<br />

Iemclifes do? Wl~at did tllaT,ortl 6aj7 toSo101nr~1l w11sn He appeared<br />

to him n second LimcP 8. Of wlrnt Was Solomon's temple, with all<br />

its grandeur and rnsgoificcnco, but a fttin t ilnagt! P<br />


Hc that thi~~l~ctll hin~selr to stand, Ict llirn talic Lecd lesL ha fall.-<br />

I. Cor., 10, 12.<br />

~~lCSII>IM tliu Lcmplc which llc ercctwl to tlie Lord, Solo-<br />

- Inon built fix l~imsclf<br />

ccnce. IJis throno was of ivo~y, o~rerlaid wit11 tlle iincst<br />

gold. It ltscl six stcps, and at thc two ends of c:~dl step<br />

tlicrc stootl a lioii : six to tllc right ancl ~ ix to tllo left-in all,<br />

ttvclve lionu. 13uC tho top uf tlic throne was n)uad, and had<br />

a lnrgc lion, well mndc, on citlrcr side. And Solo~nun made<br />

t\vo l~undrcd sllields of the purest gold, and hung thern in<br />

his pitlace.<br />

2, All the vcsscls out of wllidl the Icing drank were of gold,<br />

ancl all tllo furniture of hix I~uuso ans lilrewise of gold. 111<br />

:I p:ilace of ~rrondcrful nlagi~iii-<br />

tlre days of Solo~ilon ihc1.c IVLLS no eilvcr; IIO account was<br />

made of it, bccnuse the royal floct brought from foreign coua-<br />

trics riches of all l~i111l8, nn(1 prceious melals in abundance.<br />

Solomon built scvoral now citics ; 11c ba:tulificd and strengt,hencd<br />

Jcrus:~Tuln, so tllnt, wi tll few CXC(-~~~OI~Y, it surp'~~;~ss<br />

all thc citics of that time in Loauty and splendor.

3. And Solornon rcignetl from the Euphmtes' to the confines<br />

of Egypt, nnd he nss nt pence r~itl~ his ~lcighbors 011<br />

every ~ida, :LII~ eaclz man rrckd withotrt f ~ under m his own<br />

vine and fig-tree. Kings from far and ncar ~showccl Solomoll<br />

respect, and scnt him presents. Thc queen of S:ha came<br />

herself from her fi~r-clist.'i~lt land %to beholrl hia rnnbmificenr:~<br />

and to bear the words of hi3 tvisdorn. When she had Bccn<br />

nncl heard, her spi1-i t fnilcd, nnd she said to thc king : " The<br />

rcport is true svhit:l~ I heard in my own country, bnt I woultl<br />

not bclieve. Bleasecl arc thy ficrvnnts v110 ~tanil before thee<br />

ant1 hear thy misdo~n." Tlins did King Solonion excced it11<br />

the kings of the edrtl~ in riches a11d in .rvistlorn.<br />

4. But glorious as was. the Incginning of Solomon'n rcign,<br />

its elzd was deplorable. SoIornon nras far nclvartnct?d in life<br />

wl~cn his heart was corrupted by str~,ngc! women; and that<br />

great Iring, llitl~crto so wise, bccnlne so blind and depravccl<br />

that, in order to please tl~cse rvornen, he ofrered itlccnse to<br />

f:tlse gotls, and built temples to thcm.<br />

5. Tlic Lord, Lcing angry, said to Solo~nnn : 'l Bccauso<br />

thou ]last done tl~is, and hast not ltcpt My covcnni~t nnd My<br />

precepls, which I. havc commanded thee, I mill divide ant1<br />

rend thy kingdom. Nevcrthele~s, in thy day^ I mill not do<br />

it fbr David, thy fitthcr's, xake ; ncitller will I talrc awn.y tlie<br />

whole kingdom, but 1 will give ono tribe to thy son, for the<br />

sillze of David, hly servant, and for thc vrlkc of Jerusalem,<br />

which I have chosen.?'<br />

G. T11cn secrct revolt md sodition arose nmong the pcoplc,<br />

I~ecsusc Solmnon, tblindecl as he was, had overtaxcc1 mid oppressed<br />

the peol~lc, to build pslaccs for tho heathen worncl1<br />

who had turned Iiim army from God. Things mere in this<br />

unhappy state when Solomon dic!d, having reipicd forty<br />

years ; and hc who had been a great a ~ powerful d kil~g wllilile<br />

he walked in the ways of Daviii his fatller, dicd without<br />

honor, and, perhaps, without rcpcntnncc. The sad entl of<br />

Solomon teaches us that &as long au me live we are U11.1le to<br />

'Ev~rri:a~cs (pr. U-fran-tc~!, it groat rivcr of Asia.


fall into sin, and that hcncc mc sl~ould never lose sight of tho<br />

fcar of God, nor ncglcct to pray for perseycmnce. Solomon<br />

in his prosperity is n faint figure of Christ reigning glorio~isly<br />

in heaven.<br />


1. beside^ the temple which hc erected to the Lord, what did Solomon<br />

build? Of what wncl his thronc? EIow many lions stood on<br />

each gtep of tt~o throi~c 1 \ITT'hnt did SoIomon makc of the gnrest<br />

goltl? Of what were all the vcsscls and all tho furniture of his<br />

housc? 2. EIom wns ~iloer considered in the days of Solorriorl?<br />

Why so? What did Solomon build? TVhat did kc do to Jcrnsnlem?<br />

3. Wllat v7ns the extent of Solomon's lringdom? W:te hu at pearo<br />

with his ncigl~b?rs l \\'hat clid he receive from lrings? Who cnmo<br />

from her clistsnt country to behold Solomon's magnificence, nxid to<br />

licsr his words oFir.isdorn? What did the Queen of Haba sny to Solomon?<br />

4. \Iras the end of Soloinon's reign as gloriou~ ns tllc beginning?<br />

IIow was Bolomon'e heart corrupted? \+'hat did 11c do to<br />

please these strnnge 1vu11ie117 5. Whnt did the Lord tell SoIonlon<br />

that IIe would do7 What did He promise to (10 for Dnrid's ~ a l7 i<br />

6. What then nrose Ettnollg llic pcoplc? I\'lly? 110~ did Wolon~on<br />

dic? What does the sad end of Solomon teach us ? Of whour is<br />

Gokomon in his prosperity a figure?

1)ecline nf the I'coplc of 1sr:lcl. 1;rorn the Time of<br />

1Coboam to Jestrs Cllrist.<br />

(962 U. C.)<br />

CHAPTER LX1.<br />

IIc tiint wall;ctIi 1vit.h the wise, gl~all be wisr!; n friend of Eools<br />

filial1 bccxnne liku to l;hcn~.--P,rov. 1J,2;'0.<br />


4. Then the pcol~le, seeing thnt they l~ncl. nothing to expect<br />

from tl~cir new lcing, hcgm to say among tliemsclvcx tliat Iloborn<br />

was nothing to them. Ancl ten of the tribef;, throu-ing<br />

off his authority, chose for thcir king 'Jcrobonm, IV~O had<br />

been a servant of Solomon. Only tlio two tribes of Juds<br />

and Bcnjnmin remained with Roboain. Pronz that day f'ortl~<br />

the peoplc of Israel were divided into two I:ingdoms, that of<br />

Juda and that of Israel.<br />

5. Jerusalem contin~~cd to be the capital of Juda, and Ss<br />

mnria bocnrne afterwarrls the c:tpital of Isrscl. But thc<br />

effects of the separation went still fartlier ; for Jcroboan~, king<br />

of Israel, thought within I-limself that if thol>eoplc contiiluotl<br />

to go up to 3erusalem to offw sacrifice to thc 1,orcl in his tcmple,<br />

their hcarts woulcl turn ngain to Robonrn, and the kingdom<br />

of 1sr:~ol mnnld surely return to the honso of DaGd.<br />

G. To avoid this danger he madc two golden calves, which<br />

he placed at the two cxtren~ities of his Iiingtlom-one at Dm,<br />

the other at Bethel-and told the peoplo that they should<br />

not go up to Jert~salem to worship, for that tthcse wero<br />

the gods that bad brought the111 out of Egypt. In this tvy<br />

he led the people into idohtry, for they rcpaired to thc<br />

places pointed out to them by their king ancl morshiped the<br />

golden calves.<br />

7. On the other hand, Raboam, king of Juda, who bad seen<br />

with grief thc defection of the ten tribcs, was all his lifc<br />

mi~king war on Jeroboam. This fitate of' continued warfare<br />

was lccpt up by their ~uc&ssors on both sicies, and more tliw<br />

oncc thc nid of forcip nations was called in by one or tllc<br />

other. In this way did those widred kings cause mucl1 sin<br />

nlld misery among thcir ~>cople.<br />

S. Even the kings of Suds soon fell into idolatry, and fhe<br />

people, ii)llo~ving their cxample, forgot the worship of the<br />

trnc Gotl, nild gave tl~cn~salves up to dl 1n:Lnncr of ~vickndncss.<br />

All this sin, misery, and ruin wcrc 1):irtly tllc cikcb of<br />

1Jmonora~ (pr. Jcr-o-bo'u).


Solomon's clepartmc from the nva.ys of justice: terrible example<br />

of the ruin that sin brings on those who comm&it, md<br />

even on their childrci~ after them.<br />


X. After the death of Bolomon what did the people of Israel beseech<br />

Roboam, hi8 son, to do? Wi&t did Rolmam tell tliem? With<br />

n7houi did he then take coonsel? 2. Nrliat did thc etlcients xclriau<br />

the Iriag to do? Was lioboam e:ltisfied with thi~ advice? To whom<br />

did 11e betslte himsell'? h TVhat did tI)e young men. say?4,\i7hat<br />

did the people, scoing that they had ~~othing to expect from their<br />

new king, begin to say among the~nselves? What dill ten of tha<br />

tribes do? What two tribe8 rcmai~lcd with Robonm? Into what<br />

two ki~~gdorns were tho people of Isracl from tlt:rt day ilividcd?<br />

5. What city contjn~ied to be tho capital of Jndil? Whet aity was afterwarde<br />

that of laruel ? 71111nt otlncr sad effect citme of the scparation<br />

7 6. To avoid this danger, what did Jcrobonrn do ? TThcrc!<br />

did he place the two goldcn calves 7 What did hc tcll the people?<br />

7. On the other hand, what did Robonm, king of Jndn, gricvod nl<br />

the defection of Ihc? ten tribes, do all his life? I\'hat was kept up<br />

by tlleir fiilccassors on both sides P ITIiose aid did they more t1~a11<br />

once call in78. Who fell into idolatry 7 What did tlieir people do?<br />

To what did they give themselves up ? What was partly the cautle<br />

of all this sin and rnissry P Of what is it s terrible example?<br />



God Raises zrp Prophets.--Mirsioa of the P~ujhet Elks.<br />

(907 B. C.)<br />

The Lord is become a refuge for the poor: a helper in doe tirnc in<br />

tribu1ation.-Pa. 0, 10.<br />

N order to bring back the kings and the peoplo to better<br />

I sentiments, Gad rniscd up, at different times, lroly por-<br />

sons, who are hewn as prophets. These prnpl~ets yresclled<br />

penarice in a, vcry impressive manncr, and they proved thc<br />

truth of their divine mission by working great miracles.<br />

Scaue'rcn, Bib10 Iiist, 10


2. God revenletl to them many future events. They prcdicted<br />

the principal circumstrli~cev of llic birth, lifc, passion,<br />

death and glory of the Messiah. Onc of the i~iost celebrated<br />

of the prophets was Elias. EIe lived in tlie reign of Aclmb,<br />

king of Israel. This king nras very wiclred. None of his<br />

predecessors llnd committctl 80 nxmy crimes as he,<br />

3. Hc had married :I Gentile woman ~nanlecl Jezabcl; nnd<br />

he had built ,z temple to 'Ranl, :uld lisd consccrated to tlio<br />

~crvicc of that fnlse god four huntlrctl alitl fifty priesta, mllilst<br />

Be had caused the priests of the Lord to bc put to death. In<br />

nword, his intention seelnecl to be to destroy the true religion<br />

entirely among the ton t.rihes.<br />

4. Eli:~s, clad in a rol~gh sheep-slrin, and with a staff in hia<br />

hand, prcscntcd hinjself hefore Adlab and said : " As the<br />

Lord livelll, the God of Isrscl, in ~~hclst! 6igI:ht I stnntl, tl1er.e<br />

shnll not be rlcrv nor 1xin these thrce pcnrs hul accortling t#o<br />

the words of my mouth." Acliab wmna scry augry to hear<br />

thcse words of lhe prophet, and socretly resolvcd to put Elias<br />

to death.<br />

5, Thcn the Lord knowing the cvil intention of the king,<br />

commanded Elias to go and concenl liin*~~clf near Iho brook<br />

Carith, in the vicinity of the Jordan. The prophet obeyed,<br />

and behold, the ravens bromgl~t hiin bread or flcsll every<br />

morning and every evening for lrlsny days ; and he drank of<br />

thc torrent.<br />

'6. Some timc after, the broolr ran dry, and the Lord commanded<br />

Eliss to go to Sarepta a city of the Sidoilians. X1i:ls<br />

went accordingly, and wllsn he drew near the gate of Uie<br />

city he saw a .rvornan gathering sticlrs, and he called hcr and<br />

said: " Give n3e n little nra.ter in 12 vessel thnt 1: Inay drink."<br />

7. As the woman ~ wgoing s to fetch it: he csllcd after her:<br />

" Bring me also a nlorscl of brcnd." File :mstverccl : " As<br />

the Lord thy God livetll, I have no bread, but only a, h:mdfirl<br />

of meal in a pot, and a little oil in a cruse ; I am gatheritig<br />

two sticks that I may go in and dress it for me and my son,<br />

thnt we may cat and dic."


8. The propllet aasurnd her s:tying : " Fcnr not ; but go and<br />

tXo nu thou 1i;~st said; but first m:aka far me of the same ~neal<br />

little hearth-cake. For thus saicl the Lord : ' Thc pot of meal<br />

s11:iIl not wnst,e, nor tlle crase of oil be diminished unt.il the<br />

day wherein the Lord mill give rain upon 6he earth.' ''<br />

9. The woman did as Elim had told hcr and from that day<br />

forth she hacl mcnlin lier<br />

pot ancl oil in her crusc,<br />

anci knew no w\.:~nt, ncither<br />

Elias, nor she, nor her<br />

son. Now, it happened<br />

some time after, that the<br />

gon of this poor wiclow of<br />

. Snreptsfell sick and died.<br />

-<br />

She snid to the propl~et :<br />

"What h:lvc I done to<br />

thee, tliou man of God? , ,I<br />

3Iast thou come to rric +I . -- .,D<br />

that my iniquilies fihould<br />

.,-. - -- .<br />

l.1.l.i: IT', In'; ,V t!,i"-!l.<br />

. X..<br />

/ ._<br />

be rememberetl?" There-<br />

upon Elim took the chilcl, and went int.0 the upper chamber<br />

nncl laid it upon Eiis omn bcd. Tlian he criod to tlie L,ord:<br />

" 0 Lord, lii~stl'ho~~ al-1~0 nmict,ed the rridotv ~r.it,h wwI-1x1 L<br />

nm nfter nsort maint,a,ined?" Theti hc strctchcd himself nnd<br />

measured Iiixnsclf three times upon the child; and the soul<br />

of the boy rct~tnled and he revivcd.<br />

10. Elias took thc child nncl broagl~t him down to his<br />

mother, and snid: Bcholcl, thy son liveth.'' Bull of joy<br />

sr~tl gratitadc the Jvomnn exclaimed : " Now by this I k ~ow<br />

that tllou art a man of God, and the word of the j;c.rd in<br />

t11y rnoulh is true." Elins, the grown man, stretching Iiim-<br />

BB!~ and metlsnring hilllself npou the sll~nll body of the tlcnd<br />

child is a figrlre of the Ilicnmation, in whicll the Son of God<br />

so adapted hilnself to our human nature as to become tusu<br />

without ceasing to be God.

QUEsTIONS.<br />

1. Whom dici God ~unise up at times, in nrtlar to bdng back tlie<br />

kings and the people to Letter ser~titrierlts'? IY11nt rlitl lhese prophet*<br />

~ireach P How ditl they prove the truth of thcirdi~ine znissior~?<br />

2. 7That did they protlict? W110 was one of the most celebrated of<br />

tile prophets? In n4rnt reign did Elins live P 3. What great crimes<br />

had the king committed? 4. Vrhst clid Miss say to dcfrnb ~r-hen 118<br />

preae~ited himself before him ? What did Ar11ab secretly resolve?<br />

6. J+'linf ditl t,l~e Lord then cornrna~~d Elias to c10 ? How ana nlias<br />

fed in tllc ~vildcrnesa? 6. Rortlo timc after, when tlle brook ran clry,<br />

whither dicl the Lord commnnd Rliss to gn7 \\'horn clid he scc ns<br />

he drew near the gate of the cily P What clid 11e ask the woman to<br />

do 7 7. I\'hst dicl tlto prophet cnll after her \vr.llcn film was going to<br />

fetch the ~v:~tor 7 Whnt did the woman answcr ? 8. What did the<br />

prophat tell Itor? IVIlnt did lie tlien aouitna~~tl her to clo? Tclljag<br />

her whnt ? 0. Did the wotnan obcp? What followed ? So11le tilr~e<br />

alter this, who fell sirlr and diecl ? \Y\.int. (lit1 tlio \voruan sap to<br />

Rlins ? 1VIi:~t did 1Cliti~ &I Y \Chat did he prny? Did tlie ldord<br />

hear hi^ prayfir 7 10. l\'llnt did the woinnn, fill1 of jog r~ntl grat,it,udo<br />

say to Elina ? TIow in tlte rn:rritier in which 1Clina raised the child<br />

to life a figure of the Tncarnntion?<br />


The Snc~ifce of Elias.<br />

Tfro11 ul~alt fenr the Lord thy God, and shalt nerve Him<br />

on1 y .-Deut. G, 13.<br />

FTER the earl11 had remained thrce yems wtl six<br />

A months ~vitls,ut min or dew, the Lord spoke to Elins :<br />

"Go anrl show thyself lo Achab, that I rriuy give rail1 11po11<br />

the face of the eartll.'' The prophet ubt?yed. When Acliab<br />

saw him he said : " Art tllon he that tronblcst Jsl.,zel? '' The<br />

prophet answered: " I hnvc not troublcd Isracl, bnt thou<br />

and thy fntl~er's house, who 11a1~e forsaken the commi~ldmcnb<br />

of the Lorcl itnd h;rve followed Bnalin~.'~<br />

2. " Nc17cvthcles~, scn(I nonr ant1 gatllcr unto me all Israel<br />

unto Mo~ult CarmeI, and the prophets of Bnal, four hmldred<br />

and fifty, and tlie prophcts of the groves, four hundred."


Achab obeyed, being afraid to do other~visc, on account of<br />

the firnine that was cveryr~rhere, nnd he went himself to the<br />

mountain. Then Elias spoke to the people of Tsmol, saying:<br />

"Horn long clo you Ilnlt bct~vcen t\vo sides 7 If the Lord be<br />

God, follow Him; but if Rnal, then follo~v hirn.)'<br />

3. The peoplc feeling the justice of his reproach, made no<br />

answer. They Weso ashamed and afraid. EIias then added :<br />

I only remain a prophet of the Lord, bnt the prophets of<br />

Bnal are four hundrccl and fifty mcn. Tlct two bullocks be<br />

given us ; ancl let tl~om choose ono bulloclr. for themsclves,<br />

and cut it in pieces, but put no fire uncler ; and I will dress<br />

the other bullock, arid lay it on wood, ancl put no fire<br />

mldcr it.<br />

4. Call ye on the nanles of your gods, and I will call on<br />

the ]lame of 111~ Lord, and thc God thd sllnll ansrvcr by fire,<br />

lct Hirn be the God." A11 tl~cr, pcople n.i~sacreci: "A very<br />

gooil proposal." Thcn thct priests of Dnn.1, clad in their<br />

richest garments and cromncd with la;urel, t.001~ a11 ox, and<br />

crlelv him.<br />

5. Then they e~*cctccl an altar, plnced tllc dencl ox upon it,<br />

:uld danced arounci it crying out: '' Dnnl, hear us." This<br />

tllcjr did from lrinrning until noon, I)ut no fire cainc to consulne<br />

t11cir sacrifice. Thcn Elias, 1110cking tllcm, cdlcd out:<br />

Cry with n Iot~der voice; for he is n god, nnd perhaps he is<br />

talliing with somc one, or on a journey, or is asleep and<br />

must ba nwalced."<br />

G. Then thcy began to cry loudcr than ever, hacking their<br />

bodies with knives, as they were nccustomed to do, uutil<br />

they were covcred with blood. Tliis they liept up till evening,<br />

but 3.11 in vain. Then Elias told tl~n l>eoplo to come to<br />

I~im. And hc erected an altar to thc Lord; took twelve<br />

stones, and laid the woo~l in ordcr IIPOII thcrn, then placed<br />

the ox, which had been cut in piecos, upon the mood:<br />

7. Re then ~wu~ecl water upon the victim till it ran dolyn.<br />

on evcry nnd filled the trcncll nround the altnr. Thie<br />

being done, he craid: " 0 Lord God, sI~orv this day that Thou

150<br />


art tl~c God of Israel, and I, Thy servant, and t11ht according<br />

to Thy cnmmandment, I 11nve done all these tllings. Hear<br />

me, 0 Lord, hear mc ; that this people lnay learn that Thou<br />

art the Lord God, ancl that Thou hnst turned their hearts<br />

agriin."<br />

8. Tlmt ingiant fire came down from heaven and consumed<br />

the holocn-ust, the woad, the stones, m1d thc nlctter in<br />


the trench. The people having-witncsscd this prodigy, feIl<br />

on their faces, exclniming : '' Tbe I~rcl He is God ! The<br />

Lord He is God ! 7' And thc prophet, retiring fro111 the multi-<br />

tuclc, went up alone to the top of thct mountain, where ho<br />

pro~trated himseXf before the Lord in praise ancl thanks-<br />

giving.<br />

9. Then he besought tlio Lord 60 rofrrsh the earth with<br />

water. And bellr~ld, a little cloud arosc from the sea, 110 big-


gcr than t.hc foot of n mall, ancl iL hpread itself gradually over<br />

the I~~n\~ens, :~11(3. rain fell in abu~itlnnce, Thc land of I~rstel,<br />

euff(?ring froin the long drought, was a figure of the great<br />

spiritual droug1:llt from ~11ir:h the whole world ~uffered before<br />

Ule co~ning of Christ. 13lins bidding the henvcns to rain, waa<br />

a figure of Christ opening the fuuntdns of grace to a perishing<br />

world.<br />

10. Thc rain itself, t\fl~ich gave n new Tifc to t.he earth, is a<br />

Qype of the grace of God which rcnews the ~oul of thc converted<br />

sinncr.<br />


1. What did the Lord 8nj7 to Xlins nfter the earth had remained<br />

three gears nild six monlhn ~vi thout rain ? What did Acl.ab :,sap<br />

w11e1~ he saw IIlizis? \That did the prophet answer? 2. Whnt did<br />

Achnb rlo ? Whnt tlid Elir~a say to tl~o people of Isrrtcl? What did<br />

Rliris arid ? 3 and 4. Were the people satisliotl with his proposnl?<br />

5. W hit ditl the priests of Blud then do 7 J\'hnt dicl they<br />

cry out? Did lirc come 10 coztsume thcir szcrilir:e '/ \Vliat did Elias,<br />

11~ocl;ing tlwtn, call out? ti. What did the priests of Haal then do?<br />

\\'lint did Klins then do? 7. This bcing done, what did thc yropllet<br />

~:LJ', raising his llancls n~id eye8 to heaven? 8. Whnt came down<br />

iilstnntly from l~cave~l? What clid tile people exclaim, falling on<br />

their faces? Wkithcr (lid the p~opllct retire? N711at clid he do<br />

illcm S 9. \irllr~t did ~ Ibeseccli C fha Lord to do? What hapl~ened<br />

tllcn? Of w11nt was tilt! lrtnd of Jfirncl, snEi:ri~~g fro111 tlio long<br />

drongllt a figure? Of a'l~om ~vss Eli~n :L figure! 10. Of what wag<br />

the rain that gave new life to the earlh R tpl-re ?<br />


The I,nrd Thy God hatet11 all irrj11stice.-Iht. 25, l(;.<br />

xHAB had a palace at Jczml~el,<br />

and near it was a vine-<br />

y:~rcl owned by n mnn 11a11icd Nabotll. Achab, cow<br />

eting the vincpzrd, saicl one daj7 to Naboth : Give me thy<br />

vineyard, thczt I nrlty rnake me garden, and I will give thee


a better vineyard, or I mill give thee the worth of it in money."<br />

Nabot11 nnswered him: " The Lord be merciful to me,<br />

nncl not Icl me give thee the inhc~.itnncc of my fathers.!' For<br />

tlio 1;tw of hloscs forl~acic the soil to sell 1E1e property wllich<br />

he l~ntl ilihcritecl frfrorn his f(oref:itliurs.<br />

2. The king was no tronblcd bccmse he coulcl not 11nvc the<br />

vinoyard tlmt hc could neither eat nor slccp. Sezabel, his<br />

queen, perceiving this, inquirod the cause of liis sadness nnd<br />

his fretting. Tlle Iring hn~~ing cx1)laintnd the cmsc, Jezabel<br />

mockingly said : " Thou arl of grcat nat.hority, indccd, rind<br />

govcniest well the 1ti11gdom of Israel I Arise, rind cat brcnd,<br />

:uid be oPgood clleer: I will give thee the vineyard of K*<br />

both the Jcxrnhclite."<br />

3. She the11 wrote lctters in the king't3 name to tile cIlief<br />

illell of ill(? city, men ~ ho~ii she knew to be wickeri lilrc herself,<br />

rcqucsting the111 to fiurl somo men who \voulcl ~vron~f~<br />

accuse n'ixbotl-1. These mcn were e:isily found, ancl they bore<br />

falsc mitncss ng:~inst Nnballi, saying that he Iiacl I1:tspIzcmcd<br />

Gocl and the king. And on thcir testinlolly Nabuth rvas coniIei~~ne,cI,<br />

t:tlreli out of thc city, ancl stoncxl to dcrtth.<br />

4. Jcrnlscl, being informed of h'nbath's death, went urld<br />

told lier husband tllnt he might now tlre tl~e viiirpnrd, as<br />

h-aboth was dend. Ancl Achab took the vineyard. 'l'hcn the<br />

Lord coinma~~clcd Eliarj to go to Achah, to rcproach him 111illi<br />

his crime, :u~d to tell 11in-1 that thc dogs mo~lld lick up llitz<br />

own blood on the very spot on which Kabotll was slain, and<br />

that the queeu wonld be dcvourcd by dogs in .the snnlc field.<br />

This prediction Ivns literally f~~lfilled.<br />

6. 'l'hrcc years after, Achab W;W 1110rtally wouri(Xed in a<br />

l~attlu -\rit]l the Syrians; nncl mhcn thc chnlaiot in which hc<br />

rrreived tllc f:~ta,l wound was being wnshod, nfter his dcatll,<br />

thc dogs canie allcl liclrcd up the blood.<br />

G. Sollie time nfter, ~vllell Jebn was Iring, hc went to Sczra-<br />

11~1. Allcl wher~ Jeznbcl heard oi his coming she drc~secl hcrkclf<br />

in her yicl~cqt np~):~rel. SIN pnintecl her face ancl adortled<br />

head, and stood ut n, window of her aalsce. Jehu, gee-


irlg hcr at tIlc trinclo~v, ordercd her servants to cnst her donrn.<br />

They did so, arid the walls werc rjl~rir~klcd wit11 hcr blood,<br />

and thc hoovcs of the horscs trod upon her, nnd the dogs<br />

came and file her fle~li, Afler Jchu hacl dinecl he ordered<br />

Jexubcl to bo buried, but only her head, feet xld ha~lds remained.<br />


1. Wlio had x vineyarrl near Achab's palace at Je~raliel ? What<br />

did Acll:ib, colleting the vineyard, say one day to Nnbotli? What<br />

did Nt~both answer Iliru? 2. Why was tile Ling 60 troubled that he<br />

could ~leitller cnt nor sleep ? Whai (lid Jwnbel, big queen, mockillply<br />

sag? 3. ITht did she then do? Rhnt did thcse men say<br />

against Nabotll ? 'IVl~ttt was dune to Sabot11 ? 4. NTliat did 3exabe1,<br />

being iliformcd oENaboth'e dcsth, kll hct hnsbzncl.? What did the<br />

Lord thcn command Elias to do? What wax he to telI the Iii1lg7<br />

Was lhis predictio~l f~~lfillcd? 5. Flow jras it fr~lfillcd? 6. Some<br />

time nfter, whcn Jeha \me Idng, wlierc did lie go? When Jembcl<br />

l~enrrl of his corning, \\.hat ditl he do P What (lid Jchu, seeing her<br />

at the window, order hcr servnnta to do? What followed?<br />


T one time Elias, being persecuted by Jeznbel, fled into<br />

A tho desert. He rvos wry sad, and desirod to die, for<br />

he thought all t11c Isr~elit,cs had fallen into idolatry. Being<br />

fatigued, he cast hirnsclf down and slept in the ~1;hadorn of a<br />

juniper trec ; and Lohold, an angel of the Lord touchccl him<br />

and said : "Arise, cr~t; for thou hnst yet n great way to go."<br />

EIias looked, and swi- at his head rt hcarl.11-cake nnd n vessel<br />

of water. IIo ayose, at.c and tlmnk, nncl +~xllied irl the<br />

strength of that food forty days and forty nights, until he<br />

came to the rnount of God, Eoreb.

l54<br />


2. Then the Lord appeared to him amidst tho wl~istling of<br />

a gentle wind, consoled him and said : '' Retur~l and anoint<br />

Eliseusl to be prophet in thy room, and I will leave me<br />

seven tl~ousand men ~vhose knces have not bowed before<br />

Baal." Elias departed, anti found Eliseus ploughing wit11<br />

oxen. I-Ie cast his mantle upon him, and Zliseus forthwith.<br />

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left the oxen and tllc plo~v, followcd IElias and ministcrcd to<br />

him.<br />

3. But thc tin~e came nvhen the Lord wished to take Elias<br />

from the earth. The spirit of God led him to the Jordan,<br />

and Eliscus accompanied him. Eljas toolr his mantle, folded<br />

it together, and rtrucli the waters ; t11c waters divided, and<br />

both passed over on dry ground. As they walked on, there<br />

appeared n, ficrg cl~ariot, with horses. Elins was taken up<br />

ELISEU~ (pr. E-liz'-c-ue).

dive to l~eaven. Eliscus saw hirn, ailcl cricd : c' My Iitther !<br />

My father ! )' IYhcn he saw Elins no longer, bc rciit hi6 gar-<br />

~nents in grief; then, taking the ma,i~tle ~vhiel~ Elias had<br />

droppecl, hc ~yent bsclc and etnlcl; with it t,Iie waters of tlie<br />

Jordan. Thcy were divided, and 1i:liseus passed over. TIic<br />

otl~er disciples of Elia.s, seeing this, said : '' The spirit of<br />

Elias Iinth rcsteci upon Eliscus." And coming to rnect birn,<br />

they rvors11i~)pecl him, falling to t,he g]-rrund.<br />

4. Aft,er Rlim 1i:~tllsaen talrcn up into heaven, Eliseus arose<br />

and exhorted thc lsraelitcs to remain f:~iihful to the Lord.<br />

G.otl n.lso fi~vorecl llirn wiB tho gift of rnirscles. Wlie~l he<br />

c:me to Jericlio, tlie rncn of the city said to him : " Thc silut~tion<br />

of this city is very good, but the waters arc! very bad."<br />

Eliseus ans~vered : " Bring rile a new vt!sscl, ard put s;dt in-<br />

to it." WJlcn they hnri brought it lie mcnt out to llle spring,<br />

cast thc sdt into it, and the ~vattters were healed.<br />

6. 011e day, when Eliseus was going up lo Ilcthcl, where<br />

tile golden calf IV:LS worsliippcd, 8ome boys came out of thc<br />

city and moclrccl lii~n, saying : Go up, thou bnld I~cad."<br />

Xliseus, kno~ui~~g that in dishonoring 11i1n they Sisho~iorctl<br />

Gt-od, tmnecl bncIr arlrl wrsed thcm ia the 1i:Lme of tlic<br />

Lortl. 1n11nt:cIiately two bears came ont of l,l~e wood that was<br />

nonr by, and killr!cl f0rt.j~-two of ll~c hop.<br />

G. So~ne time aiter, JClise~~a LXPC~ of leprosy, ia n rniractllorls<br />

InsIlnar, Knlmnlm, general of t11c Syria11 anuy, a rich<br />

ant1 valiant man. The wjfc of Nnnmati 11ad in hcr serrice a<br />

young 1-sraelite girl who bad hcen carried ofl' into Syrit~ by<br />

ro1)hers. Tliifi nlniclen thcil said one dny to hcr 1~1ist~es.s :<br />

'l I wish my rilastcr 1i:ujl been ~vitl-i thc prophet that is in<br />

Sainarin. He mould ccrlainl y ha~rc healed him of the loprosy."<br />

When Nunman lieard this h(? sct out for Samnrin<br />

will1 horses xtlc1 clla~*iots.<br />

7. Whcn Naaman reached the prophel's dwelling he sent a<br />

rntksscnger to let him 1c:lu~v c~f his coming, mid wily IIC had<br />

come. Eliseus scnt l-lim ~rclrcl t,o bath seven ti~nes in the<br />

Jordm, and 110 would be beded. Naaruan was angry, and


went away, saying : "I thought he would llave come out to<br />

me, andstanding, ~vould have invoked the nnne of thc Lord<br />

his God, and touched with hjs hand the, yl:rce of the leprosy,<br />

and healecl rne. Are not the rivers of llnmnscus better thm<br />

all the waters of lsracl? "<br />

8. As he was thus turning angrily away, his scrvnllts said<br />

to him : " Father, if the prophet had bidden thee to do some<br />

grcat thing, surely thou shouldst h&e done it, how mucll<br />

rather what hc now hath said to thee, ' Wash, am1 thou shalt<br />

bc alean."' And Nanman, accing tlint what they said was<br />

just, alightcd from his chariot, bathcd scvcn timesin the Jordun,<br />

and was made clean.<br />

9. Hc returned to the man of Gocl, and told him tl-iat now<br />

he knew for certain thnt there was no God but thc God of<br />

Israel ; and he offered him presents, but Eliseus refusecl to<br />

receive anything. IIardly had Naaman gone a little way,<br />

tvbcil Giezi, the servant of l~liseus, went after him, nnd said :<br />

'' My master hnth sent me to thee, saying : ' Just now tl~ere<br />

arc come to me from Mount Ephraim two young mcn, sons of<br />

the prophets; give them a talcnt of ~ilver and two changes of<br />

prmcnts.' "<br />

10. Nanmnn gladly gave hirn two talents of silver and t~vo<br />

changes of garn~entu. Gieai retmncd with thc prcscnts, :tnd<br />

having hidden Bern, he ~taotl before Eliseus. The prophct<br />

nslred him where he had becn, and Giezi r~nsrvered that he<br />

had been nowherc.<br />

11. Eliseucl beiug angry, said : " Was not my heart present<br />

when the mnn ttzrncd back from his chariot ? Now thou hast<br />

rrloney to buy olivc-yards, nnd vineyards, nnd sheep and<br />

oxon, and men-servants ancl maid-servants ; but the leprosy<br />

of Naarnan fihdl stick to thee forever." And Giezi went out<br />

a leper, ns wvhite as snow.<br />

12. One great miracle the prophct wrought, even after his<br />

death. It hzppencd in this manner: On one occasion a<br />

number of men were carrying a corpse to the cemctery for<br />

burial, As they were making the grave, behold, robbers from

Moab rushed in upon them. They, in tl~eir fright, cnst the<br />

corlm into tl~c sepulchre of Xliscus. No sooner 11nd tlio<br />

dead lnan toaclled tlic bones of the propllet than he \tVns instantly<br />

restored to life, and czme forth from the tomb.<br />


1. Whcre did Eliss go when hc wa~ persectlted by Jezabcl? %'hat<br />

did he tl~inlr P Being fatigued, what did hc do? \Yl~at did the nngel<br />

say to Irim? What did ho mee, on awakening? 2. Who appeared<br />

to Elias7 Wl~at did the Lord say to Iiirn? 3. What did Elias do<br />

r~nder the inspiration of God? Vhat did Eliserls cry ont? Whnt<br />

did he do when be aaw Eliae no longer ? Vhst did the di~ciples of<br />

Rlias aay when they finw the wntere divided by Eli~eus? 4. What<br />

clid Eliserls do after Elias was t:rketl np into bcn\yen 7 With what<br />

clid Cod fitvor hi1117 What did ROrne of the men in the city say to<br />

him? What did Eli~arl~ answer? 6. '\\'hat happened whcn xli8en~<br />

was going up to Betlrel? What did the boys, mockiirg him, any P<br />

What did Eliseua do7 Why did llc do so7 What came orit of thc<br />

wood ? TIOIV mrag of thc boya did the bear8 kill 7 6. Whom clid<br />

Rliscufi cwre of lcprosy, in n mirw,r.nlol~a rnnimcr? What did the<br />

yonng Israelilu woman say to Nanman's wife? W he11 Nanmati<br />

11card tl~is, what did Ire do? 7. W1'1lnt did Naarnun do wherl lic<br />

reached tlre prophet's dwelling? What did Elieeus cler~d him word<br />

to tlo ? What did Kamann sny, going away angry ? 8. As he mna<br />

turning away, afhnt did his servants ay to him? What did Naa-<br />

~nnn do, seein:; that what they said was just? 9. Whntdid Nuaman<br />

my, going to the man of God',' When Naalnnll hat1 gone a little<br />

wt~y, what did Gieai, n serva~~ t of Eliscus do? What did he tiay to<br />

Knnman? 10, TVhxt did Nnnlnnrl give him? What did Giezi rlo<br />

when Ilc rctur~lerl? \\'hat dirl the prophet ask him? What did<br />

Giczi anrrrver? 11. What did K ~~H~IIH, being angry with his servant,<br />

tell him? 12. What great miracle took place after the death of<br />

EIiseus ?



The PrapAct Jonns.<br />

Be converted to Me, and you shall be ssvcii.-18aCns 45,.99,<br />

FTER, tl~o death of Eliseus, thc Jmd ~visbing to how<br />

A 111ercy to the Gentiles, raised up thc prophet Jaws,<br />

that he might go to 'Ninive, and p~each penancc to the inhltbita~lts<br />

of that city. Thc miclcedness of the pagan Ninivitos<br />

had provoked the anger of God, a.nr1 He had said to Jonas:<br />

"Arise, and go to Ninive, and prcnch in it, for the<br />

wiclredness thereof is come up bcfore ~ne."<br />

2. Jonas, however, knew that the Lord easily forgives ;<br />

hcncc 11c was nfraid that if he pre:tched to the people of Ninive<br />

they woulcl do penance, m113 t.hnt conscquen tlg the I~rd<br />

would npttre them, whilc he himself ~~ould bc looked upon<br />

as a false prophet. So Jonas rose up to flee from the facc of<br />

the Lord, and he embarked on board a ship vhir:ll sailed for<br />

Tharsis. But the Lord scllC n great storm, and tho sea heaved<br />

and swcllcd, and the ship tlirentcnccl to eixllr.<br />

3. Then the sailors being f~ightenecl, thrcw into the sea all<br />

the morchantlise thnt tvns on board in order to lighten the<br />

vessel. And each one began prayiilg to his amn god for I~elp.<br />

But Jonns was below, fast asleep ; ancl the shipmastcr ~verit<br />

to hi111 and sdd : "Why art thou nsleep ? Rise up, call upon<br />

thy God, if so be that God will thii~li of US, that ~ve may not<br />

perish I ',<br />

4. Rat the sailors, seeing that the violence of the storm<br />

continued to increase, proposed to cast lots thnt they might<br />

know why this cvil I~ad comc upon tliern. And they cast<br />

lots, and the lot fell on Joni~~. Then Jonns confessed his sin<br />

nnd siiid : 'l'nlrc me up, ancl cast rue into the sea, and tlle<br />

sen shall be culril to ;you.''<br />

6. The sailors, ni~rvilling to throw Jonss overboard, rowed<br />

very hard to gnin the &ore, whc~.o they might leave him in<br />

I Nwrvs (pr. Nin9-i-my).


safety. But they verc not ale; for the sea swclled 2nd<br />

tossed higher than evcr. At last they took Jonas ancl cast<br />

him into the sea, and immediately t,he ~torm ceased, and the<br />

sea was calm.<br />

6. At the Ea.me moment the Ilord sent a pent fish, a nrhalc,<br />

which opened its jaws and smallowcd Jonafi, And he rcmnined<br />

thrce days ancl tl~rce nights in thc belly of the ahde,<br />

contirllially calling on God to save him, saying: "X am caat<br />

asvi%y, out of tlle sight of Thy eyes; but yet I shall sec Thy<br />

holy temple agiin." IIis prayer was hcard, and on the third<br />

day the fish thrcw Jonns out of its mouth 011 the dry lrhncl.<br />

7. And tlie Lord spoke a ~ccond time to .Tonas, and told<br />

him to go to Rinivc, the grcnl city, and preach penance. Jonns<br />

wetit ~vilhont delay, nncl entcriiig into the city he ~vnllreil<br />

a whole day throng11 its streets, calling out as ho went: " Yet<br />

forty days, and Nirlivo shall be destroyed." Tl~e people of<br />

Niliive wcre stmck with tcrrur, knowirlg how guilty thcy<br />

werc, ancl LL general fast nvsu proclaimed throughoutthe whole<br />

city, both for mar1 and beast.<br />

8. The king hirnself put on sackcloth and sat in ashes, md

he %lid a11 his pcople, fro111 the grcntcst to the Icast, fasted<br />

ant1 dicl pcnzu~cc?, in ordcr to xpyeasc the nilgcr of God. Ancl<br />

because of tl~eir rcpentancc, God had lncrcy on tho people of<br />

Ninive, ancl spared their city. &I;~cnnwhile, Jonas had gone<br />

out of the city, ant1 sat down nt norue distance, towards t21c<br />

cnst, to sec what would happen. And finding thaL God h:~d<br />

sparcc1 Ninive, hc was angry allcl much tmubled, lest 11c<br />

tihuulcl pas3 for a falsc propl~et.<br />

'3. But God, wislii~ig to ~jho~v His prophet llalv unrenaonablo<br />

was his anger, wusctl to spring up, during the night, n largc<br />

~vinc, rvllicli sheltered llitn next day from the scorching rays<br />

of the sun. But on the lollon~ing inorniiig God sent a worm<br />

which :~tc up the root of thc plant, and it ufithercd alrray.<br />

30. Now, r~lien tllc s11i1 llad risen, Got1 sent a hot and<br />

burning ~rfiad; bcsicles, thc sm1 stmclr fi11E on the bend of<br />

Jonas, BD that lle broiled with the hent to such n clegree tlint<br />

he defiirctl to die. Then tl~c Jdrci said to hiin: " TIlou art<br />

grieved for tlzc i ~ for y mhit:l1 thou llwt not l:tl)ored, nl~d shnll<br />

not I spn1.c: Ninivc, in which there nro moro thnn a Ilundrctl<br />

and t~venty tllousantl persons that lrnew not how to distinguish<br />

bt:tween ti2c!ir right hnnd ant1 their left 7 '' Jonas, lyir~g<br />

threc clays it? the whnlo's Lclly, was a figmc of Jesus<br />

lying tlirce days ill thc to~nlb. So, also, Jonas coming fort11<br />

alive. on the third day wag n figure of our Lord's resurrectiol~,<br />


1. After the death of EIiseue, wlioru did the Zord raise up 7 What<br />

Ilnd provoker1 the anger of Gutl? What did God aay to 3onas? 2. Of<br />

what was Jonns afraid 7 Whnt did he do in order not to preach in<br />

NiniveP What happened then P 3, What did tho sailors do in order<br />

to lighten the vessel? Where wan Jonas? What dicl the shiprrlastcr<br />

Hay to Iti11i7 4. ?\'hat did the sailore then propose, seeing<br />

that the ~torln continned to increase? Whcu they cnst lots, 011<br />

~vhorn did it fall? What did Jonas thcn do? JIT\FThat did he tell the<br />

sailors to do? 5. What did tllu sailors do, being nnnilling to throw<br />

llim overboard? What followed? What did they at last do?<br />

What was the reenlt? (i. What did the Lord send at the ssmo<br />

moment? What did it do? How long did Jonas rcmain in Lilo


whale's bally? How did Jonas pray 7 Dicl God hear the prayer of<br />

Jotias? 7. What did the Lord toll Jonaa n ~ccond time to do?<br />

Wbst did Jonas do? What did he cry oat in tho streets of Ninive?<br />

What was then proclaimetl? 8. Wl~at did the king do ? TVlixt did<br />

all Iho peoplo do? Why bad (2nd mercy 011 the peoplo of Ninive?<br />

9. Whet did God do in order to show His prophet how unreasonable<br />

was his anger? 10. Of whom was ,Ionas, lying thrco daya in<br />

the whale's belly, a figure? Of vhnt was his coming forth alive,<br />

on the third day, a Bgure?<br />


(718 B. C.)<br />


Know that it is an evil and a bitter thing for thee, to have left<br />

the Lord thy God.-Jer. 8, 19.<br />

HE Lord censed not to send to the Ismlitce hoIy pro-<br />

T phets who preached penanoo to them, both by >word ancl<br />

example. But the Tsraelites would not be converted, and<br />

their wickedness increased to such an extent thnt the Almighty<br />

resolved to punish them in His .wrath, slid utterly<br />

to destroy them. He, therefore, caused Salmanonar1,king of<br />

Assyria, to come againat them with a mighty army. He laid<br />

siege to the strong city of Samaria, and aftcr three years took<br />

it, rtnd carried off most of the inhabitants, and thus the Icingdom<br />

of Israel ccased to exist.<br />

2. The Israelites having been slain or carried off into cap-<br />

tivity, thcir land had become almost a wildcrness, and tho<br />

Assyrian king, in order to people it again, ~ cnt thither thou-<br />

sands of his pagan subjects, who settling amongst the scattered<br />

remains of the ten tribes, werc soon so mixed up with<br />

them that they became, as it were, 5 ncw people, nnd scarce.<br />

iy a traco remained of the people of Israel.<br />

1 ~XLWAZAE (pr. Sal-mm-a'-mr) .<br />

flcmsrxn. nIhln nlst.<br />



3. Thosc of this mixed race who settlcd in the northern<br />

part of' tl~c c!onqtry were cnllcd Galileans ; tl~osc 15410 lived<br />

in the soutll wcrc c:~lled S:unnriL~ns, from S~maria, thc nnc,icnt<br />

capital of Idle kingclorn ; and tl.iose ~vlio c111~clt 1)ryond the<br />

Jordnn wcrc czllod Pereaas. 'I'l~c: religion of tllcsa districts<br />

was n rnixtl~rc of Jntlnhn nncl Pnganis1-n ; lleace tl~cy l~ntctd<br />

the t~vo tri t~es of Jncla aild Denj amin, who had remained true<br />

to thc old rt:ligion.<br />

4. Thosc w110 wcrc talretl captive to Assyria never returncd<br />

to their 0 ~11 country. Etill God ciid not fnil to give numerous<br />

proofs of His watchful cnrc ovcr those unhappy cxi1t:s. One<br />

of the nlost rc~~~nrl~al~lc of Bcsc insta11c:t:s is found in the<br />

history of the good Tobins. Whcn he was in lliv onrn conntry,<br />

ancl in his earliast years, hc ncver associated with the<br />

wickcd; never went to adore thc golden calf, but lrept the<br />

law of God r?xactly.<br />

5, Hence, Cod protected him in tlic lanL1 of captivity, ~ nd<br />

ca~~sccl hirrz io fincl fnvor in $11~ sight of S~lmanaz,zr, who allorved<br />

him to go wllcrevcr l~ ~vislled. Hc wont, nccordindy,<br />

to all his fcllow-captives, col~soling ancl cnconr;qing tllem.<br />

He shared with tllern a11 BO POSSC~S~~, fed tllcnl when they<br />

were hungry, ancl clothed them when naked, His life was<br />

spent in ~ucll r~-orks of c11:uity.<br />

6. King Bnl~naunanr bcing dead, Sennacherib L hia son,<br />

who succeeded him on the Bronc, was not so favorable t.0<br />

Tobias, and put Illany of the Israelites to death. But To-<br />

bias, fearing God more than the liing, hid the wodics of<br />

his brctI1rei1 in his house, and buried thcni by night. The<br />

Iriug, having beard this, sentenced Tobias to death, and took<br />

away all his prop crty .<br />

7. Tobias fled will^ his wife and son, and remained con-<br />

cedecl in a place of safety, till the death of the wicked king,<br />

who forty days lntcr was lrilled by his olvll sons. Then To-<br />

bins returned, and ill1 his propcrty\vere restored t~ him. 13ut<br />

the persecution against tlle Israelites was still mging, ~o<br />

1 Srxxbcnmrn (pr. Scn-ak'-crib.)


Tobias resumed his former \vorlis of charily, relieving the<br />

vcry much f.,ltigucct, lie 1:iy dorvil IIC~P the 11rnl1 sn(l fcll nslccp.<br />

8. While lie mis sleeping, thc hol dung from a swallow's<br />

nest fell on his eyes a.11~1 made him blind. This was a grcnt.<br />

affliction, bnt it clid ilot prevent Tobias from fearing nnd<br />

blessing God, and tlinnking Ilinl for all IIis me~.aics-even<br />

for this new trii~l. Kum Anna, his tvifc, was his only<br />

upp port. She went ont erery day to work, and by hcr 11al.cl<br />

earnings lcept her blincl Ilusbancl from want. On one or:casion,<br />

Anna ~*coeivecl n ynang kid for the Iabor of her hands,<br />

n~lil she bro11g1iC it home.<br />

9. Now Tobins, henring it blcat, was afrnid and mid:<br />

"Talre heed, lcst pc?rh,zl,s it he ~tolcn ; restore it to its owncr."<br />

Ha c~acstionr?d Aniia as to ko\v ~hc got the kid. Now<br />

ilnl~n, was a good ancl vil-tuous moln:in, bnt tllis suspicion of<br />

11cr hurtl)u~cl musecl hcr a.ligcr. Shc replier1 very dlnrply,<br />

and made use of ~roucls that were aggravating to her l~usba~~d<br />

Tobias, I~owcver, anIy sighed n11d began to pray.<br />

1. Why clid the Lord send prophets to the Jeraelites? Wero<br />

they converted ? What did t11e A11uight.y resolve to do? \frllom did<br />

TIC cause to come against them wit11 n llligllty army 7 To wlisb city<br />

did l ~e lay siege ? What did he do ~11011 he took it? 2: %'Isat did<br />

the Assyrian Icing do in order to repeople the Ial~d of Israel 7 What<br />

folh~ed 7 3. II'hat were those called who settled in the northenl<br />

part Of the country 7 \\7hfit Were thy who sett-led in the ROII~~I<br />

cnllctl? Ant1 what jibere they who settled beyond tlic Jordan called ?<br />

What rvau the religion of the Snma~~it,~ns? How ditl they regard<br />

tll~ pooplc oiJudnP 4. Did those who wore talie11 ss captives to<br />

Aasyrin ever roturn f Whnt ceased to exist? Did God's care over<br />

these unhappy exilos continue? \\?\'h~t was one of the most remarknble<br />

proofs of IIis watchftll care7 Whnt was the life of Tobias in<br />

Iris own conntry P 5. What did God do for Tobina in the land oi<br />

captivity 7 What use did he make of his hberty 7 How was hiu lil0<br />

epent'l 6. \$'h0 fjllcceedell GnIman:r.r.:tr? JVBH fie as favorable to<br />

Tobiss? What did he do to the Ismclitcs? \\'11at did Tobias do?<br />

What did the king, heating: thia, order to he done to Tobia~?<br />



7. What did Tobias do? When did he return home? Did the persccutioi~<br />

of tho Isrnelitea, meanwhile, abate? What did Tobins<br />

resume? 8. What happened to him one day when be camo home<br />

very much fatigued, and fell asleep near the wall? What effect heid<br />

thi~ new affliction on Tobias 7 Who was his only support P What<br />

did she do7 9. What did slle receive, on one occasion, for the<br />

labor of her hands? What did Tobias fear? What did 11e ask his<br />

wife? How did she reply 7 What did Tobias do?<br />


The Angel of thc Lord sliall sncnlnp round about them that fear<br />

Him.-Pa. $48.<br />

p POBIAS, sceing himself surrounded by so many miseries,<br />

--a- thought hc could not live much longer He, tlzcrefore,<br />

called his sail, and said : " My son, when God hall takc my<br />

soul, thou shalt bury my body; and thou shalt honor thy<br />

mother all the days of hcr life; for t11ou must be rnindf'ul<br />

what and how great peril8 she has suffered for thce. And<br />

when she also shall have ended the time of her life, bury her<br />

by me.<br />

2. And all the days of thy life havc God in thy mind,<br />

and take heed thou never coneent to sin, nor transgress the<br />

commandments of the Lord our God. Give alms out of thy<br />

~ubstance, and turn not away thy face from any poor person.<br />

If thou hat much, give abunclai~tZy ; if thou bavc little, take<br />

care even so to bestow willingly a little. For alms deliver<br />

from sin and death, and will not suffcr the soul to go into<br />

darkneu~. Take heed to keep thyself, my sou, from all fornication.<br />

3. "Never suffer pride to reign in thy mind, nor in thy<br />

word, for froin it all perdition took its beginning. If any<br />

man has done work for thee, pay hi~n his hiru. Sco thou

never do to another what thou wouldgt hate to have done to<br />

thee by mother. Bless God at all timcs, ancl desire of Him<br />

to direct thy ways, and that all thy counsels may abide in<br />

Him."<br />

4. Then the son answered, saying: " I will do all these<br />

things, fathcr, which thou had commanded me." Tobins<br />

having thus ndvisccl his son, acnt hirn to Nnges, n distltnt<br />

city, to collect a debt of long standing. And the young Tobias,<br />

not knowing the road, went out to scek a guide who<br />

would show him the way.<br />

6. He had not gone far when he met rt beautiful young<br />

man, standing ready girt na for n jonlney. It was the Archangel<br />

Raphael. Tobias did not lrno~v who the young lnnn<br />

was, but he addresscd him, saying: "Good young mm,<br />

kno~vcst thou the way that lendctl~ to the country of the<br />

Medcs ? " The angcl answerecl: I k1101v it." Then the<br />

young Tobias introduced him to his .father, who skcd hi:<br />

" Canst thou conduct my son to Gabelus, at Rages ?<br />

6. The young man repliccl: (' I will conduct hirn thither,<br />

and bring hi111 back to thee." Then Tobins blessed the two<br />

young men, praying : Mtty you have a good journey; may<br />

God bc with you in your way, and Inay His angel accompany<br />

yuu." Then they both set out on their journcy, and the dog<br />

followed them. Hut his n~other wept and said to her husband:<br />

"Thou ]last titken the stuff of our old ago, and hnst<br />

scut hirn away.'' On the evening of the first day tho travelers<br />

remhed the banks of the river Tigris. Tobias, heated<br />

arid warm, sat down on tho bank and put his feet into tho<br />

water.<br />

7. Suddenly an enormous fish came up to devour him.<br />

Tobins cried out to the angel : "Sir, he comet11 upon mc ! "<br />

The angel, seeing his terror, exclaimed : < L Take him by the<br />

gill and draw him to thce." He clid W, aticI wllexl the fish<br />

lay panting before his feet, the ntlgel said : "Tako out his<br />

heart, his gall, rind his livcr ; fur these are usef~il medicines."<br />

Then, making a fire, Tobiu broiled some of the fish, whioh

furnishgfl a repast ; then hc finltecl a portion of what remained<br />

to serve is provision Tor the journey.<br />

8. When they came to s certain city, Tohias s:iid to his<br />

guide : 'c Where wilt thou that we lo(lgt?? " Thc angel an-<br />

smerecl : '( Thcre is here a lnnn nnmcd Raguel, s 1rinsm:m ol<br />

thy tribe, who has n daught.cr narned Snrn: and thou must<br />


take hcr to wife.'' Tobias replied : ' L I llear thnt she hat11<br />

been given to seven husbxldu, nnci they all clicd, and a devil<br />

killed each of them on the night of his wedding."<br />

9. Tobiaa added thrlt as hc m:ts the only Eon of his ngcd<br />

parents, ant1 that if such :h nnisfort~lrie sLoulcl bef:~ll him, it<br />

would bring clown their old nge with sorrow to the grxvc.<br />

The angel t~nswcrecl thnt the devil h:td such polvcr ovcr tlloac<br />

who in their mirriagr: banish God from their heart, and think


ollly of gr:tli£ying their evil passions. l' But thou," h(? continuccl,<br />

" rvhcn thou shalt takc ker, girc thyself for three<br />

c1a.y~ to nothiag olsc but to prayer; tllc~z the devil shall bo<br />

clriven nmny a1lr1 you ellall obtain a l~lcssing."<br />

10. Wnviug ci~tererl into tllc honsc of Itagnt!l, Tobias m:&<br />

llirrlself Irnorvn, and was warmly rcceiveil by Kaguel, :ts tlic<br />

soil of an oltl fricarl ancl of n lnost \\-orthy mail. At the salile<br />

timc Annit, tho ~vifc of Ragacl, n~iil Bnm, I~is ilnngl~ter, wupt<br />

for joy. They then prcpnrccl n repast for thc tmvelers, aid<br />

Rng~iel pmyed them to sit rlorvn to eut. Tobias tolcl Ilim<br />

lllat hc woold ncitl-ier cat no1. clrirll~ till hc promisetl to give<br />

Ilim Sara, his claugI:lltcr, in ~~lnrringe.<br />

11. R:igncl sceiiictl to hc>itntc, Lut the rtngc!l tolcl 1iin1 not<br />

to bc ahnitl to give his d:tughter to the young man, for that<br />

he rc:ircd the Lorcl. Tllel~ Rtignttl consentc?rl, and taking his<br />

cl:rughtcr's rigllt hand, placc(1 it in that of Tobins, sayii~g :<br />

" Thc God of Abrah:~n~, the Clrod of Is~ac, nnd tl~o Gocl of<br />

Jncob be \bit11 you; rnny he join you together, nild fillfil His<br />

blcssing ill you."<br />

12. Tllon they sat doirrn to cat. And Tollias and S:tra spent<br />

tllrac clays i11 prayer, after whioh tl~e rlc:vil 11ncl no power to<br />

hnnn them. Tl~en, at the roqucst of 'I'obins, the angel took<br />

the uote of hand, went to thc co~u~f.ry of llle lledes, collected<br />

lIle rnoncy from C;.zbtlus, and reCur1lcc1 with Gabclus to Le<br />

present at the ~rcdrli~lg.<br />

13. Gal~elns cnlne ~\ritll great joy, ancl mheri hc saw thc<br />

young husband 11e wept and cmbri~ced I~im, saying : " 'l'he<br />

Gocl of' Isrncl blcss thce, boc:nnse tllou art the ~oll of a vary<br />

good :lnd just mnlz, nllri that fenn:th God, LLII~ cloeth dmscleetls.<br />

Anci may n blessing colrle upon thy ivif'c."<br />


1,2 nild 3. What atlvicu did thc older Tobina give to hin on? 4.<br />

Wl~al ditl the 8011 answer? Nlarlt dirl Tobia~ ~crld Itis 6011 to Bngea<br />

to do7 IVllorl-i did Tobins po o ~ 1.0 ~ ficcle? t 5. ~Y\']~oni did 11o n~ect<br />

v11 going out? l\'llo bl~is yuung t~~:itlP Did Tobias lr~iom \vr.ko<br />

he jVqs? \\'hat did he sny to the angel 7 did the angel an-


surer? What did the father aek the angel? 6. What did he reply?<br />

What did Tobias do when the young men were setting out? What<br />

did his mother say ? What river did they reach the first evening of<br />

their jonrney ? 7. What came out of the water when Tohias put in<br />

his feet to cool ti~em? What did the angcl tell him to do? IVhat<br />

did ho do with the fish, by the angel's direction ? 8. \\'hen they<br />

came to a certain city, what did Tobias any to his guide? What did<br />

thc angel tell him ? What did Tobias answer? 9. What did Tobiaa<br />

say ? What did the angol answer? 10. Row was Tobias raccivcd<br />

by Baguel? ll'hat did Anlla, the wife of Raguel, and Sara, his<br />

daughter, do? \trbat did Tobins tell Rape1 when Le invited the<br />

two tmvelere to sit down to eat? 11. What did the angel toll Raguel<br />

when he mcmcd to hesitate? What did Raguel say when he<br />

plnced Ilia (laugh ~ W'H hand in that of Tobia~? 12. What did Tobiae<br />

ancl Sarn do? Whnt followed 7 What did the angel rlo at the reqnest<br />

of Tohiss? 13. Whom did he invite to tllc wedding? What<br />

did Babelus say when he saw tlie young busbandy<br />


Praise the T,ord, bcearase I-3e 11atlr delivered the sot11 of the poor<br />

oat of the hatid of the wicked.-Jm. 20, 18.<br />

7 ,+OURTEEN days had passcd sincc the marriage of To-<br />

- bias, a~ld his parents at home began to be exceedingly<br />

sad, and they wept together because their soil did not return.<br />

But his mother was quite disconeolde and she groaned sncl<br />

~ighed : TNO, WO imnc, my son, why did we scnd thcc to a<br />

fitrange country; the light of our eyw, tllo staff of our old<br />

age, the comfort of our life, thc hope of our posterity !<br />

Then Tobias said to her : " Hold thy peace, our son is safe.''<br />

But she would not bc comforted, but wcnt out into all the<br />

ways tha,t r;he ~rdght xee him coming afar OK<br />

2. Now 'l'obias tha youngcr said to Raguel : " I know that<br />

my parents count tllc days, and tllcir spirit is ainicted<br />

within thern." Hoacver, Rwucl pressed him to stay nlitilo


loilger, hut in vain. He then gavc him Sara his wife, and the<br />

Iislf ofnll l ~e possessed, saying: '' May thclioly angel of the<br />

Lord bc with you in your journey, and bring you through safely,<br />

and that you may find all things well about your parents.''<br />

8. When thc travelere hrld made half the journey homeward,<br />

the angel said to Tobias : " Idet us go before and let the<br />

fttmily softly follow after us.'? l'l~ey did so and Raphael told<br />

Tobias to take with bim the gall of the fish bccause it would<br />

be very useful.<br />

4. Mcnnwhile Annn sat daily beside the may on the hillto^;<br />

and nrhilo she watched, she saw him corning far off.<br />

When BIIC wa,9 sure that it was her son coming, she ran to tell<br />

her husband. Shc had trcnrccly done so ~vhcn the dog<br />

~vhicl~ had accompanied her son in Iris joumcy, running bcfore,<br />

renel-led the house, wagging his triil ancl jumping for<br />

joy, as if he llnd brought tho news. Thereupon, thc elcler<br />

Tobias, blind ns he was, groped Iiin way and went out to meet<br />

his son. And they all wept for joy.<br />

5. Yotlng 'hbias then rnbbetl his fatlier's cyes with<br />

the gall of the fish, nr~tl he saw, ancl the old man cxclaimcd :<br />

('1 bless Thee, 0 Lord God of Israel, becauge Thou has!<br />

cliestiscd me, and Thou llast saved me, and behold I see<br />

Toltixs my sorlf " Scvell days aftcr Sars nnd liar retinue arrivcd<br />

ancl complctcd the joy of thxt~avorcd and happy household.<br />

Thcn tha son rolntecl to hi^ parents all &lie bencfits he<br />

llnd rect+ivcd from tlic young man, his guide. He snid they<br />

could never repay Iiilr~ for a11 he had done for him, but asked<br />

his $&er's perrniesion to give him one half of the lnorley hc<br />

h:~tl reccived from Qabelu~.<br />

G. The father willingly conserltcd, and tl~cy pressed the<br />

young mall to accept the nroncy. But the heavenly mcsscnger<br />

said to them: " HIcss ye the God of heaven, and give<br />

glory to Hiln i ~) thr: ~igl~t uf a11 that, livc: ; bceause He hnth<br />

shown II~R mcrcy to you. l'rayer is gnotl with fasting<br />

alms, more thrm to lay up treasures of gold. TVhen thou


&dst pr:l.y wit11 tears, and diclst bug tile deitd, I' ollicl.ed thy<br />

prayer to the Lord.<br />

7. " And bccarlsc thou %vast acceptable to God, it was necessary<br />

that temptation al~ould provc thcc. Tl~o Idorcl liatll<br />

sent rrle to 11cnl thcc, and to deliver Snm, thy son's wife,<br />

from tlie devil. For I nnl the ar~gel Raphnel, one of tlle<br />

seven ~vho staiid before the throw of Gotl." Hearing this,<br />

they were seizctl with fear, and all fell prostrr~te on tlle<br />

ground. Still thc angel tulil them uot to fear, but to bless<br />

and t1i:lnk ihe Lord, who had sent him io do His holy will<br />

in thcir regard.<br />

8. IIaving spoken thus, he vrtnished froin their bight, letxviilg<br />

tl~e little family lost in !reoncler anci ii~ll of gratitude to<br />

d . The cltlor Tobins lived fort;).-t.wo pears after tl~esu<br />

evcntv to sharc in the l~nppiness of his fal~iily, rind died at<br />

the agc of one llunclrcd m?rl two years. Tobias, his son, livrd<br />

to be very old ; lie smv the c11iIdrcn of his children, who rumained<br />

faithful, ru~d were belovcd by God mid mm.<br />


1. Fourteen day8 l~aving pnwwcd sincc his rnarrisgo, whal ditl the<br />

pare~rI.xoITobias think ar~d ikcl? \!-bat did his afllicte~l 111otlier hay ?<br />

IVhnt clid 11iu fallrc.rsay? 2. WJintclitlTobiaxsay to ltagncl? 1Yli;tt<br />

dirl Hsgucl gi~c Iii~n at his del~artare? 8. I\'hcn the tr:~\rcleru hat1<br />

111:tJtt II:LIP the journey ho~rtervnrds, wlw~t tlitl 12al~haol pmposc to<br />

Tobias? JV11i~t did the angel tl~cr~ tell ToLinu to do when hc got<br />

IIOIL~C 't 4. Whnt wtru hnnn, his mother, n~oan~vhilc doing? To<br />

whom didshe tell thc news of his coming? T\'hnt abor~t l11o clog?<br />

Whst did the elder Tobias do? B. llTIlst did yonng Tobias do to<br />

bir~ hthcr ? Ilrilnt clid tlie r~ld man ezc1:tirrr ? TV110 nrrivcd scvcii<br />

dsysafter? l\'knt dld the son relate to his parents ? IVllat dirll~u<br />

n~k his father's pcrmiseion lo do? G and 7. 1VllaL did tho hea~.cnly<br />

messenger say to them n-hen they pressed him fo acrcyrt tl~e monry ?<br />

IVF'hnt did the angel after~vards tcll then1 Y 6. IIow loilg did Tobias,<br />

the older live 7 What is said of Tobias tllc younger?


