The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)


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God’s providence for 158–61, 217, and<br />

God’s revelation 42–3, response to<br />

God 4–6, 18–19, 111–12, solidarity in<br />

defence of God’s cause 370,<br />

submission to God and defence against<br />

Hellfire 380–1, urged to spend in<br />

God’s cause and uphold justice<br />

359–61, worship of God 264, 265; and<br />

hypocrites, divisions between on the<br />

Day of Judgement 360; judgement 64,<br />

138; justification 243–4; lack of action<br />

criticized 372; mutual respect 338–9;<br />

nature 73, known by God 277, 279,<br />

280; and polytheists 295–9; praised<br />

337; prosperity 224; qualities 227,<br />

230–1; reactions to the Day of<br />

Judgement contrasted with those of<br />

disbelievers 419; record held in their<br />

right hands at the Day of Judgement<br />

387; religious practices in daily life<br />

269; respect towards Muhammad 338;<br />

rewards 35, 45, 155, 210, 212, 213,<br />

251, 265, 269, 271, 272, 277, 279, 313,<br />

326, 370–1, 401–2, 404, at the Day of<br />

Judgement 352, contrasted with the<br />

punishments of disbelievers 387, in<br />

Paradise 185, 190, 286, 321, 322–3,<br />

328, 341, compared to the disbelievers’<br />

life in Hell 345–6, in war for their<br />

faithfulness 335–6; salvation 83 n. b,<br />

207, 221; success 215; supported by<br />

God 304; sustenance by God 256;<br />

testing and constancy 252; to be<br />

attended to in preference to attempts to<br />

convert disbelievers 409; triumph on<br />

the Day of Judgement 418; true<br />

believers 339; see also disbelievers<br />

Benjamin (Joseph’s brother) 150 n. a<br />

bequests 20, 78; payment 51<br />

bi ’l-ghaybi 361 n. a<br />

birth 302 n. a<br />

bribes, forbidden 21<br />

bride-gift 27, 50, 52, 53, 68, 369<br />

broadcasting, use of the Quran ix–x<br />

brothers: inheritances 66; property<br />

shares 51<br />

burning bush 239–40, 247; revelation to<br />

Moses 196–7<br />

Byzantines 257<br />

Cain (Adam’s son) 70<br />

calendar xi–xii, xxxvii<br />

Index 449<br />

camel: hamstrung by the people of<br />

Thamud 351, 423; sign invoked by<br />

Salih 236<br />

camels, dedication and use 211–12<br />

captives, treatment 115<br />

charity, see almsgiving<br />

chastity 389<br />

children: fathers’ responsibilities for 379;<br />

property shares 51; respect for adults’<br />

privacy 225; weaning when parents<br />

divorce 26–7; see also orphans;<br />

parents; relatives<br />

Children of Israel: as disbelievers 7–14,<br />

23, 103–6, during the desert<br />

wanderings 199–200, of the<br />

Scriptures 143; exodus 134–5, 181,<br />

322; God’s guidance 265; and<br />

kingship 28–9; oppression in Egypt<br />

245, 303; rebelliousness 175; religious<br />

differences among 325; response to<br />

God 4, 16; worship of calf 104; see also<br />

Jews and Judaism; People of the Book<br />

Christianity x<br />

Christians 9; belief in Muhammad 255<br />

n. a; claims disowned by Jesus on the<br />

Day of Judgement 78–9; factions<br />

among 29; as People of the Book<br />

xviii, and Islamic relations with<br />

xxiv–xxv, xxxvii; relations with<br />

Muslims 34, 39–42, and pledges from<br />

God 67, 68, 69–76; see also People of<br />

the Book<br />

chronology, lack of xvi, xix<br />

combatants, and non-combatants 60<br />

commerce, see trade<br />

common kindnesses, neglect, the result of<br />

denial of Judgement 439<br />

consecration (ihram) 22 n. d<br />

consultation (shura) 311, 314<br />

contexts: effects on understanding<br />

xxx–xxxi, importance for<br />

interpretation of the Quran xxi–xxii,<br />

xxiv<br />

contrasts xx<br />

the corrupt, identification 333<br />

corruption spreaders condemned 245<br />

covetousness 53–4<br />

Crashing Blow 433<br />

creation 203, 204, 209; benefits for man<br />

166–7, 169, 170, 171; days 307; and<br />

God, as the activity of God 223–4,<br />

229–30, 253, 257, 258–9, 295, 296, 357,

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