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Goodman & Gilman's PHARMACOLOGY, 10e > Section III. Drugs Acting on the Central Nervous<br />

System > Chapter 14. General <strong>Anesthetics</strong> ><br />

<strong>Inhalational</strong> <strong>Anesthetics</strong><br />

Introduction<br />

A wide variety of gases and volatile liquids can produce anesthesia. The first widely<br />

used inhalational anesthetic was diethyl ether (see Chapter 13: History and Principles<br />

of Anesthesiology). Subsequently, a variety of structurally unrelated compounds have<br />

been used as inhalational anesthetics including cyclopropane, elemental xenon, nitrous<br />

oxide, and more recently, short-chain halogenated alkanes and ethers. The structures<br />

of the currently used inhalational anesthetics are shown in Figure 14–4. One of the<br />

troublesome properties of the inhalational anesthetics is their low safety margin. The<br />

inhalational anesthetics have therapeutic indices (LD 50 /ED 50 ) that range from 2 to 4,<br />

making these among the most dangerous drugs in clinical use. The toxicity of these<br />

drugs is largely a function of their side effects, and each of the inhalational anesthetics<br />

has a unique side-effect profile. Hence, the selection of an inhalational anesthetic often<br />

is based on matching a patient's pathophysiology with drug side-effect profiles. The<br />

specific adverse effects of each of the inhalational anesthetics are emphasized in the<br />

following sections. The inhalational anesthetics also vary widely in their physical<br />

properties. Table 14–1 lists the important physical properties of the inhalational agents<br />

in clinical use. These properties are important because they govern the<br />

pharmacokinetics of the inhalational agents. Ideally, an inhalational agent would<br />

produce a rapid induction of anesthesia and a rapid recovery following discontinuation.<br />

The pharmacokinetics of the inhalational agents is reviewed in the following section.<br />

Figure 14–4. Structures of <strong>Inhalational</strong> General <strong>Anesthetics</strong>.<br />

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Note that all inhalational general anesthetic agents except nitrous oxide and halothane are<br />

ethers and that fluorine progressively replaces other halogens in the development of the<br />

halogenated agents. All structural differences are associated with important differences in<br />

pharmacological properties.<br />

Pharmacokinetic Principles<br />

The inhalational agents are some of the very few pharmacological agents administered<br />

as gases. The fact that these agents behave as gases rather than as liquids requires<br />

that different pharmacokinetic constructs be used in analyzing their uptake and<br />

distribution. It is essential to understand that inhalational anesthetics distribute<br />

between tissues (or between blood and gas) such that equilibrium is achieved when the<br />

partial pressure of anesthetic gas is equal in the two tissues. When a person has<br />

breathed an inhalational anesthetic for a sufficiently long time that all tissues are<br />

equilibrated with the anesthetic, the partial pressure of the anesthetic in all tissues will<br />

be equal to the partial pressure of the anesthetic in inspired gas. It is important to note<br />

that while the partial pressure of the anesthetic may be equal in all tissues, the<br />

concentration of anesthetic in each tissue will be different. Indeed, anesthetic partition<br />

coefficients are defined as the ratio of anesthetic concentration in two tissues when the<br />

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partial pressures of anesthetic are equal in the two tissues. Blood:gas, brain:blood, and<br />

blood:fat partition coefficients for the various inhalational agents are listed in Table 14–<br />

1. These partition coefficients show that inhalational anesthetics are more soluble in<br />

some tissues (e.g., fat) than they are in other (e.g., blood), and that there is<br />

significant range in the solubility of the various inhalational agents in such tissues.<br />

In clinical practice, one can monitor the equilibration of a patient with anesthetic gas.<br />

Equilibrium is achieved when the partial pressure in inspired gas is equal to the partial<br />

pressure in end-tidal (alveolar) gas. This defines equilibrium, because it is the point<br />

when there is no net uptake of anesthetic from the alveoli into the blood. For<br />

inhalational agents that are not very soluble in blood or any other tissue, equilibrium is<br />

achieved quickly, as illustrated for nitrous oxide in Figure 14–5. If an agent is more<br />

soluble in a tissue such as fat, equilibrium may take many hours to reach. This occurs<br />

because fat represents a huge reservoir for the anesthetic, which will be filled slowly<br />

because of the modest blood flow to fat. This is illustrated by the slow approach of<br />

halothane alveolar partial pressure to inspired partial pressure in Figure 14–5.<br />

Figure 14–5. Uptake of <strong>Inhalational</strong> General <strong>Anesthetics</strong>.<br />

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The rise in alveolar (F A ) anesthetic concentration toward the inspired (F I ) concentration is<br />

most rapid with the least soluble anesthetics, nitrous oxide and desflurane, and slowest with<br />

the most soluble anesthetic, halothane. All data are from human studies. (Reproduced with<br />

permission from Eger, 2000.)<br />

In considering the pharmacokinetics of anesthetics, one important parameter is the<br />

speed of anesthetic induction. Anesthetic induction requires that brain partial pressure<br />

be equal to MAC. Because the brain is well perfused, anesthetic partial pressure in<br />

brain becomes equal to the partial pressure in alveolar gas (and in blood) over the<br />

course of several minutes. Therefore, anesthesia is achieved shortly after alveolar<br />

partial pressure reaches MAC. While the rate of rise of alveolar partial pressure will be<br />

slower for anesthetics that are highly soluble in blood and other tissues, this limitation<br />

on speed of induction can be overcome largely by delivering higher inspired partial<br />

pressures of the anesthetic.<br />

Elimination of inhalational anesthetics is largely the reverse process of uptake. For<br />

agents with low blood and tissue solubility, recovery from anesthesia should mirror<br />

anesthetic induction, regardless of the duration of anesthetic administration. For<br />

inhalational agents with high blood and tissue solubility, recovery will be a function of<br />

the duration of anesthetic administration. This occurs because the accumulated<br />

amounts of anesthetic in the fat reservoir will prevent blood (and therefore alveolar)<br />

partial pressures from falling rapidly. Patients will be arousable when alveolar partial<br />

pressure reaches MAC awake , a partial pressure somewhat lower than MAC (see Table<br />