.- - -<br />


The Propkets]od rr7d dlichrrrs. (790 to 730 B, C.)<br />

The Lord hath scrit to you tl~e.propl~ets, and you have not hc:rrlc-<br />

'<br />

enod, nor inclined your ears to hear.-Jer. $5, 1.<br />

OD also scnt to thc inhabitants of the Iiingdom of Jada<br />

G a number of pmpl~ets, nhost? lpowrrful voicc w;la<br />

hearcl thrbugllout the land cslli~lg tlle~n to icpantmcc. Many<br />

times dicl their words produce the desired cffcct a~lrl bring<br />

the pcople to repentance, and for a while they eerved God<br />

with fidelity nild sincerity.<br />

2. U~lhal~pily, thcse retumo to virtue nnd rcligion ncre of<br />

~hort duration. Then it was that the prophets, with sorrowful<br />

11(!arts, Xjegan to nllnou~~cc to thc robcllious peoplc tllc<br />

do-rvnfnll of their country, nnd t11c) o~ily consolntioll lcft to tl~c<br />

p~ophcts wag the thongllt of tlic Messias, rvhosc culning thcy<br />

saw Innre clctly as timc went on.<br />

3. Tllc l~~opl~et; Jocl spokc! to the people in these tcnns :<br />

Hear this, ye old men, ancl givc ear nll ye inl~d~itants 01<br />

the land. Blo\v thc tnlmpet in Sion, sound an ;ilarnl in My<br />

holy rnonai;bn ; becanse 61ie day of the Lord curncs ; bccstuse<br />

il is nigl~ at hand. A clay of darlrncss and of gloom ; a day<br />

of clouds ancl whirlwinds; a numerous pcoplc and a strong<br />

pcople, as t,he morning sprcacl upon thc mountains.<br />

4. " Bcforc the face thereof a clnrouring fire, and Behind it<br />

a burning flatne. Sncrificcs and 'oblations haw ccasccl to be<br />

offered in the lkousc of thc Lord. Rcmd your hearts and not<br />

your garments, and turn to tllc Lord your God. I3clwccrr the<br />

portico and the altar the pricsts, tile Lord's ministcre, &all<br />

weep, snd ~thali II:IV: ' Spare, 0 Lord* spme Thy people.' "


5. The prophet Michens' is not lese terrible in his warnings:<br />

'' Hear, all ye peoples,', he cries out, 'land let the<br />

earth give ear. I will make Sarnarin as s heap of ~hnes ! 1<br />

will bring down thc stones thereof into the vallcy, and will<br />

lay her foundation8 bare. Hcnr this, ye princes of the house<br />

of Jacob ; you that abhor judgment and pervert dl that is<br />

right; you who built up Sion with blood, and Jerusalem<br />

with iniquity."<br />

6. " Therefore, an account of you Sion shall be J?loighed aa<br />

a field, ancl Jerusalem shall be as s heap of atones ; and the<br />

mountain of the temple ns the high places of the forests.<br />

And thou, Bethlehem Ephrata,' art n, littlc one among tlie<br />

thousa~~ds of Juan,; out of thee shall He comc forth unto Me<br />

that is to be the Ruler in Isrncl ; and His going forth is froin<br />

the beginning, from the days of eternity." Theae proplieciec~<br />

have been all literally3 fulfilled. The propl~ecy about<br />

Bethlehem refers to tho Gavior, PO that the Jews might<br />

know that the necleemcr promised to Adam, to Abmharn,<br />

Isaac and Jacob, to Judo, nlld to David would be born in<br />

Bethlehem.<br />


1. Whom did Gocl also sc~rd to the inhabitanteof Jllilrt P Did their<br />

wortls cver produce tlie desirstl erect P 2.' \Ycrc thcst? returns to<br />

virtue atld religion of long duration? What did the prophets, with<br />

sorrowful hearts, tl~et~ begin to announce? 3 and 4. In tcyhat terrue<br />

did the prophet Joel speak to tlie people? 6. What did tllepropl~et<br />

Micheas cry out 1 6. What rcmnrkable prophecy did hcmake about<br />

the little city of Bethlehem? Have thesc ~rophecies been fulfilled?<br />

To whom does the propkccy about Bethlehem refer?<br />

E'frata.)<br />

1 h11cn-E-AS (pr. Mik-e'-as.) 2 E ; (p. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

LIT-E-~AL-LY, to the letter.



Khg Oaias, wishing to Usurp the P7iestr'y Ftt?tctiotzs, is<br />

St~ickea with Leprosy, (803 B. C.)<br />

Neither dot11 any man take the honor to himself, but.he that ie<br />

caIled by God, a8 Aaron was.-Heb. 6,4.<br />

ZIAB wag ono of the few faithful kings who ruled in<br />

0 Jude. He reigned fifty-two years, md did that which<br />

was right in the sight of the Lord, And God directcd him in<br />

all things. Unhappily, prosperity made hiln proud, and he<br />

carried his audacity so far as to usurp' the priestly office.<br />

Ono day, going into the temple, he went to burn incense upon<br />

the altar. Eighty priests, with Axariss the high-priest at<br />

their head, oppoeed the king, and prevented him from burning<br />

incense.<br />

2. Ozias, being very angry, threatened to ~ltrike the priests<br />

with the censer which he held in his hand. No sooner 11ud<br />

ho raised his hand than he was stricken with leprosy, which<br />

appeared on his forehead before all the priests. And they,<br />

seized with horror at this euddcn and awful punishment,<br />

took hold of the king and put him out of the temple,<br />

3. He himself was terrified, fceIing the lepro~y all over his<br />

body, md he hastened away from the temple, to shut himself<br />

up in a palaco apart from all others. He remained rc<br />

leper till the day of his death. This was the fearful puniskmerit<br />

which God sent to an otl~crwise faithful king, because<br />

of his sacrilegious' attempt to perform an office that belonged<br />

only to the priests.<br />


1. Who was Orias T How loug did he reign ? How did he reign ?<br />

What did prosperity make him P Row far did Ire cnrry hie audacity l<br />

USURP', tosei~e and hold in possession, by force or n~iLhout right.<br />

' 8nc-RI-LE'-GIOUS, violating aucred things.

174.<br />


Iy;Vhat (lid lic attenbpt to do one clay hen IN! went into Lhc tcmplc?<br />

Who opposcd tl~c king and pr~~cntctl hi~n Ron~ burning incense?<br />

2. \\'ii,ll w11aL (lid 0zi:~r~ thre:~l.t!~~ la slrilie (lie priests? Wit11 ~vl~nt<br />

was 11c strIclicn? \\'hat ditl the priests do ? 3. IVllnt tlirl he 11i1nself<br />

(]I,, fc'clirig lllc leprosy 811 over- his body ? How long did lie rcmdn<br />

n lcl~er 'r<br />


The P~opb~cics of 1saia.v. (700 R. C.)<br />

' I have rlecl:li*crl Thy truth and Thy salvation.-.P$. 59, 11. . ,<br />

URINC tl~c reign of the same Oaiiis, the people of Jncln<br />

D guilty of mimy nr:ts of idalc~try. \\.ll(.r(:f~rc, God<br />

sciit them B(? gr:re:~t l-lrophot Tsaias. in snbliii~c: tltntl tctrrific<br />

Inngnn,gc: 11 c m:~rnctl t I~cm of many l'c.:~rful cal~r~1ities that<br />

wmc to cornc upon thcir country.<br />

2. Thc Lord :~lso revcdccl to this prophet so many psrticnlard<br />

rcliting to the Savior of the world that, reading his<br />

prophecies, one would au])posc Isllilt~ llsd lived at the same<br />

time us our Divine Lord, instead of livitig scve~i lluridred<br />

ycarti bcftrre. A few of thcsc praphccics will sllow how<br />

clearly this grcntcst of $111 the pxophcts foresaw the birth,<br />

passion, and dcnth of the Iiccleelner.<br />

3. Spcaking of the motIler ofthe Massias, ,zs well as of the<br />

hiessias Ilimself, Ire aajd .: "Rcholtl, a virgin shdl coficcive<br />

aid l)c:~r a son, and IBs nnnlc sl~all bc cdlecl Emmanuel,<br />

that is God-1~1th-us. Ant1 thcre' sllnll corl~e fort11 s rod out<br />

of thc ~oot of Jcssc, ancl a flower shall rise 'up out of his ~rrtrt*.<br />

And tllc Spirit of tllc Lorcl shall rest upon Him, thc spirit of<br />

wisdonl ant1 of understanding, tI~u ~pirit of cou~lscl and of<br />

fortittidc, the spirit of h~lowledge autl of'godliness. Ancl Ho<br />

shall Be filled mill1 the spirit of the fcnr of the Lord.<br />

k "A Child is born to us, a Srn~ is given tu us, n11d tllc<br />

gavcrnment is upon His sl~ouldcr. His- name sli nl l Be cnlloci

Wondcxft~l, Counsellor, the Fxtllcr nf the world to come, the<br />

Prince of Pcncc. God liimsclf will corn(? and ~ax~e you, then<br />

ehnll the! cycs of thc Wind IC opcncd nncl the c a of ~ the dcnf<br />

shall IN unsl.ol~pcd." Coilccrning thc pnssio~l of our L~rcl,<br />

he propl~esied : " Tllcre .is no bcnuty in Hixn, nor co~nelincss.<br />

Ilcspiscd, and the 1nost al~ject of men, n Inan of sorrows.<br />

IIc has borilc our infirn~ilies ; lie was moundcd .for<br />

our iniquities; He ~vss brnisecl for our sins, nntl bf IIis<br />

bruises wc m(? l~ezlletl. Tllc! Lortl 11ath hiid on 17im the iniquity<br />

of us all. Hc was offered bccanst! it was His own will<br />

ancl Hc opcned not His moutll. lIc shnll be lccl as n sheep<br />

to tllc clnuglitcr, oncl sllnll be dnmb as x Iamb bcforo his<br />

shcnrcr." Rcgarcling His Suutmt: glol-y, the prophet says :<br />

" Thc Gcntilev hall bcseccll I-Iim, aid His ~opj~lchro shall<br />

bo glorions." Ixaias 1)ri)phesied nbout fifty ycnrs. It is said<br />

that he, wllilc yct slivc, was snlvccl in two by order of tllo<br />

in~pious Icing &Innssscs.<br />

QUEST1 ONS.<br />

l. Of n,ll,zt more tltc people of Juda guilty dming the reign of U\o<br />

salno Ozins? IVl~om .tliil God, thcrerurc, send thorn? Of ~vllat clit1<br />

Isirias mnrn the people? 2. Wlint did the 1,ortl also rerazl to this<br />

pl.ol,hcf? IVh:it ~vould one ~upyoxu reding hi^ t~rophcciesf<br />

3. 1. \Vhat did Isidas forctcll concc?rning tliu mother uf the Gavior?<br />

What did lsdav prophosy collcerni~~g the birth of t11n Redctiiner?<br />

\l hat, concerning His pndon ? What, rcgardiag Jlis E~lture glory?<br />

liow long did IsJas prophesy ? JVhat ia sa$ about tbc death of.<br />

tki~ great prophet? - -<br />


The Piows 1fi11.y Ezechins. (723-6% B. C)<br />

Ho that is good, shall draw grace from the 14ord.-Ptov. 19, @.<br />

URING the reign of Achaz' 22ie pcople of Judn.weTo<br />

D visited with n tcrriLLa calamity. That unhappy king<br />

Ilad sacrificed his owu children to tl~c idol Molocl~,~ one of<br />

IAC~IAZ (pr. A'km), MOLOCEI' (pr. MO'-Ink).


the chief gods of the Gentilcu. Ho had h~.olren the sacred<br />

vessels, nrlti closed thc gntcv of the temple. The I,ord, there.<br />

fore, delivered hirn into the llanncls of the king of Syria, who<br />

dew in onc clay hundred and twcnty thousand men of Juda,<br />

whilc two hundred thousand women and children were car-<br />

ried into captivity.<br />

2. Achaz having died a short time after, his son Ezechias'<br />

ascended the throne. This pions prince immediately cast<br />

down the altars which his unhappy father had everywhere<br />

raiscd to tho pagan gods ; ho thrcw open again the gates of<br />

the templc, and exhorted $110 Levitcs to purify it from the<br />

profanations that had taken place there ; snying thst it was<br />

because of the sins of the people, and, abovc all, because of<br />

their idolatry, that so many mi8fortunee had come upon<br />

them.<br />

3. And God blessed Ezecl~ias, and was with him in all he<br />

did ; so that, in his days, the kingdom of Juda regaincd all its<br />

former prosperity. Neverlheless, j t came to pass that, after<br />

some years, Scnnacherib, king of Assyria, calrle with a mighty<br />

artrtny and besieged Jcrusnlem.<br />

4. Then Ezechias went to the temple and pryctf. He also<br />

sent pricsts, clotlied in sackcloth, to the prophet Isnias, to<br />

ask him to intercede with God in behalf of him and his<br />

people. The prophet sent word to Ezechiw not to fear, for<br />

that God had heard his prayer, and would destroy the<br />

Assyrians, and thst their king, returning to his own country,<br />

should perish by the sword.<br />

6. That same night the angel of tlie Lord went to the camp<br />

of the Assyrians and killed one hundred and eighty-five<br />

thousand warriors. Thus Scnnacherib was obliged to return<br />

with di~grace to hie own corultry. Therc he \vent to tho<br />

tan~ple of his god, and his own sons slcw him with the<br />

swortl. Thus was fulfilled the prophecy of Isaias. ICzcchias<br />

somc timc after, fell sick and lay at the paint of death. The

J UDITH. 177<br />

prophet Tsaias was sent to tell hin~ to pnt his lionsc in order,<br />

for that he musC die.<br />

8. Thc Icing, terrified zt the tllongl;7lt of clcat11, turned his<br />

face towards tl~c ternplc, and prnyed with tears that God<br />

night prolong his life. God heard his prayer, nad sent the<br />

prophet again to tell him t1in.t fifleen ycnrs c;houlcl I)a added<br />

to his life. Ancl so it cnnlc to p:i.ss; arid a.t the entl of the<br />

fiftcon yonrs he died, after s lluppy all1 prosperous reign,<br />

the rervard of his fidelity to God.<br />


1. With what were the people of Jnda vi~~ited daring the reign of<br />

Aclinz? What had the unhappy king doilc? Into whofie hnnde<br />

did the T,ord (Ielivor him ? Ho\v many of the rncn of Juda \\,ere<br />

sIain in one day? HOT many women rind cttildrc~~ were cnrriedinto<br />

captivity? 2. XT\10 ascended the throne vhan Acllnz died? Wl~nt<br />

did this pions prince immetliately do ? Sxyi~~gnhnt ? 2. .How did<br />

God reward EzecI~iss? 7FTllo came ~oo~x after with n migh tp arrrly<br />

to hesiege ,reruealoln ? 4. What did Rxechia~ then tlo ? Nr\'hat did<br />

he also do ? What word did I~aias uencl to Lhe Icing? 5. TVllat<br />

happened Illat same night? TIrhst wag Sennncherib obliged to do P<br />

What happe~~ad to him on his return home? Who lvas taken sick<br />

some time nfter? What wax Tsnias sent to tell him? 6. What did<br />

the Icing do, terrified at the tllonght of cloeth? What was the<br />

propl~et fic~xt again to tell him ? JVhat sort of reign had Exechiaa t<br />

In wward of what P<br />


The Lord i~ my strength and my praise.-Eeorl. 15, P.<br />

{TEE n, brief season of 1.cpent:tnce :111cI of pearn?ce, the<br />

A' people of Juds again forgot the Lord. Then God, in<br />

His anger, sent them a IICW :111(1 tcrribIc punishment, nrhicli<br />

wouIcl hnvc ended in the total destruction of their nation,<br />

mere it not for tlie heroic courage of a certain holy woman,<br />

Scu~rs~sx, Bible Risl. 12


At that time Holofcrnes, general-in-chief of the Assyrinn<br />

forcer;. cntnc at the head of s mighty nrmy to ovct.tI~row the<br />

lringdoul of Juda, as he hnd overthrowll many olllcr kingdoms.<br />

2. X1:tving talicn dl the ci tics and strongholds of the country,<br />

and treated tl~cjr inliabitants with savage cruelty, hc<br />

came to Iny siege to R~thulis. 110 cut off the aqueducts<br />

1~1iid1 snppliecl the city wit11 ~vatcr, u~ld thereby reduced the<br />

citizens to suc11 An extremity that the elders resolved to give<br />

up the city in fivr: cXiiys unlass they were rclicved bcfore that<br />

time. 3fcnnmhilo, they prayed fervently to Gud, hurnbled<br />

thcmselvetj beforc IIim, anrl strelvcd sslles on their hcsds.<br />

3. Now tl~cre was in the city a warnan nn~ncd Judith, of<br />

rare bcent.y ttrlcl of great wcnlth, who, being .a widow, livcd<br />

retirecl in her own liouse, ancl sperlt, 11cr days in prayer and<br />

good ~~orks. I3eing ttoucbctl vitll compassion for the sad<br />

oondilion of her pcople, khc presciltctl lierrjelf before the<br />

nnt:ienLs of the city ant1 fitlid: '' ITIiat is thie word by wl~ich<br />

you have conse~ltecl to pive up the city ~vitliin fire dnys?<br />

You have act R tin~e SOT tlm IIICI'C~ of tllc Tdord scco~tling to<br />

your pleasure. This is riot a rvorcl tllat lr~rty draw dawn<br />

mercy, but rather indignation. Jlet US therefore be pc~iite~<br />

for this same thing, and re~llernher that all tlie saints were<br />

tcrn~~ted anti r~maincd faitliful; but illat tho~e who z'ejcctcd<br />

the trials of the Lord mere clestroyc~cl. Ancl lct us believe<br />

that tl~esc scourges haw 11:~ppencd for our n~nend~ne~~t and<br />

not for our tlestruction ."<br />

4. Tlie nncients, inspired by llicsc noble words, begged<br />

her to pray for the pcoplc. Wie consented, and retiring to<br />

21c1. oratory, clothed hcrself in lraircloth, put ashes on her<br />

hcad, and falling plbostr:~te beforc the Lord, he besougllt<br />

Him to bumble the cnemiea of her nation. TIrhile she thus<br />

prayed, Almiglltj* Qoc'l inepircd her 1vit11 the tllougllt tllat<br />

sll~ shoulcl go into il~c

the best ointments, plaitet1 her bar, ant1 n,clorncrl hersell<br />

with brncelcts, earlets and rings. And the Lord increased<br />

her bcauty, because all her tlrev~ing up dicl not procecd from<br />

vanity. Then she tool.: a sorvarit maid wit11 llnr and set out<br />

for the camp of Holofcrnes.<br />

fi. Being brouglit before Holofcrnes, the tprmt R ~ chnrm- ~ S<br />

ecl by hcr majestic, beauty, and, supposing that sha had ff ed<br />

fronl hcr own people, ortlercjd hcr to receivc every attention,<br />

rw~d to bo allowed to go and co~rls as she pleased. On the<br />

fourth day Holofernes gave a graritl banquet to the officers of<br />

his nrrrly, He ancl they orercha~.jied tliemselvcs with mine,<br />

and when they lay down on their co~tches thcy fell into a<br />

death-Iilrc slerp. Thcn Jndilh rcsulvccl to strike the decisive<br />

blow that was t,o save hcr c:onntl.g nnd hcr peoplci<br />

7. She bcsnuglit Gocl, saying : 'l Ptrcngthnl me O lrord<br />

God of lsr:tel, and in this liour look iipon thc nrorks of ltly<br />

hands, illat, I Inny bring CO pass that ~-11icl1 I have purposed,<br />

having a belief that it might be done by 1'1.1ee." Then be<br />



movcd softly towards the tent of I-Iololerncs. And taking<br />

hia sword, wlzicll hung from s pillar near by, she drew it<br />

f'rorn its scabbard, ~.aised it aloft, arid at the second stroke cut<br />

offthe ]lead of the sleeyiilg tyrant. Shc then gave the liead<br />

to her maid, whu waited without, and bade her put it illto<br />

her tv~~llet,<br />

S. lleymrting from the camp, she rcturncd with her servant,<br />

to Hethulia, and having assenlhlcd the peoplc, sllowed<br />

them the head of Holoferncs, saying: 'L Praise ye the Lord<br />

our God, who hath killed the enemy of peuplc by my<br />

hand. His angel balh been my kceper and hat11 brought<br />

mc bsck to you." Then Oxias, the princo of the pcople of'<br />

Israel, said to her : " Blcssecl art thon, O daughter of tl~o<br />

Lorcl, the most high God, above all tvonlcri upon t$e ea.rth."<br />

Then the peoplc, praising G-oil, rushed towards tbc camp of<br />

the Assyrianu, The guards, terrified ant1 conf~teecl, rnade a<br />

grcat noise at the door of their gencral'n tent in order to<br />

awaken hi~n.<br />

9. Brit fiilding their efforts useless, they at length ventured<br />

to erltcr thc tent, and seeing the headless body of thcix mighty<br />

gencrtl ~melt.ering blood, they were seized with fear, and<br />

fled in lmste, crying out tl~at Holofernes tvns slain. A grcat<br />

co~ifi~sion enuucd, and the people of Bethulia, had only to<br />

complcte the wo18k commenced by Juditll, and take possession<br />

of the Assgrjnri cnnlp with all iL8 rid1 spoils.<br />

1.0. 'rhen the Jcmi811 peoplc, turning to Judith, sang with<br />

ono accord : "Tliou art the glory of Jcrusnlcm ; tllou art thc<br />

joy of Israel; tllou art the llonor of our people." Thc 1-eioicings<br />

following on this sl~londid victory firere lrcpt up for<br />

three months. And Juclitl~ became great throughout all<br />

Is~.,zt?l. She died at, an advanced age, and was mourned by<br />

all the pcuple.<br />

11. Judith is, in some rleglLee, a figure of May the Immaculate<br />

Virgin. Mtlry is ille true l~eroine of Israel, and ul<br />

~nankind. Jnditli was praised by the pcople of one city as<br />

the pride and ornament of Jerusalem: Ma~y is ~mised


throughout the whole earth as Ihe glory of her peoplc, the COopcrxtrix<br />

in thc reclomption of the whola hnn~an race, the<br />

woulan whose seed cor~r~ncred death nncl hell, as the Almighty<br />

Himself forctold to Adam ancl Evc aft,er their fall.<br />


1. Did the people of J utla agnin forget God? What did God send<br />

them in Ilia nager? Who msved the111 from destr~ictiol~? Who<br />

came at the head of a migl~ty army to overthrow the kingdom of<br />

Juda? 2. To what city did hc lay fiiego, after taking all thc c~tller<br />

cities 7 What had the citfzelln at lc11gUl resolvod to do, if relief did<br />

not come? Ne:tnwhile, what did the>- do P 3. What particular pereon<br />

1l7as in tlre city ? I3eforc a.llomdicl ~11e present l~erself P IVhnt<br />

did she tell the axlcients 7 4. IVhnt did the ancients beg Juditk h<br />

do ? IIavi~~g consctited, whnt did she do 7 While she thna prayed,<br />

with what did God inspire brr? 5. What did nhe thctl do 7 For<br />

what place ditl she set out? 6. What happened when she wna<br />

brought before Holofernes 1 What did Holoforries do on the fourth<br />

day ? What folIo~ved? ltThat did Judith then resolve to do? How<br />

did sIle pray P 7. What tlid sllc do? 8. What did Jndith do on rehirning<br />

to Bethulin P What did she call upon the pcople to do 'l<br />

What did the people do, praising God? \JT1iat did the Assyriar~<br />

guard# do? 9. What did they do when, going into tlte tent, they<br />

saw the dead b~rdy of their general? What had the people of<br />

Bothnlia only to do ? 10. Whnt clid the Jewish people, tl~rning to<br />

Judith, sing with one accord? 11. Of whom is Juditli, in some degree,<br />

n figure? Who is the true heroine of Ierlre! and mankind?<br />


The Bnhylo~zia?~ Ca$tivity.-FaLZ rf the 1


peal prophet Jcremins, who liwd :~t tha~t tinic, endeavor to<br />

rc:oall thcln to rcpelltancc. Firlallp tllc pLzticn[:~ ol thc merciful<br />

Gocl was cxha.ustec1, and the ruin so of'tcn lu'uretolrl 1)~'<br />

thc prophet lsaias fcll heiz~ily on tllc people.<br />

2. In tl~c year 606 before Christ, JMabucl~odanosor, king of<br />

Babylon, placed himself at t,Im head of an immense army,<br />

maxched agajnst Jeruvrtlem; and, having ta1;en it, culicti<br />

away the king oild the prineip:ll iahaI>ita~lts as ca1)iives.<br />

Rixteen yca,rs Inter, those who rverc. left in Jcrusl~lem, rcbroltctl<br />

against Nabnchodonosor, und the latter returned rvith :L<br />

still greatcr nrny, anil, after ,z siegc of eighteen months, he<br />

took Jer~zsalcm by stonn.<br />

3. Then the whole city was given up to firc and pillage.<br />

The temple itself was con~~~~ncd by fire, and tllc sacred vesscls<br />

mere carried off. A11 the people that cscnped the ~worcl<br />

wcrc led into captivity in Bllbglon, and thc splendicl city of<br />

.Jcrusalern waa rcducecl to n ]leap of ruins.<br />

4. Jeren~ias remdncd in Scrusalem, and sitting on the<br />

ruins dille dcsolate city he lamc~~tc?d in the 111ost pathetic<br />

nianncr the miscries of his people arid tllc thtiatmction 01<br />

Jcrusdem. " JCow (10th thc city sit solitary that was full of<br />

pcople; how is the n~istresu of nations hocome as a widow;<br />

the princess of pru\~inccs made tributal*y? The ways uPSion<br />

luourn because there are none that come to the solemn feast.<br />

0 all ye that pass by the way, attend, and seF if there Bc any<br />

sorrow lilrc to lrip sorrow. To -\v11J shall 1 compare thcc, or<br />

to what hall I likcn thee ? Great nr; the sea is thy defitruction.<br />

Who shall hcnl thee? Convert us 0 Lord to Thec,<br />

and we shall be converted; renew our dny~, as from the bcgili~ling."<br />

5, Jeremim, honrevcr, was not without consolation. Hc<br />

knew that Xsrr~el mould bc restored and that God would<br />

make a new cotrena~lt with fIis pt!ople. '( The days shall<br />

comc, snith the Lord, ;uld I will n~nke n new covenant with<br />

N~nucnn~o~oson (pr, Knlru-ko-do'-no-xor).


the house of Israel and with the house of Juda. Rot :It-.<br />

cording to thc covenants which I made with tl~cir fathers,<br />

which they made void. But this hall bc the covcnant that<br />

I will make with thc house of Iaracl after those days. 1 will<br />

give my law and will write it OR their hearts, ancl I will bc<br />

their God, and they shall bc my people. X will forgivc their<br />

iniquity and I will rcmernber their ~irl no more.''<br />

8. The captive Jc?nrs wcre trcated wit11 kindness by the<br />

king of Habylon, hut they lunged for the land of their<br />

f'at1.1ers and for thc city of Jerusalem. This longing of their<br />

hearts is bcnutifulIy expressed in one of the psdins : Ul~on<br />

tl~c rivers of Dabylo~i, then we gat and wcpl, when we rcmcmbercd<br />

Sion. On the willows in the midst thereof we<br />

hung up our instruments, for thcre thay that led uu into captivity<br />

rcquircd of us the words of songc;. How shall we sing<br />

the song of the Lord in a strarigc 1:md ? If I forget thee, 0<br />

Jerusalem, let my ~ight hand bc forgotten. Lat my tongue<br />

cleave to my jaws if I tlo not remember thee, if I make not<br />

Jerusalem the bcgin~~ing of my joys."<br />

7. Dming tho captivity, God did not abandon His pcoplp:<br />

hut sent the prophct lrtxccl~iel, who nclrnonished anrl instrnctcd<br />

them. IIc also consoled them by telIing them of n<br />

vision which foreshadowed thc deliverarlcc of the people<br />

from their captivity. Tlze ~pirit of the ]lord brought Ezcchic1<br />

to a, plan filled with bones. Being told by God, he<br />

oommanded the boncs to comc together, which was done, and<br />

they were covered with flesh ancl slrin, but therc w:~s 110<br />

spirit in them. And thc Lord told ICxecliiel to say to thle<br />

tipirit: "Come spirit, and let thcm livc agai~~." The spirit<br />

entered into them, ;md they lived ; they stood upon their<br />

feet, an exceeding grcat army. Then the Lordsaid : '' T11esc<br />

boncs arc the house of Israel ; they say that our 1)ones aro<br />

dricd up mLld our hope is lost, but say to them : ' Thus saith<br />

thc Lord God: Behold I will open your graves arld bring<br />

E~CIIIEL (pr. E-m'-ki-el),


you into the Im~d of' Israel, and you shall how that I nrn the<br />

Lortl, 0 rlly ~~eople, ' "<br />

8. ~\mangst the captives were scv~ral yol>~lg mc~i nf high<br />

ranb, bclongiilg to tko first fa~nilics. Tlle Icing ordel-cd the<br />

mo~t disliilguislled of tl~cse to Le brought to his own pnlace,<br />

clotlied in kingly appnrcl, and fecl with meats from his own<br />

t:hle. Aniong~ t these young lneri were Danicl, Annnias;<br />

hlisnel,* A~arias.~<br />

9. Thcy rcsolvcd not to oat of the n~cnts fi.om the king'n<br />

table, bccause the Jcwish law furbade thc use of certai~<br />

~neats, mid th~y Legged thc chief t;te~r.;lrcl to illlow them to<br />

cat only ~egetnl~l~s, tuld to clrir~lr only water. Thc ~tc?warc<br />

tvns ciisposcd ta comply with their rcqucst, but he told them<br />

Br~t if tl~cg livcrl oiz snc:ll diet they monltl I~ecoliie so lcnrl th:~L<br />

the king ~i~oulrl blulnc him, and purllaps punish him se verclg.<br />

l(]. Dmliel bcsought the stcrrard to try thcln for ten dapa<br />

with thc food :tnd clriuk they dcsirctl tu Ilt~ve. The stoward<br />

consented, ant1 at the encl of ten days the faces of these<br />

yoirrlg men wepc frcslzar ancl more comely than thosc of the<br />

other young men of the court.<br />

11. After this, the steward gave them only ocgetables and<br />

~vat~r; but Gocl gnvc them ~visdorn and acience. \+'hen tliu<br />

tinw ixlne that thy wcrc prc?sentcd to the king, he \i7\.as so<br />

cl~armcrl with heir bcn~~ty :~nd wivclo~n that he rctai~~ctl them<br />

in his servicc. The riew covcnant which deremias foretells is<br />

the Chrislian rcligiorl, in which greatel grace is given to men ;<br />

for which reason it is c:alled thc law of grace, while the old<br />

tcstanlent was called the law of fcar.<br />

- QUESTIONS.<br />

1. ?Vhat did the people of Jndn, at last becorno? Tomhat did they<br />

giro theirlselvcs wholly up? What more did they do? JJ71rut was<br />

tlw rcsnlt? 5. Who marchcd againet Jerusalem, in the year<br />

Gm, befuro Christ,? llrh,zt did Nt~buchodonosor do~v.v.hen he look tko<br />

1 Axrxrau (pr. A~l-an-i'-ss). 2 MIEIAEI,<br />

(pr. &fis'-a-el).<br />

3 Aenarns (pr. Ar-adr-arrl.


city 7 What happened sixtoerl years after ? 3. Where were all tJie<br />

pfogIe taken that escaped the sword 7 To \\.hat was the splendid<br />

city of Jnrnsnlom reducc?(l? 4. What prophet besailed thc tiestr~~ction<br />

of Jcrusale~n ? Iiepcnt Ilia lamcntatio~~? 6. Was Jerclnius Icf1<br />

without ccmsolation ? What did be know ? How was he consoled<br />

by the l.,c)rd 7 G. Row ~~~eri? thc captive JCWB trcnLod by tha kill% P<br />

Bum is Chc longing of their hearts expressed? Bepcat the Iamcntation?<br />

7. Did God abandon lIi~ people? IVhom did ITe end to<br />

them P How did Rzcr:hicl con~ole them? Where dicl the spirit of<br />

God lead Ezcchiel't Jl'hat did God command him to do ? Did the<br />

spirit obey him ? 8. Who were amongst the captives P What did<br />

the king order with regard to thcse young men1 Gixre thc namcs<br />

of three of them ? tt. XThrtt did they resolve not to clo? Why ?<br />

Tknt did they beg the chief stervarcl lo gi,tvo thcrn ? Why did tho<br />

stcward fear to grant their requent? 10. What did Daniel l~esecclr<br />

the fitetr-nrd fodo t TIrhnt hallpanad nt thc end of tcn days? 11.<br />

After this, what clicl the stcwa~*d givc then1 ? What (lid CZcld give<br />

them? EItlo~v cditI the king rcceiro them? What is the new covenant<br />

or law which the prophet Jeremirre foretells P<br />


Da?zieb Saves Susalz?~a.<br />

0 how beautiful js the chaste generation with glory.-Wis. 4, l.<br />

MOKG the captive Jctvs in Dabylon Ulere .rlrss a man<br />

A ra~med donkirn, whose wife, Susanna, was very hemtiiiil,<br />

arid feared God. Now Joakirn being very rich and influciilial,<br />

it hapyencd thnt Inany of his country~rlen resorted<br />

to his house. Arnoxlg these lverc two of thc ancients whn<br />

hacl been nppoii~tcd judges for that yenr. The two old men<br />

were.! contiidered by Ghc people as ~visc rind virtuous, but in<br />

reality tl~cy were very wicked.<br />

2. Now the visitors t1lu.t came to Joskim gener~lly left at<br />

noon, and then Susnnna would walk fort11 into the orchard<br />

near by to refresh herself in the shade. The t~vo old men<br />

hew this, and orie day they went into the orchard ancl hid


tliemselvcs behind the trcos. A little latcr Snsanna came<br />

i11 and fastened the gate, bcli~~irig<br />

hcrself alone. Then the<br />

~vicked old men came forlh from their hitii~ig-place ~nnd tried<br />

to nitllre her cvrnmit sin.<br />

3. Susanna horriliotl at tlleir proposal; but they said<br />

that if she rlid not conscn.t to their ~vishes, they would<br />

pu1)licly accuse her of a grant crime. Then Susanna raised<br />

her beautirul eyes to lieavcn, sighed allcl said: "1 am<br />

straitened on crery side, Ior if I do this thing, it is de~~th to<br />

me, wld if t do it not, I fillrill not escape your hands. But<br />

it is better for 111c to fall int,o your I~sncls, without doing it,<br />

thm to sin in the sight of the Lord."<br />

4. She then cried out with a loud voice; but the elders<br />

cried out agsi~~st her. One of tlieru ran to the orchard-gate,<br />

md opened it, that the people might cnter. Then he and his


companion accused Sustmna of amost wicked act. Next day,<br />

accompanied by her l~nrcnts mC! ehiltlrcn, nncl otl~er relntives,<br />

Susallntt ~vils I~~oaghl befort: t.11~ tribmlnl of justice,<br />

whore slle was condcmnecl nl~d sel~tcnccrl to clea111. B11t she<br />

wccping, looked up to heaven, for bcr heart hacl confidence<br />

in God.<br />

6. And the Lord heard her prayer. An she was 3etl out to<br />

dentli, Daniel, ilispircrl from rtbovc, cxc1:~iinml: " I am clear<br />

fronz tl~e blood of this wollrrtn." Then all the pcoplc began<br />

to ask 11irii : '( 'What rne:lncth this word t,l~st tllou hast<br />

spokerl? '' IIc told t,llllem to retun1 to jndgnicnl, becal~se the<br />

elders had borne false witncsx agail-1st Susannu. Thcn the<br />

~)eol.de wcnt back im 1i:~stc. But Daniel ordered thc txo accust?l.s<br />

50 be brought ill separi~tely.<br />

6. This being clone, he sirit1 to the firet t.lint came : 0 thou<br />

that ark grown old in evil days, now art! thy sills comc out.<br />

Tell irle untlcr what tree thou aawest t'hcni collvcrsiilg togetl~er?<br />

" Hc said : 'L U11tIcr f~~ll;tsti~-trcc.~~ D:liiicl replic!d :<br />

" Tllon hast lied against Shy o\vn 11c!ad." Tl1e11 be sent him<br />

away, and had the otlicr brought in, whorri hc asked : " Tcll<br />

mc, under what trcc didst thou tn.ke then1 conversing together<br />

? " He n.nsmered : " Under a holm-tree." Dauicl<br />

replied : (' Thou hast lied n.,m.inst thy 011'11 head."<br />

7. !rhc pcople snn7 by thc col~lril,ry stntements of B e old<br />

men that t.heir testimony was fnlsc, nnct rising up against<br />

tl~cm, they put tIlcin both to death. Susxniie was restored to<br />

her joyful 21nshan.ntl ancl children, n.11~1 they and :ill the people<br />

blessecl Gotl, who nlwnys sn~.c!s niid protecls those who place<br />

i.hcir 11opcs in EIim. Wheronpon Dtuiiel becn~ne great in .the<br />

siplit. of th~! people.<br />


1. Who was tl~ere among tbo captive Jews in Babglon? Who<br />

was 11i~ wife? Wl~nt nort of :L .rvomnii was she? Who were<br />

among the Jews that fi*eqirent.ed tho house of JoalcimP What<br />

eort of men were tliese judgcs 7 3. UTlixL was Bnsaana accu8tonled<br />

to do about uoon when the visitors retired ? Whnt did the two old


men, knowing this, do? Ho~~~clid they act when Sa~anna came In<br />

and fnstened the door, believing herself alonc P S. Rusanaa being<br />

horrified at their proposal, wlrr~t did thcy tell her i' \That did Susanna<br />

th~:~lsny, raising hercpcs to he2trc.11 ? 4. What did she the~?l<br />

do? What did the elders do? What did one of thcm do? Oi'what<br />

did hc ancl his companion thcn nccnse Sli~anila? IVllat happened<br />

to Snsan~ia when 8110 w a broiight ~ nest day belore the tribur~al of<br />

justice f In whom l~ad Er~snnna conlide~~cc? 5. Did thc Lord<br />

hear bcr prayer? As she \v\.as led out to death, what (lid Daniel,<br />

inspired from above, exclaim? f hat clid the people then begin<br />

to ask hhn? What did he tell them 7 II7hen the people vent<br />

back in Ilnsb, what did Tlnniel order to be clone? 6. Wllal; did<br />

hc say to the first tl~t c:arno in? What did the old man eay?<br />

TT'hat did Ualliol say 7 TI7hnt did Dnnicl ask the othcr oltl man ?<br />

What ditl he itns~vwr? ll'hnt did Dsniel reply 7 7. What clid the<br />

people see by the coritrary ~tatomcuts of the old men? What<br />

clid they do to them ? T1'ha.t was doue to Susanna? q7hat did all<br />

the people do 7 What did Daniel become ?<br />


The I"140fRet Daniel.-The Three YDZ~PJ~ Ntn i?z tLe' Fie~y<br />

(h11 upon Me in the day of trouble ; I will deliver thcc, ant1 thou<br />

shalt glorify &i\?Ic.-PS. 49, 15.<br />

Al3UCHOI)OMOSOR had a drcnm which terrified hi111<br />

N greatly. He saw a large ~tatue, the head was of gold,<br />

the breast and arms of hilver, thc belly and thighs of bmss,<br />

the lcgs of iron, ancl the feet, part iron a ~d part clay. Then<br />

hc noticed a stone rollii~g from thc mountain, which struck<br />

thc statue on the feet and crhdtered it ; arlcl bellold, the stone<br />

becan~e n great mountain and filled the ~l-holc earth. Kone<br />

of the ~visc men could intc~pret the drpazn. Then the king<br />

called for Danicl to 1vho111 God hacl revealed the meaning of<br />

Lhe dremn.<br />

2. The wholc statue signified the great enlpires of the<br />

world that would succccd each other. The head of'gold


betokened fl~c reigil of Pu'nbuchodonosor himself, most<br />

glorious among killgs ; thc breast ancl the arms of silver reyresented<br />

thc next empire, i,lltlC of the Medcs and I'ersians ;<br />

the belly md the thighs of brass the duminion of<br />

Alex~ntndcr the Grant ; llle legs and Jeet of irou ~iqified the<br />

great H.oman empire which c~aqusrcd all the others. The<br />

~tr~ne that fell from the mountain, typified a new ltingilom<br />

that God liimself ~vould fou~lil on cnrth, ailcl ~vhicll, from a<br />

small beginning, would graclua.Ilp g]-ow ~trong and vvercoine<br />

a11 other kingcloms, ancl that it would last forever. Thc king,<br />

11caring the interpretztion, said to Daniel : ('T'erily your<br />

God is the God of gods, and Lord of kings, and a revcaler of<br />

hidden things.*' IIe raised Dnnicl lo n high sta.tion and<br />

bestowetl 01.1 hirn 1nn.liy gifts.<br />

3. About, this timc king Kabuchodonosor made a great<br />

statue of gold which he plnced on a, pillar in the plain oC<br />

J3nl)ylon. All the princes nlld 11ol;)lcs of his Lingdom were<br />

invited to assist at the dedication of thig sto.tue. Hcrdds<br />

wcre scnt out evcrpwhere t,o annonncc to all the people that<br />

when they lieard the sonnd of the tr~~iupets nlld flatcs arid<br />

other instruments of mnaic, they slioulcl k~ll down and adore<br />

the golden st.ntue. Ant1 it mine to pass that no one disobey<br />

ed illis order except Ananias, Misael, and Azarixs.<br />

4. It ma,s nnrio~xnccd to the liinp tl~nt the three young iiien<br />

h ~ refused ~ d LO worship %lie golden statue. Then h'abucllodonosor,<br />

full of rage, said to tlietn: " 7Tho is the god that<br />

shall dcliver you out of my hand?" TIlc?j7 answered : L ' Our<br />

God whon~ we worship is able to save us from the furnace of<br />

burnii~g fire ; hut if He will not, me will not worship tby god,<br />

nor aclore the goldcn statue." The king the11 orderetl t.hat a<br />

furnace should bc heatttetl seven ti~rles more than ordinarily,<br />

arid that three of the fitronge~t soldiers of his mmy should<br />

bind tl-[c your~g men :ind ca.si t.hem c:lokl~ed as they wcre, illto<br />

the f~~rnnce.<br />

5. The order was illstztntlg executed. Nut tho allgc?l of the<br />

Lord went do1~11 xvith the tl~rec holy youths into tlle furnace,


and behold, in~idn, t,ho flnrnes wrl-n extinguished, but oulsidc,<br />

tile fires bnrnrrl a~id flashed aaitl cleatruycd the incn tt.110<br />

had executcd thc lriag's cruel orclcr.. The)* mere i~lstctlltly<br />

oonsu~neci by thc lbnging fire.<br />

6. TTithin thc f~~mace t.11~ sir was cool nncl fre611, like to<br />

the breeac ~~l-hcn tlia tlew iis fi~lling. And the three youag<br />

men, seeing tllel~lsclvcs so ~~-r~nclerl'ully prcscrvcrl, sang n,<br />

glol.io~xs canticle of pmiw md tha.~lhsgi:iring, whicli the<br />

church of God btill sings in her divine service.<br />


7. Tl~e Icing aslonisliccl to hear voices in the ft~rnnco singing,<br />

rosc 1113 :incl said to his nobles: '' Did ~vt? not cast threo<br />

Itlnn bonr~ti illto tllc nlidst, of the fircl '? I so(! fo11ls ~ncn loose,<br />

;tllcl wll,lking in the ~uidsl of tl~o firr:, m:u~cl tl~? limn of Il~u<br />

fourth is 1jl;c tho son of QoiI.''<br />

8. Thc* going to the door of the furnace, he arose "Yo

scrvmt.nts of t.hc Most Iligll i>od, io yc forth nild corn(!."<br />

'l'l-tcreupon thc young illc.11 c7:\.n~c Sort11 snfe allcl snmicl, not, so<br />

11iuc11 as a 11n.i~ of heir licrtrls was bnl.ncd, nor n.ns the anicll<br />

of fire on t,hcir gnrriiei1t.s. Sccing t,hi:.; prodigy,' Kabuchodonosor<br />

blesscrl (.; od: snpii~g : '( Blessetl1)c the Gorl of Annnias,<br />

3fis:~el, n.nd hzaritls, m7110 11:~s sent :His angc?l, ancl dalivcrecl<br />

IIis xcrvn~ils i.11a.t. kclicved ill Rim."<br />

D. H c tl~en (lcci'cccl thaC ~vhosocver, in nll Ilia liingdom,<br />

h1i1.s~heniecl tllc Gocl n,llom tllcsc young nlell adorccl slioultl<br />

I)c put to death, for tluit thcrc was 110 other Qotl \v110 l1ik(l<br />

power to sn.vc. Tl~e t,lircc yom~g 111~7.1 were rnisccl to high<br />

dignities in Ille lriugdotu of Dnl_l~+lon. Tlic hat lriugrlom, or<br />

the ~tanc falling fisom the ~nou~~tnin, 111ent.ioncd by Da.nic1,<br />

~igi~i ti CS tl~e C;~thol ic Church ~vhicli Jcsuu Cll~rj st esl;rblishad<br />

ul'on ca.rL11. At flyat. il was small, 1)ul il lwpt on increasing<br />

nncl stilI jllcrcsscs R~ICI<br />

\\.ill erlduro to llie entl of ale world.<br />


1. lielate hTnbiicbodotl(1sor'8 clrcnm. 2. Esplain the dream.<br />

Wh;iI; clid the Icing say to Daniel :' To ~rlbnt clirl thn lii~ig rnise him?<br />

3. IYllat dicl hirig Snbuchurlonosor malie:' IITlio were invited to<br />

assist at tI~e dedicstion of t.llis statue? IVliat vcrc beraltls ~ellt<br />

out to aIinoancc to all the peol>lc? Who nlotlc disol)eyed this order?<br />

4. IYhat ilitl tlie liing ortl(!r to bc dun(-! to the young Iller1 ? 5.<br />

Who \vent do\\-11 into the 11ir11ac.e with the young mcn? TTho werc<br />

cot~sumod 11y the mgirig fire ? U. IlrLl:tt \X-W tliare wil,hin thc fiirtlsce?<br />

IYl~st dicl Ll~e thrcc yoallg Inell sing 7 i. ]\-hat did Llie king<br />

say to his aobles? 3. \V\'h:tt iSid the king r:ry out, goi11g to tlte door<br />

of thtt fui-nace ? How did thc young tnen come forth from the furnace?<br />

Secirlg this prodigy, w1l:tt. clid Sabucbhodoaosor tlo LLIL~ my?<br />

9. What ditl he the11 decree ? -\.\'hat rrvns done for the three poullg<br />

men? Of \\-hat i~ the stonc fallil~g from thc? mr~tlntain n figure?<br />

1 P~on'iel*, something which surpasses the power of nalnre.

192 HISTORY OF THE OT,11 TESTAhI1~:WT.<br />


ITi~rg- Bnltnssar- T/cc God Brl.<br />

I will call upon the name o f the Lord.--PS. ?l:;, 73.<br />

PTER the death of Sabuol~oclonosor, Baltnssz~1., hi* grand-<br />

A ,, :~scendrd tha thnmr. Onr day l3nlt;~ss:~r glue :r<br />

grcat 1)nnquat to tho lioblcs of his ki~ipclom, and ordered tlic:<br />

golden cups, which his w.ntlf'athcr had ~R~CCII fro111 t l tem- ~<br />

ple of Jcmsalcm, to bc brought fort11 and to bc used at thhc<br />

banquet.<br />

2. The sacred vessel8 were brought, and the Icing aid his<br />

wives imd his oficers d~llli fro~~l 111~111, luld tliey praiser1<br />

thoir gods of guld ancl of silver ailcl of stone. Al that molncnt<br />

n hand app":ired, :md fingers w.ere see11 writing thrcc<br />

words rrpon the will1 over against the king. Bnltitssnr prcw<br />

~jible and trcmblecl, for the joints of that 11a1ld were moving<br />

arkd wrotc : ~IANP:, TI~ISCET,, I'HA~~Es. IIe c:~H~rl for his wisc<br />

men, that thcy might intriyrct the ~vritirlz. I3nt none of<br />

thcnl could do so. Then I)nnir,l, nrllo ]?ad rrccivctl fro11<br />

God thrt gifL of prophecy, Cogethcr with that of explaining<br />

hicldcn things, cairie forill, and syokc to the lring :<br />

3. Thou hnst liftixrl up thyself against the Lorcl of<br />

heiiven. Than hf~st ~)T:L~FBC~ thy g0d8 uf po1d ar~i! silv(!r; I~lif<br />

the Lord of hesrcn who hntl~ thy breath ill llis hanrl, thou<br />

h:bst riot glorified. Than Itnnwost thnt thy grnndfatller m : ~<br />

punisliecl for his pridc ; that 11c was driccn nmrny from the<br />

Rons of men, and that lie atc grass it1 t11c field with the ox<br />

aid the ass, mlcl yet tllou I1:~st not kurnl>leci thy Ilearl.<br />

4. Wherefore God hat11 sent the fingers of the hnnd to<br />

wtitc, and illis is the ~~ritillg, rt~ld Illis is the intcrlwrtntion<br />

thereof: " M:inc : Got1 11atll ii~~iiber(*~l thy Iiingdom, aiid<br />

11ntll finished it. Thcccl : tliou :vt weighed in the hdn~~cc<br />

ancl art foui~tl \~-:n~ting. Plu~rcs : tIig lri~~gdurri is clivided,<br />

and is given to the Bfedes :tad Persia~ls." That very night,

Unltassar was tilain ancl the prophecy of Daniel was tlmu fnlfillcd.<br />

Some time aftcr tho arrny of thc Medes and Persians,<br />

llncler Dnrius, their great leader, toolr the city of Babylon,<br />

ancl diviclcd the Iiingcl~n~.<br />

5. But Cgrus, king of Persia, ant1 successor of Darius, soon<br />

took possession of :tll the Assyriat~ empire, of which I3nbyIon<br />

wns the capital. IIc treatcd Dzmiel with ~liarircd rrspect nnd<br />

mado hirri sit clo\vn at his own tnble. At this tinlc tlle god<br />

Bcl was morsliipped in Bnhylori as thc snprcme deiiy.<br />

There mcre ~pcnt upon hi111 every clay taclae large measurea<br />

of flour, forty fiheep, RIICI sixty vesscl~i uf mine.<br />

6. The king \vent cvery day to ndorc this god J3c1, But<br />

Daniel adored the true God. Thcil thc 1;iiig aslred 11i1lz n~liy<br />

hc dicl not adore Bel. Daniel replied that ho adorcd the true<br />

ancl living Gocl, who createtl earth and heaven, ancl whose<br />

power extends over all things. Tl~c king, mucl1 sul.yrrisec1,<br />

asked Daniel, if he clid not bclievc that Ikl was a living god,<br />

secing how much he consumed evcry day.<br />

7. Dariicl smiled and said : " 0 king, be not deceived ; for<br />

this Be1 is clay within and brass ~vithout, ncither has IIC<br />

eaten at nny timc." Thc king, hcing nngry, called for tho<br />

priests of the god, allcl said to thcm : If ye tcll ln'e not who<br />

it is thnt eats up these pro~i"i"~lfi, ye shall die. Rnt ilge cm<br />

show that Be1 cnteth these things, Ilaniel shall die, bccaurie<br />

he 11ns blasphcmed against Bel." Daniel agreed to tlm<br />

king's proposnl,<br />

8. Then the Icing, nccan-~pnnied by Daniel, to the<br />

tctnple of Bel. And the priests of Be1 said to the Icing:<br />

" Hehold, we go out, ancl do thou, O king, set on tl~c meats,<br />

an11 make ready the wine, and ahnt tho cloor fast, ancl seal it<br />

n-ith thy own ring; and whcn thou carnest in thc morning, if<br />

thou find not thnt Bel has eaten up all, tvo mill suffer death,<br />

or, else Ilnnit!l wllo has licd against ns."<br />

9. Thcy were not nfriricl, bccausc thy had a sccret door nndcr<br />

the altar, rvhcreby they cnlererl and consumcc1 thc meats.<br />

The priest8 having gone out, the king caused the meats and<br />

Scnna~rn, Bible Ulqt. 13

the \vine to be placer1 beforc Rcl. Tliis Bcillg dune, tlic scr-<br />

~nnts of Daniel brougl~t asllcs, slltl he bil'tccl tlmn all ovcr<br />

the telnplc in the prcscnro of tl~c Icing. Then tllry all left<br />

thc tcnlyle, thc cloor of wl~ivh a as scnlctl rvitll the roy:11 seal.<br />

10. But the priests went in Ly r~igl~t with illuir wivrs ancl<br />

c2lilclrct1, us they rvrru ttccustomrd io do, and tllcy ntr an4<br />

drank all tl~t llscl brrn l~lacecl bcibrc thc idol. The kiiq<br />

nrofio early in illc monling ancl went fo thc trm~rlc wit11<br />

Daniel. Tli ry fuund tl~c ~enl unlroli m, n11d opcnii~g the<br />

cloor, went ill. 'J'h Icing loobctl at tl~c tablc, nriil seeing that<br />

all tllc provi~ions 1lntl c~ist~jr~jearcd, rriod out : " Great mt<br />

tbou, 0 13~1, and tl~crc is not ally dcccit wit11 tl~cc.''<br />

11. Daniel laughecl, and pointillg to thc floor, suirl : '' Jlnrk,<br />

~vhosc foulsteps thc:se are ! " The! king, mlzch :unazccl, said:<br />

" I: we thc footetcps of nien n~ld wonien an0 children.:'<br />

Then ~axamining ,r~ioro clostbly, 11c Eom~tl tlle accrct tloors by<br />

~vhich the priests mcrr: wont, to go in niid out. Tbcrr:nporl<br />

the Icing, Lcirlg enraged ng:linst t11e pricsts of Ucl, orclcrrd<br />

them a11 to hc put to clcnth. And he gave Bcl up to Ilai~iel,<br />

who destuoyccl llim ancl l~is tenlplo.<br />


1. \Jrho ascctlclctt llm thi.o~le after Xabncliodonosor? One day<br />

al.~en Ualtaesur gave n greel banquet, 1r~11at did he ordcr to bc<br />

bronght and used? 2. What did tl~o liil~g, Ilia wives, nnrl 11iv oii1ccrs<br />

do with the fiacrcd refieels l What was seen at that moment?<br />

Whom did naltassar order to bc sent for to interpret thc writing?<br />

Cculd they do so? \Vho then camc forth? 3. What ditl Daniel<br />

say tc) the king? Of\vhnt clid he thcn go on to remind him? What<br />

rljd fie tell him? 4. Vhat clid lie gay waa t,lic menning of tl~a ~vritiog<br />

on the ~vsll? Wbcn was this prophccy of nnrliel fulfilled?<br />

llow wasit fi~liilled? \\'h0 took thc city sowc timc after? 5. II-Iiu<br />

soon loolr possession of tho whole Afisprian empirc? TVhnt city<br />

was the capital of that empiro 'l I-IOW did Cyrus treat Dsnicl Y TYhnt<br />

airs 11-orshipperl at this time in Babylon as the suprcme divi~lity 'l'<br />

What provisions were given to Bel evc!rg day ? G. \That did tlic<br />

king do every day 7 What clid lle ask Danic!l'? TYllat ditl Datlicl<br />

reply 7 What did the lri~lg, musk surprised ask Dai~icl? 7. WhaL


tlicl Dnnicl sag, s~riiling? lV11nt clid the kinq, being angry, ssy to<br />

the pricsts of Be1 ? 8, When the king and IJatliel werit to the tcmplc<br />

of Bet, wllat tlirl the pricsts sny ? 0. Why were they a9t afraid?<br />

The pricsls hnving gone orit, what did the king cxnso CO be drrnc?<br />

This being dono, what dill Daniel command the ~errants to {IQ?<br />

lV11nl wns then (1o11o to the door? 10. Tlrhat did the priests, with<br />

their wives and cbilclren, c10 tlnriug tllo nigbtY Sl'hiit did the king<br />

ant1 Dnnic?l fintl on going to the temple ncxb ~nor~~ing P \lrl~xt tlid<br />

the king cry out, ~ucing that all the pr(~visio~~s hnd disnppenrfid?<br />

11. What (lid. Uanicl say, pointing to llre floor ? Wllat dill the king<br />

my? 011 cssmining closcly, what (lid tllcy find? \ITbat did the<br />

king then c~rtler to bc tlo~lc to the prioslu of Be1 ? lV\Vhtlt did he give<br />

up to Daniel 7 What did Daniel do with the idol P<br />


Thou ]last rrt~nelul~eral me, 0 God, nnrl T~IOII lisat not forenkcn<br />

the111 that love Thee.--Dan. 16,97.<br />

p 1 *HE people or Baljylon worshipped also n great dr~gon.<br />

. 0110 clay tlie kiug said to Daniel : " 13ehold, than<br />

crtnst not say nov that this is nut n living god ; atlore hirn,<br />

thorcfore." Dntiicl replied: '' Give me leave, 0 king, ancl I<br />

will kill this dragon withon t sword or club." Tlic king raturned<br />

: " I give tllee Ieavc." Tllen Daniel toulr pitch, fat<br />

nnd hair, imcl boilirlg thein logcther, he madc lumps and put<br />

them into the clrngon's mouth.<br />

2. The monster, 8a~~lloming the lumps, vcry soon burst<br />

asuncler, nlld Danicl said to the king : " Behold him whom<br />

you worshipped I " The Rabylotiinns hearing this, assernblod<br />

in crowds, and said tllat tl~a king hnd bccu~ne n Jelv ;<br />

hiit1 destroyed Belt killed thc rlrngon, and puh the priests to<br />

dentll. Thcy came, tllercforc, to thc king threatening ant1<br />

snyirig : " 1)eliver Daniel. to us, or else n7c will destroy thee<br />

and thy hnuse."<br />

3. Although the King loved Dmicl hc was forcer1 througl~<br />



the violence of Ulc people to gire him up to their fury. Immediately<br />

they cast him into a den of lions. Thmc were<br />

Ecven lions in tlle dcn to ~rhon~ they gave tmo cnscnsscs<br />

cvcry day and tn-o sheep ; I~nt now, nothing was gi~cri Ulem,<br />

illat they rnight dnvour Daniel. Yct Daniel remained unhurt.<br />

4. Dallicl having bccn for somc time in thc lion's den,<br />

neeclcrl food. How there R'RS at thnt time in Jndelt, n propllct<br />

nnived W al)acuc,' 1t.110 conicd food to the Acld for il~e reap-<br />

ers. Thc nngel of the Lorcl appeared to him :uid said:<br />

Carl-y thy diniier to Daniel 1\7ho is ill the lion's den at<br />

Bi~bylon. "<br />

5. H~bncuc replicrl : " Lord, I never sarr Habyloll, nor c10<br />

I hoxv the den." Then thc nngel fool; him by the hair<br />

of his Ilcad,-csrsictl him in an instant lo Ual~rlon, al~d<br />

placed 11i1n ovr:r Cl~e den of tl~c lions. And Hnbacuc<br />

a~lled to nnniel : " Thou ser\?anl of God, take thc dinner<br />

that God has sent thee I " Daniel exclaimed : " Thou llnst<br />

romembercd me, 0 Gocl, find Thou hast not forsaken them<br />

thnt love Thee." The11 he arose and ate.<br />

6. But tl~o nngel of the. Lord carried Habacuc back to his own<br />

~jlncc. 011 illc sovent11 day the Icing came to bewail I)nniel.<br />

And sta~~ding near the den he looltccl in nnd saw Dnnicl sitting<br />

m~o~~gst tllo lions, ancl he cried ~vith ;b loud voicc :<br />

cc Great art Thou, 0 Lol~l, the God of Daniel 1 "<br />

7. Imn~ediatelg he drew Daniel out. of the den, hut those<br />

.rvlio had desircd the prophet's clestll hc thrclrv in, nnil thry<br />

more clcvonrecl by the liot~s in n a~onlent. 7'11en the lriiig<br />

said: 'c 1,rt all tbc inhabitants of the lvholc cart11 fear thc<br />

God of Daniel, for He is thc Sarior, working signs and<br />

wonders."<br />


1. 13rt~~t did the pc?oplc of nabylon and their I~iilg worslrip 7 Wh~<br />

did the Iii11g say ono day to 'J)nnielY JVhut dirt lllnniel tell the king?


