The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)

The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics) The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics)
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48. TRIUMPH A Medinan sura that takes its title from verse 1 and makes reference to the occasion when the Prophet had a vision that he and his followers would be performing pilgrimage to Mecca (verse 27). They set out, but the Meccans decided to bar them at Hudaybiyya from reaching the town and sent emissaries to have discussions with the Prophet. In the end the Prophet signed a treaty that he and the believers would not enter Mecca that year, but would do so the next year. Seeing the long-term significance of this treaty, in the interests of peace he agreed to a truce of ten years during which time, if any Meccan went over to his side, he would return him to the Meccans, but if any of his people went over to the Meccans, they would not return them. Throughout the sura the Prophet is assured that this treaty that God has given him is a great breakthrough (cf. verses 1–3, 18–21, 27). The believers are reassured that their self-restraint and obedience to the Prophet were inspired by God (verses 4–5, 24–6). The sura condemns both the hypocrites in Medina (verse 6) and the idolaters of Mecca (verses 6 and 26) and closes by praising the believers (verse 29). In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy 1 Truly We have opened up a path to clear triumph for you [Prophet], 2 so that God may forgive you your past and future sins, complete His grace upon you, guide you to a straight path, 3 and help you mightily. 4 It was He who made His tranquillity descend into the hearts of the believers, a to add faith to their faith––the forces of the heavens and earth belong to God; He is all knowing and all wise––5 so as to admit believing men and women into Gardens graced with flowing streams, there to remain, absolving their bad deeds––a great triumph in God’s eyes––6 and to torment the hypocritical and idolatrous men and women who harbour evil thoughts about God b ––it is they who will be encircled by evil!––who carry the burden of God’s anger, whom God has rejected and for whom He has prepared Hell, an evil destination! 7 The forces of heaven and earth belong to God; He is almighty and all wise. 8 We have sent you [Prophet] to bring good news and to give warning, 9 so that you a When they pledged to accept the Prophet’s decision. See verse 18. b See verse 12.

48: 20 Triumph 335 [people] may believe in God and His Messenger, support Him, honour Him, and praise Him morning and evening. 10 Those who pledge loyalty to you [Prophet] are actually pledging loyalty to God Himself – God’s hand is placed on theirs a ––and anyone who breaks his pledge does so to his own detriment: God will give a great reward to the one who fulfils his pledge to Him. 11 The desert Arabs who stayed behind will say to you, ‘We were busy with our property and our families: ask forgiveness for us,’ but they say with their tongues what is not in their hearts. Say, ‘Whether it is God’s will to do you harm or good, who can intervene for you?’ No! God is fully aware of everything you [people] do. 12 No! You thought that the Messenger and the believers would never return to their families and this thought warmed your hearts. Your thoughts are evil, for you are corrupt people: 13 We have prepared a blazing Fire for those who do not believe in God and His Messenger. 14 Control of the heavens and earth belongs to God and He forgives whoever He will and punishes whoever He will: God is most forgiving and merciful. 15 When you [believers] set off for somewhere that promises war gains, those who [previously] stayed behind will say, ‘Let us come with you.’ They want to change God’s words, but tell them [Prophet], ‘You may not come with us: God has said this before.’ They will reply, ‘You begrudge us out of jealousy.’ How little they understand! 16 Tell the desert Arabs who stayed behind, ‘You will be called to face a people of great might in war and to fight them, unless they surrender: if you obey, God will reward you well, but if you turn away, as you have done before, He will punish you heavily – 17 the blind, the lame, and the sick will not be blamed.’ God will admit anyone who obeys Him and His Messenger to Gardens graced with flowing streams; He will painfully punish anyone who turns away. 18 God was pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you [Prophet] under the tree: He knew what was in their hearts and so He sent tranquillity down to them and rewarded them with a speedy triumph 19 and with many future gains. God is mighty and wise. 20 He has promised you [people] many future gains: He has a Loyalty was pledged by everybody placing their right hands on top of the Prophet’s.

48. TRIUMPH<br />

A Medinan sura that takes its title from verse 1 and makes reference to the<br />

occasion when the Prophet had a vision that he and his followers would be<br />

performing pilgrimage to Mecca (verse 27). <strong>The</strong>y set out, but the Meccans<br />

decided to bar them at Hudaybiyya from reaching the town and sent emissaries<br />

to have discussions with the Prophet. In the end the Prophet signed a treaty that<br />

he and the believers would not enter Mecca that year, but would do so the next<br />

year. Seeing the long-term significance of this treaty, in the interests of peace he<br />

agreed to a truce of ten years during which time, if any Meccan went over to his<br />

side, he would return him to the Meccans, but if any of his people went over to<br />

the Meccans, they would not return them. Throughout the sura the Prophet<br />

is assured that this treaty that God has given him is a great breakthrough<br />

(cf. verses 1–3, 18–21, 27). <strong>The</strong> believers are reassured that their self-restraint<br />

and obedience to the Prophet were inspired by God (verses 4–5, 24–6). <strong>The</strong><br />

sura condemns both the hypocrites in Medina (verse 6) and the idolaters of<br />

Mecca (verses 6 and 26) and closes by praising the believers (verse 29).<br />

In the name of God, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy<br />

1 Truly We have opened up a path to clear triumph for you [Prophet],<br />

2 so that God may forgive you your past and future sins, complete<br />

His grace upon you, guide you to a straight path, 3 and help you<br />

mightily. 4 It was He who made His tranquillity descend into the<br />

hearts of the believers, a to add faith to their faith––the forces of<br />

the heavens and earth belong to God; He is all knowing and all<br />

wise––5 so as to admit believing men and women into Gardens<br />

graced with flowing streams, there to remain, absolving their bad<br />

deeds––a great triumph in God’s eyes––6 and to torment the hypocritical<br />

and idolatrous men and women who harbour evil thoughts<br />

about God b ––it is they who will be encircled by evil!––who carry the<br />

burden of God’s anger, whom God has rejected and for whom<br />

He has prepared Hell, an evil destination! 7 <strong>The</strong> forces of heaven<br />

and earth belong to God; He is almighty and all wise. 8 We have sent<br />

you [Prophet] to bring good news and to give warning, 9 so that you<br />

a When they pledged to accept the Prophet’s decision. See verse 18.<br />

b See verse 12.

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