14–1).<br />

Halothane<br />

Chemistry and Formulation<br />

Halothane (FLUOTHANE) is 2-bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (see Figure 14–4).<br />

Halothane is a volatile liquid at room temperature and must be stored in a sealed<br />

container. Because halothane is a light-sensitive compound that also is subject to<br />

spontaneous breakdown, it is marketed in amber bottles with thymol added as a<br />

preservative. Mixtures of halothane with oxygen or air are neither flammable nor<br />

explosive.<br />

Pharmacokinetic<br />

Halothane has a relatively high blood:gas partition coefficient and high blood:fat<br />

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partition coefficient (see Table 14–1). Induction with halothane therefore is relatively<br />

slow, and the alveolar halothane concentration remains substantially lower than the<br />

inspired halothane concentration for many hours of administration. Because halothane<br />

is soluble in fat and other body tissues, it will accumulate during prolonged<br />

administration. Therefore, the speed of recovery from halothane is lengthened as a<br />

function of duration of administration (Stoelting and Eger, 1969).<br />

Approximately 60% to 80% of halothane taken up by the body is eliminated<br />

unchanged via the lungs in the first 24 hours after its administration. A substantial<br />

amount of the halothane not eliminated in exhaled gas is biotransformed in the liver by<br />

cytochrome P450 enzymes. The major metabolite of halothane is trifluoroacetic acid,<br />

which is formed by removal of bromine and chlorine ions (Gruenke et al., 1988).<br />

Trifluoroacetic acid, bromine, and chlorine all can be detected in the urine.<br />

Trifluoroacetylchloride, an intermediate in oxidative metabolism of halothane, can<br />

trifluoroacetylate covalently several proteins in the liver. An immune reaction to these<br />

altered proteins may be responsible for the rare cases of fulminant halothane-induced<br />

hepatic necrosis (Kenna et al., 1988). There also is a minor reductive pathway<br />

accounting for approximately 1% of halothane metabolism and generally observed only<br />

under hypoxic conditions (Van Dyke et al., 1988).<br />

Clinical Use<br />

Halothane, introduced in 1956, was the first of the modern, halogenated inhalational<br />

anesthetics used in clinical practice. It is a potent agent that usually is used for<br />

maintenance of anesthesia. It is not pungent and is therefore well tolerated for<br />

inhalation induction of anesthesia. This is most commonly done in children, where<br />

preoperative placement of an intravenous catheter can be difficult. Anesthesia is<br />

produced by halothane at end-tidal concentrations of 0.7% to 1.0% halothane. The<br />

end-tidal concentration of halothane required to produce anesthesia is substantially<br />

reduced when it is coadministered with nitrous oxide. The use of halothane in the<br />

United States has diminished substantially in the past decade because of the<br />

introduction of newer inhalational agents with better pharmacokinetic and side-effect<br />

profiles. Halothane continues to be extensively used in children because it is well<br />

tolerated for inhalation induction and because the serious side effects appear to be<br />

diminished in children. Halothane has a low cost and is therefore still widely used in<br />

developing countries.<br />

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Side Effects<br />

Cardiovascular System<br />

The most predictable side effect of halothane is a dose-dependent reduction in arterial<br />

blood pressure. Mean arterial pressure decreases about 20% to 25% at MAC<br />

concentrations of halothane. This reduction in blood pressure primarily is the result of<br />

direct myocardial depression leading to reduced cardiac output (see Figure 14–6).<br />

Myocardial depression is thought to result from attenuation of depolarization-induced<br />

intracellular calcium transients (Lynch, 1997). Halothane-induced hypotension usually<br />

is accompanied by either bradycardia or a normal heart rate. This absence of a<br />

tachycardic (or contractile) response to reduced blood pressure is thought to be due to<br />

an inability of the heart to respond to the effector arm of the baroceptor reflex. Heart<br />

rate can be increased during halothane anesthesia by exogenous catecholamine or by<br />

sympathoadrenal stimulation. Halothane-induced reductions in blood pressure and<br />

heart rate generally disappear after several hours of constant halothane<br />

administration. This is thought to occur because of progressive sympathetic stimulation<br />

(Eger et al., 1970).<br />

Figure 14–6. Influence of <strong>Inhalational</strong> General <strong>Anesthetics</strong> on the<br />

Systemic Circulation.<br />

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While all of the inhalational anesthetics reduce systemic blood pressure in a dose-related<br />

manner (top), the lower figure shows that cardiac output is well preserved with isoflurane<br />

and desflurane and, therefore, that the causes of hypotension vary with the agent. (Data are<br />

from human studies except for sevoflurane, where data are from swine: Bahlman et al.,<br />

1972; Cromwell et al., 1971; Weiskopf et al., 1991; Calverley et al., 1978; Stevens et al.,<br />

