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This little picture Story book is for you<br />

_________________<br />

to remind you of the time we spent together as an<br />

E4 class 2 nd grade High<strong>school</strong>. This booklet will<br />

bring back memories of <strong>school</strong> life to you when you<br />

are older and away from the <strong>school</strong> environment. It<br />

will remind you of the targets we had in the year<br />

2005-2006. It will also remind you of your<br />

<strong>school</strong> mates and of how you looked and<br />

thought at the fresh age of 14. I hope<br />

it will bring a smile on your face<br />

and warmth to<br />

your heart.<br />

With lots of love<br />

your teacher<br />

Zafi Mandali

It was a shiny day and the Mrs.<br />

Shields was taking care of the garden.<br />

Mr. Shields was also helping with<br />

the plants.<br />

The Shields Family lived in a wonderful house in Doncaster, England.<br />

Everything would be perfect without their neighbours, the Browns Family.<br />

Their children Jamie, Ella and<br />

Jimmie were watching TV.<br />

It was Monday morning. Mrs. Brown<br />

was in the kitchen, arranging dishes.

Mr. Brown was at work. While their children Matti, Mari and Johnie were at<br />

<strong>school</strong>. They loved being there among their friends.<br />

They were also in a band together<br />

called “The nightingales”. Liam<br />

Marriot was with them too.<br />

Matti Brown and Jamie Shields shared<br />

the same desk because they were<br />

classmates, neighbours and best friends.<br />

Ella Shields and Marie Brown were almost friends but liked the same boy<br />

Liam. They were competitive about just about everything, high marks, good<br />

looks, best voice and sang at the band. Marie and Ella however had one<br />

worry on their mind. Who was Liam in love with?

Jimmie Shields and Johnie Brown on<br />

the other hand were worst enemies.<br />

They kept fighting at <strong>school</strong> and<br />

calling each other names.<br />

Quiet. Get up! If you continue, I<br />

will expel you from <strong>school</strong>.<br />

The physics teacher, Mr Marriot,<br />

had often sent them out of class<br />

for calling each other names.<br />

But he started!!!<br />

This stupid<br />

one started!!!<br />

Johnie got an 18,6 and I got an 18,7!<br />

You are stupid and you will...<br />

That’s it!! Both of you, out!!! I won’t<br />

say it again!! I’ll count to 3.<br />

1,2,3. Out!!!!!!!

B….B……B…<br />

All right , whatever.<br />

Why did you stop?<br />

In the afternoon, Matti and Jamie met at Liam’s house, Liam’s house was equipped with many musical instruments.<br />

Liam played the guitar. Jamie also played the guitar and Matti was playing on the drums. They were playing the song<br />

“you are beautiful”. It was the song that Jamie had written for his girlfriend, Selina. But Jamie suddenly stopped.<br />

I have a strange feeling<br />

that something is going to<br />

happen.<br />

Something will happen<br />

with our band?<br />

No, it’s not that. I have a bad feeling<br />

about home and Selina hasn’t<br />

called either and I’m worried about<br />

her too.<br />

Selina was indeed sad. Her cruel father<br />

had not given her permission to go out<br />


Forget about it. It is probably nothing .<br />

There was rubbish all around the place. And the window of the Brown’s<br />

house was broken.<br />

Hell, no, not again. That’s not good!<br />

Jamie and Matti were on their way home after 2 hours of practice with their<br />

band. They had little idea what would follow.<br />

Why is everything<br />

happening to us.<br />

I dread to think what the<br />

situation is going to be with<br />

our parents now.

At the Brown’s house.<br />

“Matti! Where have you been?<br />

Yes., I bet they did it. I won’t<br />

forget the time they stole my bike<br />

from our garden. I bet that Jimmie<br />

did it. I hate him so much.<br />

At Liam’s house, dad. What has<br />

happened here? World war three?<br />

What’s wrong with the window?<br />

Stop the nonsense<br />

Johnie. Just because<br />

you hate him it doesn’t<br />

mean they are thieves.<br />

Mum says it is the<br />

Shields family who did it.<br />

The family was sitting around the table.<br />

And what about the time<br />

they wrote graffiti on our<br />

front door and we had to<br />

spend a fortune buying a<br />

new door?

Perhaps the police will find the truth<br />

some day. The Shields say we flattened<br />

their plants, threw garbage on the their<br />

entrance and burst their tyres. We did<br />

not do these things, did we?<br />

What happened to<br />

the plants , father?<br />

Hey! You were at Liam’s<br />

house, heh? How was<br />

your day?<br />

At the Shields home Mr. Shield was<br />

sweet to his son as always.<br />

This is a mystery and I won’t rest<br />

until we find out the truth.<br />

Fine, dad but…what about<br />

the plants. Where is mum?<br />

Remember this, someone is making<br />

trouble for us and laughing at us .<br />

At the police station. But don’t worry.<br />

Come and sit next to Ella.<br />

He was too tired to do anything else<br />

and his mind was fixed on what had<br />

happened to the window and the plants.

