SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications

SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications

SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications


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308 Saga-Book oj the <strong>Viking</strong> <strong>Society</strong><br />

grenne' with the qualification "i nedseettende mening".<br />

This qualification perplexed Gering, who writes in his<br />

Kommentar: "Warum dies eine 'verachtliche bezeichnung'<br />

sein soll, ist nicht einzusehen." Finnur Jonsson made<br />

himself clearer in his edition, De gamle Eddadigte<br />

(1932), where he writes: "igrcen: strerkt gron, jsetteme<br />

foler ubehag ved den smukke gr0nne farve." The<br />

adjective is hapax legomenon in Old West Norse. But the<br />

word is well known from both Modern Icelandic and the<br />

dialects of Modern Norwegian and means 'greenish'. The<br />

same applies to other colour adjectives formed with the<br />

same prefix: iblaa, igraa, iraud, isvart, i.e. 'bluish', etc.<br />

Fritzner's dictionary omits igreenn but has ibldr and<br />

irautJr, which are correctly translated as 'blaalig, blaaagtig'<br />

and 'redlig, lidt redagtig', The German ingrun, which<br />

corresponds to igrcenn, means admittedly 'very green,<br />

extremely green' and has done so since the Middle High<br />

German period, but it is equally undeniable that<br />

Scandinavian colour adjectives with the i-prefix do not<br />

have any intensive connotation.t' Thus the giants in<br />

Aloissmdl call the earth by a word which means 'greenish,<br />

a little green'. The word is an understatement. The<br />

giants admit, as if against their will, that the earth is<br />

green; it is tgrcen, 'a bit green'. The vocabulary of the<br />

giants does not, however, have negative connotations<br />

throughout. Ale (34), for example, is able to dispel their<br />

peevishness: its name is hreini logr, 'the bright liquid'.<br />

The vocabulary of the elves testifies to a totally<br />

different frame of mind from that of the giants. The<br />

earth is verdant and fertile (gr6andi) , the sky a beautiful<br />

roof (fagrarcejr), the sun a beautiful wheel (fagrahvel) ,<br />

the forest is fair-limbed (fagrlimi), the night is sleep's joy<br />

(svejngaman). It is to be noted that in no case do words<br />

beginning with the prefix fagr- make part of the metrical<br />

structure and they are therefore not bound by alliteration.<br />

11 I refer to Ture Johannisson's discussion of these questions in his essay<br />

'Idrott' in Meijerbergs Arkiv for svensk ordforskning 5 (1943).

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