1971; Eger et al., 1970; Weiskopf et al., 1988).<br />

Halothane does not cause a significant change in systemic vascular resistance.<br />

Nonetheless, it causes changes in the resistance and autoregulation of specific vascular<br />

beds leading to redistribution of blood flow. The vascular beds of the skin and brain are<br />

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dilated directly by halothane, leading to increased cerebral blood flow and skin<br />

perfusion. Conversely, autoregulation of renal, splanchnic, and cerebral blood flow is<br />

inhibited by halothane, leading to reduced perfusion of these organs in the face of<br />

reduced blood pressure. Coronary autoregulation is largely preserved during halothane<br />

anesthesia. Finally, halothane does inhibit hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, which<br />

leads to increased perfusion to poorly ventilated regions of the lung and an increased<br />

alveolar:arterial oxygen gradient.<br />

Halothane also has significant effects on cardiac rhythm. Sinus bradycardia and<br />

atrioventricular rhythms occur frequently during halothane anesthesia but are usually<br />

benign. These rhythms result mainly from a direct depressive effect of halothane on<br />

sinoatrial node discharge. Halothane also can sensitize the myocardium to the<br />

arrythmogenic effects of epinephrine (Sumikawa et al., 1983). Premature ventricular<br />

contractions and sustained ventricular tachycardia can be observed during halothane<br />

anesthesia when exogenous administration or endogenous adrenal production elevates<br />

plasma epinephrine levels. Epinephrine-induced arrhythmias during halothane<br />

anesthesia are thought to be mediated by a synergistic effect on 1 - and 1 -adrenergic<br />

receptors (Hayashi et al., 1988).<br />

Respiratory System<br />

Spontaneous respiration is rapid and shallow during halothane anesthesia. This<br />

produces a decrease in alveolar ventilation resulting in an elevation in arterial carbon<br />

dioxide tension from 40 mm Hg to >50 mm Hg at 1 MAC (see Figure 14–7). The<br />

elevated carbon dioxide does not provoke a compensatory increase in ventilation,<br />

because halothane causes a concentration-dependent inhibition of the ventilatory<br />

response to carbon dioxide (Knill and Gelb, 1978). This action of halothane is thought<br />

to be mediated by depression of central chemoceptor mechanisms. Halothane also<br />

inhibits peripheral chemoceptor responses to arterial hypoxemia. Thus, neither<br />

hemodynamic (tachycardia, hypertension) nor ventilatory responses to hypoxemia are<br />

observed during halothane anesthesia, making it prudent to monitor arterial<br />

oxygenation directly. Halothane also is an effective bronchodilator, producing direct<br />

relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle (Yamakage, 1992) and has been effectively used<br />

as a treatment of last resort in patients with status asthmaticus (Gold and Helrich,<br />

1970).<br />

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Figure 14–7. Respiratory Effects of <strong>Inhalational</strong> <strong>Anesthetics</strong>.<br />

Spontaneous ventilation with all of the halogenated inhalational anesthetics reduces minute<br />

volume of ventilation in a dose-dependent manner (lower panel). This results in an increased<br />

arterial carbon dioxide tension (top panel). Differences among agents are modest. (Data are<br />

from Doi and Ikeda, 1987; Lockhart et al., 1991; Munson et al., 1966; Calverley et al., 1978;<br />

Fourcade et al., 1971.)<br />

Nervous System<br />

Halothane dilates the cerebral vasculature, increasing cerebral blood flow under most<br />

conditions. This increase in blood flow can increase intracranial pressure in patients<br />

with space-occupying intracranial masses, brain edema, or preexisting intracranial<br />

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hypertension. For this reason, halothane is relatively contraindicated in patients at risk<br />

for elevated intracranial pressure. Halothane also attenuates autoregulation of cerebral<br />

blood flow. For this reason, cerebral blood flow can decrease when arterial blood<br />

pressure is markedly decreased. Modest decreases in cerebral blood flow generally are<br />

well tolerated, because halothane also reduces cerebral metabolic consumption of<br />

oxygen.<br />

Muscle<br />

Halothane causes some relaxation of skeletal muscle via its central-depressant effects.<br />

Halothane also potentiates the actions of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants (curariform<br />

drugs; see Chapter 9: Agents Acting at the Neuromuscular Junction and Autonomic<br />

Ganglia), increasing both their duration of action and the magnitude of their effect.<br />

Halothane also is one of the triggering agents for malignant hyperthermia, a syndrome<br />

characterized by severe muscle contraction, rapid development of hyperthermia, and a<br />

massive increase in metabolic rate in genetically susceptible patients. This syndrome<br />

frequently is fatal and is treated by immediate discontinuation of the anesthetic and<br />

administration of dantrolene.<br />

Uterine smooth muscle is relaxed by halothane. This is a useful property for<br />

manipulation of the fetus (version) in the prenatal period and for delivery of retained<br />

placenta postnatally. Halothane, however, does inhibit uterine contractions during<br />

parturition, prolonging labor and increasing blood loss. Halothane therefore is not used<br />

as an analgesic or anesthetic for labor and vaginal delivery.<br />

Kidney<br />

Patients anesthetized with halothane usually produce a small volume of concentrated<br />

urine. This is the consequence of halothane-induced reduction of renal blood flow and<br />

glomerular filtration rate; these parameters may be reduced by 40% to 50% at 1 MAC.<br />