Jimme, what happened<br />

to mum’s flowers?<br />

Oh, the graffiti is a mystery and do<br />

you remember the time they burst<br />

our tyres? Our ford was flat. We<br />

spent a fortune on new tyres.<br />

Mum says the Browns did it like the other<br />

time they threw garbage on the entrance.<br />

I bet that Johnie did.<br />

I hate him so much.<br />

Yes, but the Browns say we<br />

wrote graffiti on their door<br />

and we did not. Did we?<br />

Cut the crap, Jimmie. Just<br />

because you hate Johnie it<br />

doesn’t mean he burst our<br />


Someone is messing up our lives and we<br />

are sitting here and doing nothing.<br />

Today you are not going to <strong>school</strong><br />

because we have a problem with<br />

the neighbours and we must<br />

figure out what is happening.”<br />

The next morning Jamie woke up and went to the kitchen. Everyone was sitting around the table. He asked his mother<br />

for his breakfast because he didn’t like to be late for <strong>school</strong>!<br />

Mom, get serious, please!<br />

I talk very seriously, young man. They are going to pay for<br />

everything they did to us and I warn you if you talk or see<br />

again their son, Matti, you also are going to be in trouble.<br />


No, buts … this is my final word.<br />

I don’t want you to have any<br />

relationship with this boy again!<br />

The situation is too<br />

unpleasant for us and for our<br />

family, but what could we<br />

do? …<br />

In the children's room.<br />

Mum but you are unfair…<br />

Mari send an SMS to Ella to tell her not to<br />

worry. Probably they are as worried as we are.<br />

The Brown children are also discussing<br />

the problem.<br />

To your room now!<br />

That’s a good idea. Let’s see<br />

how things are next door.

At that moment a message came form<br />

Mari explaining the whole situation and<br />

saying that her feelings for Jamie and<br />

Ella hadn’t changed at all.<br />

You know I got a message from<br />

Mari and she said that perhaps it<br />

was the dog’s fault that our<br />

plants have been flattened.<br />

At the Shields house the whole family was around the table. Nobody was<br />

speaking. Ella wanted to break the ice.<br />

Don’t be ironic, it’s not their<br />

fault. And I sent a message to<br />

The dog’s fault, oh why did Mattie.<br />

we not think of that?

You did what? Go to your<br />

room, now! Don’t think of getting<br />

out before you apologise after<br />

you think what you have done.<br />

Hm, you look quite<br />

happy. Am I right?<br />

Mum, he is my best friend.<br />

Yes, you are. Well, I was thinking of us and I had a<br />

really cool idea. Liam, you are sixteen. Matti, is<br />

eighteen and I am sixteen too. So if our families go<br />

on fighting each other they will destroy our band.<br />

The next day Jamie went to Liam’s house where Matti and Liam were playing a new song.<br />

Now, I’m 16, Matti is 18 and Liam is 16<br />

too. Maybe we could go and live<br />

somewhere else. The hatred between<br />

our parents is killing us!’. Tomorrow I<br />

will tell my friends what I thought of.<br />

Jamies is lying in his room, thinking.<br />

Yeah, yeah, you are dreaming. You mean, in a few<br />

years we will be old enough to do whatever we want,<br />

we can leave this place and travel somewhere else,<br />

where we can make CD’s and give concerts… and<br />

make our dream come true!

This is what we want but our parents<br />

will get angry and disagree. We should stop<br />

dreaming.<br />

So they just continued playing. They were playing and playing Mean while next door Liam’s mum was talking to a neighbour,<br />

Mrs Gallini. They had been talking for some time when the bell rang.<br />

I’m glad to see you Mrs Shields.<br />

How are you? Come in. The<br />

children are practicing.<br />

Let me introduce you to Mrs Giallini.<br />

She lives further down the street.<br />

How do you do? How do you do?<br />

I have seen you a few times.<br />

Sometimes my son Darry plays with<br />

your Jimmie.<br />

Mrs. Marriot opened the door and welcomed Mrs. Shield in. She then introduced Mrs. Shields to Mrs. Gallini.