\vhat {lid Dsnid do whon the lring gnre pormi~siot~? 3. \i7l\athal>pener1<br />

to the ri~oristel~? \\'lifit clid I)a~tiel then say to the king?<br />

What did tlre I-'tsbyloninns clo on 11i:arin:: thi~? IVlrirldid tl~cy say P<br />

Wlint ditI thcy threntcn to 110 P 3. Whnt was the Iiit~g fol.c!t?cl to do<br />

tl~roogli t,ho ciolenctt of the poople 7 What did they tlo with Daniel ?<br />

Did thclions 11arni Ilanicl'? 4. IZow long had Daniel henin the lio~i's<br />

den P IVho WSLS at that time in .Tucien? What ditl thc anpcl of the<br />

Lord tell him ~\'hcn 11e \!-as csl-ryingfood to the reapers? 5. What<br />

did Hdracuc toll the angel ? \\'hat clid the angel tlren do 7 IVhat<br />

did Rnbacua cdlto Uuniel? What clid Dnliicl exclnim? G. What<br />

clid tho angel then tlo with Hirlncnc? Why clid the king come to<br />

the lion's den trrl the scuenth day ? IYhen ho saw Daniel dtting<br />

among t.hn liona, what, tlid he c:i9y with n loud voicc '? 7. \Irh,zt did<br />

Ilc do 5r.i th 1)nlliel ? \\'list ditl he do to those ~ h hnd o tlesircd the<br />

prophet's doat11 ?<br />

uay?<br />

\\'l~:bt \v\.nl; Ll~e result ? \\'hat tlicl the king then<br />


Retzrm of i'hc .jtzu.r frfi'o7rz Bnfiylu7t. (536 B. C.)<br />

Thou wlio art a f


plc to a sense of thcir duty. IVhereforc, ithnrpc?~led that in<br />

thc scvcnticth y(?tlr OF llieir EB~. c;lpti\'ity, C~IIS, Icing of Persia,<br />

by a divinc inspiladion, issued ail cr1ic.t tllnt. nll tlio 3'cws<br />

who were ill his liingdom should go lsaclr to Jerusalcal n11cI<br />

rcbuilcl thc tcrnple of tlie Lord.<br />

3. He also restorcc1 to th~ln tlie sacred vessels nd~ich Nabuchodonosor<br />

had carricd nmny. Tliereupon, more tlln~~ forty<br />

thouennd Israelites, 111lder tl~o Ioatlersl~ip of Pril~ce Zen)bnbel,<br />

allcl of the big11 priest Jostle, rcturrlecl to Jutlc!:~, tl~c<br />

name tl~cnccfo~~iv~rzrd gi\-en to tl~c ancient kingdom of Juda,<br />

togc:thcr with fh~ rcmnnats of the atllcr tc?n tribes ~~liich 11ntl<br />

joinet1 themselves to Judn a11d Bell,i:lmin before the (10~~1lfd1<br />

of I.srac1. Thcy irrirnediately built an altar, and oflcrccl ~:u:rilice<br />

every morning and evc:ning.<br />

4. Oiie year after the rctun~ from capti\ritg, the foundations<br />

of the new temple were laid in Jcrusaleln. Tllc priesls and<br />

thc Lcvitcs were there with their trumpcts and cymb:~l~, as d<br />

old, ~inging to the Lord canticles of prnisc and t?lanl;sgiving,<br />

while the pcople all rc.joiced 114th exccccling grent joy. Alld<br />

when, aher many ycnrfi, the temple was completed, it was<br />

cu~~secrated allcl declicated with grcnt solcmnitg.<br />

5. Many of tlie old peol~le who remembered thc former<br />

tcn~ple mcpt to bee tlwt tlie new one ditl not equal tlic oltl in<br />

magnificcncc. Rut the prophet Aggcus consoled tIlcin wit11<br />

the assurance that thc ~ccontl tsmy)le shou1d bcrnorc glorious<br />

than the iirst, because thc Mcssias, the Desired of all nations,<br />

would be seen in it, and nlould honor it ~rritli his presence.<br />

Tl~c same prediction was mncle by the prophet ZacI~arjr.~<br />

6, About eighty gears after tl~cir return from captiritj-, tl~c<br />

Jervs, by command of the king of Persix, co~-ilnzenc:c:d to rcbuild<br />

the walls of Jcrnsalcm. The Sa~naritnns opposcd thc!ul<br />

zntl tried eve11 by violellcc to prcvcnt the people from ~cbuilding<br />

their city. But the Jews pmqctl to God to assist<br />

them, and in orrler to prevent surl~rise from the Stlmaritans,<br />

divided tllemselvcs into two great bodies.<br />

1 Z.ic.~ralc~ (pr. Znlc'ary.)


7. Those who were most brave ancl courageous they placed<br />

on the oiitposts of tho city, well unnecl, in order to keep ofl'<br />

the oncmy, while those wllo mcrc sliilled in masonry ant1<br />

otllcr lnechnnicnl arts, cirricd on the work. At the. end of<br />

fifty-lrvo days all the rvalls and rainpark werc! completed,<br />

Tile Samuritnns, swing t11n.t the hand of God was thcrc,<br />

ceascrl to tronble thcir ~leighbors.<br />

8. The Jclva, m~tlcrstnncling tlint they had becn successful<br />

in rebuilding thc telnplc nncl thc walls of Jcr~tsslem in spite<br />

of sn Inany ol)staclos, retunlctl sincere thnl~lrs to Gotl. And<br />

Esdrns, the high-pricst, ha~*ing publicly rcad thc ln~v of the<br />

Lord, they all promiserl, wit11 tears, to be Ltithfiil to it. Par<br />

they Irad rectti~~cd :L 11t:rn and strong proof tllnt God hnrl forgiven<br />

their own sins, and th~ ingrirLiturlc of their fntl~era.<br />


1. What Iiacl the prophet Jerernias foretold? Who had renewed<br />

this promiee? Adding ~r-l~at? 2. \Vliat had brought the Jewish<br />

peoplo to a scnstt of their dtity P 'IIThnt cdict did Cyrtrs, Icing of Persin,<br />

issue, by divine inspirzliori ? 3. \Vllst ditl lie also rcstore to the<br />

#Jews 9 Under whose 1e:ulership ditl the Jews return from captivity?<br />

What sernn~nts 11ad long before joined thctn.selves to the tribee of<br />

Jri~la and Benjamin 'r Iiom long was 5 t after the rcturtl from captivity<br />

that the foanclations of tlie new temple wcrc? laid in Jerrisalem?<br />

3. TYIiat did many of the old poople (10 who reinelnbcratl llre former<br />

temple? Who consolocl theiri? With what assurance ? By what.<br />

other prophet was the same prediction ~nrrrie? 6. EIow long was it<br />

aftor their return from czptirity thnt tile Jews cclmrncnced to rebuild<br />

tho walls of Jerilsnleln? By whose cornmnnd did t.llep cornlnence?<br />

Who opposed them? Rt~t whrttdid tho Jew do? 7. Whnt<br />

did tho Ba~naritnlls do, ~eeing that the hanrl nf God was there? 8.<br />

Wh~t did the Jcws clo whe~z the! worlr mna finisllod? Who red the<br />

law pnblicly 7 What did the Jews protllise to do P


Pride gocth before dcstrnction ; and tile ~pirit is liflecl up before a<br />

fall.-l'rov. 16, 18.<br />

A n~ild,<br />

8 the government of the kings of IJcrsin was excceilingly<br />

many ofthe Jews rcmained in t11c Iringdonl of<br />

Btlbylon. and per~uitted tliiv for the slriritu,zl gootl ol the<br />

Gentiles, so that the latter, being brought into claily contact<br />

wit11 the Jewa, might more casily :irrive at the k~iowledge 01<br />

tho trnc God, and Bc jilstructed in the pro~niscs ukade concer~ling<br />

a Snvior to cornc.<br />

2. It happened, by a spccial dispen~ntion of God, that<br />

many of the Jew~, like Du~icl and his compnnion~, in fbrn~er<br />

Scars, mere in high hvor with the kings of Persia, nncl made<br />

use of their influcnc:e to protect their countrymen, and to<br />

propagate the true fhitll. rlt a certi~irl tinlc it pleased Divine<br />

Providence to elnploy in this way a pious Jewess, named<br />

Esther.<br />

3. Bhe lived in the reign of Assuerus,': in the holue of Mnrdochni,"her<br />

unclc, who had brought hcr up fro111 her infailcy.<br />

Assuerus having seen her 11-ss pleased with her<br />

beauty and uirtue, placetl the crown npoii her ]wad, :iiltl<br />

made her his queen. But she, bp Mardochai's advice, 1~St<br />

thc Icing in iglorm~ce regarding her naiion. And hSardocl~ni,<br />

who loved Estller as his own chilcl, cairle every day nrlcl sat<br />

d the gate of the pdace.<br />

4. h'ow it came to p~ms that two of thc officials of thc pnL<br />

ace had conspired together to lrill tile Icing. Martlocl.id, IILLYing<br />

discovcrcd the plot, ~~~caled it to Esthcr, wl~o i~nrnediitlely<br />

t.old the king. I'hc aedr being exxnlincd, >In]-tlocllai's<br />

statc~ncnt ~vr.as ibulld to be true. The. two conspirators3<br />

1Assu~nus (pr. As-su-e'-rue.) MARDOCI~AI (pr. Msr'do-ksi.)<br />

a Co~s~~~ta~i~oits, parsons who plot against any one.

ESTHER. 201<br />

were hnngcd, and the facts were ~ccorcled in the! annals of the<br />

Itingrlom.<br />

5. Sorllc Cirne ixftcr, Assuerus riiisecl ,z certain Aman to thc<br />

highest dignity in thc e~npire. All the kiag'~ serra~its bent<br />

the lsnec bcfore ilnir~n and worshiped him. Mardocl~ni<br />

slollc did not bend thc la~ce before Aman, ns Be would not<br />

give lo nlan the honor due lo Got1 nlouc. Amtul perceiving<br />

this, and learniug thal Mardochd was s Jew, became very<br />

tt'1gl.y.<br />

6. To be revenged on Mardoclini he told Assuerus that the<br />

Jews were planning a revolt, and prevailed upon thc king to<br />

publish an eclict co~rirnnlldii~g all the Jews in his cmpire to ha<br />

put to death, and their property to be taken away. The Jows<br />

were terrified, and bcgan to ~veei a1111 lament. But Ila~.tlocli;~i<br />

told Esther of the edict, ~o that shc migl~t i~~tcrccde<br />

with the king for her own people.<br />

7. Thcn Est.ller said : " All the provinces know, t.hat who.<br />

soever colnet11 into the l~ing's inner court, m110 is not cdlrd<br />

for, is i~nmadiatelp put to death. Hosv then ~$11 I go j t ~ to<br />

the king, not bcing called." To these words Mrtrdochni replied<br />

: '' Who knoweQ~ whether thou art not thcrcfore come<br />

to the kingdom that thou mightest Le ready for such a tirne<br />

as this ? >' Esther, thcrcfore, prrtying fervently, and abstaining<br />

fi-om food and drinlc for three (lays, resolved to go in to<br />

the Icing, not being c~lled, against the law, mlrl to exporje<br />

herself to death and to danger.<br />

8. On the third day she put on her glorious apparel and<br />

wore her glittering robes, and passed tlmngll the door with<br />

n smiling countenamcc which hid a mind full af nnguish, and<br />

exceeding great fear. Knt when the king hstl lifted up his<br />

face, and with burning eyes had shown the wrath of his<br />

heart, Eisthcr sank clown and rested hcr head uponher hantlmaid.<br />

Then the lcing was seized wi.th pity. IIe leaped f~om<br />

his throne, and uplieltl hcr ia his anns, and said : Wlznt is<br />

the msttcr, Nsthcr ? I am thy brother, fear not! Thou<br />

shdt not dic, for this law is not made for thee, but for all

othcrs. JY11nt wilt thou, Qneen Esther ? '' She, rtcovcring<br />

he~.self', nnswcred : lf it plcnsc! the king, 1 l~scet:h thcc to<br />

come to me this day, ancl Amal wit11 tl~cc, to the banquet<br />

~vl~ich I have prepared. ''<br />

9. The king acceded to hcr wish ; and, during the repast, ha<br />

dcsired to know 11cr rcqnest. Shc m~smerstl: " If it plcnso<br />

the king to give me what I nsli, ancl to ft~lfill niy petition,<br />

let the king :incl Amnil corrie again to the Lsncyuet ~vhich .I<br />

have prepzr~d them, nncl to-morrow I mill open my mind ta<br />

the Icing." The Iriug promised to do so, al-ld Amnn lt4t the<br />

palace with ajopf~~l hca1.t. Rutin goingonthc saw Mardochiri<br />

sitting a(; the cloor of thc palace.<br />

10, And bc?causrl Blsrdochsi ~vould not born rlun~n beforo<br />

him like the othcrs, ho was filled with rngc ; n11d going home<br />

W his house, ordered n gnllows fift,y cubits big11 to be erectccl<br />

to hang n'lnrrloc-hni on the following morning. Now it go<br />

hnppencd that the king coulrl not sleep that night, and todi-

FSTIIER. 203<br />

vc?rt his mincl, lie ordered the al~i~sls of his reign to be rrad<br />

to Iii111.<br />

11. TThcn thc reader cnlnc to tlic place ~vhicl~ relatcd liow<br />

M~trdocht~i had discnvcred tl~c plot agajnst the king's lifc,<br />

Assuerus suddenly asked what rewn1.d &lnrclochai had ret:eirfor<br />

this important scrricc. IIo was told that the mm hacl<br />

never rcceii~etl any reward. Tlion the Birig cnllcd for Anlnn<br />

wllom Iic asked ~vl~-~t ouglit to be done to 60110r tbe m:~n<br />

~rho~ri tlic 1ci11g tlcsired to honor.<br />

12. Aman, &upposing that tl~erc? was question of himsclf,<br />

snici that thc man whom the king desired to honor, ought to<br />

be clothctl with the king's: :q>pnrcl, and be sct upon thc Icing's<br />

l~r~rsc, and have tlic royal orowa put upon liis lle:ltl, nad i.1m.t<br />

l hc first of the Icing's princes :tnrl noblev slioulcl hold his<br />

Ilorse, and going tlvongh the strects of the city they should<br />

proclaim before hi111 : Thus shall he be hoi~orecl whom the<br />

lrii~g hath x mind to honor ! ''<br />

13. Tliell thc king said to him : " Make hsste and take the<br />

robe and the lmrse, and do ns thou hast spolren to blarilochni,<br />

the Jew, tv110 sitte111 beforc the g:iCc of tlie palace.') Amnn<br />

1r.w surprised md cnraged to hcnr these ~r.ords, brit he dartxl<br />

not tlisobey the word of the Iriag. IIe went, tli~~.cfore, aiitl<br />

clitl as he was ordered. McanwhiIa the hour came for the<br />

quccn's bfii~quet, arid Amnil went thither in all hsste.<br />

14. Hrhile they sat at the t:iblc the king finid agiiin to the<br />

queen : dl 1HTl1at is thy petition, Estlier, tlldit i11:t.y X)c granted<br />

thcc ? Altllongh thou aslr the llttlf of my kingdom, thou sh:~lt<br />

lixre it." Esther replied : " If I have found fnror in thy<br />

sight, 0 king, give mc my life, for ivl~idl I ask, a11ci rr~y people,<br />

for ~vliicll I requcst. For mc are given up, I aid my<br />

people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to pcrish."<br />

16. The Icing, in surprise, abkecl : Who is this and of<br />

wl:nt power lIiat Iie fihould dare to (10 these things ? " Esthcr<br />

answered : It is ll~linn that ig our illost wiclied enemy ."<br />

nut Aman, 11ezring what thc Queen said, was seized wiGh<br />

terror. The king arose from the table in great wrath. Beirig


told by one of thc! attendants that Arnan bad preparecl n gib.<br />

bct liS1.y c:ubitu high whercon to hang &fudocLai, he ordcr~d<br />

An~nn llilnself to be l~nnged upon it.<br />

16. The same clay Kirlg Abeuerus raised M~rdnchai to the<br />

high clignity mhicl~ AIII~II l~nd hcltl, nildtlle eclictxgaii~st thc<br />

Jeiss 1y.r.n~ i~nmedintely revoked. Thc Jcms rt3joiced beyond<br />

ineaaure at, tlieir u~~exl)ecleci deli~el*a~lce, and ninny of the<br />

Gentilc!~, secing hnw mo~~tlcrfnlly Ciod llrolectotl thcm, cmbrat:etl<br />

their religion. Qnccil EstIier is a htrikiilg figure of<br />

May, the immaculate Quccn of He;lre11. Tor as Estlmb<br />

alone was exerupted from the law of tlenth, so Xary allone<br />

was prc?servetl fi*om original sin, in which thc rrst of ni:mkiud<br />

nrc horn iiito this ~vol*ld. Again, Estllcr snwd l~cr pcolAe<br />

from sl,angl;lltcr, and 1Cla1.y by her intercession, saves all<br />

hcr faithful clients from the flames of hell.<br />


1. Why did many of the Jews remain it1 Bnl~ylon ? W11y did God<br />

permit this 7 2. What happened by a special dispensation of God?<br />

Who was, at a cerlain tilnc, cmploycd in thi~ wny by Dirino PFOVidenco?<br />

3. 111 nliat reign did E~ther live? Who was her uncle?<br />

JVltat did the king do when lic had sccn Kfithcr ar~tl vas charmed<br />

with hcr beauty P \\'hat did she do, L)? 3l:trdocliai'cr ndvice ? Whxt<br />

did kkirtlochai do every dny 7 4. What had tu-o oficials of the pnlnce<br />

collsliiretl to do i' Who discovered the plol.? To whom dirl lie reveal<br />

it? What did EsLher do? 5. l\lhow clid Assucrus, some time<br />

acter, raiae to thc highost dignity in t-11e e~npire? 7\'l1rrt clitl all Ule<br />

Icing's servants do to Aman? Who alono did not bend the knee to<br />

Auan P Why so P How did Aman feel, liearing tlla(; 3lardnchai<br />

was a Jew? 6. Wkiit; dicl Anlnil lell A~sucrua in order to berevenged<br />

on JInrdochai ? lVhat did he preynil upon the king Lo do? How<br />

did the Jetvsfeel? BIL~ wlirll; ditl 3Iartiochni cloat 7. JVbat did<br />

Esther Bay about the lalv not to appear before the king without boing<br />

invitcrl? \That did 3Iardoc:hai ans~~r:r? Ylnt what did Ratl~er<br />

rcsolve to do ? 8. What did she do on the third clay? Rou, did the<br />

king look w11e11 lit: s:rw Eslher approacL rinbidden ? \\'hat did the<br />

king do, being scizcd with pity ? What did he say ? What did<br />

Esther answer ? 9. What did the king, next day, during therepnst,<br />

desire to know P What did Esther answer? -Whom d ~d Aman see,

as lie ncnt out with a joyful heart? 10. Why mae Aman filled with<br />

rage ? Wiixt did be onler ? \\'hat Ilnppened that liigl~t? What did<br />

lte orrler to be rend to him? 31. Whnt did the king ~ sli when tho<br />

rcadcr cnrrte to the place which 1-elaied how 31arrlorhai had disco\.ered<br />

theplot ngainat the lii~~g?s lifc? 1YI1rf was he fold? For<br />

whom did the lii11g call? What rlitl he asli whcn hman mlne? 12.<br />

What did Alnall ER^, suppj.qing that there was question of himself?<br />

13. \\'hat did the lii~lg tllcn say to him ? Did Antan obey this<br />

order? 14. \\'hi!e fhey enl at table, nllat clitl the king eny again<br />

to the queer1 ? \\'hnt clitl l'sthcr rcqbly ? 13. IYhat (Tic3 the king<br />

ask, in sorprisc? What did Esther tell him? %That (lid tho Icing<br />

do ? What \\.:ru Ile told by one of the ullendants? \\'list {lid he or-<br />

dcr P 36. \17hat. tlid liirig Assuerrls rltr the snme clay ? IIow clid the<br />

delv~ feel? What effect L:ul all this on the Gentiles? Of whom is<br />

Queen Ksther a strikir~g figurc P<br />


Tm~rslatio~i ofthe OM Tfstanzmt Grech. (265 B. C.)<br />

Wise Snyiltgs of Je~zts, the So?z of Sirucll.<br />

Tho Lord giveth wisdoln ; nild out of His mouth cometh pri~dence<br />

and kno\vled,ae.-Prw. 9, 6.<br />

PHli: Jews, wlio i1~1.d ulct~~~mecl to their country, livod in<br />

pcoce for two huii(lrcd years undcr t,hc dorninion of t.he<br />

successors of Cyrns. 'J'his pe;rt:c! wn.s not clisti~rl~ccl erell<br />

whcn Alexnnclcr the Great;, Icing of fiIacecloil,' ciestroged tllc<br />

l'ersian Einpirc. Whilst Alcxnndcr lived, ht? trc.aLed the<br />

Jews wit11 great Irinclnesr; ; hut rvhcn, at his tlea.t.11, the 31.1accdoni;tn<br />

cmpire was diritlccl, e ~il tirrles cnmc upoil Jtlrlen,;<br />

2. 'l.'Ilnt; 1)rovincc bccnme the object of dispute bet.\~ccn the<br />

kings of Syria nnri thosc of Egypt*, ITIIO m:ide it thc bnttl(+groluld<br />

for thcir collte~~cli~ig armics, so t11;tt it ~ mk~rncd s<br />

alli-lost into n desert. As s nni,ural conseqnnnoc of tl~esn protracted<br />

mars, fgnorz~lca, co~.ruption anrl vicc struck daily<br />

1 31,1csnow (pr. Mas'edon.)


dcepcr root ornong the Jewish people. This was one of the<br />

darkest periotls of their history.<br />

3. Tt \v:ls about this tirrie that the Icing of ICgppt wishcrl to<br />

hnvc n Crccli trans1:ttion of thc ~ncrrtl I~nolcs of the Jews.<br />

IIe tl~crcfbrc, expressed his tlcsirc to the High Prievt nt dcrusalcnl,<br />

wllo grantcd the rcqncst ancl sent to Alesnntlrin, thc<br />

capitit1 of ICgypt, scventy-trro wise mrn wllo were versed<br />

both in Greclr nnd in IIcbrc~v. These ~ I Cwcre I ~ wall rcc:c>ivecl<br />

by the king, ant1 they made for Ilirr~ n correct tr:tnslatian.<br />

At thnt timc tlie educatecl nrtlorlg !It(: 11r:tthrn nations knew<br />

aritl spoke the Grcclc 1angu:ige. fio this trnnslntion of the<br />

script~~rcs bcgnn to bc rc:d \)g ihc pngnns, ~vho tlrereby c.:lnle<br />

to the kno\~lcclge of the true Gocl and to tl~c belief in thc<br />

Messiaa. In all thin rrre scc the llarlcl of divine providence<br />

\$l10 wished to prcparc the Gentiles for tlie coming of the<br />

Savior.<br />

4. Alrnig1.tt.y Gocl also inapired n pions Jc~v, Jeans the soil<br />

of Sirnch,' t.o write n b001i oi religions nncl illoral il~str~~ct<br />

It is one of the b001i~ of the Cntholic Bible, and is callcd<br />

Ecclesiasticus. Here are a few of thc hcnntifiil maxims contained<br />

in it: " The fear of the T,ord is the beginning mrl a<br />

crown of wisdom. The morcl of God iu the fou~~tnin of wisdom,<br />

nncl hor nrnys arc crcrlnsting conirnnndmcnls. The<br />

fear of the 1,ord shnll delight the heart, nnd sl~nll give joy,<br />

a~lrl glntlncss, and Icngtll of days. It shnll go well with him<br />

that fclzrcth the Lord, and in the days of his ellcl be sllall he<br />

blcsscd. My son, from thy youth up receive instruction, and<br />

evcn to thy gray hairs thou shalt find misdo~n.<br />

5. "Comc to her as one tlmt plougheth anti sonreth, nnd<br />

wait for hcr good fruits. For in worliing abnnt her thou shnlt<br />

labor s iittlc, and fil~iilt quiclrly cat of her fruits. Titlie all<br />

that shall bc brouglit upon thcr, ancl keep patience, for gold<br />

and silver :Ire tried in thc firc, but st:ccpt,zble rrien in thc<br />

furnace of Iiumiliation. Hertr the juilgmcnt of your fnther,<br />

and grieve him not in his lifo. The fathcr's blessing estob-<br />

1 Sxn~cn (pr. Pi'ralc.)




1. Undcr whom clid the Jews, haxring rettlr~~cd from Cahylon, lire in<br />

peace ftrr two htintlred years ? IYns this perre diatnrbeil when Alesander<br />

the Grcot clestroyed the Persian cmpire ? Ho~~did A lexnndcr,<br />

wbile he lived, trcat the Jew# 4 But what. came for the Jcn-a at hi^<br />

death P 2. Retwee~i wbat kingu did the prn\,irlc:o of Jndr;t bccome<br />

the object of dispute ? What was the rlnt~~rnl conseclucnce of tl~es<br />

protracted w;lrs? 3. IYhnt (lid the king cif' Eg?*pt wish to have<br />

abar~b thia time? IVhom did the High Priest ~entl to hinl ? How<br />

wcre the seven ty-twa \rise ulrn rerrived by the king? II7T'hat<br />

Inlgnngo dicl theecl~lrntcd heaLllensspenk at this tinic? TTl~nt was<br />

the gocrtl clonc by thin iranslntion? IYas the hand of God irr 811<br />

this ? 4, What did Almigl~iy God also inspirc41caun tlreeoil of Siraclr<br />

to do? \VLich of ibc books of the (Intholic Bil~lt: is this? Vhnt<br />

is the fear trf tlialord? \That is the wordof God? 6. IVl~at doee<br />

the father's blt?suing cetnblislk ? 6. IY horn a1.e we not to rlsspise ?<br />

What, ~.o not to detipise? 7. T++lrat is hcre sbd nf a fnithfrll<br />

frioild 7 Ti11nt is B lic? 8. 1Vl1:~t is not to bc ~lljt~al in our ntorlth ?<br />

With what nre we III,~; to meddle? T\71~nt is said of arnnn t,hat<br />

aacsrs much ? I). Frorr~ what are we here told to flra as from the<br />

face of a serperlt? Wbat are we to remember in all our works?<br />


Many are tlie afIlictions of tlie jti~1.-Pa. 33,CO.<br />

. most tcrriblc trial wEiic11 thc Jaws baci to undcrgn<br />

'l?""<br />

was that which cnmo upon them at ttlrc lime when<br />

t11 cjr wc!re mntle subject to t.he proud uirl crnt.1 Ailt.iochus,'<br />

Icing off yriit. T11:l.t; liiilg ordcrcd the Holy Books to be tom<br />

'ant1 bumerl; Ire profnried the tcmple, :lnd forl~adc Ulr? observiincc<br />

of the divit~e laws, under tlrc pa~alty of c1ent.h.<br />

2. Unhr~ppily, 111:111y of the Sews, yielding to a guilty fcnr,<br />

oBc~;'~l the lring's order ; but mmy ruore rcf11st.cl to comply<br />

with tllc impious ~nniidde, and cllose to die rather tllm vio-<br />

I AITIOC~US (pr. An-ti'-o-kus.)


late the holy precept of God. Among thesc was an old rnan<br />

nntned Eleaxrir, ninety-nine ycarv of ngc, who was renowned<br />

as a doctor of thc law.<br />

3. When Elcnzar refused to eat swine's flesh, thc use of<br />

which was forbidden by the law of Moses, they opcned his<br />

mouth by force in orilcr to cornpc1 hinn to eat. Rut he still<br />

rcfused, ancl declared he would undergo ally torment that<br />

might bc inflicted upon him rather tl~~n ~st~~iiz his so111 with<br />

sir1 by a violation of the commantIment of Cod. But some of<br />

those n~ho stood by, pitying the good old man, aclviscd him<br />

to er~t of sornc other mcat which was not forbidden, so as to<br />

feiga cornpLi:tnce with the king's comn~a~~d.<br />

4. Eleazar replied : "It does riot becornt! our age to disscnble<br />

He then explni~~ed to thcse falsc friends that even<br />

if he made a rnerc show of cornplying with the Icing's ortlcrs<br />

in this matter, the young men of his nation xnigl~t be tempted<br />

to follow his cxnmplc, syitlg : Thesged Elensnr has become a<br />

ptgt-111, why rniy not we do the same ? Moreover, he exclsirrlecl<br />

: " Tliough for the present time, I should bo delivered<br />

from the punishment of Inell; yet shonld I not escape<br />

the hnncl of tho Almighty, neither n1i.r.e nor clend."<br />

5. Having thus spoken, thc holy olcl mitn ~t~as dragged to<br />

thc place of exeention, whrre he suffered n glorious cloath.<br />

111 the midst or his torments he cried ont : " Lorcl, Thou<br />

knolvest I suffcr grievous pdns, but I a111 well eontcnt to suf-<br />

fer thcse things, bet:auso I fear Thc~.'~ Elenzar, by his<br />

~teadfnst sldhcrence to the lav of God, and the fortitude<br />

wherewith hc suffercc1 a ~rlost cruel martyrdom, has lcft a<br />

noble cxamplc ol fidelily mcl heroic virtue.<br />


1. '1J'hat was the most terrible trial tt'hidl the JCIVH had to anrlergo?<br />

\Vh;rt did AnLiochus orcler? 2. Did Inany of the JBICN obey<br />

the Li~lg's order? IVhat did 111nny more clionse, rather than comply<br />

with the irnl~iotie 111anr1nto 7 W110 ~~~:rxrt~nong these? 3. \\'list<br />

waH done b Eloaz~r rvhen ho xefrised to eat swine's flesh 7 What


did he declare, still refitsing? \\'hat did rjolne of thosc who stood<br />

by aclvisc Eleazar to clo? 4. \\'brit did Eleazar rcply? \\'hat did<br />

he then explain to tliesc falee friends? \%'hat did be, Inorcoyer,<br />

erclairn? 5. IlThat happened \\*hen thc lioly old ltltall llad tllns<br />

spclkcn ? In the ~uidst of his torments, ~Ilat did ho cry out 7 \\'hat<br />

has Elcaznr left by kiti stcadhat adherence! to the law i12God?<br />


The sn fferiags of thi~ time arc not tvol.thp to be compt~rc?cl tvj th tllv<br />

glory fo couc.-Born. S, 18.<br />

NTIOCRUS co~nrnn~~tlocl that n certain widow, with 11cr<br />

A ~evm ,on,, dloula 110 Irroi~gllt iulo Ilia prusoncc, and<br />

should be forcctl to cat of tllc forbicldcn flesh. They all told<br />

him that as thcir law did not allow thcm thc nst: of that<br />

mc:~t, tllcy could not obcy 11iu commuld. I-It. iln~~icdiatcl<br />

had tllcrn scourgcd with whips.<br />

2. Tlle eldest of tl~c brotl~crs told thc! king that they wcrc!<br />

re:rdy to die nttl~er than transgress the law of their Gocl.<br />

Thcn thc king, cnraged nt tlle young man's holilncse, o~dfarcc<br />

his tongue to bc plllckecl o ~t, tllc sl:in of his Ilc?:~d to bc tol9ik<br />

on, his hands and fcct C0 bc cut offy :~nd finally that Ilo<br />

~llould be burncc2 alive before his 1110tEler slid Lr~fllers<br />

J\'hile he was snflering these crncl tornicnts liiv niotbcr nl~d<br />

his brotl~ers exbortecl him to die coal*egeouslg.<br />

3. 'l'lie first l>~-other br:ing dcn.cl, they scizcd tllc ~ccantl, :ullcl,<br />

l~nvil~g torn thc slrin from off lliv head, tllcy :~skcd him if<br />

U-ould eat mtl~ctr than ut~dcrgo the rest of the tonnents. nub<br />

hc, refusing no les~ film~ly and coumgconsly tlls~~ his elder<br />

brother, xras tortured in tlic sanw way till he expirccl,<br />

When hc WAS nl~out to die, 11c c!sclnit~~cil: '' Thou, O ~nos<br />

nric1;ed man, clestrog.cst 11s out of illis prcse~lt life, but tl~e


Iiirlg of the worltl will raise us np who clie for His lam, in<br />

tllo resurrection of etcrnnl lifc."<br />

4. The thircl brother offcred his hands nncl &.et to be cut<br />

off, %saying: " Thcse I have from heaven, but for ihe la.~ of<br />

God I now tlcspise thcin, I-)ccnusc? I hope to receive tllcln<br />

again from IIr'm.'' Some minulcv before his death hc declarer1<br />

aloud his willingness to die for Got1 ss his brothers had<br />

nlrcntly donc. Mrhcn he was dcncl, the fourth brother, the<br />

fifth, u ~d the sixth-1Iicsa tl~rco wcrc sul~jccted to the sanle<br />

tonnents as thoir cldcr I~rothers, hut thcy Jl clied in thc<br />

sanlc nlnnner, having the same spirit. Tlwy made no nccormt<br />

of lmin nn(l denmt'tl, hoca~usa they suZcrot9 all for Gocl.<br />

5. Tlie Icing i~l~d his conrticru wcre al~inzcd at the const;lncy<br />

of these young mcn, so that rnlle11 tllc! scvcntll, :L mere<br />

youth, was brougl~t forward, the king told lliin, with :m oath,<br />



that 11e would make 11im rich and happy if he would 011py<br />

his command. Seeing that hiis words had no rff'ect on the<br />

couwgoous boj., Antiochus called on the mother to advise hcr<br />

6011 for liie orrrn good.<br />

6. The mother iigreed to do 80. Thcn addressing her son,<br />

she said wiLll all n motllcr's tendcr affection : " My son, look<br />

upon llcaven ancl ctzrth, and all that 5s in them; i ~ consicl- d<br />

er that God made Cbcm ont of notfling, ancl mnnlrind also ;<br />

so thou dlalt not fear this tormentor, but, being mnde a mnrthy<br />

pnrtner nritll thy brethren, receive death, that in that<br />

mercy I may receive thee agnin with thy brethren."<br />

7. Wbilc she was yct spenkiug, thc boy said : "For r~hoin<br />

do yc stay ? J will not ohcy thc comrnnndment of the Irinp,<br />

but thc commandment of the law wl~ich -rt--ns given us bp<br />

Moses.?' Then, turning to the king : " Thou," said hc,<br />

"that hnst becrt the author of all mischief against llle<br />

Hcbrews, shalt not escapc the hand of God." But the<br />

king, iriflamcd with rage, tortured him rliost crrlelly till he<br />

yieldcd up his soul. Lael of dl, the lnotlier bcrself was put<br />

to death.<br />


1. Wbo~n diddntiocllu~ command to be brought into bi~ pren-<br />

eiice? What did 110 order them to do P \\'hat did they all tell him ?<br />

IVlirt did 119 order to be done to thorn? 2. What did the eldest of<br />

the 'hroll~crs tell thc king? IYhat did the king, ellraged at tlie<br />

j.oung man's boldness, order to be done? 3. The iirst brother being<br />

dead, what did they do to the second P Illhat was done to liiln<br />

when he answered, like his elrlcr brothor, that hc would not eat?<br />

What did he exclnim ~vhen at the point of death? 4. What did the<br />

third brother do? Saying what? TTrhat did he dcclnrt! aloud eome<br />

~uinrltes before hie death 7 When hc n-a8 dead, what \\-as done to<br />

the fourth, fifth, and sixth of tllo brothers? IIow did they all dic?<br />

5. IVhat clid the king, mnseed at the co~istarlcy of the brothers, tell<br />

the scventt~, with an oath, ~vl~cn he was brought forward? Secin::<br />

that his words hacl no effrcl on the courageous boy, wliat did Antiorhus<br />

do? G'. IVl~at did the rnotl~er do? What ctirl she say to lrcr<br />

son? 7. IV11ile she was get spoalting, wl~atdid t11e Iboy firty P ll'l~at<br />

did he my, turning to the king? V'hzt did the king do, being inflamed<br />

with rage ? Who wna, last of all, put to death ?



VaZicznt Exploits of J~icEns 113nc/mbttu. (160 B. C.)<br />

It is caey for the Lorcl to save either by many or by few.-.I. 1Cili.ing84, G.<br />

T the time when Antiocllus was thus cruelly persecuti~ig<br />

A tho Jews, there aaa in Judes a prieat named Mathathias,<br />

who had five sons. This zealous priest, having learned<br />

that Antiochuv had profaned the tcmple, and nearly destroyed<br />

the worship of thc truc God, was Gllcd with thc<br />

deepest sorrow. IIe knew that the wicked king ~vould soon<br />

succeed in hie impious dcsign if the Jews did not oilier s vigorous<br />

resistance.<br />

2. IIc, thcreforc, called upon all who had any zeal for tlic<br />

laws of God to rise up, with hini, in defence of their sacred<br />

~~iglits. Then he ancl his sons fled to tl~e mountains, whcrc<br />

they were joined by the valiant rile11 of Ismel, and soon they<br />

becarr~e a powerful army. They destroyed the altars of tlie<br />

false goda, braveIy defcndd the Inw of the Lord, allcl conlpelled<br />

the apostate Jews to leavc the country.<br />

3. After the death of hlathathiss, Juclas, surnamed Machabeus,'<br />

or the Harumerer, on account ol his invincible courage<br />

and great valor, assumed the cornma~id of the Jewish army.<br />

In battIo he sllowed himself bravo as tt lion-had several engagements<br />

with the Syria11 generttIs, and recovered Jerusnlem<br />

and the temple. With a. sorrowful heart he aalv the<br />

temple in its desecrated aud desolate state, the altar pro.<br />

faned and thc grass growing in the deserted courts.<br />

4. Ha then purifieci the temple, celebrated hie victory by<br />

a grand festivaI, and dedicnted the altar anew, with the<br />

sound of harps, and lutes, ant1 cymbals, and hymns ofjoy in<br />

the sight of the wondering mullitude. Antiochus, hearing of<br />

tllc splendid victories of Judas Machabeus, was roused to<br />

fury, and putti~~g liimsclf at the head of his army, set out at<br />

once for Jerusalem.<br />

BIICIJAEPOS (pr. Yak-n-be'-us.)


