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FOR<br />



for the POOR, are now in course of erection in<br />


Funds for the purpose having been obtained by voluntary<br />

contributions, <strong>and</strong> by a large grant in aid from the Trustees<br />

of "The Barter Bath Charity Fund."<br />

Henry & Ooghlan, Printers, George's-st.<br />

/<br />

J<br />


It is intended to .give the Bath at a very low charge, <strong>and</strong> a.<br />

considerable reduction will be made to employers <strong>and</strong> others<br />

on taking books of Tickets for distribution. Books of Tickets<br />

will be also issued at a further reduction to Members of the<br />

Medical Profession, for issuing to their poor patients.<br />

A number of Ladies have consented to act as a Managing<br />

Oommittee.<br />

Go <strong>and</strong> take "the Bath," as it is one of the greatest<br />

personal luxuries.<br />

" The Bath" is the very best preservative of health, <strong>and</strong><br />

under proper direction is' a safe, powerful, <strong>and</strong> delightful<br />

remedy in disease.<br />

The celebrated ERASMUS ,WILSON says that" the Bath is<br />

to man what the sun is to the world <strong>and</strong> its inhabitants j" <strong>and</strong><br />

he calls it "heaven born," as it is in accordance with nature.<br />

Henry & Coghlan, Binders, George's-st.

, . !<br />

I<br />

"<br />

146 ROBERT H. LAINO'S<br />

The Queen's Old Oastle Oompany.<br />



The High Sherjff Robert Heard William R. Meade<br />

Daniel Clanchy Wm. Bence Jones Robert Nettles<br />

Daniel Connor Francis R. Leahy W. D. J. Norreya<br />

Sampson T. W. French Richard Longfield MCCarthy O'Leary<br />

Days of Meeting-last Wednesday in each month.<br />


The Assizes are held <strong>here</strong> twice a year, as iLlso the Quarter Sessions <strong>and</strong> tho<br />

Recorder's CoUrt.<br />


This Society meets for the reading <strong>and</strong> discussing of Essays on the natural<br />

Sciences, Antiquities, &c., on the first Wednesday evening of each month, from<br />

October to June inclusive, at eight o'clock, at the Royal <strong>Cork</strong> Institution. Prize,<br />

occasionally offered to the youth of the city <strong>and</strong> neighbourhood for essays on a<br />

series of subjects, of which due notice is given by advertisement.<br />

Prcsident-Hev. Dr. O'Brien I' Assistant Secreta1·y-Jno. Humphreys<br />

Vice-Presidents-Thomas Ch<strong>and</strong>lee, & Council--Robert Day, jun., Professor<br />

Richard Caulfield I Harkness, Professor Rushton, John<br />

Treasw·er-N. Peterson Windele, <strong>and</strong> Josiah Wright.<br />

Secretary-F. M. Jennings<br />


6, Lower Glanmire Road<br />

9, Clarence-street<br />

109, B<strong>and</strong>on Road I 51, Gr<strong>and</strong> Parade.<br />

The present Dispensaries are governed by a Committee selected from the<br />

Poor-law Guardians <strong>and</strong> Rate-payers, subject to the approval of the Poor-Jaw<br />

Commissioners, <strong>and</strong> are attended by the following Physicians, viz. :-Dr. Cremin,<br />

Dr. S. H. Hobart, Dr. Armstrong, Dr. O'Flynn, Dr. Cummins, Dr. Wycherly,<br />

Dr. Fowler, <strong>and</strong> Dr. Curtis, Apothecaries: Graham Torbuck, Gr<strong>and</strong> Paradej<br />

<strong>and</strong> Michael Riordan, Clarence-street.<br />

Eye Dispensary, 10, Queen-.street.-Established 1843. Open from 12 to 2<br />

c'Clock on Tuesdays & Fridays. Operating Surg., Dr. M'Evers, Charlotte Quay.<br />


For the prevention <strong>and</strong> cure of Contagious Fever.-Incorporated by Act<br />

af Parliament, 1802. Is supported by Voluntary Contributions <strong>and</strong> Gr<strong>and</strong><br />

Jury <strong>Present</strong>ments.-Physicians, J. F. M'Evers, M.D., W. Beamish, M.D.j<br />

E:ctra Physician, T. W. Belcher, M.D.; Apothecary, Eugene James O'Kelly;<br />

Treasurer, John Ballard; Secretary, J. W. Bourke.<br />


l\1eetings of this Society are held in the Corn Exch>\nge.<br />

Presidenl--Earl of B<strong>and</strong>on I Secretary-Robert Gregory<br />

Treasurer-Provincial Bank Auditor-Joseph V. Carpenter<br />

Hon. Ssc.-D. M'Carthy Mahony<br />

The object is to increase the variety, <strong>and</strong> elevate the quality of Cultivated<br />

Fruits; to improve Flower Gardening; to enlarge the supply of Vegetables j<br />

to encourage Horticultural Agriculture, <strong>and</strong> diffuse a practical knowledge of<br />

Botany.<br />

Velvet Ribbons, every Quality.<br />

)<br />

L<br />

conK DIRECTORY. 147<br />

Entrance, Gr<strong>and</strong> Parade.<br />


To visit the Sick <strong>and</strong> Distressed Poor at their O\m habitations, relie,ing their<br />

necessities, <strong>and</strong> endeavouring to procure them employment. Trustees, Rectors<br />

of Christ Church <strong>and</strong> St. Paul's Parishes. Treasurer, W. Goulding.<br />


Secretary, Miss Whately; Treasurer, Mrs. T. R. Sarsfield; Superintendent,<br />

James Skuse.<br />



Trustee" Rt. Rev. John Gregg, LL.D., Bishop of <strong>Cork</strong>, <strong>and</strong> Rectors of St.<br />

Ann's, St. Mary's, St. Nicholas', St. Peter's, <strong>and</strong> St. Paul's Parishes. Searetartj,<br />

W. C. Bennett.<br />


Meets in the Royal <strong>Cork</strong> Institution, every 'l'hursday evening, from October<br />

to end of April.<br />

President-Dr. S. H. Hobart Censors-James E White <strong>and</strong> Henry<br />

Vice·Presidents-James H. Testro,<br />

Willam Dowden, Dr. Belcher<br />

Treas-urer-F. W. Allman<br />

Secretary-G Torbuck<br />

Assistant Sec.-J. Humphreys<br />

Julian<br />

Council--Dr. Shinkwin, O. E. Bergin,<br />

M. Merrick, Thos. Jennings, Robert<br />

Scott, J. Hargra "e<br />


EGLINTON LUNATIC ASYLUM, CORK.-Is supported by advances from Govemment,<br />

<strong>and</strong> repaid by Compulsory <strong>Present</strong>ments by the Gr<strong>and</strong> Juries of the City<br />

<strong>and</strong> County of <strong>Cork</strong>, which alone constitute the District. It is conducted under<br />

the superintendence of a Board of Governors, appointed by the Lord Lieutenant<br />

<strong>and</strong> Council, who meet on the second Tuesday in each month.<br />

Treasurer-Bank of Irel<strong>and</strong> I Protestant Chaplain-Rev. William C.<br />

Res. Physician-Thos. Power, M.D. Neligan, LL.D.<br />

Surgeon-Samuel Hobart, M.D. Roman Cat. Cltap.-Rev. F. L. Casey<br />

Apothecary-William T. Jones, M.D. Steward-William Rennick<br />


Supported entirely by voluntary contributions, annually relieves about 500<br />

poor married women. Committee of Goyernesses meet first Tuesday in eyery<br />

month-inspect the house daily. Annual Subscribers of £1 Is. may be<br />

Governesses.<br />

Physicians-Messrs. Drs. Harvey, I Consulting Physician-Dr. Copinger.<br />

Tanner, Finn, <strong>and</strong> E. R. TO\VIlsend, .Matron-Mrs. Grant<br />

jun. I Trecuurer-Mri!. Col. Beamish<br />


Founded, 1809, by Nicholas Therry, for the protection <strong>and</strong> reformation of<br />

penitent deluded females, the fruits of whose industry contribute to their support.<br />

This Asylum is now solely conducted by the Sisters of Charity. President<br />

<strong>and</strong> Treasurer, Rt. Rev. Dr. Delany.<br />

French <strong>and</strong> British Flowers.

llOBERT H. LAING'S<br />

The Queen's Old Castle Company,<br />

Church Lane. Hours of Service, Sunday, (early) eight o'clock, second Sunday in<br />

the month; morning, at a quarter before twelve; evening, half-past six. Week·<br />

days, Wednesday, at eight, a.m.; Fridays <strong>and</strong> Church Holidays at eleven.<br />