(Mazze et al., 1963). Halothane-induced changes in renal function are fully reversible<br />

and are not associated with long-term nephrotoxicity.<br />

Liver and Gastrointestinal Tract<br />

Halothane reduces splanchnic and hepatic blood flow as a consequence of reduced<br />

perfusion pressure, as discussed above. This reduced blood flow has not been shown to<br />

produce detrimental effects on hepatic or gastrointestinal function.<br />

Halothane can produce fulminant hepatic necrosis in a small number of patients. This<br />

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syndrome generally is characterized by fever, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting<br />

developing several days after anesthesia and can be accompanied by a rash and<br />

peripheral eosinophilia. There is a rapid progression to hepatic failure, with a fatality<br />

rate of approximately 50%. This syndrome occurs in about 1 in 10,000 patients<br />

receiving halothane and is referred to as halothane hepatitis (Subcommittee on the<br />

National Halothane Study, 1966). Current thinking is that halothane hepatitis is the<br />

result of an immune response to trifluoracetylated proteins on hepatocytes<br />

(see"Pharmacokinetics," above).<br />

Isoflurane<br />

Chemistry and Physical Properties<br />

Isoflurane (FORANE) is 1-chloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl difluoromethyl ether (see Figure 14–<br />

4). It is a volatile liquid at room temperature and is neither flammable nor explosive in<br />

mixtures of air or oxygen.<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

Isoflurane has a blood:gas partition coefficient substantially lower than that of<br />

halothane or enflurane (see Table 14–1). Consequently, induction with isoflurane and<br />

recovery from isoflurane are relatively rapid. Changes in anesthetic depth also can be<br />

achieved more rapidly with isoflurane than with halothane or enflurane. More than 99%<br />

of inhaled isoflurane is excreted unchanged via the lungs. Approximately 0.2% of<br />

absorbed isoflurane is oxidatively metabolized by cytochrome P450 2E1 (Kharasch et<br />

al., 1993). The small amount of isoflurane degradation products produced are<br />

insufficient to produce any renal, hepatic, or other organ toxicity. Isoflurane does not<br />

appear to be a mutagen, teratogen, or carcinogen (Eger et al., 1978).<br />

Clinical Use<br />

Isoflurane is the most commonly used inhalational anesthetic in the United States.<br />

Induction of anesthesia can be achieved in less than 10 minutes with an inhaled<br />

concentration of 3% isoflurane in oxygen; this concentration is reduced to 1.5% to<br />

2.5% for maintenance of anesthesia. The use of other drugs such as opioids or nitrous<br />

oxide reduces the concentration of isoflurane required for surgical anesthesia.<br />

Side Effects<br />

Cardiovascular System<br />

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Isoflurane produces a concentration-dependent decrease in arterial blood pressure.<br />

Unlike halothane, cardiac output is well maintained with isoflurane, and hypotension is<br />

the result of decreased systemic vascular resistance (see Figure 14–6). Isoflurane<br />

produces vasodilation in most vascular beds, with particularly pronounced effects in<br />

skin and muscle. Isoflurane is a potent coronary vasodilator, simultaneously producing<br />

increased coronary blood flow and decreased myocardial oxygen consumption. In<br />

theory, this makes isoflurane a particularly safe anesthetic to use for patients with<br />

ischemic heart disease. However, concern has been raised that isoflurane may produce<br />

myocardial ischemia by inducing "coronary steal" (i.e., the diversion of blood flow from<br />

poorly perfused to well-perfused areas) (Buffington et al., 1988). This concern has not<br />

been substantiated in subsequent animal and human studies. Patients anesthetized<br />

with isoflurane generally have mildly elevated heart rates, and rapid changes in<br />

isoflurane concentration can produce transient tachycardia and hypertension. This is<br />

the result of direct isoflurane-induced sympathetic stimulation.<br />

Respiratory System<br />

Isoflurane produces concentration-dependent depression of ventilation. Patients<br />

spontaneously breathing isoflurane have a normal rate of respiration but a reduced<br />

tidal volume, resulting in a marked reduction in alveolar ventilation and an increase in<br />

arterial carbon dioxide tension (see Figure 14–7). Isoflurane is particularly effective at<br />

depressing the ventilatory response to hypercapnia and hypoxia (Hirshman et al.,<br />

1977). While isoflurane is an effective bronchodilator, it also is an airway irritant and<br />

can stimulate airway reflexes during induction of anesthesia, producing coughing and<br />

laryngospasm.<br />

Nervous System<br />

Isoflurane, like halothane, dilates the cerebral vasculature, producing increased<br />

cerebral blood flow and the risk of increased intracranial pressure. Isoflurane also<br />

reduces cerebral metabolic oxygen consumption. Isoflurane causes less cerebral<br />

vasodilation than do either enflurane or halothane, making it a preferred agent for<br />

neurosurgical procedures (Drummond et al., 1983). The modest effects of isoflurane on<br />

cerebral blood flow can be reversed readily by hyperventilation (McPherson et al.,<br />

1989).<br />

Muscle<br />

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Isoflurane produces some relaxation of skeletal muscle via its central effects. It also<br />

enhances the effects of both depolarizing and nondepolarizing muscle relaxants.<br />