5. But, riding at full speed in his vnr-chariot, he was<br />

ibro~vn to ihe grou~lil nncl gr*ierouslp ~jroundrd. Soon norms<br />

r::trrle forth from thc body of that in~pious liing, tlle flcsll rotted<br />

on his l)onc~s, and he becan~c an ol~jcct ol horror unrl disgust,<br />

go tllnt no one conlci appro.zch Ili111. 1Io 1rl1o so latrly<br />

thought that the wry stars oS llcnvcn slloultl obry hi111, mns<br />

tlesertcd r:vcn by his slaves.<br />

. . ,I:<br />

. .!. .<br />

,,. I.'.<br />

W..<br />

8 .<br />

11' .. (I,<br />

, ;".. \, '.'<br />

;i l<br />

I:<br />

D. Then, seeing the folly r~nd aic:l~edness of his pride, he<br />

Z,og&n to ]~unlblc llilnsclf bcfore the Lord, promising to rca11<br />

the evil ho liud donc, ant1 to proclaitz tllroughoat tlio<br />

11~11ole earth tllst thcre was no got1 but tllo grcat Ootl whoin<br />

the Jc~lrs :idorecl. Hut, in:lslnucli as his rupentnncc! proceedprl<br />

only from the fear of death, a~~cl the c1rc:id of temporal<br />

~~~nish~~~cnt,it~nsof no avail before God. I-Iissufl['eririg~


continued unahatcil, LLII~ at last thc miclrcd king, tlie blaspbenier<br />

of Gocl, tho oppressor of His peoplc, died in tor-<br />

~~ient, thi? tlcnth of it rcprobnte.<br />

7. The son and succ:ossor of Antiocllus sent his ablest gem<br />

crds, rritlr mighty nr~nies, to take Judca ailcl Jerusnle~n<br />

again. Jntlas 31nchabeus and his smzll nrmy, seeing tl-tc<br />

Iiosts that were ~n~~rcliing against them, hail recourse to Got1<br />

in humMo prayer. The11 thcy loolc up their arms uld advn~~ced<br />

to ineet thc enemy, trusting in God alone.<br />

8, In the midst of thc cornbat five horscxnen, in shining<br />

nrmor, were seen by thc enemy in the ai.r above, fighting fur<br />

thc Jews. Two of these l~cnver~ly warriors were wit11 Juilns<br />

hlacl~abc11s, as it mere shielcliing hinz from danger, while the<br />

olller three oast clsrts from on lligll against the Syrim host.<br />

Sccing this strange siglit thc eneniy were seized vith terror,<br />

nild fled in conft~sion, leaving thirty thousand of their numker<br />

dend 011 the field.<br />

9. Thus fnvored by divinc assietance, Sud~q M~ac11:lbcu~<br />

tlcfeated tho Syriatw in many othcr blootly cngagemcnta.<br />

Itd it hap.pl'ciled in one of these that some of the Jews were<br />

slain, nild 011 thc following day, when Judas hid his soldi(?r~<br />

c:Linc to brlry tllern, they found u~lder their tunics certain<br />

hrntl~en cl~arms, or anlulets, which it was no!, ullor~rabla even<br />

to tonch.<br />

10. It becnme rrranifost to all that it was because of the &mulots<br />

that thcsc rnen llntl been I~illctl; nild praising the justice<br />

of God, they Losongllt IIim to prtrtlnn the sins of the unlla11-<br />

1)y dead. 13nt Judas collectcc2 n sum of twelve thousmtl<br />

ilmchmsl of silver ancl sent it to Jcruualem to I~nvc sacrifices<br />

otTcreci hr his solclicrs who hail thus fallen iu battle. '' It is,<br />

therefore,?' Fays thc scripture, CL holy ailtl a wholesome<br />

thought to yn~y for the dead, that they may be looscd frum<br />

their sius."<br />

11. Beforo one of the many battles which ~ n fought, ~ lie s<br />

Ilarl 3 vision. I-Ie saw the deceastxl high priest, Onias, hold-<br />

1 l)tr~cnxs (pr, dmms).

216<br />


ing up his hmds and praying for the Jewish people. After<br />

this another man appenred, s~lrrouncled wit11 great glory.<br />

Oilins said: " This is he that prfiyeth much for the pcoj~le,<br />

ant1 for all the holy city, Jcrcmias, the prophct of God."<br />

Theh Jeremias giivc Jud


rifices, nor would the pricstu have accepted it for that purpose.<br />

Besides r1?c letirn from thi3 chapter of thn Bible t11ttt<br />

the saints yr:r.y for their friearts on earth, :mcl Ihst their<br />

prayer is heurct.<br />


1. At thc tirne when Antioohus upas persecuting the Jew, who was<br />

there in JndeaP What did he Irao~? X. Wl~at did he, therefore,<br />

do P ]\'hither cIicl he and lris sonB flee? By w11orn were they joined<br />

there 'l \\'hat dill they do ? 3. Aflt?r the cieatb of Mathathias, who<br />

assumed the command of the Jewish army 7 Why was Judas rrtirnamed<br />

filachabens P How did he show himself in battle? What<br />

did t ~e recover 'l l\'liat did he sce ? d. What did ho then do? What<br />

did dl~tioehus, rousecl to fury, do tvhsn he henrd of the<br />

splelldid victorion of Judas Machsbeufi? 5. What happened to him<br />

on tile way to JcruaalemP Describe the statc to which Ile nze reducecl<br />

f By -\vhom was he deserted f 6. Seeing the folly and wickmlness<br />

of his pride, what ditl he then do? M'bat did he proulisc?<br />

Why was his repentarice of no avail before God? IIow did hc die?<br />

7. What did tho son niirl successor of Antiochus do? What did<br />

Judas Yachabeus and his sulall ar~ny do, seeing the hosts that were<br />

lnarchiijg against them? 8. \Trh.zt was seen by the enemy in the<br />

midst of the cornbat? Ilow Inany of their rl~rnber did the enemy<br />

leave dead on thc field ? 9. l\fhst urns found on the dead bodies of<br />

some of the Jewish soldiers who fell in battle on one occasion 7 10.<br />

What was manifest to all? MThctt did Judas do? What does<br />

acripfum say of praying for the dead B 11. Befo~*e one of the bsttlos,<br />

what clidJudas scc ? What didonins say? \trI~atditl Jodaareceive<br />

from Jeremins P 12. IVl~rt happenetl at last to Jatlrrs JIachabens 'l<br />

What did the people say wl~ell they mo~lrncd him for mnny days?<br />

What is u sign that the Jews belicvecl in pnrgatory ? What do we<br />

learn benides from this chapter of tile Bible <strong>History</strong>?<br />


The Last iri~jzes Be fore Christ.<br />

Let the clouds rain the Just : let the earth be opened and bud<br />

fo~th ~1 Savior.-Is. g, S.<br />

R"<br />

4 ILK the death of Judas itlachabeus, his brothers Janathan<br />

' and Sin1011 snccessi~rely plued themselves at<br />

the head of the Ja~vish people, and performed wonderful ex-


ploits. Their successors, hotvcver, fell nlvn.y fro111 G-otl, and<br />

brought lllc y~t:oplc, dnnys m~steady i~nd pronc to evil, illto<br />

a multiti\de of sills AIICI vicc~. Tl~y, iildc(t(1, still morsllipcd<br />

the true (;ocl, bnt il was o~ly with their lips, arid tlicir lieark<br />

urerc E:rr from Ili111.<br />

2. Thir chief care consisted in the outmnrd observnilcc of<br />

t11o 1n~v ; the inward disl>osition nrlrl purity of henrt thcy<br />

ncglectctl. Whntever good tiwre lniglit LC anlong thc .Jelvs<br />

was stiflccl by ihc sect of the hppocl.itica1 Pharisees, or oft,Iie<br />

lrnbclievirlg Snciduceea, anrl them two sccts, Jtl~augh mnrtl~l<br />

enemies one of the other, excrcisetl a great power over the<br />

pcople.<br />

8. Thronghout all Il~c rest of tlie world idolatry rciped<br />

supreme, ant1 all the ~lations of t,hc earth mere gunk in misc1.y<br />

ant1 corruption. The fbm just men m110 were sr:aiterccl<br />

here m11 tl~erc rlrilong the clifT(?rcnt races of Incu, sighcd for<br />

thc conling of t.ha pro~nisccl Kctloemer, the oi~ly hope of<br />

fallen 111a11. Tllcy pr~yed that thc clouds might rail1 t1nn.n<br />

the Just Onc, r~ilcl tl~nt the c:~z.tll might bud forth thc Sitvior.<br />

4. 811 was in re:~dillcss for tile co~ning OS the SLLV~O~, mElicli<br />

event, acccnrding to signs :~.nd pn~pliecics, lliust be ncn.r at<br />

llnnd. Four h~mdrocl years beforc tho birth of Christ, Malnchias,<br />

the last of t.lic prophets, coulrl not rcstrain his joy at<br />

iho near nppl*oach of thc Messias. He told the Jcwish<br />

priests tlut thair temple should soon be closctl Iorevcr, and<br />

thc fires on their altars cxtingujshecl, for tlut their ofleering<br />

lrad ceased to Lo pleasing tr? the Lord of Hosts, 11e said : I:<br />

have ao pleas~rre in you, saitl~ the Lord of Hosts, ant1 I will<br />

not reccive a giR of your h:~~tcl. For from the risillg of the<br />

ern1 even to thc going clown, My name is great alnutig the<br />

Gentiles, ancl in evcry place therc is sacrifice, nl1(1 there is<br />

offered to My ntme a clcnrl oblation. For My name is great;<br />

among thc Gentiles, Gill t ,l~ Zo~d of Hosts," The clcm1<br />

oblation, of which thc: prophet Mslnc11i:ts spcnlrs, is thc Holy<br />

Sacrifice of tllc Rlnvs which is offereil cvc!ry dn.y, ancl in nlarly<br />

places from tbc rising of thc sull to the going dotvn thereof.


Nothing remained to bc nccornplisl~ed, sn~e the ~~rophecy of<br />

Baeoh to 11is son Sucla. 'l'his last sign was not rlelapecl.<br />

5. 'l'lle Jcwish ~)eople, torn LUIL~ ~~rcnlicl~ed by continunl<br />

dissr.nsionu ;rlnorig themselves, calletl in tlie Romans to decitlc<br />

their quarrels, and the Ro~nans, n great and powerfi~l<br />

nation, settlt)ci the tlispute by tnlciag pos~essiori of all Juden,<br />

and p1at:ing on its throne Herod, a stranger, n. fintellite of the<br />

Roni:in empcror. Thus way the scepter or Juda broken, and<br />

that event ushered in the Rcdeerner of the world. Hcrocl<br />

rcigned in Jucles when thc Messias, so longpronlised, appeared<br />

on earth in hun~nn forin, even Christ the Lord, to 'CVho~n<br />

be honor and glory for ever and ever.<br />


l. After the death of Judas Machabeus, who eucccssi\?elp placed<br />

therrr~elses at tbc hcad of the .Tewisll people? What did they per.<br />

form ? Whnt ditl their srrccessors do P Did the people still worship<br />

the true God? 2. In what ditl their cbicf care consist 1 What hypocriticnl<br />

or unbelieving fiects stiiled wllatevcr good might bc nmcbng<br />

the Jew8 ? 'CVhat did these two fiects cxerciao over thcru'? 8. What<br />

reigned suprc!lua tllrooghont all the rest of the svorld? In what<br />

\\.ere till the natiolls of the enrtk HIIII~? For ~vbat did Ll~e few just<br />

men &igllP Ihr what did they pray 7 4. For what wan all in readiness?<br />

What hadMnlachias, tl~elastaf tlie prophets, told theJewish<br />

priests four hundred years bcfore the birth of Christ? f hat did<br />

3ialat:bias fi~rther predict 7 What wna Lhe only sign that was yet to<br />

Le accomplished? \Vss t'lrnt last ~ign lolig delayed? 6. MThat<br />

people did the .Jews call in to decide their ilr~arrela 7 How did the<br />

Roluar~s settle thc dirrpute? did they plncc 011 the tlrrono'l<br />

What event ushered in the Hedeemer of the world? Who rcigned<br />

in Judcn \vher~ the Measias, so long promised, appeared on earth in<br />

human foru P




His Birtl~ and Infancy.<br />

CHAPTER I.<br />

A?~na?iciarrtio?~ of the Birth ofJohn the Bajtist.<br />

Behold, I send My Angel, and he sl~all prepsro the way before My<br />

face.-Jfal. 3, 2.<br />

T the time ml~ea Hcrod was king in Juden, there lived<br />

A in fi mdl city in the hill-cowtry, n priest namcd<br />

Zacl-tnly, mllose ?vile was c::~lled Elizal~cth. They were hoB<br />

just before God, and wallrcd blamelessly in nll thc commnndli~cnts<br />

of tlie Lord. Thcy had no cbildrcn, wbicb was tllo<br />

cause of grcnt affliction to thcnl.<br />

2. They often preycd tl~a~t Gocl would give them n son ; but<br />

tlleir praycr seemed to reinnin unansmered, as thcy merc now<br />

both advanced in ycnrs. It g o happened that Znchary ac~ll<br />

to Jerusalem, ~rrhcn his ttlr~i came to perform the priestly of-<br />

Ace. He entered into the sanctuary to offer iriccnse on thc<br />

altar while the people prajvcd without ; and, behold, m angel<br />

of the Lord r~ppeared to him, standing at the right hand of<br />

the nllar of incense.<br />

3. Zacl~ttry was t~ou~hlcd :tt the sight of tlic angcl ; but the<br />

arigcI said to hiin : " Fea~ not, Zacl~ary, for thy prayer isl~cnrd.<br />

Thy wife Elizabeth sliall bonr thee a son, md thou sIl:rlt cl111<br />

hia ~~amc John. Thou tihalt hare joy and glad~leua, nrld<br />



mnt-ly shall rejoice at his birth; for he ehall bc grcnt bcfore<br />

the Lord, and shr~ll drink no wine nnr 8troilg drillli, n11r1 he<br />

shall be filled with the Holy Ghost cren from 11is ~~iollier's<br />

~vomb.<br />

4. " IIe shall convert many of thc cl~ildrcn of I~racl to the<br />

Lorcl tbcir God. IIe shall go before ITilri in tho spirit ant1<br />

polver of Elias to preparc for the Lord n perfect ~)cople.''<br />


%Jai:l.lary said to the nngcl : " Whercby ~11nlI I linom this 7<br />

For E am :l11 olcl man, arid my wife is atlvu~ccd in years,"<br />

Tlie a11gc1 rcplied : I am Gsbricl, who stand bcfnre Gocl,<br />

rind an1 sent lo spcak t,o thec, a.nrl to bring thee those good<br />

t.ic1ings.<br />

5, "Bcholtl, tliou shalt bc clunil~, :uld sl~nlt r~ot bc nblo to<br />

sycslc unlil 1.11~ clay in ~vhicl.) tllesc thiligs shall colilc to pass,<br />

because thou hast not bclicved my nrords." Having spokon

illus he disnppcared. llcanrr*hile, the people will~out; in the<br />

te~nple -\vcrc expecting Zachary, and wo~~dered nt his loxlg<br />

tlclny. When he at length appeared, be coultl not speak to<br />

them, except by ~igns ; nncl the people knew tl~nt he Iind seen<br />

it vision' in the tcml)le. Aftcr the days of his rninist14y werc<br />

6wcomplisl~ed, Zachttry departed to his own llouse.<br />


1. At tho time w11e11 Herod was king in Jndea, who lived in a.<br />

etnall city in the hill countrj*? llrl~nl; was hie wife called l 110~<br />

did tlley both walk before the Lortl? \Vll;bt was the cause of great<br />

nmiction to them? 2. \Trhnt did thcy nften pray? f hy did their<br />

prayer seem to remain unmfiwercd? JVho appeared to Zachary in<br />

thc temple P S. Ti'hnt did the angel say to Zacl~ary ? 4. What did<br />

Zachary say to tlle atigel? What dill thc nt~gel reply? 5. At what<br />

did tl~e people without wonder? What did they know whenzachary<br />

could not speak to them exccpt by signs?<br />

CHAPTER 11.<br />

Ai~~ztcrrciniio~z of the llirl/t of Christ;<br />

Behold, a virgin gllall conceive, z~~itld bear a son, and lIin name shall<br />

be called Emmanucl, God-with-ue.-Is. 7, G.<br />

* IX months later, t.he angel Gnbricl was smt hnm God (.v<br />

5 a virgin liviq in u city of Gdilee called ISu:~rell~<br />

The virgin's ri:Lme was Mary, and he was cspouscd to nlnan<br />

citlled Jaseph, and they both bclo~~gcd to the house tlf D:~vid.<br />

2. The angel being come in said to her: " Rdl, full of<br />

grace, the Lord is with Bce ; blessccl art thou nlnong<br />

women." fifary, l~earing these words was disturbed and<br />

troubled, thinking what this strange salutation~rneaal. But<br />

the angel spokc agni 11 : '' Fe:~r not, Mary, for thou llnst found<br />

grace with God. Bcl~old, tl~on shalt conceive in thy ~rromL,<br />

and bring fort11 a son, and tl~ou sh:~lt call his nawc Jesus.<br />

'A supernatural sight 'Greeting.

224<br />


3. (r He shall be great, nncl shall be called the Son of the<br />

Most High, and the Lord God shall give IIim the throne of<br />

David His father ; and He shall reign in tho house of Jncoh<br />

forever, and of =S kingdom them 6hall be no end." Nary<br />

asked how this could be, seeing that she was a 1-irgin. The<br />

angel answered : "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee,<br />

and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee.<br />


And tbcreforc, also, BC Holy which shall be born of thee<br />

shall be called the Son of God.<br />

4. " And hchold, thy couain Elizabeth, ahc also hnth conceived<br />

a son in her old agc, because no ~vorcl allall be impsaible<br />

with Gocl." Then Mary said : (' Behold thc hnndm$d<br />

of the Lord ; be it done to me according to Wly \vord." Tho<br />

angel, haring thus delivcrcd his messne, and hnving obtained<br />

the consent of Yary, departed from her. Joseph kuew

THE X~ISTTATTON. 225<br />

not ns yet that hlrtry was the chofien n3other of the Savior;<br />

bnt an ailgel of thc Lord a1)pcnred also to him in his dcep,<br />

and snicl : " Soseph, son of lhvid, fcnr not to take unto thc?e<br />

Mary, thy wife ; for that which is conceived in her is of the<br />

IIoly Ghost. And thou shalt call His name Jesus, for .Ua<br />

shall save His people from their sins."<br />


1. Who was ~ ent from Gocl to n virgin living in a city of Galilee,<br />

called Nazareth? What was the virgin's name? To whom was<br />

he cspot~sed? To what houue (lid tllcg both belong? 2. What did<br />

the angel say to I\.Iary 7 Why was Mnry troubled? What did tllo<br />

zrigel, sponkirlgagnin, say 7 3. \$'hat clid Mary a ~k tho angel ? What<br />

did the allgel answer? 4. What did Mary say ? Who appeared LO<br />

Joscph in his sleep ? What did the angel tell him 1<br />


All generations sltall call me b1eseed.-Lule 1, p.<br />

AHY, rising up i11 thosc d:~ys, went in llnstc into the<br />

M I~ill-coui~try to visit aid oongratulnle hcr cousin<br />

IClizabcth. No sooner did Ilrlary cnler illto the house than<br />

EIizabeth, filled with the IIoly Ghost, cried out: " Bleesed<br />

ark tllou among women, md blessed is the fruit of thy wond).<br />

And whence is this to me, that the rnother ofmy Lord ~hould<br />

come to Ins ? Blessed art thou that hast believed, hccause<br />

tl~ose things shall be accomplished' that were spoken to tlle~<br />

by the Lord."<br />

2. Wlrereuporl Mnry exclaimed : 'L Ny soul doth magnifya<br />

the Lord, ancl my spirit hat11 rcjoiced in God my Ssvior.<br />

Because IIe hntll regarded the humility of His handmaid:<br />

for, behold, from hcncefol-tll ail1 generations sl~all c:tl.ll mo<br />

blessed. Pnr He that is mighty hath clone great things to<br />

ll?ulfillcd ; done. Extol ; pmke; to wound the praiws of.<br />

Smrnrlm, Bible HrsC 15

226<br />

nrgTonY 01.' TEE REW TJ.:STANERT.<br />

me ; n,n,nd holy is His name. And His mercy is from generation<br />

to generation, to thcm that fear Hinu. JIc! lmth shown<br />

night in IIia srrn : IIe hath scnttercd the prnutl in t11c conceit'<br />

of tllcir hcnrt. 1-10 hat11 put do\vn thc mighty from thcir<br />

seat andhath exnlte6 the humble. Hc hath filled the hungry<br />

with good tl~ings ; and the rich IIe hsth aent empty awny.<br />

-..I c '.<br />

-, .* - L- h<br />

b .<br />

c<br />

. .<br />

a m '<br />

-. . *<br />

. L<br />

'I,<br />

a-.<br />

--<br />


IIe Ilath rcceived Israel His servant, being mindful of His<br />

mercy. As XIe spoke to our fathers, to Abmhm and to His<br />

sccd forever." Mury abode' with her cousin about tllrco<br />

months ; then she returned to Nazareth.<br />

3. St. Elizabeth praises tho Blessed Virgin for,her faith,<br />

bccause what was lost to us by the unbclief of Eve, tlrc sarno<br />

was gdned back for us by t11e faith of hfary.<br />

1 Over-e~t.imation<br />

of one's mlf. 'Ltaiscd high; lifted up.<br />

8 12cmaillatl; dwelt.



I. Whither did Mar~l go, in tlro~e dnys? What did Elizabeth,<br />

fillecl with the HoIy Ghost, cry oat ~ ~hon Mary entered the t~orrso?<br />

2. Whatdid Mary, trsn~portctl with ,joy, exr:lnin~ P IIow long did<br />

Mary remain ~vith Iter coueirr?<br />

faith of Mary P<br />

1s. 'Why did Xtixabetlr praise the<br />


Thou shalt have joy and glutlncn~, nncl many shall rejoice in his<br />

nativity .-Luke I, 14.<br />

HE time of her dclivery being come, Zlizabeth brought<br />

T forth a son. All her ncighbors and hcr kinsfolk rcjoiced<br />

with her. Eight days after his birth the child was<br />

circumcised. The relatives rind friends thought thc child<br />

should be called Zachary lilrc his fltthcr. Erit Elizabeth answered<br />

: (' Not so, he shall bo CLL~IH~ John." Rut they reminded<br />

her that there was no one in thc fa~nily ~ hbore o that<br />

name.<br />

2. Then they made signs to his father, how he would have<br />

him called. But he, being still dumb, made sips and demanded<br />

a tablet,l and wrote : " John itr his name." At th6<br />

samemoment his tongue was loosened, and he spoke. And all<br />

those who were present werc amazed,' enying one to another :<br />

What think ye shall this child be ? for the hand of the Lord<br />

wae with him."<br />

3, Zachary, in an ecst~sy~ of joy and gratitude, began to<br />

bless God in A canticle' which ,still bena.s his name :<br />

1A smalI, flat piece of anything on which to write. Astoni~hd.<br />

$Rapture; ent-iusiaetic delight. 'A nong of praise.<br />



"Blessed be the Lord Gocl of Israel; because Be hath<br />

visited and wrougllt the rcclcm~~tion of His people,<br />

Ancl Ilnth raised up a 11or11 of salvatioa to us, in t.1~ honse<br />

of David His ~er\~nnt,<br />

As He spoke by the rno~ith of His Iloly prophets, who nrc<br />

from the beginning :<br />

Salvation from our enemics, alld from the band of all illat<br />

hate us,<br />

To perform mercy to our fathers, ant1 to renien~bcr IIis<br />

holy testament:<br />

Thc 02th which EIe eworc to Abralinill our father, that He<br />

mould grant to us,<br />

That, being delivcrcd from \he 11and of our encmies, IVO<br />

may serve IIini wjthol~t fear,<br />

In holiness and justice bcforc I-lim, all our days.<br />

And tllou child, ~lialt bo r::~lled the prophct of tl~e highest:<br />

for thou fihalt go bcfore the f:~ce of thc Lord to prepare<br />

His itrays ;<br />

To give knolvledgc of salvation to His people, unto the remission<br />

of their fiins.<br />

Through the bowcls of the rncrcy of our God: in which<br />

the Orient, from on high, llatll visited us,<br />

TO enlighten them that sit h darh~ess, and in the shadow<br />

of death ; to direct our feel into the way of peiice."<br />

Arld the child grew, and fitre11gthe11~[1 in spirit; n11d was in<br />

the deserts until the day of his xnanifc~tittion to Israel.<br />


1. The time for hcr delivery being come, what did Elizabeth bring<br />

forth? What~vas dolic to the child eight daya after his birth?<br />

What did therelatiuew and friends \vhuwcre present, think? What<br />

did Rlixabeth anslver? Of what did they thcn remind her? 2.<br />

Wbnt~ms the fatber then askcilf For wh.at did he make sigps?<br />

What did he write on the tablet? IFr\'hnt happened at the same moment<br />

? \\'hat ditl a11 those who were present say one to the other 7<br />

S. What did Xachary, in an eca tnsy of joy and gratitude, begin to<br />

do P When the child wau grown, where did Le take up his abode?


CHAPTER V.<br />

The Zlirt.4 ofjesus Christ.<br />

A C ~ L IE D noits TO US, n.nd n sot1 i~ givcli to ue, and the government<br />

i~ 11pot1 H~x shoulder.-Is. Y, 6.<br />

N those days a decrec' -rent forth from the Roman emperor,<br />

I Caesara Augustus, comrn:~mding Ulnt all Wle people. of his<br />

c~rlpire should be enrollc~l.~ Each olle hncl to give in his<br />

11:tine in the trihc and city to which 11e belonged. Sci Jutreph<br />

ancl Mary went to Bethlchea~, thc city uf Davicl, because they<br />

xrcre of tho fi~rnily of tli:>t Icing.<br />

2. But the city beiug aro~vdetl with strni~gers who hurl come<br />

for thc c~lrollincnt, they could not obtain lodging in :1,11y of<br />

il~e inns, ant1 were forc!od to gerlr sl~elter ill :L stsble vatside<br />

tlw city. Ancl it camp t,o pass that ~~hcn they wcrc thcre,<br />

hlnry broitght forth hcr first-born son, nnA wr:~ppccl EIim up<br />

in swtlddling clothcs, and laid ITim in a rnmgcr, because<br />

there was no room for t.henl in tllo inn.<br />


1. What clecrce clid the emperor, Angust~ts, sent1 forth ? Wliithor<br />

clid Joseph n ~~tl Nary go to I~senroIletl? 3. Why were they forcecl to<br />

meek shelter it] n stable 7 l~That happened while they were there?<br />

Wherein did tile virgin ~nothcr lay her divi~ie Son 4<br />

1 Decree, an order from one having nntllority. Cncsnr (pr. Se'-zrcr).<br />

'Enrolled, to linve one's tinme written i ~i n rolI or register.



The Shejherds at the Ma~zger.<br />

in the. name of Jesne evary knee should bow of those that are it1<br />

heaven, on earth, and under the carish.-Pl~il. I, 10.<br />

T herds watching and keeping the night watches over<br />

HERE were, i11 tbo acigl~:hbor11ood of Bcthlehern, shep-<br />

their floclc. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared before<br />

them, and the brightness of God hone round about tl~cm,<br />


and tlmy were seized wit11 a great fern. But the an@ Aid:<br />

"Fear not, fur beholt'l, I bring you good tidings of great joy,<br />

t11:~t shall br: to all the people ; for %hi8 day is born to you a<br />

Sziirior, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. And<br />

this shall be a sign unto you, Yot~ shall find the infant wrapped<br />

in swaddling clothos nnd laid in a manger.''<br />

2. Then there was with the angel tl multitude' of the<br />

heavenly host, praising God md singing : '' Glory to God in<br />

the l~ighcst, and on earl11 pcaoc to inen of good-will." When<br />

IMultitudc; a gruat number.


the angels hacl disappeared, the shepherds said ono to an-<br />

otlier : 'i Ilct us go over to Bethlehem and w e the word that<br />

has come to pass, which the Lord has shown us." Going in<br />

lmste, they found Mary ant1 Joscph in the stnblc, and the<br />

new-born baho lying in the inangcr.<br />

3. The sl~epherde adored Ilim, and went back to their<br />


flocks, praising and glorifying God for the wondcrs they had<br />

secn and heard. All the people that heard thcso things from<br />

the shcpl~crds wcro astonished. But Mary kept a11 theso<br />

words, poaclering them in hcr heart. And after eight days<br />

the child was circumcised, and I-lis name waa called Jesus,<br />

that is Savior, as the angel had commanded.



1. What were some shepherds doing by night in the neigliborhaod<br />

of Bethlehem? Who appeared suddenly before .them l<br />

With what tvero thcy eeized? What dirl Clie angel tell ihern? 2.<br />

Who accompanied llie nngcl'l 'Il'hat were the n~~gels ~ingitlg?<br />

\jThen they had dienppenred, whnt did the ~l~epherd~ ay onc to the<br />

ether P What did they find ill tile gtablc? Q. What did tliej? t11c?n<br />

do? What was done after cight days ? IVliat naruo did the child<br />

receive?<br />

' CHAPTER VII,<br />

The Deeired of nll nations shall come; and I will fill this house<br />

with glory.-Agg. R, 8.<br />

FORTY di~ys nftcr His_ birth, Msry and Joseph brought<br />

- dcsus to Uie templc of Jerusalem topresent Him to tl~e<br />

I,ord, as the law of 3Joscs p~cscribed.' They carried 1~itl1<br />

i11m the usual tlflcri~lg of the pOI11'-lb pir of turtle-dovo8.<br />

There 1~:~s at that time in Jerusalcln n just and Cod-fearing<br />

man named Simeon. He was looking ni~xiously for the cowing<br />

of tlie Mcssina, the IIoly Spirit linving rcvenlcd2 to liilrl<br />

that he sl~ould not die till he had sccn thc Christ of Qe<br />

Lord.<br />

2. T,ed by the spirit, he came that diiy to the temple, and<br />

seeing the child brought in by Msry and Joseph, he tnnlr<br />

Him in his arms, and blessed God, eaying : '' Now Thou dost<br />

dismiss Thy servant, 0 Iiord, according to Thy word in<br />

peace: Because my cpcs have men TIly sxlvat.ion, wlvllicll<br />

Thou hnst preparod before the face of all people8 ; a light to<br />

the revclation of thc Gentiles, and tl~c Glory of Thy yeuple,<br />

Jsracl."<br />

3. lie thert blessed Joueph and Blary, :tnd to Mnry Ije<br />

said : Behold, tlli~j cbilci is aet for Ule fall and for the resur-<br />

Prescribed, directed ; laid down 8s a rulg. 2 Revealed, mnaeknown.


rection of many in Israel, and for a ~ign which shall be con.<br />

tradicted. And thy own soul n, sword shall pierce, that out of<br />

Inany hearts thoughts may be revcnled." Thcre wns also in<br />

Jeraaulem a prophetess1 named Anna-ttwomrtn far advanced<br />

in yc;ars, who departet1 not from the templo-by fasting and<br />

praycr, serving the Lord night and day.<br />

4. She also coming in, and seeing the child, gave praise to<br />

the Lord, nnd spoke of Him to all who were lnolring for the<br />

redemption of Isracl. Atid when these things \rere :\ccoIn-<br />

plishcd in obedience to the law of God, 3Inr-y and Joueph,<br />

with the divine babe, returned to Galilee, to their own city of<br />

Nazareth, and dwelt therc in pence,<br />

1 Prophetess, a female prophet.



1. 15'here did Mary and Joseph bring .Teaus forty drye after IIia<br />

birth? What did they carry with Him? Who was there rtt that<br />

time in Jerusalem? For what was lie looking anxiously f What<br />

had the Holy Spirit revealed to him 7 2. Who led 11im to the terti-<br />

ple that day 7 Whtlt did Lc do, seeing the child brought in by filary<br />

and Joseph ? Saying wllst 7 3. What did he then do? What dicl<br />

he say to Mary P Who was Lllore also in Jeruealcm? 4. What did<br />

Annsdo, coming in and sceing the child? When these thingn lvoro<br />

accoluplished, what clid Mary and Joseph do?<br />


Adovation of the M@.<br />

All they $rum Saba shall come, bringing gold and frankin-<br />

cense.-Is. 60, 6.<br />

N King IIerod, bclltdd therc CtItnG Wlree wise rncn, or<br />

OW when Jesus ws~ .born in Bethlehem in thc day^ or<br />

Bing~, from the East to Jerusalem, saying : " Whcrc is 1Iu<br />

that is born King of thc Jews ? for nre hiwe seen His star iin<br />

East, and WC are come to adore Him." Herod, hcaringthis,<br />

was tronblcd, and a11 Jcrusulem with him. And having asscmbled'<br />

all the dlief priests and scribes mcl thc ancients of<br />

the people, hc inquircd of them whcre the promised Momim<br />

should be born.<br />

2. They snitl to him : " In Bcthlchern, of Juda, for so it is<br />

writton by the l>rophet." Then Hcrod priviltcly queationccl<br />

the three Magi as to the cxnc4 time when tho star appearctl<br />

to thcm. When they had told him, he sdd: 'LGo, atid<br />

B ~ ~ C ~ I<br />

after the child, and when you have fountI him, bring<br />

me word again, that I also may colnc nnd adorc him."<br />

3. Tho bkgi set out for Hcthlehem, imd no sooner hstl<br />

&cy left the palace of IIerod t,lnan tl~c star, rvhich they had<br />

not seen since lheir cntrsnce illto Jerlisnlcm, agdn appearcd<br />

k the heavcns ; ancl, following its guidance, thcy came to the<br />

1 Aseerubled, brought together.


place wllere the divine infant was, with Mary its mother, 2nd<br />

St. Josoph. And entering in thcy adorcd the chiltl, and<br />

opc~ii~-~g their treasures they offered him gifts-gold, frank.<br />

incense1 and myrrh?<br />

4. That night God appeared to the kings in a, dream ancl<br />

corn~nt~nded them not to return to Herod. So they went back<br />


L y another may to their own cou~ltry. Thus wae the wicked<br />

1ii11g dieappointed in his expectation of finding out, by means<br />

of these royal strmgers, whore ha could find the child.<br />


1. When Jesus had returned with Mal-y and Joseph tol3cthlehem,<br />

\v110 cnmc from the East? Saying what? JIenring tltiu, how did<br />

Ilcrod recl? What did hc do? 2. What did they tell hiu? IVbat<br />

1 Fnnarc~wo~rasrc, s rreect ~melling resinous snbst~nco.<br />

MYRR~ (pr. mm), a costly eastern drug, used in embalming the dead.


di4l I-Ierod then do 'l When they hd told him, 1'11nt did he request<br />

' them to do? 3. What appeared tu them ngrrirl whcn thcy Icft the<br />

king's pnlacc ? Yollon~ing the goidannce of the ~tnr, n-hitlier clid they<br />

come? Entering in, what dirl they do? What did they offel. to the<br />

child ? 4. Wlint did Got1 tell them in R. d~.erttut How did they return<br />

fo their country ? \\'bo NRS th118 disappointed ?<br />


A voice in Rstna wan hearcl, lamentation nncl great rnnurlling:<br />

Rachel beaniling her children, arid ~-0u1d 1101 be cornforled,<br />

beclruee they nt30 not.-Mall, 2, 18.<br />

EROD nlvnited, wivith anxiety, the rct11r.n of tho Bfagi.<br />

I-T At last, perceiving tlmt he waited B vain, he baamna<br />

filrio~~s,' iltld ga~e orders thn.t n.11 the mnlo children in Betlilehem,<br />

and ill id1 the COI~~~T~CS thcrcof, of t.nro ycars old and<br />

unrlcr that agct, ~llonld be slain. Ha thougl~t that, in this<br />

way, the child Jcsux woulrl certainly perish.<br />

2. But thc angel of the I,ord nppearecl by night to Joscp11,<br />

and %;lid : "hrise, and tililie the child His mothcr, nncl fly<br />

into Egypt, anrl be thore until I sh~ll tell thee; for Herod<br />

scelrs the cliilcI, to destroy Ilim." Then Josepli arose, look<br />

thc child ar~d his mother by night, and retired into Egypt.<br />

3. Hardly hitcl the holy family dcpnrhd from Bethlehem,<br />

wllcn the inen of blood -\vholn Herod Jintl chosen to cxcmte<br />

hie cruel nrclcr, suddeuly rushed into tfhc city, draggad the<br />

infn~lts from thc arms of their ~rlotllers, n.nd massacrcc12 tllem<br />

all. Then was Ilcarrl thro~~ghout tile city of navid tlin pite-<br />

0118 cry of the bcrenved mothers monrniug sncI bemsiling thc<br />

innoceilt bnbes that were so clmelly put to death by thc tymnt.<br />

4. The punisli~-nont of this clreadf111 crime ura not long de-<br />

~Pu~roue, very angry.<br />

%Illassac~nn (yr. rnasa-a-kcrcl).


Inycd. A fen. years after the bloody dccd FIerod was atrick-<br />

on with a most lodhsomc disease, and died in fearful, tor-<br />

~ncnts. Then the angcl of thc Lord appeared again to 3 oseph'<br />

in Egypt during his deep, and said: ‘'Rise, take tlie child<br />

ancl his mother, and go int.0 the lanrl of Israel; for they are<br />

dead that sought the lik of the child."<br />

5. Then Joseph, taking Mary and the child, went back to<br />

the land of Israel, and retired into the parts of Galilee. And<br />

I '<br />

- -<br />

*- . .- . -- - !<br />

-d.- -<br />


he dwelt in Nazareth, that the word of the prophet might be<br />

fulfilled : " He ~I~nll be cnllcd a Nxznrene." In the peaceful<br />

rotirc~neilt of that quiet tow11 the dlild Jesus grcw in wisdom<br />

and in grace, before God and men. What n heaven on earth<br />

was that thrice-hzllo.r~~cd,~ though humblc home in Nuartretl~ I<br />

~HALLOIV,.~~, consecrated, holy.



I. What did Herod xvait with anxiety 7 What hnppcnedwhen ho<br />

perceived that Be wsitcd in win 7 IV11at order8 dill he give? \Vhst<br />

did lie think? 2. Who appcnrc~l hy i~iglit to Joseph 7 Commsnding<br />

him to dowhat P What ditl Joecph then clo 7 3. J\'('beii the XIoly<br />

Family hat1 departed from Dcthlchcm, who rushed illto the city 7<br />

What did they do ? What was thexi heal-d throughout thc city of<br />

David? 4. What was tbc pnnishment uf this dreadful critno? Who<br />

then appeared to Jo~e~h in hie sleep ? What did the angel of tlio<br />

1,ord tell him to do 7 6. In whnt town of Calilee did the Holy Family<br />

again take lip their abode 7 What was thus fulfilled ?<br />

CHAPTER X.<br />

JPSRS at the Age of TzveZve Ycnrsgues to the Temple.<br />

I rejoiccd at the things thitt \vcrc sairl to me ; we sllall go into the<br />

Iinusc of the Lord.--Ps. El, 1.<br />

,<br />

T OTTT Mary and Joscph went every year to Jerusalorn to<br />

celebrate the pnsch.' But it happened that when<br />

Jesus was twelvc year3 old He mcornpnnied His pments on<br />

their way to the holy city.<br />

2. The festival d~ys being orcr, Maiy and Joseph set out<br />

for their distant homc; but tl~c child Jcsus remained in JBrusdem,<br />

and His parents knew it not. They thought, at first,<br />

that Be was in the company of some of their relativcs, and<br />

so they journeyed ,z whole day without noticing His absence.<br />

But when evening came, they sought Kim, arid not finding<br />

Him, they were nverwholmeci with grief.<br />

3. Thcy returnod immediately to Jerusalem, and, for three<br />

days, sought Him through tllc city, but in vain ; no one had<br />

sccn the child. At Icngtli, on the third day, they went to<br />

tlrc tanlple, and there thcy fomld Him, aitting in the midst<br />

of the doctors of the law, kcaring them and asking them

JEll18 AT TRE TEMPLE. 289<br />

questions. All the doctors were astonished at His rvifidom<br />

sud I3is answers.<br />

4. hfnry ancl Joseph wcre GIlcd with joy on sccing IIim<br />

qailz, and His ~nothcr said to Ern : " Son, why hast Thou<br />

{lone g o to us 7 Rchold Thy fil-Lher ant1 I hnve sought TIico<br />

~orrowing." Rut RC ansrvered : " ].low is it that you sought<br />

me? I)id you not know that I must be ithut My Filtllcr'a<br />

businossPW nut rieiug, He went with His mother and Eis<br />

foster-father to Nazareth, and was aubjsct to thc!m.<br />

5. Although Jesus, cvciz in His l~uman nature, was full of<br />

wisdom, f'ro~n thc vcry first momcnl; of His incarnation, yet<br />

it was His will to manifest, only by degrees, thc knowledgo<br />

that was in Him. Ilc~zac it is said that He inmoascd in wisdom,<br />

and age, and grace with Cod and men.



1. Whither did Mary and Joscph go every year 7 What happened<br />

when Je~us wne twelve yearn old? 2. Tho fcsti~al days being over,<br />

wlmt did Mnry and Joseph do 7 What did Jesus do f JVhatdidHis<br />

pnrents think at fir~t? IIow long (lid they journcy witho~zt noticing<br />

His absence P 3. XT\That did thcy do vhen they missed IIimT<br />

Ilow long did they seek Iliin? TVlli?re did they find Hiw 011 the<br />

third day 7 IVhorn wns Hc asking questions? 4. Whet clid IIis<br />

blesaed mother say to Ililn? T1'h:~t did Jesua reply? What did Tle<br />

then do 4 6. Although Jcstls knelv all things, what was it Bia will<br />

to do ? Hence what is fiaid of Him?<br />


John the Hajii~t, the P~ccursor of Chtist.<br />

I am the voice of one crying in tllo nilderness.Jolm .l, 2.9.<br />

-1-IE Iiiine was nppu):~dling when Jcsns n*ould silo\\.<br />

Himself publicly ar tllu Rscleeleenlcr of thn ivurld.<br />

Wherefore the Lord r;pokc to Jolin, soil of Znchxry, in tlle<br />

tlasert. Obedient .to the divine ~vill, ,John csrrle to tllc coun-<br />

try nbout the Jortlarl. Hc vr:ts clotl~ed in c:~il~el's hair, with<br />

n leather11 girdlc aroullcl llis loins, ancl his fvud was wild<br />

Iloney nsld locusts.<br />

2. He cricd aloucl to all Ulc! people : " Do penancc, for the<br />

kingtlom of heaxea is at hmcl!" I11 order to cxcite his<br />

hcarers more eificaciously' to repentance, as dso to prepare<br />

tllam for Christiai~ hsl-rtism, he bnptized those tl~at wcrc sorry<br />

for their sins i1.1 thc \irntc,rs of the Jordan. Theri the mtzltitl~tlos<br />

came to 11in-1 from Jcrnsdcm ant1 Jutlea, to lisle11 to<br />

his preaol~ing, ant1 many paoplc of all contlitioas, ~vlio, after<br />

lienring him, oonfesscd their sins, ai~d were baptized.<br />

3. Some of the Snrlclucccs and Phnrisecs bcing present<br />

aiuoilg the crowd, John addrcsscd them sternly, sayilig :<br />

1 EYBICACIOUBLY, to produce the effect intended.


Ye broar1 of vipci.ri, who hat11 shonm yo~z to flee from the<br />

wmth to cons? Bring forth, illarcfore, fruit wortl~y of yennllce,<br />

and t11i11k 110t to uay : ' WO IYJV~ Abmhnm for our<br />

fatller,' for I tell gcu that Qod is r~blo, of tliesc stones, to<br />

raise np chilclren to Abmhum."<br />

4. " For now the axe is laid to tho root of the trees. Every<br />

trce, therefore, illat yicldeth not good frtiit dlitll bc cut down<br />

and cut into the firc." And<br />

211% people asked him: I=<br />

I . 1. - -1<br />

-<br />

I.. .<br />

What then shall we tlo?" i '.<br />

. .<br />

41 . - , ,<br />

XIc az~swered : " He tl~nt llslth<br />

l i t<br />

two cwatu, lct him givc to him<br />

(F;\<br />

;8zthat<br />

]lath none; and be tllrtt ,c:: $, .<br />

~ p ~2 .: , , .,I , ::)<br />

hat11 mcat, let him do in lika -7,<br />

msnncr." Thc soldierfi :~lso<br />

askcd what thcy slloultl do, , i<br />

-I<br />

ancl John t;aitl to t11em : 'l Do<br />

vio~cnce to no ~nan, neither<br />

".<br />

cnlumniatcl any man ; ctnd<br />

hc content wit11 yonr pay."<br />

, !l, . .<br />

Now, thc austere' nplJe,zrtlncc<br />

- ! ,.<br />

of the Baptist, ant1 his atart- .;<br />

ling exhortation, ]cc1 the pco- . . .- . I<br />

. -<br />

plc? to believe that he was tho 1 -.<br />

hlessias. John, perceiving Jona DAY~.IZI~-G Orm P ~PLIL<br />

this, told them that hc was<br />

not the Mcssias, but that thcro was One coming, mightier<br />

than he, the latchet of ~vhoue sl~oev he was not worthy to loose.<br />

6. I-Sc told them, moreover, that ho, indeed, baptized with<br />

water, but tl.13 thc S:~vior \v110 was to come after him wo~lld<br />

baptize with thc Holy Ghost, nncl wit11 firc. " Whose fan is<br />

in His hatjd, ancl IIc will t1lorongl1ly c:lcnn~c 13is floor, and<br />

gilther tho wheat into His burn, but the cllaff 1-10 rvilI bur11<br />

with unquenchablea fire."<br />

1 CALUMNIATR, to accuse hlsely. *AUST~E, stern, severe, harsh.<br />

Wxqumcrran~n, that which cannot be extinpuiclled,<br />

SOEU~TEU, Bib10 1!!8t. 16

6. Then the High Priest and the Council scnt priests and<br />

Levites from Jcrusalcm tonst Jolin : W110 art thou? v He<br />

answered : " I am not tl~c Christ." Thcy contini~od : " Art<br />

thou Eliaa ? 'l ILs rcplicd : 1 arri not." They spoke<br />

again : '' Art thou tllc groat prophct ? " He said : KO."<br />

At last they cxcla.imec1: " Why, then, dust thou baptize, if<br />

thou be not Christ, nor Eliss, nor the prophet? '' John an-<br />

~wercd that the Messisa would soon appear in their midst,<br />

preaching pnancc, md announcing the good tiding8 of aalvur<br />

fion.<br />


l. What time was approaching? To whom, thoreforc, did tho<br />

Lord epeak in the desert? IVhithcr did John comc, obedient to tha<br />

divine will? How wrm he clad'? 2. Whetdid hecry alo~ld to dl tlu<br />

people? In order to excite his hcnl~er~ to repentance and to prepare<br />

them for Christian baptism, what did John do? 8. What tliJ John<br />

aay to the Sadducces and l'harisces? 4. What did the austere airpearan*<br />

and the startling cxhortalione of John thc 13aptiat icntl<br />

the ~mple to believe? What did John tell them 'r 5. 1VJiirt did he<br />

way that the Mceaias muld do? 6. \rillat did John sn(swer, wllcn<br />

the Yrieets and Levitee asked him whctlier he IVS Ohriet, or Eliaq<br />

or tho prophet Y<br />


Jeszcs is Baptized by lohrz n~rd T+tzpted by the DmiL<br />

YOIII dvorsary, the devil, as a roaring lion, goctll abont, seekir~g<br />

whom he may devour.-I. Peter 6,8.<br />

N those days when Jcsue wa8 about thirty year5 of age,<br />

I IIe went from Nazarctll to thc Jordi~n to bc bnptizcd by<br />

John. But John stayed him, saying: " I ought to bo Imptizcd<br />

by Thee, and cornest Thou to inc ? ?' Jesus al~swcsing,<br />

said : " Suffer i(; now, for so it bccometl! us to fulfil all justicc.?'<br />

John obeyed the command, and Jesus was baptized,

2. Then thc heavens were opencd, the Holy Ghost dcscended<br />

upon Him in the Blrm of n, clovc, and a voice frnm<br />

heavcn exclnimec'l : 'C This is My beloved Son, in wliora I nlll<br />

well pleased." Tllus did the IGternnl Father ancl thc Holy<br />

Ghost give testimony that Jesus was the Bon of Gad ancl tlio<br />

Redeemer of the world.<br />

3. Before commencing I-Iis grcnt work, Jesus was lctl by the<br />

spirit into the desert, where<br />

EIe fastecl and prayed forty . .-<br />

days and forty nights. Then - l a?'i4 ...,., - ! . 3<br />

- .<br />

He was hungry, and Satan, '? ' > I->+-?. , , ' ' '., : I<br />

I .I-. '.-d.'<br />

coming to tcmpt IIim, finid :<br />

- 7' ?. ;! 'FT~,+?,<br />

" If Thou ba the Son of God, . -, . .. 4' . . : I<br />

11 1;<br />

command that these stones 4 ,..':. C;) ,:<br />

,C<br />

bc made bread." But Jesus . ./' ':<br />

anewered : " It is written : ! .".<br />

Man livct.11 not by bread al- ... . .:, .... :..<br />

one, but by evcry word tllst ' . .<br />

' . , l,:?, ,<br />

. - I 0<br />

proceedethl out of the mouth h ..,. I t . . %<br />

rb .:'<br />

of God."<br />

, .<br />

4. Then Satan took Him . .L. . -<br />

. . I.<br />

up into thc holy city, and sct : ,: m:, ;.*;.+-:. - .<br />

. ..<br />

liim on the pinnacle2 of the - "' ' ' . .. - .<br />

temple, nncl said : " If Thou T ~ na~~rsar<br />

E or CHRIST.<br />

be the Son of God, cast Thyself<br />

down; for it is written: 'That He hath given His angels<br />

chargc of Thee, and in their hands shall they bear Thee<br />

up, lest, perhaps, Thou hurt Thy foot against a etonc.','<br />

Jews said to him : " It is writtcn : ' Thou shalt not tcmpt<br />

the Lord thy Gocl.' "<br />

5. But Satan macle anot,her attempt. He took our Lord to<br />

n very high rnount,ain, aild showect 13im :cl1 the kingdoms of<br />

the wo~ld, r~nd the glory thereof, and said : " All these will I<br />

give Thee, if falling down, Tl~ou wilt ndorc tue." Jusus<br />

PROCEBD~EI, coming forth.<br />

V~XNACLE, a high spiring point; eummit.<br />

. , :.<br />


answered : " Begone, Satfill ; fur it is ~vritten : ' 't'he Lord 7'11~<br />

God, tllou shalt adore, nr~rl IIim only shnlt thnu seme.' ''<br />

Then the cl cril left Hill1 ; LTIII, bcholc1, a~~ngcls cn.~ne and ministered2<br />

to Jcsus.<br />


1. What (lid Jefiu~ do in thosn iljbys 1vI1en FIo was abont thirty<br />

yeare of ago? What did John tlo nnd sap ? Whnt (lid Jesus answer<br />

? 2. MThat descended then upon Jesus ? TVlr nt clid ;L voice from<br />

heavcn erclaitll 7 IlrJ~at did the Etenlal Fxtl>c+r and thc JInly Gllo6.t<br />

thus conflrlll ? 3. Before contmcnc:il~gHis grcnt ~vorlc, whither \vrt~<br />

Jesus led by tho spirit? Wlrat did BB do in the desert? Who<br />

came to Him tvhen He was hi~ng~g? What did 8ntnn gay? What<br />

did Jefinu n~la\vcrY 4. IYl~ithcr did 8nta~1 tJie Jesr~~? TVherc ditl<br />

Ile place Birn? WIint did he then say to RirrtP \\'llr~t did Jcsnn nn-<br />

awer? b. Tyhere did Satnn then tnlte our 1,ortlP What did hc<br />

show IIim? l\'\'hat did hc Bay to Him P What did Jesas then say P<br />

Who then came antl ministered to Jesus?<br />


Wallr worthy of God n~ho hntli c~lled you irlto TIjs 1;ingdom.-<br />

I, Z'ltexx. 2, 1.2.<br />

J"<br />

4 SUS left, the clcse~t, and rcturnad to 111 c country about<br />

tIic .Tortlnn. As soon ns John saw Him, Ile said to the<br />

n~ultit~tclc tl~nt surroundcc1 him : 'l Bchold thc Lamb of God I<br />

Behold, Be n~110 takct1-1 nmr"y the sins of the world ! This is<br />

He, of whom I said: ' After MP, cometh a nlan tvllo is preferrcd<br />

bciorc mc, because 1-1 e was before me, I gave testimony"<br />

that this is the Son of God."<br />

2. On the following day, rrlien John wns on thc banks of<br />

the Jordan, ~vith t\vc 01 hi2 disciplea, hc beheld Jesus coming<br />

towa~ds him, and 31e ug:dn said : " BcholrZ thc Lamb of<br />

God." The two disciples, hearing this, left John and follo~ved<br />

Jesus. And Jesus, tunling, spoke to tlicm : " What seek<br />

IMrrrrs~sn~~, served. PTrs~raroloY, proof. evidenoe.


you ? " They asked Hirn : " Master, where dwsllest Thnn 7''<br />

He said : " Come and see." They came, and saw wherc He<br />

abode, and they remajnecl with Hirn all that day.<br />

3. Thcse two disciples mere Jollrl and Andrew. Tl~c latter<br />

Iiad a brotller namecl Simon, who was wishing to see the<br />

Mossias. Andrew went to seek Simon md mid : " We havc<br />

found the Messias." And he. condnctcd liim to Jesus. When<br />

Jeslis snrv Simon, he lookcd upon hirn arirl said : Thou art<br />

Si~non, the son of Jon:t ; thou sfialt bc called Cephas,l that is<br />

to say, Peter, a rock.<br />

4. Tlle next clay Jesus went forth into Galilee, and on tho<br />

road He met a ln:m nxmcd lJhilip, who also longed for the<br />

coming of thc Messins. ,Jesns mid to hirn : " Follow me."<br />

ROW Philip haci s friend 11a111cil Nnthnnnel, nn upriglit, Gob<br />

fearing nla.11. Philip hasknccl to hi rn a~.rlrI told him : '' -We<br />

have found Hirn of ~vhonz Moses, in the law and tlle l)uopl~etr;,<br />

cl i d rvritc, Jeslts of h'w:~reth. " Hut h':~than,wl said to hiln :<br />

" Call t~t~ything good cornc f'rorn Naaarelh ? " Pllilip answerecl<br />

: " Come and sec."<br />

5. When Jesus paw Nathanncl coming, He said : " Behold<br />

an I'sl.aelite indeed, in wl~orn thcre is no guile.'' NatJ~anncl<br />

nslrccl in surprise : " Wherioc knor\wst Thou me? " Jeslis<br />

at~swert.cl and said to him : .Hc£o~c that Philip called thee,<br />

wlieii thou wast ancler the fig-lrctl, I saw tl~ee."<br />

6. Tl~en Natl~anael, A11cd ~vitlr ~vondcr ~~ncl respect, cried<br />

out: "Rabbi,"I'houa.rt the So11 of (iocl ; Thvu nut the King of<br />

Israel." Jcs~zs spoke to 11ilii : " l3ccause I said unto thee : ' I<br />

lhee under the fig-trce,' tlion believest ; greater things<br />

than tl~csc shalt thou sce. Amcn, Amen, I gay unto you,<br />

yon shall see the henrcn openctl, nncl llie nngcls of God ascending<br />

and descending ~zyon the 80x1 of Bluian."<br />


1. Whither did Jesus return after leaving the dacrt f As soon aa<br />

John sarv Him, hat did hc gay to thc ~uullitade that surrounded<br />

him. 2. The next day, when John sarv Jesi~e coming toeards him,<br />

~CEPHAS (pr. Secr-fae.) PNABBX, maater, lord.


what did he again sag ? Nearing this, what did tbc disciplerr do?<br />

IVItat did Jesus, turning round, sag to them ? What dirt they ask<br />

Him? What did l-ic reply? JIrhat did thoy do? S. IYko were<br />

thee0 two diecipleu? Wlrat relativo had Andrew? What was<br />

Simorr wishing to mec? II'liat did Antlrcw tcll l~hn nhen he found<br />

bim ? IVifhat did Jesus tlo and say when Ere saw Simon ? What<br />

does l'etermcnn ? 4. \Vl>om did Jesrxe meet on the following day<br />

when going to Galilce? IVltat did Be eay to bin17 Wllat fricnd<br />

had Philip? What did I'hilip, l~autcnir~g to him, tell him? Whnt<br />

did he invile him to cl07 6. Whcn Jcsr~s saw Nathanacl co~ning,<br />

wltat did IIu sny 7 Wl~at did h'atlrtnml aek in sr~rpriae? What<br />

did 3csua ztlen-er and 6ay to him? 6. What did h'athnnael, pcnetrated<br />

with reverence and rcspect, then say 7 What did Jesus say<br />

bllim?<br />


First dfi?tcCe ofJems.--He Chawges Water i?tCo Wine.<br />

No matt can do thee rtigns U-hich Thou doest, unlos~ God be with<br />

him.--Jolbn 3, P.<br />

TH""<br />

{E days nftcr these events there ~vas a wedding in<br />

Cans of Galilee, and the rnother of Jesus wns there.<br />

.Tc~us also, togethcr with His disciples, mfis among the gucxb.<br />

Wllilst they were at table, t.he wine failed; and Mary ~dd to<br />

Jesus : " Tlicy have no wine." He ansnswercd : '' My hour is<br />

not yet come." But Mary, knowing the goodness of her divine<br />

Son, and convinced that He nrould not refuse her rcquest,<br />

spoketo the waiters : Whatever He shall say to you,<br />

do ye."<br />

2. Now there were 511 tlic room six water-jars of stone, containing<br />

tivo or Illrce metasureti apiece: Jesus gave orders to<br />

the tvniters : "Fill thc tvatcr-pots wlth ~\latcr." Thcy immediately<br />

filled them to the brim. Hc then ~uid to thern :<br />

" Draw out now, nnd cn.rry to the cliicf steward of the feast."<br />

3. They clid ao; and tllo slewa~d, not knowing whencc the<br />

sets<br />

wine naa, said to the bridcgroom : 'l Every man at fir~t

forth good wine, and later on that which is worse; but t11ou<br />

hast kept thc good winc until now." TMs first miracle<br />

Jcsus wrought in Gna of Galilee, ad thc request of IIis<br />

Ulessecl mother; and His disciples seeing His divine power,<br />

belicved in Him.<br />

," .- -. I<br />

--P<br />



1. Where was thcrc a wedding three days after these crcnts?<br />

Who was among the gacsts? \\:hat happened whilst they wcrc at<br />

tablc? What did the mother of Jesrts say to her son? lF%at clid<br />

He ansrvcr? What dicl kI:~ry tell the waiters? 2. What wcre tl~ere<br />

in t!le room? What did Jesos order thc w:dtcrs to do? What did<br />

He say to the waiters? 3. \$'I~tlt did the master of the feast say io<br />

thc bridegroom? At whose reclucst did Jesus work His first ~ni-<br />

racle? Who, seeing His divine powcr, believed in Him?



Jeszts DY~ZIPS the SPIIPYS ntit of the Tenz$Ce.-liis Discoavse<br />

with Nicode?ttrls.<br />

Thou, 0 Lord, haat chosen thi~ house that it might be a house of<br />

prayer.-X. Mach. 7, ST.<br />

HE passover of the Jew8 being now at hand, Jesus went<br />

up to Jerusaleui, Finding in the court of tlie tcmplu<br />

men that sold oxen, ~heep, and doves, for sac~ifice, together<br />

rvitll money-chmgers, 1x9 made a whip of elnall cords nnd<br />

drove them all out of the temple. He overthrew Mie moncytables<br />

and said : '' Talte tlieso things hence, and make not<br />

tl~c housc of My Ftlther a l~ouso of tritfic."<br />

2. Then the disciples rerr~embcred Ulat it was writtell :<br />

'' Tllc zeal of Thy house bat11 eaten me up." Now some of<br />

the Jews who had ~emaincd in llic ternplo, being angry, askod<br />

I3im : " What sign dost Tllou ~holv us, sceing Thou doest<br />

theso thing8?" Jesus, referring to IIis own ~wred body,<br />

ailid : " Destroy t& tcmple, and in three days I will raise<br />

it II~.,'<br />

3. The Jews, supposing that He spoke of the material ttemple<br />

in which they stood, said to Him : L'Six nnd forty years<br />

lvas this temple in building, and wilt Thou rndsc! it upin tlrrec<br />

days 1 " But Jesus spoke of the teinplc of I-Iie body. Many<br />

other sign8 anti wontlers did H e work in prcsence of the<br />

Jews, many of whotn were col~verted. But ~nnny otl~ers<br />

vould not be convinced of Iris divinity. Like thcir htl~crs<br />

of old, tl~cy wilfully closcd their eycs to thc light of trutl~.<br />

4. Among those who believed nr,w Nicodcmus, n, ruler in<br />

Israel. He had n great dosire to bccorne a disciple of Jesus,<br />

and coming to Him by night, for fear of the Jctvs, he said to<br />

Him : " Rabbi, we know that Thou art come a teacher from<br />

God, for no mm can do tllcsc miritclca which Thou doest,<br />

unlcss God was with him." Then Jelrue explained to him


how he was to become a member of IIis mystic body on<br />

earth, which is the cl~urch, ancl told him : Amen, amen, I<br />

gay to tliee, unless a mar1 be born again of wai,er nrld tho<br />

Holy Ghost,hc cnnnot e~lter illto tho lcilzgclom of Gocl."<br />

5. These words referred to thc aacrainel~t of bnptism. I-Ie<br />

next instrnctcd Nicode~r~us in the myslel-y of thc rcc2cmpi,ion.<br />

"As Moses," said EIc, " liftod up Clie ~c:rl)cnt in thc descrt;,<br />

"#--<br />

'P, /<br />

--<br />


so must the Son of mar1 Le liftcc1 np, tl):tt whosoever believctll<br />

in Him may not perish, hut inay have life everlusting.<br />

Por God sent not Ilia #on into the ~~o1.1tl to judge the<br />

~rarld, but tl~at the woi.ld rimy be saved by Him. IIe that<br />

believetli in Him, is not jndgcd, but Ire that rlath not believe<br />

is dready judged." In thcsc ~vordu the Savior taught Nicodcrnns<br />

that IIe would redeem the world by His passion and<br />

death upon the cxoss.


1. The passover of the Jewe being et hand, whither did Jeous go?<br />

Whom did He find in the court of the temple? llrh~t clicl He do?<br />

What did Ile say ? 2. What did the disciples thpn remember?<br />

What did the Jews, bcing angry, ask IIim? What did Jcsus, referring<br />

to His own sacred body, say? 3. What did the Jews say to<br />

ITiln, supposing that 110 spoke of tha matcrial templein~f~hich they<br />

stood? What didHework in preeence of the Jews? 'CVcrc any of<br />

thcm converted ? Were they nll converted? 4. Who was among<br />

thoee who bclieved? Vllat great desire had he? Coming to dcsua<br />

by night, what did he say to IIim? What did .Tesun then explain<br />

to him ? What did He teIl him7 5. To what did these words rcfcr?<br />

In what did He nertinstructNieodemue? What did He say?<br />

What did the Savior teach Nicodemus by these last words?<br />


Let ue rrearch our waya, and ret~lrtl to the Lord.--Lament, 3, @.<br />

Now<br />

it camc to pass tllat Herod cast John the Ijal~ti~<br />

inlo prison ; ml~crcnpol~ thc Pharisees t:tking courage,<br />

began io persecute the Ssvior. Hc, thcrcforc, loft ,hde:~ ailcl<br />

returned again to Galilco. On His way Hc cntna to a tow11<br />

called Sichar,' where there was a well which had been dug<br />

by the patriarch Jacob.<br />

2. Jesus, being weary from the journey, sat down by the<br />

well, whilst His disciples went into the city to buy provision~.<br />

But, behold, a Sam:~rit;m woman came to i1.1e well<br />

to draw water. Jcsus said to her : 'c Give mc? to drink."<br />

Tlle woman, surprised, aslred I-Iim : " Row dost 'Shou, being<br />

a, Jew, ask of me to drillk ; 1 being a Samaritan woman.''<br />

8. Jesus ~laicl to hcr : " ZftElou didst !rnorv the gifl of Gocl,<br />

and who it is that saitll to thee : ' Give me to drink,' thou,<br />

perhaps, wouldst have asked of Him, and He would have<br />

1 SIOIIAR (pr. Sik'ar.)

JESUS AT THE IVELL OF con. 251<br />

given thee living mater." The woman rcplied : '' Sir, Thou<br />

l~tssl nothing wherein to draw, and thc well is deep ; whence,<br />

then, hast Thou living water? Art Thou greater tllttn our<br />

fatlier Jacob, ~vho gnvu us the wcll ? "<br />

4. Jesus answered : " Whosoc~er drinltcth of this water<br />

shall thirst ngdn; but he thnt shall drink of tllc xi7atc!r thnt I<br />

shall give him, shall not thirst forever. Thc watcr that<br />

I ~jhnll give him shall become in hi111 a fountain of wstcr,<br />

spri~~ging up into everlasting<br />

life." Then tile woman : - < x-irf;hT*', - - , r 'l .lC,<br />

-<br />

spoke again : Sir, give me ,<br />

this water, that I may nut - - 1- . . '- 'm<br />

thirst, nor come hither to<br />

draw." Thereupon Jcms --<br />

said : "Go call thy husbhnd." p<br />

She answered : " I lmre no<br />

husband.?' Jesus replio cl :<br />

" Thou haet said well ; for -<br />

now thou hsst no husband, i<br />

nltl~ongl~ thou hast had scv- -1<br />

era1 husbands." The woman<br />

exclailncd : ' l sir, I pcsccjve JESUS AND TILE BdKdaITAN WOMAN.<br />

that Thou art a prophet."<br />

5. '' Our fo;thcrs sdorcd on this mountain, Garizi~n, fixid<br />

you say that at Jentsale~lz is tlie place where nien must<br />

adore." Jesus said to her : " VTornan, believe me, the hour<br />

comet21 when you shall neither on this mountain nor in Jerusale~n<br />

adore the Father. The hour cometh, mlil 11o.r~ is,<br />

when the true adorers shall adore the Fathcr in spirit ancl in<br />

trutli. God is a Spirit, nnrI they tlmt adore IIim, must adore<br />

Hirn in spirit and in ts~~th."<br />

6. 'J'hc woman ansvered Him : " I lrnow Ulnt the Mcssim<br />

ahcn He is come, will tell us all thiags." Jcsm replied : I<br />

am I-Ie, who am spealiing with tlic:c!." Rejoic:ed at tllia news,<br />

the woman left her pitchcr, and going into the city in all<br />

haste, she said to the people : Come out itnd see a man


who has told me all my sins. Is not IIe the Christ ?l7<br />

Meanwhile, tho disciple8 returning wit11 the food they had<br />

l~urchaued, prcsseci Jesus to cat. Rut He articl to their1 : " I<br />

have food to eat which you lnloiv slot of. My food is to do<br />

the will of Hitn thttt gent Me."<br />

7. While I3e IWH ~pcakillg to His apostles, thc Snmaritnns<br />

coming ont of the city dcsired that Ilc woulil stay there. IIc<br />

re~nnincd two days, teaching and instructi~lg thc~n. Many of<br />

tlmt cily beliwcd; x~id they anid to the woman : 'I We now<br />

believe, not for thy saying, for we oursclvcs ]):we hanrd Him,<br />

and rve k11ow that this is indeed the Savior of the world."<br />


1. Who cast Jol~n tl~s Baptist into pi'ison P- begun to pcrsacute<br />

the Savior? To whnt town did Jesoe come on leaving Judca?<br />

What wdl was thcrc? 2. Weary from thcj


stood up to rencl. They gnvc Him bha book of Isnin~ the<br />

prophet. Be unfolcled the book, and found the place w11cl.c<br />

it was wri tlem :<br />

2. The spirit of the Lord is upon me ; ~vherefore He 11nt.11<br />

anointcd me to preach the gospel to the poor. He hat11 sent<br />

mc to hcal thc cont~itc of hcart,, to preach cleliverance to the<br />

ca.ptivcs, ancl sight to thc blind, to sct at Iibcrty them that<br />

are bruisecl, to preach thc acccptablc ycar of thc Lord, and<br />

the clay of reward."<br />

3. When IIe had closed the hook, Ilt: returned it to the<br />