Sacrament, at early service, on the second Sunday, <strong>and</strong> at noon service, on the<br />

third Sunday in the month.<br />


(In the alternate patronage of the Duke of Leinster, <strong>and</strong> M. Longfield, Esq.,)<br />

Rector, Rev. F. De M. St. George; Curate, Rev. A. Waring; Wardens,<br />

Messrs. J. Higginbotham <strong>and</strong> F. Guy; Sexton, -- Cudmore, Brown Street<br />

Hours of Service, Sunday early, at half-past seven, fifth Sunday in the month;<br />

morning, quarter before twelve; evening, half-past six. Week-day, Tuesday<br />

forenoon, eleven o'clock. Sacrament at early service on the fifth Sunday, <strong>and</strong><br />

noon service on the first Sunday in the month.<br />


(In the Chancellorship of the Cathedral <strong>and</strong> patronage of the Bishop of <strong>Cork</strong>).<br />

Rector of St. Nicholas, Rev. George Webster; Curate, Rev. Edward Bra)';<br />

Church Wardens, Messrs. H. Morrogh <strong>and</strong>J. E. Stoker; Sexton, James Hedges,<br />

Cove Street. Hours of Service, Sunday morning, quarter before twelve; evening,<br />

half-past six; daily at three, p.m.; every Wednesday evening at seven. Sacrament,<br />

early service on the first Sunday, at eight, a.m., <strong>and</strong> at noon service every Sunday.<br />


(Patronage as St. Paul's). Rector, Rev. Richard L. Connor; Curates, Rer.<br />

John Lee <strong>and</strong> Rev. T. H. Gollock; Wardens, E. Thornton <strong>and</strong> R. Finn,<br />

Sexton, William Flanagan, St. Ann's Churchyard. Sacrament, early service,<br />

third Sunday; noon, first Sunday in the month.<br />


Chaplain, Rev. R. F. Clarke; Curate, Rev. J. I1f'Carthy. Hours of Service,<br />

Sunday morning, twelve O'clock; evening, half-past six. Week-days, Wednesday<br />

<strong>and</strong> Friday. Sacrament, second Sunday in the month. Wardens, A. P. Aylmer<br />

<strong>and</strong> J. G. Gibbins.<br />


(Patronage as St. Paul's). Rector <strong>and</strong> Vicar, Rev. W. Neligan; Curate,<br />

Rev. G. B. Grant; Wardens, Messrs. Henry Bible <strong>and</strong> John Maynard; Sexton,<br />

Mr. Byrnes, North Mall. Hours of Service, Sunday morning, twelve; evening,<br />

half-past six. Week-days, Wednesday <strong>and</strong> Friday at twelve. Sacrament <strong>and</strong><br />

early service, first Sunday in the month; <strong>and</strong> at noon service, on the second<br />

Sunday in the month. Lecture (Tresher's), first Sunday in the month.<br />


Chaplain, Rev. A. D. M'N amara. Hours of Service, Sunday morning, quarter<br />

before twelve; evening, half-past six. Lecture on Wednesday at noon. Sacra·<br />

ment, first Sunday in the month. Attached is an asylum for ,vidows of clergymen.<br />

Embroidered Dresses, Sleeves, Cuffs, &0.<br />


Entrance, Great George's Street.<br />


Built <strong>and</strong> endowed by the late Samuel Lane, Esq. Chaplain, Rev. R. S.<br />

Gregg. Hours of Service, Sunday, twelve o'clock, <strong>and</strong> in summer six o'clock in<br />

the evening; on Wednesdays during the winter months at twelve o'clock, noon;<br />

in the summer months six o'clock in the evening. Sacrament, the first Sunday<br />

in every month, at noo'n service. Wardens, Messrs. Lane <strong>and</strong> Clifton.<br />

ST. MICHAEL'S, BLACKROCK (County).<br />

Curate, Rev. Charles J. M'Cormick. Hours of Service, Sund!'y, twelve O'clock,<br />

noon, <strong>and</strong> sL" in the evening. Sacrament, first Sunday m every month;<br />

Wardens, F. W. Lindsay <strong>and</strong> Robert O'Callaghan.<br />


DIOCESE OP oor.x.<br />

Is in length 74 <strong>and</strong> in breadth 16 miles, <strong>and</strong> contains 600,991 Statute Acres­<br />

Population, 314,100 -Number of Benefices, 62, <strong>and</strong> Parishes, 90.<br />

Aglish<br />

PARISH.<br />

Ardnllgeehy<br />

Athnowen Rect.}<br />


Wm. Colburn<br />

Richard Freeman<br />

OUll.A.TES.<br />

G. Keyburn<br />

<strong>and</strong> Edmond Lombard H. Wilmot<br />

Kilnaglory Vic.<br />

Bllllinaboy - Hardtopp, (1m.) Ambrose Hickey<br />

Bllllinadel' J. Murphy J. H. Cole<br />

BallinCOllig Chapel T. N. Kearney,LL.D<br />

BaUyfeard Eccles. Commis. Robert H. Ml'ade<br />

Ballymartle John Stoyte<br />

BaUymoney Sam!. Butcher, D.D. Wm. R. Mangan<br />

Ballymodan John Bleakeley Smith & Fawcett<br />

BaUydelohera W. A. Beaufort<br />

Brinny J ames Stephenson<br />

Caheragh J. S. Reeves<br />

Canaway Robert Warren<br />

Carrigaline J. W. Benn<br />

Douglas Chapel<br />

Carrigrohane H. T. M. Hodder<br />

Cullen Dean of <strong>Cork</strong><br />

Desl'rtmore H. Constable<br />

Desertserges James Gollock<br />

Drinagh W . M. Woolsey<br />

Dromdaleague M. L. Conner<br />

Dunderrow R. F. Webb<br />

- Sherlock<br />

Busteed & Uynd<br />

R. J. Leslie<br />

Thomas Dorman<br />

Walter Lamb<br />

G. C. Nash<br />


Coacbford<br />

Watergrass hill<br />

Ovens<br />

Ballinhassig<br />

B<strong>and</strong>on<br />

Ballincollig<br />

Kinsale<br />

Do.<br />

Enniskean<br />

B<strong>and</strong>on<br />

Glalmllre<br />

Innoshannon<br />

DrinlOleague<br />

Crookstown<br />

Carrigaline<br />

Douglas<br />

Ballincollig<br />

Kinsale<br />

Ballincollig<br />

Desert<br />

Dunmanway<br />

Drimoleague<br />

Kinsale<br />

Durrus, Kilcrohane James Freke Wm. Carey Carrigbue & B<strong>and</strong>on<br />

Fanlobus W. R. Molesworth Wakeham, J. Ald-1Dunmanway<br />

worth &E.Emerson<br />

Ball <strong>and</strong> Evening Dresses in every variety.