How are things with the Browns?<br />

Are they still annoying you?<br />

Perhaps there is an explanation.<br />

Don’t be so sure. I am sure the<br />

Browns did not do anything.<br />

Unfortunately, yes. Yesterday morning, while I was<br />

watering my favorite plants. Tthe phone rang. So I went<br />

to answer it. When I came back the plants had been<br />

flattened. I’m sure it was the Browns who did it. They are<br />

so mean. I hate them and I’ll always hate them.<br />

What explanation? And any<br />

way how would you know?<br />

Oh, dear. That’s awful!“. It is such<br />

a pity since the children Jamie<br />

and Matti are such good friends.<br />

Hello Miranda. How are you dear? I need your<br />

help . I hope my children Matti and Mari are not<br />

here playing with that Shields boy, Jamie.<br />

But 2 seconds later somebody knocked on the door and Liam’s mother went to open it. Liam, Jamie, Matti, Ella<br />

and Mari all stoped practicing and went to see what was going on. They heard a third woman’s voice. It was Mrs.<br />

Brown, Matti’s mother!

You don’t mind my entering? You<br />

see we have a problem.” .<br />

I won’t talk to this crazy woman<br />

who accuses me of flattening her<br />

plants and breaks my window.<br />

What on earth! I see you<br />

are not alone.<br />

I broke no window of<br />

yours. I am not like you.<br />

Miranda. Maybe if you talk things<br />

over, misunderstandings will clear.<br />

If you did not break my window, who did? And if<br />

you did not write graffiti on my entrance door who<br />

did? And if you didn’t steal Johnie’s bike who did?

Is my mom here? What’s the matter with you boy?<br />

At that point the bell rang and in came Darry Gallian crying. Everybody stared at him.<br />

Darry, we are not alone darling!!! There<br />

are these ladies here. Let’s go home.<br />

I am not going home again. My father<br />

never buys me anything and hates me.<br />

I want to leave home. I hate<br />

him. He beat me again. I will<br />

go to the police.<br />

This can not be so. Why are your saying such<br />

terrible lies? Your father can’t hate you.

He does and he hates both of you, too. That’s why he<br />

flattened your plants and and burst your tyres. My<br />

father emptied his rubbish in front of your entrance.<br />

Mum tell them. Don’t protect him any more.<br />

The boy is right. That is why I came here<br />

today but I did not dare speak the truth. I<br />

am afraid of him. He is a sick man and he<br />

needs help and I don’t know who to turn to.<br />

That’s not all. You remember the day you<br />

found graffiti written on your door? He<br />

enjoys seeing your fighting. He also broke<br />

your window. He is horrible . He beats my<br />

mother. Do something. Protect us.<br />

Everybody is extremely surprised.<br />

We are so miserable. My<br />

Selina is also very<br />

unhappy. I would like to<br />

apologize on his behalf.<br />

Please help us.<br />

Oh, oh…. We could never<br />

imagine such things.<br />

That explains everything. I am<br />

so sorry Mrs Brown. You<br />

know I always wanted us to be<br />

friends because our children<br />

are friends too.

I am so sorry for you little boy but I<br />

am so glad that the Browns are<br />

good and caring neighbours after<br />

all. Don’t worry about your father<br />

we will see what we can do about it.<br />

Was your husband<br />

always so violent?<br />

No, it all started<br />

three years ago.<br />

Believe me, I ‘am also<br />

very, very happy.<br />

Do you have any<br />

idea, why?<br />

Mrs Giallini is talking to the psychologist, Mrs. Goodweather.<br />

That’s the problem I<br />

can’t guess.<br />

Mrs Gallini, I will<br />

introduce you to<br />

psychologist. She<br />

might be able to<br />

help you.<br />

I believe I should have a few<br />

sessions with him. If I find the reason<br />

I’ll be able to cure him. Don’t worry, we<br />

always help people.<br />


Author of initial script: Ioannidou Niovi, Zafi Mandali<br />

Script adapted by the students of E4, 2 nd grade High School, 2005 - 2006<br />

1 st couple: The Shields 2 nd couple: The Browns<br />

Father: Kekes Trifon Father: Papios Peter<br />

Mother: Gergini Vassia, , Mother: Tsoga Evaggelia<br />

Child 1: Samaras Lefteris, Child 1: Sousoudis Aris<br />

Child 2: Georgosopoulou Ilektra Child 2: Varela Marilena<br />

Child 3: Valsamos Dimitris Child 3: Bilianis John<br />

3 rd couple: The Marriots 4 th couple: Mr Gallinis<br />

Father: Reppas Konstantinos Father: ?<br />

Mother: Parathisi Margarita Mother: Giannikopoulou Maria,<br />

Child 1: Itopoulos Dimitrios Child 1:Darren: Matev Stefanos<br />

Psychologist: Mrs. Goodweather: Fani Tsantaraki<br />

Cover design: Paradissi Margarita<br />

Typing and page make up: Elena Vagena<br />

Child 2: Selina: Ioannidou Niovi

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