STORY STORY - Real Muskoka

STORY STORY - Real Muskoka STORY STORY - Real Muskoka


We baby our boat. We love the lifestyle. Insurance? Skippers’ Plan has it covered. Since we discovered the joy of antique boats, our life has changed. The lake, the camaraderie – there’s nothing like it. A boat like this sweetheart requires expert care. That’s why we moved to a company that really understands wooden boats and their needs. They’ve taken such good care of us, we placed our other insurance with them too, and that earned us a better rate! Boats! We share your passion. 1-800-661-7211 905-754-4805 Owned and operated by The CG&B Group Inc. *Policies underwritten by Northbridge General Insurance Corporation FREE Towing FREE Emergency Fuel FREE App

In This Issue: About Us: FeatureS: tHe CuriouS MiSS CarStairS: Marion Barbara “Betty” Carstairs—Part two Bruce Cleland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8–9 S.S. MuSkoka: the Story of a tug turned Steamer Andrew Hind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10–11 Wanda III GetS a Makeover: Caring For our Glamourous Girl Ray Windsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14–15 ColuMnS: on tHe Horizon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 PreSiDent’S MeSSaGe Blair McMurchy . . . . . . . . . .4–5 General ManaGer’S rePort John Miller . . . . . . . .6 MeMBerSHiP MatterS John Glendinning . . . . . . . . . .6 Junior StokerS’ PaGe Austen McMurchy . . . . . . . 17 extraS: SoCiety nuMBerS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 2012 GolF tournaMent John Glendinning . . . . . . .7 WelCoMe aBoarD! new Society Members . . 11 SoMe SoCiety HaPPeninGS: 2012 in Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12–13 CruiSinG—2012 Style!: 100 Mile Cruise 2012 & Members’ day Cruise . . . . . . . . .Back Cover Cover photo: 100 Mile Cruise: 2012 . Photo by Bev McMullen . Unless otherwise noted, all historical photos appear courtesy the Archives Department at MBHC . Muskoka Steamship & Historical Society The Real Muskoka Experience Muskoka Steamships 185 Cherokee Lane Gravenhurst, Ontario PIP IZ9 Phone: 1-705-687-6667 • Toll Free: 1-866-687-6667 Fax: 1-705-687-7820 Muskoka Boat & Heritage Centre 275 Steamship Bay Road Gravenhurst, Ontario PIP IZ9 Phone: 1-705-687-2115 • Fax: 1-705-687-9408 Mission Statement: The Muskoka Steamship & Historical Society preserves, educates and promotes the traditions of the steamship, boat building and resort era in Muskoka. The Real Muskoka Story Issue 83 • Fall 2012 Muskoka Steamship & Historical Society: General Manager: John Miller Operations Manager: Ann Curley Sales Director: Cathy Tait Sales & Marketing Manager: Christi Gardner Comptroller: Molly Rivers Volunteer Coordinator: Cindy Peterson Please direct membership emails to: Regarding our cruises, kindly email: Board of Directors: 275 Steamship Bay Road Gravenhurst, Ontario PIP IZ9 Charity Registration #13261 7770 President, Chairman: Blair McMurchy Vice President: Rick Terry Treasurer: Stan Meek Membership Committee Chairman, Secretary: John Glendinning Additional Directors: Rob Clark, Bill Garriock, Gary Getson, Dunc Hawkins, John Lee, Jim Lewis, Bruce Patterson, Hank Smith, Mary Storey, Murray Walker Muskoka Steamships Directors: President: Rick McGraw Vice President: Blair McMurchy Secretary: TBA Treasurer: Stan Meek Director: Rob Clark The Real Muskoka Story: Advertising: Mary Jean Cline 1-705-687-2960 Managing Editor: Mary Storey Editorial & Design: Ellen Carnahan Submissions are most welcome; they may be edited for clarity and brevity . 3

We baby our boat.<br />

We love the lifestyle.<br />

Insurance?<br />

Skippers’ Plan<br />

has it covered.<br />

Since we discovered the joy of<br />

antique boats, our life has<br />

changed. The lake, the camaraderie – there’s<br />

nothing like it.<br />

A boat like this sweetheart requires<br />

expert care. That’s why we moved to a<br />

company that really understands wooden<br />

boats and their needs. They’ve taken such<br />

good care of us, we placed our other<br />

insurance with them too, and that earned us<br />

a better rate!<br />

Boats! We share your passion.<br /> 1-800-661-7211 905-754-4805<br />

Owned and operated by The CG&B Group Inc. *Policies underwritten by Northbridge General Insurance Corporation<br />

FREE Towing<br />

FREE Emergency Fuel<br />


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