I I<br />

I ,.<br />

,<br />

'..\ ,<br />

, '<br />


The Queen's Old Castle Company.<br />

Butler, Richd., saddler, 14 Sullivan's<br />

quay j rcs. 14 St Finbar's place<br />

Butter E:r:cltange, Mulgrave street<br />

Byford, Fred., 26 Western road<br />

Byrne, Daniel, spt dlr, 1 Nth Main st<br />

Byrne, Edwd., 16 Waterloo place<br />

Byrne, Jas., butter mcht, 10 Church st<br />

Byrne, John, spt dlr, 28 St Patk's quay<br />

Byrne, J., tailor, 68 Hanover street<br />

Byrne, John., weighmaster, butter exchange,<br />

17 Audley place<br />

Byrne, Patk., baker & spirit dealer, 27<br />

Douglas street<br />

Byrne, Thos., spt dlr, 93 Gr<strong>and</strong> parade<br />

Byrne, Wm. F., 3 Adelaide terrace<br />

Byrom, M., surgeon dentist, 51 George's<br />

street-see ad.,. p. 9a at end<br />

Cade, Frs., mnrl water mnfr, wine <strong>and</strong><br />

spirit mcht, &c ,&c., 60-ii2 King<br />

street-see adv. p. 86<br />

Cagney,David & Michael, butter mchts,<br />

Mulgrave road<br />

Cahill, Miss, grcr, 26 Evergreen road<br />

Cahill, Corns., 62 Paul street<br />

Cahill, Danl., spt dlr, 10 York st W.<br />

Cahill, D., house agt, 62 Sth main st<br />

Cahill, David, gul, dlr, 49 Clarence st<br />

Cahill, Denis, spt dlt, 7 Drawbridge st<br />

Cahill, John, btlt, 3 Crosses, Green qy<br />

Cahill, Lrnce., acct, 135 S. W. road<br />

Cahill, Mary, gnl, dlr, 32 Kyrl's quay<br />

Cahill, Michl., tinsmith, 24 Coal quay<br />

Cahill, T., butter mcht, 14 Dominick st<br />

Cahill, W m., cabinetmkr, 16 Duncan st<br />

Callaghan, Alice, drs mkr, 4 Proby's qy<br />

Callaghan, Andrew & Co.,timber mchts,<br />

14 Devonshire street<br />

Callaghan,Mrs. C., spt dlt, 12.5 Barrack st<br />

Callaghan, Crns., 63 College road<br />

Callaghan, C. A., spt dlr, 120 Barrack st<br />

Callaghan, Eliza, 36 Nile street<br />

Callaghan, Ellen, grcr, 46 York st W.<br />

Callaghan, Mrs. H., provision mcht, 9<br />

& 10 Nurses' Well lane, & 6 Ballymac<br />

thomas lane<br />

Callaghan, Jer., (A. C. <strong>and</strong> Co.), 14<br />

Devonshire street .<br />

Callaghan, J., spt dlr, 6 Blarney lane<br />

Callaghan, J., spt dlr, 4 Anne st<br />

Callaghan, John, eating house, 66 Corn<br />

market street<br />

Callaghan, J., foreman currier, 29<br />

Clarence street<br />

Callaghan, Mrs. Mgt., 136 Woburn pi<br />

Callaghan, Mary, ldg hse, 4 Coburg st<br />

Callaghan, P., ship & commission agt,<br />

46 Warren's place<br />

Callaghan, Patrick, gingle maker, 29<br />

Princes street<br />

Callaghan, Richd., M.D., 1 Thomond sq<br />

Callaghan, Thos., spirit dlr, 11 Cattle<br />

Market street<br />

Callaghan, Thos., jour crptr, 8 Cove st<br />

Callaghan, T. J., engraver <strong>and</strong> lithographer,<br />

45 South Mall<br />

Callaghan, Tim .• mason, 20 Caroline<br />

street j 1·e8. 10 Hardwick street<br />

Callaghan, Tim., mason, 193 L. G. road<br />

Callaghan, Tim., chndlr, 12 Cattle lane<br />

Callaghan, Wm., journeyman boiler<br />

maker, 7 Water street<br />

Callagher, E., 94 George's street<br />

Callahan, John & Co., grocers, 56 South<br />

Main street<br />

Callanan, D., slater, 14 George's street<br />

Callanan, Denis, spirit dealer, <strong>and</strong> coal<br />

merchant, 36 Mary street<br />

Callanan, Mrs. M., spt dlt, 22 Abbey st<br />

Callanan, Michl., spt dlt, 28 Cat lane<br />

Callinan, Mrs. H. spidt dealer, 115<br />

B<strong>and</strong>on road<br />

Callinan, Jas., hkstr, 30 Church street<br />

Campbell, Mrs. Chrs., Castle View ter<br />

Campbell, John, 3 Bellair View place<br />

Campbell, Nath!., 6 Panorama terrace<br />

Campbell, Const. Thos., 93 Gt Britain st<br />

Campion, Thos., 67 Leitrim street<br />

Cantillon, C. J., J.P., corn mcht, 96<br />

South mall j 1·e8. Arbutus lodge,<br />

29 L. G. road<br />

Cantwell, Anne, 38 Pope's quay<br />

Canty, Daniel, coach bldr, 18 Grafton'S<br />

Alley j res. 76 College road<br />

Canty, Tim., spt dlr, 34 St Patk's quay<br />

Carey, Bat., spirit dlr, 26 King street<br />

Carey, David, j our cpr, 8 St Finbar's pi<br />

Carey, Hd. Const. Jer., 29 St Patk'shill<br />

Carey, J., irnmngr, 76 Sth Main street<br />

Carey, M., auctnr, 76 South Main st<br />

Carey, Mrce., spt dlr, 12 Castle street<br />

Carey, Patk., acct, 44 South mall<br />

Carey, Sarah, 69 Paul street<br />

Scotch <strong>and</strong> W. of E. Fancy Trowserings.


Entrance, Gr<strong>and</strong> Parade.<br />

Carey, Mrs. Susan, mlnr, 44 Sth mall Casey,D.,prntr&prvndlr,16Douglasst<br />

Carey, T. & Co., china, glass, <strong>and</strong> lamp Casey,E., trmng shop,24 North Mainst<br />

whse, 88 StPatk's st-see adfl. p. 95 Casey, Mrs. Eliza, 57 S. W. road<br />

Carleton, John P., collector of income Casey, Edwards, 13 Waterloo place<br />

tax, 22 Marlboro street Casey, Rev. Francis, 21 Chapel street<br />

Carleton, Mrs.M., 3 Montpellier terrace Casey, Hannah, 59 Friar's walk<br />

Carleton, Wm., 19 Devonshire street Casey, Henry, clerk, 4 St. Patrick's hill<br />

Carlisle, Robt. T., contractor <strong>and</strong> bldr, Casey, John, farmer, 320 Old Y. road<br />

206 L. G. road Casey, John, boot-maker, 87 Geo. st,<br />

Carmichael, J. & Co., drapers, 18, 19 see adfl. p 63<br />

<strong>and</strong> 21 St. Patk's st, see adv. p. 34 Casey, Mary, lodgings, 19 Leitrim st.<br />

Cannichael, John (J. O. <strong>and</strong> Oo.) J.P., Casey, Michl, undtkr, 84 Sh<strong>and</strong>on st<br />

Riverstown Casey, Michael, spt dlr,69 Sh<strong>and</strong>on st<br />

Carnegie, Jas., Id agt, 20 George's st. Casey, Patrick, spt dlr, 14 Kyrl's quay<br />

Carpenter, J. V., solr, 22 Cook street Casey, P., lead dlr, &c., 26 Coach st<br />

Carpenter, Thos., bud dlr, 22 Fisham- Casey, P«:ter, butter dlr, 17 Duncan st<br />

ble lane Cashman, Helen, proyision merchant,<br />

Carr & Co., bkrs, 79 St. Patk's street 91 Gr<strong>and</strong> parade<br />

Carr, Edward, acct, 23 L. G. road Cassidy, Michl., bldr, 14 Thomond sq<br />

Carr, Robt., frmn tailor, 107 Wises hill Cassidy, Thos., clogmkr, 74 Sth Main st<br />

Carroll & Wilson, tea imptrs & comn Cassinello, N., photographer, 62 St<br />

agts, 13 Academy st-see adfl. p 70 Patrick's st, & 21 George's quay-<br />

Carroll, Mrs. G., 20 S. W. road see adfl. p. 16a at end<br />

Carroll, Isaac, flour mcht, 4 Globe lane; Cathcart, David, mate, 4 Grattan's hill<br />

res. 19 Summer hill Cattle Ma"ket, Cattle Market street<br />

Carroll, Jas, bkr, 19 Summer hill place Caulfield, John, 18 Summerhill S.<br />

Carroll, Jeremiah, genl mcht, 26 & 26 Caulfield, Rd. B.A., F.S.A., 7 North<br />

Cook street <strong>and</strong> Anglesea street Abbey square<br />

Carroll, Jerome, coal mcht, 6 Bachc- Cavanagh, Garrett, crpr, Orrery hill<br />

lor's quay Cavanagh, Joshua, slater, 26 John st<br />

Carroll, John, ship owner, 20 St. Pat- Cavanagh, M., spt dlr, 1 George's st<br />

rick's place Cavanagh, T., Ithr dlr, 93 Sth Main st<br />

Carroll, J., prof of music, 10 Marlboro Cavanagh, T., grcr & spt dlr, 3 Old<br />

street Market place<br />

Carroll, J., railway supt, 82 L. G. road Cave, John, coml trvlr, 3 York street<br />

Carroll, J ., clerk, 12 Hardwick street Cave, Stphn., corn mcht, 2G Warren's<br />

Carroll, Joseph, 14 Warham's lane place; res. Rose View, 281 O. Y. rd<br />

Carroll, J., potato dlr, 1 Sth. Main st Chabrel, S., silk hat <strong>and</strong> cap mnfl', 68<br />

Carroll, Joshua, 6 Clarence terrace St Patk's st-see adflts. pp. 6 & last,<br />

Carroll, J. J., tmbr mcht, 46, 60 <strong>and</strong> also in letters C. & do. in St"eet<br />

51 Leitrim st.; ,·es. 8 Belgrave place Direct01'!i<br />

Carroll, Mrs. Margaret, car owner, 31 Chambers, Chas., asst clerk tomagstrts,<br />

Gardiner's hill 28 High street<br />

Carroll, Patrick, jour plmbr, 20 Caro- Ch<strong>and</strong>lee, Thos., corn, flour, & comsn<br />

line street agent, 81 South mall<br />

Carroll, Wm., toll-colr, 33 Dublin st Channer, J. W., Sub-Inspctr of Police,<br />

Cnrroll, 'V., sadler, 30 Gt Geo. st, W. 2 Tuckey street<br />

Carson, Const, James, detective officer, Chapman, Robt., jour crvr, 8 Dunbar st<br />

29 St. Patrick's hill Charitable Loan Bank, 4 Queen street<br />

Carver, C., bookslr, 62 Gr<strong>and</strong> parade Chatterton, A. T., solr, 49 Sth Mall;<br />

Casey, m., cattle dlr, 94 Gt. Britain st I res. 46 M. G. road<br />

Scotch <strong>and</strong> Irish Tweeds.


