The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics) The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)
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460 polytheism (cont.): 249, 250, 251; forbidden 177, 178; Muhammad’s opposition to xi; rejection 239, 242–3, 284, 312, 327, 329; worthless nature 133 polytheists: beliefs refuted 92, 93; condemnation for denying God’s bounty 166–72; contrasted with believers 295–9; false beliefs refuted 80–9; not to tend mosques 117–18; prayers on behalf of hostile relatives condemned 126; relations with in the event of persecution xxiii–xxiv; uncleanness 118; see also disbelievers prayer direction (qibla) 14 n. a, 16–17, 18 n. c, 19 prayers 254–5; avoidance of impurity 55; cleansing before prayer 68; conduct during war 60–1; when in danger 27; formal prayer (salah) 5 n. a; as marks of belief 19; rewards in the Hereafter 23 praying for show, the result of denial of Judgement 439 predestination 203, 249–50, 252, 253, 264, 297; God decides between believers and disbelievers 259, 260 pride 177 privacy, respect for 225 privation, as a test 394 n. a pronouns, use xxxii–xxxiii property 50; disposal 50–1, 51–2, 53, 54; management for orphans 92; protection xxvi; restoration 56; right use of personal property 21 prophets xvii–xviii; God’s affirmation, after removing Satan’s insinuations from their messages 212–13; Children of Israel’s treatment of 11–12; continuity 311, 312; disbelievers in the prophets condemned 252, 253–4, 255, 256; as encouragement to believers to be mindful of God 359, 361; examples used as support and encouragement for Muhammad 290, 291–2; followers and their reactions 232–7; grace 191, 193– 4; as messengers 203, 205–7; as muslim xxiv; perseverance in spite of rejection 162–5; rejection 281–2; rejection by Index disbelievers 216–17, 219, 228–9, and their consequent destruction 239, 239–40, 241–2; rejection by the people of Ad 327, 329; rejection as liars 277, 278; revelations to 65; role 56; role an encouragement to Muhammad 136, 138–44; sending by God 29; stories 287–8; wealth discounted as a measure of a prophet’s truth 316, 317–18; see also messengers providence, God’s control 275, 361 punctuation xxxiv–xxxv punishments: for adultery 71 n. b; eternal nature in the afterlife 200; for persecution of Muslims by the People of the Book 71; for theft 71; in this life and the Hereafter 387 Qarun: arrogance 254; condemnation 245, 250–1 qasr 403 n. c qibla (prayer direction) 14 n. a, 16–17, 18 n. c, 19 Queen of Sheba 240–1; dialogue xx Quran ix–x, xxxvii–xxxviii; acceptance 248–9; authenticity 128; belittling 232; as both joyful news and warning 239; canonization xvi n. 8; compilation xv–xvi; consistency as evidence of its origin 58; disbelievers mock 217; disbelievers’ rejections denounced 227, 230; divine origins xiv n. 3, 131, 162, 232, 237, not poetry made by man 281, 284; ease of understanding 350, 351; effects upon believers 297; extent 190; final revelation xiii; first revelation on the Night of Glory 429; as a gift revealed from God 279; gives knowledge about the Hour of Judgement 319; as God’s word 399; as guidance 175, 176–82, 187, 201; interpretation xxi–xxvi; Koran xxvi; mercy 321; opponents warned of punishment 165; as reading 353 n. a; recitation 180; rejection by disbelievers 415; responses to determine fate at the Day of Judgement 137; revelation xi, xiv–xv, 170, 181–2, 183, 196, 200, 201, 203, 205, 210, 213, 255, 347, 357, 379; revelation questioned by disbelievers 229; role 145; structure xvi–xvii;

stylistic features xix–xxi; themes xvii–xix; translations, conventions used xxix–xxxvi, in English xxvi–xxix; truth 94, 264, 307, 309, 324, 411, affirmed by God 387, 388, disbelievers’ rejection and their destruction 327–8, 329, and nobility 290, 294; see also ayas; suras Quraysh (tribe), trading journeys 438 r-b-b 3 n. d al-Raghib 76 n. a rahim 3 n. b rahman 3 n. a rain, illustrative of the concept of resurrection 419 n. b raina 13, 55 Ramadan: obligations xix; observances 20–1 al-Raqim 183 al-Rass, people: destruction 229; disbelief as example to those who disbelieve currently 340 al-Razi, Fakhr al-Din xxxv, xxxvi reading xiv, xiv n. 4, xv rebellious, allowed to stray 370 reconciliation, commendation 61 refugees, Muslim refugees, to be rewarded by God 366 refugees from persecution, rewards 168, 173 relatives: prayers on behalf of hostile relatives condemned 126; treatment 172; see also children; fathers; mothers; parents religion, unity 311, 312 religious divisions 311, 312 religious tolerance 29; at Yathrib xii remarriage, see divorce; marriage repentance 52, 125, 295, 297, 299; disbelievers’ repentance, when faced by Hell 382; and entry to Paradise 194; essential that it take place before the Day of Judgement 302, 306, 321, 421; in the face of God’s punishment in this life 384–5; futility at the arrival of the Hour 332; God’s transformation of those who repent 230–1; and its rewards 249; urged on by the decline of the day 435 Resurrection xvii, xviii, 30, 168, 277, 302 n. a, 340, 433; affirmation 376; Index 461 assurance 178; coming 417; creation as evidence of God’s ability to resurrect the dead 340, 341–2; denied by the Meccans 322; disbelievers’ denial questioned 264, 389, 390; disbelievers reject 216, 243; inevitability 215, 218–19, 307, 407; mistaken beliefs about 393; proof seen in the creative power of God 209; reality 281, 283, 427; truth, disbelievers’ rejection and their destruction 327–8, 329–30; winds as illustration 343; see also Day of Resurrection retaliation xix retribution 177 revelation 311, 314–15 rhetorical questions xxxii righteous, commendation and entry into Paradise 167–8 Rightly Guided Caliphs xiii rivers, in Paradise xxxii Rodwell, J. M., translation of the Quran xxvii, xxxviii Ross, Alexander, translation of the Quran xxvii, xxxvii Sabbath, obligatory nature 174 Sabians 9 n. a, 74, 210 Sacred Months 77; observance 119 sacrifices, offering for, during pilgrimages 22 Safa 18 safe conduct xxiv Safwan (companion of A’isha), falsely suspected of adultery 220 saiba 78 said 55 n. b sajada 154 n. b salah (formal prayer) 5 n. a salam 356 n. a Sale, George, translation of the Quran xxxviii Salih: dialogue xx; as messenger 99–100, 159; rejection 236, 241–2, 351; role as prophet invoked as an encouragement to Muhammad 140–1; see also Thamud, people Salsabil (spring in Paradise) 401 samad 444 n. a al-Samiri (induced some of the Children of Israel to worship golden calf) 199, 200