Isoflurane is more potent than halothane in its potentiation of neuromuscular blocking<br />

agents. Isoflurane, like other halogenated inhalational anesthetics, relaxes uterine<br />

smooth muscle and is not recommended for analgesia or anesthesia for labor and<br />

vaginal delivery.<br />

Kidney<br />

Isoflurane reduces renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. This results in a<br />

small volume of concentrated urine. Changes in renal function observed during<br />

isoflurane anesthesia are rapidly reversed, and there are no long-term renal sequelae<br />

or toxicity associated with isoflurane.<br />

Liver and Gastrointestinal Tract<br />

Splanchnic (and hepatic) blood flow is reduced with increasing doses of isoflurane, as<br />

systemic arterial pressure decreases. Liver function tests are minimally affected by<br />

isoflurane, and there is no described incidence of hepatic toxicity with isoflurane.<br />

Enflurane<br />

Chemical and Physical Properties<br />

Enflurane (ETHRANE) is 2-chloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethyl difluoromethyl ether (see Figure 14–<br />

4). It is a clear colorless liquid at room temperature with a mild, sweet odor. Like other<br />

inhalational anesthetics, it is volatile and must be stored in a sealed bottle. It is<br />

nonflammable and nonexplosive in mixtures of air or oxygen.<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

Because of its relatively high blood:gas partition coefficient, induction of anesthesia<br />

and recovery from enflurane are relatively slow (see Table 14–1). Enflurane is<br />

metabolized to a modest extent, with 2% to 8% of absorbed enflurane undergoing<br />

oxidative metabolism in the liver by cytochrome P450 2E1 (Kharasch et al., 1994).<br />

Fluoride ions are a by-product of enflurane metabolism, but plasma fluoride levels are<br />

low and nontoxic. Patients taking isoniazid exhibit enhanced metabolism of enflurane<br />

with significantly elevated serum fluoride concentrations (Mazze et al., 1982).<br />

Clinical Use<br />

Surgical anesthesia can be induced with enflurane in less than 10 minutes with an<br />

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inhaled concentration of 4% in oxygen. Anesthesia can be maintained with<br />

concentrations from 1.5% to 3%. As with other anesthetics, the enflurane<br />

concentrations required to produce anesthesia are reduced when it is coadministered<br />

with nitrous oxide or opioids. Use of enflurane has decreased substantially in recent<br />

years with the introduction of newer inhalational agents with preferable<br />

pharmacokinetic and side-effect profiles.<br />

Side Effects<br />

Cardiovascular System<br />

Enflurane causes a concentration-dependent decrease in arterial blood pressure.<br />

Hypotension is due, in part, to depression of myocardial contractility with some<br />

contribution from peripheral vasodilation (see Figure 14–6). Enflurane has minimal<br />

effects on heart rate and produces neither the bradycardia seen with halothane nor the<br />

tachycardia seen with isoflurane.<br />

Respiratory System<br />

The respiratory effects of enflurane are similar to those of halothane. Spontaneous<br />

ventilation with enflurane produces a pattern of rapid, shallow breathing. Minute<br />

ventilation is markedly decreased, and a Pa CO2 of 60 mm Hg is seen with 1 MAC of<br />

enflurane (see Figure 14–7). Enflurane produces a greater depression of the ventilatory<br />

responses to hypoxia and hypercarbia than do either halothane or isoflurane (Hirshman<br />

et al., 1977). Enflurane, like other inhalational anesthetics, is an effective<br />

bronchodilator.<br />

Nervous System<br />

Enflurane is a cerebral vasodilator and thus can increase intracranial pressure in some<br />

patients. Like other inhalational anesthetics, enflurane reduces cerebral metabolic<br />

oxygen consumption. Enflurane has an unusual property of producing electrical seizure<br />

activity. High concentrations of enflurane or profound hypocarbia during enflurane<br />

anesthesia result in a characteristic high-voltage, high-frequency<br />

electroencephalographic (EEG) pattern, which progresses to spike-and-dome<br />

complexes. The spike-and-dome pattern can be punctuated by frank seizure activity,<br />

which may or may not be accompanied by peripheral motor manifestations of seizure<br />

activity. The seizures are self-limited and are not thought to produce permanent<br />

damage. Enflurane is not thought to precipitate seizures in epileptic patients.<br />

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Nonetheless, enflurane is generally not used in patients with seizure disorders.<br />

Muscle<br />

Enflurane produces significant skeletal muscle relaxation in the absence of muscle<br />

relaxants. It also significantly enhances the effects of nondepolarizing muscle<br />

relaxants. As with other inhalational agents, enflurane relaxes uterine smooth muscle.<br />

It thus is not widely used for obstetrical anesthesia.<br />

Kidney<br />

Like other inhalational anesthetics, enflurane reduces renal blood flow, glomerular<br />

filtration rate, and urinary output. These effects are rapidly reversed with<br />

discontinuation of the drug. Enflurane metabolism produces significant plasma levels of<br />

fluoride ions (20 to 40 M) and can produce transient urinary-concentrating defects<br />

following prolonged administration (Mazze et al., 1977). There is scant evidence of<br />

long-term nephrotoxicity following enflurane use, and it is safe to use in patients with<br />

renal impairment, provided that the depth of enflurane anesthesia and the duration of<br />

administration are not excessive.<br />

Liver and Gastrointestinal Tract<br />

Enflurane reduces splanchnic and hepatic blood flow in proportion to reduced arterial<br />

blood pressure. Enflurane does not appear to alter liver function or to be hepatoxic.<br />

Desflurane<br />

Chemistry and Physical Properties<br />

Desflurane (SUPRANE) is difluoromethyl 1-fluoro-2,2,2-trifluoromethyl ether (see Figure<br />