The Queen's Old Castle Company,<br />

73. M'Kenna, Mrs. P.<br />

74. Murphy, Patrick<br />

76. Roche, Margaret, spirit dealer<br />

78. Fleming, Samuel, shoemaker<br />

81. Rahilly, Ellia<br />

86. Twohig, Mrs. Mary, provision<br />

dealer<br />

89. Mulcare, In., provision dealer<br />

90. Reynolds. Robert, hay dealer<br />

91. Geary. Michael, cooper<br />

92. M'Carthy, John<br />

93 & 94. Galvin, C. baker & grocer<br />

95. Walsh, William, spirit dealer<br />

98. Cotter, Ann<br />

99. Fitzgerald, James, confectioner<br />

100 to 102. Barry, Thomas, baker<br />

<strong>and</strong> grocer<br />

103. Driscoll, Thomas<br />

104. Sullivan, Patrick, shoemaker<br />

105. Quinlan, M., provision dealer<br />

106. Doud, John<br />

107 & 108: Uniacke, Edward, flour<br />

• dealer <strong>and</strong> grocer<br />

110. Mulhare, John, smith<br />

111. Long, Ann, lodging-house<br />

112 & 113. Coakley, Denis, provision<br />

dealer <strong>and</strong> grocer<br />

114. Denny, William, victualler<br />

118. Walsh. Robert, coal store<br />

II!). Gibson <strong>and</strong> Dale, corn stores<br />

120. Riordan, Daniel, clerk<br />

Drawbridge.Street.<br />

4. Harty, Abraham, baker<br />

5. Mahony, William<br />

7. Cahill, Denis, spirit dealer<br />

9. Doherty, John, dyer<br />

14. Walsh, David<br />

15. Hart, Mary, dressmaker<br />

16. Pye, Jervis, spirit dealer<br />

18. Power, Patrick<br />

19. Morgan, Mrs. Julia<br />

24. Keefe, Michael, car owner<br />

25. Walsh, Richard, spirit dealer<br />

26. Murphy, John<br />

30. Phipps, Joseph, spirit dealer<br />

Dublin·Street.<br />

1. Dwyer, Richard, corn buyer<br />

2. Dunlea, Maurice, spirit dealer<br />

5. Foley, Daniel, cIo<br />

6. Dorgan, Bartholomew, do<br />

7. Dennehy, Patrick, do<br />

17. M'Donnell, Edward, do<br />

18. Corcoran, Thomas, do<br />

19. Kilbarry Co-operative Frienaly<br />

Society<br />

31. Coleman, Joseph, grocer<br />

33. Carroll, William, toll-collector<br />

35. Bell, William. clerk<br />

41. Healy, Honora, spirit dealer<br />

44. Preaton, William, house-agent<br />

48. Hickey, Denis, cooper<br />

Dunbar·Street.<br />

3. Foley, Mrs. Ellen<br />

4. Burnes, James<br />

1. Chapman, Robert<br />

10. Goodman, Hy., cabinetmaker<br />

Roman Catholic Chapel<br />

12. Murphy, Francis, hairdresser<br />

Brash, William N., builder<br />

13. Huggard, James W.<br />

15. Mulcahy, Edmund, cooper<br />

16. Howes, Thomas, gardener<br />

18. Linehan, Richd., cabinetmaker<br />

19. Lacke, Thomas<br />

22. Linehan, Denis, gig builder<br />

23. Hutchinson & Co., butter merchants<br />

25. Jackson, R. H .. corn store<br />

26. Griffin, Michael<br />

27. M'Carthy, Mary, spirit dealer<br />

28. Green, William<br />

91. Cremin, Patrick, coal & timber<br />

yard<br />

Donovan, William, grocer<br />

Duncan·Street.<br />

1. M 'Kenna, Ellen<br />

2. Adams, John<br />

3. Farrell, Anthony<br />

Phillip's Lane interaect8<br />

4. Olden, R. & Sons, soap makers<br />

7. Leahy, J., coal <strong>and</strong> potato store<br />

8. Sheehan, Bernard, pawnbroker<br />

9. Lynch, Denis<br />

Tooth, Nail, <strong>and</strong> Shaving Brushes.<br />

1;<br />


Wholesale Entrance, South Main Street.<br />

10. Place, Bridget<br />

11. Hardum, James<br />

Penrose Lane intersects<br />

12. Galligan, David W.<br />

13. O'KeefFe, Daniel<br />

14. Skuse, John, cabinet maker<br />

16. Buckley, Mrs. A.<br />

16. Cahill, William, cabinet maker<br />

17. Casey, Peter, butter dealer<br />

Peter's Church Lane intersects<br />

20. Keating, John, coal store<br />

21 & 22. Dee, Peter, cabinet maker<br />

23. Bass. Daniel, do<br />

24. Jervis, Thos., machine maker<br />

Friemls' ],feeting House<br />

25. O'Leary, Stephen, musical instrument<br />

maker<br />

26. Johnson, Edward R., cnrled<br />

hair manufacturer, & timber<br />

merchant<br />

Spence, R., wine & spirit store<br />

Broad Lane intersects<br />

27. Franklin, Richard J., grocer<br />

28. O'Sullivan, H., .<br />

Constant, Miss Helen<br />

Young Men's Society Rooms<br />

29. Barry, John, carver, gilder <strong>and</strong><br />

picturefr. mkr • .'Ieeadtl.p.97<br />

30. Spence, Robert, wine & spirit<br />

store, Royal Racket Court<br />

<strong>and</strong> Billiard Rooms<br />

Broad Lane Chapel<br />

Fisllamble Lane intersects<br />

31. Barry, Eliza<br />

31.& 32. Skuse, J. cabinet maker<br />

33. Hyde, Philip, turner<br />

34. Rogers, John, painter & glazier<br />

35. Good, John, cabinet maker <strong>and</strong><br />

undertaker<br />

Broad Street intersects<br />

37 & 38. Leahy, Thomas, cabinet<br />

maker <strong>and</strong> upholsterer<br />

39. Wright, Mary, grocer<br />

40. Leahy, John, & Sons, cabinet<br />

makers <strong>and</strong> undertakers<br />

41 Skinner, Saml., cabinet maker<br />

42. Finn, Timothy, do<br />

43. Waggett, Charles, boot closer<br />

Mahony, M., carver<br />

44. O'Connell, Margaret, grocer<br />

45. O'Sullivan, Ellen<br />

Pete)' Street intersect8<br />

46 & 47. Buckly, Brothers, cabinet<br />

makers <strong>and</strong> upholsterers<br />

48. Baylor, Michael<br />

49. Hassell, Isaac <strong>and</strong> Son, ventilator<br />

makers <strong>and</strong> copper <strong>and</strong><br />

tin workers. See adtl. p. 27<br />

51. Maloney, Mary<br />

52. Merryfield, Wm., house-agent<br />

53. Murphy, In. S., organ builder<br />

<strong>and</strong> piano-forte warehouse<br />

54. Duke, Edward<br />

55. Leahy, John<br />

57. Banett, Michael, grocer<br />

58. Shea, Patrick, provision merchant.<br />

See adv. p. 36.<br />

Hem'Y Street illtersects<br />

59. O'Leary, Arthur, spirit store<br />

60. Turpin, Mrs. H., spirit store<br />

Ft'ancis Slt'eet intersects<br />

61. Barlow, Mary<br />

64. Birmingham, John<br />

65. Kennedy, Denis<br />

66. Clarke, John R ., cork cutter<br />

Dyke.Parade.<br />

1. Murphy, Denis<br />

2. Grant, John<br />

3. Tracey, Rev. Richard T., Wesleyall<br />

DeaRl of Residenoe,<br />

(Queen's College)<br />

4. Hunter, Mrs. Rebecca A.<br />

5. Popham, Mrs. Jane<br />

6. Davidson, Clear<br />

7. Holton, Mrs. Louisa H.<br />

8. Woods, Thomas E.<br />

Woods, The Misses<br />

9. Dwyer, James<br />

10. Ring, John<br />

11. Hatton, John<br />

India Rubber, Tortoise, <strong>and</strong> Buffalo Combs.<br />

