Malibu, California May 12–15, 2010 - Pepperdine University

Malibu, California May 12–15, 2010 - Pepperdine University

Malibu, California May 12–15, 2010 - Pepperdine University


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Selig sind die Toten,<br />

die in dem Herren sterben,<br />

von nun an.<br />

Ja der Geist spricht:<br />

Sie ruhen von ihrer Arbeit<br />

und ihre Werke folgen ihnen nach.<br />

Virga Jesse floruit:<br />

Virgo Deum et hominem genuit:<br />

pacem Deus reddidit,<br />

in se reconcilians ima summis.<br />

Alleluja.<br />

Wednesday, <strong>May</strong> 12<br />

Selig sind die Toten<br />

Virga Jesse floruit<br />

Blessed are the departed,<br />

that die in the lord<br />

from now on.<br />

yea, the Spirit speaks:<br />

they rest from their labors<br />

and their works follow them.<br />

The rod of Jesse hath blossomed:<br />

a Virgin hath brought forth God and man:<br />

God hath restored peace,<br />

reconciling in Himself the lowest with the highest.<br />

Alleluia.<br />

The CHAmbER SINgERS of pepperdine university are an elite group of student singers and staff members from the undergraduate<br />

campus of Seaver College. Although the ensemble is mainly composed of music majors and music faculty, students from other<br />

disciplines within Seaver College also participate. All members of Chamber Singers participate in the larger university Concert Choir.<br />

professor Milton pullen directed award-winning high school programs for twenty-four years before joining pepperdine university in<br />

1995. The Concert Choir recorded the compact disc Sacred Songs from the Chapel in 2004.<br />


Kendra fellows<br />

Maureen Kelly<br />

Morgan poppe<br />

Anna richardson<br />

rebecca richardson<br />

devony Smith<br />

Kaley Soderquist<br />

lisa tenorio<br />

Julie Thornton<br />

Ashley Welch<br />

ALTOS<br />

Brennan Blankenship<br />

Megan Moran<br />

Carolyn oler<br />

Krystin Skidmore<br />

TENORS<br />

Ismael loya<br />

Chris ordonez<br />

Andy ramirez<br />

titus rhode<br />

Zachary Singerman<br />

bASSES<br />

Steven Cornett<br />

Mark Covey<br />

Aaron english<br />

Mark Mustol<br />

Jason racine<br />

Kevin replinger<br />

dimitri Smith<br />

Kara Smoot<br />

taylor Thompson<br />

Amanda Vest<br />

J. philip Williams<br />

Brody Wooten<br />

Catharine yager<br />

Choral concert programs

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