SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications

SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications SAGA-BOOK - Viking Society Web Publications
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Saga-Book of the Viking Society for the brothers. 41 Since Boi5varr was Sturla's brother we can assume the greater accuracy of i slendinga saga at this point (d. p. 146 above). Directly after the incident at Geirpjofsfjarbareyrr it is said in islendinga saga that Aron went south to Baroastrond and hid in a cave in Arnarbselisdalr, but in Arons saga that he crossed over Arnarfjoror and stayed at Lokinhamrar with Helgi Sveinsson.v- Some confirmation of the former tale is supplied by the existence in this locality of a cave which is called Aronshellir (also Armannshellir), though this could be a case of the name being supplied after the story. 43 On the whole there seems no reason to doubt the veracity of either fact, despite the confusion over time. It is possible that the author of Arons saga was closer to members of Aron's family than was Sturla, and that therefore the details of Aron's movements and hideouts which the biography provides are fairly reliable. It says that after his escape from Valshamarr Aron went first to Hofi5i, where his mother came to dress his wounds, and then on to Rauoamelr, while Jslendinga saga records only that he went direct to his mother's home.w Both accounts agree that he went south to Rosmhvalanes after killing Sigmundr snagi (although Sturla allows him a stay at Rauoamelr with Starkaor first), but they differ in that Arons saga tells that he stayed with Einarr Snorrason at an unspecified farm, Sturla that he went to :Porsteinn at Hvalsnes.v' Both narratives contain details of which the other is entirely unaware. Arons saga describes its events in much greater detail, which is quite natural in the light of the authors' varying purposes, and it seems unnecessary to list all the matter which appears there but not in Sturla's history. On the other hand, a glance at what is 41 Sturl. I 3°5; II 259. • 2 Sturl, I 306; II 264 . • 3 See Sturl, I 563, note 4 to ch. 55. •• Sturl. I 307; II 268. •• Sturl, I 308; II 269.

On Arons saga Hjiirleifssonar lSI contained in lslendinga saga but not in Arons saga will provide further evidence for speculation about their relationship. It has been claimed that, if the biographer had known some of the things recorded in the history, then he would have used them himself. 46 lslendinga saga states that Bishop Gurimundr left the mainland for Malmey at jolafosi« and names Ketill Ingjaldsson among his followers, while Arons saga does not specify the time and misses Ketill's name.s? Sturla says that before the fight on Grimsey some men went to confession with the bishop. 48 He also records that Aron left Tumi's helmet and mail coat at Svinafell but took the sax, and that Ormr gave him some other weapons. 49 In both accounts he has a mail coat in Geirpjofsfjoror, but in 1slendinga saga his weapon is an axe rather than the sax of the biography, which also equips him with a helmet and shield without claiming directly that these are Tumi's arms."? Arons saga does not mention that Ingimundr Jonsson was sent to Amarfjoror to look for Aron, nor does it know that Egill's nickname is digri. 51 The incident of Aron taking a boat from Variill, rowing across Brei6afjor6r and then pushing the boat out to sea again 5 2 is unknown to the author of the biography, and this is another instance in which we must be inclined to trust Sturla for accuracy, since the boat is said to have drifted up at Eyrr, his father's home, and may well be a personal memory, since the historian was ten years old at the time. Sturla also tells that his cousin, Sturla Sighvatsson, rode out on Snrefellsnes to Helgafell one day in the autumn of 1224, with two other men, and passed by the woods at Valshamarr, where Aron, Hafporr and another man were .. Biskupa Siigu« (r858-78), Ilxvii. 47 Sturl, I 287; II 239-40 . .. Sturl. I 290. .. Siurl, I 293. 6. Sturl. I 305; II 26r. "Sturl. I 305. .. Sturt. I 306.

On Arons saga Hjiirleifssonar lSI<br />

contained in lslendinga saga but not in Arons saga will<br />

provide further evidence for speculation about their<br />

relationship. It has been claimed that, if the biographer<br />

had known some of the things recorded in the history, then<br />

he would have used them himself. 46<br />

lslendinga saga states that Bishop Gurimundr left the<br />

mainland for Malmey at jolafosi« and names Ketill<br />

Ingjaldsson among his followers, while Arons saga does<br />

not specify the time and misses Ketill's name.s? Sturla<br />

says that before the fight on Grimsey some men went to<br />

confession with the bishop. 48 He also records that Aron<br />

left Tumi's helmet and mail coat at Svinafell but took the<br />

sax, and that Ormr gave him some other weapons. 49 In<br />

both accounts he has a mail coat in Geirpjofsfjoror, but in<br />

1slendinga saga his weapon is an axe rather than the sax<br />

of the biography, which also equips him with a helmet<br />

and shield without claiming directly that these are Tumi's<br />

arms."?<br />

Arons saga does not mention that Ingimundr Jonsson<br />

was sent to Amarfjoror to look for Aron, nor does it know<br />

that Egill's nickname is digri. 51 The incident of Aron<br />

taking a boat from Variill, rowing across Brei6afjor6r and<br />

then pushing the boat out to sea again 5 2 is unknown to the<br />

author of the biography, and this is another instance in<br />

which we must be inclined to trust Sturla for accuracy,<br />

since the boat is said to have drifted up at Eyrr, his<br />

father's home, and may well be a personal memory, since<br />

the historian was ten years old at the time. Sturla also<br />

tells that his cousin, Sturla Sighvatsson, rode out on<br />

Snrefellsnes to Helgafell one day in the autumn of 1224,<br />

with two other men, and passed by the woods at<br />

Valshamarr, where Aron, Hafporr and another man were<br />

.. Biskupa Siigu« (r858-78), Ilxvii.<br />

47 Sturl, I 287; II 239-40 .<br />

.. Sturl. I 290.<br />

.. Siurl, I 293.<br />

6. Sturl. I 305; II 26r.<br />

"Sturl. I 305.<br />

.. Sturt. I 306.

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