t 3<br />

I<br />



The Queen's Old Castle Company,<br />

20 Parker, Misses<br />

21 Harris, William Rol<strong>and</strong>, gas <strong>and</strong><br />

water fitter, <strong>and</strong> engineer.<br />

See adv. p. 80<br />

22 Saunders, James, saddler<br />

23 Lavers, Richard, ch<strong>and</strong>ler<br />

24 & 25 Dwyer & M'Carthy, wholesale<br />

haberdashers & drapers<br />

26 Rearden, J., grocer, wine & spt.<br />

merchant<br />

Cross Street intersects<br />

27 Hayes, Daniel, spt. & corn dlr.<br />

28 M'Carthy A., hay dealer<br />

29 Kennedy, John, engineer, millwright<br />

<strong>and</strong> implement maker<br />

See adv. p. 8(1<br />

Hartnett, John, spt. & corn dlr.<br />

Daly, Thomas, timber mercht.<br />

Hanover Place intersects<br />

30 Coleman, J., wine & spt. dealer<br />

31 Woods, Richard J.<br />

Murphy. M., hat manufacturer<br />

32 Kemp, Joshua J., provision <strong>and</strong><br />

italian warehouse. See adv.<br />

p.85<br />

Ogilvie, Peter, commission agt.<br />

33 Walker, Robert, jun., architect<br />

Manly, Charles, ch<strong>and</strong>ler <strong>and</strong><br />

tobacconist<br />

34 Haynes, C. & Co., confectioners<br />

Williams, John, coml. travlr.<br />

35 Kemp, P., baby linen warehouse<br />

36 O'Leary, Mary, stnr. & bookslr.<br />

37 Parker, Thomas, ch<strong>and</strong>ler<br />

38 & 39 O'Sullivan, Patk., draper<br />

South Main-Stnet intersects<br />

40 Daly, John, & Co., The <strong>Cork</strong><br />

Carpet warehouse. See advts,<br />

in letters D .<br />

41 Dwyer <strong>and</strong> M'Carthy, berlin<br />

warehouse<br />

42 Ambrose, John, & Co., drapers<br />

43 & 44 Queen's Old Castle Compy.<br />

See advts. pp. 4 & 5, &c.<br />

45 Murphy,P.&Co.,woollendrps.<br />

46 MCDermott, S. & Co., drapers<br />

B1'Un3wick-Street Cltapel<br />

47 Cleburne, Ewd., woollen draper<br />

<strong>and</strong> clothier. See adv. p 14<br />

48 Denehy, J. & Co., woollen drps.<br />

49 Mahony, Miss<br />

50 Jones, W. T., apothecary &M.D.<br />

49 & 51 M'Carthy, Charles, & Co.,<br />

woollen drapers. See adv.<br />

in letters Mc.<br />

52 O'Sullivan & Co., hosiers, &c.<br />

Great George's-Street (West.)<br />

1 Brosnan, M., spirit dealer<br />

2 Cogan. John do<br />

3 O'Neil, M., ch<strong>and</strong>ler<br />

Moore, Richard<br />

4 Griffin, M., spirit dealer<br />

6 Constabulary Station, o.ificer-illc//oarge,<br />

Constable J. Vickers<br />

6 Tuomey, T., spirit dealer<br />

7 Lynch, T., do<br />

8 Long,J., grcr. & wine&spt.dlr.<br />

9 Foley, M., spirit dealer<br />

10 Walsh, Thomas, do<br />

11 Murphy, James, do<br />

Little Anne Street intersects<br />

Hive Iron Works-<br />

Perrott, R. & Sons, engineera<br />

&implmtmanufs. Seeaa. p. 33<br />

13 Harrington J., sdlr.&hrns.mkr.<br />

Lancasterian Schools<br />

19 Williams, Tho., mill machinist,<br />

wire web, & implmt manu£.<br />

See adv. p. 20<br />

24 Burke, Garrett, corn dealer<br />

26 Roche, E., corn & spirit dealer<br />

27 MCSwiney, J., spirit dealer<br />

28 HoglUl, J., corn dealer<br />

:Murphy <strong>and</strong> Coffey, Misses,<br />

dressmakers<br />

30 Carroll, William, saddler<br />

3t Creden, T., corn & floUl' dealer<br />

32 MCCarthy, James do<br />

Horgan, Dauiel, coach builder<br />

Court Street intcrsects<br />

County <strong>and</strong> City Court Hotl3e<br />

Velvet <strong>and</strong> Damask Table Covers.<br />

I<br />


Entrance, Great George's Street.<br />

Grenville-Place.<br />

t O'Keeffe, Mrs. Ellen<br />

2 Reynolds, Nicholas<br />

3 Lyons, Thomas<br />

4 Cussen, Stephen O'Hea<br />

6 Dunlea, John<br />

6 McKenna, Mrs. Catherine<br />

7 Tuckey, Thomas<br />

8 Turkish Batlt&-R. Barter, M.D.,<br />

Proprietor. See adv. p. 75<br />

9 Porter, Charles<br />

10 Alcock, Miss Maria<br />

Hanover-Street.<br />

8 Fuoge. Thomas, spirit dealer<br />

13 Kinmont, T., poultry mercht.<br />

14 Kinmont, William, slater, &c.<br />

t5 Connell, Patrick<br />

30 Fisher, Reuben A., minl. water<br />

& paper manufr. See advts.<br />

p. 53 & p. 23a at end<br />

57. Buckley, C., boot & sho mh.<br />

68. Byrne, John, tailor<br />

Harbour-View-Terrace.<br />

1 MCCarthy. John G. l<br />

2 O'Sullivan, Edward<br />

3 Spearing, Joseph F.<br />

4 Hanrahan, John<br />

Hardwick-Street.<br />

1 Hewitt, Charles, M.D.<br />

3 Scanlan, James, clerk \<br />

7 Keeffe, Daniel \<br />

9 Mahony, John, teacher<br />

10 Callaghan, Timothy, builder<br />

11 Vippond. Thomas<br />

12 Carroll, John, clerk /<br />

13 Cooke, Miss R.<br />

14" Ahern, Mrs. Jane<br />

16 Barry, Edwd., butter m rchant<br />

16 Nagle, Domk., butter erchant<br />

Hargreaves-Q,u<br />

2 Leahy, John<br />

3 Dunn, James<br />

4 MCCarthy, Mrs. Ma<br />

6 Fulton, William<br />

6 Steven, J., manag J: of the brass<br />

<strong>and</strong> iron found departmnt.<br />

(C.S.S. Co.)<br />

7 Scanlan, Mrs. Anne<br />

8 Cronin, Miss E., teacher<br />

9 Waters, William<br />

10 Raynes, Andw., fish merchant<br />

Henry-Street.<br />

2 Shea,P .. prov.mcht. Seead.p.36<br />

3 Joyce, Wm., egg&poul.rnrcht.<br />

See adv. p. 36<br />

8 McKenna, Mrs. C.<br />

11 Price, Rev. William G.<br />

Wesleyan Methodist Chapel<br />

12 M'Mullen. Rev. Wallace<br />

13 Henry, William J., printer<br />

14 Sin ton, 1\1 isses<br />

16 Britton, Thomas<br />

16 Barrett, Daniel, builder<br />

17 Murphy, Michael<br />

18 Mercy Hospital-medicalo.ificen:<br />

Denis O'Connor, M.D., <strong>and</strong><br />

Denis B. Bullen, M.D.<br />

19 Finn, John G.<br />

20 Skiddy, Morgan<br />

21 Pine, The Misses<br />

27 Sheehan, William, slater<br />

28 Buckley, Daniel<br />

29 White, Thomas<br />

30 Murray, Michael<br />

32 Nagle, William<br />

Hill-View-Cottages.<br />

St. Pat"ick's National School<br />

Devlin, Jas. E., bldr. See adv. p. 37<br />

Tl'Otter, John<br />

Sutton, Captain John<br />

Lundy, Lois<br />

Infirmary-Road.<br />

Alms Houses<br />

Free Episcopalian Chw·c/.<br />

Blind Asylum-J. Cotterell, supt.<br />

South Infirmary, R. Callaghan, M.D.,<br />

resident 8urgeon<br />

James'-Street.<br />

15 Madden, Jeremiah, iron works<br />

& gnrl. factory. See adv. p. 44<br />

J ane-MOllllt.<br />

(See Sunday's Well Road.)<br />

Cloth Table c lovers, Embossed & Embroidered<br />

\<br />

t .