14–4). It is a highly volatile liquid at room temperature (vapor pressure = 681 mm Hg)<br />

and thus must be stored in tightly sealed bottles. Delivery of a precise concentration of<br />

desflurane requires the use of a specially heated vaporizer that delivers pure vapor<br />

that is then diluted appropriately with other gases (oxygen, air, nitrous oxide).<br />

Desflurane is nonflammable and nonexplosive in mixtures of air or oxygen.<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

Desflurane has a very low blood:gas partition coefficient (0.42) and also is not very<br />

soluble in fat or other peripheral tissues (see Table 14–1). For this reason, the alveolar<br />

(and blood) concentration rapidly rises to the level of inspired concentration. Indeed,<br />

within five minutes of administration, the alveolar concentration reaches 80% of the<br />

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inspired concentration. This provides for a very rapid induction of anesthesia and for<br />

rapid changes in depth of anesthesia following changes in the inspired concentration.<br />

Emergence from anesthesia also is very rapid with desflurane. The time to awakening<br />

following desflurane is half as long as with halothane or sevoflurane and usually does<br />

not exceed 5 to 10 minutes (Smiley et al., 1991).<br />

Desflurane is metabolized to a minimal extent, and more than 99% of absorbed<br />

desflurane is eliminated unchanged via the lungs. A small amount of absorbed<br />

desflurane is oxidatively metabolized by hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes. Virtually<br />

no serum fluoride ions are detectable in serum after desflurane administration, but low<br />

concentrations of trifluoroacetic acid are detectable in serum and urine (Koblin et al.,<br />

1988).<br />

Clinical Use<br />

Desflurane is a widely used anesthetic for outpatient surgery because of its rapid onset<br />

of action and rapid recovery. Desflurane is irritating to the airway in awake patients<br />

and can provoke coughing, salivation, and bronchospasm. Anesthesia therefore usually<br />

is induced with an intravenous agent, with desflurane subsequently administered for<br />

maintenance of anesthesia. Maintenance of anesthesia usually requires inhaled<br />

concentrations of 6% to 8%. Lower concentrations of desflurane are required if it is<br />

coadministered with nitrous oxide or opioids.<br />

Side Effects<br />

Cardiovascular System<br />

Desflurane, like all inhalational anesthetics, causes a concentration-dependent<br />

decrease in blood pressure. Desflurane has a very modest negative inotropic effect and<br />

produces hypotension primarily by decreasing systemic vascular resistance (Eger,<br />

1994) (see Figure 14–6). Cardiac output thus is well preserved during desflurane<br />

anesthesia, as is blood flow to the major organ beds (splanchnic, renal, cerebral,<br />

coronary). Marked increases in heart rate often are noted during induction of<br />

desflurane anesthesia and during abrupt increases in the delivered concentration of<br />

desflurane. This tachycardia is transient and is the result of desflurane-induced<br />

stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (Ebert and Muzi, 1993). While the<br />

hypotensive effects of some inhalational anesthetics are attenuated as a function of<br />

duration of administration, this is not the case with desflurane (Weiskopf et al., 1991).<br />

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Respiratory System<br />

Similar to halothane and enflurane, desflurane causes a concentration-dependent<br />

increase in respiratory rate and a decrease in tidal volume. At low concentrations (less<br />

than 1 MAC) the net effect is to preserve minute ventilation. At desflurane<br />

concentrations greater than 1 MAC, minute ventilation is markedly depressed, resulting<br />

in elevated arterial carbon dioxide tension (see Figure 14–7) (Lockhart et al., 1991).<br />

Patients spontaneously breathing desflurane at concentrationsgreater than 1.5 MAC will<br />

have extreme elevations of arterial carbon dioxide tension and may become apneic.<br />

Desflurane, like other inhalational agents, is a bronchodilator. It is also a strong airway<br />

irritant, however, and can cause coughing, breath-holding, laryngospasm, and<br />

excessive respiratory secretions. Because of its irritant properties, desflurane is not<br />

used for induction of anesthesia.<br />

Nervous System<br />

Desflurane decreases cerebral vascular resistance and cerebral metabolic oxygen<br />

consumption. Under conditions of normocapnia and normotension, desflurane produces<br />

an increase in cerebral blood flow and can increase intracranial pressure in patients<br />

with poor intracranial compliance. The vasoconstrictive response to hypocapnia is<br />

preserved during desflurane anesthesia, and increases in intracranial pressure thus can<br />

be prevented by hyperventilation.<br />

Muscle<br />

Desflurane produces direct skeletal muscle relaxation as well as enhancing the effects<br />

of nondepolarizing and depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents (Caldwell et al.,<br />

1991).<br />

Kidney<br />

Desflurane has no reported nephrotoxicity. This is consistent with its minimal metabolic<br />

degradation.<br />

Liver and Gastrointestinal Tract<br />

Desflurane is not known to affect liver function tests or to cause hepatotoxicity.<br />

Sevoflurane<br />

Chemistry and Physical Properties<br />

Sevoflurane (ULTANE) is fluoromethyl 2,2,2-trifluoro-1-[trifluoromethyl]ethyl ether (see<br />

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Figure 14–4). It is a clear, colorless, volatile liquid at room temperature and must be<br />

stored in a sealed bottle. It is nonflammable and nonexplosive in mixtures of air or<br />

oxygen.<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

The low solubility of sevoflurane in blood and other tissues provides for rapid induction<br />

of anesthesia, rapid changes in anesthetic depth following changes in delivered<br />

concentration, and rapid emergence following discontinuation of administration (see<br />

