The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics) The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)
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388 The Quran 69: 26 given any Record 26 and knew nothing of my Reckoning. 27 How I wish death had been the end of me. 28 My wealth has been no use to me, 29 and my power has vanished.’ 30 ‘Take him, put a collar on him, 31 lead him to burn in the blazing Fire, 32 and [bind him] in a chain seventy metres a long: 33 he would not believe in Almighty God, 34 he never encouraged feeding the hungry, 35 so today he has no real friend here, 36 and the only food he has is the filth 37 that only sinners eat.’ 38 So I swear by what you can see 39 and by what you cannot see: 40 this [Quran] is the speech of an honoured messenger, 41 not the words of a poet – how little you believe! – 42 nor the words of a soothsayer – how little you reflect! 43 This [Quran] is a message sent down from the Lord of the Worlds: 44 if [the Prophet] had attributed some fabrication to Us, 45 We would certainly have seized his right hand 46 and cut off his lifeblood, b 47 and none of you could have defended him. 48 This [Quran] is a reminder for those who are aware of God. 49 We know that some of you consider it to be lies – 50 this will be a source of bitter regret for the disbelievers – 51 but it is in fact the certain Truth. 52 So [Prophet] glorify the name of your Lord, the Almighty. a A dhira is an arm’s-length. b Literally ‘artery’.

70. THE WAYS OF ASCENT A Meccan sura that describes the Day of Judgement (verses 8–18). One of the opponents of the Prophet challenged him to hasten the punishment they had been threatened with (verse 1), so the foolishness of the disbelievers in denying the Resurrection (verse 6) is exposed (verses 36–44). The people who will be granted the Garden are described (verses 22–35). The title is a reference to the paths through which angels ascend to God, mentioned in verses 3–4. In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy 1 A man [mockingly] demanded the punishment. 2 It will fall on the disbelievers––none can deflect it––3 from God, the Lord of the Ways of Ascent, 4 by which the angels and the Spirit ascend to Him, on a Day whose length is fifty thousand years. 5 So be patient, [Prophet], as befits you. 6 The disbelievers think it is distant, 7 but We know it to be close. 8 On a Day when the heavens will be like molten brass 9 and the mountains like tufts of wool, 10 when no friend will ask about his friend, 11 even when they are within sight of one another. The guilty person will wish he could save himself from the suffering of that Day by sacrificing his sons, 12 his spouse, his brother, 13 the kinsfolk who gave him shelter, 14 and everyone on earth, if it could save him. 15 But no! There is a raging flame 16 that strips away the skin, 17 and it will claim everyone who rejects the truth, turns away, 18 amasses wealth and hoards it. 19 Man was truly created anxious: 20 he is fretful when misfortune touches him, 21 but tight-fisted when good fortune comes his way. 22 Not so those who pray 23 and are constant in their prayers; 24 who give a due share of their wealth 25 to beggars and the deprived; 26 who believe in the Day of Judgement 27 and fear the punishment of their Lord––28 none may feel wholly secure from it––29 who guard their chastity 30 from all but their spouses or their slave-girls––there is no blame attached to [relations with] these, 31 but those whose desires exceed this limit are truly transgressors––32 who are faithful to their trusts and their pledges; 33 who give honest testimony 34 and are steadfast in their prayers. 35 They will be honoured in Gardens of bliss.

388<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quran 69: 26<br />

given any Record 26 and knew nothing of my Reckoning. 27 How I<br />

wish death had been the end of me. 28 My wealth has been no use to<br />

me, 29 and my power has vanished.’ 30 ‘Take him, put a collar on him,<br />

31 lead him to burn in the blazing Fire, 32 and [bind him] in a chain<br />

seventy metres a long: 33 he would not believe in Almighty God, 34 he<br />

never encouraged feeding the hungry, 35 so today he has no real<br />

friend here, 36 and the only food he has is the filth 37 that only sinners<br />

eat.’<br />

38 So I swear by what you can see 39 and by what you cannot see:<br />

40 this [Quran] is the speech of an honoured messenger, 41 not the<br />

words of a poet – how little you believe! – 42 nor the words of a soothsayer<br />

– how little you reflect! 43 This [Quran] is a message sent down<br />

from the Lord of the Worlds: 44 if [the Prophet] had attributed some<br />

fabrication to Us, 45 We would certainly have seized his right hand<br />

46 and cut off his lifeblood, b 47 and none of you could have defended<br />

him. 48 This [Quran] is a reminder for those who are aware of God.<br />

49 We know that some of you consider it to be lies – 50 this will be a<br />

source of bitter regret for the disbelievers – 51 but it is in fact the<br />

certain Truth. 52 So [Prophet] glorify the name of your Lord, the<br />

Almighty.<br />

a A dhira is an arm’s-length.<br />

b Literally ‘artery’.

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