minister and s:~t iio~r~n. But tho cyus of a11 the Rynagogtlo<br />

.rvcrc fixoclul>on Him. IIe then toltl them : '' This do y js fulfilled<br />

this scripture in your exrs," As ITe thus continued<br />

His disconrsc, all wonclcrcd at thc words of grace that fell<br />

from His lips. Still they did not believe in Him ; fur they<br />

said to orle another : " Is not this the eon of Joseph." As if<br />

they tvished to say tliat I-Ie was of poor parents, mil that Hc<br />

had not raccivcd n learncc1 cilucn.tion.<br />

4. But He, ansn~ering tlicm, said : " Amen, I say to ;you,,<br />

that no propllcl is acccptecl in his own country. Therc ~~\.crc?<br />

~nnnp wii101r.s iu the days of Elias, in Israel, when heavcn<br />

IVRS sl111t three years iulcl six ~riontl~s, when there was a great<br />

fnmino thro~xgliout all tlie land. Yet to none of thcm was<br />

IClins wilt hut to a widow -vt Sa.rrptn of Bidon. Thcrc wcrc<br />

also mnnp lcpcrs in Ismcl in thc time of JCliscns the prophet;<br />

yet nonc of thcin was clcansed bat hTanmml the Syrian."<br />

5. Now all thosc who hearcl tlicse thing in the synagogue<br />

were filled nrith anger. And risirlg up, they drove IIim out<br />

of the city, and look Bin1 to the brow of a rllounthn to cast<br />

I-Iim down heacllong. But I-Ie, striking them with a sudden<br />

terror, passcd through their midst, arld went His way.<br />


1. Whither did Jesus go from Sicllar P Where did he go on the<br />

Sabbath dry? Whnt book was given Him when He stood 11p to<br />

rend t 2. What place did He find on opening the book? 3. Whnt

254 HISTORY OF 1111.: NEW TESTAMENT.<br />

did IIe do when H c had finiehed reading this passage 7 What did<br />

He then tell therrl7 At what did all wonder? Did they believe in<br />

IIim? Whnt did they nay, ono to another? 4. What did .Jesue,<br />

answering, say to them? 5. ITearing tllesc things, with rvllrt were<br />

all who wcre in the apnagoguo fllied P Risingup,whnt did-they do?<br />

But what did Jesus do ?<br />


The Mirncles of Jtsrds nt C~ltartzazlm.<br />

The Son of Gocl appeared that He might clestroy thc works of the<br />

devil.-I. Jolrla 9, S.<br />

FROM Nazareth, Jesus wcnt to Capl~maum,~ and thcre<br />

-- He taughtin the synngoguc. Thepeoplenrereastonishcd<br />

at His cIoctrine, and at thc wonderful force and<br />

unction2 of His prcnching. There was, in the synagogue, a<br />

man who had an unclcnn spirit, and he cried aloud, saying :<br />

'' Let us alone ; what l~nvc wc to do with Thec, Jesus of N:ix-<br />

areth ? Art Thou come to dcstroy us 1 1: know Thee IV~O<br />

Thou art; the Holy One of C; od."<br />

2. Jesus rebuked the spirit, corn~nandii~g him to be silent,<br />

and to go out from the man. Then the devil, throwing thc<br />

man into the midst of the crowd, went out of him, and<br />

left him unharmed. A great fear cnmc upon all who witnessed<br />

this miracle, and they said one to another: " What<br />

word is this 7 for with authority and power He commandet11<br />

the unclean spirits, arid they go out."<br />

3. From the synagogue Jesus went to the house of Simon<br />

Peter. It so happened that the mother-in-law of Pcter was<br />

grievously sick, and Jesus was asked to cure her. He drew<br />

near her bed, commanded the fever, and it left hcr. Imme-<br />


[PT. Kafar-ndum.)<br />

lUnrmrorr, religious fervor and tenderneas.


diately she arose, cured of t21c fcvcr, and waited on them as<br />

they rtat at table,<br />

4. TThcn the sun was down, the sick and infirm of the city<br />

wcro brought to Jcsus, and IIe laid His hands upon them,<br />

and they were hcdcd. Early next morning Hc lcft Caphar-<br />

nnuIn, and retired to a desert place. But the pcoylc follow-<br />

et1 IIim in crowds, bcsccching 1Ii1n not to leave thcm. Hc<br />

sdd to them r " I must prctlch the lringclom of God in othcr<br />

cities also ; for therefore am I sent."<br />


5. He then preached in thc synagogues of Galilcc: The<br />

timc is accomplished and tl~c kingdom of God is at hand ; repent<br />

and belicvc the go~pel. IIe hoal;lt!d all manner of diseases,<br />

and thc famo of IIit, po\vor and holincss ~prcad over<br />

all the country, and people came from far ancl near .to sec and<br />

hear Him.


1. Where ditl J ~ E go ~ from B Nnzsreth? At what rvcro tl~o pool110<br />

astonished? ITho wns thcrc ia the synngogue'f IVhnt did Ll!e<br />

spirit cry aloud 7 2. What clirl ,Tesn~, rebnking him, sap? JYllnt<br />

did the clevil then do? TVhnt did the people say one to nnothcrl<br />

3. Prom the synagogue, where dicl Jesus go ? Who was grievously<br />

sick ? Whal mxs Jesns askecl to (10 ? What did Re do? J\'T'hnt did<br />

he immediately do? 4. lY11ca11 the bun wns down, who were<br />

brought to Jesus? l\'hat did ITo do to them? T17hitller did TIe rctire<br />

next morlllng after lea~~i~lg (:npliarnaum 7 JJr\T'hrtt did the per,ple<br />

clo, follo~ving Rim in cro~rds? What dicl JIe say to thern. B.<br />

Where did FIG then preacli 7 What clse did He do 7 What spread<br />

all over the country?<br />


The Mi~nc~cZo~~s D/-(c?lght of Fishes.<br />

The blessing of God ~ualiatll batik to reuP:rrcl the just; ant1 iti s fi\tfift<br />

I~oi~r<br />

His blessing bonrctl~ fruit.--Eccltu. 11, PS.<br />

XIISUS preached ono dnjr ncar thc lake of Ccncsnrcth,<br />

which by anotlior nnmc is callcd the Sea of Galilee. A<br />

grcnt c!romd came to IIirn to hcnr thc worcl of Gocl. Ha saw<br />

mooretl on the sliorc two fishing-boats, one of which beloilgc!(l<br />

to Simon Ycter ; and ping into Peter's boat, He desired llirn<br />

to ~ ut off a little from the d~ore. Then ~eating.IIimseIf in<br />

the bark, He taught the people.<br />

2. When He had censcd prcnching, Hc told Peter:<br />

" Laulunch out into the deep, and let down your ncts for u<br />

draught.') Pctcr answered: " RI:rster, me bn\w labored all<br />

night, and hnvc tnlccn notlling, but at Thy word l will let do~vn<br />

thc net." I-Iaving donc so, tl~ejr caught so great n multitude<br />

of fishes that tltcir net ~ 1 bre:tking. s They Iseclconed to<br />

thcir partners, James and John, who were in the other bark,<br />

to come and assist thc~n.<br />

3. They came, and both barlis were so filled with fishes


that they threatened to sink. TVonder and tcrror carno upon<br />

all that were in the ships. But Sirnon Petcr fcll clo~m at the<br />

feet of Jcsus, saying : Depart from mo, for I ein tt ~inful<br />

man, 0 Lord.'? Jcsus said to him : it Fear not, from hcnccforth<br />

thou shalt catch men." Having pushed their sliiya<br />

ashore, they lcft all things and followecl Jesus.<br />


1. Where wrta Jesus one day preaching? Who came to Him to bo<br />

instructed? What did He see on the shore? To whom did one of<br />

the barlra belong? Into which of tli~ barlis did Jesus go7 What<br />

did He dceiro Peter to do7 What did Jesus thon do? 2. When IIe<br />

had cea~ed preaching, what did Ho h11 Peter to do? M7hat did<br />

Peter nnswer 7 Having done so, what did they catch ? To whom<br />

did they call to come and aasist them? 3. Having come, what did<br />

they fill with the fishes? What came upon J1 that wero in the<br />

shipa P What did Simon Peter do? What dicl hdsny? Jjr\\'hat did<br />

Jesus say to him? Having puehed their barks ashore, what did<br />

they do 7<br />

8oaua~xa. Biblo Eliet. 17



The ivorkfi t.hnt I do in Ulo Name of 3.1~ Ikthcr, tlley givc toetiulo~iy<br />

of Me.-Jolnr 10, $5.<br />

J<br />

ESTJS returnccl to Cnphanlaurn, a.11c1, as He ans tenching<br />

in o, private bousc, n grctitl rnt~itit.~~(lc? of peoplc, conling<br />

to bear Hiin, filled the 11ousc ar~d cro~vtlcd riround it. But,<br />

behold, four mt!m Lrougllt a paralytic' on n Irotl, and, as they<br />

could not gct ncnr to Jesus on uccou~lt of the tl~ro~~g, they<br />

went up on t .1~ roof of the house, and, making an opcr~ing,<br />

Iot tlown the paralytic in his bed.<br />

2. Jcsnu, seeing thair fiii:,h, ssdtX: "Son, hc of good<br />

hcnrt, thy siris are forgiven thee." Now, there wcre ulnong<br />

the cro\r.d some Scribes u d Phnrisocs, who, hearing tllesc<br />

words, thoughl within themselves : a Hc bluspbemctl~. 71'110<br />

can forgivc sins but God alone? " JBRUS, seeing their<br />

tlioughts, sdd to thcm : " Why do you think evil in your<br />

I~cmts? Which is essicr, to say : Thy niris arc forgiven<br />

thee? or to say: Rise up, take thy bed and rrallr?"<br />

8. "But that you mrLy li~low that the Son of man hnth power<br />

on earth to forgivc sins, I say to theo: '( Arise, tdce np thy<br />

bed, nnrl go unto thy house.'' Immcdiatcly the man arose,<br />

took up his bed, and ~\~,ent forth in the sight of all. And a11<br />

the peoplc wondcrcd a11d glorified God, saying: " We never<br />

saw thc like."<br />


1. Whithcr tlitl Jcsus retrarn'! lJ7;\'bcre \!.as Re tcnd~ing? What<br />

did foar mcn bring? What (lit1 they do wltcn they conltl not get<br />

noar ktJenus'r S W11at did Jeaus my, seeing their faith? What<br />

did thc Scribee alkd Phari~ecs who were uinong the crol~d thirtlc<br />

within tl~msel~es? \\'l~nt (lid Jesus say, ~eciiig thir thonghts?<br />

8. Whatrlid Hc sag to thoparalyti.~? 1I7hat did llhc inan do? What<br />

did the people do P<br />

1 I'A~ALSTIC (pn para-lil8-ik.) . .

C?lhi'TER XSI.<br />

The dcdaration orThy tvorils giwth li~llt ; :mtl givc!t.h tintlcrstnl~ding<br />

to lillle on=.-Pt. lJS, 120.<br />

N onc occasion, when Jesus saw n very great multittldc<br />

0 gathered together to hear Ilim, 11~ welellt up into<br />

a mountnin, ancl sat clown; arirl Jris diticiplcs were with<br />

IIiln. Thc people placed thc~nsclvcs aronncl, ontl along the<br />

eidcs of the mountnin, ~vnilir~g in rcupcctful silctlcc tilt IIe<br />

commenced to s13caIc. Then hc taught thcm :<br />

2: The Eight Beatiltti1es.-v Hlcsscd arc the poor in sy irit,<br />

for theirs is 611c kingdom of hca~e~k. IUessotl nro tlsc muc!k,<br />

for tIlcy din11 posscss tlio lnnrl, X3lasscdwc? thcy thntrnonr~~,<br />

for tllr!y shrill be comfortotl. Blosscd nro tlic!y wllo Irnngcr<br />

a~id thirst after jnsticc, for Uleg ~llall be fillctl. Rlcssccl are<br />

tl~? rn~rciful, for they BII:I-I1 obtain mercy. 13lcssc~l arc tlle<br />

clcall of licart, for they slinli see Gocl."<br />

3. " Blcssed nrc the ~)enccmalccrs, for tlloy sllall BC called<br />

thc cllilclren of Sod. Blcssed arc tlicy who suffer pcrsectltion<br />

for justicc's%kc, for theirs is tlia Itingciom of licaven.<br />

Hlcsscd are you, ~vhcn mctl ~Ilnll revilt? and ~lcrsec~~tc you,<br />

xud'shnll sny all lrlrnncr of evil agdnst you falsely for My<br />

s:llre ; rejoicc and be exceeding glad, bccausc your reward<br />

is vcry great in heavcn."<br />

4. The 'Vbcation of the AposSIes.-Then turning to His apostles<br />

Ho said to them : " Yen are thc salt of the earth. 13ut if tlie<br />

salt lose its snvor, wl'lercwith shall il; be snllecl ? It is good<br />

for nothing any more, but to lrc cast out, xlld to be troddc~i<br />

upon by men. You nro bl~e light of the n~orld. h city scnted<br />

on n high ~nountain ca~mot be hicl; neither do me11 light s<br />

candle nnd put it unt.lcr a, bushcl, but upon s ~tllscllcstidc, that<br />

it may ggic light to all ~vho are in the- llouso.. So lot yrrltr<br />

ligllt shinc.bcforc men, that ~11ey may me your good works,<br />

,<br />

and glorify your Father who is in heavcn."<br />

l? *

260<br />


5. TIIe The Justice of the New Law.-Again addressing the<br />

multitude, He said : "Think nat that I am come to destroy<br />

the law or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to<br />

fulfill. Amen, I say unto you, unless your justice abound<br />

more than that of the Scribes and IJharisees, you shall not<br />

enter the kingdom of heaven."<br />


6. me Love of our Neighhors and of our E?temies.-" You have<br />

heard that it was said to them of old : ' Thou shalt not kill ;<br />

and whosocver shall Bill, shall be guilty of the judgment.'<br />

But I say to you that whosocver is angry with his brother,<br />

shall bc guilty of the judgment. And whosoever shall say to<br />

his brother 'Ra~a'~,shall be guilty of the council. And whoso-<br />

ever shall say : 'Thou fool,' shall be guilty of hell-fire."<br />

7. " You have heard that it wag said: ' Thou halt love<br />

RACA, a word of contempt.


thy neighbor, and hxtc thy enemy.' But I say to you, lo~e<br />

yonr enemies ; do good to those who bate you, ancl pray fur<br />

those ~vho persecute and callumniatc you, that you may be<br />

the cbilclre~i of yonr Fathcr who is in heaven, wllornalrcs His<br />

sun rise upon tIic good and the bad. For, if you love those<br />

who love you, what reward d~all you hnve? do not even the<br />

publicans the ~ a~nc? Ancl if you salute your brethren only,<br />

hat do you more ? do not the heathens as much ? Be you,<br />

thcrcfore, perfect, as also yonr hcavcnly Father is perfect."<br />

8. About Human Respect.-" Tnkc heed you do not your good<br />

worlrs before men in ordcr to bo seen by them ; othernrisa you<br />

shall hnve no reward from yonr Father tvho is in henven.<br />

Therefore, when thou doest an alms-deed, sound not a trumpet<br />

before thee, as the hypocrilcs do in the 8ynagogues and<br />

in the streets, that thcy may be honored by mcn."<br />

9. " Verily, I say unto you, they hnvc rcceived their re-<br />

~varcl. But whcn thou givest alms, Ict not thy left hand<br />

know what thy right hand does, that thy aI111s may be sccrct;<br />

ailcl thy Fatl~er, who sees in sccret, will repay thcc. Ailcl<br />

when you pray, you sll:~ll not bo as the llypocritcs, who love<br />

tu stand ancl przy in the synagogues. Bnt whcn thou pn~ycst,<br />

enter into thy dmrnbcr, shut the door, and priy to thy<br />

Father in secret; ancl thy Father, who sccs in secret, will rcpay<br />

thee. And ~vhcn you fayt, be not of a sad countenance,<br />

as Be l~ypocritcs. For they disfigure their f~ces, thatto men<br />

they Inay appear to fast.''<br />

10. Confidence in God.-Then wishing to show His disciples<br />

thc danger of richos, He said : " Lay not np for yourselves<br />

treasures on earth, where runt and moth consume, ar~d<br />

where thieves brchk through ancl steal. But lay up for<br />

yoursclvcs treasures: in heaven, ~rrl.iere neithcr rust nor 1not11<br />

consumes.<br />

11. Where thy treasure is, tllsre is thy henrt also. No<br />

ma,n C:LI~ Berve t~vo runsters ; for c!ithcr 11c mill hale the one<br />

ancl love the other, or 11e mill t:ling to t11c onc a11il slight tlic<br />

other. You cannot serve God and iI1,lalnmon. Therefore, I

~ i y to you, be not :iilxious for your lik, w11:~t. yuu ~11:Jl<br />

eat, nor fur yonr body, 1v11;~t you allall put on. Is ]lot<br />

tlie lil'c Jnorc than the foocl? ant1 tlic bocljr more t11a.n the<br />

r:~il~~ci~t ? "<br />

12. " Bcliold the fowls of ll~c air, for they sow not, ncitlicr<br />

tlo they rcap, nor gnthcr illto Laws; yct your heare111y<br />

Jri~tller feedetli tllcrrr. Allcl li)r ~*:~il~~rnt, 1~11~' nro ~.uu solicitour;<br />

? Consider tlle lilics of 1110 field, holy they grow ; tlley<br />

labor not, ncithcr do tllcp sllili. Aiid J say to you, tliat not<br />

cven Solomon, in all his glory, was nrraycd as orlc of thcsc.<br />

Kuw, if Gocl so clotllc thc grass of illc field, which to-clay is,<br />

:aid to-lnorrow is cast into the oven, how rr~ucli rrlore you, O<br />

yo of littlc f:~ith ? "<br />

13. " Bc 170t solicitr)~s, tlrorcibrc, snying : ' mhf~t shell me<br />

eat, or what shall -rrc tlrilllc, or whcrc~vith shall me Le<br />

clotl~cd ? ' For, nltcr nll Ihcsc tlrir~gs c10 the Ileatllcns seck.<br />

For ynur Fntllerlino~\.s tlrnt you 11;lvc ~lccd of all il~cst? tl~ings.<br />

Scrk yc, fhcrefore, first tl~: ki~igdoin of (;od ancl I-Iis jnsticc,<br />

a11rl all tlicsc things sli:~ll l)(: :1(1(1(>11 n~it,~ you.''<br />

14. Charitable .hudgntent About ozrr A-tiq7~bor.-'~J 11cIgc ~mt, tliat<br />

you may not be judgcd. F01 wit11 ~1ia.t jiurlgment you Ii:~vc<br />

jiiclgccl, you shall be judgccl ; :~nd with what illcnsurcpou Imvc<br />

ir~casnrcd, it shall bc 111c;tsurcd lo yon again. A1111 w11y sccst<br />

thou a n~otc tllnt is ill t11y I)rollic!r's oyc, :u~d sccsl not a bctilu<br />

irl thy own cyc? IIyl)ocl'ito, c!:~st out first tlic bcttrr~ out of'<br />

tllil~o o~r~n eyc, and then alinlt tl~ou sec to cast out the lnotc<br />

out d thy Isrotl~cr's cyc. AI1 things, tllc?rcfore, wl~atsocvcr<br />

you would that men should clo to you, do you also to thcm ;<br />

for this is ille lamn and thc prol)hcts.''<br />

15. Concluding Ranarl,~ -i\ftcr gil-ing i~~strlnctio~ls on many<br />

otllcr suljrcts, Jcsits fitid : Enter yc in at tlle 1larro.rv ;<br />

fbr wi(le is tJ~c gat.o ancl Lrond is thc ~t'8y t1i:lt 1c:t~l~tll to (l(:slruction,<br />

and III:L~~~ tlrcr~ arc n.110 ('nf OP 1~y it. Narroi~~ is tht!<br />

gntc a11d strait is tllc way wl~ic:l~ lcaclctl~ to lifc, and few<br />

tllcrc arc who ijnd it."<br />

Sa~~cl~ous, nnhioue, oagcr tu obtain.


16. Whosoc?vcr hcnreth tl~csc My rvords, and rloeth tllem,<br />

shall Ic Iike~lc!d to a wiso mar1 who built his house upoil rt<br />

rock. Ancl the rain fcll, and tl~c floods c:ntne, iu~tl thc ~vinds<br />

blew, and thcy 1~e:~t upon that house, and it fcll not; for<br />

it was fountlcd upon a, rot:l:. A~ld cvcry ono thal hc;vcth<br />

thenc My mortls, nnrl cloath tllclrl not, slrull bc liIre a foolisll<br />

laan, who b~~ill his l~ousc upon the snnd. Ancl the rain fell,<br />

and the floocls c:;Lnle, :~tltl the winds blew, ancl tlley bcnt upon<br />

that house, ancl it fell ; nncl grcnt nraa tllc! f'nll thereof."<br />

IT. Now it came to pas8 that mllerl ,Tcsns l~sdft~lly ended<br />

these ~vortls, thc pcoplc wcre in nclrr~irntiotl at His doctrine.<br />

Bor IIc Tvaa tc!ncliing tllcln a,,.; onc having authority, and not<br />

us their Scribes and I'harisecs.<br />


1. Wl~itl~er clid Jcsus go 011 onc oc:c!:l~jon, wllen I-In saw a great<br />

multit~~de 1 llrlknt did Ll~o pcoplo tlo? 2, 3. Say t.11~ cigliC bentitudes?<br />

4. In what cloes tl~c ror:~tion of tl~o alll)sbles consist? 5.<br />

l\'liat in ll~e trac jrtsticc of' tlio New Litw ? G, 7. \YlmL tlous our Lord<br />

teach allout loving otrl. 11~igltl~01.~, ntlcl well 0111, cn~nlio~? S, D. ITOW<br />

ought we to guartl sgnillst human ruspect 7 10, 11, It', 13. In what<br />

n'orcls does .Jesns itl\.ite us to llarc co~lficlr:nce it1 (;oil? 14. Ilow<br />

ought wi: to judgtr our ncighlor? 15,16,17. Wti:it arc tk~ ~uunclucling<br />

remarkcl of thc sermon on the mount?<br />


With the heart tr'c 1)elieve unto jnsLic!ct; but with the rnouth, coufcssiull<br />

is rnadc unto fiu1ration.-llom. 10, 10.<br />

S Jcs~zs dcsceilded from thc mountaill, n lcpcr clzlne, who,<br />

A fhliing cluwn, m101cd win^, sayi~l~: Lord, if Thou<br />

wilt, Tl~on cnnst l~lttlrc 1110 clcm~? " Jcslls, strclcliing fnl*lh<br />

ZIiv linnd, toucllcd Ilirn, wying : " I will, bc tllou n~aclc<br />

q1ca.11." And i~*~uedratcly his lcpro~y was clcallsed. Thc~l


Jcsus spoke to him : L' See thou tell no Inan ; but go tihonr thyself<br />

to the pricst, and offcr the gift which Moses comrnalided<br />

as n tcstimoriy to them.'?<br />

2. Af'tcr this, Jcslis returned to Caphnrnaum. In this city<br />

thcre livecl n centurion,k Roman, who wag friendly to t.1~<br />

JCNS, and had built thcln a synagogue. Now the scl.vallt of<br />

this mnn nras sialr nncl gricvously torrneatcd. The ccnturiorl<br />

tllercfore, knowing that Jcsa~ had come back to Caphnrn:tnm,<br />

besought some of the Jewish elders to go and ask our Lord to<br />

cure his servant.<br />

3. Jcsus went with them. Rut when the centurion shw our<br />

Lord coming wit11 thc ancients, he said : '' Lorrl, I am not<br />

worthy illat Thou sliouldst enter lmder my roof; bnt only say<br />

the nrord, and my servant sliall be healcd." Henring this,<br />

Jesus wondered much, and turning to the multitude that followecl<br />

Him, said : " Amen, I have not found so groat fiiith<br />

even in Israel l "<br />

4. "And I fray unto you thnt many gbiill come from the<br />

East, x~ici thc Byc?et, ancl shall sit down with Abralmn~, Isaac,<br />

arncl Jncob, in t,he lringdorr~ rtf heaven. Jlnt the dlildren of<br />

the kingdom shall 1x2 cast out into extcrior darkncus ; there<br />

gnaslli~~g of teeth." Then FTc mid to<br />

hall be weeping ;~nd<br />

tlie ccnturion : " Go, nnd ss thou hast bclicved, so bcitdone<br />

to tl~cc." The servzlntwaahcaledattl~o same hour.<br />

6. As Christ woulcl not have cured tlio laper, if he had re.<br />

fi~sed to show himself to tllc priest, so now nu one obtains<br />

furgivc?ness of his sins unless he reveals his conscience to the<br />

pricst in confession.<br />


l, \I'llo came as JASUB descendctl f~om t.he ~nn~intai~l? What dicl<br />

the lapcr do ? hying what 7 What did Jer~rl~ nay, stretching forth<br />

His Iinnd P Wl~at did He chnrge him to do? 2. After this, wllither<br />

did fie return? Who lived in this city ? Who was ~ick ? What<br />

did he beseech Rome of the ancisntsof the rews todo ? 3, Whatdid<br />

the ceuturion Hay, when he ~.sw Je~us coming with the ancients?<br />

a Roman officer, over one hundred men.<br />


llanriug thin, rrhnii did Jmn~ say t;c> the mnltitudc ihat followed<br />

Him? 4. What did He the11 say to tile centurion? 5. IlrhnL cornl~urison<br />

is there bctwoon tll~ lrpcr showing himself to the priest,<br />

and the sinrlc:r going to col~fe~xinn?<br />

BAiSlSli TIlE 1\'11)0U"8 SON TO LIFE.<br />


Jcsz~s fiises fvo~ ffie Dend the Son of the ITGdortt of Nnim.<br />

I vill dclivcr tl~nrn out of thc ha~ltl of dcatl1.-Osce 13,14.<br />

N city callcd Nuim, and there wont with Him His dis-<br />

OTV it camc to pass, after this, that Jesus ~ ~cnt into s<br />

ciples n11d n great ranltitndc. As Ilc drew rienr the gates of<br />

the city, behold, a dcnd man was carried out, the only soil of<br />

a widow, The poor mothcr, plunged in sorrow, walked after


thc bictr,' and a 11~111l)cr of friends a.nd relatives nccompnnicd<br />

h cr.<br />

2. Wllcn the divine Snvior saw the bcrcaved motlier, He<br />

nrns movecl with compsesion, ancl said to hcr : ",Wccl~ nut.''<br />

Tl~en, coming near, HG made rt sign to the bcnreiw to stop,<br />

and, LvucLing the bicr, He tit~itl: '' Young man, I sty to thce,<br />

i s 1 " Forthwith the yuuug nmn sat up, a~rd Ircgan to<br />

61il'w.k. Then Jesus gave llin~ to his mother. Ancl all who<br />

witnessed this grand miracle were afraid, and glorified Gocl,<br />

saying: "A gre:tt prophet is risen up among us, and God<br />

bath visited IIis people."<br />


. I. Into wllrt city did Jesus go rvith Ilia disciplefi? Who was carried<br />

out ss He drew ilear tllc gntcs of the cit,y 7 Who wtdlted after<br />

tho bicr P 2. \Vi th rvl~ut w s tl~u ~ rlivirle Savior toucl~ed \vhen XIe<br />

saw the bereaved n~ot,hrr? lTl1at clid 1Te say to I~cr? \\'l~nt tlid<br />

IIc do, coming incar? l\'hat clid He sag? Il'l~nt did Il~ogoungruan<br />

do? \\'hat did thosc wllo ~~itncsscd this grand miracle tray?<br />


11% t11a.t believcth in Me, I~ath everlasting life.--Jult~t G,.#.<br />

[-T EROD ANTIPAS, the son of that IIcrorI who hacl ordcred<br />

tile massacre2 of the innocents, was now king of<br />

Calilce mld Percs. This I-Ierod was living with Hcrodias,<br />

the wife of his brother Pl~ilil), while the latter was i;lillnlive.<br />

Now John the Baptist mid to him : It is not lutvf~~l for thee<br />

to linvo thy brother's wiIb."<br />

2. This rcbulic provokecl the wr:ith of IIcrorl rind IIcrodias.<br />

Jollrl was nl~prchciidctl, bom~rl allcl pit ill p0iso11. Ucrod<br />

woulcl 11:wc put hiln to dcatli, Lut Iia feztrctl tlx? pooplc who<br />

lBr~:c, n Dal~~e for bearing the dead. fiinssacn~, killing wi L11 cruel ty.

considered Jol~rr as gre:d propl~ct. J (JIII, being 11om ili prison,<br />

aircl l~nvi~lg no othcr desire but that all should bclicae it1<br />

Jesus r\nd follo~v Him, sent tr~o of his disciples, in orcler that<br />

\~itll ilicir own eycs tlicy might sce tllc mimclcs wrought by<br />

Jcsus, runt1 wit11 their own ears thcy ~riigllt hcar His admirabla<br />

tonr1iing.s.<br />

8. l'licsc discil~lcs tllcn ~~reseritocl tl~cmselvea beforcJcsns,<br />

saying : " Art Tllnu He \v110 in to co~llc ? or expect we anotl~cr?<br />

'' Jcsus answered : '< Go, and relate to John 1v1la.t<br />

you have llearcl and seen. Tllc lrlil~rI see, thc lnlnc nrnlk, the<br />

lcl~crs arc! iiladc clean, the tlctzf hear, tl~c? dcnd rise ngtiiin, to<br />

tl~c 1)oor thc gospel is prcnclicd; anci blesscd is hc that sLu11<br />

llot Lc scanclaliaed~ in me."<br />


1. \\'l10 was liitlg of Gdilcc and Percn? \Yith \~*liorn wns hc living<br />

7 \Yll:tL (lit1 John t11cBaplisl tclI 11iu1 P S. l\'l~ntdicl Hcrod and<br />

IIc~*odins do? JVhy rlitl he fe'ear to pl~t him to death? \YhaL tlcsire<br />

had JohllP WII~ did 11e scrld trvo of his disciples to Jcsns7 3.<br />

\\'l~nt tlid these disciples say to JcsuaP lion7 did Jesus answer ihitt<br />

qaestio~l?<br />


The I'-%nitrnt Jfirgdlrlerz.<br />

C1i:~rily covereth a uultitudu of sins.-1. peter 4, 8.<br />

N illosc days :L Pl~al-iscc nslned Si111on inrifctl Jesus to cat<br />

.I iritli llim. Jesus went into tllo house wld snt do~v~l at<br />

tal)lc. Now, therc was in the cit.y h~~ornan callcdMary &Fagclfllcn,<br />

~-llo, fro~il a great tiinn rr. 11:icl rccently hen convertcd<br />

by tllc prcacliing of Jc~ns. 1Yl1cn al~c heal-cl tl~atour Lord<br />

wns in tl~c Ilouso of Simon, shc rcsolvcd to I~onor hcr divine<br />



2. Slie bongh t an alabaster box of precious ointment; end<br />

tered the house, passcd through the dining-room unmincllul<br />

of the pests, fcll cl on^ before our Lord, without speakil~<br />

a word, and hrcalring the vnsc, she poured tl~o<br />

ointment 011<br />

his fcct. Then? filled with rcpontzncc, she began to kiss IIis<br />

feet, nncl to wash them with her tco.rs, 2nd to wipe them with<br />

the hair of her hcnd. And Jesus was pleased. Now Simon<br />

seeing this, spoke within himself: "This man, if He were a<br />

prophct, no~~lld surely know who and what kind of woman<br />

this is who toucheth Him ; for she is n sinner."<br />

3. Jcsus, reading his tl~oughts, said to him: "Sirnon, I<br />

hnye sorncthing to say to Qcc." But he answered : " TvIastcr,<br />

say it." Then our Lord co~nr~~enccd t " A ce+t.nin ereditor<br />

had two dchtors ; ono o~vcd five llunclrcri pence, and the<br />

othcr fifty. And whereas they had not mhercwiih to pay, he


forgitve them both. 'Wllich, tharcforc, of tl~o two, lovcth his<br />

master most?" Silnon replied: '' I 13uppose that he to<br />

whom he forgave most." Jesus nnswcred: " Thou li~t judged rightly."<br />

4. Then pointing to the woman, IIe said : '< Dost thou see<br />

this woman? I entered into thy house; thou gavest Me no<br />

water for My f~t; but she hath wsghed My feet with tears,<br />

and dried them with her hair. Thou gavest Me 110 kis~;<br />

she, since sho came in, hnth not ceascd to kiss My fect. My<br />

head with oil thou didst not anoint; but slic, with ointment,<br />

hat11 anointed My feet."<br />

6. " 'C17hereh)re, I say to thee, Inany sins are forgiven hcr<br />

bemuse she 2ritt.h loved much. But to whom lessis forgiven,<br />

he loveth less." Thaz turning to Blagdaltlen, He said:<br />

Thy gins are forgiven thee. Thy faith Ii:ith rriade thee ~afe.<br />

Go in peace." These gracious words, non(? but n God, anda<br />

God of illliliitt? mercy and goodness, could have ~pokcn.<br />

They linve been, ever since, and -\vill be till the end of time,<br />

a source of hope and ~olls~lntion to repentant ~iImers.<br />


but<br />

1. Who invited Jesus in those days to eat with him? What did<br />

Jems do P Now, who wt~s therein the city 7 How had she been<br />

converted? What did she do when shc hcard that our Lord was in<br />

the honse of Simon? 2. What did ehe buy? What did she doat<br />

What did Simon, seeing a11 thia, say within himeelf? 3. Whet did<br />

Jesus, reading his thoughts, Bay to him? How did Simon amwer?<br />

IIowclid our Lord commence about the two debtors? How did<br />

Simon reply 7 4. lVhat compnrison did Jcsue make between the<br />

cruiclnc?t of 3fagclaleri and that of Sirnon ? 5. What did oar Lord say<br />

to Mngdalen? To whom @re the last words of Chriat a source of<br />

hope and co~lsolation P


A E ,. NOIV, thcio was at JC~~S~~CIII<br />

T the tkne of the P;issovc!r, .Jesus went np agaiin to Jerua<br />

pmn edlccl<br />

Probatic:~, n*hicll in IIcbra~vis nnmcd Ilctlrsaic1,z. It was surrountlctl<br />

t)y n grc*.zt bniltling which had five poi~llcs, ullder<br />

wl~ict~ lay, nt nll timrs, rr.grc:\t nlultilutlc of the sicli, the l:tme,<br />

thcblind, ant1 t?lc jnlirm, twiting fbr tha ~noriiigof the ~valcr.<br />

For at fitntcd ti mcs, ail nngcl cnmc clown i nlo the pond and<br />

mooctl the tvntcr ; nnrl hc who first went clowil into thc pool,<br />

aftcr tl~c nngcl's visil, mns curcl1 of Ilia discnsc.<br />

2. Among the crowcl of Cl~osc that wislicd lo Lo hrnlod, thcrc<br />

was :I m;n 1v11o 11:~d bee11 it~fin~ for tl~irly-eight Spays. Jcsns,<br />

rseeing hirn, was ino~rcd 20 lbity, al~tl tr:~icl tollin1 : " IYilt thou<br />

be made whole ? " TIie ir~firirl luan itns~vorctl : " Sir, J Imvc<br />

no one, when the water is troublerl, to put mc into tllc pontl;<br />

for, whilst I am coming, nothe her goc!th tlown bcforc wc."<br />

3. JCMS snid to hi111 : ('Arise, ktlrc? tip tlry bctl nncl \vnll; I "<br />

1mmcdi.ztcly thc ma.11 wr~s he:lletl, hc took up his bcd<br />

and went a1va.y rcjoicing. This toolr placc on the Sabb:~tI~.<br />

The Jerva, tl:crcfbre, sccing thc mnn carrying his bed, ~oid<br />

to him : 4' It is the Sabbath l It is not 1:~wftil for thce to tnlce<br />

up thy Bed.') The man answered : " Hc ~vl~o mnclo me<br />

whole, He sitid to me : ' Take up thy bcd and wfill;.' "<br />

4. Hnt the Jews asketl again: "Who is Hc that said to<br />

thee : Takc up tliy Led ant1 ~vnlk." Now the Illan na9 not<br />

able to h11 thcn~, for Jesus had withdrawn from the 111u1tit~tde.<br />

Soon aftcr, Jesns ~rlct this mmc mntl in the telnplc, untl<br />

said to 11irrl: '' Bchold, thou art ~nnrlc wllole ; sin no morc,<br />

lcst some worse thing happen to thc?~." 'l'hc mail tl~en \rc!nt<br />

his way, ancl told the Jc~vs that it IVU Jcsus tvlio liad llealed<br />



5. The Jo\r.s, concenling' tl-rcir envy ~mrlcr the clod: of zeal<br />

for the lam, ~)crsccutetl Jcsas for cnring t11c rnnn on the Sabbnlll.<br />

Hut Jesns ailid to them : '' My P:i.tZ~cr workot.11 ur~til<br />

now ; 2nd 1 morlc." Hu~ring this, the Jews ~o~lglit the moro<br />

to liiIl IIiin, beamsc ISr. not only, as they thought, broke tJ10<br />

Si~l)bntli, bnt TIe a180 said that Gocl was His Fnthcl; lrialriilg<br />

Ilimself' c!clual to God.<br />

6. Jesus tIie11 gave them more plainly to understand that<br />

Hc -runs tlie Son of God m~d equal to the Fatllcr : "Amea;<br />

amen, I say unto yon ; tho Son canllclt cio xnytl~ilig of IIim-<br />

self, but ~ vhnt XIe sceth the Father c10 ; for wllnt things soevcr<br />

IIe doeth, tllccc? the Son also cloeth in lilrc ~~lnrl~.~cr. For thc<br />

Fntlier lovclh the Srn~, alld show~tl~ IIim nll things mhidl<br />

Jlimsclf docth ; ant1 grentcr \\forks th:m these will Ila show<br />

Him, that you Inny wondsr.<br />

7. " E'or, :\S the Father ~nisoth up tha dead, nnd givcth life ;<br />

so thc Son xIso givot.11 lilb to whom 1Ec will. For neithcr<br />

dot11 tIlc F:ltllcr jiidge any IYI:L~~, but 11ath cu~~l~nitt(?~l a11 juclgraant<br />

t c ~ thc Son, that all ln(m may Ilonor the Soil., as thcy<br />

I~onor thc Fnthcr. Amen, amcl], l' say rrilto you, lie that<br />

hcnrcth Sly word and bclievtttl~ Him illat ~atlt Me,hnth overlnstirlg<br />

lif'c."<br />

Q W ESTI 0 NS.<br />

I. Whet ditl Jesus do at thc tirne of t?le Pas~ov~r ? IVirat pond<br />

IVRR thora at Jernsalctn ? IVllo lay i~nrlar its five porches? \Vhat<br />

llappenetl to the poo! nt titatcd timed 2. Who mns among the<br />

crowd of those that wishWl to to>(? Ileslorl? What did Jesn~, moved<br />

to pity, my to liim 'r What did tllc infirm man rillswer 7 3. What<br />

tlid Jcnns my to him ? \Vl~at followed P l\rT~nL tlid tko lnnn do?<br />

\\'hat did the Jews, swing the man currying his bed, tell him ?<br />

lVllnt did he ans\\rer? 4. What did the Jews RS~C again P Why was,<br />

he not able. to tell them? Whnt did Jcsun say to the Inan when IIe<br />

nlot Ilim in the temple? Whet did the rnan then tell the .few6 ? 5.<br />

For what did thc Je~vs persecr~te Jesuu? What did Jesus sny to<br />

thenl? Why did the Jcws seek to kill Jcsuu? 6,7. What did Jeena<br />

tl~c~z give thcnl more plainly to unclerstaz~d ? What did 31c say 7



You always resist the Holy Ghost, as your fathers did, so do you<br />

aleo.-Act8 7,51.<br />

HEX thc days of thc Peschl were over, Jcsus went<br />

'W back win into Gnliloe, preaching, and doing goo~l<br />

as Hc passed along. One day thcre was brought to Him, a<br />

Inail bblindnnd clu~rib, who was pos~essccl by the dcvil. Jesus<br />

c~zrcd him, and the rnan spolrc and saw. The multitude who<br />

witnessed this miracle said : ' l Is not this the son of Dnvid ? "<br />

For never hacl the like been seen in Israel.<br />

2. Hearing this, thc Pl~arisees said : " This man casteth<br />

out dcvils by Beelzebub,' the prince of devils." But Jesus<br />

answered : " now can Batan cast out Hntnrl? If n kiligdom<br />

be divided against itself, that lcingclom cannot stanrl. But if<br />

Satan rise up against himself, he is divided and cain~nt stand,<br />

but hath an end. But if I, by the Spirit of God, cast out<br />

devils, then is the kingdom of God comc upon you."<br />

3. I say to you, whosoever shall speak a word against the<br />

Son of Man, it shall be forgiven them ; but he that shall<br />

speak againat the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him,<br />

neither in this warld nor the mrld to came." Then a cer-<br />

tain woman from the crowd, hearing what Jesus said, cried<br />

out : " Blessod is the womb that bore Thee, and the breasts<br />

that gave Thcc suck." But Jesus said : '' Yea, rather blessed<br />

are they who hear the word of God, ancl keep it."<br />

4, Then some of the Scribcs and Pharisees aslrcd Him.<br />

44 Master, we ~vould see a sign from Thee." Jesus said to<br />

them : "An adulterous genera.tion3 seeket11 a sign ; and a sig~i<br />

shall not be given it, but the 6ign of Jonas, the prophet. For<br />

as Jonas was in the whule'a belly three days and three<br />

1 PARCH (pr. Pask), the passover; the feast of Xaster.<br />

~BERLZEBVB (pr. Be-ei'-ze-bub). a GENERATION, an age ; U race.


nights ; BO shnll the Son of rnan be in the llenrt of tllc cart11<br />

three days and throenigl~ts. Thc men of Ninive shnll rise<br />

in judgn~cnt 114th this generation, and shall condcmn it; bccause<br />

they did penance at the preaching of Joaas. Antl, behold,<br />

a grcater than Jorias is here. The qucen of thc soul11<br />

shall rise ill judgment with this generation, and shall condemn<br />

it ; bccause she came from tliu ends of the cart11 to hcnr<br />

the wisdoin of Solomon, and, behold, a greater than Solorno~l<br />

is herc."<br />

5. The pious woman who praised thc mother of Jesus, is a<br />

figure of the <strong>Catholic</strong> church, whose childre~llove, honor nild<br />

bless the mother of God. Now our Lord, in answering this<br />

holy pereon, mid that all thosc are blessed IV~V hcar the<br />

word of God nild keep it. But no oire, cither among angels<br />

or men, ever had a. faith so great, or virtues so many, as the<br />

rnothcr of the Redeemer. IIence lter throne in henven is<br />

above the tl~rones of the angels and the saints, and next to<br />

that of her divine Son.<br />


1. When the clays of the Pasch were over, whither did Jeeua go?<br />

Who was brot~gllt to him P What did Jesus do to him ? Whst tlid<br />

the multitude of people, who witnessed this mirseIe, ~ sy? 2. IIcaring<br />

this, wl~at did the Pharisees [ray? What did Jesus answer?<br />

3. Wh:rt did Re say of the sins against the Holy Ghost P What<br />

did a certain woman from the crowd cry oat 7 What did Jerrnsnsy ?<br />

4. TVhnt did some of the Scribes ~ nd Phariseeasay to Jesus 7 IVl~at<br />

did Jesus anHnper 7 5. Of whom ia the pioua woman that prailied<br />

theBlessedVirgin, afigure? Why is the throne of Mary raised<br />

above the thrones of a11 angels and saint^.?

274<br />



Jesm Preaching ott the Lake of Genesnrct?t.-The Piwatle of<br />

the 1hubnadnre.v Sowiitg the Seed.<br />

I will open IPg mouth in parables.-PS. 77,2.<br />

ONE day when Jews was nmr the Lake of Genesnrct11,L<br />

great crowds came to hear Him ; and sitting down on<br />


the sl~orc, He began to tcach. But the multitude still increasing,<br />

he went into a boat, and thence spoke to tIiepeoplr:.<br />

And Hc taught and spokc to them in parables.<br />

2. The Parable of the 8eed.-" Tllo sower went out to sow his<br />

sccd. And as he sontocl, sorrle fell by the wayside, and it<br />

m-r~s trodden clo~vn, and the fowls of the air devourctl it. Ancl<br />

somc fcll upon n, rock ; nncl ns Boon s.s it was sprung up, it<br />

'GENEEARETZI (pr. GC-ncsl-n-reth).


withcrcd away, because it Imd no moisture. And solnc fell<br />

nrnong tliorns, itnd the thorns growi~lg ~q) wit11 it, chokcd it.<br />

And Borne fcll upon good ground; !ind being sprugg up,<br />

yielded fruit a hundred-fold.)?<br />

3. Saying these thing^, Ile cried out : "He that hat11 cnrs<br />

to hear, let him hear." Ant1 His tiisoiples nslcecl Him what<br />

this parable might be. To whom Ha said: " TO you it is<br />

giver) to know the tnystcry of the kingdom of God; but to tIic<br />

rest in parables, that seeing they may not sec, and l~caring<br />

they may not understmd."<br />

4. Now the pnrdde is Uiis : Thc seed is the ~vord of God.<br />

And thcy by thc mnysidc arc thcy that hcar ; thcn the dcvil<br />

comcth, ancl takcth the word of God out of thcir henrt, lest<br />

1)elicving they shoulcl be ~avcd. Now tllcy upon tllc rock<br />

nro they who, when they hear, receive the word witEl joy ;<br />

ancl these have no roots ; who believe for awhile, md in time<br />

of temptation fall amray.?'<br />

6. "Ancl that which fell nmong thorns, are thcy who have<br />

heard, and going their 1t7.25', arc cliolrcd with cares, and<br />

riches, and plensurc!~ of this lifc, ancl yicld no fruit. But<br />

that on thc good ground, nrc tlicy who in a good and perfech<br />

henrt, hcnring thc word, kccp it, and bring forth fruit in pit.<br />

ticnce,?'<br />

6. The Parnble of the Seed and the Cockle.--Hc proposed another<br />

parable to thetn, saying : " Thc kingdo~n of heaven is<br />

likened to a man that sowed gooootl sccd in his field. But<br />

while met1 were asleep, his enemy tune nnd oversowet1<br />

cockle arnong the whei~t, and went his way. Alld whcn tho<br />

blade was Rprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared<br />

also the cockle. And the servants of tlic master cf the house<br />

came, nnd said to hirn : ' Master, didst thou not sow good<br />

seed in thy field P From whence, thon, hath it cocl~le? '<br />

7. IIe said tC) them : 'An silemy hat11 done this.' The<br />

servants said to 11irn : ' Wilt thou that wc go at~d gather it<br />

111) ? ' Anil he said : ' No, lest ~vl~ilc you gather up the<br />

cmckle, you root up the whetit, ulao, together with it. Let<br />



both grow until thc harvest, and in time of l~arvcst, I mill<br />

say.to thc rcnpers: 'Gather up first thecockle, wlc1 billcl it ill<br />

bundles to burn; but tl3e nrhcat gatl~cr into my barn.? "<br />

8. Jesus likc~visc? explained this pnrable, saying illat BC<br />

who sorvs the good sccd is Himsclf--the Son of man. The<br />

field is the world. Thc good seed represents t!le cllildrcn of<br />

God, and the c:oclrle thosc or the dcpil. Thc c?nemy 1v11o<br />

solved the cocklc is the devil. The harvest time is the end<br />

of the world, and the reapers arc the atlgcls.<br />

9. As the cocltlc js plucked up a.nd cast into the firc, so it<br />

wilI happcn to the wicked at i11c cnti of the world. Thc Son<br />

of man will send His angclu, allcl take away from IIia kingdorn<br />

all scandnls, ancl thosc who are guilty thereof slldl bc<br />

onst into the evcrlssting flnmctr of llell. Btrt Ulc just, i11c<br />

faithful servants of God, shalt be gatliercd into tllo ctcri~i~<br />

granaries of lleavon, and they shall slline likc the aun in the<br />

kingdom of the Father.<br />


1. Who came to Jesus one day when He was near the Lake of<br />

Gcneeareth? What did Ha do? What ynrable clid He then propoea<br />

to the people? 2. T\rlist bccome of the seed that fell by the<br />

wayside? Iirhat became of what fell upon stony ground? What<br />

became of that which fell among thorna? What became of that<br />

wbicb fell upon goud ground? 3. Saying these things, what did He<br />

cry out? 4 and 5. Explain thc lueanit~g of the ptrrablc P 8 and 7.<br />

Whal other parrrblo did IIc propose to tlleln P 8 uud V. IIow did<br />

Jestitl explain this parable 'l<br />


Christ Stills tAe Teltapest.<br />

Thnn rulest tllo power of tho sea; and nlspeaaest the motion of the<br />

wave8 thereof.-PS. 88, 10.<br />

NE eveni~iy Jcsus entcrcd into a boat, and His diaciylcs<br />

( ) lollonecl H~III. A great tcmpcst arose in t11c sea, SO<br />

that the boat ii*:ls covered with waves, and they wcrc in grcat

CRRTST ST11.1.8 TRR TEMPEST. 277<br />

danger. But Jesus was asleep. His disciples mine to Him,<br />

crying out with fohr : ".Lord, save us, me perish." Jesus<br />

arose and said to them : " Why are ye fearful, 0 yc of little<br />

faith ? Thcn standing, He rebulred the winds and com-<br />

mnndcd the sea, and there came a great calm.<br />

2. Rut the men wondered, saying : 'IVllat manncr of man<br />

is this, for the winds and Ihe sea obey Hkn 7 " So it is in<br />

all thc storms of life. If we have only coniidence in Cod,<br />


and ask Him to come to our aid, IIe will not fail ue in the<br />

hour of our need. He whom the winds and the seas obey, is<br />

ever at hand to help those who involre His name.<br />


l. Who follo~~~etl Jesus, one evening, into a boat 7 What.aro~e in<br />

the sea? What did the disciples do 7 \Wet did Jesnrr say to them?<br />

What did Jesus then do? 2 What did the men, tvondaring, say fl<br />

With what confidence should this miracle of our Lord inspire us?<br />



Jcs~s llenls the J-K)~?znrr A$icted ?frith a98 Isstle of Blood,<br />

curd Rniscs to Lzye the D~lnz~gbtt~ of jaims.<br />

IIe is 11ot thc God of the dead, but of tl~e living.--Nark 12~27.<br />

W""<br />

4 N Jcsus had rencl~ed the oppositc fihore, n, gcnt<br />

~nultitnde came to receive Him. Anlong the pcoplc<br />

there was one of the rulers of the synagognc, nnmctl<br />

3drns.l This man threw himself at the fcct of Jesus, and<br />

besought I'Lim : Lord, my daughter is at tl~c point of deal11 ;<br />

but comc, lily Thy harnd upon her, a318 ~~~eshnll live.'' Now<br />

tl~is maiden was twelve years old, and the only child of her<br />

ptrents. Jcsilv went with Jairus, bcirig follo~ved by His di8ciplcs<br />

ancl s grc:lt ~imnbcr of peoplc.<br />

2. A~nong tl~osc who follorcii Jesus and throngcd around<br />

Him, there was a, woman wl~o h d been suffering from uu is-<br />

'JAIEUS (pr. Jnh'-cc-rue.)

JESUS IINAL8 THl4: WOMAN. 279<br />

sue of blood for t~vclve years, md had spent a11 her fortune<br />

payiug do~tors. But ljlle c0111d not be heslet?. She now<br />

lnacle her 11-ay through the crow cl mid came closc to Jcsus ;<br />

for she tl~ought witlliil hersclf: If 1 sllall bnt touch His garments,<br />

I shall be whole. So she mallced bchii~d the Savior,<br />

nnd stretching out her hand, she touched the hem of His gartncnt,<br />

nild immc?dintcly she \v:ts healed.<br />

3. Then Jesus tun>ing round, nskccl : (' Who linth touehccl<br />

My garment ? " The jvomnn, sccing that she i:onl(2 not hide<br />

I~urself, and trembling with fcnr, threw herself nt His feet,<br />

and confcsscd for what cnusc shc hacl touclierl IIim. Jesus<br />

mildly said to 11cr : '' Daugl~tcr, thy faith hat11 lnnde tlleu<br />

W~O~C. GO in peilce ! "<br />

4. While IIe yet spolre, a messenger came from Llle housc<br />

of Jnirus, saying : Thy daughtcr is clcad. no not troublc<br />

the Master any fnrthcr." The fi~thcr gronnccl in a~lguisll, but<br />

Jcsus said to him : l' Fcar not ; bclicve only, n~irl she s11aIl hc<br />

aafe." On reaching the house thcg satv the riiourners mcepi11g<br />

and lamenting orrcr thc dcnd girl.<br />

6. But Jcsus said : Why tnnlic you this ado rind ~vailing?<br />

Tlle diilnscl is not clcnd, but sleepeih." Going in then with<br />

tlio afllictecl father ni~d solne of IIis disciples to where thc<br />

dead girl Iny, ancl taking IlerLy 1110 hand, Hcsairl: " Talitha<br />

curai, that is, Damsel, I say to thcc, wise ! " Imincdi~~tcly<br />

she rose it~lct wi~.lltcil, ancl thcy gavc her to eat. The f2111c of<br />

this miracle-iuiuther splcndicl proof of His ilivinity-~~ctlt<br />

abroad through the whole country.<br />


1. Who was there amonF; tho multilrirle that cslnc to receive Jefiiie<br />

on thc opposite sllorcl IVhrtt did Jnirus bcscec:lr Jt!ti~~s to do?<br />

Whal clicl Jesus dr, S 2. Who~vnsnuong tl~oee wllo folloretlJcsus 9<br />

\That did she think within hertielf? \\'hat did she tlo? 3. W11;kt<br />

dirl .Tesns ay, tnrning round ? What did the woirlarl tlo, trembling<br />

with fcar? What did Jesus uiltlly gily to ller? 4. \\'bile Hc yct<br />

spoke, who came fro111 the house of Jnirus? To tell him what?<br />

What did Jesus say to hirn? What did they see on reaching the


house of Jnirus 7 6. What did 3esua say ? What clid I3e do, going<br />

in with the father and some of His disciples to whore the dead girl<br />

lay 7 What did sho do ?<br />


Jestts Sends His A$osiles.<br />

It is not yon that speak, hut the Spirit of your Father that speak-<br />

eth in you.-Malt. ID, 20.<br />

TIII number of followers and nclmirers of our Lord, even<br />

. ,- from distant connlrios, kept increasing ns time went<br />

on. Ono day, when the mnltitude aromid Jesus, eager<br />

t,o hear His teaching, He hnd compassion on them, for tlley<br />

mcrc as shecp without a shcphcrcl. IIe said to IIis disciples:<br />


4. Jesus spolrc: When you comc into a house, say:<br />

Peacc be to this hou~e 1 ' And if that house be worthy, your<br />

peace sllall come upon it; but if it be not worthy, your pence<br />

shall return to you. And ~vhosoever shall not receive you,<br />

going forth out of thnt house, or city, fihnke off the dust from<br />

your feet. Amen, I say to you, it shall be more tolerable for<br />

the land of Sodam and Qomorrha ill the day of judgmcnt<br />

than for that city.<br />

5. " Behold, I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves,<br />

Be ye, therefore, wise as ~e~pents and sirnple ns doves. Bcware<br />

of men ; fur they will delivttr you up in councils, and<br />

they will scourge you in their synagogues. And youshall be<br />

brougl~t before governors and before lringa for My sake. The<br />

cliscil~le is not nbove his Master, nor the servant above his<br />

lord. Fei~r not tl~ose that Itill tho body and cannot kill the<br />

soul ; but rather fe~r Him that can destroy both ~oul and body<br />

in hell.<br />

6. Whosoever, therefore, shall confesfi Me before men, I<br />

will also conft?ss him bcfbre My Father who is in I-Ieaven,<br />

J3ut whosoever shdl deny Me before men, I will itlso deny<br />

him before, My Father IV?IO is in EIeavcn. Ho thnt lovcih<br />

falller or mother morc tllnn Me, i~ not worthy of Me. And<br />

he that lovctll son or claugllter rllorc than Me, is not wortl~y<br />

of Me. And he that 1:tlceth not up his cross and followeth<br />

Me, is not ~vortliy of Me.<br />

7. He lllst finclell1 his life shrill love it ; and he that shall<br />

lose his lik for My salrc, shall find it. He thnt recciveth<br />

you, ret:eivcth Me; and he that rcceiveth Me, receiveth Him<br />

Bat sent Me. And whosoever sl~nll give to drink to one of<br />

these little ones, only in tlie name of a disciple, men, I say<br />

to gnu, he shall not lose his rervard." When onr divino<br />

Lord had thus told Hi$ itpostles wl~at they hacl. to expcct<br />

from thc world, 1Ic sent them, two by two, into every city<br />

:md placc, pre:tching themword of God, and doing the work<br />

that He had commanded them to do,



1. Whnt happenerlone day when thc moltltude were around Jeeus,<br />

eager to hear His words? Wlirtt did Hc say to Hie tlieciples? 2.<br />

After I3e had spent the night in prayer, d:ry being come, what ditl<br />

He do?' IIow inarly did Hc choose from among llis rlisuiples ?<br />

What acre the apostles to do? What is thc mcaniiip of the word<br />

Apostle? What aro the namm of the apo~llee cl~osan by our Lord P<br />

3. Having chosen IIie Apostles, what did Jcsus eomulnntl tl~em to<br />

do? 4. ll'hntdid Nc tcI1 thcln to sayonenteringslio~ifie? 5. Whnl<br />

persecution8 did our Lord fort-tall Iiis npostlcs? G. What does orrr<br />

Lord Ray of tlloso thnt deny TTiin ; and of those that Iovo fatlicr and<br />

mother rrlore than their Snvior? 7. J\'h:tt does otir Lord aay about<br />

finding life and losing it 7 After our Lord had ended tl~ese words,<br />

what did He do 7<br />


]ohz the Baptist is Ptli to Death.<br />

Ble~8cit are they that suffer persecution for j~tstice'sake.-Natt. 5,10.<br />

‘H"<br />

4 RODIAS was filled wit11 lhatrecl against John the Baptist,<br />

aicl eought to destroy bim. But Hcrod cstccined<br />

John, and for n time obeyed him in mu~y things. Moreover,<br />

Hcrod IV~S still afraid of the people \v110 considcrccI<br />

John as a great prophet.<br />

2. Nolv Heroil, on his birthday, gave a banquet to the<br />

pri~ices and noble8 of his kingdom. Arld the daughter of<br />

Herodias, by her former husband, coming in, danced before<br />

the guestq, and Herod waa pleasecl ; whcrcupon ho promisecl,<br />

~vitt~ an oath, to give her mlii~t~oe~rcr dlc would rtslr of him,<br />

even it were bhc half of his kingdom.<br />

3. But she, being instrucled bgforehand by hcr mother,<br />

saici : i 4 Give lrlc here in a clid1 the head of John the Rap-<br />

tist I '? The king wns grievctl oil hcarilig these words, hut,<br />

thinking hirnself bound to Lcep the oath wliiclh 110 had sworu

efore Ilia guests, he se~~t nrord to the jailor, who bchendcd<br />

John, and presented his head on s dish, tn thc wicked<br />

dnugliter of a still more wicked mottlcr. I3ut. QIC disciples<br />

of the holy Baplist tool< thc body of their master a.nd buried<br />

it; and ca~i~e to toll Jesus mIlnt bncl happened.<br />

BXIlUIJIh'lf 01p JOllN TIIE BdIBTICT.<br />


1. Who IV:~ liIlcd with hatred against John ? Why wae Herod<br />

afr;lid of John 7 2. What did Herod do on his birlhdny l Who,<br />

coming in, danccd before the guests? What did IIcrod ~n-olnisc the<br />

girl, wit11 an oatl~? 3. 1\'11at did ahe, being iiistructed beforehand<br />

by her mother, SHY h him? HOW did ihc king fccl or; liearing these<br />

t\-ortls? nut w11~t did he think himself boutld to do?. What did he<br />

do P \\%at did the disciples of tlie holy Baptist do 7



The dfi~nch oftha Loaves a?td Fishes,<br />

Labor not for the meat which perisheth, b11 t for that ~sliich endnreth<br />

untolife everlasting, which the Son of 3lnn will<br />

gijo YOU.-John G, $7.<br />

PI-HE Feast of the Passover being at hand, the apostles<br />

- - returned to their divine Mastcr, and gave Ilirrl an ac-<br />

'<br />

count of all thcy had done. Rut Hc finid to them : " Cwnc<br />

ye apart into a clceert plncc, and rest a little." For therc<br />

mere rnariy corriilig and going that they 11nd no tirno to cat.<br />


fillould bc lost. They clicl so, nncl fillcd twelve baskets with<br />

thc rcmni~lcler of tl~e fivc losrcs nr~d t.he two fishes. The<br />

multitude, sceing this wonderful l~iirsele, %aid among thctnselves<br />

: " This is tllc Prophet inrlcc?d, that is to cornc into tho<br />

~0~1~1."<br />

G. Jesus, ktlorving their thougl~ts, and fcnring that they<br />

I ,<br />

l ' . , .-.<br />

.<br />

7 .<br />

,'.'. =-, ,.!,<br />

, -:. .. :;\ . . , i<br />

. -. *


knew Him not. They wcre troubled ancl cried out, and<br />

thought it was an apparition. Immediately Jcsus spalte to<br />

them : Have a good heart ; it is I, fear not." Tl~cil they<br />

were all astonished. But Pctcr mid : " X,o~d, if it bo Thou;<br />

bid ]no come to Thee upon the waters." Jcsue said:<br />

"Come.)'<br />

7. Peter left the ship and w:~llked upon thc x7nter, but eeeing<br />

the high waves, hc fcarcd, ancl began to sink, IIo cried<br />

ollt: " Lor(1, save me." Jesus strctchedfortli His ]land, took<br />

hold of him and said: "0 thou of little faith, mliy didst thoil<br />

doubt? " They returned to the ship and the wind ceased.<br />

Then tliase that were in thc sl~ip cried out: " Thou art truly<br />

the Son of God." Presently the ship was at the place to<br />

which they were going. When thcy had landed, the people<br />

brought the sick to Him ancl He healed thcm, and a11 those<br />

that touched His garments mere made whole. The great<br />

mir:tcle of the loaves ancl fishcs is one of llle most striking<br />

figures of the Blessetl Eucharist, in ~vl~it:I~ (;he fjavior of the<br />

world nourishes tlie so~~ls of countlcss millions of His fnithfill<br />

pcoplc.<br />


1. Whnt did the apostle8 do whcn the Feast of the Pn~sover was<br />

at hand? What did Jesus say to them? Whnt did thcy do? Wllat<br />

clid the peoplu do? 2. Wlrat ditl Jesns do, seeing tliiri jircnt maltitude?<br />

Mrhon He had finisl~cd His discourse, what clitl Ilc do1 3.<br />

When tllc day was already f:~r spent, what did His dieciples, going<br />

to Him, eny 7 U7hat did Jcsus tell them? What ditl Jcsns ask?<br />

Whnt did Andres answer'? 4, What did Jesne say ? When tile<br />

people wcre seated, what did Jenrls do? 6. When all the people<br />

wcre snlintecl, what did Jesus comrnnnd Jlie disciples to do? Having<br />

cIone 80, what did they fill? Whnt dicl the multitude say among<br />

tliemeelvcs? B. II'lrat did Jest18 fcrrr, knowing thcir thougl~ts?<br />

Whnt did He do? X'lmt clid dewiin tell Eliu dixciples to (10 'l JVllen<br />

did the ator111 come on ? Why were they troubled when Jesus \~allied<br />

n~)on the aes? Whstdirl JCSIIS sny to thcnll WIlat did ret~r<br />

any to Jmus? 7. What happenat1 to Peter? Of what i~ the rniraclc<br />

of the loaves and iishcs n figurc7


Jesw Promises to Give the Byead of Lye.<br />

Thou diclst feed Thy pcoplo wilt1 tho f(1ot1 of Angels, nlld gsveot<br />

them Ijreacl from Heaven.- t17is. 16, 20.<br />

ANY of thoso that hacl miraculously bccn fcd by onr<br />

M l,ord, mt~~rned next ~nming to Cnpl~arnm~n, whrrc<br />

thcy sought Him in tllo synagogue. I-lcro Jesus ddrevsctl<br />

Mlem, saying : "Amen, nmcn, I say to you. You ncck Me,<br />

not 1)ecause you havc seen miracles, but because you clid eat<br />

of tho loavcs nnti wcro filled. Labor not for thc meat wl~icl~<br />

pcrishoth, but for that which endurcth ~mto cvorlnsling lifc,<br />

wliicll the Son of rnan will givc you."<br />

2. Then they stlid to Him: "Lord, give us always this<br />

brentl." Brit 1Tc nnsrvercd : " I urn thc living bresil, which<br />

cninc down from I-Icaven. If any ~nnn cat of this bread, ho<br />

shn,Il live forever. TIlo brcncl which I will give is My flcsll<br />

for the lire of the world.)? I-Icming this, Uie Jclvs who were<br />

ill the synagogue bcpn to dispute among thernsclvss, saying:<br />

L' IIow can this man givc us His flesh to ozt ? ''<br />

3. Jcsus, far from putting an end to thcir diepute by giving<br />

,z figurative1 moaning to His words, simply repcntcd mllnt<br />

Be had spolcen : " Amen, nmen, I say unto you, unless y 011<br />

(tat the flcsll of thc Soil of man, and drink His blood, you<br />

~11~11 not 11nvo life in you. He that catet11 My flesh ancl<br />

drinkcth My Mood, hnU~ everlasting lifc, and I will rniso<br />

llitn up at tllo last day."<br />

4. "As thc living Fstllar hnth sent Jfc, and I liva by<br />

t,hc Bather, so hc that cnteth Me, the samc also shall live by<br />

MC. This is the bread that comc down from Heaven. Not<br />

ns your fa111ers did eat manna, and clicd. Ho that catcth<br />

this bread ~h:ill live ~OTCVCT."<br />

5. Many of tllc disciples, hearing tlrcsc words, did not hcliovo<br />

it possible that IIc colilrl c10 what Ha promised ; thcy,<br />

I PIGURATIVE, not li ~cnrl.

therefore, went sway, saying : (' This ~vorcl is bnrd, and who<br />

can hear it ? " But Jcsus, knovving tllut thcy nunn nu red nt.<br />

IIis teaching, asked : '' Doth this scandriliae you 7 " It clid;<br />

and many of them wslkccl no Inore with IIitn.<br />

6. Jcsus, seeing this, addrevsecl lTis u1,ostlcs : " Il'ill you<br />

nlvo go away? '' Peter answered in the niune of all : 'L Lord,<br />

to whom shall we go? Thou hast thc worcls of eterrin1 life.<br />

W e llave bcliaved, tt~~cl 11nvc li11o\~11 that Thou nrt the Qlrist,<br />

theSon of Gotl." We Icnrn Irorn thcse worcls of our Lard<br />

&l S to<br />

that lie cannot h8 st~ved, who, throi~gli his orvn faull, f '1<br />

receive the body of Christ it1 lIoly Communion.<br />


1. Why did those that had bee11 miracnlonsly fed, scclc Jesus on<br />

the follo\vil~g morning? What did Jesus say to thcm P 2. What<br />

did they thet~ say to klim? Whatdid 11s sap 7 Jrearirig this, what<br />

dicl the Jews who were in the sytisgogae begin tu do? 3.4. J3itlJostis<br />

Bay that 1-10 harl ayol;cn figunllivcly? 5. Whcn JIie cli~ciplcs heard<br />

this, what tlitl lusny of tlicm do? 6. How did Jesus than addrose<br />

His apostles? l171iat did l'otcr anewer in the i~urue of all?<br />


Ask, and it shall l ~u given you.-llall. 7,7.<br />

N the ncxt Fenst of thc Psssovcr, Jesus dicl not go up to<br />

Jerusdcrn on account of Wle snares laid for lIim by ,110<br />

JOWS, but IIe retircd into Cnlilco, Itnrnecliatcly IIc was followed<br />

by a, great crowd of poople bringirig tllo sicl;, thc<br />

they Isid sf llia<br />

blind, the lame, $110 dcaf, the dumb, wllo~n<br />

fcct, and I-ie curccl thcm all.<br />

2. Passing, one day, from Gnlilco to the confincs of Tyro<br />

tlricl Sidot~, where dwelt tllc idolatrous' tlascctnda~lts of tlto<br />

old Chanaa~~csns, a \vum:n1 of &hat country ran :~fter IIim,<br />

crying out: " Have mercy on me, 0 I,oril, Thou Son of<br />

fInu~~~uoua, pertaining to thtke wodip of idol&.

THE ;:\-OMAN OF CRARAAN. 289<br />

David ; my daughter is grjcvously troubled by a devil."<br />

Jesus made no answer. But she continuecl to beseech Him<br />

tht He n.ould lm~7e niercy on her tIaughter.<br />

3. Then t11~ n.postlos, pitying tlic nrornrm, and anxious tcl<br />

be rid of her importunity,' besought their divine Master to<br />

grrint her petition. Jesns repIicd that IEa was sent ollly to<br />

the lost sl~eep of the house of Psrnel. Hearing this, thc<br />

molnnll rencmcd, still more earncslly, her ~upplica.tions, falling<br />

at the Savior's fect and exclnitning : " Lord, help rile."<br />

4. Jesus, ~vishing to try her faith still nrore, said : " It is<br />

not good to tnlro the brcnd of the chiltlrcn, and to ca~t it to<br />

tllc dog~l." Hut shc, 110wise disconragecl, r~nsmcred : " Yea,<br />

Lord, for thc mhclps nlso eat of the cr111nbs that fall from the<br />

table of thcir master." Jesus nrav plcased with the I~nrnility<br />

of her answcr, and said : "0 nroirinn, great is thy faith. Be<br />

it done to thce as thou wilt." At the snnw lnomont her<br />

daughter was cured.<br />

5. Aftcr this, Jesus returned to the sea of Gwlilee, and they<br />

brought to IIiln a mtm who was clc:~f aRtl clu~nb. IIe took<br />