460<br />

polytheism (cont.):<br />

249, 250, 251; forbidden 177,<br />

178; Muhammad’s opposition<br />

to xi; rejection 239, 242–3, 284,<br />

312, 327, 329; worthless nature<br />

133<br />

polytheists: beliefs refuted 92, 93;<br />

condemnation for denying God’s<br />

bounty 166–72; contrasted with<br />

believers 295–9; false beliefs refuted<br />

80–9; not to tend mosques 117–18;<br />

prayers on behalf of hostile relatives<br />

condemned 126; relations with in<br />

the event of persecution xxiii–xxiv;<br />

uncleanness 118; see also<br />

disbelievers<br />

prayer direction (qibla) 14 n. a, 16–17, 18<br />

n. c, 19<br />

prayers 254–5; avoidance of impurity 55;<br />

cleansing before prayer 68; conduct<br />

during war 60–1; when in danger 27;<br />

formal prayer (salah) 5 n. a; as<br />

marks of belief 19; rewards in the<br />

Hereafter 23<br />

praying for show, the result of denial of<br />

Judgement 439<br />

predestination 203, 249–50, 252, 253,<br />

264, 297; God decides between<br />

believers and disbelievers 259,<br />

260<br />

pride 177<br />

privacy, respect for 225<br />

privation, as a test 394 n. a<br />

pronouns, use xxxii–xxxiii<br />

property 50; disposal 50–1, 51–2, 53, 54;<br />

management for orphans 92;<br />

protection xxvi; restoration 56; right<br />

use of personal property 21<br />

prophets xvii–xviii; God’s affirmation,<br />

after removing Satan’s insinuations<br />

from their messages 212–13; Children<br />

of Israel’s treatment of 11–12;<br />

continuity 311, 312; disbelievers in the<br />

prophets condemned 252, 253–4, 255,<br />

256; as encouragement to believers to<br />

be mindful of God 359, 361; examples<br />

used as support and encouragement for<br />

Muhammad 290, 291–2; followers and<br />

their reactions 232–7; grace 191, 193–<br />

4; as messengers 203, 205–7; as muslim<br />

xxiv; perseverance in spite of rejection<br />

162–5; rejection 281–2; rejection by<br />

Index<br />

disbelievers 216–17, 219, 228–9, and<br />

their consequent destruction 239,<br />

239–40, 241–2; rejection by the people<br />

of Ad 327, 329; rejection as liars 277,<br />

278; revelations to 65; role 56; role an<br />

encouragement to Muhammad 136,<br />

138–44; sending by God 29; stories<br />

287–8; wealth discounted as a measure<br />

of a prophet’s truth 316, 317–18; see<br />

also messengers<br />

providence, God’s control 275, 361<br />

punctuation xxxiv–xxxv<br />

punishments: for adultery 71 n. b; eternal<br />

nature in the afterlife 200; for<br />

persecution of Muslims by the People<br />

of the Book 71; for theft 71; in this life<br />

and the Hereafter 387<br />

Qarun: arrogance 254; condemnation<br />

245, 250–1<br />

qasr 403 n. c<br />

qibla (prayer direction) 14 n. a, 16–17, 18<br />

n. c, 19<br />

Queen of Sheba 240–1; dialogue xx<br />

Quran ix–x, xxxvii–xxxviii; acceptance<br />

248–9; authenticity 128; belittling<br />

232; as both joyful news and warning<br />

239; canonization xvi n. 8;<br />

compilation xv–xvi; consistency as<br />

evidence of its origin 58; disbelievers<br />

mock 217; disbelievers’ rejections<br />

denounced 227, 230; divine origins<br />

xiv n. 3, 131, 162, 232, 237, not<br />

poetry made by man 281, 284; ease of<br />

understanding 350, 351; effects upon<br />

believers 297; extent 190; final<br />

revelation xiii; first revelation on the<br />

Night of Glory 429; as a gift revealed<br />

from God 279; gives knowledge about<br />

the Hour of Judgement 319; as God’s<br />

word 399; as guidance 175, 176–82,<br />

187, 201; interpretation xxi–xxvi;<br />

Koran xxvi; mercy 321; opponents<br />

warned of punishment 165; as reading<br />

353 n. a; recitation 180; rejection by<br />

disbelievers 415; responses to<br />

determine fate at the Day of<br />

Judgement 137; revelation xi, xiv–xv,<br />

170, 181–2, 183, 196, 200, 201, 203,<br />

205, 210, 213, 255, 347, 357, 379;<br />

revelation questioned by disbelievers<br />

229; role 145; structure xvi–xvii;

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