The Queen's Old Castle Company.<br />

N orth.Abbey.Square.<br />

1 Oakshott, Mrs. Mary<br />

2 O'Sullivan, Edward,English <strong>and</strong><br />

mathematical teacher<br />

4 Bernard, Mrs. Dr.<br />

6 Cody, Bryan<br />

6 Tighe, Michael<br />

7 Caulfield, Richard<br />

.s Wright, Benjamin<br />

9 M'Sweeney, Eugene<br />

10 O'Connell, Geoffrey<br />

N orth·Main·Street.<br />

Byrne, Daniel, spirit dealer<br />

2 & 3 Flynn, S., oil <strong>and</strong> color merchant<br />

4-6 D'Arcy, G., confectioner <strong>and</strong><br />

fancy baker<br />

7 O'Connor, P., spirit dealer<br />

8 Nawn, J., draper<br />

Coacl,-<strong>and</strong>-Six lane<br />

9 O'Donoghue, M., oil <strong>and</strong> color<br />

merchant<br />

10 Twomey, J. & C., ch<strong>and</strong>lers<br />

11 Sheehan, D., broker<br />

12 MUl'phy, P. & Co., drapers<br />

13 Daly, John, wine merchant<br />

V<strong>and</strong>eleters lane<br />

14 Scanlan, E., draper<br />

15 Connor, M., oil <strong>and</strong> color dealer<br />

Barrv's lane<br />

16 & 17 Haughton, B. & G. P.,<br />

iron mongers <strong>and</strong> iron merchants<br />

18 Weir, Dr. George<br />

Goold, D. & Son, bark merchants<br />

19 Hayes, D., spirit dealer<br />

20 Murphy, William, grocer<br />

Pembl'oke lane<br />

21 & 22 O'Connor, K., draper<br />

23 <strong>Cork</strong>oran, N., draper<br />

24 Casey, E., trimming shop<br />

25 Barry, M., tobacconist<br />

NelD Bridewell lane<br />

26 Geary, J. J., wine & spirit dealer<br />

27 Geary, J. J., grocers, &c.<br />

28 Reardon, Thomas, grocer<br />

29 Walsh, John, wine & spt. mcht.<br />

Htempl,rie's lane intel'sects<br />

30 O'Sullivan, John, draper<br />

Kyle street intersects<br />

32 Ford, James & Co., drapers<br />

33 Hayes, J., trimming shop<br />

34 & 35 Brown, Mrs Ann, draper<br />

36 Montgomery, R., trmng. shop<br />

37 Grant, J., wine <strong>and</strong> spirit dealer<br />

Cockpit lane<br />

38 Mahony, D., trimming shop<br />

39 Murphy, J. B., wine & spt. dlr.<br />

ftleat Market entl'ances<br />

43 Quilter , John, spirit dealer<br />

44 S<strong>and</strong>ham, Dr. Wm.<br />

45 M'Carthy, Jane, draper<br />

Portney's lane<br />

46 Teape, J., pawnbroker<br />

ltla1'ket entrance<br />

48 Jones, Thomas, spirit store<br />

60 Horan, Anthony, baker<br />

61 Grnnt, J erh., grocer<br />

62 Cox, Michael, spirit dealer<br />

63 Downing, Wm., wholesale wine<br />

<strong>and</strong> spirit merchant<br />

54 Downing, Wm., baker<br />

66 Fitzgibbon, Thos., leather mcht.<br />

56 Evans, E., & Co., grocers <strong>and</strong><br />

ch<strong>and</strong>lers<br />

Busteed, Richard (E. E. & Co.)<br />

Castle street intersects<br />

69 Tooker, Edward, spirit dealer<br />

60 Tooker, Edwd., boot & shoemkr.<br />

61 Davidson, Clear,leather merchnt.<br />

See adv. p. 90<br />

MUl'phy, Rev. J. J.<br />

Austnn's Lane intel·sects.<br />

62 Heard, R., shoe trimming shop<br />

63 Crofts, Michael, bootmaker<br />

64 Hymes, Joseph, umbrella manufacturer.<br />

See adv. p. 26a at end<br />

Buckley, Patk., boot & shoemkr.<br />

65 Devereux, Patrick, hatter<br />

66 Trenwith, S., boot & shoemaker<br />

67 Ahearn, T., umbrella maker<br />

68 Stack, Ed ward, spirit store<br />

69 Baker, John, boot <strong>and</strong> shoemkr.<br />

Irish Tabinets, Poplins, Moire Antiques.<br />


Entrance, Gr<strong>and</strong> Parade.<br />

70 O'Donnell, J., depot for the sale<br />

of Sir Joltn Amott's bread<br />

71 MUl'phy, John, spirit-store<br />

72 Mountaine, J., shoe-trimg. shop<br />

Broad-Lane intersects<br />

74 Reddin, Joseph, shoe-trimg. shop<br />

75 Buckley, Daniel, provision store<br />

<strong>and</strong> cattle dealer<br />

76 Kennealy, James, spirit-store<br />

77 Lisson, William, shoemaker<br />

Wall, Michael, ch<strong>and</strong>ler<br />

78 Cronin, John, wholesale grocer<br />

79 O'Brien, Jeremiah, tobacco <strong>and</strong><br />

snuff manufacturer<br />

80 Kiely, Michael, undertaker<br />

C"OSS- Court<br />

81 O'Sullivan, James, spirit-store<br />

82 Bradley, Daniel, provision store<br />

83 O'Keeffe, C., furniture broker<br />

P,:ccadilly-Lane<br />

84 Adams, Ann, pawnbroker<br />

86 O'Keeffe, John, wine & spt. store<br />

86 Hegarty, Jas. F., baker & confec.<br />

87 Divett, John, pawnbroker<br />

Peter's-Church-Lane intersects<br />

Peter's Churcl,<br />

88 Murphy, John, baker<br />

89 Mullane, Daniel, grocer<br />

90 King, Bernard, The GlasgOtD<br />

House, gutta-percha boot <strong>and</strong><br />

shoe warehouse. See advs.<br />

pp. 87 & 99; do_ in letter K. ;<br />

do. at bgng. of St"cet Diry. ;<br />

nnd p. In at end<br />

91 Driscoll, J., boot, shoe & lthr. st.<br />

92 Rice, William, grocer<br />

93 & 94 The Mttnster b'on Co.'s<br />

1Oa1·chse., Gibbings, John G.,<br />

proprietor, ironmongeI', <strong>and</strong><br />

hardware merchant<br />

96 Smith, G., leather store<br />

96 Merrick, John, ironmonger<br />

97 Buckley, H., printer & bookseller<br />

Angel-lanc<br />

98 Morrogh, Andrew, spirit-store<br />

99 Oakshott, J. G., surgeon & M.D.<br />

100 Macmahon, D., wine & spt. st.<br />

Adelaide-Street intersects<br />

101 Sullivan, John, baker<br />

102 Sugrue, D. J., leather mercht.<br />

Skiddy's-Castlc-Lane<br />

104 Horan, E., baker<br />

105 Scully, Loftus, ch<strong>and</strong>ler <strong>and</strong><br />

tobaccon1st. See adv. p. 70<br />

106 Kretman, T. & Co., grocers<br />

107 Vacant<br />

108 Hille, Richard, spirit store,<br />

Phillip's-lane<br />

109 D'Arcy, G., conCr. <strong>and</strong> baker<br />

110 Hurley, J. J., provn. dealer<br />

111 Shea, W. & Co., grocers<br />

112 Falvey, Thos. spirit dealer<br />

North·Mall.<br />

2 Jennings, Robert<br />

3 Collins, Miss Mary<br />

4 Shinkwin, Thos. C., M.D.<br />

6 Radcliffe, William<br />

6 Moss, Joseph<br />

7 O'Keeffe, Matthew, M.D.<br />

8 Wise, Francis<br />

9 Sullivan, Miss Clu'istina<br />

10 Daly, Nicholas<br />

11 Adams, Mrs. Anne<br />

12 Martin, Miss C.<br />

13 Horgan, Miss Margaret<br />

14 Leahy, John<br />

16 Roche, Pierce<br />

16 Waugh, John<br />

17 Jenkins, Miss Anne<br />

18 Browning, Mrs. Martha<br />

Old· Youghal.Road.<br />

13 Daly, Mrs. Mary, spirit dealer<br />

15 Ormond, Robert, builder, &c.<br />

16 Constabulal'Y Ba1·l'acks. Constable<br />

David Byrnes, officcr<br />

in cha1'ge<br />

95 Roche, John, grocer<br />

102 Buckley, Timothy, spirit dealer<br />

115 Fitzgibbon, E., painter<br />

117 Sauntry, Patk., spirit dealer<br />

118 Hyles, Patrick, pensioner<br />

126 Gibbings, James, spirit dealer<br />

134 Scriven, J. K., spirit dealer<br />

Genoa, French, <strong>and</strong> British Velvets.