him aside from the ninltitude, put Eis fingers into the man's<br />

ears, touchcd his tongnc with spittle, nncl said : " Rphphctx,"<br />

that is, be 0pc11ed ; :\IICI imruedi ntely hc was xblc to speals<br />

ancl Ilcar. 'l'l~e peoglo cried out : '' Ire hnth donc dI things<br />

~vcll, I-Ie hat11 made both the dcnt'lo hear and thc dumb to<br />

speak."<br />


I. What happened on another Fc~wt of tlic Fas~ol~cr? lly whom<br />

was 1Ie irnniedistcly follo\vecl? 2. When Jesnx went to T~IE and<br />

Sidon, who rnli after Trim? \ITllat did she cry? What did Jesus<br />

do 7 What did the woman conti~ll~e to do ? 8. Wl~at did the apo-<br />

~tles I)esoocll their divine Mnstcr tr) do? IVllat, dicl Je~rlrr rcpIy?<br />

ITcnring this, nl~st did thc wornan do? 4. What did Jesus nay,<br />

wishing to try her faith sLiIl more t JV\'l~at did ekc ansrer 7 \That<br />

did Jcsrrs, plenficcl with her liumilit~*, Eng to her? Whnt Bappencd<br />

at; tiro H:tme mou~cnt? 5. \Vhorn clill they bring to Jesus? What<br />

did Jeeus do to him?<br />

~IMPO~TUNI~~P,<br />

urgent request.<br />

scnnn~~~. nit110 ~r~st. 19


JCSILS PY-oT?~Z'SCS J-'rkr the liys of tfic A7i??gdorn o/H~*nverr.<br />

1 will lay the key of the house a£ Dnvid upon 11% ~holllder.--~8.8~,~8<br />

P-->EISG come to t.ho ncighborhoocl of CrcsamaPhilippi,<br />

* -3 Jesus nslccd His spostlcs, m they went along, who the<br />

pcoyle said that 3Ic was. Thcy repliccl : " Some, John thc<br />

Baplist; others, Elias; and others, Jcrcmiss, or oiic of t,he<br />

~,rophet~.~V7ris11ing to bctw their own opinion, or, ~snthcr,<br />

to draw from them a profession of faith, IIc asked : " But<br />

wbum do yor~ my tlmt I an1 ? "<br />

2. Sirrio~~ Pet.cr ails.rvcrc!cl : " 'J'hon art Christ, thc Son of<br />

tllc liviilg Cioii." dcs~~s a:drl to him : L' Bleseecl nit thou,<br />

sirnon, Bar Juna, because flceh anil blood Lath not revealed

it to thee, but my Father who is in heave~i. Atld I sny to<br />

thee that thou art Pcter, and upon this rock .l will build My<br />

cliurcl~, rind the ptcs of hell shall not l>rc~sil azainst it.<br />

Anci I will givc to thee the keys of the kingclcm of hcnvcn,<br />

ancl -trhntsocver tl~ou shalt bind up011 ca~tl\, it shall be<br />

bamld also in hunvcll ; uncl mliatsoever thou shalt looso upon<br />

earth, it sllall be looser1 also in hcaven! "<br />


X. What did desutl, being come to tl~e neighlorllond of C~sarea<br />

Plliliplbi, asli His: apostles as they went alu~~g? \\'hat did they reply?<br />

l\'hat did Ha the11 ask tllelt~ ? '2. What did Sirnon Peter m-<br />

srver 'l What did ,Tesucj say to him ?<br />


He will ret'orm the body of our lotvtlcrjs, made like to the body of<br />

IIis glory.-l'hil. 3,.21.<br />

SIIOKT timc bcfore His p:rssion, Jcs~~s took with Him<br />

L- I'clar, J:nncs, :~nrl Jolla, NNI ivent 111) to a, l~igll mol~ntail1<br />

to 1)r:ly. Al~tl ~vliil~t EIc pr:tycd, Ho IFRB transfigurc:tLL<br />

hefore tllcm. His f:~cc shone like the stul, and IIis g:~rn~c!nts<br />

i)ccnnlc wllito as snow. ilncl, bchald, Moscs t~~icl Elias allpcnred,<br />

discoarsing with Hirn cc~ucerniug lkis passion and<br />

death, tvhicli He was soon to suffor for thc! rcdcn~ption of (be<br />

worlcl.<br />

2. Tr:insported ~vitll joy at tlic sigllt., Patcr exclnilnctl :<br />

" r,ord, it is good for us to hc 11ol*r. .ff thou wilt, let us 1nn1;e<br />

Ilerc tllro(: taJJcr~~;~clrs; OIIC fbr 9'11~0, n11c1 orlc! fbr hlosos, illtd<br />

oric for 1Clins." As IIC was yct fil}c:lliing, x l~rigl~t cloud o.rQytrhadowwl<br />

tllc~n, ~uid thc ~roicc! of the 1:tcrnal I?at.llcr was<br />

l THANSIIUUBYD, dto~et2ler clln~~getl in al,pearance.<br />

l0 *

202<br />


hcard, saying : 'c This is My beloacd Son, in whom T m well<br />

pleasecl. IIcar y o Him ! "<br />

3. Tlio disciples fell prostrate on the gronnil, terrifird hy<br />

the heavenly ~oicc. Then Jestrs calnc to tlicm, and touchcd<br />

them, snyi~ig : "Arisc, and be not afraid I Wlieu tl~q<br />


arose, thcy saw no one Imt Josus alo~~e.<br />

As thcy mcnt down<br />

from thc momllain, Jesus said to tho tl~rce disrdplcs : " Tell<br />

the vision to no ono till the Son of h.Ia.11 bc risen from the<br />

dead."<br />


1. \17hithcr did .Tesnri go a short tin10 bcfore TIis passion? Whom<br />

did He take with IIim'l What happcned while lIe prayed? Who


appea.&, discoursiug wit,Ii Tliln? Conmr~li~lg \v\-l~:~.t did they discourm?<br />

2. What did l'cbr ~!scl:iil~~, t~~ansportcd with jo~.? iFr11ilst<br />

hc was yet epcnIiil~g, ~rl~nt happcnctl? Wl~at voice was hmrd?<br />

Saying what? 3. Whnh clid the disciples do? What did J~SIIH then<br />

do? What did KC say? Wl~c!n they nrosc, who was ouly to bo<br />

seen? As th~y went dobm from the moontuin, what did Jesus say<br />

to them?<br />


Zhc Trihjt~? for the T~n~flt.<br />

Put not u, ~canrlal in .yoor brother's may.-22om. z4,23.<br />

TESUS having returned with Ilis rlisciples to Caphama~~,m,<br />

those who cnllectctl thc annual tribntc for the templc,<br />

came to Peter and asltcd : 110th not your Ifaster pay thc<br />

didrachma? " ' Pcter replied: '. Yes," and {vent to tell<br />

Jesus.<br />

2. But when Jesus saw Pctcr coming, Hc said to him:<br />

" Of whom do tllc liillgs of thc cnrlh tidca tril~ntc or custom ?<br />

Of their on7n childrcn, or of slrurigcrs ? " l'etcr a~lsmerecl :<br />

" Of strangers." J csus continuetl : '( Then the childrcn arc<br />

frco. But, that we mny not ficnlldalise them, go to thc scs<br />

and cast ill n hook, and the fish ml.iich An11 first comc np,<br />

tnko ; nntl rnl~~ii tlmu hnst olroued its i~lonth, thou shalt iinclz<br />

stntcrl ; talrc thn.t, and givc it to tLc111 for dIe ant1 for thcc."<br />

I'ctcr dirl as his Alrtstcr 11:irl cuxr~~ii:u~derl. lJctcr bcing tl~c<br />

head of the apostles, paid for all lhc olllers by paying for<br />

l~imsclf.<br />


I. nThen Jean8 retnrned 1ril.h IIis tlisciplco to Cnpbnrnnnm, who<br />

came to Peter? b)ld asked hiln wlrat? IVi~nt did Pcter n*plyP<br />

Whut (lit1 fie tlo ? 2. \'ha1 Jcs~rs srlrv T'etrar c.omiug, n-hnt ditl Hc<br />

ask hirn? What did lJctcr auswcr? 1Vl1at dicl Je~os say to him?<br />

What did Pctcr do? Did f'eetcr pay for the other npc~stles?<br />

'~)IURACHYA (pr. di-drak'-ma). An ancient Greek silver coin worth<br />

about thirty ccnts. W~a~sn, un uncicnt coin.

294 111 STORY 0 11' TIlE XETV TKSTAIIEST.<br />


The Lord is the 1:ccpor of little ones.-PS. 114, G,<br />

N oonc occasion, snnie pious mothers brougl~t their chil-<br />

Q Jren to Jesus, thnt IIe might place IIis hands upon<br />

them and bless them. 13ut the disc.iplcs, ihinking that He<br />

would not troui>le IIi~nsclf ~~litli infants, begall to rcbuke tl~o<br />

. , .<br />

I. - - -..<br />

1). ><br />

, .<br />

l'; .- I.. .. L- . .,<br />

l .-- . - . -<br />

=-.-l ,L', 1 .<br />

. - >& -.-K . , -- . T<br />

'ic- -<br />

.<br />

. ,<br />

p -- - .- . - I<br />

m3thers, and scnt them nwny. But this conduct of His disciples<br />

was not plcasi~lg to our rliri~ie Lord, and Hc said to<br />

them: "Suffcr little children to come to Me, and forbid<br />

them not, for of such is the lcingdom of hcn~en."<br />

2. Thcn, ciiressing tlio cliildrcn, IIe placed IIiv hand on<br />

thir heads aid Llcsscd them. Thcn He said t.o thosc \vllo<br />

stood around : "Amen, I say unto you, unless yo11 becor~ne<br />

as little children, you cannot enter into the kingdom of<br />

Ileslvcn. But ho that shall scand:tlise one of these little ones<br />

t.he,t believe in Me, it wcro Letter for him that .t rtmill-stonc


2. I-Ie then spokc to His apostles : " Amen, I say unto<br />

you, ~vl~atsoevcr gon sllall bin cl upoa earth, shall bo bound<br />

also in hcaven; ~tnd what.thocvcr you shall loose on earth,<br />

shall lc Iooscd also in heaven." J\rl~crcupon Yctcr asked<br />

Jcms : I' Lord, how often ~hdl my brollicr off'cnd mc, and I<br />

forgive him ? till seven times? " But Jcsns al~srrcrcd : I<br />

say not to ihee till scven times, but till fie17cllty tirncs sc17en."<br />

By this He meant that there is to be no limit to our forgiveness<br />

of injuries. Thcrcuporl Jesus relded<br />

3. The Parable of the Unforgiving i3er*vad.--'c The kingdom<br />

of hcnven is likcncd to a king who rrould take an nccount of<br />

hie servants. W11cn be had bcgun to tnlie the nccount, one<br />

was brought to him t,hnt owed bim ten thou.u~d tale11ts.l As<br />

he had not ndierewith to ptly it., his lord comnrl~i~ded that<br />

he dlould bc sold, and his wiIe md children, arid a11 that<br />

hc had, and p:lym:nt to he made."<br />

4. " But that servant, falling down, bcsought him, saying :<br />

Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.' Now tlie<br />

lord of that servant, being moved with compnssion, let him<br />

go, and foforgave l~irn the debt. But 1vhc11 that se~s:tnt 1~a.5<br />

gollc out, bc found onc of hi8 fcllnw-st?rva~~ls that utomctl llixn a<br />

hundred pence, and, Inying hold of him, he throttled him,<br />

saying : L Pay what thon owest ! ' ?'<br />

6. 6t Then his fellow-servant, filling down, bcsought him,<br />

saying : ' Ha~w pslience wit11 mo, and I mill pay thee all.'<br />

Yet hc would not; but trer~G rind cast lii~n illto pridc~n G11 he<br />

shoulcl pay the debt. Kow, his fellow sen~nnts, suoiag dlat<br />

was dose, wcre very much gricved; allcl. thcy came ancl told<br />

their Iorc3 all that was done.''<br />

6, tr Then his lord called him, and sdd to him : ' Thou<br />



hca.venly Pntller do to you, if you forgive llot every one hi^<br />

brother from your hearts."<br />


1. What did Jcsu~ say about correctiug orrr brother? 2. What<br />

did He ~sy to His apostles i~l>l,oat binding an11 loosiog? What did<br />

Peter ask our divine Lord ? What ditl Jesus answer? 3,d, 5, and B.<br />

Recite the parable of the unforgiving scrvallt 1 What ie tho applicstiou<br />

01 tlie parable 7<br />


Jrsris sejzds forth His L5ccwufy-tzuu Disciples.<br />

Por Christ tlic!refore n'onrt! rtmbassador~ ; Ciod, ufl it wera, exhorting<br />

by us.-XI. Cor. 5,20. .;<br />

ATTING retnrncd fmrn Galilce to Jurles, Jesus ~clected<br />

H from among lIis followers seventy-two, whom RC<br />

called disciples, that thcg might assist the twclve apostle8 in<br />

thc! ~vcn'k of thc ministry. He sent them forth, two by two,<br />

saying : " He illat hcnrcth you, lleareth Me, and ho tlmt despiscth<br />

you, clespiscth M6 ; :ind he that despiscth Me, despiscth<br />

Hi~n that scnt Me.''<br />

2. A short time acter, tbc seventy-two returned to Him, rcjoicing<br />

and anying that even the dernons were sul~jccl to them.<br />

Jcsus, fearing Ghat they might become vain of thc power that<br />

was given thcm, said: " 1 saw SaLrn, as lightning, falling<br />

from Ileaven. Rejoice i~ot becsusc the spirits are subject to<br />

you, but rcjoico in ihis, that your narnes arc writton in the<br />

I3aol; of Lifc."<br />

3. Thcn, rejoicing wit11 them, E?e praycd : " I give thanks<br />

to Thoc, 0 Fnlher, 1,ord of heavcn aud ealbth, that Tl~ou hnst<br />

hid thcse tliirlgs frli.om the wise nncl prudcat, and 11nst revcnl-<br />

ed thcm to little ones ! " By " little ones " our blessed Lord<br />

here meant the lowly, the humble, the unlearned.

205<br />



1. Jesi~a having rcturnctl from Galilee to Jrtdca, ~7l1nt tlid IIc do?<br />

How ditl tIe send thern brllt? Sayin:; what? 2. A fiholvt timc after,<br />

-rvllcn tllc scvcnty-two retnrrletl to Hi~n rejoicing, wl~nt (lid they<br />

say ? 7I7hat tlid .JHRIIH ~CDI.? II'hnt did TTe flag? 3. Then what clid<br />

I-Ie sw, rejoicing wit11 lltelrl? Whom ilid alll. Lord ~l~cnll by the<br />

" little ones? "<br />


The Docto~* of the Law.- The God Sanznm'tnrtn.<br />

Blcs~crl n1.c tllc merciful, for they hall ol)t1~i11 1ner~y.--i"(~1t.5, 7.<br />

NCE, ~vhen Jc~us was on His way to Jerusdcrn, 11c met<br />

0 a doctor of the law, w!lo, hoping to purzlo our Lord,<br />

sslrod IIim, throng11 curiosity : L( Maatc~, what must I do to<br />

possess eternal lif'c: ? " Jesus nnswcrcr1: " MTllnt is ~~rilten<br />

in the Is\\-? bow r~ndcst thou ? " Hc replied : " Tliou sl~dt<br />

love the llorci, tlly God, wjOi thy ~vholc hcnrt, and wit11 thy<br />

whole soul, ancl .with all thy sti.ct~gtl>, nncl ~vitl~ all thy mind,<br />

and thy neighbor as thysrlf:"<br />

2. .JC?SIIB fiaicl to II~M : " 'l'liou hnst answered right ; this do,<br />

and tll011 sh;tlL live." But Wre cloclor, \\-ishi~g to justify<br />

himself, asked. " TYho is my ~~cighbor ? " Then Jcsus urnrated<br />

3. The Parable of SAt Good Gamn~itan.--'

4. Tho ncxt day IIC t,nnk ouL two llrnct. and ga~c to tllc<br />

iaabecl~or, ant1 s:dd : T:~.l:c cnro oI Iiinl, and wl~atr:ser thou<br />

sllslt sl3c:ntl ot'cr ar~tl nhovc, I, :if; my rcl~~rn, will repay<br />

thee.'' l-laving liriisl~ocl thc l):~rrJ)lo, J cr;us nsliod thc cloctor :<br />

" \TI~icll of tllesc tllroc, in thy opinion, was neigl~bor to hiin<br />

that fcll arrlong the robbors ? " Tl~e dootor of Ihc Ism rcpliecl<br />

: " IIe that sllojved mcrcy lo hirn." Jcsrrs s;Gd to him :<br />

"Go: and do thon ill like manner ! ''<br />


I. Whom clid Jesus oilcn lueet when Iie w ~ going s up to Jer~lsalcm?<br />

T\rl~nt did thr? doctor of tho law :mlr III~'! Whnt did Jesns<br />

answer 11i1nP J\'l~nt dicl the doctor reply Y 5 :~nd 3. Whatdid Jcsus<br />

say to hiin ? What did the cloctor ask, wishing to justify himself?<br />

What psrablc clid Jesrls thcn rclnic P 4. WhaL rlnestio~l did Josus<br />

put at the end of tlio parrrble? Whal (lid thc doctor of the Inw reply<br />

B IVi~at advice did Jesus give to the doctor ?



Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and His justice; and all<br />

tlleee things shall bc added unto you.-~Uatt. 6, 33.<br />

wHc<br />

1 N Jesus had returnecl to Judea, Hc cntcred s cer.<br />

taio town named Rcthania, a short distancc from Js-<br />

rusalem, where He wm kindly entertained by two pious sisters,<br />

named Mnry and Martha. ' Now, IIary, wl~o is also called<br />

Magdalen, sat doivn at the<br />

L<br />

p' -<br />

a - , - Savior'~ feet und listened at-<br />

/li(<br />

t- . tentively to the words of<br />

wisdorn that fell from His divine<br />

lips. Martha, on t11c<br />

. i<br />

,l 4<br />

.,an !,<br />

other hand, busied herself in<br />

preparing the repast.<br />

2. lkIarthn, then, seeing that<br />

"L .,v<br />

_I J -<br />

L she had to clo all tho ~vorlc,<br />

, ,<br />

, S I<br />

>---<br />

- ._- _ complaincxl to the Savior, and<br />

- said: Lord, ]last thou no<br />

- --<br />

.I.<br />

care that my sister has left<br />

JY~ULJ IN THE HOI;SE OF BIAI~Y AND me alone to scrvc ? Speak to<br />

~AWHA. her, illerefore, that she help<br />

me ? " But Jesus answered :<br />

'#Martha l EIartlla! Thou art careful and troubled about<br />

many things; one thi~lg o~ily is necessary. Mary hnth<br />

chosen tlic best part, whic:h shall not be talren away from<br />

her.'' The one thing nccassary, of which our Lord spoke, is<br />

the work of salvittion. Jcsrxa does not blnrno fifarlha for<br />

morliing, but bee~usc she orl lied in a restless and ulleasy<br />

stitte of mind.<br />


1. Whorc did Jesus ~ o after , He had returned to Jerusalem? By<br />

whom ~ ~ He ~ entertained a u thora? What riid 3lrrry do? Wl~at did


Martha, on the othor hend, do 7 2. To whom did she complain 7<br />

What did she say to uur Savior? What did desrie answer? What<br />

is " the one thing needful ? '' Why did Jesue blame Martho?<br />


Jestrs the Good Sltepltrrd.<br />

Hc shall foed His flock like a sIlephcrd ; HA ehall gather togcthcr<br />

the lambs His arm.-Is. 40,ll.<br />

T"<br />

4 SUS having gone back to Jcrnsalein fur the Beast of<br />

Tabernacles, went to the temple and taught there,<br />

s ying : I am the Good Shephcrd. The good shepherd<br />

giveth his life for his sheep. But the hireling, and<br />

--<br />

be that is not thc shepherd,<br />

.- -<br />

..<br />

-- - -. ,<br />

sccth UIF wolf coming, and<br />

. . , . , I lcaveth the sheep, and fleeth.<br />

-<br />

/'I J I' ,<br />

I am the Good Shepl~erd, and<br />

L ,?w+q ,,<br />

--.<br />

. . , ,r:.<br />

-.<br />

, - -- . . .<br />

, ,.'. ,. - , , ,, I know mine, and mine know<br />

: ' .'.I Me, and I lay down Rly Iife<br />

. {Y -;$J . I;,:,<br />

- : , :\ , , - for My sheep. And otlisr<br />

. ? . '.' ., {. - .: ;j; m<br />

.. I..,, , . % , I<br />

- - -. -:, . c , : . : shscp I have, which aro not<br />

. -<br />

. -<br />

- ',, of this fold; them also I rnust<br />

:-_I.<br />

. .<br />

, .<br />

, --,<br />

t ,... ,'<br />

'\ P , . bring, and they shdl hear My<br />

: *",:; voice, and there shall be made<br />

.i. . i v<br />

, , ; one fold and one shepherd."<br />

l 2. The words of our Snvior<br />

attrscted large crowds of pco-<br />

THE GOOD s~srrrw. ple. Even publicans nlid<br />

great sinncrs were uanblo to<br />

resist the sweetness of His words, ni~d thcy gathered aroui~cl<br />

Hinl W He went. Nolv the Pharisees were scandalised, bcmuse<br />

Jesus rcccived so Irindly Blose men whom thcy, puff'cd<br />

up with self-conceit, looked down upon with supremo contempt.


3. But the mcrciful snvior, seeing their thoughts, said :<br />

" What mall among you that hilt11 a htuldred sheep, ancl if 11e<br />

shall lose ono of them, doll1 he not leave the ninety-nine in<br />

the desert, t~ricl go after that which was lost, until 110 find it?<br />

And when 110 l~nth<br />

founcl it, dotEl he not Iay it upon his<br />

shoulc2ers, rejoicing ? ''<br />

4. " Thcn coming home, does hc nut call together his<br />

fricnds anrl neighlors, saying to the111 : ' 1Cejoice with MC,<br />

i)ecause I have fvu~ld nly slic(>p that wns lost. ' I say to you,<br />

that ever1 su there shall. bc joy iu Leavsn nl)un one sinnnr<br />

that dot.E~ ~~c~lance more tb:m upon ninety-nine just tllat<br />

need not pena~~cc."<br />


1. Jesus, hnvi~lg gone back ta Jernsale~n for tlie Penst of TabcrnacIea,<br />

iThnt comparison of IIiiriuelf clitl I-IC make? 2. 11'11al: affect<br />

had tlx Snvior's words? Wl~o were attracted by the s\reef.ricse<br />

of His xvortln? \J711y were tlic Pharisees sc:an~lnliued? 3.4. But 1v1iat<br />

did the merciful Bavior saji wbcn hie sslv their thoughts?<br />


How great is the IIercy of tllc l.ortl, ancl tIin 1i)rgiveness ~ KI Llle~n<br />

that tlirri tu Him.--Ecclus. 7'7, 3.<br />

d )"<br />

another occasion, Jcsus l~roposed the following llnra-<br />

IlIe to the .~cms : " A ccrtain xi1011 11:itl two sons. Anrl<br />

the youiigc~~ of them said : ' Father, givo n ~c thc portion of<br />

substalicc that falleth to 111c.' The fatlicr clid so. h'ot ninny<br />

days nftcr, the youngcl. SUII, ji;itllering all his property, mcnt<br />

nbroatl into n far country, iulcl there hc ~pcilt his st~bstai~ce<br />

living riotously."<br />

2. "After Ire hacl spe11C all, thcre cnmc n mighty fn~ni~le<br />

in that connlry, ancl lie hckgnn to hc in \~:111t. l'l~cn lic .wen1<br />

and joined himsclf to one of the citixcrls of that country.


son.' Thc father said to his servants r Bring fort11 quickly<br />

the first robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his band<br />

and sltocs on his feet. A11d bring hither the f~itted calf a11d<br />

Icill it, ailcl let 11s eat ancl ~nnlre rnerry; bccn.nae this rny son<br />

was dcnd, and is come to I.ife again; he was lust $11~1 is<br />

found.' ''<br />

5. 'I Kow his elder son vns in the field ; ancl nrhen he c:une<br />

and clre~\rnigl~ to the hot~sc, ho heard ~nnsic nnrl clnnci~lg. Re<br />

callcd one of the servnnts and asliecl m-ha.t t,l~csc things<br />

meant. l'he scrrailt said to 11i1-n : ' Thy broth er is come, nil4<br />

thy father bat11 lcilled tl~e fattccl cnlf, because hc haih ~~cccir<br />

ed 11im safe.' And hc was angry, and ~~oulcl not go in. His<br />

fnthc~, therefore, comiilg out, bcpn to entreat him."<br />

G. r'Eut he ans~rrcring said to his father: LRcliolil, for so<br />

many ycsrs do I scrve thoo, and I ha.1.e never transgl.esscci~<br />

thy commnnclment, and yet thou hnst never given me n lcid<br />

to rrltllre merry with my fric?nds. Rut as soon as this tllp son<br />

is come, who hath devoured his substance, thou hast killed<br />

for him the fa.tted cnlf,' "<br />

7. "J3t1t the father rcpliccl: 'Sou, thou art nlwnys 1vit11<br />

me, and all I have is thinc. Yet it was fit that \fro should<br />

mr~lcu merry 8nntl be glad; for this thy brotlicr x--r-nu denrt, and<br />

is come to life agn.in; Ile was last nild is fr1u1-1~1."' By this<br />

bca~~til~~l parable our Llessed Lord tcztchcs us 1107~ ~villjng<br />

,lImigl:hty Gocl is to rcccive tlle pcniterlt sinncr, and how rcjoicccl<br />

Ile is at his return.<br />


'I. Tl'bst parnble did Jcsn~, on another occasion. propose to tllc<br />

Jcws? \\'lzrtt did the yoilngor son fin!- t.o 11% hthcr? Jlow (lid i ~c<br />

spend Ilia s~~bstnnce in tlie fn~ clounlry? 2. After 110 llntl filiciit all,<br />

what did fharocolne in that country ? What cliil the young tnan do ?<br />

IV11nt clid the citizcn do? With whnt motild the young nlnn hnvc<br />

fillacl hie stornnch? TT11nt clid he say, enlering into hirn8etfP<br />

3. 11'11nt did lie do? TVhnt dirl ilia hthcr do n.l[en ho fin71-11irn B<br />

great 7vay off7 and vns niovf~d with cnlnpassion? 4, \\-hat (lid the<br />

son sny ? What did the father s:ry to his sen-ants? 5. What did<br />


to brcnk or violate a la~t~.


the clder son Iicxr, \1*11cn hc calne ne:m to the Irorrse ? IYhnt dicl he<br />

ask ono of tla seriyn~~ts? W11:rt (lid the servanl; sny to liiru? What<br />

hy)~lenecl then ? 6. W11at (lid thc son say to the faitlier? 7. What<br />

did the ih-thcr then say to him? IVLat cloea our blessed Lord teach<br />

us by this beautiful pnmble ?<br />

J"<br />


TArr Pamble of Dives, the Rich ilfnrt, and La~ants.<br />

111 all thy worlcs remcmbci. thy last end, and thou ahal t ncrcr<br />

siri.-Bcclus. 7, &U.<br />

{SUS, wishing to show the evil cffects of riches, ahcn<br />

misused, and the advnntctge of poverty, when borne \vitll<br />

~'utienco, aaid : "Therc was a certain rid1 man, who was clotlled<br />

in purple and fine linen, and fared st~mptuouslg~ overy day.<br />

And there wns n certain Zlaggnr, by nnmo Lazarue, who lay aat<br />

1118 riqh man's gate, full of sores."<br />

2. '' He clcsired to be Glled with tho crumbs tl~t fell from<br />

thc rich mn.11'~ Inl~le, but no onr! tlicl give Ilirn. B3iloreovcr, the<br />

dogs came ancl licked his sores. Now it caale to pass thnt the<br />

beggar died, and he ww cnrricd by the angels into Abralllnm's<br />

bosom. But the rich lnn.13 also clied, and hc was buried in<br />

bell. And lifti~ig up his cycs, ~rhen 11e rrln.s in torments, he<br />

saw Abrl~l>a~n alar off, nntl Lazarus in his i)oson~."<br />

S. " Then he cric?tl ancl said: ' Fallier Abrn.hnm, l~avemcrcy<br />

on me, and send Laznms that he nay dip thc tip of liis fingcr<br />

in water to cool my tongnc, for I aln torinentccl in this &~n~c.'<br />

Abralii~rn said to hi111 : ' Son, remetnbcr thnt thou diclst rc-<br />

ceive good tliiiigs ill thy lifctitne, nntl lil~cn.ise Lax:~ras cvil<br />

thing" hut now 11c is colnfortc?d, nnd thou art tormented."<br />

4. '( dAt~d besiclea all tIlis, bctrcen us :uld yon thew is<br />

fixcc1 a great chaos, m til:it tl~c!y who \~0111d pass from henoc to<br />

you, c:t~i~lot ; nor frotn thcnco come Ilitl~er.' Thereupon 1)iveg<br />

aaici: ' Then, father, I bcseecli tlic?e, that tllou woulclst<br />

sellcl him to ruy father's house, for I hsvc five brethren, thd<br />

1 Sux~~.vous~~, expcusively, splendidly.<br />

Hcncmsn, l3Iblo Hirt. 'VJ

3%<br />


he may testify to them, lest they also come into this place of<br />

torments.' "<br />

G. (' But Abmh:im said to him : 'Thcy have Moses and the<br />

prophets ; let them hear them.' But he said : ' No, Father<br />

,. , tl , , I S 1 . ,r.s,n--a-,l,,n.,. I S 4 , v =- .R&<br />

< - .'.<br />

-I.. , : .U<br />

- - .. I. - . ,I<br />

, -<br />

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Ahraham; bnt if one wellt to them from tlie dead, they will<br />

do penance 1 ' Abrhxn said unto him : L If they hear not<br />

Moses and the prophets, ncither will they believe if one rise<br />

again from the dead.' "<br />


1. What clicl Jasrre say, sisbi~lg to sho~v tl~c evil effect of riches,<br />

when misused, nntl the nclvaiitsge of poverly whcn bornc with Pntience?<br />

1Vha.t certni~i rich Innn 1s rl~cntioned in t,lle ximble ? W 110<br />

wits tl~a 1lcpg.r that lay at Ilia gate ? 2 ilrlinl did 2nmn1a dosin. t<br />

What did the dogs do? \\'he?rtr rrxu the poor man carned when lro<br />

died ? IVliere was the rich mnn buried when 11a died ? Xi71iere did<br />

Dives, laoliing u >, see J,axal?ic;? R. Urhat dltl ho crv out to Abrab~ml<br />

~h:~tditfdl~rnl~atu say? 1: \,'hat did Dive~iay? I. W11.t<br />

d~tl Abrnliaul sag to him? \\'hut dlrl Dlves gay about hlfi brothera?<br />

What did Abrahom reply ?



The11 shall tlie eyes of the blind bc opened, and the cars of tlro<br />

deaf shall be unstuppot1.-18. 35, G.<br />

S JESUS was onc day going ant of the tcmplc, Kc saw a<br />

A 113an who llacl Lecn bli~id from 11is birth. Thc disciples,<br />

who wcre with .Jesus, tI1erclfol.c aslzccl Hiin : " Mastcr,<br />

who bath sinned, this mnn or his pnrcnts, that he should bo<br />

born blincl? '' Jesus snsivercd. " Ncithcr 11nth this mat1<br />

sinucd, iior his parcnts; but tlltlt the works of God should<br />

Le made ma~iifest in him. "<br />

2. M7hen Jesus hncl said this, I-Ie spat on the ground and<br />

111ndc clny with the spittle, rind rubbed the clny on thc eyes<br />

of the inan, and said to him : "Go, and ~vash in tlla pool of<br />

Silm." Hc ~vci~t, washed, ancl cnmc away seeing. Nrnv the<br />

r~eighborr; that had known him \vonclered, 2nd some of them<br />

said : " Is not this he that sat ancl bcgged? 13ut thc otlxcru<br />

clenicd it, saying: " No, but hc is lilce him." The manhirnsclf,<br />

however, cxclairnecl : '' I am he." T1-lcn thc Phari-<br />

ECCS, perceiving that he BLLIY, nsked hini how he hnd received<br />

his sight. Tl~c mail told thcrn how it happened. Then<br />

they aslrcrl him again : " \lTl~at say(!st thou of IIiln that hat11<br />

opcncd thy cyes ? The mnn repliccl . " IIe is a prophet.)'<br />

3. But they, still unl)clicving, anrl not satisfied with thc<br />

rnan's own testimony,' called his pzrcnts, and nsl;ccl them :<br />

'' IS this your son \vho yotl say nraa born blintl? horn, then,<br />

cloth hc now see ? " Tllc pnrents replied : " IYc lrnom tlmt<br />

this is our son, aid that he mns born blind. But how he<br />

no~v sccth, WC lrnolv not. Ask himself; he is of age> lct him<br />

spcal; for himself."<br />

4. The parci~ts said illis bcca~se they mere afraid of thb<br />

Jews, ~vllo had already sgrccd anlong thel~rselvcs ttint if any<br />

man should confess Jr?sus to be Christ, that man should ba<br />

'~~TIXONY, evidence, proof.<br />

20 *


put out of the synagogue. Tlien thc PEiarisccs called again<br />

the lnnn who hncl hoc~l blind, and said to liiln : " Give glory<br />

to God. We 1~110~ that this nlntl is n sinner." Hut lie replied<br />

: " IVl~elhcr hc be u ~inncr, 1 lcllow not. One thing I<br />

know, illat hereas as I tcss blind, I now scc." Then they inquircd<br />

again : " J171iut cli tl IIe do to ihec ? IIow did IIe<br />

open thy eyes ? " The man a~~sn?crcd : " l: hare told you<br />

ulreaclj, nrd you have hca-rd. Why ~iwulcl you hear it<br />

agaiu? II-ill you also bcco~nc His disciples? "<br />

5. Tllcn they revilcdt hin~, saying :

TEE LORD'S l ~ AYER. t<br />

300<br />

What did the parcnts reply? 4. Why did tilc parcnts sag this?<br />

What did the Pharirjcos then do? What did thcy Hay to the rnnn<br />

who llatl beell blind? What did he anslver 7 5. I\'h,zt clid they sny,<br />

reviling hi1114 IVIrnt ditl the mm1 say lo tlieln ? 6. What did Ulug,<br />

being angry, rjay to 11i1n P And hii it clid tI.~cy do to him? JYIIO<br />

met lliirr ? What ditl .Tesns say to llim,? .\Vhr~l; ([it1 hc answer nnd<br />

6~3)' P I\'hat clid Jr!sl~s finy to l~irr~ ? \\'hat did the men then, say<br />

and do?<br />


726 Lord's Bnyer.<br />

By prnpcr and supplication with thanksgiving let your petitions be<br />

lnstlc known to Gocl.--1'Ail. 4, C.<br />

J"<br />

(SUS, haring gonc ngsin to Jerusalcw, lcl't the city on<br />

oue occnsio~l ancl retired to a desert 111:i.c~ to pray.<br />

Hcrc one of His disciplcs said to ITiiu : " Lorcl, tanch us to<br />

pray, as .Toll11 also titugl~t hie rlisc:il)les! " 'l'hcn Jesus sdd<br />

to thc~ri : '' Jlrhcn you pmy, sily : 'Our F:~t,hc!r, who art, in<br />

heaven, bnllomcd Lc Thy nnlrle ; Thy kirlgt 1o1n come ; Thy<br />

will be done on car111 as it is in l~caven. (;ire us this dry<br />

oar daily bread ; nnd lorgive us our trespasses as we forgi~e<br />

them wllo trespass against us. Aid lcarl us not into tempt&<br />

tion ; bul deliver us from evil. A~nen."<br />

2. 3le tllcn said to them: ITllich of you ?hall Ilave n<br />

fricnrl, and shdl go to hinl nt rniilnigl~t, and shall say to<br />

l~im : ' Friend, lend me tllrcc lonvcs, bccnuse a fric~~d of<br />

minc is come off his jouniey to me, ant1 1 have not vhat to<br />

set bcforc him ; ' a17d he froin within shonlrl ansrr7er and say :<br />

c Trouble me not; tllc door is linlv dlut., ant1 lily childrcn are<br />

with me in bed ; I cat~~iot risc nncl give thee. "<br />

3. '( Yet if hc shtill COT~~~~IIC 1~1~ckillg, I ~tly to YOU, althougI1<br />

be will not risc and givc him, I_lecn.usc lie is His fricntl,<br />

yet bec:msu of his importunity hr: will rise nird give him ns<br />

many as he rleedctli. A~ld I say to you, ask, 311d it sIia11 be


given you; scel;, nncl yon shall find ; linock, 2nd it shall hc<br />

opci~cd bo y on.:'<br />

4. 'L V711:1t f:~l.hcr nmorig you, if Ilis son sha,ll nsl: hirn for<br />

brencl, will give him s alonc? or if Ilu nsl: :L Ash, will, instead<br />

of n fish, givo him a scr1)cntP If ynu,tl~eri, 1)~ii)g cril,<br />

know l~ow to give good gifts to yonr children, liow much<br />

Inore mill your Father froin hcnven give UI~! good spirit to<br />

them tlxtt :L& IIim? "<br />


l. Jesn~ hnving gone again to Jerusalem, whither did IIe retire<br />

to pray on one occnsioll? TT'hat did orie of His disciples say to<br />

Him? What praycr dicl Sesns tench tke~il? 2 and 3. What pnrable<br />

did He relate rrl,~>ilt two fricntls? 4. 111)~ dnes ITo cornpare<br />

God giving good thingc: to men, with a father giving gooti tliirigs to<br />

his son S<br />


Riches shall not profit in the (lay of revenge ; but justice nhall de-<br />

liver fruu death.-Prov. .lZ, 4.<br />

N going back into Gnlilee, Jesus went throng11 that<br />

0 nllole country, iidrnc,nisl,ingl U) e pople ovnyahcro<br />

and endesvoring to bring thcm to faith and penance. Ono<br />

day, 0110 of IIis hcarers mid to IIim : " Master, spe;~lr to my<br />

brother, that he divide the iillleritarlce with me." Jesus replied<br />

: " Man, who hath nlsde me a judge, or a divider over<br />

you? "<br />

2. Then addressing the mullitude, He mid : " Take heed,<br />

ancl beware of all coveto~zsncss," for a man's life doth not consist<br />

in the ab~mdnncc of things." Then IIe spokc n parablc<br />

to them xs follows : '' Thc land of a ccrlsin rid1 111n1l brought<br />

I dn~ro~rsn~xu, reproving, warning.<br />

~Covrrovsxsss, strang desire; engcr to ubtnin.


forth plcnty of fruits. So 11s tllought within liimself:<br />

L Tl'hnt shall I do, because I Ilnrc not whcre to 1:iy up to-<br />

gcthcr m y fruits P ' "<br />

3. (' ' This wi!l I do : I mill pull tlamn rrly barns, and will<br />

build grc:~tc!r oncu, and into thclu I: wiI1 gather all thiiings that<br />

arc grown to mc, anit 111y goods. Then I ~vill say to n3y<br />

sonl : ' Soul, thou hnst ma11y goods laic1 up fur i~larly years ;<br />

take thy rcst, eat, drinli, 111:~lce good cheer ! ' Hut God said<br />

to him : ' Thou fool, this niglit c10 they require thy soul af<br />

thcc, ancl ~vhose a hall those things be which thou hnst providcd<br />

? ' " Thcn thc divir~e hInslcr udclecl : " So is hc that<br />

lnycth up treasure fur himself, nn(l ie riot rich torvards God."<br />


I. On going bnck into Gslilee, 11~11cra (lid Jeans go ? TTrhnt clid one<br />

of LIis bearolbs one dry say to Hi1117 ITowdidJesilsre11ly? 2. Then<br />

addressing tlrc rr~~~ltitudo, hat did ITo say 'l psrsblo ciitl llo<br />

spcalc to tl~n ? 3. \IYllat did tha rioll rnan in tho parable say within<br />

liirns~l f? \\'hat dirt he say to his sonl? But what did God sny<br />

to him 7 Wbat did the divine Mastor then add?<br />

CHAPTER L.<br />

How long wilt tllon ~leep,<br />

thy sleep?-I'roc. G, 9.<br />

0 slnggartl? \r-hcn wilt tl1011 rim o~,t<br />

UR clivine Lord hacl been now almost thrce years tench-<br />

( ) ing ancl nrlmonisling the Jawis11 people, 1Joring mr<br />

ccnsingly for their salvalioi~; yct I-Iis lttlso~s and IIis prcacliing<br />

had produced but little fruit in thcir souls. He, therefore,<br />

compnrcd tllern to n fig-tree ~vhicll a certain man had<br />

pl:mted in his vineyard, ancl which, after all his care mlcl<br />

troublc, bore no fruit.<br />

2. Then the master of thc vineyard sdd to his vine-clresser!<br />

" Bcl~old, for three years I h:lvo colno scelring fruit cn<br />



this f g-trcc, and I fincl nonc. Cut it dorvn, therefore ! ~vliy<br />

doth it t:ll:e up tha gro~~nd? '' Rut the vil~c-drcssor, rtnsworing,<br />

~nitl to him : "Sir, lat it alone this Scar also, until l dig<br />

n1)out it, and nlnnure it, if so haply it bcnr fruit; hut if not,<br />

then after that thotz sl~alt cut it down." This pnmhlc aughl<br />

to tcrrify all, Lnt eapecinlly Qiose si~lrlers th:tt ""13' 'q will<br />

bo co~lrerted on my cleatli-bed," because they may be<br />

stricken down by snddcn death.<br />


l. How long hnd our divine Lord bee11 teaching and adrnonifiliing<br />

the Jeuisl~<br />

produced among th~m 7 To wlrsl did Flc, thcrc.furc, cmorn1,aro<br />

thorn? 2. '\\'hat did tl~e mnut8c!r nf the ~ineyurd then r;ny to l l i ~<br />

vine-dress~r? Whnt did tlic rinc-dresser, answeritlg, say to him?<br />

Wl~om ought this pnr~ble ea1,ec:ielly to tcrrify ?<br />

people? Jrhnt fruit hncl His labors n11tl prcachl~~gs<br />


The Tea Leptrs. .<br />

Giving thanlifi d ~nys for all thi~~gs, in the name of our Lard JRNIIR<br />

Christ.-EpA. C, .90.<br />

A icpers, wiio stood n f i ~ ~<br />

S JESUS clrt:m near to Jcrusalcm, He was mct by ton<br />

ofT, and cried out: "Janus,<br />

BIusler, have mercy on us ! I' Wlien He aaw tliem, Hc said :<br />

"Go, how yourscl~~s to the jlricsts ! " NOW il cainc to 11:tsg<br />

that as they mc~it, they were cleansed. Then one of tllcln,<br />

&e11 lie saw that llc v7as cle:t~~sed, went back, with n louti<br />

voice glorifying God.<br />

2. Ancl hc fcll an his facc I)c?forc? the feet of Jesus, giving<br />

tl1:111lis. Now t?lis nlxn ~ ; t s ;C S:un:iriltn.' Jesus n~li~tl:<br />

" Were there not ten nixdc olcnn ? and where are the ninc?<br />

There isno one fon~ld to rct~~rn nntl give glory to God, hut<br />

this ~tranger." Then He s:tid to the man : "Arise, gn thy<br />

way, for thy faith hat11 n~ncle tl~ec wlinlc. "<br />

1 SAMARITAN, a native or inhabitant of Samarla.


l. Au Jews drcw near to JcrnMlem, by wl~oin WAS 110 mst? T'ihnt<br />

did the lupera do ? Hayi11g ivhnt Y W lien Ho fiatsr tlie~n, Y'IIR~ did<br />

Ile say7 W1mt cnnle t.o pass ns Idley ~vcnl? What did onoof tho~r~<br />

do, pcrt!c:i~-ing fh:~I. Ilo wnw t~c?nlcrl? 2. IYllo was tlti~ innlr? TThat<br />

did Jetl~ir~ say ul)ot~t the athcrs P Whnt ditl Ha nay to tllc II~UII ?<br />

Jr<br />


LSUS fipoIrc dso the following pamblc in order that IIc<br />

might collvort those who trustccl in thernsclvcs :is just,<br />

and despiscd olllers. "TIW nic~l went up into tlic iemplc to<br />

pray, tlic one a Pharisee, ancl the other a publican. Tho<br />

Pl~nrisoc, skitlding, prayed thus with himsclf: '0 God, I<br />

give Thco t.l~ar~lcs that I a111 not ns the rest of men, extortioners,'<br />

nnjust, ntlultcrers, nor srich ns this ytrblicn.tl. I fast<br />

twice in the \reek; I give tithes of all that 1 possess.' "<br />

2. " Rtzt the pttbliaul, wtnilding afar off, n-ould not so mncl~<br />

as lift Iiis eyes towards hcnven, hut stroclr hi8 breast, saying:<br />

' 0 God, be mcrcilul to me, n sinner ! ' I say to y on, this<br />

man \vent dotvn to his IIOUSU justilied, matller than tile other.<br />

Bocause evcry one that estiltcth hirr~sclf sll:tll hc IlumMecl,<br />

and he that humbleth himself shall be cxnl tecl." Tllc! Yf-tat-isee<br />

profcl-red himsolt' to all otlier mcn; this mne n sign of<br />

great pritlc ; hence his pnryers retnair~ed mllicurcl.<br />


1. Whst clid Jesus c10 in orrlar to convert tliose ls~ho trriuted in<br />

themtlelves? Whnt clid tilo l'hsrisec, ~trwrding, Hay? 2. 1V:'hat did<br />

the publican, ~tat~tling nfhr or, eap ? IPhnt did our T.orcl Ray in rclatio~l<br />

to these ti\-o men? \\'h?? wna the prayer of the Phnrisce not<br />

heard ?<br />

lPx~on~~o;ulms, persons who sell their goods at too high a rate.



Men loved darkness rather than light, for their works n'cro evil.-<br />

John 3, 19.<br />

J"<br />

4 SUS nssistecl at tho fcnst of t11c dedication1 of the temple.<br />

As Hc ~\r:~llreci through the porch of Solomon, nu~nber<br />

of ,Jews surrou~lclecl Him ant1 snitl : (' ROT long (lost Thou<br />

hold our souls in suspense ? If Thou be tl~c Christ, tell us<br />

plai~~ly." Jcsns answel-crl : " I spcak to you, and you believe<br />

not. The morliu that 1 110 in tl~c name of hljr FntI~er,<br />

thcy give tcsti~nouy of RIc. 1 nuil the Fathcr aye ol-ie."<br />

2. Tha Jews then tnolr np stones to stone I~irn. liut IIe<br />

ssid to Chcm: ('Many good worlig S. have sho~rn to you from<br />

My Fat,hcr; for which of those nrorks do ynll stone Rle?"<br />

They replied: "J?or n good work we stont: Tl~eo not, but for<br />

blasphc~ny; bocause that Thou, bcing a man, ~nakest Thyself<br />

God."<br />

3. .Jcsu~ said to them: ([If I c10 nqt the 1110rks of My<br />

Father, bclicve Me not. But jf 1 do, though yon will not<br />

belicvc: Me, believe thc works, that you Inny lrno~ and believe<br />

tl~,z[; thc Father is in JIc, nnd .l in t he Fnthcr.' ' IIearirlg<br />

this, they tried io sc!izt: IIi111, but He esc;ipecl out of<br />

their Iiandu.<br />


1. At whnt fesst did Jcsus a ~si~t? By -wnsIIo surrounded<br />

aa TTe walltcd tll~.ongh Solomon's porch ? U7t~;tt (lid they say to<br />

Him 7 TVbat did Jesus ana\tver? 2. Wh~t dill tlre dewcl lllun do?<br />

And whnt ditl Ife say to thcm? What; did thcy reply 7 3. 'GVljat<br />

did Jc:sns say 60 tI~em? Hearing this, ~vtlat did tbcy try to do 7<br />

Did they succccd in seizing IIim ?<br />

1 nrn)IcATIox, consccrsting.


It i~ engjer for n camel to pasw t-!lrotlp!l tilt? cya of a naetIle, Llian for<br />

a rich1 Innn to enter in10 the kingtloin ofI~eaven.-J~utl. ID, 24.<br />

N one occasion, n young man cnlne to Jesus, ttnd kneel-<br />

(-:) ing belure Him, snitl:


P".<br />


Christ dierl for rill.-11. CO?.. 5,1'5.<br />

irI'1i'ft was grt:aiSy rrjoicecl n.t the promise t~hicli Jesus<br />

,J inncle t.o t .1~ rich yo1.111g mnn, ant1 he as1:cd : Re-<br />

hold, tve have lcft :l11 things, and followed Thee; W~IFL<br />

therefore, shall Jrc I ~ V ? C '' Jesns said, addressing i~ll the<br />

apostles : "A~nen, 1 sny m~to BOU, that yon who have follow-<br />

ed Me, in the regcnerntion, 1~~11en thc So11 of man shall it on<br />

the seat of His mr?jcst,~r~ you n'lso shdl sit on twelve seats,<br />

judging tllc t~velve trihcs of Isrnel."<br />

2. ('Ancl cver,y onc thsf; 113th left ho~zse, or brethren, or<br />

sisters, or father, or mot.ller, or wifel or cl~ildrcn, or lands,<br />

for My nanie's sake, shall reccirc n hundredfold jn time, and<br />

sllnll possess life ererlasting." Tllen thc blessed Savior instruci.cd<br />

IIis hci~rers by snotller pnrnble : '' The kingdom of<br />

heaven is like to n miistcr of a fmnily, who went out early in<br />

the morning to hire laborers into his vineyard."<br />

3. 'c sdd to them : ' MThy stand you here<br />

all the day idlc? ' Thc?y a.ns~\-ercil : c Bccnnse 1x0 man hathhtll<br />

hired,~zs.' He rrairl to thctn : ' Go you also illto my vine-<br />

I . Now tvhen evorli~lg ~v:\s come, thc lord of the vinesaicl<br />

to his steward : ' Call thn I:rborcrs, nnd pay them<br />

their hirc, beginning fro111 t.1~ lnst even to the firat.' ',<br />

5. "TIThen, therefore, O)cy c;llnc \vho hn.d conic about the<br />

eleventh hour, they received every nlnn a pcnny. But when


the first also cume, they thought that they shonld hnvc reccivccl<br />

more, mid they likewise received evcry man n pc~~ny.<br />

However, when they received it, they mur~ntircd yainst the<br />

n~nster of the house, saying: ' Thcsc last hava worked but<br />

one hour, and tliou bust mstlo them equal to us, that have<br />

borne the burden of the dny and thc hcat.' Rut he ad-<br />

clressed one of them : ' Vricncl, I' do thoc no wrong; didst<br />

tllou nol agree with me fur a penny ? ' "<br />

6. " 'Take what is thine and go thy way. I will also givo<br />

to illis last even as to thee. Or 5s it not lawfill for rrle to do<br />

what I will ? 1s thy eye evil bcca~~slsc l arn goocl ? ' " Thcn<br />

Jcsus conclltded the pr~rrahlc, ~zying : " So slu.11 the lu~t bc<br />

first, and tlle first last; for many are called, but few ara<br />

chosen.?'<br />


1. At sbnt x\-r.a~ Peter greatly rejoiced P Whatdid hesay to Jcsus?<br />

W11nt (lid Jestis any, atlilressing all tho npontles ? 2. What did the<br />

bleuued S~vior thcn dot To what did ITe lilicll tbo liil~fitlorn of<br />

heaven ? 3. What did the ~rlsster agrcc to pny the laborers? What<br />

did hc do when he \vent out about the third, sirtlb, and ninth<br />

bours t 4. What (lit3 11e do at tbc clovc!nlh honr ? R'hen owning<br />

wns c:omc, what did thc lord of llle ~ineyard say to his ste~\~artl?<br />

5 and 15. What did those who came at the clcvcrlth 11crrrr receira?<br />

IVllnt (lid thc otbcxn mry, ~nnrmuring against tho ItlnsLer? JVllnt<br />

did Ile say to onc of them? IIow did Jcsue couulude the parable?<br />


Thy tlencl tnetl shall lire ; awake and give praise, J'C tlltlt ~\YcII ~IL<br />

the dust.-I.Y. ,?G, 13.<br />

p *111C two sistcr~, Martha nncl 3t.1nl-y M:~gd:~lcn, wl~o lircd<br />

in Bcthn.niq harl n, brother na~netl ]r~%,7111#j. Nojv<br />

Jcsus loved bfnrtha., atltl hf:~ry, :LI~CZ L:U;VUS. Hill Laza~us<br />

fell sick, and his sistcrs sent word to Jesus : " Lord, bchold,


hc rvhoinThouluvest is sick." Jesus, llertring tllis, mid to<br />

His disciples : " This sick~less is not unto death, buC for the<br />

glory of God, that the Son of Gocl may he glorified by it."<br />

2. Two days aftcr, He q~olse clgain to His disciples : I,ct<br />

us go to Betli~~iis ; Lnzams, our fxiend, rjlccps; but 1 go tllltt<br />

I may awalce hinl out of ~lccp.~' Tlio clisciyles ansr~crctl:<br />

" If he slccps, hc shdl do ~vell." They tliougllt He spoke<br />

of the reposc of the body, but Jcsus sl>olrc: of desth. Seeii~g,<br />

however, that tllcjr did not ~miierstand ~ryhat EIe meant, IIe<br />

tolcl them plainly : '( Jlazaruu is dead.)'<br />

3. When Jcsus nrrivcd in Ecthania, Lsxarus had bcrn four<br />

days buried. Now many f~iencls and relatives h:~d cnmc to<br />

con~ole the two sisters, \v110 were in grcat asffliction. As<br />

soon as Mnrtlla heard that Jesus was conling, she left hcr<br />

friends and went forth to meet IIinl. Wllen she saw Him,<br />

she exclaimed : L( Lord, if Thou hsdst becxi here, my broiber<br />

had nut died. But now also I k11o-w that whatsoever Tlmu<br />

wilt ask of God, God will givc it Thce."<br />

4. Jesus snitl to her : " Thy brother shall risc ngain."<br />

Marlha repIicd : " I lrrlow that hc shnll risc again in the<br />

res~lrrection nt thc last day." Jesus ans~~~crecl: [('I nlli the<br />

resurrection ni~d the life. He that bclicvctll in Me, although<br />

he be dead, shnll live. Belicvcst t.hou this ?" Shc snitl to<br />

Him : 'g Ycn., T,ord, I hare believed that Thou art Christ, the<br />

Son of the living God, who nrt come into this world."<br />

5. Then Martha, going into the housc, cnlIcc1 hcr sistcr<br />

secretly, nncl told her: The Mnster is comc, 2nd cnllctll for<br />

thee.'' Mary rosc up quickly ant1 went to Him. Tl~o Jews<br />

wl~o were in thc housc fbllowcd her, saying : " She goctll to<br />

tlio sepulcher to weep thcrc.)' As soon as lk1al.y came to<br />

Jesus, slio fell at His fcct, cxcla,i.iming : " Tdorcl, if Tliou<br />

hnclst been 11t!re, my brother woulcl not hnrc died.')<br />

G. When Jesus saw her wceping, and tllc fricncls wlio l~ad<br />

cotne lritli Ircr, IIe groaned in spirit, ancl troublcti IIi~nself,<br />

a~lri said : " Where Ila~ra yuu laid Iiir117 " Tlicy ~I~SJPC~[ :<br />

'' Come and see I '' And Jesus rvept. Seei~lg this, tllc Jclvs


exclaimed : " Uchold, how I-Ie loved liirn ! " Jesus, having<br />

come to the va~~lt, or czvc, in wllicll the body of Lazarua was<br />

laid, said : " Take rwny the &one I "<br />

7. %Girtha told Rim that tllc body of her brother must bc<br />

aIready pntrid, seeing that hc was four days buried. Jesus<br />

said to her : " Did I not eay to thee that if tl~ou wilt hclievc<br />

lllou shalt see the glory of GoclP" Thcy then reraovcd tbc<br />

~tonc. And Jcsns, lining up IIis cycs, said: " Father, 1<br />

givc Tliec thanlis tli:it Tllou hast hoard me."<br />

0. "bncl I know that Thou hcarcst nze always, but becuuso<br />

of tho pcople who stand about havc I said it, that they may<br />

, bcliere ihlat Thou lust sent MC." Then clying out with a<br />

loud voicc, XXo said : Lazaruu, come forth ! " Arld imrnc-<br />

diaioIy he that hncl been four dnys buricd came fortll,<br />

srapped in thc wincling-ba~icls. And Jesus said : " LOOSO<br />

him, and let hirn go ! "



was the brother of Martha and Mary ? When 310 fell sick,<br />

1. %Irho<br />

what word djd the fiister~ aolirl to Jesus? Xrllat did Jscjus, hearing<br />

it, say to His disciples P 2. What didTTesay to I3is disciples two<br />

days altcr P What did the disciple8 nay P fiecillg that thcy did not<br />

under~tsnd what HQ meant, what did ,Jesus tell them? S. ~XOIV<br />

long had Lazaras been buried whcll Jesus n1.1.ived in Betl~aliin?<br />

JTlw had come io console tllo pistcra trl Lnznrus i' Yhat did Mnr-<br />

tha do as so011 as slle hcard tl~nl Jcsas was coming P 4. What did<br />

Jesus say to her? Whnt did Blnrthe reply? What did Jesus sny<br />

to her ? What did nI~o sny to Ilju 7 5. Hrhnt did Jlartha do, going<br />

into the house? M'hat did &he tell her sister P Ant1 what dirt Mary<br />

do 7 Who followcd her? Saying ~~rhnt ? \That did 3Iary c10 \~11en<br />

she came where Jesus wna ? 6. When dcsus saw her weeping, and<br />

her friends who came with her, what did EIc do ? H'kat did He<br />

say? U'hnt did thcy sag? And ~rhsLdid Jeuuii do? Seeing this,<br />

what did the Jews exclaim ? TVhnf did Jesus do when He came to<br />

the mult, or cave, in which Lazarus was laid? 7. What did 3Iartha<br />

tell Him 7 What did Jcst~a bay to her? What did they then do?<br />

What did Jesus say, lining up eyes ? 8. What did He then cry<br />

out with n loud voice? And imtnediatcly, whnt happuned P \Irkat<br />

did Jesus sny<br />


jts?ts Fu~rtcth Ifis Passion n~rd Death.<br />

The Son of Nau shall bc betrnycd to the chief priests nld to the<br />

scribes.-dlalt. .20,18.<br />

ANY of the Jc:\vs ~11o wcrc prescili \rrhcn Jesus raised<br />

M Lwarua from B c dead, bdiovad in Him. Sun10 of<br />

these went to the Phnrisccs : L I ~ told the~n w1l:it Jcsus hacl<br />

done. Then tha Scrihas ant1 Phxrisec~ a~j~emblacl togelher,<br />

and said one to nl~uthcr : " MTllnt do WC, for illis innil doth<br />

many ~nil.nclc.x ? If WC Icb IIim nloac so, all lliell will be-<br />

lievc in Him." Yrom tll;~t thcy rcsol\rcd to put Jesus to<br />

de:tth.<br />

2. But Jesus, linowing tl~cir thougI:llts, wdkcd no more


opcnljr among the Ju~5~ti. Fix days nftcr He mid to the<br />

I ~ C<br />

t~~clve :y)ostlcs : 13~l~old~ go to Jerus;x~cii1, and thc So11<br />

nf mnn s11;~ll be I)c?t,rfiycd to tllo cl~icf ~~riosts, nntl to the<br />

Scribes ailcl :~iicic:nts, ant1 tlicy shall colltl[!mn S-lil-t~ to clcntl~,<br />

nncl sl~dl clelivc.1- Riin to thc G.elitilcs, niitl they slinll 111ock<br />

fIiril, ar~d spit on Rim, and ecourge IIini, md kill Him ; ailcl<br />

the t11irrI clay IIc sllall riso agi~in."<br />

3. Tlle apostlcs ~vondcrcd, not, Ia~~olving what 3Ic mcnnt.<br />

TIleil Jesus d1-c~ ncnr to Jcridio, in 1v1.1ich cily there ~vils n<br />

rich lllnn namecl Zncheus, who w:rs tlic chief of the publicans.<br />

Z:~ch[:~zs wishcd mucl1 to .we J~sus nu Hc passctl, but coulcl<br />

not rlo PO 011 BCCOII~I~ of ilia crowtl, for lie 1~:~s of h~w stature.<br />

4. Running, thcrcforc, bcfurtt tl-rc! cro~~rcl, he climbccl into a<br />

~yc~amorc-trcc. Rut Jesus, on cnoming to tlie trcc, looked np,<br />

nnd sccing %nchcus, said to him : '' Zschcus, md:c haste anit<br />

r:ome down, for to-day I n~ust abitlc in thy Iionse." Zachcns,<br />

coming down, received Ilim jo)-fidly into liiu liowc. Then<br />

tljc Jcws ~ 110 saw this munnurcd, because thcy looked on<br />

%nclicns as the cl~icf of ~iiincrs.<br />

5. But Zacl~~ns ~nirI to the 5:~rinr: (' Rchold, Lord, the<br />

half of 111y goods I givc to the poor ; nlld if I have wrongccl<br />

ally irrsn of anything, 1 rehtort! Ililn fo~zrfold." Jcsus said<br />

to 11i1n : " This (lay is ~nlvutioll c!omo to illis Lonse. For tlio<br />

SOIL ui' Mail is comc to seek rmrl to snrc tlmt ~yliich was losl."<br />


1. Many of whom bclicved inJesus7 Wbnf did gomeof those do?<br />

What did the. Gcr~besalld~linxisecs then do7 \lrli'llatdid they gay one<br />

to anothvr 7 l\'llat did they ~csolvo to do fi30m that day ? 2. Bat,<br />

H (1st did Jesn~ do, knowing thoir tl~nughts? What did Ilc Ray, six<br />

days after, to His nl~osiles? 3. To nhnl cily clid Jesus draw near?<br />

Who wns in thal city ? Wl~at did Zscliclls wish mur.h? Why<br />

eot~ld he not do so? 4. What ditl 11e do running b(:rore the crot~cl?<br />

N'llat did Jesus say when Helool~ed np alrtl aaiv him T What ciid<br />

Bacl~cuscloP lIvhst did the Jcns who snnr this do? Why? 5.<br />

What clid Zacheiis say to the Savior? What did Jastls eay to 111m 'i<br />

Bcausr~n, Bible Hiat. 21

322 JIISTORI- OF '1'111.: NEW TESTAMEST.<br />


Many hare I~c?en brought to fall for gold, ant1 tl~c ben~tty thcrcrof<br />

bath boen their ruin.-kcclus. .?I, G.<br />

FTER Jesus had departc?tl fro111 Jericho, He yeturned to<br />

A Bell~:i,ai:i. A supper m s prepared for Eim, and Liizarus<br />

was one of those v110 sat at table tvith TIim. 31artlli~<br />

waited upon the Lord, but, &Ir~ary Magdnleil brought, in nil<br />

nlnbastcrl box, n pound of ~nost precious ointment, and shc<br />

pourcd it on the Savior's heed as I-Ie was at tnblc.<br />

2. h'ow the wl~ole house tvns filled with pcrlime of the<br />

ointment. But .Judas Tscariot said : '' IVhy was not this oinlrnorlt<br />

sold for tl.lree hundred pence and give11 to the poor? "<br />

Tlierl the otl~itr disciples, also, had indiynat.io11, and said:<br />

a For what purpose is illis waste 7 " Now Judas made this<br />

remark, not bccnuse he cared Ior the poor, Init bccal~sc hc<br />

11.s~ a thief and carried the purse, aid was slrcnrly posscsscrl<br />

by the love of money, which, a fern days later led him to bctray<br />

his Master.<br />

3. I3ut Jesu~, knowing what was going on ~nlung liie<br />

disciples, exclaimed : " JVhy c10 you tronble this woman ?<br />

for she hat11 wrought a good work upon MC. For the poor<br />

you have always with you, but Me you hxve tlot alwnys.<br />

For she, in pouring this ointment upon My body, hnth done<br />

it for My burial. Amen, I my to you, wllere~oever this gospc1<br />

shall be preached in the whole world, that sleo which<br />

&he hath done, shall be told for a memory of her."<br />


1. After Jesus haddeparted from Jencho, where did He go? Tl'hrtt<br />

was prepared ic!r Him ? Wllo was 011e of those wlio sat urit11 Hiul<br />

at table? J\'Iio waited upon thc Lord ? IVIlat clid Mary do? 2.<br />

JiTith what was the whole bouso filled? What dld Judas Iscariot<br />

sny ? What did thc other disciples say? l\+hy did Jnd,a.s say this?<br />

3. What did Josua say, knowing what was goiug on among tko dieciples<br />

?<br />

'ALABAS.~ICI~, a fine white stone, used for ornamental purposes.



323<br />

N the following day, Jesus lcft Bethnnin and went to<br />

0 Jcrusnlcru. When IIc? had come tu Ucthpllagc,' near<br />

the Mount of Olives, I-le sent two of lIis disciples, saying:<br />

GO ye into the villngc that i~ over ngainst you, nrltl immediately<br />

you shall find an ass ticd, srlil a. colt with ha].. Loofie<br />

tllem, nncl bring thc~n to Me. Ancl if any man sliall say anything<br />

to you, ay yc that thc T,ord hat11 nccrl of tllcm."<br />

2. So tl~u clisciplcs went al~d fuund thc colt stnacling, as<br />

Jesus 31ncl mid. They, tl~crcfore, brtlught the colt to Josus,<br />

mid, laying their gnrnicr~ts ripon it, tlwy nlacle Jesus sit thcreon.<br />

h'ow nmy ~vislled to sec Jesus, bcca~lst: llc lad raised<br />

Lazarus from the deacl. Il'be~i, therefore, Jcsns was ncsr to<br />

thc city, IIis disciples ancl a groat multitucle fillrend tlseir<br />

garments in tIlo way; while sonlc cut down brnnchcs from<br />

the t~ces ~111d strewecl thcm along the road. Ancl a vnsL multitudc<br />

weut bcfare and follo~votl &inter, crying: " IIosnnna to<br />

the 806 of Dnvid I Blcsscd is IIc that conlctll in thc name<br />

of the Lord I Hositnna in the higllcsl ! "<br />

3. Therc mere also in tl~e crowd some Pharisees, rvho, being<br />

filled with envy ancl hatred, never lost rjight of Jcsus.<br />

Secing tho honors that werc now paid to Him, they intlig<br />

naatly'askccl : " IIearest Thou rvhat thcsc say P " Jcsus rcplied<br />

; " If these shoulcl bold their peace, the ~toncs will cry<br />

out." Tllo nearer Re camc to the city, the greater the crowd<br />

became, and the more the entl~usiasms of the penplc increased.<br />

4. Then was fulfilled the prophecy4 of Zachary, that Jeni-<br />

1 BXTHPIIAGE (pr. BethLfa-go). * I SDIGNA~~LI-, angrily.<br />

sEh.~rrus~~sm, excitement.<br />

4Yno~~~c~, rrouething foretold; nu inspired furctellinp.<br />

21 *

e visilcd by 1ic:r Iiil~g as a Snvior; tt~:lt IIc<br />

sdem sho~il(i<br />

should bc poor, and riding on an ascj. But, sccil~g Bcrusnlem,<br />

Jcsus wept over it, sa,ying : " If ihotz llatlst linorvli, nltcl<br />

t113t in this thy day, thc thin~a that are for thy gci~co, but<br />

now they are hiddcn from thy eyes I "<br />

5. " For the days fillall come upon thee, and thy cncmics<br />

shall cast a trench about thee, and compass tliec ronntl, and<br />

strnitcn thee 011 every side, and bent thee Ant to the ground,<br />

and thy children who arc in thcc ; and they shall not leye<br />

in thce a stoiie up011 a stonc, bccau,uso thou 11ast not known<br />

thc time of thy visitation ! l'<br />

6. Jesus rotlo through the streets directly to thc temple.<br />

There the ~ick, thc blind, arid the lnmc cnmc to Him from<br />

every ~idc, n~id PIc ctired them all. At this sight the chiIr!l.cn<br />

li)~yn.i~ to cry out agin : Hosanna to the Son of David ! "

THE ~IAI~ILIAC; ic I;I.;,I ST. 325<br />

But the Pl~arisccs, becoming Sl~rious,' told flim to rchnlrc<br />

the~n. Jcsus ans~~~crcd thcm: "Have you ncj-cr rcnd tile<br />

words : ' Out of thc montll of infants and of ~ncIr1ings Thou<br />

hast perfected praise ? ' "<br />


3. JYIlere did Jesus go on thc follo~vil~g day? Where lrd Elc<br />

come to? \Thorn tlid kIe ~c:~r(l? Saying what? 3. I\'hnt did the<br />

diociples do? \Vhul did ttlcy bring? Whnt did thcy lay upon it?<br />

Wlry clid many wish to sec Jcsus P What did tliu vast mnltiti~do<br />

cry? 3. n'ho lvcrc also in the crc~tvcl? What dicl they indignantly<br />

ask 7 What did Jcso~ rcply 7 4 nnc15. What prophecy was thcn<br />

fiillilled? Bnt-\vh:~t dicl Jcsns do, sccin~.lcrusalem? Snyingwlit~lP<br />

G. Wl~ither clirl Jeslis ride tirrougli the streets? WLcl cmne to Him<br />

tllcrc? What did llc do t,n them ? What clid the children begin to<br />

cry ot~t again? l\71~at did the Pharisees tell des~zs to do? What<br />

did He answer?<br />

1"<br />


The jJnra.nbZe of the Bdavringe Pcnst.<br />

&Ixny are i:allccl, but fcw arc chosen.-lllull. 20, If?.<br />

he evcr~ing Jcsus 1.cturrlcd from Jort~salr!m to 13cthanin.<br />

hcxt t~ ~nornirig, ho~~rovcr, IIo ~vcnt bn.cl; to thc c!ii.y, anrl<br />

taught in the ternple. What gricvccl Hi111 most wns thc<br />

ficklcncss of thc ,Tc~vs 2nd thcir hn.rclncss of hcnrt. IYhcl-cforc,<br />

)To spokc to them this pnl.nhlc: e"l'l~a kingdom of<br />

heaven is lilcc to n liing who marlc n. n~n.wiago for his son."<br />

2. " IIo sent his scrrantu to call tlic~iz thn.t wcrc jnvitcd to<br />

tho marriage; and they \voulrl not comc. *4gnin, hc scnt<br />

othcr servants, saying : ' 'l'cll thcm that wcro invited : HChdd,<br />

I h:rve preyarcd nly dinnm., my 1)ceves nntl fatIings arc<br />

killccl, ant1 1~11 tl~irlg~ are rcnrly ; cnmc ye to the npeclding.'<br />

But thcg ~~c?glacto(l :11ic1 \\'cnt their U-a.ys, 011c his fitl'~, and<br />

anoilicr to his mcrcl~a~ldisc."<br />

Puwinus, \.r:ry angry.

826<br />


3. "And the rest laid hands on his servants, and haring<br />

treated them contumelionsly,' put tl~e~n to dcntl~. But .rvllen<br />

the king heard of it, he was angry, ancl, sending his armies,<br />

hc destroyed those murderers and burnt their city. Then he<br />

saith to his servants : ' The redding, indeed, is ready, but<br />

they that were invited were not \rorthy. Go ye, therefore,<br />

into the highways, and<br />

I .- .._H .- I Is..<br />

. . . as rr~any as you shall<br />

,l,'l? ',m- . * .,<br />

,, . .<br />

' ,.<br />

/il,,l'l l 'l lI find, invite to the mar-<br />

:'.<br />

. ,<br />

,,' :,; , :, .I<br />

I I. I., V<br />

, , - li .,., j ...-I ;t; ~inge.' "<br />

l-.~'* 4. 'L So his eman ant#,<br />

1 ,.l,;<br />

, , going out into the high-<br />

' )*, . : waye, gathered together<br />

I ' I ',.. ,.<br />

,,<br />

.<br />

. . sr,,,<br />

"<br />

nll that thcy found, both<br />

bad and good, and the<br />

- wedding was filled with<br />

grrestrs. Thcn the king<br />

went in to see the guests,<br />

and he van7 there a man<br />

.':, \v110 had nut on a wed-<br />

M ' - -. cling garment. He sdt11<br />

JBSCS IR THE TRn1N.m. to him: ' Friend, how<br />

camest thou in hit,her<br />

not having on a nrcclcli~lg ganrient ?' But he was silent.<br />

Tlien the king said to the waiters : ' Having bound his hands<br />

and feet, cast him into the exterior dnrliness; there shall be.<br />

~ryeeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few<br />

are chosen.' "<br />

5. The Scribes and Pharisees, understanding that this parable<br />

was rnc:int for thcm, hntcd our Lord rriure than ever.<br />

They went, therefore, rr~~rl col~sultcd together, how thcy<br />

could lay l-iold of aomo of His n.orcls ill order to accuse Him<br />

publicly. Fur this pnrposcr t,hcy ecklt tiornc of their disciples,<br />

mill^ the Herodians, to nslr Flitn, by w:ty of satisfj,ing their<br />

doubts, ~vl~cther it wcro Io.rvf11l to p:ty tribute to Cscsar, or

not. Now, by Cmsar wits ~nesllt the Roman emperor, to<br />

whom Juden was then sul?ject.<br />

6. They thonght that if He answered, " Ycs," Hc would<br />

mnlrc Hirnself odious1 to thc Jowa, nr~d tliat, on the &her<br />

hantl, if IIe answcrcd, " No,'' Hc mould drtltv down upon<br />

Himsclf the revengeful hntrcd of Hcrod and the Romans.<br />

But Jesus, lrnowir~g their malicc, said : T171:y do jye tempt<br />

