The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics) The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)
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398 The Quran 74: 32 Hellfire – and We have made their number a a test for the disbelievers. So those who have been given the Scripture will be certain and those who believe will have their faith increased: neither those who have been given the Scripture nor the believers will have any doubts, but the sick at heart and the disbelievers will say, ‘What could God mean by this description?’ God leaves whoever He will to stray and guides whoever He will – no one knows your Lord’s forces except Him – this [description] is a warning to mortals. 32 Yes –by the moon! 33 By the departing night! 34 By the shining dawn! 35 It is one of the mightiest things, 36 a warning to all mortals, 37 to those of you who choose to go ahead and those who lag behind. 38 Every soul is held in pledge for its deeds, 39 but the Companions of the Right will stay 40 in Gardens and ask 41 about the guilty. 42 ‘What drove you to the Scorching Fire?’ [they will ask] 43 and they will answer, ‘We did not pray; 44 we did not feed the poor; 45 we indulged with others [in mocking the believers]; 46 we denied the Day of Judgement 47 until the Certain End came upon us.’ 48 No intercessor’s plea will benefit them now. 49 What is the matter with them? Why do they turn away from the warning, 50 like frightened asses 51 fleeing from a lion? 52 Each one of them demands that a scripture be sent down to him and unrolled before his very eyes – 53 No! Truly they have no fear of the life to come – 54 but truly this is a reminder. 55 Let whoever wishes to take heed do so: 56 they will only take heed if God so wishes. He is the Lord who should be heeded, the Lord of forgiveness. a Some have taken this literally to allude to a special significance of the number 19, but it is much more likely to be idda in the meaning of ‘number, group’ (al-Mujam al-Wasit).

75. THE RESURRECTION A Meccan sura, dealing with the Day of Resurrection and man’s denial of that Day. God’s power is convincingly described in several vignettes (verses 3–4, 26–30, 34–40). The third paragraph instructs the Prophet on appropriate reception of the revelation (verses 16–19), and thereby serves to emphasize that the Quran is indeed God’s word. In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy 1 By a the Day of Resurrection 2 and by the self-reproaching soul! 3 Does man think We shall not put his bones back together? 4 In fact, We can reshape his very fingertips. 5 Yet man wants to deny what is ahead of him: 6 he says, ‘So, when will this Day of Resurrection be?’ 7 When eyes are dazzled 8 and the moon eclipsed, 9 when the sun and the moon are brought together, 10 on that Day man will say, ‘Where can I escape?’ 11 Truly, there is no refuge: 12 they will all return to your Lord on that Day. 13 On that Day, man will be told what he put first and what he put last. 14 Truly, man is a clear witness against himself, 15 despite all the excuses he may put forward. 16 [Prophet], do not rush your tongue in an attempt to hasten [your memorization of] the Revelation: 17 We shall make sure of its safe collection and recitation. 18 When We have recited it, repeat the recitation 19 and We shall make it clear. 20 Truly you [people] love this fleeting world 21 and neglect the life to come. 22 On that Day there will be radiant faces, 23 looking towards their Lord, 24 and on that Day there will be the sad and despairing faces 25 of those who realize that a great calamity is about to befall them. 26 Truly, when the soul reaches the collarbone; 27 when it is said, ‘Could any charm-healer save him now?’; 28 when he knows it is the final parting; 29 when his legs are brought together: b 30 on that day he will be driven towards your Lord. 31 He neither believed nor prayed, a This is preceded by a phrase which can be rendered either ‘I swear’ or ‘I do not swear’ (i.e. there is no need for me to swear), depending on how la is read. b This is taken to refer to when a corpse is wrapped in the shroud.

398<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quran 74: 32<br />

Hellfire – and We have made their number a a test for the disbelievers.<br />

So those who have been given the Scripture will be certain<br />

and those who believe will have their faith increased: neither those<br />

who have been given the Scripture nor the believers will have any<br />

doubts, but the sick at heart and the disbelievers will say, ‘What<br />

could God mean by this description?’ God leaves whoever He will to<br />

stray and guides whoever He will – no one knows your Lord’s forces<br />

except Him – this [description] is a warning to mortals. 32 Yes –by<br />

the moon! 33 By the departing night! 34 By the shining dawn! 35 It is<br />

one of the mightiest things, 36 a warning to all mortals, 37 to those of<br />

you who choose to go ahead and those who lag behind.<br />

38 Every soul is held in pledge for its deeds, 39 but the Companions<br />

of the Right will stay 40 in Gardens and ask 41 about the guilty.<br />

42 ‘What drove you to the Scorching Fire?’ [they will ask] 43 and they<br />

will answer, ‘We did not pray; 44 we did not feed the poor; 45 we<br />

indulged with others [in mocking the believers]; 46 we denied the<br />

Day of Judgement 47 until the Certain End came upon us.’ 48 No<br />

intercessor’s plea will benefit them now.<br />

49 What is the matter with them? Why do they turn away from the<br />

warning, 50 like frightened asses 51 fleeing from a lion? 52 Each one of<br />

them demands that a scripture be sent down to him and unrolled<br />

before his very eyes – 53 No! Truly they have no fear of the life to<br />

come – 54 but truly this is a reminder. 55 Let whoever wishes to take<br />

heed do so: 56 they will only take heed if God so wishes. He is the<br />

Lord who should be heeded, the Lord of forgiveness.<br />

a Some have taken this literally to allude to a special significance of the number 19,<br />

but it is much more likely to be idda in the meaning of ‘number, group’ (al-Mujam<br />


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