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95 HB: Paja 96 SH: =Hm[::: 97 GB: [Und in England unterrichtet sie Deutsch als Fremdsprache (0.5) 98 Nicht= 99 HB: =HMI:: 100 GB: [Die lernen dann [Deutsch und [das 101 HB: [Damit [damit verdient sie [praktisch ihr Geld 102 GB: [Und das sind die 103 HB: ne 104 GB: Studenten die sie dannu[nterTichtet 105 HB l( 1 106 107 GB: [Dann war sie auch in in 108 e:: r (0.5) ja alles [was... 109 SH: [>Also ist das'n Hobby, was sie so jetzt< (0.5) in in in 110 dieser Sprachforschung [macht 111 HB: [Ja::: 112 113 GB: Nee, Hobby eigentlich ni[cht 114 HB: [Nee= 115 116 GB: =Das ist schon [ganz schön ( 117 KH: [Ja darum wollt ich ja wissen wer besteht Detzt darauf 118 SH: [NEIN ist ein 119 Hobby, sie kriegt's ja nicht bezahlt 120 121 GB: Nee sie kriegt's [nicht bezahlt ab[er sie braucht es also Hobby ist das 122 HB: [Nein [was=was 123 wirklich nicht= 124 HB =Nein= 125 GB: =denn sie wird ja später mal in diesem arbeiten, als als eh= 126 HB: =hm= 127 GB: =eh (0.5) also sie hat später ihren Doktortitel und wird dann auf [diesem 128 HB: [Ja 129 GB: Geb[iet auch nur was sie [dann macht [weiß ich nicht 130 HB: [Ja:: [das [das wollte ich noch sagen auch Excerpt 8.4 Translation 'Studying as a Hobby' SH: The people in Braunschweig [have a [funny dialect 2 HB: [Erm 3 GB: [No Robert 4 5 GB: Robert is [doing something of his own= 6 SH: [funny dialect 7 HB: =Okay, Robert might also [be able to 8 GB: [Elke is doing language research 9 HB: Perhaps he's dealing [with something different, er it's e[:: r 10 GB: [and [Robert is doing II Sociology= 12 HB: =Yeah er that's [correct 13 GB: [so that's two different things 14 15 HB: Yeah, that's [correct 16 GB: [One's got nothing to do with the [other-- 17 HB: [That's right 272

is HB: =Yeah not at all but e:: rm= 19 GB: =No no it's got nothing to [do with it 20 HB: [He might be dealing [with something else 21 KB: [It's about languages 22 HB: although 23 KB: who wants to know this now, if she is she being [paid by the state 24 GB: [oh 25 KB: or by the council o[:: r 26 GB: [One sets up this thesis, the other one [sets up that 27 KH: [Because this is 28 GB: thesis you know, and then it's disproved and then and then there 29 KH: you can't sell it, such a thing 30 31 GB: are new [findings and that is 32 KH: R 33 HB: Hm:: 34 GB: you can never take it [as a final result 35 KH: [How is she being paid then, by the state 36 or how is she paid 37 (0.5) 38 HB: hhhh=she o:: nly >received a grant< yeah (1) as a supplement (1.5) we 39 also had to pay so that she [could study 40 KH: [>Fair enough, but something is also in it< 41 something= 42 HB: YEAH, eh, that's a large area and among others she had a schol- a 43 (1.5) 44 GB: A scholarship 45 HB: a yeah no=a scholarship she also had in English, England, 46 yeah but she also did classical Greek also a e[:: r 47 KH: [>You haven't you haven't 48 understood Heinz< (. ) if she's now ready with it you know (0.5) by whom 49 HB: one semester 50 is she going to be paid She must be earning money now-- 51 HB: E:: rm 52 GB: =Well, what do you mean by whom is she being paid=She'll have to look 53 HB: At the end of the day at the end of the day 54 GB: for a job 55 HB: she's, well, yeah, well only 56 GB: She'll have to look for something, she's doing this= 57 KH: 58 HB: =becorne a Reacher 59 GB: [She's doing this on a [private basis=so she's [paying it all for 60 HB: [You know [and now 61 GB: herself now 62 63 KH: Yeah [no I mean at [some stage she'll also have 64 GB: [Youknow [and when she's finished she'll have to lookout for a 65 job 'where do I get a job as a lecturer of whatever-- 66 KH: =Yeah= 67 GB: =she wants to do= 68 HB: =Hmmm= 69 GB: =So there's nobody there and there's also nothing waiting for her, but 70 she'll have to sort that out for herself 71 (0.5) 72 KH: Yeah 73 74 GB: You know (2) so e:: r 75 (2) 76 HB: He she [will 77 GB: [She's not [being paid by anyone she's doing this now 273

is HB: =Yeah not at all but e:: rm=<br />

19 GB: =No no it's got nothing to [do with it<br />

20 HB: [He might be dealing [with something else<br />

21 KB: [It's about languages<br />

22 HB: although<br />

23 KB: who wants to know this now, if she is she being [paid by the state<br />

24 GB: [oh<br />

25 KB: or by the council o[:: r<br />

26 GB: [One sets up this thesis, the other one [sets up that<br />

27 KH: [Because this is<br />

28 GB: thesis you know, and then it's disproved and then and then there<br />

29 KH: you can't sell it, such a thing<br />

30<br />

31 GB: are new [findings and that is<br />

32 KH: R<br />

33 HB: Hm::<br />

34 GB: you can never take it [as a final result<br />

35 KH: [How is she being paid then, by the state<br />

36 or how is she paid<br />

37 (0.5)<br />

38 HB: hhhh=she o:: nly >received a grant< yeah (1) as a supplement (1.5) we<br />

39 also had to pay so that she [could study<br />

40 KH: [>Fair enough, but something is also in it<<br />

41 something=<br />

42 HB: YEAH, eh, that's a large area and among others she had a schol- a<br />

43 (1.5)<br />

44 GB: A scholarship<br />

45 HB: a yeah no=a scholarship she also had in English, England,<br />

46 yeah but she also did classical Greek also a e[:: r<br />

47 KH: [>You haven't you haven't<br />

48 understood Heinz< (. ) if she's now ready with it you know (0.5) by whom<br />

49 HB: one semester<br />

50 is she going to be paid She must be earning money now--<br />

51 HB: E:: rm<br />

52 GB: =Well, what do you mean by whom is she being paid=She'll have to look<br />

53 HB: At the end <strong>of</strong> the day at the end <strong>of</strong> the day<br />

54 GB: for a job<br />

55 HB: she's, well, yeah, well only<br />

56 GB: She'll have to look for something, she's doing this=<br />

57 KH:<br />

58 HB: =becorne a Reacher<br />

59 GB: [She's doing this on a [private basis=so she's [paying it all for<br />

60 HB: [You know [and now<br />

61 GB: herself now<br />

62<br />

63 KH: Yeah [no I mean at [some stage she'll also have<br />

64 GB: [Youknow [and when she's finished she'll have to lookout for a<br />

65 job 'where do I get a job as a lecturer <strong>of</strong> whatever--<br />

66 KH: =Yeah=<br />

67 GB: =she wants to do=<br />

68 HB: =Hmmm=<br />

69 GB: =So there's nobody there and there's also nothing waiting for her, but<br />

70 she'll have to sort that out for herself<br />

71 (0.5)<br />

72 KH: Yeah<br />

73<br />

74 GB: You know (2) so e:: r<br />

75 (2)<br />

76 HB: He she [will<br />

77 GB: [She's not [being paid by anyone she's doing this now<br />


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