Me, ye hypocrites? Show Me the coin of the tribute!"<br />

They showed Him n penny. And I-Ic said to tl~ern : " Whoso<br />

image and inscript,ion2 is this ? '' Thcy finid : '( C~snr's."<br />

Then IIe said to tliorr~ : " Render, thcreforc, to Cssnr the<br />

things tllnt arc Casar's, and to God the things &that are<br />

God's."<br />


1. In the owning, sl~itllcr did Jestia ret~inl from Jeroealetn?<br />

What dill lie d~, next nlornir~g? IVl~nt Ivae it that grieved IIiln<br />

mctst? \\'hat parxl~lo did IIe, tl~ereforc, #pal< to tl~o pcoplc? To<br />

ivlint tlicl Ho likca the ltingdotn of heave11 P 2. JVIiorn (lid tbc king<br />

ser~d to call ttloso who were ilruikd to the wedding? IYhat tlicl he<br />

send other scrirants nayjnfi.1 nut ~si~at did the l~eoplc who were irrvitcrl<br />

do? 3. What did tlie rcst tlo? What did the king do, when<br />

Ire lieard of it, being angry? Whst did he llicn say to hie servants?<br />

4. Anti jVJlnt did the fiervatlts tlo? Wl~cn t11e king went in to me<br />

the guests, ~vhotn tlitl he wc?c there? Whatdid tl~e Itin?; salr to hinr ?<br />

W hut did he say to tllc wai terw T 6. IVtrrt did the Pliari6eeli do, understxxlding<br />

thnt thin parable wan rr~onllt for the[n? Wllat did they<br />

send some of tlieir disciples, with the IIemdiane, to ask HirnY 6,<br />

What did they think P But what did Jesue, knowi~ig their malice,<br />

Hay 7 What did He say when they ehowcd Him s pouny 7 What<br />

did they sny ? What did Jesus say 7<br />

ODIOUS, hatefill, offcneire.<br />

~IR.Y~-ILIPTIOX, ~owthing \vritt,e11, or engr~vcd~ to communicate<br />




The Widow's Mite.-Jcms Fo~tteZs the Dcstut/ction of .Jrncsaltnz<br />

mid td/le E?ad of the Wo~ld.<br />

Man seeth tlrosc things tl~at, nppear, but the Lord bchoIdel11 the<br />

heart.--I. Kinp 16, 7.<br />

1 Jesus remained in the templc, I-To saw Iriany<br />

W rnalcing their offerings, and He noticott tile \\.ay in<br />

~vl~ich each onc made the off'cring. Several rich persolis put<br />

~ilucli iuto thc t~easilq-, but one poor wiclo~v put in two<br />

brass mites. Then Jesus cnlled His disciples, :wid gait1 to<br />

illern : Amen, I eny to YOU, this poor ~t'idow 11:~th (:ash ill<br />

more than all they tvhn hn.vc cast into the treasury; for they<br />

all did cnst in of their abar~clance ; but she, of lier want, has<br />

cast in nll she had, elTen hcr wIlole living."<br />

2. As Hc was leaving thc temple, some of II~H disciples<br />

called His atteation to the rich matcrinls ol which it nlw:<br />

built. 33uC He told thcm t113 the day ~vould soon come<br />

wllcn there rjliould not be lefL one stol-le upon nnothcr of hat<br />

gorgc:oust edifice. They itskecl Him when thcsc tliings<br />

~hould come to pass, and wlul signs should yrcccclc the end<br />

of the worlcl.<br />

3. Ancl I-Ie ~drl to them: Whcn you shd.71 scc Jcrns:~lem<br />

~oaip:~ss~cl~ :hut with nil army, then lrnow thal tile clesolatiou<br />

thcl.cof iu at lhand. Thcn let those tIlnC are ill Jlidca<br />

flee to thc mountains. A~irl lic that is in the field, let 11iln not<br />

go hacl: to take his coat. For there shnll be tllcn great tribu-<br />

I:~tio~>, st~cb as hat11 not hrcn froin the beginning of thc world<br />

u11Cil llolir, neithcr dlnll bc. Tl~crr: shall be ~vr:~th upon this<br />

poplc. Tllcy sliall fii11 by tllc edge of the sworcl, ni~d dial1<br />

be led away captives illto tlll aations."<br />

'<br />

4. " Jarns,zlcrn shd1 I)c trt'~ddc11 tlomll by the Gcntiles till.<br />

thc tirnc?s of the n:~tions be fiilfillnd. Mnny \\rill cotrlc! it1 31y<br />

nnnic, saying: 'I am Christ,' nnd tlrcy slinll scduco mnny.<br />


You ~ hdl hcnr of wars and rumors of wars : nation 8h:~ll rise<br />

ag~inst ~mtion, and kingdot11 rigiilinst kingdoin, and tl~crc<br />

shall be pestilcnces, and famines, a~ld oartliquakes in<br />

places."<br />

5. '' Thcse are but tho beginning of sorrows. And this<br />

gospcl of the lringdom shall bo prcncheil in thc whole world ;<br />

:lrltZ immccliately ahr the tribnlation of thosc days, t11o Bun<br />

shall bo darliencd, the lnoon shall not givc 11cr light, thc<br />

stnrs ~ hdl fall fi.01~1 l~eaven, and the poweys of the heavens<br />

&hall bc movccl."<br />

6. "And upon the earth, distress of nations, by reason of<br />

thc conft~sion of tllc roaring of tllct scn ancl of tlrc waves ;<br />

mc!n withering s\riu for fcar and expc!ctntion of wllr~t shal1<br />

colno upon ttie ml~olc .rvorlcl. Tlwn shall qjpcar thc sign of<br />

thc Son of Man in hcaven, md all thc tribes of thc cart11<br />

silsll mourn ; mtl thcy shall see tho Son of Man coming in<br />

the cloutls of l~cnvcn with grc:it polwr and ~ni~jcsty."<br />

7. " ZIe ehall scncl His angels with a trulnyet and a grotrt<br />

voice, and they shall gather togothcr His elect from the ibur<br />

winds, from the fartllest parts of the hcavms to thc utrr~ost<br />

bounds of thcm. Heitvon and cart11 shall pass away, but My<br />

lrortl sh:~ll not pass away." The deslruction of Jcrusalcm<br />

1~11iah toolr pl:ice tllirty-sc!vcn yei~rs afler, is a ct?rh~iri proof<br />

t11:it thc l>rcdiction,' relating to tho cncl of the world, will undoulbtcdly<br />

bc fulfilled.<br />


I. While Jesus remaincd in tbo teinplo, wlint did He see7 What<br />

(lid ee~erd rich perfions p~it into the treasury P What did one poor<br />

widow ynt in ? 'IVllnt did Jesi~s tbcn say to IIisdi~~ipl~~? 2. As IIe<br />

w:m les\ping the tclu plc, to what ditl some of 1.1 is disciples call His<br />

attention 7 What tlitl He tell them 7 What did hey as]; Him? 3.<br />

1Yli:~t did TTe m y to them? What 6hnll tllere be? 4. What was to<br />

bnppcn to Jcrnxdem ? v-erc pcoplc to hear of ? 6. \\'hat<br />

win to Ldio plr,ce rrftcr thc gospal 1~:~s j)wac31ed to crcry c!rc?ntllro?<br />

6. \Irllnt rrns then to be nl)on tllc e:~rth ? \trllnt 6ig11 shrill appear in<br />

]leaven P '\\'hcbL s1l:~ll be sec11 cornin:: ill n cloud in powcr and maj-<br />

1 I'I~I.:I)ICTIOK, that wliic:ll it; forcitolcl.


et;tg? 7. Whclril fillall Hc scnd with a trumpet and 8 great voice to<br />

gnther in ITis elec:t? What ehall pass awry ? Ilut what shall not<br />

])ass away ? What ix a certair~ p1.oof that ttc? prediction relating to<br />

the elld of thc 1vor1d shall infnlliblg be f~ilfilledl<br />


The I?z'nl*able of the TER Virgtns, a d of thc TaZeais.<br />

Watch ye, therefore, becar~se you know not what hour your Lord<br />

will come.- Matt. 24, 4%.<br />

J<br />

'ESUS wn.rns His follorr~crs not to seek the things of this<br />

world with too mnch :u~xiety, ancl to make a provision<br />

of good works, while thcy yct have time ; for that dc:lth will<br />

come like a thicf in the nigllt,, ~vhcn least expected. To lnnlie<br />

thcm better understand this grcat truth, 3Ie gave tbelrr the<br />

fi~llowing j~nrablc : " Then shall the killgilorn of hcuvcll Le<br />

likcncd to tcn virgins, who, taking their l;ru~ps, werlt out to<br />

meet tl~c bridegroom and thc bridc."<br />

2. "Now, five of tlmn wcrc foolish, ant1 five mere wise.<br />

13ut the five foolibh, having talrcn their Irmps, toolr no oil<br />

with them; but the wise took oil in their vessels with the<br />

1 While the bridegroom tnrricd thcy all sl~imberc:t2 and'<br />

dept. Andat midnight there was a cry msdc : 'Hchold, the<br />

brirlcgrooin con~oth ; go ye forth to nlect him l ' Then all<br />

those virgins arose and trimnrcd their lamp^."<br />

3. " And the foolish said to the wise : ' Give us of your oil,<br />

for our lamps are gape out.' The wise a~~swered, sayi~lg :<br />

' Lcst thcre bc not enough for us and for you, go you, rather,<br />

to thcm that ell, and buy for yourselves.' Now, ~vbilc they<br />

nrcnt to buy, thc bridrgroom came, and they who were ready<br />

wont in wit11 him to the marriage, and tlle door was shut."<br />

4. " But at last cnmc also tl~e other virgills, ~~tying: ' Lord,<br />

Lord, open to us! Hnt l>(?, nnsmcring, saitl, ' Amen, I say to<br />

you, I Imow you not.' Watch, yc, thcrcforrt, hccausc ye know<br />

nut the day nor tl~c hour.'' Thereupoll He spoke another


parable to the sume cffcct, ~howixig tllc necessity of making<br />

good use of the time and the talents conficlcd to us.<br />

5. " Even as a mar1 going into a far country, callcd his servn~lts,<br />

and dclivcrcci to tllcin his goods. To ono hc gavc five<br />

balcnts, and to anothcr tivo, and to another one; to every one<br />

accorcling to his propcr aI)ilityl : and immcdintoly Iic tovk<br />

.-..<br />

. ... .? .<br />

.. . .<br />

5 -- - -<br />

' . --. W-<br />

- -S- - ./<br />

TUB F1916 AND FDOLIS~ VIRG12S.<br />

his jonrnep, h'ort., he that had rcceivcd the five talcnts nrent<br />

his wnjr, aild tr:rdnd with the samc, and g;linctI othcr five."<br />

6. (' And in like manner, he tlld hd rt?ceiuccl the tn7o<br />

g:li~~ed other two. But 11e t1-1:~t ]lad recaived the ono,-going<br />

his way, digged in .the cwth nncl llid his lorrlJs moncy. After<br />

a long timc, tllc lord of those scrvmts came ancl rt!clroncd<br />

with thern. And 1ic tll:it hnd rccciivccl the five talents, corning,<br />

brought othcr iirc talents, saying- ' I,orrl, thou dicist delAnrzr~r,<br />

power, skill.

liver to me fivc talcnts; bchold, I hwe gnincd other five<br />

over and abovc.' ''<br />

7. "His lord said to him: ' Woll done, thou good and<br />

faithful scrv:~rlt; because tl~on llast bccn fzilllf~~l over n fcw<br />

things, 7: will set thco over many ti~i~lgs: autcr thuu into tl~a<br />

joy of thy lord.'" And to the sc~vnrit who, having reccivcd<br />

two talents, came back with f(~ur talcnts, thcir lord c;pokc in<br />

like mnnner,<br />

8. " But lic that had rccc?ivcd thc one tnlcnt came ant1 said :<br />

L Lortl, I lrrlow that thou nrt :L hard rnnn, ancl, bcing afraid, I<br />

went and hicl thy t:denl in tlic cnat,h: behold, hero Chou ]last<br />

that ~vllich is tllinc.' l'l~en his lord, nnsmcrirlg said : ' Tnko<br />

ye atwy, tl~oref'ore, the talcnt from Ilirn, :ultl give it him ll~nt<br />

hat11 tcn talents. For to every ono tlmt zt)t~tJ1, shall bc given,<br />

snct 11c shall abound ; but froln hirn f.llnt h:91 not, that also<br />

which he secmcth tohavc, shall bo tnl;cn :,\ray. And tllo<br />

m~profitablc servant cast yc! out into extcrior darkness.' '<br />


3. Of what, doos Jcfina warn l lin followcrx? \Vho will come lilicl n<br />

thief in the nigl;LP What ]>amble did Ile give tbc~n to 11ln1:e thc?nl<br />

undoratand this great lruth P 2, 3, nntl 4. Repeat thc 1,ar:~l)lc of tlie<br />

~vu-isc? and fo01i~li virgi~~~. 5. IVbat ctthcr p:brable clid IIe speak to<br />

thc anino eili:ct? 6. \lrl~en the lord calna to reckon ai 111 his warv-<br />

~II~H, vl~at did Ulr: onc vho Itad. received tllu 1i1.c t:ilantu do? Whnt<br />

did 11e 7. 11-11,zt tlid hifi lord Eny to hirr~, ant1 k) the olhcr<br />

who, having rccciretl two talents, bt*ought b:~clc other two? 8.<br />

Vhnt clid tl~t! oIla who had rcc!cived the onc talent, coming, say?<br />

Whl~t did hie lord, ansivc?ring, say?<br />


The Last Jz/dg~jz~~tt.<br />

Gocl sllnll jntlgc botll thr! just slid the wic:ltcti. - .l?(:<<br />

3, 17.<br />

P ilsR Jesus Iwtl adtnonishccl Iris disciples to prepnrc<br />

A!!L"' for the la5t jndgnlcnt., IIc doscribet1 it to tlietn in<br />

these 1r.ord9 : "fTllcn the Son of Man slltill coll~c in ITiv<br />

nl:~jjesly, ;u~cl all ilra al~gelu with lIinl, then rjbnll IIe sit up011


333<br />

[he wat of 15s majestr. All nations shall he gnthcrcd<br />

togethrr bcfvrr him; rind ITc sh:dl aepnrato thein o~le fro111<br />

:matl~cr, as tl~t! sllcpi~erd scpnrakcth thc ~hecp from thr<br />

$~:tl~."<br />

2. "Ancl l Tc shall set tl~c shecp on I-Tis right hancl, but thc<br />

the Kingsay to thc111 that shnlI<br />

go,zts 011 thc l&. Thmsl~all<br />

Le on His right banil: 'Comc, ye blersccl of Riy Father,<br />

POEXCSS the 1ringc.lom preparod fur you from tbc fo~mdntion of<br />

ihc worltl. For I was hungry, an(\ you gave MC to cat; I<br />

was thirsty, n;ld you gi~:-c Me to drink; I was n stranger,<br />

ancl gon tuolr Me in; nalrccl, and you clothcd Me; sic\;, md<br />

yen ~iaited Me; I was in prison, arid you canie to MC.' "<br />

3. "The11 shall the just ansivcr Him, ssying: 'Lord, when<br />

have we done those things to Thcc?' The King sj~nll answer,<br />

and ~a,y to them: 'Amen, I say to you, as IC)II~ as yo11<br />

did it to one of these, My least brcthrcn, you did it to MC.'<br />

Then shall IIe say to them on IIis left hnncl: 'Ucpnrt from<br />

Me, yo cursccl, into everlasting firo which wna prcparcrl for<br />

the dc~il autl his angclu.' "<br />

4. " 'For I was hungry, and you gavc Me not to eat; I was<br />

tl~irsty, and you gavc Me not to drink; T was a, stranger, :uid<br />

you took Me not in; naked, m1c1 you clothed Me not; sick, ant1<br />

iu prison, *and you did not visit MO.' Then shall they also<br />

answer Iiim, saying: 'Lord, wlien did we see 'l'hce hungry,<br />

or thirsty, or a skt~ngcr, or naked, or sick, or in prison, ulltl<br />

did not minister to Thee?' Then He shall answer them:<br />

(Amen, I say to SOU, as long as you did it not to one of lhesc<br />

lcast ones, ncither did yhu dn it to MO.' And these shall go into<br />

cverlastiug puuiuhnient, but the just inlo life everlasting."<br />


1. After Jesus bad mlmonishod His disciplea to prepare for tllo last<br />

jrldgment, what did he do P In what words? 2. Having sepnrt~ted<br />

the just from the nnjust, what sllall the King eay to those on Ilis<br />

right Ilnnd? 3. 7Pllnt ~1131 the just answer Him 7 TVllnt shall the<br />


334<br />


T,oarn of Mc, bccni~sc X arn rncelc and hurnblc of 1zoarl.-llfatt. 11. c.9,<br />

N the first day of t,he Asymes,' or n~ilenvened bread,<br />

0 when Be paschal lamb wus to be sacrificed, the disciplcs<br />

went to Jesus and said to Him : " Where wiltThouthnt<br />

we preparc for Thee to eat the pasch P " He said to Peter<br />

and John: Go ye into the city, n~id there sball meet you s<br />

mm carrying a pitcher of wafcr : follow him. And whcresoever<br />

he shall go in, say to the master of the I~olzse : c The<br />

Master saith, ~vhcre is my ref~ctor~, mbere I may eat the<br />

psch 6th my disciples ? ' "<br />

~AXYXEE~ (pr. A'zimes).

2 'c IIc will [show you n large dining-room fu~nidlod, and<br />

tllcre prepare ye for us." Tile clisciplcs went into the city,<br />

f[luiicl all as TTc had told them, and prepared the pnscll. In<br />

the evcning Jcsus came tvilh thc otl~cr upostlcs. And when<br />

they wcrc at table, Jesus said to tllenl : " Wit11 desirc I hzvo<br />

desired to eat this paseh with 3.011 bcforo I suffer. For I say<br />

unto you thzt T will r~ot cat of it till 11 bc fulfilled in the<br />

kingdom of God "<br />

3, He riseth from RLlppeT, and Inyeth aside His garment,<br />

and having talrcn n towcl, Re girded llinlself. Afkr that<br />

IIe poured wntcr irlto a basin, nnd began to ~rvnsh the fcct of<br />

tl~e disciples, nnd to wipe tllcrn will1 thc to\vcl. But coming<br />

first to Peter, the apost,lc mid, in smpriso : " Lord, clost Thou<br />

wash my feet ! " Josus ans~rrcrcd and said. " What 1 do<br />

thou kno\~~est not 11011~, but thou shalt know hereafter."<br />

4. Peter conlirluetl to resist, saying that his divino Master<br />

should ilevcr ~vnsh his feet. Then Jcsus said to him : If I<br />

wash thee hot, thon sllalt bnve IN) pnrt with Me." Thcrcupon<br />

Peter humbly aslccd : " Lord, not only my feet, but also<br />

my hands and III~ hcarl.'' After IIc hacl masllcd the feet of<br />

the twelve apostles, Re snt down again at the table, and<br />

told them that since Re, tIlcir Lord a11d Master had given<br />

them such a11 examplc, they were to imitato IIim in practicing<br />

humility<br />


1. On the first day of the Axymecr, what did the disciples,going to<br />

Jesus, say to Him ? IJ'l~at ciidHetell Peter and John to do? What<br />

were they to sap to the xllan \tritll thepitrlller of water? 2. What did<br />

tlie disciples do P I11 the evening, xho camc? IVllan they were at<br />

table, what did Jcsns 6ny to tlicm? 3. \\'hi~t did He the11 do S And<br />

what didkkbegi~i to do 1 Coming first to Pctor, what did the npoat10<br />

say h surprise? Wlint did Jesas u~ls\~ol*? 4. What did Pebr<br />

continue to do? Saying whnt? What did Jesns then say to him?<br />

What ciicl Peter then sag? After Jesus Iiad rvevhed the apostles'<br />

feet, \%,hat did He do? What did ITe tcll them4

336<br />



The bread that I will give, i14 ~ I y<br />

T""<br />

fle~h for the life of the<br />

worlt1.-John, 6, 63.<br />

4 N Jesus toolr bwn.tl in His holy nncl vcnnrable bands,<br />

and, raising I-Iis oycs to henvcn, IIe blcsst?d the brcad,<br />

md broke it, arlcl gnvo it to Iris apostles, ~iaying : " Take ye<br />


and eat; this is Ivly body, which is given for you; do this for<br />

a commemoration of MC.?' In lili~ xnnnner, tnlring thc chalice,<br />

RC gave tllulks ~illd blessed it, saying : Drink gc all<br />

of this. For this is My blood of' thc Ncm Testament, which<br />

hall be shed for many for the remission of si~ls."


337<br />

2. Whilst thcy mere eating, IIo told thc npostlcs : " +men,<br />

I say to you, that one of' YOU ~110 esteth nlill~ 3fe sli:~11 bctray<br />

Me." They, boing vcry ~uuch tro~tbletl, asked Him,<br />

with one voice: "Is it I, Lord? ', IIe nns~~rercd and<br />

said : " One of the twelve, who dippeth his hand with BIc<br />

in the dish." Then he nddcd: '' The Son of Man, indeod,<br />

gocth, as it is \v\.ritten of Hirn, but woe to that mmt1 by<br />

whom tht: Son of &Inn shall be batrapcl. It were betler for<br />

that, mail if he hacl not Lecn born I "<br />

3. The11 Jnrl:rs, who betrayed ILirn, said : '' Is it I, Rabbi<br />

? " But Jesliu rcplied : " Thou 11;~st said it." Then Juclibu<br />

rose from the tshle, 2nd going illl~ncclislely to the hi&priest,<br />

sold his Mnsler for thirty l~icccs of ~ilvcl*, ],mrnieii~g<br />

to betray Hi111 jnto the hands of' tllc higl.1-p1'icsl's scrvnnts.<br />

IVllen hc was gonc, Jesus said to IIis disciples : '' Now is the?<br />

Son of Man glurificd, and God is glorifier1 in Him."<br />


I. What did Jesu~ take in His hnndn? What did Ho rlo? What<br />

did TIc say, giving il to His B~)OS~~OB? What did HO (10, tnliing the<br />

cllnlicu? Saying whnt? 2. WhiIe they were eating, what did L-lo<br />

tcIl Ilis apostles? What did tlley say, with one voicc, being very<br />

r111ich troubled? WImt did He aas\r.er and say? IVl~st did Ilc<br />

tllcll ndd? 3. IV11itt clitl .Tildas then say 9 What clid Jefil~s reply P<br />

\V~IR~ did Judas thcn do? Promifiirlg to do ahal? When Judas<br />

was Kone, what did Jo811s say to Hisdisciples?


Watch ye, and pray thnt ye enter not into temptation.--Matt. S&,&.<br />

H<br />

AVING given I3is apostles thi~ great proof of 1116: love,<br />

-His own body and blood, Jesus vouchsafecl to give<br />

them also a new coinmandme~~t of love. " Littlc chiltIren,"<br />

said Hc, yet a little ~vbilc 3 am uritli you. I gir~ you a<br />

ncw commandment. TliaL you love one anolher, as I have<br />

lo~wl you. By this shall all men kno~v that you arc hly disciples,<br />

if you, have love one for mother."<br />

2. Simon Peler said to Him: " Lord, whither goest<br />

Thou? " Jesus answcred : " II'l~ithcr I go tlmu canst not<br />

follow MC now, but thou sh:tlt follo~v Me aGc~.wtlrti~." Peter<br />

snitl to Him : Why cannot 1 follow Thee now ? I ~vill lay<br />

down my life Cur Thcc." Jesus atlsivered him : ri Wilt thou<br />

lay tlown thy life for MC ? Amen, amen, I say unto thee,<br />

thc cock shall not crow twico till Lhou deny MC thricc ! ''<br />

3. Then tl~c Jlord adclrcsso~2 Peter : '' Siman, Sirnon, behold,<br />

Satan hat11 cleaired to sift you us ~vlzant. Hut I 11~1~(<br />

prayed for thee thnt thy fnit,ll fail nol ; and thou, I~eing once<br />

corl\lertcd, confirm thy brcthren. All of you shnll bc? scanilaliaed<br />

in Me this night. For it is written : ' 1 will s.trike<br />

the sliephcrd, and the shccp uf the flock shall be dispci.ged."<br />

"<br />

4. Jesus, sceing that they were sad at what He had snid,<br />

consoIed them, saying : In My Pntlier',q housc thcrc arc!<br />

many mansions; I go to prepare a place for you. I tt.ill<br />

coIrle again izrld will take you to Myself, tlmL where I tun you<br />

also rrlay be. And where I go yo11 know, and the wily you<br />

Jinow." Hut Tholnss said to Hhn : " Lorcl, .nrc know not<br />

whither Thou goest, and bow can we lc~low? tllc may ? ''<br />

1 T)IYPERSED, scattered.

5. Jcsus replied : " I am tlic WTny, tllc Truth, and thc<br />

Lik, no man cumcth to the Fatl~m but by Wc. And I will<br />

ask thc Father, and He s1i:~ll give you another Pa~aclele,<br />

.that S-Ic niay alirlc! with you fo~cver-the Spirit of Truth, thc<br />

Comforter, the IIoly Ghost, whom tlio Father will serlil in<br />

My name-I-Ie will teach you all things, ancl bring all things<br />

to your minC mhatsoeirer I shall have. snid do you.<br />

G. " Peace I leave with you, My pcnce I give to you, not<br />

as the world giveth (10 I give to you. But now I will not<br />

speak many things with you, For the prince of this ~vorltf<br />

cometh, and in Me he hath nat any thing. Dut that t110<br />

lVorld nlny know that I love tlio Futher, at~d ns the Pntl~cr<br />

bat11 given Me commandment, so do I. Arise, lct us go<br />

hcncc l '" As on o previous occasion tlic Ilord had n~a(l(?<br />

Pctcr the head of His church, so llolv He prorniscs to I~itn ;L<br />

faith illat shall never fail and nevcr err.<br />

QUEST1 ONS.<br />

1. Hming givcn His apostles this great proof of Hie love, what<br />

ditL Jems vouchsafe al~o to give thcln P W hat did 110 say 7 2. Wlint<br />

dicl Simon Peter then say to Trim? n'llnt did Jews nnswer? \VlluL<br />

did Pctor say to I-Iinl P What ditl Josns znslrer ? 3. What did tl~e<br />

Lord say toPoter7 4. Jesus, seeing that they were 8a.d at what 110<br />

had said, what did lio 8a.y to cons~>la then1 ? U'ltat clid Thonlxs n ~y<br />

to I-Iitn? 5. 6. What did Josus reply? What did tl~? Lord on this<br />

occasion promirrc to I'eter, whom lLe had already made tl~e bead of<br />

His church?<br />


Ths Agony offisus i~ the G~Ic~P~z.<br />

-He batlr borne our infirmities, and cnnierl our sorroi~s.-Is. m, 4.<br />

W""<br />

4 F4 Jesus 11ad said tllest? things, IIc ~vcnt forth with<br />

His discjplcs over t l llroolr ~ Cedron, tu n place<br />

cnlletl Gethsemani, 011 .Lhe Mount of Olivns, tvl~ere thcrc w:m<br />

a gsrilen, into which ZIe entcrccl. Tllei-, Hc said to IIis dis-<br />



ciplas : Sit you here till I go youclor RII~ pr:~y." AIICI tit);..<br />

ing with I-Iin? l'cter, J~~lnes, nn(1 John, IIa uilvancccl inlo tllo<br />

gnrdcn. Re began to be sorrowful, u~id said to them : l' Bly<br />

soli1 is sorro~~f~ll eve11 uilto dcn.t.11; stay ye hcre, and watch<br />

with Me."<br />

2. Then going a little farther, Re fcll upon IEs face and<br />

paycd, saying: a Rly Father, if it bc possible, let this<br />


chalice pass from Mc. Nevertheless, not as I will, but as<br />

Thou ~vilt." And, standing up, He came to His disciples,<br />

ancl fillcling tlicm aslccp, Ile said to Peter: '( Could you not<br />

watch one hour with MC? Watch arid pray, thgt ye cntcr<br />

not inlo temptation. Thc spirit, indeed, is willing, but the<br />

flesh is mcxlr."<br />

3. And going a second ti tnc, IIo prayed, saying : " My

JESUS IS SPIXEI). 341<br />

Father, if this chalice cnnnot pass nnrny, csccpt I clrit11i it,<br />

'I'hy mill bc clone! " IIe came again arid fount1 IIis discipIas<br />

~lcepir~g ; and, leaving them, IIc wcut away gain, and<br />

prnyed a third timc, in the sanlc? rvorcIs as Zlcforc. Tllcn Re<br />

fell into srl agony, and His sweat bccnnir? ns clrol~s of blood,<br />

triclding dolvn to the ground. A11d behold, an augd came<br />

and strengthclled and co~lsoled IIim.<br />

4. Then going a third timc to IIis Apostles, He fonnd<br />

them still asleep. He s:Gd to thc~a : '' Slccp now, :ind talcc<br />

your rest. Bellold, thc hour is J hand, nncl the Son of >inn<br />

~IlnIl be Betr:~yccl into Uie l~sncls of sinners. Risc, lot ur go.<br />

UcIlold, hc is :it halid thnt will betray me I "<br />


I. When Jeaiis had said these things, vhat tlirl I3e do? Where<br />

did tlrcy go'? TF'llst did lle then eay to His disciples? JVhom ditl<br />

Hr? t:ke with f Iim? What did IIc begin to be? Wlwt did kIe say P<br />

2. Going a littlo furtlrer, rvhst did Ilc do? Pagir~a what? Standing<br />

np tlien, wliat did Iin tlo? Finding thou asleep, what did He<br />

aay to Peter? 3. Going n ~econd tilr~c, ant1 praying, what did He<br />

say? When Ire came again, horn dirl He find IIisdisciples? Leaving<br />

thcm, what dill IIc do? 11:to ~vh:~t did ECo tlicn fall 7 11-hat<br />

clid lIis sn-cat become? \That did a11 allgel come b JIii~l and do?<br />

4. Going a thirti tinre to IIis apostles, horn did He ilnd them?<br />

What did He tkcn say to thou P<br />


Jests i.s Seized.<br />

He rvns uKimd because it was His own will.-Is. 5.9,7,<br />

VV"'""<br />

4 JESUS was pet spsaking, J1ic1:~s ciilnc with s<br />

great crowd of euldicrs arid scr\r:t~its from the chicfi<br />

pl-icsts rind the ancients. Now tl~e traitor bad givcn them<br />

a sign, sayil~g r " Tl7homsoevcr I sh:tll kiss, that is 110 ; llold<br />

Hiln fast 1 ?' As soon as he snnr .Jcsiis, lie nl~proachc$ I-Iim,<br />

saying r R:til, Rabbi ! " And he kisscd IIirn. Jesus said


to him : " Friend, whcreto art thou come? Judas, dost thou<br />

betray the Son of illan with n kiss ? "<br />

2. Then advancing townrds the troop, Hc mid : '' Whom<br />

seek ye ? '' They xnsmcrcd : " Jesus of h'azsreth." IIe<br />

aid to them, with a look of majesty : " I aln IIc ! " At the?<br />

sourld of 11% voice they starled bsck and fcll to the ground<br />

as though they had boen truck by ligl~tning. Hllcn they<br />

hntl raisctl themselves up, IIe aslced thcm again : Whnm<br />

scck ye 7 " Thcy spoke as before : " Jesus of Enznretl~."<br />

Hc nnswcrcd : " I have told t1la.t I nlrl He. If, thc~*cforc,<br />

you seek ble, lct thcsc go their way." They then laid hold<br />

of l-Tim.<br />

3. The apostles, seeing this, askcd their Lord if they might<br />

not strike wit11 the smorcl in His dcfcnce. But Peter, rvithout<br />

waiting for permission, stn~clz a servant of the highpriest,<br />

called IIdchns, and cut off his right ear. Tliel~ Jesus<br />

said to Peter : " Put up thy xword into tho ficnlb~~rd. Thinkest<br />

thou that I callnot ask My Fntllcr, anti Ue will give MC<br />

presently Inore illan twelve legions of sngcls ? "<br />

4. " HOW, then, shall the Scriptures br! firlfillecl, that ao it<br />

must be done? " So saying, T-Ic touchcd the e:tr of M:~lclius<br />

mtlld llealcd hitn. He tI~etl held out His hailcls, al~d thy<br />

buund IIiin, allcl led IIiln a\rlay. T11ci1 thc disciples all fled,<br />

l~l~vil~g IIiln aloile in the llal~ds of 13ie enemics.<br />


1. Whilo Jcsus rvas pot speaking, who came? Whnt sign had the<br />

traitor given? AH ROO~ al: he L ~ W JCSUS, what did Irc do? Saying<br />

U ti:~L? Wliat did ])c? do? Whel did Jews say to hi1117 2. What did<br />

ITe nay, advancing towards the troop? What did they ar~s\ver?<br />

What did kle say, with a loolr of majesty P At thc sound of TJiu<br />

voj~v? what, l~:lppenc~~l? Wl~en they ht~d rai~ed t~~rmseivcs, what<br />

did IIe agniri nslc them? llrhat did they say P IVhnt did IIe answcr?<br />

What did they thcndo i' 8. What dicl thc npostlcs, scclng tbia,<br />

ask their Lord? IYIlat (lid Pelor do? What 11id .Tesun say to Peter'?<br />

4. 80 s:~yit~g, 11-11at did He do? What did He then do ? Jirhat did<br />

thc disciples thou do?


1' Hc h:l.th hln.sphemec1; ~r.11ai furthcr need !inve WC of wit-<br />

nesscs P Bchold, nonf yon 11nve llcnrd Be blnsphe?ny ; ~vl~at<br />

think you? " They anstverecl : " Hc is guilt,y of death."<br />


1. Where did the troop first lead Him ? lJT\T'ho uras Annan? Who<br />

was CaipIlns? 011 n-hc~t did Annaa qrlc~tion Josu~? What did<br />

Jcsus callnly toll him P The11 what did one of Ihu servants do, who<br />

fituod by ? Suyirrg what? 2. What dicl .Je~ns meekly rcply? To<br />

wlio~n did Annrts send Jcsus? TVl~at h.zd C~iphacr, rne:in\rhilc,<br />

donc 7 What would Ile r~rlrl the \v.vhole co~ulcil willingly 11acc done P<br />

3. T'ITlio came at lnst? What did they say? TSrhnt did tllo highpriest,<br />

rising, tllen sng lo Jesrm? Jesus bcin:: silent, what did<br />

the 11jg11-prjt:st; say to Iiiln? 4. What did Jt:srls answer? Tben<br />

ul~i~t clid the high-priest do? Sayi~lg rvhat? What did thcy<br />

answer l<br />


Peter DC?J~PS JCS~CS.<br />

The Epirit, indced, ifi willing, 11rlt the f esh is n~errlr.--St. Mati.g6,/1.<br />

PETER<br />

a11r3 John llnd followed Jcs~zs at a distztwc, even<br />

to the Ilonse of the high-pricst, in orcler to see the<br />

end. In tho court-yard tliore 1va.s a fire, to which Pct~r<br />

went to lvarln lliri~sclf. IVhilo tI~crc, Petcr was noticed by<br />

one of the mnirl-scrl-ants of the high-priest. She 1ool:cd at<br />

liiin 2nd sdd : '' 'This man also was wit11 Jesus of Nnzareth."<br />

Pckr delliecl EIim, ~nying: TTTomlm, I know Him not."<br />

Ilarnedit~tely tlle coclr cren .<br />

2. Aficr a little wliile a mall coming to Peter, cx~le~imcd :<br />

Thnn also n.rt one of them.'' Rut Pctcr said : '(0 man,<br />

I nm not,." Konr aftor t,he spme of nn hour, a crrtnin scrvant<br />

r;nlt. Pctcr, and pointing hinl ont to the others, ~~ffinnccl:<br />

'' S~lrrly thnn art :~HO 011~ of tIiel11, for even thy ~peccll<br />

doth discovc~. thee ! " B17t I'eter sir-ore tlld fie knew not<br />

the man. Then the cock crew a secoi~d time.


8. And tho Lmd, t~iniiag, Inol~crl at Pctcr. That loolr<br />

pierced his l~enrt. I:.eniemhcring the morcls of liis divil~c<br />

blaster : Befurc! tho co(:k CYOW twice tlion shalt deny Mc<br />

thricc," hc \vent out :und ~~cl>t Littcrly. During all that fear-<br />

f111 night, Jesus was gnn.l.dcd in tllc court by tllc aoldicry,<br />

v110 inus used themselves by infliating upon Him all ~~~annc<br />

of ins11It.s ; they spilt upon Ilirn, blindfolded Ilirn, and struck<br />

31im in the filcc.<br />

1'LYI:II I)LSTi?rCi JESi:b<br />

4. I


~~ieces of silvcr ill the templc, and, iri despair, mcnt and<br />

hanged himself wit1 a haltcr.<br />


1. W110 l~ad followed Jesus to thc house of thc high-priest in order<br />

to BCC tllc end? 'CVilnl: n-as thcrc in thc court-yard ? Wlro went<br />

to rr7arm llimself t11a1-c'! Vliilc thelme, ty whom arns l'ctor nddressed?<br />

\\'hat did film sa,y to Irin~? \ilhal: did lJctcr any? What<br />

hnppened irnmcdiatolg? 9. \.Irho catnc, noon nftcr, to I'ctcr? What;<br />

did the man my? Whnt did Pchr again do? After n ~~~hile, what<br />

did a ccrtnin errant wt~y to Pcter? What did Petcr answer? li'linl;<br />

happenetl rL ~t?t:o11d tilnc? 3. What did the IJoI~~ do? f hat cffcct<br />

liad that look on l'ctor? Whnt (lid ho rc?mclnbcr? TVht~t dill 110<br />

do? IVlicrc was Jc~us all that fcnrlul night? I-low did the soldie~y<br />

nrnuse thcmsclvcs? 4: Wi1:l.t was done early in the 1nol6uing? Tlron<br />

whatdid Judas begin to do? \\'lint did ho clo, goi11g to t.lie chicfpriasts?<br />

Sn,pji~g ~vhr~t? Rl~t t~hal; did thcy stby ? What did Judas,<br />

filled with rcmorsc, thon do?<br />


They bnva ~harpot~t)tl Choir tn1lguc6 liko a serpent; tllc lnnom of<br />

asp is uuder their lips.-PS. .IS$, 4.<br />

T<br />

EIE great council of tllc JCIVS, ct~llcd thc S:tnhcdrim,<br />

coulrl not proilouncc Qle scntcncc of dcat11 without thc<br />

pcr~nir;sion of the Rornan governor. 'I'hcrcfort? the chier-<br />

~'ricsts anil thc nucietits of tllu pcople lctl Jcsus bcforc Pontius<br />

Pilate, who then governed Judea for thc Roman cmperor.<br />

Pilate wc11t out to the excited cro~vd and aslced: " JlThst socusa,tion<br />

bring you against Id~is mall ? "<br />

2. Tl~eya~~s~vcrcd: "JJTchave fnnntl ~lirnpc~.vort,ing our<br />

nation, find forbidding to givc tril~nt~e to Cssar, ri:~ying that<br />

He is Christ, the Ring." Hearing t.l~is, Pilrite )vent into tlio<br />

hall where Jesus was, and asIccil IIiln: Art Thou the Ring


of the Jc~v\.a? " Jesus replied : My lringdnm is not of<br />

this world." Then Yilnle went nut agdn to thc Jcnrs, and<br />

said tllnt lie fonnd no cmse for condem~ling thc perso~lwhom<br />

they had llrougl~t before him.<br />

3. But tllcy insisted that Jesus was gnilty of sedition, stirring<br />

np Ule people from Galilee even to Jerusrtlem. To this<br />

charge Jcsus lnatlc no nnswer. Thcn Pilalo, tic?ring tI~:it IIe<br />

rc~nninccl silcnt, nsbed IIiw : " Ans~verest Thou nulliing?<br />

13chold, in how many things they accnse 'l'hee ? " StiIl<br />

Jcsus v-as silcnt, and IIis silcnce surprisecl thc governor excccdingly.<br />

4. But as soon ns Galilce ul:ls mentioned, Pilate asked if<br />

the nccuscii mcrc n Galjleni7, rind being told that 1I1a was,<br />

heremembcrcd tbnt Herod, king of Galilee, was then in Jerusalcin.<br />

n'om, Pilnte ~vished to ricl hinlself of n case in which<br />

110 .rrras obliged either to go agiiinst his conficicnce or to clisploase<br />

t11c Jews. IIe, therefore scnt the Ssvior to Herod,<br />

that I-Iei.oc1 might sct Jcsus free or condcrt~n IIim?<br />

5. IIcrod wt~s glnrl to see Jcsus, of wlloln lit! had heard<br />

many wonderfi~l things. IIe hopecl t.o witnt?~s solric grcnt<br />

n~ir:~clc. Whc:n Jcsus was I)~.ouglit before him he aslrcd<br />

ai:uly questions, l>romptotl by idle curiosity. 13ut our Lord,<br />

kl~oi~ing llis motive, i~lntlc no answer to any of lliu qnastions.<br />

Then Hcrorl and 11is conibt rilockccl Jesiis, nild lrentcd IJim as<br />

a i'ool, nntl, clotl~ing Ilim jn n wliite garment, xent Ilim<br />

back to Pilate.<br />


1. 7VitIroi1t whosc pcruisnion could the gront counr:il of the Jews<br />

not, ~wonou~>ce scntr:lic:e of death 7 Bt!fol,e a,hon~, t4het*cfore, clid the<br />

chief-priefitr: and tllct ancients accuse Jesus? What did Pilnte ask<br />

thecrowd? 2. Wl~:~t,clidthcy~tls\ve~~? \\?lu~l;did Pilnte,goingbnck<br />

to Jcsus, axlc Him ? What clid =Testis reply ? Wl~nt clitl Pilats Il!en,<br />

goin5 ont spin, tell the Jews? S. h t 11-lint clicl they irisist? Did<br />

Jear~s mnlcc any anewer to this charge? \\'liut clid Pilate then a&<br />

Him 7 4. To ~yhorn did Pilele then scnd Je~ns ? Why did Le end<br />

Him h ISerod? 5. Was ITsrod glad to sec Jesus? What did he


hope ? What did he tlo ~vhen Jesus was brongh t before him ? Did<br />

our Lord ar~ewer nng of his clrlentions? What did Herod aud his<br />

court then do? To whom did IIerod send Jcsus?<br />


Jesus is ScottvprE, Crozuned ruitlr Thonrs, and CO~~CYII? to<br />

Ileath.<br />

Ilo was wounded for onr iniquities, Hc was brui~ed for our<br />

sins.-Is. 53, 5.<br />

1 - >ILArl'E well kncn that it was tliroogh envy that the<br />

chief-pries& :ind tlic ancients lind brought thc Savior<br />

before him, and therefore, Le wished to Rave Jesus from their<br />

11mds. Pilde then went out to the pcople again and said :<br />

'(Yolx have a, custom that I hh(>ulcl rclea~e<br />

to yell one of<br />

the prisoners at thc pasch. IVill you, therefora, that T<br />

ghoul (1 rclcase to you Jesus nr RnraBhas ? " Kom this Bnr-<br />

&has was a murdcrcr who had been tskcn captive in a sedition<br />

of thc pcoplc.<br />

2. Immedi~~tclj~ the crowd, insligatccll by the ohicf-priests<br />

ancl tllo ancients, cricd out : " Away wiih this man, and release<br />

ilr~lo us Bnrrhbas l '' Thcn Pilntc said to illern in<br />

anlnzemont :l " Wllat shall I do then with Jesus, that is call-<br />

cd CI~rist<br />

? " Tl~oy cried ont with savage fury : '( Crucify<br />

Ct.ncify Ilim! ') IJilntc, still endeavoring to save<br />

Jesus, nslrctl agnin : " \Yhy, what evil I~itth I-Ic tlnnc? I<br />

find no causc of dcnth in Him. 1 mill chastise IIim, thcrc-<br />

fore, nrlrl let Him g~."<br />

3. IIc then canscd Jesus to be scourgctd. Immcilintely the<br />

whole cohort1 wsu assc~nblcd. They strippcd Jcsus of His<br />

I I?rs.rrr:n~r~, to tempt, to incite.<br />

*Cu~rom, one of the divisions of the Homan army.

clothas, ticd IGm to a pillar, and scol~rged Him. Thon,<br />

covcring IIim, in derision, ~iit.11 a purplc garmcnt, they<br />

l.rlatto(1 n crolvn of sharp thorns, placcd it on His hcxci, and<br />

pressed it down so tl1~1 the thorns pierced the flesh, and entercd<br />

into the sacred hcnd.<br />

4. Then placing u, reed in His right hand, by way of step-<br />


ter, they bent the knee before Him in mockery, saying:<br />

'( Hail, King of the Jews ! " Others spat upon Him, and<br />

took the recd that was in His hand, and with it they struck<br />

IIis hcad, driving thc tl~arns still deeper into the flesh and<br />

bone. Every tormcnt and every insult that ~nalice could<br />

invent was thcn inflicted on IIis ~ncrcdperson. At last they<br />

blindfolded Ern, ancl then they rencrvcd all rntnner of insult<br />

and irij ury .<br />

5. By this time the Savior was reduced to a statc so pitiac

350<br />


ble that I'ilntc: thought the ~ig1:llt of Him would inspire the<br />

Jews with coi~qmssion. IIc, therefore, took JEWUS out on a,<br />

balcony and showed IIim to the people, saying: '(Plehold<br />

the man." But they cricd out : ': Crucify IZirn l Crucify<br />

IIim ! " Pi1at.e excllljmcd : L Take Him you, and crucify<br />

Him, for I find no cause it1 PIim.') The Jews cried out:<br />

' L JiVO have lam, and according to the law Ha ought to die,<br />

becausc IIe made Himself the Son of God.')<br />

6. Yilake, fenring still more, cntcred the hall and sdd to<br />

Jesus : " J\*I~cncc art Thou ? '' Jesus gdve hi111 no answer.<br />

Then Pilate continued : " Sycdrcst Thou not to me ; kuowest<br />

Thou not tllat I have power to crucify Thec, nilci that I I1:tvo<br />

pomcr to relcnsc Thee ? " Jcsus answered : '' Thou shoulclst<br />

not have any power ng:~i~lst hCc, milass il wcrc giver1 iilco<br />

from above." Kow, Pilatc sought to rclcssc Jesus, buG the


high-priests and the ancients, seeing that Pilate was disposed<br />

to hvor Hirn, gave the governor to nnderstm~d that he could<br />

bc no friend to C~sar if he releuscd that man.<br />

7. Hearing this, Pilatc was afraid, lest hc aliould losc the<br />

emperor's favor. But being still convinced of the illuoccnce<br />

of Jesus, he took water in a basin and waslled his hands bcfore<br />

the whole peopIe, saying- : " I am innocent of llie blood<br />

of this Just Man; look you to it.'' TIlo Jews criad out:<br />

" I-Iis blood be up011 us, and upon our children.'' Then<br />

Pilate released Barabbas, and delivered Jesus to be crucified.<br />

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1. Why did Pilate wish to save Jesus from the hands of the chiefpriests<br />

P What did Pilsto 6kLy to the people? Who was Barabbas?<br />

2. What did tho crowd, instigated by the chief-priests, immediately<br />

cry out? What did Pilate then Bay S' tbcm in amnzcment? What<br />

did they cry out with sasagc firy ? What did Pilate ask again?<br />

What did Ile sny he ~vould do? 3. What did 1x0 then causo to be<br />

donet 1Jrhat did they do to Jcsu~? With what did they cover<br />

Ilinl, in derision? What did they put upon His head? 4. \C'hrtt

did t,l~ey pl:~c.r! in His rjgllt hnntt 7 Whnt insults were hoapt!rl upon<br />

Him? 5. JVhtrl did Yilutc think ant1 do, .\vhcn he iiaw Jcsliv i11 so<br />

piLiablc n state? \'Vh;~t [lid tlie Jaws cry 0111, whcil I>iIate snitl to<br />

them : '* Eccn I-lomo? " Bepeat what np:ls said I)y lJilntc? nnd the<br />

Jews. 6. Fearir~g, still ~norc, what did l'ilntc say to .Trtsus P What<br />

did Jcsus rmswer? 7.Wnu Pilxte willing to givc up tlre frientlsl~ip of<br />

Ci~sur? \\'as hc still convinced of the innocence of Jesus 1 \Vl~at<br />

did he Bay'? Whal: tlitl the Jew~ cry oat?<br />


Ire hllmblccl I.limself, I~ecoming obedient ilnto dcath; eve11 to the<br />

dealk of tho cross.-Pluil. 2, 8.<br />

*JIE?X tl~? SOICI~C~S of thc governor, tearing li.om the<br />

' body uI Jesus the puq>lc rohr, elotllcd Him iymin in<br />

his owl garments, n,nd laid thc cross, lvllereoil I-Ie IV:LS to 11e<br />

crucified, upon His bruised :uld ~llnl~glctlsho~llclers. nearing<br />

this hcnvy burden, l-Tc ntlwllced tllrongh tl~c strcots of .Ternsnlcm<br />

towards the place uf puniuhnlent, rvliich wn.s c:tllcd<br />

GoIgoBa, or Cnlvary. Two robbers ~vere also Icd out to bc<br />

crucified with Him.<br />

2. BtlL Jcsus, exl~auuted by long fasting anti loss of Llood,<br />

fell three times unrlar the weight of the cross. Thea the<br />

Jews, fearing tllat; Jcsus migllL die on the way, forced s certain<br />

man, who was passing By, namcd Simon of Cyrcne, to<br />

help Him to cwrg the cross to the p1ar.e of cxerntinn.<br />

3. Anlong tlie vast cro~vd that followed Jcsus t.hcrc wcrc<br />

sonic pious wonicn, 11~1lo shed tears of compassion on scoing<br />

Him rcclucerl to such a stnto. But Jesus, k~riling towards<br />

them, snicl : '' ~ . I I ~ ~ I ~ of' L LJcIu~sL?~~~, T S weep I I ~ L over lie, hut,<br />

waop for yonrselvcs nild for yollr chiltlren. For, bclinld, thr:<br />

days shall couc whc11 they shall say to the ~no~zntninr~ : ' Fall


npon us,' ancl to the hills : L Cover us.' For if in the g~ccn<br />

wood they clo these things, what shdl bc done in tlie dry ? l'<br />

4. When Jesus reached the top of the hill of Calvnry, the<br />

fiolcliers oRered Him milzc nzingled with myrrh, but IIc re-<br />

fitsed to drink. They then tore the clothes from His al-<br />

rcitcly mangled body, and nailed His linnds ancl feet to tllc<br />


cross. And they crucified with Him the two thieves, one on<br />

the right, the other on the left, h'aked and blecdirig Hc hung<br />

upon the cross, r~~ised aloft between heaven and earth. Pilate<br />

wroto a title in Hebrew, Greek, and Lttin, a d put it on<br />

the cross. The wliting was : L' JESUS OF NAZARETR, TIIE KIXG<br />

or TnE J~mrs." Many of the Jews were dissatisfied; they<br />

came to Pilate and said : " Write not the king of the Jews,<br />

but that H e said : ' I am the king of the Jews.' '' But Pi-<br />

80~lJ$~lll%, Bible HlEt. 23

late nnsnrcred : '' V7h;it I haw wriltm, I hasc miitten."<br />

And thc snltliers c;ist lots for His g:lrmcnts, even as tho<br />

prophets had foretold.<br />

1. What did the soldiere of tire govornor then do? Now did Ha<br />

advance thrnngh tllc strects of Jorr~saleru? What was the place of<br />

punishment ralled ? TYIlo vcrc nlso led out to bc crucified with<br />

Him? 2. What did Jesus do, esllaustcd bp long fasting and loea of<br />

blood 7 Wliat did thc Jc~vs then c20 7 Why did they force Simon of<br />

Cprexie to heIp ITirn to carry tllc cross? 3. The were amongst the<br />

vast crowrl that follo~~ed Jesize? What did they do on seeing Jealrs<br />

reduced to ~nch a state ? What did Jesus, turning to tlrem, sag?<br />

4. When Jesus reacllcll the top or the hill of Cnlvmy, what did the<br />

soldierfi offer Him? Did hc clrink it? l\-liat did thop then do?<br />

Whom (lit1 thry crucify with H ~II~? What (lid Pilato write? Mrero<br />

the Jcws sntisfeil witl: it? lJrl)nt was Pilate's answer? What did<br />

the so1dic:rs do ?<br />


JPSPLS' Spanks Seven Wads OIZ the Cross n?td Dies.<br />

All they that saw 3$o have laughed M e to scorn ; they halve spoken<br />

with the lipn, a11d wagged the lied.-PS. .ql, S.<br />

ANY of those who passed that way, anlld snw Jesus<br />

M hanging on the cross, blnsphe~ned Him, md said :<br />

*' Thou that destroycst the temple of God, ancl in three<br />

clays builtlest it up again, s:we Thyself. If Thou hc the Son<br />

of God, conle down from the cross.?' The chief-pricsts also,<br />

and the scribes, and thc micien ts noc cl red Him, saying : " IIc<br />

saved others, IIin~rjelf He cannot save."<br />

2. Bul Jcsus prarcd: "Bz~ther, forgive them, for they<br />

know not what they do." Ailcl one of the thieves who was<br />

crucified with Him, blnsphcmcd I-Iirn like thc others, say-<br />

ing: '< If thou he Christ, save Thyself anrl us I " Hut the '<br />

other rcbulred him, saying : " Neithcr dost thou%ar God,


355<br />

seeing thou art under the snrne condcrnri:ttion? We, in-<br />

deed, justly, for WC recoivc the clue 13cmard for our deeds ;<br />

Ilnth do~ic 110 cvil." Tha~ 11e snid to ,Tosus :<br />

bul this ~nnn<br />

" Lord, rcrrlelnbcr rue IV~ICII Tllou slialt come illto Thy<br />

Icingdom!"<br />


3. Jesus rcplied : Amen, I say to thee, this day tllou<br />

shalt bc wit11 Me in pa~aclise." Kenr the cross stood Mnry,<br />

tho rnatl~er of Jcsuu, and John, His beloved disciple, ai1d<br />

Mary Magclalen. Loolzi~~g upon tl~om with tcnder nfYoction,<br />

I-Ic said to I-lis mother: " MTotnan, behold thy son I " Then<br />

addressing John, IIe snid r " Be hold thy mother! " Now<br />

Erorn the sixth hour thcre was darkness over tllo mholo oal-th<br />

until the ni~~tll hour, rvhilo Jesus was in His agony.<br />

P3 *


4. That He might drink the clznlice of sorrow even to the<br />

dregs, our divine lmrd was nhnndonerl nt tltd amfill moment<br />

by His 14ternal Father. This was the crowning point of Iris<br />

terrible agony ; for Hc exclni~ncd : " Eli, IrIli, Lnrrirria Xnbacthani,"<br />

that is : '' My God, my God, why hsst thou forsake^^<br />

Me? '' After a few momcnts' silence, IIe said : " I thirst,"<br />

5. Then one of the soldicrs tc~ok a sponge, 2nd steeping it<br />

in vincgar and gall, put it on the end of a reed itrid prcsentecl<br />

it to His lips. 13ut when Hc had tasted the vinegar, He<br />

mid: " It is consumnlatcd l '" Then He clied out 11~it.h :I<br />

loud voicc : '' Patller, into Thy hancls I cornmcnd My spirit ! "<br />

Allcl bowing clown His xncred hcad, He expired. How<br />

grcat must have boen thc snfferings of the Blessed Virgin<br />

who witnessed all the tor11lcnt.s of hcr Divine Son willmut being<br />

able to give 1-Tirn relief.<br />


1. What did many of those do who passed that say, and ~xn*<br />

Jesus ha~~ging on the cross? What did they sag? Whnt did t11c<br />

chief-priests and the ~cribe~ and tl~n ancients do? Saying wllat?<br />

2. But what did Jnsns, prayitig, ~ PY? What did one of the thicvce<br />

do who wefl crucified with Him? Saying what? Mrhnt did the<br />

other say, rebuking him P 3. What did Jesus reply? Who ~tood<br />

near the cross? Whnt did .Tesus say to Hie mother? What did<br />

Ile say to John? What rvnu there from the rrixth to the ninth<br />

hour? 4. Why was our divine Jdrd aba~~doned at that awful moment<br />

by His Eternal Father ? What did Hc exclaim P After a few<br />

moments' silence, what did He say? 5. lIrhat did one of the ~oldiera<br />

then do? When We hacl taskd the vincgar, \$what did Hc say?<br />

What did He cry ot~t with a loiul voice? What did 1Ie then do?<br />

Wae the grief of tbo Blessed Virgin great?<br />

~CONEUM~~ATZD, completed, finished.


Jeszcs is hid the Sejarlchcr.<br />

nis sepnlchcr ullall be glorious.-Is. 11, m.<br />

I N order llint the bodies of those who were crucified rnigl~t<br />

not remain on the cross during the Sabbath, tha soldiers<br />

cmnc and broke thc leg8 of the two thieves ; but coming to<br />

: . r<br />

, ' ,<br />

I I ',I<br />

'I , I l/,,, -4<br />

" l<br />

,, ,, l!',\ .,, if.. "<br />

I , m<br />

I.,.<br />

. .;: - 1 . . .<br />

- - 4.<br />


.<br />

.?: . X :.<br />

Jcsus, tl~cy found Riin already dead. Hcnce there was no<br />

nccd to brcn,Ir. His legs. Fcnrjng, neverlhcless, that ~orna<br />

vcstigc of lifo might still rcmain in Rini, one of' tl~c ~01dicrs<br />

p?crcccl Riu side with a sljcur, arid irilmediatcly blood<br />

niid rvatcr cnrne forth.<br />

2. There was n~norlg the ~oc~*ct disciplcs of Jew% :L rich<br />

man, named Joseph of Arimatheu, n member of the council.


Hc wcnt to Pilatr: ~ncl asked for the body of Jesus, that ha<br />

might bury it. Pilnte granted bis rcqucst. Then Joseph,<br />

together with Nicodcmus, took down tho sacred Body fro111<br />

the cross, ailcl wrappcd it up, with costly aromalic' spices, in<br />

LL linen ghroud.<br />

3. It so happened tl-int Joseph had a garden near the place!<br />

where Jesus rrras craciiied, ttild in the garden was a new Be-<br />

pulcher, hewn from the rock, wherein no one linci yct bccn<br />

buried. In this they laid tl~e body of Jesus, and rolled n<br />

great stone to the door of the scpulchcr.<br />

4. On the following day, thc chief-priests and the Pl~asi-<br />

scos went to lJilatc, and said : " Sir, we hnvo remembered<br />

tlmt that seduccr said, rvhilc RC was yet alive : 'Aftcr three<br />

days I will rise again.' Comnland, thcrcforc, tllc sepulcher<br />

to be guarded until the third day, lest His disciples come<br />

and steal EIirn away, and say to the pcople: ' Ile is risen<br />

from the dead.' " Pilate gttve them guards to watcli the<br />

scpulcher, uld they, moreover, sealed tl~e stone. The water<br />

and the blood that Iloi~red fro111 the side of Jesus, are figures<br />

of two great sacra~rients, 11urtlely : The blood refers to tlic<br />

Holy Eucharist and the water to the Holy Baptism.<br />


1. Why did the solcliers brenlc the legs of the two thicves wl~o<br />

were cruciiicd 7 Why did tl~cy not bred tllosc of Jesus 'l Faring<br />

that notne vestigc

JE,YUY RISES 1VlObl TIIE DEAU. 359<br />


Nor wilt Thou givo Thy Holy Olie to sce corruption.-PS. 15, IQ.<br />

ARLY in the morning, on Zhc tlnlird day, there ~vas ,z<br />

E great cnrtl~qoake. At tho same rno~acnt Jesus came<br />

forth froin the tomb, glorious 2nd imrnort:~l. h d an<br />

1'1' IS 1-1 -1. lib! l:, r It.':,..<br />

angcl came down from hcavcn. His face shone like lightning,<br />

and his garments mere while as Snow. SO tcrl'ific~l'<br />

were the guards nl; his appcar:.mca that they swooncd away,<br />

allcl bscannle ss dead men.<br />

2. But the angel rolled thc stone from the door of the sepuloher,<br />

and sat upon it. As fioon nu the guards rccovcrcd<br />

TERRIFXED, fri~h tcned.


fro= their terror, they mn in great haste to the city to tcll<br />

what they llad seen. Townrtls ~unrise, Mnry Magdalen, nnd<br />

Salome, ailcl 11;~ry Cleophas hrought spices to the sepnloher,<br />

irltcniiing to clnbalm thc body of Jcsns. As they drcw ncnr<br />

thc st?pulchcr they said ono to another: '( Who shall roll us<br />

back the stonc from thc door of the sepnlcl~cr?"<br />

3. Ilrhcn thcy came to thc place, they found lh& the stone<br />

had already been rolled away. Burprisecl :tnd alarmed, t hy<br />

cntered in, and behold, tho body of Jews was not lllore I<br />

Great, then, was their sorrow and distress, fur they knew riot<br />

what had become of the body of their Lord. But, immedi-<br />

atcly, two moll in slliuing garmeute etooil belore them.<br />

4. Seeing this, tlie women were afraid. But one of tllo<br />

: Be iioG affrighted. You seek Jesus<br />

angels said to tl~eln<br />

of Nazareth, who was crucified. 139 is risen. He is not<br />

here. Go, tell IIis disciples and Peter ! " The women joyfully<br />

went, arld told' the disciples what t1lc.y hat1 seen and<br />

he:~rd. In the meantime tl1e chief-priests collsultecl with the<br />

ancients, and then tl~ey<br />

the scpulcl~cr n great smn of money, and told them : " Say<br />

you that I-Iis tlisciplcs can-to by nigllt ant1 stole Rim away<br />

when we wcrc aslccp." The soldiers toulc the money and<br />

did as #hey were told.<br />

gave the eoldicrs that liad becl1 i ~ t<br />

1, Wbnt maa tliere eady in tlls morning on tlic! t11i1.d day? What<br />

did Jesu~ do at the same momcnt ? Who cal~ic down from heaven?<br />

Wbat was hie agpeurance? llrliat effect had hi^ appearance ou the<br />

guards? 2. Wt~tbt did 611e ul~gel do? What did the guai.ds do an<br />

goon as tlir?y ~.l!cove~~d from btieir telmrorP Wlrut did three dcvout;<br />

monlen brillg, atout suni.iss, to the ~epulcher.? he they drew IieLtr<br />

tho uepulclier, what dkL they sky ono to anothcr? 3. .Whr?11 they<br />

cmlne to the place, what did they flud? What did they do? Wlio<br />

stood immediately bufore tllorrl? 4. What (lid ono of tho ongcls sty<br />

to the women? What did the wonlen joyfully do? What did the<br />

chief-pricste an11 the auciente give and flay &to tho soldiere that had<br />

been at the eepulcher P


Tlli~ JCHUB hnth God inisod again, whereof rill wc u~~o<br />

sitncsscs.-- ActsZ, 33.<br />

OW, IkIary Magdalen, seeing that the stoile was rolled<br />

N m, from tlw sepuldler, md noticing Uiat thc body<br />

was 11ot there, went in all hastc to Jerusalem to tell thc news<br />

to the apostles. But inmxxliatcly ahc returned wccping to<br />

the grave, anti tllcre die snrv the two angels. Or~c of tlwm<br />

said to hcr : " \IToman, why ~vccpcst thou ? "<br />

2. Mnry sorromf~~lllly rcplied : " Because they hnvc tnlren<br />

away my Lord and I lmom not t.~horc they 11we laid Uim ! "<br />

When she had said this, shc turncd back and saw Jcsus<br />

standing. But she 1:l~cw not t11:it it was Jesus. I-Ic said to<br />

her: Whom'secbest tliou ? " She, thinking that it rvas tl~c<br />

gardener, replied : "Sir, if thou hast takcn Him, Ccll me<br />

where tliou liavt litid 31im, arid 1 will take Him away." Jcsus<br />

said to her : '. Mnry ! "<br />

3. Immediately rccognieing IXirn she fell down nt His feet,<br />

ancl exclnilllcd : " Rabboni ! " that is to say, " hfnster." lic<br />

said to bcr : "GO to My brethren, and say to them : i nsccnil<br />

tu My Patller and to your l?nthcr, to My Cod mrlyour Gad."<br />

IIe irlsbntly disappeared. Thc s:ttnc day Jesus appeared<br />

also to the other women and to Simon Peter.<br />


1. Pcoilig tlic aln)llc: rolled asay from ll~c ~~pnlclio~: wfint did Mary<br />

Magtlalcn du? W11:it (lid slic itlt~rw~trds do? l\rli:~f {lid slir, sec<br />

illere? IVhilt did OIIC of tIicrl~ sxy to Ilcr? 2. \\'hat did M;~ry sclrro\rf~rll-y<br />

rcply Y \Yhcn sllct 11:1cl dollc tltis, w11om dirl s11c wnc htiuld-<br />

ing? Ditl 3110 know Jesas? W'llsl ditl Jcsl~s say k~ ltcr*? What<br />

did ti1113 roply 7 8, lln~ncdintely 1-ncog11iming Hirll, ~vhat<br />

clicl d1r9 do?<br />

What did sllc cxclairn? Wlr:ti did TIC LLLJ' 10 her? TV11:it Ilr~pptuiud<br />

then? Thc saiuc dtly, to whom dirl Jcsns nlsu appear?



Jtszu Ajfears to Two of His Disciples 072 tfie cuny to<br />

Em~nuzxs.<br />

They &hall obtain joy and gladness; sorrow aud monrning shall<br />

flee away.-IY. 51, 12.<br />

N the evening of the rcsurrection, two of the disciples<br />

9 went to Emmaus, and talked together of the eucnts<br />

that had taIcen plnco in Jen~salern. Jesus surldcnly jojncd<br />

the~n under thc form of a siranger. IIe malkcd on ~iL1,<br />

thern, but thcy knew Iiirn not. IIe aslied them what thcsc<br />

events were of ~vl~ich they sl~olre, and why they appeared so<br />

sad.<br />

2. Then one nf tllcm, whose name was Cleophas, nnswcrcd<br />

: "Art Thou alone a stranger in .Jcrus:~lem, a11(1 hast not<br />

lrnotvn the things that have been dolie tllcre in ilicsc rlnys't "<br />

Tl~en Jesus xskcd : " What tlliilgs ? " They replicd : '' Con-<br />

cerning Jesus of Nazareth, ~ 1110 was :L j,rol>hct, ant1 cunccrll-<br />

ing our chicf-pricsts and rulers who crucified IIim. Now to-<br />

day it is tllc third day since these things were done. Yca,<br />

somc women, also of our cornlxany, v1110 bnvc been at the<br />

aepulch~r, say illat He is alive." Whcn Jesus llacl hearcl<br />

these words, He n:~i(l to the111 : 0 foolish and slow of lieart<br />

to believe dl tliu things which the prophets have spoken!<br />

Ought not Christ to have sufl'crcd these things, aid so enter<br />

into I'lie glory ? "<br />

3. Then, beginning with Moses and the prophets, He explained<br />

tu them c~~crything in tllc scri1)turcs that as said ilt<br />

relation tJo IIimsel f. When they reaahod Emrnnus, He was<br />

about to tnlie lenvc! of thcm, but they prcsscd Hixn to remill<br />

wit11 them, as the day was far spent. I-Ic remailled accordingly.<br />

4. But when they sat do1v11 to tt~ble, He took bred ancl<br />

blessed it, and gave it to thcm. And immecli;~tcly their eyes

wcrc opcncd, :tnd they 1;ncw Trim. But IIo vanished from<br />

thcir sight. They thcn said to oi~c ui~othcr : '' Was not our<br />

hcnrt bur~litlg within us wliiIst IIe was ,spc:tking in the<br />

way?" The 6nmf3 evening they rct~~rilecl to Jcrusalel~1,<br />

wl~ere they fo~tnd the eleveii gathcmd together, ~v11o exclaimed:<br />

"The llorcZ is risen inclceci, tmd hat11 nppenrcd to<br />

Simoi~.'' The two dieciples now told thc apostles how they<br />

also had sccn the Lord, and how they knew Him in the<br />

breaking of bread.<br />


1. Who-suddenly joined the two disciples who mcro going to Emmnus<br />

on the ererli~ig of the resurrcctiori ? Tkc disciples not recognising<br />

JIim, ~r.bt did IIe do? And whst did Ile ask them? 2.<br />

What did Clcophas then say to ITim? What did thcy k11 Him?<br />

When Jesus I~ad hcnrd lhose \vords, what did He say 7 3. Beginning<br />

with BIoses and the propheb, ~i~hat did He explain to them?<br />

When they reached Emmntrs, ~vf.~at trlrs He about todo ? But what<br />

did thcy do ? And what did FIc do 7 4. U'he11 they sot down to<br />

table, what did Hc do7 Arid in~~neclintcly wliat liappened ? But<br />

what did Ho do? 1l7hat diti they tlien say to one another?<br />

Whithcr dicl they rcturrl tho suma evening? \\*.C'llat did they tell<br />

the apoetles 7<br />


jiszfs Appears to the Asse?rtliZed apostle.^, a d fistitlties the<br />

Sacvn$rie?it of Pc~ance.<br />

Confess, therefore, your sins one to nnother.4ames 5, 16.<br />

HEN the apostles wcrc assernhlcd together in a room<br />

W in Jcrusnlen~, the doors of which lrera closcd, Jesus<br />

came and stood in their midst, saying to tl~cm: "Peace bc<br />

to you l It is I, fear not1 " Tllcy tramblcd with fear,<br />

thillking it was a ~pirit. But Jlc mid to thcnl: " TITby aro<br />

you troubled? Scc My lla~lcls nnrl feet ! A spirit bat11 not<br />

flesh nnd bones as you sol: 3Io to l~nvc.~'<br />

2. Tken IIe ~homccl thorn .Ilis I~ttntls, Hib E&, :tnd His<br />

side. But thcy, still wunilcrccl, and wcre scarcely able to bc-

lievc their own eyes, ~vhcn Jesus nsl


I \\.ill ~c!t 111) onc r;licq)lie~.tl<br />

over tliern :~licl lie crlixll fccd<br />

tl~cm.-~~eclisl.~~, 23.<br />

T tlie command of thcir Lord, tho zpostlcs lcft Jcruss<br />

A lem and went into Gnlilee. There Sosns nl~pcarcd to<br />

tbuxn 0110 day on the b:mks of thc! 1:ilco of (;oncsarotll, and<br />

l I . l ' : 8 1 ' . PETER TUE SUPREME PASTORSHIP.<br />

having blessed tliern, He ate with them. And aftcr thcy had<br />

eaten, the Lord saicl to Simon Peter : '' Simon, son of John,<br />

Iovest thou Me morc than thesc? " Peler answcrcd : Yea,<br />

Lord, Thou knomest that I love Thee.''<br />

2. Jcsus s.zid to him : " Feed M y Iambs." Then the Lord<br />

sdd to Him again : Simon, Son of John, lovtrst thou Me 0


Petcr again rcpliod : Yea, Lord, Thou Irnomcst tlist I love<br />

Thee." And Jcsus spoke to hirn again : " Feed My lamb^ ! "<br />

Then Jesus, as though to try XIis apostle still furthcr, nslzed<br />

him s third time : Simon, Hon of John, lovest thou Me? "<br />

Peter was grievecl becausc his divinc Master sccmed to doubt<br />

his love, and he answered wn.rnily and earncstly : '' Lord,<br />

Thou knowest all things, Thou lcilowcst that I love Tl~ce 1 "<br />

Thcn thc Lord said to him : " Feed My sheep."<br />

3. On a previous occasion the Lorcl had chosen Fctcr ns<br />

the foundation of the ch~xrcll; later on Christ bestowcd on<br />

Peter the gift of uncrring faith for himself ancl for hi8 brctllreri<br />

; and now Jesus c~i~fidc?s to him the labs and the sllecp<br />

--that is, the wholc floclc, But the flock of Christ is tllo<br />

True Church, Hence, if it is the duty of Pctcr to govern tllo<br />

mholc cllurch of Christ, it must also be the duty of the rncmhers<br />