Table 14–1). Approximately 3% of absorbed sevoflurane is biotransformed.<br />

Sevoflurane is metabolized in the liver by cytochrome P450 2E1, with the predominant<br />

product being hexafluoroisopropanol (Kharasch et al., 1995). Hepatic metabolism of<br />

sevoflurane also produces inorganic fluoride. Serum fluoride concentrations reach a<br />

peak shortly after surgery and decline rapidly. Interaction of sevoflurane with soda lime<br />

also produces decomposition products. The major product of interest is referred to as<br />

compound A and is pentafluoroisopropenyl fluoromethyl ether (see"Side<br />

Effects"—"Kidney," below) (Hanaki et al., 1987).<br />

Clinical Use<br />

Sevoflurane has been widely used in Japan for a number of years and is enjoying<br />

increasing use in the United States. Sevoflurane is widely used for outpatient<br />

anesthesia because of its rapid recovery profile. It also is a useful drug for inhalation<br />

induction of anesthesia (particularly in children), because it is not irritating to the<br />

airway. Induction of anesthesia is rapidly achieved using inhaled concentrations of 2%<br />

to 4% sevoflurane.<br />

Side Effects<br />

Cardiovascular System<br />

Sevoflurane, like all other halogenated inhalational anesthetics, produces a<br />

concentration-dependent decrease in arterial blood pressure. This hypotensive effect<br />

primarily is due to systemic vasodilation, although sevoflurane also produces a<br />

concentration-dependent decrease in cardiac output (see Figure 14–6). Unlike<br />

isoflurane or desflurane, sevoflurane does not produce tachycardia and thus may be a<br />

preferable agent in patients prone to myocardial ischemia.<br />

Respiratory System<br />

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Sevoflurane produces a concen-tration-dependent reduction in tidal volume and<br />

increase in respiratory rate in spontaneously breathing patients. The increased<br />

respiratory frequency is not adequate to compensate for reduced tidal volume, with the<br />

net effect being a reduction in minute ventilation and an increase in arterial carbon<br />

dioxide tension (Doi and Ikeda, 1987) (see Figure 14–7). Sevoflurane is not irritating<br />

to the airway and is a potent bronchodilator. Because of this combination of properties,<br />

sevoflurane is the most effective clinical bronchodilator of the inhalational anesthetics<br />

(Rooke et al., 1997).<br />

Nervous System<br />

Sevoflurane produces effects on cerebral vascular resistance, cerebral metabolic<br />

oxygen consumption, and cerebral blood flow that are very similar to those produced<br />

by isoflurane and desflurane. While sevoflurane thus can increase intracranial pressure<br />

in patients with poor intracranial compliance, the response to hypocapnia is preserved<br />

during sevoflurane anesthesia, and increases in intracranial pressure thus can be<br />

prevented by hyperventilation.<br />

Muscle<br />

Sevoflurane produces direct skeletal muscle relaxation as well as enhancing the effects<br />

of nondepolarizing and depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents. Its effects are<br />

similar to those of other halogenated inhalational anesthetics.<br />

Kidney<br />

Controversy has surrounded the potential nephrotoxicity of compound A, the<br />

degradation product produced by interaction of sevoflurane with the carbon dioxide<br />

absorbant soda lime. There has been a report showing transient biochemical evidence<br />

of renal injury in studies with human volunteers but no evidence of permanent renal<br />

injury (Eger et al., 1997). Large clinical studies have showed no evidence of increased<br />

serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, or any other evidence of renal impairment<br />

following sevoflurane administration (Mazze et al., 2000). The current recommendation<br />

of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is that sevoflurane be administered with<br />

fresh gas flows of at least 2 liters/minute to minimize accumulation of compound A.<br />

Liver and Gastrointestinal Tract<br />

Sevoflurane is not known to cause hepatotoxicity or alterations of hepatic function<br />

tests.<br />

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Nitrous Oxide<br />

Chemical and Physical Properties<br />

Nitrous oxide (dinitrogen monoxide; N 2 O) is a colorless, odorless gas at room<br />

temperature (see Figure 14–4). It is sold in steel cylinders and must be delivered<br />

through calibrated flow meters provided on all anesthesia machines. Nitrous oxide is<br />

neither flammable nor explosive, but it does support combustion as actively as oxygen<br />

does when it is present in proper concentration with a flammable anesthetic or material.<br />

Pharmacokinetics<br />

Nitrous oxide is very insoluble in blood and other tissues (see Table 14–1). This results<br />

in rapid equilibration between delivered and alveolar anesthetic concentrations and<br />

provides for rapid induction of anesthesia and rapid emergence following<br />

discontinuation of administration. The rapid uptake of nitrous oxide from alveolar gas<br />

serves to concentrate coadministered halogenated anesthetics; this effect (the "second<br />

gas effect") speeds induction of anesthesia. On discontinuation of nitrous oxide<br />

administration, nitrous oxide gas can diffuse from blood to the alveoli, diluting oxygen<br />

in the lung. This can produce an effect called diffusional hypoxia. To avoid hypoxia,<br />

