The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)


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57. IRON<br />

A Medinan sura that urges the believers to spend in God’s cause and uphold<br />

justice––the sura takes its title from the iron mentioned in verse 25. <strong>The</strong> allpervasiveness<br />

of God’s power, knowledge, control, and glory is affirmed to<br />

encourage the believers to right action, and the fate of the hypocrites is<br />

described. Previous prophets are mentioned (verses 26–7), especially Noah,<br />

Abraham, and Jesus, showing the response they received. <strong>The</strong> sura closes with a<br />

reference to the People of the Book.<br />

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy<br />

1 Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies God––He is the<br />

Almighty, the Wise. 2 Control of the heavens and earth belongs to<br />

Him; He gives life and death; He has power over all things. 3 He<br />

is the First and the Last; a the Outer and the Inner; He has<br />

knowledge of all things. 4 It was He who created the heavens and<br />

earth in six Days and then established Himself on the throne. He<br />

knows what enters the earth and what comes out of it; what descends<br />

from the sky and what ascends to it. He is with you wherever you<br />

are; He sees all that you do; 5 control of the heavens and earth<br />

belongs to Him. Everything is brought back to God. 6 He makes<br />

night merge into day and day into night. He knows what is in every<br />

heart.<br />

7 Believe in God and His Messenger, and give out of what He has<br />

made pass down to you: those of you who believe and give will have a<br />

great reward. 8 Why should you not believe in God when the Messenger<br />

calls you to believe in your Lord, and He has already made a<br />

pledge b with you, if you have faith? 9 It is He who has sent down clear<br />

revelations to His Servant, so that He may bring you from the<br />

depths of darkness into light; God is truly kind and merciful to you.<br />

10 Why should you not give for God’s cause when God alone will<br />

inherit what is in the heavens and earth? Those who gave and fought<br />

before the triumph c are not like others: they are greater in rank than<br />

a <strong>The</strong>ologians add, ‘without a beginning and without an end’.<br />

b See 7: 172.<br />

c <strong>The</strong> surrender of Mecca.

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