FOR<br />


HAT S ,<br />

GO TO<br />


Which we can Highly Recommend.<br />


CORK.<br />

102<br />

103<br />

104<br />

105<br />


Entrance, Great George's Street.<br />

Hynes, J., wine & spirit dealer,<br />

<strong>and</strong> cigar divan<br />

Hunter, H., photographer<br />

Hogg, Henry C., ironmonger,<br />

see adv. p. 12<br />

Haughton, J. B., grocer<br />

Varian Brs. & Co., brush mfrs.<br />

William street intersects<br />

106 Thompson, J. & Co., baby linen<br />

warehouse<br />

Hayes, Joshua, bookseller<br />

107 Russell, D., fruit, wine & spirit<br />

dealer, & cigar divan<br />

108 Goulding Brothers, druggists<br />

109 & 110 Sheehan, Dan., china.,<br />

glass & lamp warehouse, see<br />

adv. p. 19<br />

III Richardson, T., & Sons, gnmrs.<br />

112 Meyers, R. T., oil, color, lead<br />

<strong>and</strong> glass warehouse, see adt!.<br />

p. 16<br />

113 Dowden J. W., linen draper<br />

114 Finn, Daniel, ch<strong>and</strong>lcr<br />

116 Ross, C. J., upholsterer<br />

116 Moore, John G., provn. mrcht.<br />

Kennedy, E., milliner<br />

117 Finn, James E., grocer<br />

118 Harty, Abraham, Queen's Bakery,<br />

see adt!. p. 26a at end<br />

Drawbridge-street intersects<br />

119 Curtayne,J.,druggist,oil & color<br />

merchant<br />

O'Callaghan, Mrs. C., millinery<br />

dress & Immtle warerooms,<br />

sce adv. p. 35<br />

O'Callaghan, C., silkmercer<br />

120 MCCarthy, Timy., brush manufacturer,<br />

Bce adv. p. 29<br />

121 Shel, Chas., watch & c}ockmkr.,<br />

jeweller, &c., see adv. p. 38.<br />

122 Cranitch, R., oil & glass warhs.<br />

123 Donegan, D. & Sons, ch<strong>and</strong>lers<br />

124 Bennett, Thos., optician, see<br />

adt!. p. 27.<br />

126 Sheehy, Jas., (Alliance Arms)<br />

wine & spirit merchlill t, see<br />

adv. in railway dirccto,'y<br />

Shanakiel-Road.<br />

1 & 2 Williams, William<br />

3 Maynard, James<br />

4 COllllell, Captain<br />

6 Cleburne, Edward<br />

7 Simpson, Joseph<br />

Leahy, Francis R., J.P. <strong>and</strong> D.L.<br />

(Shanakiel House)<br />

Sh<strong>and</strong>on-Street.<br />

1 Finucane, Thomas, spirit dealer<br />

3 Finucane, Matthew<br />

4 Burke, Edmund, pawnbroker<br />

6 Slattery, Edmund, skinbuyer<br />

7 Burke, D., grocer, wine & spt. dlr<br />

9· Burke, Edmond<br />

20 O'Shea, John, spirit dealer<br />

21 Kiely, John, grocer<br />

24 Downey, M., victualler<br />

26 Millard, Robert, victualler<br />

26 Finn, Daniel, saddler<br />

28 Kearney, John, saddler<br />

29 O'Callaghan, Tim., sen., chndlr.<br />

31 Shanahan, M. E., coal merchant<br />

32 Lucey, James, spirit dealer<br />

33 M ulchin, Patrick, spirit dealer<br />

31i O'Brien. Lawrence, spirit dealer<br />

37 Riordan, William, pawnbroker<br />

38 Finn, T. & Co.,grocers & vintners<br />

40 Fitzgerald, Andrew, spirit dealer<br />

42 O'Sullivan, Francis, spirit dealer<br />

43 Murphy, Edmund J., builder<br />

44 O'Keeffe, Charles, ch<strong>and</strong>lcr<br />

46 Langton, Edmund, spirit dealer<br />

48 Drummy, Nicholas, saddler<br />

49 Donovan, John, spirit dealer<br />

60 O'Flynn, Denis, grocer<br />

61 Hallissy, Ellen, tobacconist<br />

63 Dalton, Robert, baker<br />

66 Anglin, John, wool dealer<br />

66 Sullivan, James, miller<br />

68 Murphy, Joseph, spirit dealer<br />

69 Casey, Michael, spirit dealer<br />

67 Coleman, P., wool-card maker<br />

68 Sheehy, Mrs. E., spirit dealer<br />

69 Allen, Christopher A., M.D.<br />

70 Alton, Thos., wine & spirit dlr.<br />

71 Haley, Thomas, spirit dealer<br />

Wool H<strong>and</strong>kerchiefs, every size <strong>and</strong> quality.<br />