100% oxygen rather than air should be administered when nitrous oxide is<br />

discontinued.<br />

Nitrous oxide is almost completely eliminated by the lungs, with some minimal<br />

diffusion through the skin. Nitrous oxide is not biotransformed by enzymatic action in<br />

human tissue, and 99.9% of absorbed nitrous oxide is eliminated unchanged. Nitrous<br />

oxide can be degraded by interaction with vitamin B12 in intestinal bacteria. This<br />

results in inactivation of methionine synthesis and can produce signs of vitamin B 12<br />

deficiency (megaloblastic anemia, peripheral neuropathy) following long-term nitrous<br />

oxide administration (O'Sullivan et al., 1981). For this reason, nitrous oxide is not used<br />

as a chronic analgesic or as a sedative in critical care settings.<br />

Clinical Use<br />

Nitrous oxide is a weak anesthetic agent and produces reliable surgical anesthesia only<br />

under hyperbaric conditions. It does produce significant analgesia at concentrations as<br />

low as 20% and usually produces sedation in concentrations between 30% and 80%. It<br />

is used frequently in concentrations of approximately 50% to provide analgesia and<br />

sedation in outpatient dentistry. Nitrous oxide cannot be used at concentrations above<br />

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80%, because this limits the delivery of an adequate amount of oxygen. Because of<br />

this limitation, nitrous oxide is used primarily as an adjunct to other inhalational or<br />

intravenous anesthetics. Nitrous oxide substantially reduces the requirement for<br />

inhalational anesthetics. For example, at 70% nitrous oxide, MAC for other inhalational<br />

agents is reduced by about 60%, allowing for lower concentrations of halogenated<br />

anesthetics and a lesser degree of side effects.<br />

One major problem with nitrous oxide is that it will exchange with nitrogen in any air-<br />

containing cavity in the body. Moreover, nitrous oxide will enter the cavity faster than<br />

nitrogen escapes, thereby increasing the volume and/or pressure in this cavity.<br />

Examples of air collections that can be expanded by nitrous oxide include a<br />

pneumothorax, an obstructed middle ear, an air embolus, an obstructed loop of bowel,<br />

an intraocular air bubble, a pulmonary bulla, and intracranial air. Nitrous oxide should<br />

be avoided in these clinical settings.<br />

Side Effects<br />

Cardiovascular System<br />

Although nitrous oxide produces a negative inotropic effect on heart muscle in vitro,<br />

depressant effects on cardiac function generally are not observed in patients. This is<br />

because of the stimulatory effects of nitrous oxide on the sympathetic nervous system.<br />

The cardiovascular effects of nitrous oxide also are heavily influenced by the<br />

concomitant administration of other anesthetic agents. When nitrous oxide is<br />

coadministered with halogenated inhalational anesthetics, it generally produces an<br />

increase in heart rate, arterial blood pressure, and cardiac output. In contrast, when<br />

nitrous oxide is coadministered with an opioid, it generally decreases arterial blood<br />

pressure and cardiac output. Nitrous oxide also increases venous tone in both the<br />

peripheral and pulmonary vasculature. The effects of nitrous oxide on pulmonary<br />

vascular resistance can be exaggerated in patients with preexisting pulmonary<br />

hypertension (Schulte-Sasse et al., 1982). Nitrous oxide, therefore, is not generally<br />

used in patients with pulmonary hypertension.<br />

Respiratory System<br />

Nitrous oxide causes modest increases in respiratory rate and decreases in tidal<br />

volume in spontaneously breathing patients. The net effect is that minute ventilation is<br />

not significantly changed and arterial carbon dioxide tension remains normal. However,<br />

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even modest concentrations of nitrous oxide markedly depress the ventilatory response<br />

to hypoxia (Yacoub et al., 1975). Thus it is prudent to monitor arterial oxygen<br />

saturation directly in patients receiving or recovering from nitrous oxide.<br />

Nervous System<br />

When nitrous oxide is administered alone, it can produce significant increases in<br />

cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure. When nitrous oxide is coadministered<br />

with intravenous anesthetic agents, increases in cerebral blood flow are attenuated or<br />

abolished. When nitrous oxide is added to a halogenated inhalational anesthetic, its<br />

vasodilatory effect on the cerebral vasculature is slightly reduced.<br />

Muscle<br />

Nitrous oxide does not relax skeletal muscle and does not enhance the effects of<br />

neuromuscular blocking drugs. Unlike the halogenated anesthetics, nitrous oxide is not<br />

a triggering agent for malignant hyperthermia.<br />

Kidney, Liver, and Gastrointestinal Tract<br />

Nitrous oxide is not known to produce any changes in renal or hepatic function and is<br />

neither nephrotoxic nor hepatotoxic.<br />

Xenon<br />

Xenon is an inert gas that was first identified as an anesthetic agent in 1951 (Cullen<br />

and Gross, 1951). It is not approved for use in the United States and is unlikely to<br />

enjoy widespread use, because it is a rare gas that cannot be manufactured and must<br />

be extracted from air. This limits the quantities of available xenon gas and renders<br />

xenon a very expensive agent. Despite these shortcomings, xenon has properties that<br />

make it a virtually ideal anesthetic gas that ultimately may be used in critical situations<br />

(Lynch et al., 2000).<br />

Xenon is extremely insoluble in blood and other tissues, providing for rapid induction<br />

and emergence from anesthesia (see Table 14–1). It is sufficiently potent to produce<br />

surgical anesthesia when administered with 30% oxygen. Most importantly, xenon has<br />

minimal side effects. It has no effects on cardiac output or cardiac rhythm and is not<br />

thought to have a significant effect on systemic vascular resistance. It also does not<br />

affect pulmonary function and is not known to have any hepatic or renal toxicity.<br />

Finally, xenon is not metabolized at all in the human body. Xenon is an anesthetic that<br />

may be available in the future if limitations on its availability and its high cost can be<br />

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