of tlie church to obcy Petcr. TVhosnever, thercfore,<br />

does not obey Peter, or his successors, be cannot enter into<br />

tho friendship of Christ.<br />


1. At the eommantl of their Lord, whnt did the apostles do?<br />

There, what did Jesus OIIC (lay do 7 After they had eaten, whnt<br />

clitl the Lord say to Simon Yctcr? What did Peter answer? 2.<br />

W11a.t did Jesus say to Him? What did tlie Lorcl sny to him again?<br />

What did Petar again reply 7 Whnt did Jesus say to him again?<br />

Wliat did Jesus ask him a third time? Why was P&T grieved?<br />

What did he answer warmly and earnestly? What did tho Lord<br />

then nay to him7 3. What three privileges did the Lord be~ltow on<br />

Peter and his saccessors? If it ie the duty of Peter and his successore<br />

to govern the church, what must the duty of the faithful boy



The Arcension of]tstt.r Chvisi.<br />

Lift np yoilr gates, 0 gc princes, thc King of Glory shall cnter<br />

ill.-Pa, 23,9.<br />

T H U S it wns that Jesus often appeared to His npostles<br />

after His resurrection, and spoke to thcm of the kingdom<br />

of God ; that is to say, of all that was rcqaisite for the<br />

I<br />

. - . , ..<br />

,,'<br />

, L!..' a,', , . 1 L<br />

. . ! J<br />

,. .<br />

1.<br />


Wt~tlier, and of thc Son, :~~zcl of thc Holy Ghost ; teaclling<br />

tl~cin to ob~jcrve all tliing~ nh:~tsocvcr I hs1.e co~nr~~nndc<br />

you. And, behold, I an1 with you dl days, eve11 to the consummation'<br />

of the world."<br />

3. L' He that Lelieveth, and is baptised, shall bc saved; but<br />

he that bclicvoth not, shall bc conrlemned. And these signs<br />

fillall follorv them thsl believe. In My n;tlne thcy shall cast<br />

out devils; they shall speak with new tongues ; they tillall<br />

talrc up serpents ; and if they ~haIl drinlr ally deadly thing,<br />

it sllall not hurt tl~cm.'> IIe then ttank thern to hInnnt<br />

Olivot, raised 1113 His bancls nad Mevvecl tllcrn.<br />

4. Tlien He begtul to asccntl, ailcl soon a cloud llicl Him<br />

from their sight. Whilst thry stood looking sorrowf~rlly<br />

aftcr Hini, two nngelu appcnrtd to t11enz in shinillg ~vhit,c<br />

garments, saying : '' Ye men of Gnlilcc, why stand yuulooking<br />

up to heaven ? This Jesus who is talccn np fro111 you into<br />

heaven, so shall 1Ie come, ns yon have seen IIiril going<br />

into hcm~en."<br />

b. Heariiig these words, t1.1e apostles fell donm and adored<br />

God, and returned to Jerusrtlem, praising and blessing God.<br />

Many other things which Jesus did are not related in the<br />

Gospel; for St. John thinlis that if thcy were all ~vrittci~, tl~c<br />

world itself would not be nblc to contain all the books. But<br />

this much has been written, that ttwe may bclieve that Jesus<br />

is the So11 of God ; and that, believing, me may have life in<br />

His name.<br />


l. What did Jesusoften do after His resurrection P Of what did IIe<br />

speak to them? On what day did I-Ie manifest Hitn~elf for the last<br />

time to Ilis.zpostles? What did EIecomurand them to do? 2 and 3.<br />

Whither did ITc take them? Urhst did He then say to tothe1117<br />

tF71iat did Hc then do? 4. WThat didHc then begin lo do ? What<br />

soon hid Him from their sight P Whilst they stood looking upnftcr<br />

Him, who appeared to thcm? What did the angels say? 5. 1Iearing<br />

those words, what did the apostlcs do? What are not rclatcd in<br />

the gotjpel? For wbnt reason (foes St. John thinlr so? Butwhy<br />

has this much been wnttcn?<br />

l Coasb~arr~ro~, termination, end.



The EZtcfion of Jfatt/rias.-UesceFct of the JT04 GAnst.<br />

You shnll receive the porver of tho Holy Ghost couling upon<br />

yot1,-Acfr 1, S.<br />

tSCENDINC from Blount Olivet, tIlc apostles rcpaired<br />

D' to the upper chamber., or supper-room, of the llou~e<br />

in which thcy us~~ally nssembled. There they remained in<br />

prayer for ten days, wit11 Mary the ~riotl~cr of Jesus, several<br />

othcr holy women, and a, grvit number of disciples, the<br />

number of persons bcing abont one huudrccl and t~~cnt~y<br />

During those days of prayer, Yctcr, rising up, said that it<br />

was expedient l that a new apostle sllould be chosen instead<br />

of the traitor Judas.<br />

2. Two of the disciples were then proposed: Joseph,<br />

called Barsnbas, and fiIattIlisu. After praying fbr light from<br />

above, they cast lots, and tho lot fell upon Mattllias, who<br />

was numbered with the elevcn nposlles, and filled the place<br />

lcft vacant by the lamentable fall of Judas. Ten days after<br />

the ascension, the Jews celcbratecl the Feast of Pentecost.<br />

3. On that day the apostle^^ were assembled together, persevering<br />

in prayer, when s~tddenly there cn~ne a sound frorn<br />

heaven as of a mighty rushing wind, and it filleci the ~vllule<br />

house where they were sitling. Therc nppexed to tllein<br />

cloven tongues, as it were of fire, ant1 it sat upon every one<br />

of them. And they were fillcd wit11 the Holy Ghost, ancl<br />

began to speak in divers tonguca. SW<br />

1 EXPEDIENT,<br />

advisable, proper.<br />

Bcnvarrs, Bible Hint. 2 L

4. Non-, thc1.c mere nt tllnl limc, in Jertis~lem, Jc\~s from<br />

every ilatioll undcr lieartm, ~vlio hnil co~nc? for ille cclcbmtion<br />

of the least. These, having hearcl of what had tiken pl~cc,<br />

11a-stenecl with a great nurnhcr of the inhtl1)itants of Jerusalcln,<br />

to the house wherein ihc apostles were asscmbletl.<br />

Each one was astonished to he;~r them spcd~ in his owtl<br />

tonpe.<br />

-pj-<br />

-.- . -.= .... -- . .<br />

, . . .-<br />

. . . 1. \.<br />

I, . .<br />

.<br />

l i .'<br />

- I<br />

. .<br />

, , . .,-.<br />

I , ' .-<br />

.. .<br />

. . . , - , .<br />

.' I, '<br />

I "l!<br />

. .<br />


5. But some of the people! ma(:l

wonders, nncl signs, which Goci did by IIim in tlw mirlst of<br />

you, as you also kno~rp; Hiln you l~avo crnciiiccl unil put to<br />

cleslh by the hands of ~vicked 3ncn. Clot1 hat11 rrtiscd Hilrl<br />

up, whereof wc all are wit~lcssee. Rcing exdtecl, therefore,<br />

hy the right hand of Gocl, nnd havii~g reccired of the Father<br />

tha promise of tlis IIoly Ghost, He hat11 ponrcd foxth this<br />

al~ich you set! nnd haar."<br />

7. Thercforc, Ict all the house of Isra.el kx~om rnost nssrircdly<br />

that Gocl hnth nlsdo Ern TIorcI and Clirist, this salrle<br />

dcsus whoin you have crucifiotl." The word8 of Pctcr had n<br />

tlivinc po~ver that penetrated nll hcarts, ancl many, rcpeniing<br />

of thcir sins, tukccl Peter nnr2 the olllcr npostlcs what thy<br />

onglil; to do. Peter sniil to tllc~n: "Do pcnnnce, and 110<br />

bnptieed, evcry nnc of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for<br />

the remission of your sins, aulil you shall reccivc! thc gift of<br />

the Holy G11ost." They rcccivcci his words with joy, and<br />

on that day about three thousand persons were baptined.<br />


1. Deaccnding from Mount Olivet, where dill the aporrtles go?<br />

Nl~at did Ulcsy do Ulere? Diiring tlroae clays of prayer, what clid<br />

Pctcr cny, rising up? 2. \\'kst w:ts then donc'f Upon shorn did<br />

the lot fall ? Wllnt did tlie Jews cclcbrnle ten clay aftcr the Hecellh<br />

ion? 3. \\'hat took place on that day when tllc apostles wore as-<br />

~clr~blerl hgethcr, pcrscvc?ring in prnycr 7 \f hat then nppcnred<br />

k) them? With \\bat were they filled? And bcgnn to do wlint?<br />

4. \Vho were at that timc in Jcraaakm? Whnt dicl tliese do ~vlicn<br />

they lieard of what Irt~d t:rlten plscc4 At wlist wns cnch one fintonislml?<br />

6 and 6. I'I'Ilat did ~owo of the peoplc, mocking them, say?<br />

What did Peter, going for111 from tho honse, Rajr? 7. Whnt power<br />

hnd his ~vords? What effect bad they ? What did they ask Peter<br />

ant! the other apostlcs P \\rl~at did Pctcr say to them ? How dill<br />

thcp receive his words? How ~nmy of them wore bnptisod ou thnt<br />

1iny ?



A Lng?re Bfitjr Cyi1.d fiy Z'eter and Johtl.--Thcy irlce b~vrr~ht<br />

befort the Co~mcil.<br />

Tho worlcs that I do, he a180 ~Liall do, and greater than these<br />

shall be do.-Jolw 14, 1.2.<br />

NE day, Pctcr and John were going up to the tcmple to<br />

() pmy. Therc WM at Wle gate cnlhd the Bcnutiful, a<br />

man who was lame from his Lirtb, and who lV\.ns carried every<br />

day to the g&te of the tcn~plo to beg dn~s from thoue who<br />

went in. Secing Peter a.11~1 John he asked tlicm for an alms.<br />

Rut Poter said to him : " Silvcr nntl gold I havc none, bul<br />

what 1 have I give thee: In thc name of Jefiu~ Christ of<br />

Nnxareth, rise up and wnllr I"<br />

2. TIlcn having tnben thc man by the right hand, Peter<br />

lifted him up, aid ir~~rneclintcly<br />

firm. Then, Icaping up, hc storrtl nnil walked, ant1 entered<br />

with them into the ternple, prising :ird blessing (3od. All<br />

tllc pcople were filled wilh amazement to see the Inme man<br />

~vdlsing and leaping.<br />

3. But I'cter szid to them : '( Ye mcn of Israel, why woncler<br />

you at this? or why look you upon us %# if by our<br />

strength we hail made this ~nan to wdk. Tl~c Oocl of our<br />

fathers hath glorified IIiu Son Jesus, whom you clcliverecl up<br />

his feet and soles becan~e<br />

to death. The hith which is by Him has given this perfect<br />

~oundness in the sight of you nll. I: know that you did it<br />

through ignorance. Be penitcat, therefore, anci bc converted,<br />

that your sins mny be blotted out ! "<br />

4. Many of those who Iicard these rvords were converted.<br />

Dul while the apostles were yct spctllring to the pcople, tile<br />

priests and the ofIicers nf the tcmple came and laid 11nnds an<br />

them, and cast them illto prison, where they remained till<br />

thc follolving day,<br />

5. Then the chief-priests and thc ancients ]lad the npostlea<br />

brought before them, and asked : " By what pawer, or in


whom name hnvc you done this ? " Peter answered: "B0 it<br />

lrnown to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that in the<br />

name of our I~crrd Jcsns Christ of Nazareth, whom you cru-<br />

cified, whom Gocl hath raised from the dead, even by Him,<br />

doth this man stand here before you whole."<br />

h Thc chief-priests and the ancients ordered Pcter and<br />

John to bc taken out, and said one to another: "Whnt shall<br />

IVC do to these men? for amiracle, indeed, hath bccr~ done<br />

by them, conspicuous1 to all the illllabitnnts of Jerusalcnl; it<br />

js manifest, and WC oannot dcny it. But that it may be no<br />

fl~rthcr divulged' among the people, let us threaten them,<br />

that Q~ey speak no more in this name to any man."<br />

7. Then, calling tho tnro npostlcs, thcy charged them nut<br />

to spca.1~ at all in tl~c name of Jesus. But they ar>eacrctl<br />

them, saying: '' If it bo just in Ule eight of Got1 to hcnr you<br />

rather tl1ar1 God, judge ye, for we an.nnot but speak the<br />

things which we liavo seen and heard."<br />


1. Whither werc Peter nnd John otlc dn,y ~oi~lg<br />

tllclo at tho Ucn~iLih~l<br />

up? Wlln was<br />

yntc? Sccillg Peter atid Julltr ~vllnl (lid 110<br />

do? Bat what did Petcxl. ~ttg to llirn? P. What dirl l'cter tllm do?<br />

And what lrnppcl~cd i~n~nedial~ly? And \c-hut did the niail do?<br />

With what wcrc all the people Iillecl? 3. What did Peter WILY to them?<br />

4. nut wl~ilo the apostles vcro yet spcv~king to tlle poopl~, who<br />

came? What did they do to thc apostlee? 6. What did the ohiefpric.sts<br />

snd the ancicnts then do? What did fBcy !yk them? What<br />

did llebr anwwc+r? 6. WIlrrt dicl thc clicf-priest6 and tho rlilciente<br />

say to one tlnothet,? 7. What did thcy then chwge th two apoatloe?<br />

But wkut did tbcy anslvcr P<br />

cl~tlrly seen, promiuenh<br />

S Dtvomau, made lutowu, spread.<br />

1 (~oh.s~rcnous,


W<br />


HICN l'ctcr slid John told the disciples a11 that had<br />

t:~lc~)~ plnce, they wcrc exaitcd to great fervor, and<br />

prayecl thnt Uocl might' strengthon t.hem in the faith, and<br />

worlr: sigiis ancl wonclcrs by tltoir l~:i~ltls. J\Thilst tllcy thus<br />

prayed, tlie lace wherein tlicy wore, nr:is sli:tlcen, ancl Ihe<br />

IIoly Gbost co~i~ing upon thctn, imp:u.tc:tl to thcm the gift of<br />

courage ailcl tllc spirit of concord.<br />

2. Tl~cy I~erscc~rccl in the doctriile of tl~c al,ostlcs, in<br />

prayer and in the breski~ig ol the bread; that is, the apostles


celebrated the holy sacrifice of tho mass, and the faitliful rccoived<br />

Holy Communion. Thus thcy became so perfect that,<br />

of their own accord, thcy solcl all thoy had, nnil brought the<br />

price thereor to the apostlcs to ilistributc nnlong the poor.<br />

It so happened that a ccrtnin mnl?, l~amccl Aaanins, ~vitll hix<br />

wife Snphira,l sold a piece of land, and brought a portion of<br />

the pricc to the apostles. They acted as if they hacl given<br />

the ~vllole price ; yetthey co~icenled a part for tllernselvcs.<br />

3. 13ut Peter said: "Ananias, xviiy lint11 Satan teml~ted<br />

thy honrt tht~t thou shoulclst lic tn the IIoly Ghost, ni~cl by<br />

fra11cl lrccp pn~t of tlie price of tllc f<br />

Wl~cn thcy became so perfect, whet did they do P Who sold n picco<br />

of lantl? What did thoy bring to the ylostles? What did they<br />

l Sn~lrran<br />

(pr. Ss-S'-ra). ~AJ.WAKY, beneficial, useful.


conccal? 3. Dut what did l'etor say? What did A~innins da when<br />

Re heard thcec words? 4. Whet ca.w upon all who 11eal.d it,?<br />

!Irha,D did the ~roung men do? Abollt thm 1lonl.s nrter, who r~rno<br />

in? \\'hnt, did Peter say to hor? What did aho say? Whatdid<br />

Ihtc~. tlron do? fsr~ging what? B. What hnppcllod immodintcly'!<br />

Wbnt did tlie yo1111g Illen, coming in, do? I\'ilh rht~t oughl; this<br />

tcrriblo p~lrii~hmellt of Auat~inu lrud Snpllira to iuspirc us?<br />


If yo11 pttrtr~kn of the aufleriug of Cllrist, rejoice, t11~t ~-hon His<br />

g101.y 13111111 be ~.evealed, SOII ~tiay nl~o be glad with<br />

exdiogjoy -1. I'ct. .4,13.<br />

p -HI3 apostles mrought many fiigns %lid wonders among<br />

- tllc pcople. The sick rrrera i)rought forth into thc<br />

strcets on hctls or conchcs, 80 that nt Ioast the shadow of<br />

Peter n~igl~t fall upon thcm, and they might bo cured. Ey<br />

tl~c daily repetition of tlicso prodigies, the number of be-<br />

Iievera W:LS wonderfully increased. Wherefore, the hig11priest<br />

caused dl the twelve apostles to be eeized ar~d cast<br />

into prison.<br />

2. Rut nn nngel of the Lord came by night, nntI opening<br />

the dooss of the prieon, led them forlh sit-ying : " Go, and,<br />

st-anding, spcn-k in the tetnple to the people tl~o words of<br />

life I ?' Hearing this, they went into the temple, at the clawn<br />

of clay, and taught. Thc chicf-pricsts rvcsc enraged xvhen<br />

they heard that the apostIes werc again teaching in the<br />

temple.<br />

3. They gave orders to have them irnmeclidely arrested<br />

mncl put in prison. The11 thc apostles mert? ngnin brought<br />

bcforc the council, and thc cldcrs said : WC commanded<br />

you that poa should not teach in this name. Behold, you<br />

bnvs fillcd Jelusalem with your doctrine." Petcr and the


apostles answered: " We ought fn obey God rather than<br />

men. The God of our fathers hnth raised up Jesus, whom,<br />

you put tu death, hanging him upon a tree.''<br />

4. Thig Prince and Sa~rior, God hath exnltcd with His<br />

right llnnd, to give penitence to Israel, and re~lxissio~l of<br />

sins." When the priests and ancients heard these things<br />

they werc filled with anger, and thought to put the apostles<br />

to death. But one of the council, n Pharisee named Camaliel,<br />

sdoctor of the law,and respected by all thc people, rising<br />

up, com~nsnded the men to be removed for a little while.<br />

5. Hc then addressed tllc council, saying: "Ye mcn of<br />

l#rael, consider with y0111'~elve~ what yolt are about to do<br />

with thcso rnen. If this rvorlc be of men, it will fall to nothing.<br />

But if it be of God, you are not able to clcstroy it, lest,<br />

pcrhspa, you bc fonncl to opposc Iiod." Thcy agreed with<br />

C:arnnlicl, and calling in tho apostlcs, tl~cy scourged tbem,<br />

and charged them to speak no more in the llalr~e of Jesus.<br />

6. But thc apostles went Eortll from the presence of the<br />

council rc,joiciag that they were nccountcd worthy to suffer<br />

reproach fo~ the name of Jesus. They went daily tu the<br />

temple, and from house to house, teaching arid preaching to<br />

tl~c people, proclnimillg everywhere the and power of<br />

the crucified Bavior of the world.<br />


1. Whr~t did thc apostle^ mork aruorlg the jleo~df!? Who rern<br />

brought for*th into thc streets? By wl~nt, falling upot~ t,f~ern, n-erc<br />

they cured? qrhat did the ~ight of those pl-odigios do? Wllttt did<br />

the high-prieet, tl~e~seforc, cauue to be douoP 2. 13ut what clid an<br />

nr~gel nf thc Lord do? Baying what? Hearing thi~, what; did they<br />

do? 8.4. Wh8t orders did tho chief-prie~tn give? When the npnatletl<br />

were again brought before them, what did thcy ~sny l What did the<br />

npostlra answer ? When the ohief - priests and nucienta heard<br />

this, with w1.11ttt werc they filled? What did thcy tliink? Wl~at<br />

did Gamr~Iie1, one of tha council, commnnd to ho dono'? 5. FVt~nti<br />

did he any, addressing the conncil? J)id they rlgrPs with Gumnli~ll?<br />

'What did they do to tll~ apostles? B. But what did the opc~litle~<br />

do? Whnt did they do daily?



E&im of Br ~eacorrr.-~te~9~ttt the First RYRY~~P-,<br />

Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord,<br />

that thou fulfillit -Coil. 4, 17.<br />

S the number of the disciples increased, it happened<br />

A that somc poor widows wrre neglected iu the d:~ily<br />

distribution. Hcncc it was that the apostles, c:llliiig togcthcr<br />

the multitudc of tlic disciples, said : " It is nut fit tli:~t<br />

me shoultl leave the worcl of God, :m1 scrvc L~hlcs. Tlicrc.<br />

fore, brethren, look out ulnong you sewn mcn of good rcpntntion,<br />

full of tllc Ifoly Ghost and wisdom, ~vhom WC may<br />

appoint over this bt~siiiess. "<br />

2. This proposal was plcnsing to thc disciples. Thcy<br />

chose Stcphen, a man full of faith ancl of tho Holy Spirit,<br />

~villl Philip nnc-l five others These they presented to the<br />

apostles, nrho pmpccl ovcr thetn, :~nd irr~poscd linnds upon<br />

thcm. Stephcn, full of grncc and pomcr, did grcnt rronrlcrs<br />

amongst the people. Sorne of tllo lllost lcnrnc(2 of tllc doctors,<br />

cnvging his fame, bcgan to dispute with him, but even<br />

they c0111d not equul tl1e mnrvellouul wisdom with which IN<br />

spolro.<br />

3. Ashamed of their defeat, thcy stirrcd up the pcoplc<br />

againat Him. IIe was seized ancl brought before tlie coui~cil.<br />

'J'hcy then bro11gh t up fnlsc tvitnt!ssca, wlio tcstificd that hc<br />

ccascd not to speak against t.lic holy place ailcl t11c Inw. All<br />

the mcmbera of l110 cou~lcil loolicd nngrily upon hiw, but<br />

they saw his face alli~litlg like that of an angcl. Fillcd wit11<br />

divine lovc ant1 thr! Spirit of God, Slcplicn reltlindecl tl~e~n of<br />

tllo \vonclers ~vliich God llscl wrougllt for their fathers ia<br />

Egypt uiid othcr plsccs.<br />

4. After sho~vinp t hciil hov* t'angratcf~~l tl~cir fnthcrfi l~srl<br />

been, hc co~~clucled with tlicsc ~r.ords : " IYit1.1 n fitifl' ncclc<br />

ancl uncircuinciscrl hcart and cars, you dways resist the<br />

1 MA I~VELLOUS, wonderful, sstonishiug.


Holy Ghost, as your fathers did. Which of the prophets<br />

Ilavc not your fathers persecnled? Ancl thcy have s1:iin<br />

tllosc who forctold the coming of the Just One, of whom you<br />

11ave been now betrayers and mixrderers ! "<br />

5. When they he:~rd him speak thus, they rqcd, and<br />

gnnshcrl thair tceth with fury. But Stcphcn, being filler1<br />

with the Holy GhostJ Iookcd up stcadfnstly into l~eaveti, u~tl<br />

E;IW the glory of God, and Jesus standing at thc right hand<br />

of God. ?\'hen the Jcws hcard him tell his vision, they<br />

cried out \vitI~ Iond voice and stoppctl their cars, and ruslling<br />

upon him with 0110 accord, drove him out of tl~e city, and<br />

sloiled him.<br />

6. Whilst Steplicn was being put to death, R young rnan<br />

nsmcd Saul lield tllc gar~nents of t11e niurdcrers. But<br />

Slepllcn, falling on his knecs, crietl mill1 a. loud voicc:<br />

"Idorcl, lay not this sin to tlleis charge! " Whan 11e had<br />

said tl~~x words, hc cxpirctl. The praycr of St. Stephcn<br />

for his cnemies was vcry plcasing to God, sncl somc say thr~t<br />

tlirough this prayer, Saul reccivcd, later on, tllo grace of<br />




1. As the number of the dieciples increased, what hnppcned?<br />

Bence, what did the apostles do? Saying what 7 2. M'l~om {lid thc<br />

disciples chooee? W hat did the apostles do when thc seven \\'ere<br />

preeented? What did Stcphcn do among the people? N'tiat did<br />

gome of the most learned of tllo Jewish doctoir;, envying his fnmc,<br />

do? What follo~vcd ? 3. Abhamerl of their defeat, allat did tllcy<br />

do? What waa done to Stephen P Whom did tbcy bring up P<br />

Wbat did thcy testify 7 \\'hen the member8 of tIlo colincil lookcd<br />

angrily upon him, did tbey sec7 Ofwhatdid Stcphenremind<br />

thcm7 4. Whet did hc show them ? In what wordrr did Ilo conetude?<br />

5. When tbey henrd him speak tbns, whnt did they do?<br />

But what did Stephen do? Whet did he ~eu7 lIrl~en the Je~rw<br />

heard liim tcll 11is vision, what did thcy do? B. II'l~ilst Stepl~en<br />

waR being p11t to death, who Iield tt~e gxmwnle of tho murdcrert;?<br />

Vhst did Steplien, falling on his knees, cry ont? Wl~sl I~appcnecl<br />

then7 Was the prnycr of Stephen for his cncmics pleasing toGod?<br />


The Sncmrtte~tt of Cu~lf~~~rrrtion.-Rn~tis~~ ofthe Ofl~cf of<br />

Qr4eert Ca?zrince.<br />

Ile that Lelioveth atld is baptised, shall Lc.susc!tl.-hf(zrk 16, 16.<br />

1 ll3R the deltth of Stephen, the disciples of J'csue<br />

Af" Cl~rist were grievously nfflictcd in Jcrt~saleln. Arnul~g<br />

the worst of the persc?cutors was Saul, the salno who I~nd<br />

held tl~u gsrrrients of those nrllo put Stcphen to dealh. I-Ic<br />

wer~t from I~ouse to house, dragging out lnen and wo~r~en who<br />

professed to be follo\r.ers of Christ, and threw them into<br />

prison.<br />

2. 011 nccount of this fierce oppression, thc disciples were<br />

scattcrcd abroad through all Juden nnd Samat-ia, preacl~ing<br />

evcrywhcre thc gospcl of Jesus Christ. The deacon Pliilip<br />

trrent to Samhrin, where he cured nll ~nnnner of diseases.<br />

The inhabitants of that city received the gospcl with joy, Le.<br />

licvcd and were baptitled.

9. When the apostles in Jcnis~~lcm heard this they sent<br />

Peter m ~d Jol111 to (:onfirm tlic ncwly bnptiaed. The two<br />

apostles went to Barnaria and prnycd for the new Christians.<br />

Thcn they impoeed hands upon them, and they rcceived the<br />

Holy Gllost. After Peter and John had preached thc gospel<br />

i11 Sarnaritl, and t4bc country round about it, they returned to<br />

Jc~~usalcm.<br />

/L- .---,<br />

. - -.<br />

p::, ." -- - . '..<br />

. .. - .<br />

-.<br />

: - -:., I.. 1 , .,.<br />

. < A<br />


I: --<br />

'.?. -<<br />

.. ," .- I: .+.I<br />

8. a ; ~ , " . ,<br />

4. But an angel appeared to Philip, rsying : "Arise, and<br />

go towards the south, to the way that gocth from Jerusalem<br />

down to Gnzn 1 'I Philip wentimmccliately. While jouniey-<br />

ing along, he was ovcrtnken on the road By an officer of Call-<br />

(lace, Queen of Ethiopia, who was returiling froni Jerusalem,<br />

where 11e had gone to worship,<br />

5. As he rode along, sitting in his chariot, he rend nloud<br />

the prophecy of Isaias. Then the tjpiril sn.i(l to Philip : " Go<br />

near, and join thyself to that chariot l '' lle did so, and


heard the officer reading tllr: wortls : "As :L s1leop, 1% nr:is<br />

Icd to tl~t! sltrugl~ter; and, lilrr! ,z lamb, ~~it~houL a voice, before<br />

His shearer, so opcncd l-IC not IIis ~uu~tth." Philip<br />

asked him : '' Thinkest thou that thou 11nclorst;mc2est what<br />

thou readcst 7 " The officer rcplicd : 'l How can I, ur~lesv<br />

woIne one ~liom me ? "<br />

6. IIe then rcqucstetl Philip to come up into Ihc cha~iat<br />

and it, wit11 him. Philip ditl so, a~id, beginling with the<br />

tcxt which had puzzled thc ofliccl., ? ~e ex1)l;iinod to him a11<br />

tllc Scriptures relating to Jcsns Christ, instrut:tinghim in tlie<br />

mystery of rerlcmption. As tllcy ~oile on, thoy cnlne to a<br />

stream, rind the stranger ~a,icl to Philip: Scn, horc ja water,<br />

allat binclcrcth me from Loing b:q)lised? ''<br />

7. Pbilip rcplied: "If tllou believcst will1 thy wllole<br />

hcart, thou mnycst ! " IIe nnsweretl : "I believe that Jesue<br />

Christ is the Son of God.]' He then stollpod the cImriot,<br />

itnd thcy Loth weilt do~vn into tlic water, and I'lli lip baptised<br />

tlie offi~cr. But when they cune up out of thc wntcr, thc<br />

Spirit of thc Ilnrtl toolr :nvay Pllilip, and thc officer saw him<br />

no more. Praising ancl tlossing God, bo went bank jnyfuljy<br />

to his own country.<br />


I. After thc denthof Stepl~en, what hnppenetl? Wton;lsamongst.<br />

the worst of the pcrsecutors? fVhnt did he do? 2. What was the<br />

result of thie fierce pereeci~tinn P Wlio went to Sairinrit~? M'lr at<br />

did hedo 111ol.r:'t Mrbatdjdtlie jnlrabitants of thnt city tlo? 3, What<br />

did the apo~tleu in Jerusalem do wllc~l they hcard thiu 4 What did<br />

these two apostles, being cotne, do? Aflcr they had preached ttlo<br />

gospel in Gamaria, what did Peter ar.dJohndo? 4. Who appcrrrcd to<br />

Philip? Gaping what ? By whom was Philip nvertakcrk on the romttl?<br />

6. What was the officer reading aloud as he rode along in his chnriot?<br />

What did the spirit gag to Philip? Whnt wortls dicl Ile hear<br />

the officer roaclirig? \Vhrttdid Philip ask him? Wlist tlitl the ofiicer<br />

reply 4 6. What did he thenrequest Philip todo? I-lnvingdono<br />

so, what did Philip do? What did the oiIicer say \vlleli tlley cairie<br />

to a stresln? 7. What did I'liilip mty? WImL (lit1 11e then do?<br />

IVl~nt did tl~ep both do? Brit when they came ot~t of the water,<br />

what happened? What ditl the oflicer do P


By tha grace of God, I am1 hat T nlll ; ant1 IIis grace in rlie hah not<br />

beell void.--I. Go?.. 15,lO.<br />

AUL, fitill breztl.ting thrcnt~l and slaughter against the<br />

S disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, went to the high-<br />

priest, n.nd asked hiin for letters to Damnscns, that he might<br />

bring the disciples whom hc found there p~~isoners t-o Jeruex-<br />

v -v--<br />

v p-=-..--<br />

. . -. .<br />


lem. As he journeyed on the road to Damascus, sucldenly s<br />

great light from hea,r.cn shone around him. Struck as if by<br />

lightning, he fell to the ground.<br />

2. At the san~e momcnt, he heard a voicc saying : c' Saul,<br />

Snul, why (lost tl~ou pcrset:ute Me ? " Xaul as1:cd : '\lTho<br />

art Thon, Lord? " Tlic voice rcpIiec1: 'L I rLm Jcsus, whom<br />

thou dost persecute." Tremblilig ~t~itl~ fear, nnd much<br />

nstonisl~cd, Saul said : " Lord, what wilt Thou have me to<br />




In OIIR spirit were we all bapti~edinto one body, whether Jews or<br />

Gentiles.-I. Cor. 19, 13.<br />

THERE lived in C=sareal a man named Cornelius, a Ro-<br />

man centurion, n devout and God-fearing man, who<br />

gave much alms to the poor, and prayed continutllly. One<br />

day an angel appeared to him and said : " Thy prayer6 and<br />

thy alms have ascended for a memorial in the sight of God.<br />

Send men to Joppc,<br />

& LT~-*<br />

-<br />

- - - - and call hiher Si-<br />

'1 ~'"j<br />

mon, who ia eurnnm-<br />

, v, ed Peter. He shall<br />

tell thee what thou<br />

# must do."<br />

nclius<br />

2. Then the angcl<br />

a . h L disappeared, but Cor-<br />

setit three<br />

who feared the<br />

Z men, L<br />

I<br />

/: 'l<br />

C-Y? . rg . - the<br />

Lord,<br />

fullowing<br />

to Joppe.<br />

day,<br />

011<br />

as<br />

these men were draw-<br />

BT. PETER'S VISION. ' ing near tlie city, Peter,<br />

waitir~g for his<br />

midday meal, went up to the house-tap to pray. During<br />

his prayer, hc was wrapt in ecstaey. He paw hewen opcned,<br />

and, behold, a grcnt sheet, as i.t were, was let down by the<br />

four curners fi*om heaven to earth.<br />

3. In tl~c sheet there were all manner af four-footed beasts,<br />

and crecpiag things of the earth, and birds of the air. Then<br />

a voice came from heaven, saying: &'Arise, Peter, kill and<br />

eat 1 " Pcter replied: " Far be it from me, Lord, for I have<br />

ncvcr eaten any common and unclean thing." But the voice<br />

l C~~SAREA, (pr. Ces-a-re'-a).


spoke to him again : " Thnt which God hat11 p~~rificd, c10 not<br />

thou call common! This was clone three timcs, after<br />

which the vision disappeared.<br />

4. Whilst Peter was wondering what this vision might signify,<br />

the Spirit uf God spoke within him, saying : Behold,<br />

thrce men tree$ thcc; nrisc, thcrcforc, go down, and go with<br />

them, doubting nothing, for I have sent them." Immediatcly<br />

Peter mcnt down and mct thc mcn whom Cornelius hnd<br />

sent. Next day he set out with them, and with Rome of his<br />

own disciples, for Caesarea. Here he was met by Cornelius,<br />

who, bowing down before Peter, told his vision, and all that<br />

the angel had said.<br />

5. Peter then understood his own vision about clean and<br />

unclean animals; that is to say, that the Gcntiles, who had<br />

hitherto been considered as unclean, were, thenceforth to be<br />

received into the church of Christ. Whereupon he announced<br />

to Cornelius and his household the doctrine of Jesus<br />

Christ.<br />

6. Whilst Peter was yet speaking, the RoIy Ghost came<br />

upon all who heard him. Pctcr and hi3 disciples were astonished<br />

to hear these Gcntiles speak in divers tongues, even<br />

as the apostles had done on the day of Pentecost, Then<br />

Peter commanded them a31 to be baptised in the name of the<br />

Lord Jcsus Christ.<br />

7. From that timc forth, tho gospcI was preached to thc<br />

Gentiles in various other placee. Paul, as Saul was now<br />

called, and Barnnbas, his companion, preached, cspecially<br />

at Antioch, the ancient capitil of Syria. There thc number<br />

of thc faithful increased very much ; ant3 thcrc, for the first<br />

time, the bclicvers in Christ rrrerc called Christians, after the<br />

name of thcir divine Founder and Master Jcsus Christ.<br />


I. Wl~o lived in Cresaren 7 Who appeared to him ono day P What<br />

did the angel 6ayP 2. IVllc11 tlia angel had disappesretl, what did<br />

Onrnelius do 7 On the followjnp day, in Jappe, vhile Pctcr waitcd<br />

far his midday mcal, what did he do7 Whilst he prayed, what<br />

25 *


Bappcned? And what did he see? 3. What wore in the sheet?<br />

What did s voice, coming from hearen, say ? What did I'eler say 7<br />

What ditl the voice say again? 4. \Vhilst Pcter \rue n.ondcring<br />

ahnt this risiom luight mean, 1v11at did thc Spirit oTC;otl my ~vilkin<br />

him? Whom did Peter ~ucct on going down? Kext day, allat did<br />

lic do? By whom \irnshe mct in Crcsnren? W1i:it tlid Corncliue tell<br />

11iml 5. Wllt~t did Pcter then undcrstnnd? \\'Itat w:w tlie meanir:g<br />

of the strange vision lie lrad 11ad7 Rknt did Peter sunounce?<br />

G. Whilst F'etcr was get speaking, vllat happened ? JVbat did Pctcr<br />

and his cliucigles Rear that astonished tllcm ? What did Peter then<br />

command to be donc? 7. What was clono from that time forth 7<br />

\\'hat was Saul now mllcrl? JCho \SW his ro~mpmion? Whcrc did<br />

they c~pecially prcach ? II'Ilat ~iunlo \vasgiven to the faithful there P<br />

After whom were they callcd Christians?<br />


Petty ilr Frisorr. (A. D. 42).<br />

The Lord is good fa theu that hope i11 Him.-Lam. S, $6.<br />

EKOD AGRIPPA, grandson of that Herod who had<br />

- onusad the little cl~ildrcn of Bctl,lcharn to be slaughtered,<br />

was now reigning in Judes. FVisl~ing to find fwor<br />

with tllo Jews, he began to pcrscct~to tllo disciples of Jefius ;<br />

and, having put Jnmes, brofllcr of Joha, to deatl-I, he mused<br />

Peter to be arrested and thrown into prison.<br />

2. Now, it w:is the tirrie of tile Jcvisll Passover; RO Hcrod<br />

pire tlla apostle in charge to four files of soldier#, tl13;t tl~cy<br />

might gtiard liixn till after the festival-titno, mhen he mcant<br />

to put 11im to dcall~ publicly. But pmycr n7ns made uuccasingly<br />

by tllc infant church for I'ctcr. Now, the rliyl~t preceding<br />

the clay olx which he ~vm to bo put to death had<br />

a1 rcndy corne.<br />

3. That nig1:llt \)c!ing l~oulld wit11 t ~~o cliuins, Pclcr slept betmecn<br />

two soldiers. Tllr! otller svldicrs 1:c:pt \trabll at tl~odoor<br />

of the prison. And behold, m1 angel of 80 Lord appcmed to

Pcter, and s bright light shone all around. The angel struck<br />

Peter on tl~c side, and a~vakencd liirn, saying: " Arise,<br />

quickly 1 " Ho did RO, a d the ch:lins fcll from off his<br />

Ilnnds.<br />

4. Then the angel spoko to him : " Gird thyself md put on<br />

thy snnrlds, and follow me! Yctcr obeyed, not Ic~io~ving,<br />

however, \vhether it was n tlrcnm, or a reality. Going out,<br />

tI~y passed through the first and the second ward, or watch,<br />

and came to the iron gstc lcading to the city, which opened,<br />

of itself, befort? thcm. 13ut 1v11en they came out of tho<br />

prison-yard, and had passed along one street, the angel disappe.ased.<br />

fr. Then Petcr, coming to himself, found it was not s<br />

dream, and hc cxclaimed: '' h'ow I Irnow in very deed that<br />

the Lord hnth scnt His angel, and hsth delivered me out of<br />

the hand of Hcuod, ant1 from all the expectation of thc peoplc<br />

of thc Jews ! " Hc went then to the house of Mark,<br />

nhcsc many Christians were asserribled in praycr. Whcn<br />

Peter knocked nt thc door a you~~g girl named Rhode came to<br />

listcn.<br />

6. On hearing and recognieing Peter's voico, tha girl rvaa<br />

so delighted that she forgot to open the door, and ran in<br />

lmstc to tell the others. Dut they supposctl that she had<br />

lost her mind. Yet she insisted that Peter was really<br />

at tl~o gate. They tlicn said tl~at it must be his angel.<br />

Meanwhile Peter continued knocking. When tl~o door was<br />

at lengtll opened, and they Eaw it was indeed Peter, evcry<br />

one wits truck with amaxernent.<br />

7. Their wonder increased when they hcard how the<br />

angel of the Lord had delivered hirn from prison. When<br />

monling came, and Peter was not to bc found, the guards<br />

were filled with consternation.' Ancl well thcy might, for<br />

Herod, hearing of Peter's escape, caused them all to be put<br />

to death. But Hcrocl himself did not long escopo thc punishment<br />

which his impiety and cruelty had deserved.<br />

l COSY.P~PXA.PIOH, alarm, horror.


8. He had gone to Csesarea, and was scatcd on his throne<br />

in kingly date to receive solile foreign ambassadors. He delivered<br />

un oration which drew fro111 the people the wildest<br />

acclamati()n.' They said he poke as s god :ind not its sman.<br />

This absurd and scnsclcss flattcry was vcry acceptd)le to the<br />

tymnt. Ho was well plenscd to bc considcrcrl as ngotl. 1311t<br />

i~nrncdiatcly the angel of the Lord struck him with n terrible<br />

and loathsome disease, and he expired in fearful torments.<br />


1. Who was now reigningin Jnde~? lIrishing to find favor with<br />

the Jewu, what did he do? Whom did he put to death ? Whom<br />

did be cause to be arrested and thrown into prison P 2. To whom<br />

did Hcrod give the apostle in chargo? Whon did ho men11 to put<br />

Iiim to death publicly ? But what was done by the infant church P<br />

Jlrl~at had already come? 3. How ~vas Potor slccping? Who ap-<br />

peared to Peter? What did tile nngel do? Saying what? When<br />

he did' 60, what happened? 4. Then what did the angel Bay to<br />

him 'l What did Fekr arid tho angel do, going out? Wl'hen they<br />

had passed along one street, wkat Iiappened 7 5. What did Peter,<br />

coming to himself, find? What did he say? Where did Ire then<br />

go? Who were assembled thcrc? When Peter knocked at the<br />

door, who came to listen? 6. 011 hearing Potcr'a voico, what did<br />

the girl do? What did they suppose? But what did she nnswer<br />

tben~ P What did tliog tbcn say 7 Meanwhile, what did Peter do P<br />

7. When did the wonder of tkc pcoplc within ineronso 1 Whnt did<br />

Herod causc to be done when he hard of Peter's escape? 8.<br />

llrhitlier lied Herod gone? Why had he gone ? What ditl lie deliver?<br />

Wliat clid it draw from the people? What did they say?<br />

Wa.6 this flattery acceptable? But what happened then 7<br />

'~CC~,AMATION, R shout of applau0e.

T<br />



PuMLTIs FirSi Jfission. [A. D. $5 to 48).<br />

The I.ord is my Helper; I will not fear what mail c!un rlo<br />

unto me.-PS. 217, G.<br />

RE IIoly Ghost comma~~dcd the clhf men of the<br />

Christians of Antiocll to sct apart Paul and Bnri~abas<br />

for thc work to whicll they were called. Then after they<br />

had prayed and fastcd, they itnposed hands upon both of<br />

them, ancl ~cnt them forth to preach the gospcl. Tllen it<br />

~vas that Paul began in all earnest to labor for thc conversion<br />

of the pagan ~orld.<br />

2. He preached first to tho Jews. But they still refusing<br />

to reccive the divine gift of faith, he betook himself to the<br />

Gentiles. Many of these 11cnl~t3 with deligl~t the ~vorcl of life,<br />

and TVCI'I: baptised) BO that the church of Jcsus Christ incr~~seci<br />

from day to day. Thcn Fa111 and Barnabas went to<br />

Cyprus, tho native country of Bslnnnbas. Aftcr they had<br />

preached thrm.~ghout the whole island, the pro-consul, Hergius<br />

Pa~~lus, acrit for them, that 110 might hear from their<br />

mouth the word of God.<br />

3. Thero was with Sergius a Jcw, a false prophet, named<br />

Bar-Jesus. Tl~isrnan refiisted them to his utmost, and endeavored<br />

to dissuade Sergius from becoming a Christian.<br />

Hut Paul, E~lll of the Holy Ghost, looked at him, and said :<br />

'' 0 ~JIOU, f1111 of all guile and of all deceit, son of the devil,<br />

enemy of all justice ; thou dost not cease to pervert the right<br />

~ays of the Lord, And now bellold, the hand of the Lord<br />

is upon thee, and thou shall be blind, not seeing the sun for<br />

atime!"<br />

4. Ilnmcdintelp a thick mist came before his eyes, and he<br />

went about groping for some one to take him by the limd.<br />

The pro-consul, seeing thie miracle, believed in tllo Lord<br />

Jesus Christ, From Cyprus, Paul and Ba~tiabas snilcd for<br />

Asia Minor. Waving come to Antioch, in Pisidia, Uley en-

tcrcd in t.o tho synagogt~c on thc Snbhath-day , and preached<br />

to tl~c people Jcsus crucifiecl and risen again from the dead,<br />

wit11 the rcrl~ission of sins througl~ Hinl nIonc.<br />

5. Paul's cliscourse pleasect thc pcople so nue ell that hc<br />

was roquostotl to come on the following Sabbath and prcach<br />

again. But thc Jcwu were filled wit11 envy, sccing the multitude<br />

that camc on that sccond Sabhalll to hear Paul, and<br />

they contrsdicled all ho said. Then Paul a11d Barnabas<br />

spoke boldly: "To you it bchoovcd us to speak first the<br />

word of God; but seeing that you rcjcct it, nl~tl judge yourselves<br />

unworthy of eternal life, bchold, me turn to the<br />

Gentiles."<br />

6. The Gentiles, hcaring this, rejoiced, and the gospel nras<br />

proclairnod tl~roughout the wholc land. The Joms, however,<br />

incited u, persecution against Y:~ul nnd BnrnaI)as, and they<br />

wcrc cspelled from that country. Thc two apostles, .shr~king<br />

thc dust from their icct, ~ifcnt to Iconium, where Paul<br />

prcachcd tha gospel.<br />

7. Among those who heard him was s, man who had been a<br />

cripple from his birll~, and had never wallkcd. Paul, loolcing<br />

at him, perceived tlrst he had faith, ancl said with a loud<br />

voicc : " Stnnd upright 011 thy feel; I " The cripplc Icnpcd.<br />

up and walkccl. The multitude, seeing this, cricd out:<br />

The gorls, in the likc?nesti of men, are colno down to us ! "<br />

And they c:~llcd Barnabas, on account of his height, Jupiter;<br />

and Paul they a~llcd Mercury, because of his eloquence.<br />

8. Bhcn the priest of Jupiter, bringing oxen, with gar-<br />

Iulds of flowctru, to the gate, would have oflorcd ~icrifice,<br />

with the pcople, to Yaul and Barnabas. . But they, seeing<br />

wlrat was going on, rent thcir garments, and ran among tho<br />

people, crying out: '* 0 mcn, why do yc tllcso things? We<br />

also are mortals, men like unto you, prcnching to you to bo<br />

colivertcd from those vain things to the living God, who<br />

msclc hcaven and earth and thc sca, and all things that aro<br />

:in them."<br />

9. Who, in past generations. suffered a11 nations to walk

in their own way. Nevertl.lelcss, He left not Himself without<br />

testimony, doing good from heave11, giving rains and<br />

fruitfill scnsons, filling our I1e:rrt.u with food an tl gladness. "<br />

IIanring this, Irlariy believed in the word of God. Unt some<br />

Jcws who had come from Antioch and Iconium, stirred up<br />

tho people against Paul. They stoned hi111 until they<br />

thought he nrns dcad, and cast him out of the city.<br />

10. But wllilc the clisciples of the city, who had gone out,<br />

~tood ~vecping around liirn, he xrosc and wcnt back with<br />

tl~am to the city. Then he ancl Barnnbas, having announced<br />

the gospel in Derbe, returned to thc citics whcrc they had already<br />

preached. They exhortad th c disciplcs to persevere,<br />

ordained priesis for them in evcyy churcl~, and, with fasting<br />

uld prayer, co~nmended them to thc Lord. Finally, they re-<br />

turned to Antioch, ant1 relntcrl the great things wllicli God<br />

lind done to them, and through them, and how He had<br />

opened the door of faith to t h~<br />

Gentiles.<br />


1. What did the XIoly Ghost command the chief men of the<br />

Christisna of Antiocli to do? After they had prayed and fasted,<br />

what did they do 7 Whnt dirl Paul then begin to do in all earnest7<br />

2. To whom did ka first preach? Rnt they still refusing to receive<br />

thc divine girt of faith, to whom did they betake tl~a~naelves:' Did<br />

mirrry of them receive the word of lire? Where did Pal11 nr~d Barnabss<br />

then go7 After they hat1 preached throughout the \\-hole<br />

islnnd, who scut for them? 3. Who was with Sergius? What did<br />

this man do? nut whnt did Paul, looking at him, say7 4. And<br />

jmn~erliately, whnt happened to him? What did the pro-consul,<br />

fleeing this miracle, do? From Cyprus, whither did Pliul andlSarnabns<br />

sail P Having come to Antioch, where did tllcy prench on the<br />

Sabbath-day ? 5. II'hat was Paul r~clrrested to do on the nest Fabbath-day?<br />

Rut whatdid thedev;e


many do? But whnt did some Jewa do P what did the people do?<br />

10. But while the disciples stood weeping around him, what did hedo<br />

5 Then what did he and Barnabas do? What did they exhort<br />

the disciples to do? Pin~lly, what did they do?<br />


EIe saith to him : Feed My lambs ; feed My sheep.-St. Jolm 91,15-17.<br />

so""<br />

4 disciples, who were formcrly Jews, came to Antioch,<br />

and said to the Christians thcrc : " Unlcss you<br />

be circumcised after the manner of hloses, you cannot be<br />

saved." Paul and Barnabas opposed this doctrine. But, in<br />

ordcr to settle the question, they went up to Jerusalem, to<br />

consult with Peter and thc other apostles.<br />

2. When Paul and Barnabas arrivcd in Jerusalem, the<br />

apostles and the priests assembled in council to considcr the<br />

matter. After much discussion,' Peter rose up and said:<br />

Men, brethren, you lrr~ow that in former days God mdc<br />

choice among us, that the Gentiles, by my mouth, should<br />

hear the word of the gospel, and bclie~e.~'<br />

3. "And God, who knoweth the hearts, gave them teatimony,<br />

giving to them the Holy Ghost ns well as to us, and<br />

made no difference between us and them, purifying their<br />

hearts by faith. Now, therefore, why tempt p011 God to put<br />

a yoke upon the necks of the disciples, which ncithcv our<br />

fathers or we were able to bear. But by the grace of the<br />

Lord Jesus Christ, we believe to he snvcd, cven as they."<br />

4. Jamea, bishop of Jerusalem, spoke to the same effect,<br />

It was then decreed by the whole council of Jerusalem that<br />

the Christians at Antioch, or else~vhcre, were no longer<br />

bound to observe the law of Moscfi. This decree commenced<br />

'D~scusslo,v, reasoning, examination by argument.


with these remarlrable words : " It hath seemed good to tho<br />

I-Toly Ghost and to us ta lay no further burden upon you. "<br />

TVo see that even in thc first council, in which the apostles<br />

were nasemhled, the word and voice of Peter finished the<br />

I; --<br />

' L . ,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

.,: :, . .:. .<br />

, . . >,' '> ::.<br />

. .. ,<br />

doubt and thc dispute. But as the doctrine of Peter nrns inf<br />

llihlo, so the teaching of his successors in Rome is also infallible.<br />


1. Mrho came to Antioch? What did they say to the Chri~tiarla<br />

there? Who opposed this doctrine? What ditl they do in order to<br />

aettle thc question? 2. When Paul allcl Barnabas arrivcd in Jsrusalcm,<br />

what did the apostles and priefits do? 3. After much diecrresion,<br />

what did Pete17,risjng up, say? 4. Who spoke to the same<br />

effect? That was then docrccd by the mhcrle coancil of Jcrusaleru 'l<br />

T\'iLh what remm.lral>le xorde did t,hi~l decree commenc:e? What<br />

did tliu norcl of Peter finish in this fimt council P Why P What is<br />

the leaching of hicl successors in Borne?

306<br />



The S~co~td MiSSion of St. Paul. (A. D. -5 r to 5f.)<br />

For T t y s Jc WC are put to dcnth all the day long ; IVC are accounted<br />

na sheep for tho daughter.-Row. 8,SG.<br />

SOME time aftcr, St. Paul sot out on another apostolic<br />

- journcy. Hc prcnchcd with great zeal in Syria, Cilicia,<br />

Phrygis, Lycnonia, Galatia, Mysin, atld nearly all Asia<br />

Minor. At last hc came to Troas. There he doubhd whcrc<br />

he aliould go next; but Cod n~atle it known to him in a<br />

vision. During tlla night hc saw, as it werc, a man of Maccdonia,<br />

who mid to him: '' Pass over into hlnccdonis and<br />

help us I "<br />

2. Immediately, Paul set out for Europe, with his companions<br />

Silas, Luke, and Timothy, and landed safely in<br />

Philippi, the cupitd of Maccdonia. On the Sabbslh-day<br />

Paul preached the gospel of Christ. Among his Iiearers was<br />

a God-fcnring woman named Lydia, a seller of purple.<br />

Opening hcr ears and her heart to the divirlo word, she received<br />

it with joy, and IVW baptiaed with her whole family.<br />

a. Very soon, however, a storm was raised against the<br />

apostles. As Paul and Silas ware going, as usual, to the<br />

place of prayer, thcy w:re met by ncertain girl, who had n,<br />

spirit of divination,' and was, thcrcforc, n, sourcc of grcat<br />

gain to her masters, Shc pcrsistcd in follotvii~g thc apostles,<br />

crying out : " These mcn arc thc scrvants of the Most High<br />

God, who show to you thc wny of Salvation !<br />

4. Paul, turning round, said t6 tho spirit that posse~lsed<br />

her : I command thee, in the name of Jesus Christ, to go<br />

out of hcr." And the spirit left her. Then her masters,<br />

seeing that the hope of their gain was gone, seizcd Paul and<br />

Siiss, and brought thcm into thc rnarkct-pIacc before tlie<br />

miqistratcs, saying : " Thesc men, bcing Jews, disturb our<br />

city."<br />

I DIVINATION, foretellir~g



this I preach to you.>? He then preached to them the doctrine<br />

of Jcsus Christ, but only a few of them believed.<br />

Among these few was Dionysius tlze Areopagite, one of the<br />

most lcnrned men of his time. Alter Paul had preached the<br />

gospel nt Athcns, he went to Corinth.<br />

11. There he prcacl~ed first to tlic Jews, hut they mould<br />

not hear l~iln, but rathcr blnspl~cmcd and contrxclictcd all<br />

that he 6;lj.d. Then Paul, fillcc1 mith a holy indignation,<br />

spokc to them : " Your blood be upon your OIYU l~ends; I<br />

am clean. From henceforth I will go to the Gentiles." IIe<br />

then prcacbed to thc pagans of Corinth, many of whom wcrc<br />

converted. Ilaving rcmninotl ia Corinth n ycar and ~ix<br />

months, teaching and prcncl~ing, he returned to Antioch.<br />


I. What did St. Paul do soon after? Where did he preach mith<br />

great zcnl ? Where did he at last come to? What did God lunlce<br />

known to him in a vision? What did he Bee during the night?<br />

What did the man of Macedoniasily to him? 2. With whom did<br />

Paul set out for Europe*! Wherc did he land? Wllat did Paul do<br />

on the Sabbath-day? TVho was amongst his hearers? \That did<br />

be do? 3. What was ~ooil raised 7 Rp whom mere Pal11 and Silss<br />

met? What did ehe cry out, following the apostles? 4. \\'bat did<br />

Paul say to the spirit that gosoc+nsetl her? What did her ~nasters<br />

then do? Saying what? 5. What (lid the people then do ? What<br />

did tho magistrates command to be done to them? What happened<br />

at midnight when Paul and Silns Wcrc praying ancl praising God ?<br />

G. What did the kccper of the prisorl do, necing the doors open, and<br />

supposing thnt the prisoners had fled ? But what did Ynul cry out<br />

to him? What did the jailer t11cl1 do 7 7. IVhat did Ile Hay to<br />

them? What did they answer him? What did the lnagistratc~ do<br />

next morning ? 8. What did Pail1 anil his companion do uSli?r this?<br />

Prom Mai:edonia, vrhere did I'aul go P \Vhat did he c10 there ? 9.<br />

Who came to Paul? I$'l~itlit?r ditl they conduct him? Bnying<br />

what? What did Paul, standing in the midst of the Arcopngne,<br />

say? 10. \Vho was arno~lgst thc few conr7crts made tl~eri t~y Bt.<br />

Paul 7 Prt~rn Athens, where dicl Paul go? 11. To who~n did he<br />

there preach first? Did thcy hcnr him? '\\%at did Paul gay to<br />

them? To whom did he then preach t Were many of them converted?<br />

How long did Paul remain in Corinth?



St. Pad's Third Mission. (A. D. $5 to 58.)<br />

I have fought a go011 fight, I have fii~ished my course, I have kept<br />

the faith ; as to thc rcst, there ia laid up for me a<br />

crown of justice.-IT. Tirn. 4, 7 and 8.<br />

qR PlLUI had remained some time at Antioch, ho<br />

passed a second timc through the greater part of Asia<br />

Minor, and cmie to BP]ICSIIE(, the capital of the Roman province<br />

of Asia. IIere he mct some twelve disciples, and said to<br />

them : " 3-Iave you rccc!ised the Holy Ghost ? " They answered<br />

him : '' Mre have not ao much as heard whether there<br />

bc a Holy Gbost."<br />

2. Pm1 aslred them again : In what then were you bap.<br />

tised ? " They replied : " In John's bnptism." Then Paul<br />

said : " John baptised the pcople with the baptism of penance,<br />

saying that they should bclicvc in Him who was to<br />

come after him, that is to ss y : Jesus.'' Hearing this, thcy<br />

wcrc baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Paul<br />

laid bis hands upon them, and they received the Holy<br />

Spirit.<br />

3. Paul remained two years at Ephesus, so that all those<br />

who dwelt in the Roman province of Asia heard the word of<br />

the. lord. Bloreover, God rvas pleased to work many wonderful<br />

rniraclcs by the haid of the holy apostle, and no<br />

sooncr IVCT~ handlcerchiefs or aprons, thai had touched his<br />

body, applied to thc sick than thcy mere instantly cured.<br />

Sccing these things, n grcnt fcnr came upon all the people,<br />

mcl they magnified thc namc of Jasus.<br />

4. &Imy of those who had dcslt in the magic art brought<br />

their books, rvhieh werc of grcat vnluc, and hurncd them be-<br />

fore the apostle and the 1vhole pcople. But a certain man<br />

nnmcrl Dernetl-iue, :L silversmitl~, who made little idols mid<br />

mininturcl models in silver of the famous temple of Dims,<br />

MINIATURE, a representation on a amall scale.


And thcre n7as much weeping among them ; and, falling on<br />

Paul's neck, they crnbrnced him, ailcl nccon~pn~lied him to<br />

the ship, sorrowing thal they sllould see his face no niore.<br />


1. Aftcr Par11 had remained somc time nf Ar~tioch, what did hc<br />

(307 I'i'hom did bc there meet? \\'hat did he sny to them? What<br />

did thay anfiwcr him? 2. \)'hat did Paul ask them again P What<br />

did they reply 'l What did Paul thoassy? Rearing this,nrhat was<br />

done to then1 ? 3. Now long did Paul remain in Ephc~ne P What<br />

me God plcased to work by thc hanrle of the Italy apostle?<br />

4. What did many of those who had dealt in the magic art do?<br />

1Vl1o was Denretrius 7 What did 1.1e do ? Whnt did he tell them 7<br />

5. Whnt did the ~ilrersmiths cry out, lienring this? What was<br />

raised througllorit the city? 1l-Ilnt were the l~eople about to do?<br />

Who succeeded in appeasing their wrath? 6. The tumult being<br />

quclletl, ~vllat did Peril do ? Where did he then go? What did he<br />

do on Sunday7 7. What happened daring the long sermon7 What<br />

clid Par11 do, hearing of the rrccide~~t? 8. Prorri Troas, wliither did<br />

Paul repair? For whom did 11s eent11 from the latter place7 What<br />

did Iie fiay, bitlding them fare~~cll? 9. Whnt did 11e say to itho<br />

bishops? What did he then do i' And what did they do?<br />


Last Years of the Lzyt of the Ai,ostZes.<br />

Their sound 11:lth gone forth into all tho earlh, and their worda<br />

unto the ends of thc urorld.-Ps. 16,5.<br />

\\THEN I'aul had returned to Jemsalem, he was scized<br />

by the Jews and cast into prison. After two ycnrs'<br />

imprisonment he was sent, at his orrrn reqncst, to Romo, to<br />

be judgad by the emperor. On his way to tile glLcat city he<br />

was sl-lipmrrcckod at Malta, but was saved in a miraculouu<br />

nianner.<br />

2. Arrivecl i11 Rome, he was kept two years more in prison,<br />

but having then obtained his fieodora, he bcgnn to preach tho<br />

gospel. At the same time the other spostlcs were journey-<br />

Gcur;srt:s, Diblc His t. 26


ing in various conntrics, prcnching as thcy went, and working<br />

all manncr of signs and prodjgies. Peter, in his capacity of<br />

head of the Church, visited the different churches, coafirm.<br />

ing them in the faitb<br />

3. It was with that intention that lie had gone before Paul<br />

to the capital of the ancient ~vorld, and hacl there established<br />

his episcopal aee ; thither lie rt?turnetl after each of his apostolic<br />

jouraeys, or visitation^, and in his last ycars hc remained<br />

there perrna.~iently.<br />


1. What happened to Fa111 when hc returned to Jerusalem ? After<br />

two years' io~prisonment, wliithc-r wan he sent? What happcnod<br />

to him on liis way to tlic grcnt c:ily? 2. TIThat happened to kiln<br />

on hi6 nrrirnl in ltolne? Having obtained liis freedom, what did he<br />

do ? At tlrc Rame time,ahat wcro tbc oll~er aposlles doing? What<br />

did Peter do? 3. \\'hat hacl he dtrne wit11 that intention? What<br />

did he cstnblish in the capital of the ~llcicllt n.orld?<br />


B~it Thou, 0 Lord, halt remain forever; Thy throne from<br />

generation to gencmtion,-Lam, 5, 19.<br />

p",<br />

{TER and tllo otller apostles c~~cry~ohere eelabliehed<br />

ishops as their guccessors. Thcsc bishops were to<br />

goven~ the faitIifu1, anti to tcach them tl~c same doctrine that<br />

they had learnt from thc apostles. As to the scriptures of<br />

thc NCIV Tcstnmcnt, wc must bear in mind that they were<br />

written later, and collcctccl later stiI1. Hence the apostles<br />

and the first follo~vers of the npostles had no written books<br />

~yllere~vitll to coilvert the morlcl. It rvns all done by preacll-<br />

. . in$. Tlie apostles preached what they had seen with their<br />

own cyes, and their ,successors preached ~vhnt they had learnt<br />

fro111 the apostles. Much of tvIiat the apostles preachccl<br />

was written down in the books of the New Testnmcnt, but<br />

not all. Yet etfen thc unrvritteri teaching has come down to<br />

us, and it is called tradition.

APPENDIX. 403<br />

2. A11 the apostles, vith onc exception, sealed with their<br />

blootl the gospel which they nnnouncerl to the world. In the<br />

ycar of our Lord 67, Paul rctulUned to Rome, where he and<br />

Petcr gloriollsly suffered martyrdom under Nero. Paul, being<br />

n ltomsn cit.iaen, was beheaded; Pcter died on s cross, with<br />

his hencl downwards. James thc Grcater suffered nncIer<br />

Herod, about the ycar 42 of thc Christian era.<br />

3. John, the beloved disciple, who had been thrown into a<br />

cauldron of boiling oil, and was rnirscuZously preserved, was<br />

the only one who died a naturd death, which event took<br />

plncc about the year 100. The successors of the apost,les<br />

wcrc no less ZC~OUS for the truth than their masters lint1<br />

been; most of them scaled their faith with their blood. Yct<br />

the Church was ilut abanndoncd.<br />

4. Thc bidlops continucd with m~wearying zed the work<br />

which the holy apostles had cornmcnced. And as the faith-


ful were obedient to their bishops, so the bishops were<br />

obedie~lt to the successor of St. Peter, that is, the I'ope of<br />

Rome, who is thc chicf pastor of thc Church. In this mmner<br />

therc was n, bond of urlion and unity between the faithful<br />

and their priests, between the priests and their bishops, and<br />

between all the bi~llops and the Pope.<br />

b. Thus was estabIished the One, Holy, <strong>Catholic</strong>, and<br />

Apostolic: Church, which, built by Christ upon the roclc of<br />

i'ctcr, and guided by thc Holy Ghost, has now existed for<br />

nearly nineteen centurieu, and crliall exist till thc cnd of<br />

time, in spite of all that the infernal' powers can do against<br />

it. 1111ppy aye they who belong to that Church, ~vho bolieve<br />

aw shc bclicves, and n.110 do the ~vorlts which shc proscribes.<br />


I. What'did ?eter arid lhe other apoetles everywhere establish?<br />

What had the bishops to do and to teach ? IVas the h'ew Testament<br />

then nlrcndy writtcn? Hcncc what did the apostlcs preach?<br />

What tllcir successoir? Wan the wt~ole doctrir~e of the y~osllas<br />

written do\r.n 7 Ye tht unwritten teaching lost ? 2. \-\'hnt did all<br />

tho apostles, with ono exseption, do P In what year did Paul re-<br />

turn to Ro~r~e?<br />

Untler what emperor (lid 110 atld Peter gloriously<br />

suffer? l-Iorv did Pnul die 7 Ilom did Peter die ? Under whom did<br />

Jumoa tho Greater snlrer? S. Who was the only one of the apostles<br />

tliet died a natural death 7 Aboilt what year did he die ? What<br />

had been done to him? What did most of tho successors of the<br />

apostles do P 4. To wlloln were the kithh~l obedierrt, ant1 to whorn<br />

the bi~hope? IVllat bond of unity upas there in the cllurcll? 6.<br />

Wllat was thus erttablishcd 7 On what was the cllurch built? By<br />

whom? By whom guided? How long has it existod? How long<br />

shall it cxiwt P \'C'liu are happy?<br />

l INFERSAL, hollieh, relating to the lower regio~ls,

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