t .<br />

I .""<br />

,.,<br />



The Queen's Old Castle Company,<br />

Foley, Mary, 14 St Patricks quay<br />

Fullam, Michael, 3 Pembroke st<br />

Fuoge, Thomas, 8 Hanover street<br />

Galven, Thos., 6 Castle st<br />

Geaney, Miss B., 112 Sh<strong>and</strong>on st<br />

Geany, Wm., 61 Clarence st<br />

Geary, Daniel, 39 Wellington road<br />

.Geary, J. J., 26 North Main st<br />

Gibbings, James, 126 O. Y. road<br />

Gleeson, Mary, 108 Barrack st<br />

·Grant, J., 37 North Main st<br />

Griffin, Daniel, 30 Leitrim st<br />

Griffin, M., 4 Great George's st W.<br />

Grogan, P., 1 Albert quay<br />

Hallissy, Mrs. Ellen, 9 W<strong>and</strong>esford st<br />

Haly, Charles, 2 Coburg st<br />

Haly, Mary A., 111 Blarney lane<br />

Haly, Thos., 71 Sh<strong>and</strong>on st<br />

"Haly, William, 14 South Main st<br />

·Hammell, E., 144 O. Y road<br />

Harman, Michael, 171 L. G. road<br />

Harney, Mary, 139 O. Y. road<br />

Hartnett, John, 29 Great George's st<br />

·Hartnett, M., 7 Cook st<br />

Hayes, Daniel, 27 Great George's st<br />

Hayes, D., ) 9 North Main st<br />

Hayes, Henry, 23 St Patrick's quay<br />

Healy, Honora, 41 Dublin st<br />

Healy, Joseph, 32 Blarney lane<br />

Healy, Michael, 142 O. Y. road<br />

Hegarty, Patrick, 7 Coburg st<br />

Herbison, E., 6 Military road<br />

Heron, Caroline, 9 St Luke's place<br />

.Heron, Wm., 6 Market lane<br />

Hickey, Matthew, 109 Wise's hill<br />

Hifle, Richard, 108 M01·th Main st<br />

Higgins, Mary, 23 Cat lane<br />

Higgins, Patrick, 37 Nile st<br />

Horgan, Nicholas, 41 Dominick st<br />

Horgan, Samuel, 160 L. G. road<br />

Howe, Edmond, 22 Dominick st<br />

Hyde, James, 92 Sh<strong>and</strong>on st<br />

·Hynes, James, 102 St Patrick's st<br />

.Jackson, Wm. L., 7 South Main st<br />

·Johnson, John, 13 St Patrick's st<br />

Johnston, Ellen, 207 L. G. road<br />

Jones, Thomas, 48 North Main st<br />

Jordan, Margaret, 6 Pump lane<br />

Keane, John, 1 Pope's quay<br />

Kearney, Wm., 24 Pine st<br />

Keily, Callaghan, 36 Dominick st<br />

Infants' Silk <strong>and</strong><br />

Keily, M., 421 <strong>and</strong> 423 Blarney lane<br />

Keily, Patk., 4 Cross st<br />

Kelleher, Corns., 29 Church st<br />

Kelleher, Wm., 7 Dominick st<br />

Kelly, Samuel, 373 Blarney lane<br />

Kelly, Thomas, 96 South Main st<br />

Kenefick, C., 12 South Main st<br />

Kenneally, James, 76 Nprth Main st<br />

Keohan, J., 32 Warren's place<br />

Keppel, John, 13 Robert st<br />

King, A., 17 Merchants' quay<br />

Lane, John. 110 <strong>and</strong> 111 Barrack st<br />

Langton, Edm:md, 46 Sh<strong>and</strong>on st<br />

·Laryroore, Alex. D., 34 Marlboro st-see<br />

ad". p. 24a at end<br />

Lawton, Mary A., 10 Nelson's place<br />

Leahy, J., 72 South Main st<br />

Leahy, James, 23 Barrrack st<br />

Leahy, Peter, 3 York row<br />

Linehan, Bat., 26 Barrack st<br />

. Long, James, 8 Gt Geo st W.<br />

Long, John, 29 Douglas st<br />

Longfield, R., 6 Merchants' quay<br />

Lucey, James, 32 Sh<strong>and</strong>on st<br />

Lynch, Helen, 79 Georges st<br />

"Lynch, John, 77 Gr<strong>and</strong> Parade<br />

Lynch, Michael, 31 King st<br />

Lynch, Patrick, 6 Cross st<br />

Lynch, Richard, Western road<br />

Lynch, T., 7 Gt Geo st W.<br />

Lyons, James, 62 Clarence st<br />

Lyons, John, 18 Douglas st<br />

Mackey, John, 6 Paul st<br />

"Madden, John, 14 Bridge st<br />

Madogan, Patk., 13 Princes st<br />

Maher, Jerh., 20 Gt Brtain st<br />

Mahony, Daniel, 2 Layitt's quay<br />

Mahony, John F., 25 Nile st<br />

"Mannix, T. T. & Co., 22 Mercht's'lY<br />

"Martin, J. S. & Co., 10 Prince's st<br />

Meade, Mary A., 30 Barrack st<br />

Meade, Richd., 2 Barrack st<br />

Mills, Richard, 101 Georges st<br />

"Moore, Patk., 44 Marlboro' st<br />

Morey, John, 6 Paul st<br />

Moriarty, Mrs., 1 Sullivan's quay<br />

Morrogh, And",., 98 North Main st<br />

Moynihan, 'limy., 17 Com Market st<br />

lIIulcahy, Da.id, 24 Warren's place<br />

lIIulchin, P k.,33 Sh<strong>and</strong>on st<br />

, 31 St Patrick's quay<br />

Hoods.<br />


Entrance, Gr<strong>and</strong> Parade.<br />

Murphy, Denis, 8 Hanover st<br />

Murphy, James, 11 Gt Geo st W.<br />

.Murphy, J. B., 39 North Main st<br />

Murphy, Jane, 30 Military road<br />

Murphy, Jer., 13 Douglas st<br />

Murphy, John, 20 Pope's quay<br />

"Murphy, John, 107 Sh<strong>and</strong>on st<br />

Murphy, John, 71 North main st<br />

Murphy, John, 17 Fair lane<br />

Murphy, Joseph, 58 Sh<strong>and</strong>on at<br />

Murphy, Joseph, 3 S. W. road<br />

Murphy, M., 63 South Main st<br />

Murphy, Mary, 28 Military road<br />

Murphy, M., 23 Warren's place<br />

Murphy, Sophia, 67 Barrack st<br />

Murphy. Wm., 60 Barrack st<br />

Murray, Mary, 169 L. G. road<br />

Murray, Patk., Mayfield<br />

Murray, Patk., 37 Geo. st<br />

*M'Auliffe, John, 101 South Main st<br />

M'Carthy, Chas., 1 York st W.<br />

M'Carthy, Dan!., 10 Sullivan's quay<br />

M'Carthy. Daniel, 62 Watercourse<br />

road<br />

M'Carthy. Danl., 154 B<strong>and</strong>on road<br />

M'Carthy F., 72 George's st<br />

1I1'Carthy . James, 7 Georges st<br />

M'Carthy . James, 46 Princes st<br />

1I1'Carthy. John, J L. G. road<br />

M'Carthy. John, 6 Cross st<br />

M'Carthy John, 116 George's street<br />

M'Carthy, 'Mary, 27 Dunbar street<br />

*M'Carthy. Thos. P., 137 O. Y. road<br />

M'Donnell , Edward, ) 7 Dublin street<br />

M'Donnell" Hugh, 12 Evergreen ter<br />

M'Keough . Michael, 36 Clarence st<br />

M'Loughlin, John, 3 Military road<br />

*M'Mahon, Daniel, 100 North Main st<br />

·M'Mahon, T. D., 10 Winthrop street<br />

"M'Nay, Joha, 113 George's street<br />

M'Sweeny, Ch lrles, 11 Peter street<br />

M'Sweeny, Denis, 37 Fair lane<br />

M'Swiney, J.,27 Great George's st W.<br />

M'Swiney, M., '76 Blarney lane<br />

M'Swiney, Patriclr, 33 Corn Market at<br />

M'Swiney, T., 28 Warren's place<br />

Neligan, John, 27 St Patrick's quay<br />

Noonan, Daniel, 10 Chapel hill<br />

O'Bre, Francis, 1 Coal quay<br />

O'TIrien, Catherine. 67 Douglas street<br />

O'Brien, Catherine. 105 Wise's hill<br />

" O'Brien, D., 20 Winthrop street-see<br />

ad". p. 8<br />

O'Brien, John, 26 Grafton's alley<br />

O'Brien, John 1 Hanover place<br />

O'Brien, Laurence, 35 Sh<strong>and</strong>on street<br />

O'Brien, Margaret, 11 North Abbey st<br />

O'Brien, Thomas, 6 Coburg street<br />

O'Brien, Wm., 19 Commons road<br />

O'Callaghan, Charles, 1 Brown's bill<br />

O'Callaghan, John, 48 King st<br />

O'Connell, Charles, 162 'B<strong>and</strong>on road<br />

O'Connell, Daniel, 13 Barrack st<br />

O'Connell, H., 182 L. G. road<br />

O'Connell, Jeremiah, 10 Caroline st<br />

O'Connell, Timothy, 1 Pump lane<br />

O'Connor, D., 29 South Main .treet<br />

O'Connor, Daniel, 16 Castle street<br />

O'Connor, P., 7 North Main st<br />

O'Connor, Richd., 60 Halfmoon st<br />

O'Connor, Wm" 17 George's st<br />

O'Donoghue, C., 19 George's street<br />

O'Donoghue, Florence, 132 B<strong>and</strong>on rd<br />

O'DonoYan, Denis, 17 Paul street<br />

·O'Donovan, Edmond, 1 Mutton lane<br />

O'Donovan, Michael, 1 De.onshire .t<br />

O'Dunovan, Michael, 3 George's quay<br />

O'Halloran, Edwd., 55 Gill Abbey st<br />

"O'Keeffe & Co., 1-3 Academy st<br />

O'Keeffe, Daniel, 12 Mulgrave st<br />

O'Keeffe, Daniel, 90 Great Britain st<br />

·O'Keeffe, John, 86 North Main st<br />

O'Keeffe, Roger, 17 St Patrick's quay<br />

o Leary, Arthur, 69 Duncan street·<br />

O'Mahony, Denis, 40 York st ·W.<br />

O'Meara, James, 309 Blarney lane<br />

O'Mullane, Jeremiah, B<strong>and</strong>uff<br />

O'Neill, Daniel, 38 Paul street<br />

O'Neill, James,' 102 Clarence st<br />

O'Reardon, John, 1 Anderson's quay<br />

O'Regan, B., 20 Fair lane<br />

.0'IZcgan, Matthew,4 Bridge street<br />

O'Hegan, Thomas, 24 George's qy<br />

O'Shea, Corns., 32 Dominick st<br />

O'Shea, Daniel, 13 Clarence st<br />

O'Shea, Daniel 2 Princes street<br />

O'Shea, John, 20 Sh<strong>and</strong>on street<br />

"O'Sullivan, Mrs. D., 84 St Patricks<br />

st-see adv. p. 66<br />

O'Sullivan, Francis, 42 Sh<strong>and</strong>on st<br />

O'Sullivan, H., 33. B<strong>and</strong>on road<br />

O'Sullivan, James, 81 North Main at<br />

Straw Bonnets, Hats, Turbans, &c.<br />

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